Gay Erotic Stories

Special ASSisstant

by Jeff

Let me tell you about my attraction with underwear. Well it all started back when I was in high school and had to take PE and the coach was the kind that no matter what sport we were playing you had to were a jockstrap in his class. Cups were optional, during the rougher sports. I always loved gym class because in a big school there were 35 guys to a gym class and that meant 35 cocks each day for me to see. I loved to were a jockstrap because it held my cock close to me and could fell the heat from my balls and it hid hardons. When class started we would have surprise strap inspections to make sure we were wearing then and that meant dropping shorts right in front of the coach and the other guys, we were the only class in the gym. I would try to get on the back row, so I could see a few more cute asses. A few days into the year the coach put up a sign that read "help want to help Coach Land, go to his office if interested. I flipped at idea because I would get closer to the most gorgeous men alive and see more cock. I went to his. office and knocked on the door and he said come in, so I opened the door and there he was pulling his pants up and showing the hardest butt I had ever seen. He said "What do you need. I came about the job you had. Yeah well you would have to stay after class and get the straps and towels and put them in the laundry and get the dirty clothes too. That's fine I would be glad tto help. This means you would have to come back after every gym class. That's fine, anything to help. O.K. you start today." So I went to class and got started changing. After class I got all of the straps and towels. I did that after the 2, 3, and 4 classes when Coach Land walked in, how are things going, just fine i said. Here let me show you how to wash the clothes. So we walked into the laundry room and put 140 jockstraps and towels in the washer. "Ho, lets not forget these, then coach Land started to strip first his shirt then his shorts then the most stretched jockstrap in the world, when his cock fell out it must have been 5 inches soft. "I got to take a piss, excuse me, he said." the toilets are right next to the laundry room so I got a perfect show of the hard golden stream ever. He came back in the room and said let me get a quick shower and then we can wash the clothes, sure I said, with him still naked. He grabbed a towel and headed for the shower, once I heard the shower going I grab his jock and smelt the sweat and man musk and started to get hard as hell, then the shower cut of and I was dead I was wearing only boxers and Umbrows and they hid nothing! The coach came back and said, does the sight of me naked make you happy or something. Shock I said no, Ah my girlfriend stop giving it to me so now it just happens. Oh are you saying I am ugly and could not turn anybody on. No just you did not give the erection that's all, Oh so I could not give you an erection, is that it. Confused I did not know what to say or think. Here let me show you what I learned in the army, then Coach Land knelt down and pulled my shorts and boxers down and started to suck my semi-hard cock to its full 7 hard inches. His mouth was like he wettest pussy I have ever been in and it did not take me long to cum in his mouth and he never let a drop go. Then he released me and said know for basic training. He got up and went to his locker and got a tube of lube and said "get ready mister, this will hurt." In a rough voice he said "bend down" and as sacred as I was I did, "know suck me hard." I sucked and sucked till I started to gag. "Know lay down and hold on." He started to eat my hole and smear lube all in and around it and on his beautiful cock, then the pain hit he started to insert all 10 inches and he did and I could fell his balls slap mine. He rode me for what seemed like forever and never cuming or slowing down then it happened. He screamed and buckets or cum started flying in my ass and never let up, it even started to purr out my ass hole and hit the floor as it slid down between our balls. He pulled out and sat on my chest and said "suck it clean" and all 10 inches fell in my mouth and I sucked It bone dry. I came again and he sucked it of my stomach and then got up. We had been laying on my boxers and there was so much cum on them we had to through them in the laundry. He said "here you can have these I have plenty more", it was a black thong "they will hid your boners more easily and if you ever need to get your nuts off, cum by my office anytime, I will right you passes if needed." Thanks, I said and put the thongs on, it fits like a glove, thanks for it to. "no problem I will get you some more, if you like." Sure can I come pick them out with you. "Sure anything for my special assistant." I got dressed, said good-bye and kissed him and left. This has been a true account of the first time I ever made love to a man. Now I told you there was a twist, well I never told you my last name, My full name if Jeff Land. That's right the coach was my father and there is more to cum! During my junior college year, my brother was a freshman and I was still the assistant and was helping my father with his cock, my brother's cock, and during my senior year we all helped my cousin's cock. My cousin's father came over to our house sometimes and we have a 5-some, every Friday night. I still go shopping with my father for underwear and he gives me his opinion and I do the same for him. My mother died when I was 12 in a car crash so it was easier for me to try out new things. Now that I am 25 and have a lover we go over to my father's house sometimes and have threesomes, 4-somes, 5-somes, and even 6-some which get a little more complicated but be we never mind moving or squiggling around. If you have any comments please e-mail me at


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Jeff

Biggest Cock

Warning : The following contains material of a Adult nature. Specifically gay male interaction. If you are offended by such material or underage or in an area where accessing such material is illegal, you must stop reading NOW. The rest of you, read on.... I was returning home from college, exhausted after days of exams. I climbed wearily into the inter-city bus and

My First Time With My Rommmate

I was alone. My roommate is having time with his friends and I decide to stay in. I rented a gay video. I'm 19, brown-haired, buff, and have a nine-incher between my legs. Nobody, not even Jake, my roommate, knows I'm gay. I've fucked girls before, and they say I'm good. But I've never fucked a guy; I'm a total virgin when it came to a guy. By the middle of the movie, I was so

Put Me to Bed

It was Friday night like any other. My roommate Mike and I went for a run around the campus and then cleaned up for a night around town. We're both in our second year, still with undeclared majors. It's kind of funny because Mike is like me in so may ways. We like the same foods, the same movies and we drink the same beer. In fact we both look so much a like, everyone thinks

Special ASSisstant

Let me tell you about my attraction with underwear. Well it all started back when I was in high school and had to take PE and the coach was the kind that no matter what sport we were playing you had to were a jockstrap in his class. Cups were optional, during the rougher sports. I always loved gym class because in a big school there were 35 guys to a gym class and that meant

Taking Care of Dan

I remember one of my favorite memories of college that I would like to share with you. I was studying at my desk in my dorm room and my roommate Brian was studying as well when Dan came in to talk and relax. Dan was about 6'2',slim build, black hair and green eyes. He was nicely built (not overly but from what I saw in the shower it was nice). The thing about the shower is

The Dragon And I

This story is NOT suitable for children as it contains explicit sexual interaction. If you are offended by Gay male action, then this is not for you either. Once upon a time, I was working at my father's farm. My father was one of that rare and despised breed, a scholer, and lived like a recluse, and I had also been bought up the same, with a few acquaintances, and


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