Gay Erotic Stories

The Wayside

by Michael Thomas

The Wayside

In spite of the fact that the afternoon was very warm, there was an occasional breeze that pleasantly cooled the light perspiration on your skin. Its coolness inspired more than one person to take an afternoon nap. I discovered this to be true when I pulled off the rarely used northern Wisconsin highway I was travelling. into a secluded wayside. I had been there several times before, but it was always deserted. There was never a soul in sight. One time, I waited for almost an hour for someone to show up. Nobody ever came. I guess it’s because the new highway with four lanes that was built several years ago, really “took over”. It runs pretty much parallel to the old highway. Imagine my surprise to find large truck had pulled in and was parked on the back side of the wayside. It wasn’t a semi-truck, but a larger one nevertheless. The wayside is higher up on a hill, and the road winds up from the back of the old highway to the top where the restrooms are. The road is almost a groove between two small inclines on each side as it circles around to the top and is invisible from the highway. As I passed the truck, I tried to see into the cab. The door was closed, but I caught a glimpse of one bare leg that was raised and resting on top of the passenger’s cushion that supports the back of the passenger. At the end of the leg was a high-top work boot, with a bit of sock peeking out of the top. I couldn’t see much more given the quick pass of the truck, but I managed to see in my rear-view mirror as I travelled further, that the passenger door was wide open. I quickly rounded the curve and parked at the top of the lot. As expected, nobody else was around. I quickly got out of the car, grabbed my smokes and started to head back down to the truck. It had really gotten a lot warmer as the breezes were stifled by the hillsides. I lit up a fag and crossed over to the hill on the passenger side of the truck, intending to look in. The rise of the hill enabled me to get quite close, and the view was not disappointing. He must have been tired, as he was lightly snoring. Warm weather is like that. It wears you out sometimes. As I looked in, I couldn’t see his head or face. All I noticed at first was that his other leg was off the seat and his foot was firmly planted on the floor. Nice hairy legs, they were. The sun shone on them and you could see the sweat glisten on his skin below the hair on his legs. What really made my day, was the fact that his legs were spread-eagle, with the other leg still resting on top of the passenger’s seat back. He had on what appeared to be a white, sweat-stained tank-top T-shirt and black baggy shorts. No underwear. There, lying on the seat between his legs were two of the most beautiful pair of nuts I had ever seen. His scrotum was hairy with soft brown hair, wrinkly and clearly ample in order to contain those two beauties. His balls were the size of Jumbo- sized eggs. I wanted to crawl up there and start licking and sucking them in the worst way. I also wanted to know what else the shorts were hiding. I walked by several times, being careful to not make any noise. He continued to sleep. On the third pass by his door, his legs had shifted. His right leg remained on top of the passenger’s seat, but he moved his left foot up to the top of where the glove compartment was located. It took my breath away for a moment. Here was this glorious “invitation”. Both legs spread wide, and no disappointments on my part. Hanging out of the left leg of those baggy shorts was his scrotum and out the other side was a fat, loose-skinned, uncircumcised cock. He continued to snore lightly, and it was starting to drive me crazy that I couldn’t see what he looked like. As I had decided to walk around to the driver’s side and climb up and peer in to satisfy my curiosity, suddenly his hand moved to his crotch!! It was an older hand, tough, calloused and veiny. And in spite of my recognising that these were “working” hands, I noticed that he kept his fingernails trimmed and clean. I watched as he quickly scratched his balls and just as suddenly, his hand went back to his chest, whose rhythm never faltered. I am infatuated by older men. STUD! STUD! STUD! I just HAD to see what he looked like now. I walked around to the driver’s door, carefully climbed up and peered inside. I was disappointed. All I could see was a head of grey hair. It’s kind of difficult to see what someone looks like when all you can see is the top of their head. Suddenly, he started to stir. I quickly got down and scurried to the top of the hill by the restrooms. I watched from a not so obvious viewpoint as this God of the Highway walked around from the back of his truck, scratching his chest and yawning. Talk about being handsome!! Ruggedly, good-looking and about 60 years in age I guessed. I’m a real sucker for silver-grey hair. He stretched, and suddenly peeled his shirt off. His chest wasn’t covered in fur, but you could see the large grey spot of chest hair in the middle of his chest, even from 50 feet away. He wasn’t overly muscular, in fact, he had a bit of a belly. Damn sexy, is what I thought. I coughed to get his attention, caught it and gave him a quick wave. He nodded back and disappeared again where he came from. It took me a few minutes, but I moved back down the hillside again on the passenger side of the truck to get another glimpse. From about 20 feet in front of the truck I could see that his right boot and leg were again on top of the passenger seat and the other work boot was on top of the dash. I moved down closer to the truck’s door, about 4 feet away to peer in. He had moved his buttocks to the edge of the seat and he was buck naked. His right hand was slowly stroking this massive cock and his balls slowly moved in the same rhythm. “I’ve been waiting for over two hours for someone to show up,” he said. “I think I even fell asleep for a bit. Care to give me a little help with this?” I wasted no time in stepping up on the step and started to lick and suck his balls. “Mmmm, that feels good.” I slowly licked all around his balls, sucking gently, bathing his scrotum with my tongue. He had that warm scent of manly perspiration in his crotch which made my cock stand at attention. I licked up the inside of his ball sack and his leg and then the other. He let go of his cock, and it flopped down to greet me. I grabbed it and slowly stroked his cock up and down, feeling the skin as it moved down the shaft to its base. His cock head would slowly emerge from it’s turtleneck as I pulled down on the skin. It would disappear again on the upstroke. I set about licking his balls again as I stroked, and he kept murmuring how good it felt. “Oh, yeah…oh, yeah,” he’d softly say. I let go of his cock and he started working on it slowly, as I gave his balls a good tongue bath. Licking lower beneath his balls, I made swirling motions, licking lower and lower to reach his prize. “Oh, yeah…God, that feels good.” He raised his pelvis up and he reached down with both hands and pried his ass cheeks apart. A sweaty, nutty fragrance and a mix of Ivory soap reached my nostrils. I held back diving into his ass, and slowly licked circles around his anus. He kept urging me on to lick him hard and steady. I finally dove into my target, and he moaned with obvious pleasure. I rimmed and rimmed his ass as he jacked his cock, his balls bouncing off the bridge of my nose. I used the flatness of my tongue to cover as much of his hole as I could, and lathered him up good. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a condom. I fumbled for a moment, but got it out of its foil package, and quickly crowned that mushroom head on his big thick dick. I rolled the condom down, firmly pulling the foreskin back and holding his cock as it strained for all the attention it needed so badly. I engulfed his cock deeply and he rocked his crotch in thrusting motions to meet my movements. His cock was definitely not average. I had to open my mouth extra wide in order to swallow it all. “Mmmmm, mmmmm,mmmmm,” he kept saying. Each thrust of his cock seemed to massage and relax my throat into taking him deeper and deeper. As I was sucking his cock, I massaged his ball sack with one hand and made small light circles on his hole with the middle finger of my other hand. When I’ve had this done to myself, I didn’t know which way to run. It’s an incredible feeling and I wanted him to feel the same thing. I left his cock momentarily to concentrate on rimming his ass again. He again reached down to pull his ass cheeks apart, and I started to tongue-fuck his hole like there was no tomorrow. I tongue-fucked as deeply as I could while he stroked his cock. After a few minutes, he got a cramp in his leg and said he had to move. I moved back from the truck as he climbed down. He turned around and climbed back up, laying his chest on the seat, with his ass raised up so he could beat his meat. He pulled his cheeks apart again, and I resumed eating his ass like it was my last supper. He kept moaning and groaning. His breathing would change from a heaviness to a quickness depending on how close he was getting to ejaculating. He quickly flipped back over and I quickly sucked his cock in my mouth. I started up a firm, steady rhythm. I quickly licked my finger and as I kept my rhythm, I started to finger fuck his ass. “Oh, God….Oh, God…” This continued for a few minutes, interrupted by his moans of pleasure. By the time I was able to stick my whole finger in and gently move it, there was no turning back. He started to say he was getting ready to cum. I didn’t break stride, I kept sucking with longer, deeper strokes and buzzed away at his hole with my middle finger. “Uh, uhhh, uhhh, unnnggghhhhhhhh!!!!!” I could feel his cum spurt, filling the condom as I sucked. His cock pulsed and pulsed. He was breathing so quickly from his orgasm, that I was actually a bit frightened. His breathing returned to normal, as I gently sucked and licked his balls. I slowly pulled my finger out of his ass, and let go of his cock. The condom was full of hot cum. He got up on his elbows and looking down at me said, “That was incredible.” Suddenly, he grabbed me with each hand below my armpit and hauled me up on top of himself, squeezing me in a bearhug. He kissed me deeply. I never expected all this from a quick stop in a forgotten wayside. It turns out, Roger was 63, and lived 40 miles from me. Our meeting was just the beginning of a few afternoon delights. In fact, it was the beginning of everything. After living together for 11 years now, Roger still teases me if my joking gets out of hand. “If you don’t start behaving, I’m going to have to sit on your face.” he says. “Go ahead, sit on my face! I’ll eat my way to your heart,” is my joking reply.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Michael Thomas

A Surprising Afternoon

A Surprising Afternoon I was feeling a bit restless, cooped up at home. The previous day I had strained a leg muscle whilst gardening. The weather had turned unexpectedly cold, and I needed to finish off the garden for the season. Waking up the next morning, I found walking quite painful. I had no choice but to lay low and hopefully heal quickly. It wasn’t a serious injury as much

Casino Luck

CASINO LUCKI had been down to Dubuque, Iowa to visit with friends for the weekend. Not much to do there, but it’s a nice little town. After my visit, I realised that there wasn’t a lot to do but watch television in my hotel room. I’m not into the “gay” bar scene, and don’t even know if there are any gay bars there. But I know of the two casinos. There’s a new one downtown, and

Fixing The Truck

Fixing the Truck I happened to stop at a state park in Wisconsin on my way to visit my sister who lived up north. I lived in the southern part of the state, and the drive was a good 5 hours. It was late October, most of the leaves had fallen, and it was unseasonably warm. There are a lot of great parks in Wisconsin, and the one I pulled into was no exception. A tranquil lake,

Getting Lucky

Getting Lucky “Getting lucky” is a phrase that rarely happens to me it seems. And I can understand why…I’m no longer the young stud I used to be. Age has crept up on me, and so has gravity. And besides, most guys aren’t interested in men in their 50’s. Just a fact of life, I guess. I must say though, I’m not too out of shape…all things considered. And even though I don’t

Good Morning!

I decided to take few days off early one summer weekend and head up to the northern woods of Wisconsin, the state where I lived. Every once in a while, I like to get away for a few days of relaxing, fishing and my favourite past-time, cruising. I’m not a native, but I’ve lived here in the States for the last 25 years. I’m in my mid- 50’s, slightly heavy-set, white-bearded and have never been

The Janitor

The Janitor I’ve had a gut-wrenching last couple of years. In fact, it is still painful to remember how things used to be. I met Matt when we were in college and things just seemed to click. After graduation, we moved in together. One thing led to another, and before you knew it - we were in love. Matt worked his way up the ladder in banking and was made a Sr. VP after six

The Northwoods

The Northwoods can be pretty harsh living through the winters in Wisconsin…but there are good sides to this climate, too. Summers can be quite pleasant, provided you can find a spot where the state bird (the mosquito) doesn’t congregate.I was lucky enough to find a great spot today, to catch up on some reading, and hopefully meet someone interesting. After mowing the lawn this

The Wayside

The Wayside In spite of the fact that the afternoon was very warm, there was an occasional breeze that pleasantly cooled the light perspiration on your skin. Its coolness inspired more than one person to take an afternoon nap. I discovered this to be true when I pulled off the rarely used northern Wisconsin highway I was travelling. into a secluded wayside. I had been there

True Story

True StoryThere’s a public hunting area and swamp about 20 miles from where I live. It has a few parking lots and scenic overlooks that survey the marsh that encompasses the majority of the public hunting area. A couple of the parking lots are becoming known for being a bit “cruisey” – and if you’ve spent a little time there, you begin to see a pattern of the same drivers and


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