Gay Erotic Stories

Wrestling With My Best Friend, Part 2

by Chance G

I got up out of the floor and went into my bedroom. Sean followed me in there...he was worried and started to apologize. He said he would take it back, he was sorry.

I didn't say anything...but he was holding me and getting upset...I almost felt like I was in a daze.

Then Sean slid down and I realized he was kneeling down...and now crying. I told him not to worry I wasn't mad about least I didn't think so...I wasn't sure what to think...I had to get things straight in my head...because this was all new to me.

I started to turn the bed down and when I bent over and reach for the covers I felt an amazing but weird feeling...then I realized Sean was kissing my ass, and then he started to lick my asshole....

I got spooked, so I said I was going to lock up the house for the night. I was afraid to have Sean sleep anywhere but in my bed (where he always slept when he stayed over.) He was after all my best friend and like the brother I never had....

Sean offered to sleep on the sofa and I told him not to be stupid. He always slept in my room and tonight was no different...he was still my best friend.

I finished locking up...when I got back to the bedroom he was laying in the fetal position and with his back to me. I tried to talk to him but he didn't I lay there wandering what to do. After about an hour...I was starting to drift to sleep...when I heard him start to cry. At which time I rolled onto my side and put my arm around him. I held him reassuring him that we were still as close as we always were...

After about 30 minutes he said okay and drifted off to sleep. I lay there and watched him sleep by way of the moonlight coming in the window. I looked at him trying to make sense of the evening’s events and see what about Sean was different now...than before (this evening’s events, that is.) After a while I fell asleep with my arm around him. When I awoke I realized that Sean was holding me back and was sleeping. He seemed calm, serene, almost child like, peaceful. I decided to make him breakfast, as a sign of everything being normal and fine between us.

We always made breakfast together in the of us would make shakes while the other one cooked and we took turns cleaning up while the other one got cleaned up. I leaned over and told him I loved him, as I had numerous times over the years, but I felt different this time...something odd, and then it happened I kissed him on the forehead.

I went to the kitchen and made several of Sean's favorites, all of the ones that are not on our diet or workout schedule....

Then I brought him breakfast in bed, and set it up next to him with a heart felt note. In the note I explained that he should not be ashamed or upset. That I loved him and that would NEVER change. I stayed away from my personal feelings because I was still trying to figure that part out myself.

Then I left this next to him in bed and put on Enya (Sean & my favorite relaxation music). Then I went to shave and shower. I heard a noise while I was in the shower and that is when Sean scared the crap out of me. He got in the shower behind me. I turned around and he looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I asked him what was wrong, not what was he doing...this was something that seemed natural all of the sudden, so I went with it. That is when Sean started to talk to me about his feelings and asked me if I felt different in ANY way about him after last night?

I told him I didn't think so, at least not in a bad way...

He smiled and asked if we could keep this between us, and see little by little with no rush how we felt about each other...I said that there was only one reservation I had...Sean said he would agree to anything to keep me...I told him he couldn't lose me. My only requirement was that no matter what, even if we decided there was nothing there and this was a curious fixation...then we would always be friends, brothers if you will, and that would never change.

Sean agreed quickly right before he smiled. He started with a thousand questions... Did I have any questions... Did I think anything bad about him...etc. I couldn't get a word in edgewise. So the only way to shut him up was to kiss him. So I took my notes from his behavior last night I kissed him hard at first and then sensually.

Sean started to cry. I stopped. He begged me not to. Sean reassured me that these were happy tears. Sean said he wasn't sure about his feelings for a while...he just couldn't explain how he felt about me…he just knew he had feelings for me that he didn't have for anyone else, not even his girlfriend. Sean said he just chalked it up to best friends, until recently...Sean said he had been experiencing stronger feelings here recently. But until last night he was afraid of his feelings.

Then Sean realized he might be overloading me with all of this information about his feelings. This sent a rush of emotions through me...then I started to cry. Sean was afraid he had scared me...I reassured him that I was enamored with all these new emotions...I couldn't make heads or tails about them.

That is when he became a cliché and said to just follow my heart! I laughed...this was Sean's and my inside joke we used clichés and puns as comic relief.

Then while we were laughing he reached over and hugged me...tight...tighter and better that I had ever been hugged before....We took a LOOONG long we ran out of hot wasn't until the water turned completely cold that we quit kissing and exploring each other's bodies...

I told Sean he would have to be patient with me about reciprocating blowjobs...that I would try to do what I could...that is when Sean stopped me and said that it didn't just Love him like I always have...and follow my heart...and as long as I was honest with myself and him that is all he asked.

Sean said that he wanted us to have an open forum about which to discuss our emotions...about each other and everything in our lives...then is hit me, that sounded nice, "our..."

We started to towel each other dry...that is when he said I must be he grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom....

We crawled into bed and that is when he started to feed me. I had never been fed...outside of infancy that is....

Then I started to feed him...and we took turns...periodically kissing between bites.

That is when he dripped some syrup on my chest. And then instead of getting the napkin, he did what only a sporting friend would do...he licked it off. Then I realized a pattern about every other bite that Sean fed me he would drop some of the bite on me...then it got to be that he dropped more than he put in my mouth...then Sean got carried away.

Sean went and got some Ready Whip... I begged him not to make a mess and he said I haven't seen anything...but the cleaning up part would be a lot more fun!

Then he proceeded to lick the under side of my d*ck like a Popsicle in the dead of July. I couldn't believe that I was hard as a rock before he even went to get the whipped cream.

But I didn't have time to review my emotions, I was terribly hot for this guy...a feeling I had never experienced before.

He licked and sucked me dry...I came within ten minutes...but he never stopped sucking...then I came again in about five minutes.... I told Sean I had never had this problem. Sean said who cares...not to worry about it. He wasn't some bitchy girl. He didn't care how long it took...He had heard his girlfriend and mine talking one day while he was getting ready for us to go out. And he knew what I was capable of according to my girlfriend. But Sean said he wanted to know first hand. And he thought it was a huge turn on that he could make me bust a nut so quickly....

Sean said he was going to clean up breakfast and that I was to stay in bed. I asked if that was an which Sean stated it was! Sean returned from the kitchen and I had turned on Enya, and he stated that it was time to take care of my endless hardon. I hadn't realized it but I had never gotten soft since the first time I had come.

I smiled at him...and said I didn't know...he looked almost panicked for a moment...I started to laugh at him...He looked sheepishly at me and I pushed him back against the pillows leaned up against the headboard.

I started by kissing him softly...and caressing his chest at first…then massaging his chest...Sean's eyes rolled back into his head and he let out a soft moan...I slowly moved down his torso. He started to tense up and he seemed to have a tense strained look on his face. Sean started to squirm...I moved to his legs and started to massage them both seductively. (as seductively as I could to be so new to this...)

Before he realized it Sean had spread his legs and was nudging his pelvis towards me. I looked at Sean's face to revel in the fact that I was turning this muscular hot guy, that I had known for so long, on so hot that he was pre-cumming and I hadn't even touched his prick.

I brushed my hand across Sean's balls and he moaned louder and then I caressed his dick with my hand. Slowly at first and then a little faster…that is when he seemed to jump out of his skin.

Sean said he didn't want me to do anything I was uncomfortable with...I told him to lie back and shut up. He looked surprised...then he said that was a huge turn on for me to seem for comfortable being so intimate with him...I told him that I was only doing what he said and doing what I felt I should. He smiled and started to say something else...that is when I asked him why he was still talking...

I told Sean, "I told you to hush, and lay back..." Sean tried to say something else that is when I leaned back down and started to lick the head of his dick. Sean started to quiver and tried to tell me not to do this if I didn't want to...he didn't want me to do something I didn't feel comfortable with...I just licked and caressed his dick faster and harder...he started to moan and squirm harder...but he still tried to talk me out of doing "this"...that is when I impaled my lips around his dick. I tried to remember what I enjoyed and disliked when receiving a blowjob...once I got a little rhythm down and realized that how far I could go without gagging I paid attention to what drove Sean crazy...

I was just getting what I thought was the hang of things when Sean threw me off of him and shot his load all over the place. Sean was so apologetic...stating that it snuck up on him and that he normally didn't blow that quick...that it really had snuck up on him. I asked Sean why he threw me off. Sean stated that he was afraid that if he had cummed in my mouth that it would have gagged me or turned me off of doing this again.

I told him that next time he better leave that decision up to me...and that there would be a next time. Then I heard what I had actually said and was pleasantly surprised. I lay there as Sean licked all of his juices off of me. Then we lay there in each other’s arms until noon.

Sean and I decided to not let our girlfriends in on this new discovery in our friendship...that until we better understood where we were headed with this area of intimacy. Sean and I agreed that we had invested at least six months each to get our current girlfriends to give it up...that if we decided this wasn't for us that we didn't have to be horny for no reason.

Then we both laughed...and laughed...we decided we would give it about a month...which be came a week...and then we just said we would revisit the subject in a day or two...but no matter what we wouldn't tell them why if anything about why we were ending our relationships with them. We would work on something to tell them, something that would leave their self-esteem intact...and allow us to keep our friendships intact also.

Then we feel asleep in each other's arms...When we woke up it was dark outside and we realized we had been in the house, NAKED, all day! And it was nice! I made the comment to Sean that it was soooo different with him...that I wasn't ready to roll over and fall asleep after sex...that with him it was something that I enjoyed in a way I couldn't put into words and I wanted it to be continuous. Then we got some dinner and watched movies in bed, check that the movies were on but damn if I saw anything but the credits.

We spend the next morning in bed and got out of bed only to go workout...we both agreed that we were so horny during our working out that we lifted and pressed more weight that before...then in the locker room we both tried to "act normal"-- I had never thought about that statement until now.... this felt normal...but we made sure that non of the regulars that we knew could tell that there was anything else different between us.... just two guys who had been best friends for a really long time.

Then we called some friends that we were supposed to meet for lunch and a game of golf...and we made an excuse about having to shop for a kiss up "I'm sorry...can I have sex again" present for Sean's girlfriend...and they bought it. We ran home, actually! Sean almost got a speeding ticket...but the officer just flipped his blue lights on and off until he slowed down...but he never turned around and came after us.

So we slowed down and continued to hurry. Sean laughed and said that if he had pulled us over it would have been difficult to explain his condition. I asked him, "what condition?" and I looked over and saw that his dick was peeking out of the leg of his shorts. We got to my house and ran inside...locked the door and didn't come up for air until about 7:00 pm that evening when Sean's girlfriend called and asked if I had seen Sean. She said she had been trying to get hold of him all weekend. Sean was looking up at me while my dick was in his mouth. I tried really hard not to laugh or moan. He was really turned on by trying to get me to blow while on the phone, when he winked at me that is when I said something to his girlfriend, something that would allow me to use her name. Sean froze... Now I was laughing...the problem was his girlfriend wasn't telling any jokes.

That is when I came up with the excuse that would allow Sean to be out of his house…that would allow my next statement to have credence and also shock the shit out of Sean.

I told his girlfriend that there was a bug problem at his apartment building...something about a neighbor and a bug problem that was in no way Sean's fault...because he was anal as I am about clean. So I told her his apartment was being bombed and that he had to stay at my house...I told her he had run to the store to get some boxes...because this bug thing was the last straw…that I had convinced him to move into the spare bedroom that I never had bought furniture for...this made the lie believable and ready-made for him to move.

This gave me unfettered access until he and I decided where this was going...I told her that the rent would be cheaper than he was paying which would allow him to save some money...something he tried to do to a fault. It would also allow me to do some enhancements to the house that I didn't want to touch saving for.

Now, the problem with this genius was that I had said it, and now it was out there...but Sean was supposed to be at the store not stuck on my rod. Trying to keep him from saying something out loud was interesting. He started to raise up that is when I grabbed his head and shook my head at him...I started to slowly move my hips...he got the hint and winked at me. I told Sean's girlfriend I would have him call her as soon as he got back from the store...but that he only left right before she called so it could be a little while. She said okay...this would give Sean and I time to discuss this new and developing living arrangement.

Stay tuned for Chapter 3 to find out what happens after Sean finishes riding my dick with his beautiful lips.... See what He/We decide....

PS-let me know what you think...+/-...


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Chance G

Wrestling With My Best Friend

My best friend Sean and I were cleaning up after eating pizza. Our girlfriends were gone for the weekend, so we decided to hang out. We had a stack of movies and video games to keep us occupied. I was just putting the last of the trash up, when while bent over the trashcan Sean grabbed me. He tried to put me in a 1/2 Nelson, which I was able to get loose from. But when I tried to run out

Wrestling With My Best Friend, Part 2

I got up out of the floor and went into my bedroom. Sean followed me in there...he was worried and started to apologize. He said he would take it back, he was sorry. I didn't say anything...but he was holding me and getting upset...I almost felt like I was in a daze. Then Sean slid down and I realized he was kneeling down...and now crying. I told him not to worry I wasn't mad about


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