Gay Erotic Stories

Awoken From A Dream

by TheGoodStuff69

When I was in my early twenties, I began to frequent a gay bar about 20 miles from my house. I was very shy and nervous and would usually plop myself down near the bar and not make eye contact with anyone. Over time, I became more comfortable with myself and my surroundings. I would always try and get the best vantage point sitting at the bar - one that allowed me to be seen as well as give a good view of the crowd and the folks coming in. One winter night, I was shocked (and a little nervous) to see a co-worker of mine pop into the place.

Roger was in his early 40's - his look average and very corporate-cookie cutter for the mid-80's, with graying receding hairline and glasses. Roger was always friendly at work, so I called him over and we began a nice long chat. Although there was 20 years between us, I found it very easy to talk to Roger. Over the next few months, we developed a close platonic friendship both at work and socially.

A few months down the road, I needed to move - I wasn't making a lot of money and that time and Roger graciously allowed me to rent a spare room in his home. He offered his home as if it were mine - allowing me to have friends over, blast my stereo, and take control of the tv. The guy had a big heart! Our platonic friendship blossomed and I felt very comfortable living in Roger's home.

About a year or so into this living arrangement, the stress of my job coupled with some family issues I wasn't dealing with resulted in a few episodes of night terrors. Three hours into sleep, I would start to have a bad dream and, often, start screaming or yelling. I would wake up panting and sweating and feeling badly at the thought of perhaps waking Roger (down the hall in his own room) because of this. Roger began to keep his bedroom door on a crack and would knock on my door and call my name if one of these episodes occurred.

These night terrors were not every night - maybe once a month, and Roger never complained. One hot summer night, I stripped down for bed and put the fan on low to keep the stagnant air moving. I drifted off to a deep sleep. At some point later, I began to have a bad dream - I could hear myself yelling out in my sleep but could not wake up. I felt a hand gently shaking my arm and a familiar voice calling my name. I opened my eyes to find Roger sitting on the side of my bed - it took me a few moments to comprehend where I was and what had happened.

Roger asked if I was okay and if he could get me anything - although it was about 1 o'clock on a work night, I asked if he'd mind grabbing my smokes downstairs. It was upon his return to my room that I noticed Roger was nude -the moonlight through the window catching the movement of his legs and his impressive cock. I had seen Roger nude more than a few times and secretly marveled at how big he was not even erect - easily 7 thick inches. Roger sat down on the bed and smoked with me as I began to explain the crazy non-sensical dream. Roger's turned more on the bed and began to stroke my hair to comfort me - his cock just inches away.

I found my own cock hardening as I imagined taking his fattie in my mouth. I had never wanted to blur the lines of friendship, but I reached over and grabbed his cock and slowly directed it towards my wet and waiting mouth. The already big cock grew more as I tongued and swallowed and I easily imagine Roger's length as 8 inches and girth somewhere near that of a soda can. I cupped his hairy balls - I gave them the same kind of tongue attention I had been giving his big cock - taking each of his nuts in my mouth and then sliding back behind the balls to lap up the sweat collecting on his taint. I moved from my reclined position to my hand and knees so I could do better work on that big tasty cock - teasing the head and piss slit with my tongue and then swallowing the sausage until it hit my tonsils.

Roger's hands found the back of my head, pushing my mouth down until his pubes were tickling my nose - he let out a soft moan as I continued to deep throat his tool. I began to tongue-wash his balls again as his hands worked down my back - he began to knead my butt cheeks and rub my hole. We were both sweating pretty good between the night temperatures and the sexual heat - his finger easily slid into my hole - damn it felt good. I could taste Roger pre-cumming - and I had other plans for that cock... so I turned my attention to his nipples - gently nibbling and sucking and making a wet message.

I pushed myself up more and began to nibble and tongue his armpit - now leaning almost chest to chest allowed Roger to plow that finger deeper into my hole. I was squirming like a jellyfish - feeling too good from that finger working my ass as Roger pushed me onto my back. He began to slowly suck my 7.5 inches - the sensation of the finger in my ass and the mouth around my cock making my head spin. After several minutes of this intense pleasure, I pushed Roger's finger from my ass. I grabbed some lube from my nightstand and greased up his monster cock - I was so worked up, I wanted Roger to fuck the daylights out of me. Lying on my back, I guided Roger into my hole, slowly so I could adjust to accommodate his size and girth. I literally saw stars with his first few deep thrusts, but that pain melted into an intense pleasure. We tried a few different positions and ended up doggie style - Roger fucking my ass hard - I clenched my ass muscles down as I could sense his getting near cumming. Roger pulled me upright and against his belly and jerked me off as he shot his hot load into my hole. I came soon after - leaving a nice droopy mess on my belly and Roger's hands.

It took a little while to gather our composure. We showered and smoked one more smoke and then off to bed - separately. We played around more over the years, but that was the most intense session. Who says all nightmares are bad?


1 Gay Erotic Stories from TheGoodStuff69

Awoken From A Dream

When I was in my early twenties, I began to frequent a gay bar about 20 miles from my house. I was very shy and nervous and would usually plop myself down near the bar and not make eye contact with anyone. Over time, I became more comfortable with myself and my surroundings. I would always try and get the best vantage point sitting at the bar - one that allowed me to be seen as well as give a


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