Gay Erotic Stories

Rest Area Relief

by Dicky Licker

The weather was perfect and I had packed a lunch to take to a picnic/rest area located on a mountain road near my home. I drove the 15 miles and pulled into the picnic grounds. No one around, so I made a trip to the public restroom, read some of the graffiti on the wall and returned to my car. Got my lunch out and settle in at a picnic table that gave me a great view of the entire area. A couple of cars pulled in, stopped at the bathroom and then went about their business. I decided to move to the other end of the picnic area and stopped again at the bathroom en route. Heard a car go by the bathroom while I was inside. When I came out, I noticed a mini-van parked about 25 feet away. As I drove slowly by the van, I noted that it was empty, so I drove just around a turn and parked again. As I settled in, I heard a car door shut and made my way toward the area of the van. There, sitting on a picnic table, was a man of about 60-65, nice looking, white hair. From a distance I spoke and he returned the greeting. As I got closer to the table he turned to face me and when he did, I could see his engorged cock in his hand as he slowly stroked it. I asked him if he needed any help with that, and he replied that it would be nice. As I approached him he dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles and sat on the end of the table with his legs dangling. He lay back on the table and I just bent over his legs and took his throbbing cock into my mouth. He placed both of his hands on each side of my head and began to control my movements by moving my head up and down on his cock. His cock meat was firm and I could feel it fill my mouth as he pushed it down my throat. As he did, I clamped on with my lips and swallowed several times with his cock buried in my throat. I could feel his cock getting larger and knew that he was close to orgasm. He asked me if I wanted to taste his cum and I nodded that I did. He pressed his hands firmly on each side of my head as he fired the first of several volleys of his sweet cum into my mouth. The feeling of his mancream jetting across my tongue made my own cock drip its juices as I gulped and held his cum in my mouth to swirl around his throbbing cockhead. As his orgasm subsided, I tasted his cum one more time before swallowing all of it. I licked his cock clean and licked his balls too. he thanked me and told me that he would be up and down through the area all summer. I told him that he would see me again and that I hoped we could do the same thing again. He told me that I could count on it. With his warm cum in my belly, I returned to my car, hoping and waiting for the next man to cum along with his balls full and needing the relief that a cocksucker gives.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Dicky Licker

Business Trip Encounter

My trip out of town on business was coupled with a contact I had made on the Internet in the city to which I was traveling. In scanning the ads for men, I came across one that caught my eye. He was an older fellow, probably early 50's, who claimed to have 8+ inches of manmeat that needed sucking. Now being a devoted cocksucker, I was very interested in making his acquaintance. He

College Counselor

It was May; I had just turned 18 and was in the last days of high school. I had already been accepted at State University and was scheduled to meet with who would be my counselor there. Since it was scheduled for late Friday afternoon, my parents had given me money to stay overnight and avoid having to drive home the 100 or so miles from the school. I was really feeling grown up,

Grandson Surprises Grandpa!

It was the spring of the year and my grandson had called to tell me that his prom was being held in a nearby city and since it was closer to my place, did I mind if he crashed there after the prom. Aaron was a solid kid, 18 and ready to set the world on fire. I had no idea what he would do for me. I was a closet case and had managed to keep my desire for men from my family all

Hot Senior Citizen Next Door

I had been divorced for nearly l5 years and was in what I called a loving relationship for the past 5 years with marriage a real possibility. My girlfriend and I had often wondered about the house next door to hers because of its size and haunted appearance. It was made of large stone and was two-stories and quite large for that particular section of town. It was during the

Interstate Surprise

I was returning home via the interstate after having driven some 300 miles earlier that day to make it to a meeting that lasted less than two hours. I was now on my way home and was just trying to get through the boring drive. It had been raining all day, which only hindered visibility and kept me on edge as vehicles raced by on each side of me. Finally breaking into the

My First Encounter But Not My Last.

I jacked off every chance I got, afterall, it was the only sex that I was having. I lived in a pretty remote area and school was the only place to meet girls, and even then, most were taken or had marriage on their minds just to get away from home. I was not into that and besides, when I jacked off, I fantasized about other boys not girls at all. I had this place that I use to slip

Rest Area Relief

The weather was perfect and I had packed a lunch to take to a picnic/rest area located on a mountain road near my home. I drove the 15 miles and pulled into the picnic grounds. No one around, so I made a trip to the public restroom, read some of the graffiti on the wall and returned to my car. Got my lunch out and settle in at a picnic table that gave me a great view of the


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