Gay Erotic Stories

Cruiseship Fun

by JDrake

It was March, 2005, and Dylan decided it was time to go out and get away. Dylan had recently lost his best friend to an auto accident and was very lonely and depressed by this. He had not gone out on a date since the funeral. All his friends have been trying to get him to go out and do something. He just was not up to doing anything. He somehow felt guilty for the death of Bobbi, his best friend since college. Dylan's boss finally said, "Dylan, you have to snap out of this. Go home and pack. I booked you a week on a cruise ship. You need to get away. It will do you a world of good."

Dylan was now arriving at the port. He could not believe he allowed his boss of all people to convince him to go away on holiday. He still was not sure of this whole trip as he was getting out of the car. He noticed that most of the people walking toward the ship were men. Not only were they men but pretty fine looking men. Dylan decided he was going to give this trip a shot and try to pull out of the depression he was in.

Dylan was welcomed aboard with a photo, and a smile from a very attractive cruise director. Sam was the name on his badge. He had blonde hair and the most incredible blue eyes you have ever seen. Sam handed Dylan a map of the ship and said, "Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me day or night." and winked at Dylan. Dylan went to the counter and checked in then walked to the bar and got a drink. He took the drink and wandered around trying to find his cabin. He arrived at the door, Verandah 2117. He knew this was it, it was too late to turn back now. He went in and looked around. Wow, this was fabulous. He had a huge room, an incredible walk in closet, a separate bedroom and living room and oh my goodness, its a private balcony. Dylan was so amazed at this room. He had no idea that the cabins on a ship were so large.

He went out on the balcony and noticed the ship was moving. HE looked over the rail and waved to those on the docks. The balconies all along the ship had guys hanging off and waving and yelling. It was going to be a fantastic week, Dylan thought. The man in the next room reached over and said, "Hi, I'm Andy, is this your first time?"

Dylan shook his hand and said "what?", "oh, you mean the cruise, eh, yeah, yes it is my first cruise." Andy noticed that Dylan still had his hand. He looked at Dylan and smiled. He said, "Well, I hope that we can meet up on the deck sometime. Are you traveling alone?"

Dylan said, "Yes, I am alone for now; that would be nice. I hope to see you sometime." Andy asked if he wanted to join him on the deck for a drink. They agreed and Dylan changed out of his clothes and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then knocked on Andy's door. The two walked up to the deck. Andy asked what Dylan was drinking and walked to the bar and ordered their drinks. Dylan took a seat by the pool and Andy soon found him and handed him a drink.

Andy and Dylan spent the entire afternoon laying in the sun and talking, getting to know one another. Dylan had long since taken his shirt off and was getting sun on his amazing body. Sam the Cruise Director had walked up to Dylan and asked if he had found his cabin alright and if he needed anything. Dylan smiled up at Sam and said he found his cabin fine and he was good for now, but look him up later. Sam just smiled back at Dylan and walked away. Andy asked what that was all about. He said he thought Sam had been hired by his boss to make sure he had a fun trip and to try to take his mind off things. Andy looked confused and asked what was going on. Dylan just said, "It’s a long story, don't worry about it, everything is fine. I’m fine". After a few hours in the sun, Andy suggested they go to the gym and hit the machines. It would do them both good to get out of the sun for awhile. Dylan followed Andy to the gym. He got a locker and put his shirt in. He took a towel and hit the treadmill. He could not believe people actually went on holiday and worked out. After just a short time he told Andy he noticed a spa as he came in and was going to go and sit in the sauna. Andy smiled and Dylan walked off.

Dylan went to his locker, removed his shorts and wrapped a towel around his waist. He then walked to the sauna. He noticed that Sam was sitting in there naked. Sam smiled as Dylan walked in. "I have been wondering when you might find your way in" he said. Dylan smiled back and said "why didn't you tell me there was a sauna? I would have been here hours ago."

The two laughed and Dylan sat beside Sam. Sam suggested that Dylan remove his towel for more complete release of the toxins throughout his body. He removed the towel and went to sit back down. Sam grabbed his leg and turned him towards him. He then took his cock which was growing harder by the second and placed it gently against the side of his face. He moaned in pleasure and Sam took that as a sign to inhale and devour that rigid hot love stick.

Sam was an incredible cruise director because he knew hot to make sure his guests were happy in every sense of the word. Sam enjoyed Dylan's hot cock for several minutes before he told him he was about to shoot a major load. Sam just nodded as if to say to Just do it. He did not want to have it end this quickly but he could not control it. Sam was amazing at his sucking technique and Dylan lost control, his cock started to spasm in Sam's mouth and he took all 7 shots of his hot man juice. Sam eventually pulled off his cock with a huge smile and told him that was the most incredible cock he had ever had. Dylan told Sam that it was the best blow he had ever had too.

They both laughed again and Dylan sat back down. Sam asked if there was anything else he could do for Dylan at that time. Dylan asked him if he had been sent by his boss. Sam just smiled and said he has been on the s hip for 7 months now. This would be his last trip for two months. They both smiled again and Sam stood up and started to lick on Dylan’s tight abs.

Dylan started to feel his cock growing again. He could not believe he was getting hard again this soon. He just smiled as Sam licked up his chest and started to nip at his nipples giving equal time to both. He then worked back down to his bellybutton and then his cock again. He smiles up and says "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Apparently you like being played with. I’m sure glad you decided to join me in the sauna."

Sam then pulled off his hot cock again and went below and started to suck on his miracle inch., then his hot ass. Sam started to rim him out and Dylan just went nuts. He could not believe t his man was doing this much to him in public. Sam eventually stuck two fingers into Dylan’s tight hot love chute and then went back to sucking in that hot cock. Dylan was in ecstasy. He told Sam he was getting close to shooting again. Sam pulled out his two fingers and put his cock in their place; Dylan just smiled and said wow that is HOT!

Just as Sam was starting to pump into his hot tight ass, Andy walks in and says, "Wow, can I play too?" Dylan smiles at Sam so he pulls off his cock for a second and says sure jump in. Then puts his cock back in and starts sucking like he had not had anything to eat in weeks. Andy walks up behind Sam and puts his cock, no warning at all, and right up his hot tight ass. Sam almost choked on Dylan's cock at that point. He could not believe that Andy would just do that. Andy just smiled and said, "You said to just jump in."

Andy was slamming his hot rod into Sam as Sam was slamming his hot rod into Dylan and blowing him at the same time. It was a very hot and intense situation. Andy said he was getting close so everyone needed to get there soon. Dylan smiled and said he was there an he started to shoot into Sam's hot throat. Sam took all 5 shots of Dylan's hot love juice this time and swallowed every drop. As he came, his muscled tightened which caused Sam to shoot his first load deep into Dylan's hot tight incredibly fine ass. As he shot his 4th shot his ass muscles also tightened on Andy's cock causing him to shoot as well. Andy had 5 shots in him and Sam's hot love chute took every drop. Dylan took all that Sam had to offer also and they decided it was time to go and clean up. They hit the showers and then went to their cabins to get ready for dinner.

Dylan could not believe that all this had happened on the first day of the trip. He had 6 more days to go and he had no idea how his cock or his ass was going to be able to handle that. He just looked into his mirror and smiled; thinking, if only Bobbi could be here for all this. He would not believe this was happening. He would also be so happy to jump in and play too.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this story so far. This is the first one from me in quite some time now. I will write about the rest of the week if anyone is interested. Let me know.



3 Gay Erotic Stories from JDrake

Cruiseship Fun

It was March, 2005, and Dylan decided it was time to go out and get away. Dylan had recently lost his best friend to an auto accident and was very lonely and depressed by this. He had not gone out on a date since the funeral. All his friends have been trying to get him to go out and do something. He just was not up to doing anything. He somehow felt guilty for the death of Bobbi, his best friend

Spring Break

It was the beginning of March and I decided I was going to travel to Daytona for Spring Break. I went online and booked the room and took care of my flight. I then went about my normal routine counting down the days. The days flew by and before I knew it, I was packing my bags and heading to the airport. The flight was pretty uneventful. There were a lot of gorgeous guys on board but they all

You Gotta Love the Beach

I have been going through physical therapy for awhile now, after an accident. My therapist told me that he was going to be out for a couple weeks to take care of a personal situation. So of course I said "kewl" and planned a ‘lil trip of my own. I immediately hit the internet to find a hotel. Booked and called my car company to send out a driver. Turns out it was the 2nd week of spring break


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