Gay Erotic Stories

Easley Takes It All

by Easley

Let me briefly preface this by saying that this is a completely true story with only the username changed to protect the top's privacy.

My name is Easley, and I was 18 years old at the time, almost 19 by then. I am white and mildly attractive. I get quite a few compliments, and I am definitely not bad looking. However, I am not model-type hot, nor do I want to me. I would call myself handsome, not hot. Too bad I can't post a picture to go along with the story. Anyway, I am tall and pretty skinny in comparison to most. Aside from my dark brown hair and more masculine demeanor, one might say I was the typical, super gay, twink build. I am all bottom, in most part because I am just too lazy to be a good top. I also just love the feeling of a nice hard cock up my ass too much to switch. My own cock is an average 6.5 inches cut. It may not be huge, but it is pretty and very proportional.

I rarely did the whole online hook-up thing, but one night I was feeling extremely horny and wanted some immediate satisfaction. I looked around Craigslist but decided against everything that came my way. I signed onto and after about an hour of chatting with random men, jmatx22 IM’d me. I soon learned that his name was Jack and that he lived about 15 minutes south of me. After talking to him and viewing a few pictures, I decided what the hell.

About 30 minutes later after cleaning up and heading to his apartment, I arrived and knocked on his door. I could not have been more pleased with what I saw. He was 25 and the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. Like me, he was not "model" handsome, but he was definitely a hottie. His smile was absolutely gorgeous, and the fact that he apparently had not shaved in a day or two made him all the sexier.

We made the typical pre-hook-up small talk. Hi, how are you? How was your day? Blah, blah, let's get on with the sex! His name was Jack. Within no time at all, he pulled me in close and our tongues started waging war on each other. He kissed me so passionately that I just wanted to melt in his arms. My hands wandered down his back to his ass, which I squeezed through his jeans. One of his hands caressed the back of my head as we made out while the other undid my belt and jeans. In slipped his hand, rubbing my balls through the white Calvin Klein jockstrap I decided to wear, and I let him take control.

He leaned me down onto his queen-size bed, straddling me as my back touched his sheets -- continuing to make out along the way down. Finally he broke our lengthy kiss and pulled my shoes, socks, and pants off. He then proceeded to kiss my hard cock through the jock while teasing my nipples with his fingers. I was already in absolute ecstasy, and I hadn't even completely disrobed!

Finally, without warning, he rolled me over and buried his face in my ass. I writhed in excitement as he ran his tongue up and down my crack repeatedly, darting in my hole every now and then as he went up and down. He then proceeded to focus directly on my eager hole, flitting his tongue in and out of it, running circles around it that sent tiny shocks of pleasure up my body.

"Oh, god, Jack," I moaned.

"You like that, eh?" he asked.

I glanced down at him to see a large grin across his face. Then I nodded and told him to come up to me again. Once more we kissed ferociously, breaking twice to remove both our shirts one-by-one. When our lips connected again, I reached down and undid his pants, which he in turn slid off to reveal he was not wearing any underwear.

He also had another surprise tucked away in those Express jeans: the biggest dick I had ever seen and still have yet to see. When people on the Internet say they have 8 or 9 inches of hard meat, usually that means somewhere between 6 and 7. Internet inches are hardly accurate, the majority of the time. Jack was the real deal though. His had to have been at least 9 inches long, and it was thick like a banana prior to its peel being removed. To top things off, he was uncut, which -- if you've read my other story on here -- you know I love almost more than anything else about a guy.

I immediately gravitated toward it, first rolling the foreskin back and forth gently with my hand. I rolled my thumb across the tip and caught a string of precum, which of course when in my mouth the very next second! Jack rolled over then, placing me on top of him, and I licked his nipples, flicking the tips with my tongue.

"God yeah," he groaned. "You definitely know what you're doing."

I took a quick break to kiss him and then went straight for his cock. His rod barely fit in my mouth! I sucked on it so intensely it was as though I had been starved for cock for months. I licked it up and down and around the head, inside the foreskin, and sucked on his balls briefly; this last for a good fifteen minutes. There were a few times where he came very close to cumming, each time pulling me up to kiss me and stroke my dick for a moment or two before allowing me to return to his treat.

"Mmm," he said. "I want to fuck your hole so bad."

Before he even got the full sentence out, I slid up his body and began rubbing his dick's head on my wet hole. He rolled me over so that he was once again on top, and he grabbed a bottle of lube that sat on his nightstand next to his bed. I did not tell him this, but I was very scared I was not going to be able to take it all! I am not exaggerating on the size one bit. It was beautiful to look at it and play with, but its size was also extremely intimidating. Nevertheless, he used a handful of lube and bit by bit entered my hole. In fact, he was so slow and gentle that it did not hurt one bit. Typically, for those of you who have never topped, it does hurt momentarily if your hole hasn't been stretched open lately. But not with Jack. He knew his tool was giant, and he obviously knew how to work it. He plowed in and out of me, after a bit. It's the only time I've ever also cum without touching my own dick!!!

After fucking me for a good 45 minutes, he asked me if I ever topped. I had experimented with topping a few times shortly before that night, so I said yes. I didn't necessarily enjoy it though, like I said at the beginning of this tale. He moved up my body and sat on my dick, slowly shoving it into his own hole. This only lasted for a good five minutes though before we both agreed that what we had before was exponentially better.

When he removed my cock from his ass, he picked me up off his bed and guided me to his shower. We resumed position there, standing under hot water as he once again entered my ass with his bare dick. In and out, in and out, in and out he plunged, and the hot water rolling down my back just made things ten times better. We stayed in there for about ten minutes, stopping every now and then to kiss. I enjoyed this because in order to do it, he had to remain completely buried in my ass while our lips were locked.

"Let's go back to the bed," he said, and I nodded. He dried himself off with a towel and then did the same to me, running his finger across my asshole and rolling my balls in his hand in the process.

We laid back down, me face down and him on top of me. I don't know how many times I could stay this or in how many different ways, but damn his dick felt good in my ass! That's the kind of fucking everyone should get each night. We were on the bed for another thirty minutes at least when he moaned that he was going to cum.

"I think I'm almost..." he whispered, shutting his eyes.

He began to pull out, but I raised my ass to go along with his motion. He got the idea quickly and thrust back in, his cum exploding in my hole. He then laid there on top of me, warming me with his sweaty body. I had never felt so filled with warmth before --- literally. We stayed there, him inside of me, until his cock got soft. Even then it was still in my hole and he had to pull a small length out.

I have never enjoyed a hook-up as much as I did that one.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Easley

Easley Takes It All

Let me briefly preface this by saying that this is a completely true story with only the username changed to protect the top's privacy. My name is Easley, and I was 18 years old at the time, almost 19 by then. I am white and mildly attractive. I get quite a few compliments, and I am definitely not bad looking. However, I am not model-type hot, nor do I want to me. I would call

Texas Dorm Showers

I was visiting my friend who lives in the dorms at UT, and at one point, I went into their community bathroom. I knew someone else was in there because I could hear the water running. It was maybe 1:00 a.m. at that point. As I closed the door and walked inside, my flip-flops smacking the tile, a guy pulled open the shower curtain slightly and peeked out. He was tall, around 6'1" most


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