Gay Erotic Stories

The Accent

by Xnymen

I just turned 22 and worked part time in a convenience store after school. I was studying for a degree and concentrated mostly on my schoolwork, but when I was at the store, my thoughts turned to the hot men that used to come out of the subway station next door. I would watch them by the window and wish they would come in for a paper, a lottery ticket, or just my ass.

It was starting to get warmer out and I noticed this shorter, blond, butch type getting out of the station at around the same time every day. He didn't look familiar from the neighborhood, but would come in to buy a newspaper every evening. I figured he had just moved around there. I usually didn't go for blonds, or shorter guys, but this guy was a real stud.

He wore dark, highway patrol-type sunglasses, so you could never really tell where his eyes were looking. He never smiled, but he would linger and put the change in my hand every night. He had big thick fingers, and when he stuck his meaty hands up for change, his sleeve would expose the fact that he was a hairy beast. Long, straight hairs would spit from under his shirtsleeve, getting darker as they bunched towards his elbows. His thick, tri colored five o'clock shadow caressed his thick lips where a huge dirty blond and brown handlebar mustache reached out from under his Roman nose. This guy was HOT! He knew it too; he only gave a cocky smirk as he left every day.

Then one day, it finally happened. I was coming home from school late one night from taking a final, normally around the time I would be working, and I got on the subway. Well, just about 4 stops before the store, in he walked. The train wasn't too crowded; the store was close to the end of the line. We spotted each other, and I could feel my heart start to race. I could feel the blood rise in my face as he started down the car over to me.

I panicked at first, not knowing what to do. I took a seat and opened a book fast. What if this guy was just a fag basher? He sat directly across from me and looked me right in the eye, or so I thought, he had those fucking sexy sunglasses on again. I stole a quick glance and noticed one of those meaty hands on his thigh. I could feel my mouth go dry as he slowly spread his Levi-clad legs and that hand started rubbing the inside of his obviously muscular thigh. I could hardly breathe and my heart was pumping in my ears.

I got off at my stop and he followed right behind me. When we got outside, I started walking very slowly so the other people would go past me quickly, and to see if he would linger. Sure enough he did, and when I turned around I could see a huge, bulging outline in the front of his tight Levi's that he managed to grope before he approached me.

He came right up to me and shoved his thick bulging pouch into my now rock hard crotch and he started to speak. I felt like I was entering the stratosphere. Not only was he hot as hell, but he smelled like a sample page in GQ. His hot, sweet breath and the mix of the cologne made me dizzy as he put his thick lips to my ear and said, "Wanna come to my place?" His deep voice did not match his small stature, but then I realized what was even sexier than his attitude. He wasn't American. His accent was Italian. It hit me like a ton of bricks: a meaty, hot mother fucking Italian, straight off the boat. Being of Italian decent myself, I knew that, since he was from Italy, that could only mean one thing: UNCUT MEAT!

I mustered up a "sure, yeah" and just followed him like a puppy. He told me that his wife was out of town and he had the place to himself. "A-Ha," I thought, no wonder it took him so long to make a move. I didn't care about anything at that moment, just the fact that he was taking me upstairs to his apartment. This was one of those guys you don't exchange pleasantries with. It was going to be hot pig sex and both of us wanted it bad.

He closed the door behind me and finally took his glasses off to reveal a beautiful set of chestnut colored eyes. He pushed me against the door and once again I could feel his huge, hard cock snake down his leg and into my own growing member. He pinned my skinny arms against the door and stared me straight in the eyes. His aroma was too much. He put his thick lips against mine and shoved his hot tongue down my throat. I think I blacked out for a minute because all I could feel was this wave of ecstasy flow throughout my body like a mental ejaculation.

I started kissing him back and he liked that. It was passionate at first, but then the kisses turned to hot sex slobbering. We were panting like animals as he took, first my drenched shirt off, and then started to unzip my pants with those meaty fingers. My briefs were out like a tent pole, with a huge wet spot on the front, which he just managed to keep making bigger and bigger. I reached for his shirt, and he let me unbutton the top two buttons to reveal an insane amount of hot, straight, chest hair.

He carefully stepped back and started undressing for me. After he was out of his shirt, he led me by one hand over to the couch. His chest was a forest, and when he lifted his arms, I wanted to bury my face in them. He saw me staring at his huge pink nipples that looked even more prominent standing at attention through the bush that was his chest. They were the only pink flesh you could see. He knew I wanted to taste them and he gently tweaked one between his thumb and forefinger, and there it was: he finally smiled. A fucking gorgeous set of straight white pearls, DAMN was this fucker HOT!

He sat me down and told me in that thick accent of his to take everything off. I did as I was told and watched him drink my younger, thinner body in. The strain on those Levi's told me he had to get out of them or pull an "Incredible Hulk".

His treasure trail went from light to dark, begging to be licked down to that fucking bulge in his jeans. When he started to unzip the front, my heart started to race again. He had on no underwear and all I could see was darkness. Fur poured out of his fly, sweet, sweaty and glistening. He reached in and brought out this HUGE piece of Italian meat and let it flop in front of him. I must have gawked because he shot me that sexy smile again.

It must have been about 10 inches with a huge low-hanging, folded hood, dripping pre cum like a faucet. I fell to my knees and he walked over to me. He took my hand and placed it under his massive cock. I couldn't even get my hand around it. I brought it up to my mouth and felt it grow stiff from the heavy overhang I just had the pleasure of holding. I pulled the loose foreskin closer over his head and shoved my tongue in his wet, hot hole. He was clean! I mean clean! Even his cock smelled like that hot cologne. He loved the feel of my tongue in his hood and he started to moan in that deep voice, turning me on even more. Then I slowly started to open my mouth as wide as it would go to get it over this monster. He started whispering to me: "That's it baby, take my cock, you can do it." I almost came when he started encouraging me. I got down about half way and then I pulled his foreskin down from my mouth so his head would be exposed in my moist throat. He started panting and fucking my face and groaning like an animal when I did that: "Oh yeah baby, Oh shit, that feels so fucking good." I brought my mouth around the head and kept my fist tight around the base so his massive amount of skin wouldn't ride up and started to slowly tongue all around the rim of his head. I felt his muscular thighs shake around my head as I did that.

He then lifted me up, and I thought I was gonna get the fucking of my life, but was I wrong. He put me in a seated position and sat me on the sofa again. He started licking and teasing me from my ankles up to my thighs. He then turned around and buried my face in the dark black hair of his sweet wet asshole. I could feel his huge balls swing against my chin as I shoved my tongue up his warm hole, listening to his deep moans. My mouth was full of his hair and ass juice and I was loving every minute of it. He then turned around, spread that hole, and with one swift move, he sat all the way down on my cock while staring me straight in the eye. I was in such fucking euphoria, I almost came immediately, but he squeezed my cock tight around his hot hairy hole and stood there for a minute before shoving his tongue down my throat one more time.

He then started riding me while kissing me deeply, all the while moaning in that deep voice and talking in that hot accent. He lifted his arm and let me taste those hot furry pits. I licked every one of his six billion hairs as I tongued my way to his huge hot nipples. He started bucking wildly as I circled each one with the tip of my tongue and then sucked them in. He started doing the same to me. We were taking turns on each other's nipples while fucking wilder and wilder, all the while, feeling his massive meat slap against our bellies.

Then, finally, I knew he reached the point of no return. His massive cockhead appeared just outside the folds of meaty skin and I grabbed it with both hands and started milking it with my spit. He screamed in that manly deep groan and started pouring a flood out of his giant cock. I opened my mouth and started taking shot after shot of his hot white cream as he pushed my head down with my hard dick still up his hot tight hole. I grabbed his foreskin with my closed lips and started drinking his sweet cum from his covered head. He started wriggling around my cock as I did this and I felt his ass start to pulse again. He was cumming so hard, he fucking jerked my cock off with his ass muscles and pumped the cum right out of it.

As he felt me start to shoot, he pulled off me quickly and put his cock right at my now throbbing dick. He pulled the loose folds of skin way out and over my cockhead and used those hot vein throbbing hands to milk the cum out of me and into his hot dick.

After about an hour, we managed to stop panting and washed each others cocks off with our tongues. He offered me the shower, just by smiling and walking toward the bathroom. That's another story. I wasn't leaving that apartment so easily...


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Xnymen

The Accent

I just turned 22 and worked part time in a convenience store after school. I was studying for a degree and concentrated mostly on my schoolwork, but when I was at the store, my thoughts turned to the hot men that used to come out of the subway station next door. I would watch them by the window and wish they would come in for a paper, a lottery ticket, or just my ass. It was starting to get

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