Gay Erotic Stories

Mexican Fiesta, Part 1

by Ophelia Body

I had been driving for several hours when my engine started to make this knocking sound. As I slowed down my car literally died by the side of the road. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of nowhere. Just miles of road ahead and miles of road behind me. I tried to start the car several more times, but it was no use. For about 45 minutes I sat in the car and waited, hoping that someone would come along and get me out of there. I was just about to give up when a large pickup truck came into view up ahead. The truck slowed to a halt just as it approached my car. "What's the matter amigo?", the driver asked. "Car trouble." I replied in frustration. The driver, who was Mexican, got out of the car and was quickly joined by three other young Mexican men. One had been in the front passenger seat, the other two were seated in the cab of the truck. The driver of the car appeared to be slightly older than the others. I estimated him to be in his late twenties or early thirties. His passengers were younger and could have been in their early twenties. All of the men were friendly and tried for several minutes to fix my stubborn vehicle. Finally, the older man, who introduced himself as Carlos, said the car would need to be taken to a garage to be looked at. One of the other guys, a handsome Mexican named Pedro, said they could give me a ride to their house and I could call for help from there. I thanked them and followed the two other men into the cab of the pickup truck and sat down. They introduced themselves to me as Jose' and Juan, and said they were all brothers. Each of them was good looking. Their skin and dark, handsome, and rugged features aroused me as I sat looking at each of them from the back of the truck. After driving for 30 minutes or so, we pulled into the driveway of a white two story house with a large barn beside it. "Here we are, amigo" Jose' said, smiling at me seductively. Once inside I was offered a cold beer. I welcomed the taste as it was a typically hot summer day. I called AAA and was told that the nearest garage was an hour away and they would be sending out a driver to take me to my car. The beer didn't last long, and before I knew it I was offered a second, then a third. "Well at least I don't have to worry about a DWI", I said jokingly. We all laughed. Each of the brothers consumed several beers as we waited. Carlos, the eldest, said he would show me around the place and added that he was the owner of the house, and his brothers lived there and worked the farmland toward the back of the house. It appeared to be a rather large piece of land he farmed and I could see where the manpower came in handy. Carlos led me inside of the old white barn and talked some more about farming as I looked around. As Carlos talked, I glanced down at his crotch and noticed that he was sporting a rather large hard on. He must have caught me looking at him because he leaned closer to me and said almost in a whisper, "You know it's not often we have visitors as handsome as you come here." He looked into my eyes with his sensual, dark eyes and smiled. Just then his hand reached out to me and started slowly rubbing the growing flesh that stirred between my legs. "You like that?" he asked. "Very much," I answered. Soon I found my hand rubbing the meat beneath his pants as well. Carlos then took me by the hand and lead me further inside the barn to an old bench. He asked me to sit down and said, "I want to show you something." Carlos pulled down his pants to reveal a huge, brown, uncircumcised cock. It was semi hard and I estimated it to be around seven to eight inches in length. I couldn't wait to see it fully erect. I stroked the length of his cock as I pulled Carlos toward me. The slight scent of his male sweat turned me on even more. He guided his cock into my hungry mouth and held it there while I slowly sucked the length of it in and out. Carlos breathed heavily and whispered to me in Spanish several times as I sucked him. His hips began to move with the rhythm of his hard cock as it repeatedly sank in and out of my eager wet mouth. Carlos placed his hands on the back of my head as I reached around and grabbed his firm ass, pulling him closer trying to get as much of his huge cock as I could. I guess I succeeded because soon his pubic hairs were brushing against my nose. As Carlos began to pump faster, I responded by sucking harder. His ass muscles began to tighten and Carlos said he was cumming. The first load was large and hit the back of my throat. I continued sucking and a second and third load of cum followed. When Carlos had finished he took his limbering cock from my mouth. I stood up and we both turned around to find Carlos's three brothers standing before us. Each of them had a naughty grin on their faces. "Do you mind if we join you?" Juan asked. To be continued.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Ophelia Body

Mexican Fiesta, Part 1

I had been driving for several hours when my engine started to make this knocking sound. As I slowed down my car literally died by the side of the road. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of nowhere. Just miles of road ahead and miles of road behind me. I tried to start the car several more times, but it was no use. For about 45 minutes I sat in the car


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