Gay Erotic Stories

Inventory Night, Part 1

by Interaciallover

Let me start by saying ever since I can remember men have turned me on--hairy men more than anything. Also let me describe myself. I’m 5'6" about 150 lbs blonde hair blue eyes, glasses. I’m a bit nerdy too. That’s why I never went openly gay until I turned 18. Throughout my pre eighteen days I had always been attracted to this guy Joe.

Joe was hot. He was about 5'10" 170 lbs, black hair and brown eyes. He always wore shirt that formed a ‘v’ at the neck and show wisps of hair on his chest. Whenever I masturbated I most often thought of him. Joe ran a convenience store with three of his brothers, and I won't lie, all of them were hot, but Joe was always the best looking to me.

My story starts after I turned eighteen. My dad had insisted that I get a job after school to help pay the rent and bills since I was an adult. So I decided to ask Joe if I could work at the store stocking shelves mopping floors, anything he needed. He hired me immediately.

Also I forget to mention, Joe was, in my opinion, straight as a board, he just had a kid and had a girlfriend. The weeks went buy and I kept working at the store. Throughout those weeks I couldn't help but notice that Joe hung around me a lot and found excuses to be near me. But I didn't mind, even if he was straight, he was still a stud. Then he asked me one Friday if I could do inventory the next night. “Sure,” I said. This is where the real story begins.

I showed up Saturday for work, everything went normal then Joe said, "Well we better get started, we got a lotta shit to haul," and he winked. I couldn't help but blush. I followed him to the back, keeping a distance behind staring at his gorgeous ass in his tight Levi’s, god he was gorgeous.

"You start doing those boxes over there," he said, "I’ll start over here." So I started, but I didn't get much done, I kept looking over at him when he wasn't looking. Also I could have sworn he kept looking at me too. Needless to say it took awhile to finish. We had started at about six, and it was now nearly eleven at night. I moved the last box when I felt a hand on my shoulder, Joe’s hand. I turned to face him and he said in the deepest voice, "Thanks for the help."

"No problem," I said softly and he hugged me. Our crotches touched and I felt his hardon pressing against mine through the fabric. He looked into my eyes and smiled and before I could do anything, he kissed me. I found myself throwing my arms around him cramming my tongue down his throat; he moaned, as did I. I broke the kiss and pulled my shirt off and he went to work on my nipples licking and biting them slowly.

“Oh Joe,” I moaned and pulled his shirt off. He pulled me down to the floor and got on top of me kissing me all over, my neck, nips stomach. I fumbled with my pants and pulled them off, my six inches throbbing with pleasure. He quickly took it in his mouth while slipping his pants off, and then he stopped.

"I wanna 69," he growled. I quickly nodded and we assumed the position, his cock was at least 9 inches and it took a while to get my rhythm as he sucked me off. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock as he did the same to me.

We came at almost the same time and I sucked him dry. But he wasn't done. He then rolled me over and began fingering my ass, I was moaning. He then rammed his again hard cock up my ass. I wasn't ready for it and screamed out, but he just went faster, thrusting harder and harder.

It was glorious, the pain was turning to pleasure and before I knew it he came up my ass. It was the most pleasurable feeling ever. He collapsed on my back and I happened to glance up at the door, which had just shut and saw Mike—Joe’s brother who had just seen the whole thing...

To be continued


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Interaciallover

Inventory Night, Part 1

Let me start by saying ever since I can remember men have turned me on--hairy men more than anything. Also let me describe myself. I’m 5'6" about 150 lbs blonde hair blue eyes, glasses. I’m a bit nerdy too. That’s why I never went openly gay until I turned 18. Throughout my pre eighteen days I had always been attracted to this guy Joe. Joe was hot. He was about 5'10" 170 lbs, black hair and


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