Gay Erotic Stories

None Tonight Thank You

by John Belisle

It was on the evening of February 26th 1996 that Tony phoned at 22:40 while I was in the bath. I’d listened then hung up and let the answering machine handle it. I shampooed my hair, or rather what was left of it. It had recently been cut with a number three clipper so leaving it the shortest it had ever been. Then with that finished I relaxed in the warm water and lay there thinking of the good and the bad times I have had with Tony. I had met him some years before in the summertime of July or August ‘92. It had been late at about two o-clock in the morning when I was sitting at my desk. It faced the window that overlooks the street in front on my house. A young chap who appeared to be in his late teens passed by and saw me sitting there. He asked for a light for his cigarette using sign language type gesticulations and I went to my front door to offer him one. As we spoke he lit his cigarette. “You heading home then?” I asked by way of something to say more than an interest in where he was going. “Yeh I’m on my way to Forest Hill and I don’t have enough money for a cab.” He told me smiling happily and drawing on the cigarette. His easy smile encouraged me to chat and in any case I was bored after stuffing envelopes all evening. “It’s a tidy hike to Forest Hill.” I offered. “Yes.” he replied, adding “and it’s gonna rains any minute.” I looked up to the sky and as I did so the heavens opened and the rains came teaming down.. heavy. I’d asked him in, gave him coffee and in return he helped me fill envelopes with leaflets and we chatted. I came to realise he was straight but I found him more rather than less interesting as a result. After 1/2 an hour he suggested he sleep on my settee for the night as it seemed the rain would never stop. I told him I have a big wide 5 foot double bed and he was welcome to use half of that but I did not allow people to ‘doss’ on my settee. “That’s OK Mate I’ll go when it clears then” he told me adding “If that’s OK. I’ll stay for a little while longer?” “Yea that’s no problem. I can use the company. wait till it stops.” I assured him in what I judged to be an open and friendly voice. I detected a change in attitude after that and he seemed quieter and less willing to chat. The rain cleared after another fifteen minutes so he left. Telling him goodbye I closed the door. I had no sooner sat down again than another cloudburst occurred. As heavy as it ever gets in England it lashed across the front of the window. Some two minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there he was. Rain soaked and looking not a little glum. I smiled and waited. “Is it OK if I change my mind about the ‘half bed’? I don’t fancy walking far in this.” he indicated waving his arm in the direction of the sky. “Sure come on in.” I told him, and wondered about this change of mind and what it could mean. The phone rang again before I was out of the bath and then again as I dried my body. I let it ring and he rang back twice within the next five minutes that it took me to finish my bathing. When I went downstairs I changed the message to “Sorry! None tonight thank you.” He rang back again listened to the new message and then appeared to have given up. It was 2305 when the doorbell rang. I had realised that changing the message would let him know I was at home but I did not expect him to call in person. However knowing it was likely to be Tony I didn’t open the door but I talked it and told him to go away. After he had done much doorbell ringing I dismantled it. Back at the door he bent down and told me through the letterbox that he had something he wanted to give me. “What is that?” I asked. “The same thing you want to give me” his voice was a little distorted as the letter box slot has been fitted with brushes to draught proof the inside. “You mean you want to fuck me ?” I enquired. “Com’n E I have seven hard inches here for you.” he told me. “I don’t want any of them tonight” I insisted. “Oh com’n E just five minutes and I’ll be gone.” he pleaded. “No Tony. Not tonight.” I stood up from where I too had been crouching at the letterbox behind the door. He persisted and I let him hear the strong anger in my voice as told him again to leave. He left. I went upstairs to the spare bedroom and looked out the window to see if he would leave or come to the back door. Sure enough he hopped over the back gate and sauntered up through the garden path. His body partly concealed by the dappled shadows from the street lamp above. I watched him for some two to three minutes then called to him to leave. He went, but only to find a telephone and at a quarter to twelve the telephone rang and of course it was Tony. He asked about coming round. I was beginning to feel a little randy at the thoughts of this handsome young man pursuing me with such ardour, or at least diligence with carnal desire. I again told him no, but his voice as he argued, then pleaded, together with his perseverance was enough to make me change my mind. I knew that in a few minutes I would negotiate some deal with him. I first established that he wasn’t pissed then did the deal. He would come to fuck me for his quick relief and I would just make myself available. I knew it would never work that way but it was the best that I could get from him. “OK I’ll be there in half an hour. I agreed twelve fifteen and we rang off. Having bathed earlier I felt clean and ready now for this latest encounter. I went upstairs and put heating on in the spare bedroom. In the kitchen I took a can of beer from the fridge and went to sit in the sitting room to await his arrival or any further developments. Relaxed in a chair I built a smoke whilst thinking about this encounter that I did not want but yet did not want to miss it either. I guess that is probably very perverse but it is how I felt. I found Tony an attractive youth and enjoyed our sexual encounters over the years. He’d upset my boyfriend on occasion but that was manageable. I’d finished half my smoke and only a small amount of beer before I heard a car pull up outside the house. The doorbell rang at twelve minutes after midnight as I was on my way to answer it. I wanted my sleeping brother disturbed as little as possible. On opening the door Tony stepped out of the night, into the hallway and I closed the door behind him. He gave me a sheepish grin that I imagined he thought was atoning for his earlier brash behaviour. “What the fuck is going on with you tonight?” I asked as soon as I saw this expression. “You promised Monday night,” he spoke with confidence. “No I suggested Monday night” I countered then added “and I have apologised for having to cancel that. Furthermore you kept saying no to Monday so where does that leave you?” I continued the onslaught. “You are lucky I relented at all.” I hoped that this would dismiss the subject. Tony decided it did, that silence was the best defense to this and remained stationary in the hallway. I brushed my hand against his side and dragged it lingeringly over his belly as I passed him and made a move toward the foot of the stairs. “Com’on lets just go up then” I smiled at him and led the way. He reached out with his right hand and grabbed my balls firmly but not hurting. Had he been a gay fellow I would have taken him in my arms then hugged and kissed him. I do find it sad that most bisexual and heterosexual ‘men who sleep with men’ do not like to kiss fellows. I enjoy kissing as a big part of my lovemaking and foreplay . With Tony I have always been deprived of that. He reserves his kisses for girls. I have been permitted to nibble his earlobe and neck lately. That used to be taboo areas for exploration. As it was I just gripped his bollocks with my left hand and gently pulled him along in my wake. Tony took off his Windcheater as he came up over the stairs and was in the process of loosening his belt as he entered the bedroom doorway. A mustard yellow T-shirt hung loosely over the charcoal jeans the front of which was now open at the waist after he had unfastened the belt. Knitted gray cotton boxer shorts appeared as he let the jeans fall round his ankles. There he stood with the short cropped dark blonde hair, the sagging baggy T-shirt with boxer shorts beneath and his trousers round his ankles below the sturdy muscular legs still retaining a tan from last years summer sun. I was only wearing my towelling robe so I let it fall away and sat on the edge of the bed nearest to him. “Got any magazines since you wont set up the video ?” he asked with pique. “Sure there are a few on the cabinet by the bed there.” I said pointing to a small pile of pornographic magazines. He walk around the bed leaving a trail of clothes behind him. Picking up a magazine with a picture of men and women on the front he lay on his back on the bed wearing the boxers and woollen socks. I swung up beside him and lay at his left side. Taking his nipple in my hand I started to play with it . I squeezed it gently at first and then tweaked it more roughly while he raised the magazine held in both hands to allow me easier access. With my head on his shoulder I snuggled into his neck and nuzzled him just below the left ear. With my tongue darting in and out I let my mouth wander in the direction of his ear lobe. Finding the fleshy appendage I took it between my lips and slowly sucked it into my mouth. My left hand meanwhile had decided to move downward on a journey of exploration. From the nipple it traced a line down to his naval and played around there with the big flat circle the size of a fifty-penny piece that was the flattest belly button that I have ever seen. Onward and downwards I slipped the fingers under the ribbing of the shorts and continued until my hand felt the cool sausage like object lying on his stomach. Softish or semi-hard, and cool as I took it into the palm of my hand and surrounded the shaft with my fingers it soon became erect and warm. I slid my hand down the shaft taking the loose foreskin with me. Tony was uncut, the foreskin came back easily and the head of his cock shone from it’s own dampness in the soft light. Seven inches of solid dick I manipulated it out from the waist of the shorts. I used Tony’s balls as a support by dropping the rib of the shorts under the balls to hold it down. Tony found my hard cock with his left hand and used his right to keep hold of the book. I moved up toward the top of the bed so that I could be in a better position. I took his right nipple between my teeth and nibbled on it while he let out small grunt like noises of pleasure. My tongue around his naval caused him to let a shiver spread over his stomach and the muscles quivered exquisitely and his cock shook. I gripped the shaft of the cock and clasped its fifty-five millimetre diameter only allowing my thumb and middle finger to touch tip to tip. An excellent weapon straight along it’s length and as hard as steel when excited and in action. My head now resting on his stomach I continue to let him masturbate my cock while I squeezed his and guided the tip towards my lips ready to take his cock into that warm wet orifice that gives me so much pleasure. I raised my head to meet the cock and licked around the acorn at first contact. Taking the head into my mouth I let my tongue circle round it and suck it. Tony adjusted his position on the bed, put down the book and put my cock into his mouth. I felt the steamy heat surround my phallic, his hand tightened and he pulled the skin back along the shaft until my foreskin was stretched to its limit. He followed his hand with his mouth and only stopped when the tip of my prick touched the back of his mouth and he gagged withdrawing my manhood. He had not yet learned how to take my cock into his throat and still be able to breath. Lowering his shorts over his knees I removed them all the time lowering my head to take his firm flesh deeper inside my mouth and working down the shaft whilst enjoying his fingers now playing with my arsehole. His middle finger entered and I felt the excitement travel upward through my belly. He wiggled it and then pressed his thumb against my taint, right at the base of my balls behind the now suspended scrotum he held me. His finger inside moving in a quick circular motion causing shivers of pleasure and the pressure as he gripped with the ball of his thumb was like a restraint. Now the shorts were off I spread his legs wide apart and flattened his thighs. Sitting back on my haunches as he released my cock from his mouth and relaxed his hand on my bum I had a great view. His cock standing up between his legs pulsating ands waiting for my touch. I leaned forward again and took some more time to pleasure Tony with my mouth. Opening my lips as I approached I took the large instrument into my body again and sucked it with passionate abandon. Like a child with a stick of rock I did all but bite a piece off. Swinging around as I finally released that wicked cock, wet with my fresh saliva mixed with his sweet precum juices I straddled him and sat back on his thighs. He placed his hands behind his head wearing a contented smile as I looked into his eyes. Leaning forward I took his left nipple in my mouth as I stretched to the cabinet by the bed for a condom. Raising myself, I sat up again and peeled the wrapper away. Tony shook his head. “What do you mean no?” I asked him “I aint gonna fuck you” he told me. Taking hold of his cock I squeezed it and looking at him I said “This is going on your cock and I am going to sit on it. The next one is for me to fuck you. OK?” I asked in severe voice. I wanted sex with the fellow not hassle. Tony said nothing so I slipped the condom over his cock head and rolled it right down the shaft using my fingers and my mouth. I straightened up to survey the glistening pinnacle I was about to impale myself on. My left hand lingered around his cock as my right squeezed some gel from the tube and put it around my anus in readiness for the impending penetration. That done I wiped my hand round his sheath clad pillar of manhood just for extra ease, then leaned over and put one hand on each nipple and squeezed. His cock stood up behind me now as I bit gently on each nipple. Waving my hand behind me I found the erect phallus and held it. I let the nipple free and moved backwards on my knees. My hand guided his cock directly to my opening as I backed onto it. I felt the exquisite thrill as the tip of his knob touched the soft and tender skin at the rim of my opening. I stopped there for a few moments to savour this pleasure as I rubbed the end back and forth over the opening. When I could stand no more and I saw that Tony was sexually very heightened I let my hips roll backward and his cock went straight up inside my arsehole. Taking one cheek in each hand with my fingers just an inch away from my bum hole I spread them as wide as I could and pushed myself back down into his groin. All of his robust hard throbbing cock was in my body. I felt the slight roughness of his pubic hair rub against my tender skin at the rim and loving it I ground myself against it. Tony writhed in pleasure and thrust his hips upward right off the bed. I had in me all he had to give and I felt so happy and so good I wanted to believe that I could stay this way for the rest of my life. What a sensation of power for the moment there is in having a man restrained beneath one. Held down by the body weight and his cock hard, sexy and throbbing inside one. He putting everything, his all, into giving all he has to give and taking pleasure from it. I rose and fell and rose and fell in a rhythm not unlike riding a horse. Withdrawing his cock till the very last tip of his acorn emerges from within then pushing back down so his cock opens the hole as it is forced to make its next insertion. Each time he inserts it I spread my cheeks and back on it. Each time he inserts it he thrusts hip hips in the air and gives with true altruism. Nothing is held back. Tony loves to have sex with me in this way. He pumped his cock up and down inside me as I leaned forward and tweaked his nipples. I held them tightly and pulled on them as I rocked back and fore keeping in time with his probing cock that excited every centimetre of sensitive skin that it touched as I changed the angle of my downward push. ,I don’t find this the most comfortable position but from his body language he was coming close to ejaculation. Tony rotated his hips on his upward thrust so forcing his penis against the walls within my arse and causing me to have to restrain my own ejaculation with some concentration. “Don’t you come on me.” he said and ceased his thrusting motions. I looked at him and smiled shaking my head. “No I know you hate it so I wouldn’t do it. Don’t stop.” I finished. “Yes that’s it. Suck me” he told me and withdrew his cock completely leaving the condom hanging out of my body. I adjusted my position on the bed and pulling the condom from my arse I discarded it and put my mouth around his cock. I swept the head of it with my tongue and so cleaned away all the love juices that are as sweet as raspberry jam and had accumulated around the head during his fucking activity. I found the tube of gel with one hand and fingered his pink rosette like rectum with the other as I masturbated his cock with my mouth. Greasing his arsehole with the gel enabled me to put my fingers inside without any difficulty. Then I had two fingers rummaging inside his body while his cock was in my mouth tickling my tonsils. “Pass me the condom. It’s by you there.” I requested releasing his appendage from my lips. I kneeled between his legs and donned the condom. With a gentle push I put my body inside his and fucked him. He needed a good fucking and I tipped his knees onto his shoulders till his arse was parallel to the ceiling. He pulled his cheeks wide apart and received my blessing in thrust after thrust like peals of thunder. We were both excited and panting now. He wanked himself as I fucked him. I came in from all angles and directions to excite and please him. I could feel his muscles on my cock inside his lythe and golden body. His smile is so attractive when he is getting my cock thrust up his arse that I take delight in exciting it to even greater radiance. “I’m going to come now” I told him but reducing the speed and thrust a little in case he was not ready. He was lying with his stomach muscles tensed and his hand moving his cock up and down over it.. I had his hips so high that his cock was hanging downward. Sweat dripped from my forehead. “Yes OK come then. Come now I’m coming. Ah ah ah.” Tony spunked on his chest, his shoulders, his chin and all over his belly. I too came at his first spasm and thrust deeply. Each time he clenched his muscles to ejaculate some sperm they tightened round my cock and I filled the condom inside him by his own actions. There is no greater gift I can give than to place my seed inside a man. Superb ejaculation over I withdrew ensuring the rubber came too. Tony swung off the bed, went to clean up and dress. He asked for a cigarette before leaving six minutes later. © John Belisle 090396 This is a true story and may not be reproduced in full or part without the permission of the author. John Belisle


1 Gay Erotic Stories from John Belisle

None Tonight Thank You

It was on the evening of February 26th 1996 that Tony phoned at 22:40 while I was in the bath. I’d listened then hung up and let the answering machine handle it. I shampooed my hair, or rather what was left of it. It had recently been cut with a number three clipper so leaving it the shortest it had ever been. Then with that finished I relaxed in the warm water and lay


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