Gay Erotic Stories

My New Toy

by The_gay_dude

I had just gotten transferred from the New York office to a Podunk little town in Eastern Washington. Full of farms and hicks I was like a fish out of water. Having lived in New York most of my life I was used to night clubs and easy men, especially hot twinks. The house that I chose was in a quite neighborhood near the out skirts of town. It had a large yard with a privacy fence and nice pool and patio.--perfect for parties. The house was quite modern. Large rooms, high ceilings, and again, plenty of privacy from the road.

The next door neighbors had a son that was no older than 18. Turns out he had just had his birthday. He was short, thin, and toned. He was a hottie. I was out doing yard work when he came over wearing nothing but tight shorts. "Hey. Mind if I take a swim?", he asked. "Sure", I said, "for a price."

"Name it. This heat is killing me."

"Well, as you can see I have a shit load of yard work to do, so if you help me you can cool off with a swim. I even have some freshly made iced tea in the house."

"Okay sounds like a deal." We started working on the yard. We chatted about his girlfriend and his parents and things; the usual for guys his age. About three hours into the yard work I suggested that we take a break for a while. I went in to get glasses and the iced tea. When I came out he was already in the pool. "Help yourself to the iced tea and I'll go in and get my swim suit on."

"Okay," and he swam to the edge of the pool and got out. His swim trunks were tight on his body and left nothing to the imagination. He was hung and had a tight little bubble butt. I went in to the house and got dressed in my banana hammock. It was the only pare of swim clothing I had seeing as how I usually went skinny dipping. I only had it because a ex-boyfriend of mine had given them to me for a fetish of his. When I returned he was lying out on the lounge chair catching some sun.

"Want any lotion?" I asked.

"Sure. I need some on my back. Can you rub some on me?" He turned over to show off his back and backside. God, he was fucking hot! I went and grabbed the tanning lotion and started rubbing it on his back massaging it in "God that feels good. You're better at that then my girlfriend."

"Well I have done this quite a bit in New York. I have a lot of friends there that like my massages. Hey, why don't you lower your shorts a bit and I'll be able to massage your lower back better." Without a word he pulled them off his ass exposing his beautiful butt. It had a small triangular patch just above his crack. He had obviously tanned with a thong on. "Wow. You’re in great shape. Do you work out?"

"Yeah, I go to the gym almost every day."

"Hey I know. Let's go for a dip."

"Okay. With or without shorts on?"

I was kind of shocked. He turned over and gave me a shit eating grin and winked. “Sure," I said and with that his shorts came off to expose his beautiful raging hard cock. He ran to the pool and jumped in. I pulled my shorts and jumped in after him.

"I saw the look on your face when we were doing yard work. You’re gay, aren't you?"

"Why yes I am. Does that bother you?"

"Hell no! Why do you think I let you massage me and go skinny dipping with you? I was hoping we could get together. I prefer men over women anyway." He swam over to me and grabbed a hold of my ass with his hands and gave me a deep passionate kiss. We kissed like that for a few minutes before he released from my lips.

"Wow! You’re a good kisser, kid."

"Yeah, I suck cock even better and from the looks of it you really need a good blow job." He waded to the shallow end of the pool and sat on the steps. I followed over to him and sat on the edge of the pool where he hungrily dove to my cock and deep-throated me. He really was good. I was in total ecstasy as he was bobbing his head up and down my shaft. I was getting close to cumming when he pulled off and came out of the water. He moved so he stood in front of me with his cock just inches from my mouth. "Suck it, man. Suck it like those guys you had in New York."

I grabbed a hold of his raging hard on and started sucking. It had been about a week since I had had a cock in my mouth. I sucked him until he came. His cum was sweet and warm as it shot down my throat. "Damn," I said, "your cum is the best I’ve ever had."

"If you think that's good just wait until you fuck my hole. It's nice and tight. Got some lube?"

I quickly went over to where I had set the tanning lotion and squirted some on my hand. I then lubed up my cock and his hole and he sat down. As my cock when up his ass hole he moaned. He was tight as a virgin! He started slowly bouncing up and down on my lap moaning louder each time. I had had enough of this. I pushed him up and bent him over the side of the pool's edge and went to town on his ass hole.

He moaned every time I pumped. I was getting closer to the edge each time I stuffed my cock in him. His hot little hole was squeezing my cock tightly. He stopped me and turned over. He threw his legs up over my shoulders and I started fucking him again. Finally I felt myself starting to cum. Just as I unloaded into his ass he came as well, screaming in ecstasy! I collapsed onto his body. "Boy you're a great fuck!"

"I've never had any complaints," he said gasping for breath. I finally pulled out of him and he got up and went to the iced tea. He guzzled it down then asked, "Where's the shower?"

"Here, I'll take you there." We showered together washing each other's bodies. When we were done he went home. The next day he told me that his parents were moving to the other side of the state and he had the option of finding a place to stay here or move with them.

"Mind if I live with you?" he asked.

"Only if you agree to be my sex slave," I replied.

"Deal," he immediately agreed and he moved in with me. We had many repeats of that night and many other adventures. I have never regretted moving to this little shit-hole and I probably never will.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from The_gay_dude

Jerry, My Lover and Slave

Jerry was 21 years old. We met at a friend's house during a party. He was about 160lbs., 5' 9”, short blond hair, and crystal blue eyes. He was buff and hot. That night I was driving him home and the conversation turned towards what we had done for sex. He claimed that he was straight and he knew I was gay. I was explaining to him that I used to have sex with guys for drugs. Well he

My New Assistant

Nick was the new office boy. He was interning for the summer before he returned to college. He was going for his bachelor's in business and was earning extra credit while interning here. He was about 19, slim build, and was always nicely dressed and groomed. I was the manager in charge of the department he was interning in and was told to make him my assistant. I had no problem with that.

My New Toy

I had just gotten transferred from the New York office to a Podunk little town in Eastern Washington. Full of farms and hicks I was like a fish out of water. Having lived in New York most of my life I was used to night clubs and easy men, especially hot twinks. The house that I chose was in a quite neighborhood near the out skirts of town. It had a large yard with a privacy fence and nice

Pay Back For Being Late

Zack was still groggy when he woke up; the night before had been a wild one. He turned his head and looked at the alarm clock. He was late. Zack bolted out of bed waking his companions. He took a quick shower, dressed, grabbed a granola bar and sped off to work. Hopefully when he got home the house would be empty and still furnished. Funny things happen when strangers are left in the


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