Gay Erotic Stories

Slave Sister: Chapter 03

by Norm DePloom


Chapter Three "Fran Goes to Church" Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent second graders in Sunday school after all of the perverted and depraved things she had been forced to do? It all started Thursday night when her brother sneaked into her room and raped her while their mother slept next door. It got worse on Friday when Dave kept her out of school and spent the day fucking her. Including twice up the ass. Then there was yesterday, tied naked to a stake in the back yard while his friends fucked her like a bitch in heat and he video taped the whole thing. It wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that she came so often and so hard that she had been practically delirious by the time her brother's little party was over. Maybe church is just what I need, she decided and got out of bed. Church will give me a place and some time where I can think without Dave stuffing his cock into me every time I turn around, she said to herself. She put on a dress with a skirt that came to just above her knees and, despite her brother's orders, she put on a pair of panties. She did her make up and was turning to leave the room when she jumped almost 'out of her skin'. Dave was standing almost behind her. She had not heard her brother enter her room. "Stand up." He ordered her. He lifted her skirt. "You will be punished for this before the day is over. Now take them off." Fran hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties, pulled them down her legs then stepped out of them and kicked them onto her bed. Dave got down on one knee and, lifting her skirt began to massage her clitoris causing it to swell. Fran moaned softly as her overly sensitive organ lengthened to its full one quarter inch size. She watched as her brother, satisfied with its size, slipped a small elastic band over her clitoris. A length of fishing line was tied to the elastic band and a small round fishing weight was tied to the other end. Dave let her skirt fall back into place. The fishing line was just long enough to suspend the weight an inch above the bottom of her dress. The weight tugging on her clitoris excited her, but she was coming to realize that everything excited her. She gasped when she took the first step. Each additional step drove her towards an orgasm. The weight bounced back and forth between her thighs when she walked. With each bounce it tugged gently on her clitoris. Fran could already feel her free flowing fuck juice beginning to run down her inner thighs. "Don't take it off until I tell you two." Dave ordered then turned and proceeded her out of the room. When Fran reached the bottom of the stairs she had to stop and lean against the banister for a moment to let a wave of orgasmic pleasure subside. No matter how carefully she walked each step caused the weight to bounce and tug on her engorged clitoris. On her way through the kitchen she grabbed a handful of paper towels. She carefully climbed into the back seat behind her mother and slipped paper towels between her free flowing pussy and the back of her skirt. She did not want to go to church with a wet spot on the back of her dress. Their mother drove the car, Dave sat on the passenger side of the front seat, and Fran sat directly behind her mother. Dave turned in the seat so his back was to the door and could see his mother and Fran at the same time. Whenever their mother was adequately distracted by traffic Dave would mouth orders to his sister. First she had to pull the front of her dress up until she was exposed up to the waist. Then she had to spread her legs and lift her right knee up onto the car seat so Dave could have an unrestricted view of her open wet pussy. Just before they arrived at the church Dave indicated that she was to slip two fingers into herself. Fran obeyed biting her lower lip to keep from moaning with pleasure as her fingers slipped effortlessly into the wet fleshy folds of her hot cunt. Dave did not allow her to pull her fingers out of herself and put her dress back down until they actually pulled into the parking lot of the St Andrew Episcopal Church. Fran opened the car door and eased carefully out. She was on the verge of another orgasm. She was used to thrashing around a bit and squealing into her pillow when she came. During the outdoor fucks over the last two days she had been gagged. The gag was not to keep her from calling for help but to keep her orgasmic screams from attracting the neighbors. Now she was going to have to walk across the parking lot and into the church without letting anyone know she was cuming with every step. As soon as she got into the church she went into the ladies room and locked herself into one of the stalls. She got handfuls of toilet paper and gently wiped the excess fluids from her thighs and crotch. She came again when she gently patted her swollen clitoris with tissue. If men are attracted to the smell of sex, she thought, they are going to be swarming around me today. Fran considered taking the weight off, but did not want to risk what Dave might do to her if he found out. Fran stood in front of the sink. She washed her face with a paper towel then looked at her self. Without thinking about it she reached up and began to stroke her nipples through her cloths, and wondered why her brother had not put nipple clamps on her. She heard the door open behind her and jerked her hands away from her breasts. God, she thought, I'm getting as perverted as my brother. She turned as saw her mother coming into the restroom. "Are you OK?" her mother asked her as she felt Fran's forehead, "you feel a little warm. " "I'm fine mom, really. " "You were awfully quite on the ride over here, and you do feel a bit warm, are you sure your OK?" What was she supposed to do? Say 'No mom, I'm in the middle of a constant orgasm because my brother tied a fishing weight to my clit.'? "Everything's fine mom, honest. I've got to get to the Sunday school class." She pushed past her mother and walked out of the restroom. Dave was waiting for her in the hallway. He walked with her towards the second grade class room. When the reached a small side alcove Dave took Fran's arm and pulled her out of the hallway. Standing facing each other Dave reached under her skirt to insure that the weight was still attached to her. He took hold of the line and slid his fingers upwards until they touched her warm sticky flesh. The touch caused her body to jerk and a low moan to escape her throat. She bent her knees to give him better access and leaned against him as his fingers played over her sensitive vaginal tissues. Her whole body began to tremble, she laid her head on his shoulder, he could hear Fran's ragged breathing in his ear. Then when she was just on the edge of total release Dave pulled his hand away. "Don't you think you better get to the class." He said with mock severity. "You bastard." She turned and stomped angrily away. She got about five steps before she paused and Dave could see the orgasmic waves pulsing through her muscles. Fran stood still for several moments then collected her thoughts and walked more carefully into the class. About half way through the class time Fran told the main teacher that she was not feeling well and left the room. She went back to the ladies rest room and into the stall once again. Her intent was to sit down with the weight held up so her over stimulated clitoris could get a rest. Fran had been sitting for about five minutes when she heard the door open. She sat still hoping whoever it was would take care of their own business and leave without trying to engage her in conversation. The person went into the stall next to hers. Then suddenly she heard a voice from above. "That's cheating." Fran looked up and saw Dave looking down at her from the top of the partition. Her brother leaned way over and unlatched her door then his head disappeared. It reappeared as he slipped into the stall with her. Dave pulled her up off the toilet then threw his leg over so he was straddling it. He pushed Fran forward from the waist until her head was resting against the inside of the stall door. She heard his zipper then felt the cool breeze as he flipped her skirt up over her back and slipped his large hard cock into her open wet cunt with one motion. Dave sighed deeply and began to fuck in and out of his sister. Fran put both of her own hands over her mouth to keep herself from screaming as the biggest orgasm of her life coursed through her body. Fran was rapidly becoming the perfect sex slave, even willing to gag herself when necessary. The position he had put her in left the weight to swing free and bounce around with each thrust of his massive hard cock. Dave fucked his sister with quick hard thrusts until his own orgasm arrived and he buried his hard cock into her while his body spasmed and he filled her with more of his incestuous cum. When he was done fucking his sister Dave slipped past her and out of the stall with amazing speed leaving Fran sitting on the toilet slumped over in total exhaustion. She leaned against stall partition and pondered her brother's talents. He seemed to be able to slip in and out of locked doors, enter and leave rooms without being seen, and always seemed to know where she was and what she was doing. Fran heard people talking out in the hallway and new it was time to clean her self up and go into the sanctuary for the worship service. She took more toilet paper and carefully wiped away the remains of their recent animalistic fuck. She straightened her cloths and left the restroom. As she expected her brother was waiting for her in the hallway with a satisfied grin on his face. She stepped up to him and spoke softly into his ear. "Have you made a pact with the devil? Is that why you can do all these things?" "No," he replied moving his leg so it bumped the weight hanging under her dress, "I'm just good." He took her arm and moved her toward the door to the sanctuary. "You're lucky. You get to rest during the service. There's not much I can do with mother sitting right beside us." Fran was both relieved and disappointed. During the service Fran did get a rest from the bouncing of the weight, but the elastic around her clitoris kept her ever mindful of her sex organs and her recent fucking in the bathroom. Also there was the standing, sitting, kneeling to keep at least some stimulation going. Then came the time for the Eucharist and Fran had to walk up to the altar railing to take communion. The slow walk forward and the kneeling put her just on the verge of another large orgasm. Dave, in the process of kneeling beside her, managed to bump her just right to set her off just as the priest put the wafer in her mouth. When they got back to their seats he leaned over and whispered. "Did you have a deeply religious experience?" The worship service ended. Fran experienced some minor orgasms getting out to the car. As they were leaving the priest commented on how 'radiant' she looked this morning. She once again had to display herself in the back seat and finger herself while her brother watched. When they got home Fran went immediately to her room. She took off her dress and looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The weight was still hanging from her red swollen clitoris. Fran's clitoris had become so sensitive that even the breeze from the open window threatened to set off another orgasm. Her bedroom door opened and her brother slipped into the room. "No. " she said immediately "Not in the middle of the day with mother next door. What if she comes in here? What if she wants help with lunch?" She watched as Dave walked over to her. "Haven't you learned yet that you have no say over when, where, how or who fucks you?" Dave grabbed the weight hanging between her legs and with one snap of his arm yanked it off her swollen clitoris. Fran put one hand over her mouth to stifle a scream while she cupped her cunt with the other and bent over in agonizing pain. "I told you this morning that you were going to be punished for trying to wear panties." Dave pulled her over to her bed by a handful of hair and pushed her over so her face has against the mattress. Unzipping his pants he pulled his huge hard cock out and rubbed it back and forth over her cunt lips to pick up lubrication then forced it into her upturned asshole. Fran buried her face in the bedspread and bit down on a mouth full to help keep from screaming and drawing attention. Dave fucked his entire cock in and out of his sister's ass. Fran grabbed handfuls of bed sheets as she rocked her body back and forth pushing her ass further onto her brother's huge hard cock. They both froze when there was a knock on the door. "Fran come down stairs and help me with lunch." Their mother's voice was muffled by the closed door. Fran lifted her head and swallowed twice before answering. Just as she started to speak her brother restarted his long fucking strokes in and out of her ass. "O.... OH... OH KAY, mo.. mom I... I'll be down in a minute." Something about talking to her mother just on the other side of the door while her brother fucked in and out of her ass sent Fran over the edge and she buried her face in the sheets to smother another orgasmic scream. Just as she started to cum Dave plunged his cock into her and held it there while he reached around and stroked her abused clitoris. Fran's whole body began to twitch like she was having a seizure. It seemed to Fran that every time her brother fucked her she had a better orgasm than the last time, and the more he abused and humiliated her between times the harder she came. Dave loved to hold his hard cock buried inside his sister while she came. Whether in her ass or her cunt her muscles massaged his hard cock while she orgasmed. It almost always made him cum right after her. This time was no different. When Fran started cumming Dave held his cock inside her hot hole and held on for the ride of his life. Just as her orgasm died away Fran felt her brothers massive hard cock jerk and twitch inside her like it was doing a dance, and she knew that he had deposited another load deep in her body. Dave pulled his softening cock out of his sisters abused asshole and picked up her dress to clean himself. After he wiped his cock clean on her good dress Dave pushed his organ back into his pants and zipped up. Then he turned and without saying a word left the room. Fran got some tissue and began to clean herself before putting on her shorts and blouse. As she gently wiped and patted herself dry she thought back trying to remember how many times she had been fucked in the last fifty nine hours. She just sat and tried to count up how many times her brother had fucked her, never mind about all his friends yesterday. It was hard for Fran to remember that just fifty-nine hours ago she had been a virgin, and that nothing bigger than her own finger had been inside her pussy. She counted them up, counting pussy fucks, ass fucks, finger fucks, blow jobs and cunt lickings she had sex with her brother twenty times in less than three days, and today wasn't over yet. She stood up and absent mindedly put on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She could not even begin to guess how many different boys had fucked her, or how many times yesterday when she was staked out in the back yard. Fran was walking into the kitchen where Dave and their mother were working on lunch when she realized her mistake. She had broken one of Dave's main rules. He looked over at her and Fran saw the anger building in his face. "I'm sorry. I forgot." She said in a low voice. "What are you sorry about dear?" her mother asked cheerfully. Before Fran could answer Dave spoke up. "Oh, I've been helping Fran with a little project she has. She's decided that she wants to start acting more feminine and lady like, so as a first step she agreed to stop wearing shorts and slacks and only wear dresses and skirts from know on." Dave looked over at his sister. "I'll finish helping mom, you go upstairs and dress properly." As Fran turned and walked back up the stairs she heard her mother. "Why Dave, it's so nice of you to help your little sister like that. I'm so glad you two get along so well." Fran could just hear the smile in her mother's voice. Was her mother stupid? Couldn't she see what was going on? Fran worried about something she had overheard her brother say to one of his friends during yesterday's 'first weekly Fran fuck' as her brother insisted on calling it. Her brother, while video taping three guys fucking her at the same time, casually mentioned that soon he would have their mother staked out for a fuck party. Fran went back into her room and while she pulled off her shorts and looked in her closet for a skirt to wear tried to decide what she might do to save her mother. The thought that her mother might not want to be saved never crossed her mind. Deep in thought she was startled when her brother appeared, almost miraculously, beside her. She turned to face him. "You can do whatever you want to me, but I'm not going to let your treat our mother like this." Dave slipped his hands up inside her T-shirt and began to pinch and twist her nipples, which immediately began to harden. Fran could feel lust signals already streaking from her breasts to her cunt. "Not only will I fuck mom, but you will help hold her down the first time, and you will lick her pussy clean when I'm done." Dave gave her nipples an extra hard pinch then released them. "No, I will never help you. I will do everything I can to stop you." She was almost in tears. "Don't worry about it know, when the time comes you will do it willingly. Now come down for lunch. While we eat I have to decide how I'm going to punish you for being a bad girl." Dave turned and walked out of the room. Fran followed behind him chewing her lip pensively. Lunch seemed almost anti-climactic in its normalcy. Their mother talked about her work. Dave talked about classes at school. Fran even managed to relax and participate in the family discussion acting as if her brother's cock had not been inside her twice since she got out of bed that morning. After lunch their mother went to her room for a nap. This was a family custom that had been in place for as long as Dave or Fran could remember. As soon as their mother was out of the room Dave mad Fran tuck the back of her skirt up into the waist band so he could watch her tight little butt while she did the dishes. Fran blushed whenever she caught sight of her brother watching her move around the kitchen with her ass exposed. Every time she came near the table he would reach out and pat her behind. When the table was cleared off Fran ran water in the sink and began to wash the dishes. Dave came up behind Fran and put his hands on the edge of the counter on each side of her. Fran could feel his hard cock through the fabric of his trousers. He wiggled his hips back and forth working the bulge into her ass crack. "You ready to fuck again?" he asked, whispering in her ear. Her cunt was beginning to ooze lubrication. She pushed back against her brother's hard cock. "Don't you ever get tired?" she asked. "I don't think I will ever get tired of your hot cunt, or your tight ass, or your wet mouth." Dave slipped his hands inside her arms and under her T-shirt. He cupped her breasts like a living bra then began to pinch and twist her nipples while she washed the dishes. Fran leaned back against him and could feel his hard hot cock twitching against her. While Fran continued to wash dishes while Dave moved his hands down across her stomach and, lifting the front of her skirt began to run his finger tips through her abundant pubic hair. Dave slipped his fingers around her clitoris and pussy lips leaving them untouched as he gently caressed her inner thighs. Fran's cunt was leaking so much lubrication that her skin seemed to be covered with baby oil. The smell of her sex permeated the room. A deep throaty groan escaped from Fran, as she began to rock her ass up and down on her brother's bulging crotch. Dave pulled Fran back from the sink so she would have to lean over to get at the dishes. Fran heard her brother's zipper, then felt his cock, unencumbered by his trousers, resting against her ass. He ran his fingers over the slick skin of her inner thighs then grabbed each of her cunt lips with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. He pulled her cunt open then gently pushed the head of his large hard cock into her. Fran pulled the last dish from the rinse water and set it in the dish rack then she held onto the edge of the sink and leaned over making her hot wet pussy available to her brother/lover/master. Dave released her cunt lips and allowed them to engulf his cockhead. He grabbed Fran's hips and slowly pushed his cock deeper into her. As Dave large hard cock slowly sank into Fran's hot wet flesh she leaned further over and rested her head against the counter. "Oh God fuck me brother." She said and reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks apart. When Dave reached maximum penetration into his sisters snatch Fran reached back between her legs and began to message his balls with both hands. "I've wanted you to fuck me ever since I found out what fucking was" she finally admitted. Dave bent over Fran's body and while she massaged his balls Dave began to squeeze and massage her breasts and nipples. Then Dave wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back with him until he landed in one of the kitchen chairs with Fran still impaled on his long hard cock. "Don't move." He ordered. "Just sit on my rod and concentrate on what it feels like to have your cunt filled with your brothers cock. " Dave's hands roamed over Fran's body igniting trails of fiery passion every where he touched. Every time her lust overcame her and she would start to move up and down on his cock Dave would grab her hips and order to sit still. Sitting on her brother's lap with his hard cock inside her became an exquisite pain/pleasure for Fran. Not allowed to move her brother's cock seemed to grow inside her until it filled every fiber of her being. Fran's whole body began to tremble. She brought her hand up to her mouth and bit on her knuckle trying to keep from screaming out her pleasure. Fran's cunt muscles began to spasm and tremble, clasping at Dave's invading cock like a hot wet hand. Despite Dave's commands to sit still Fran began to rock back and forth biting her knuckle harder and harder and emitting deep guttural growling sounds with each rock. Fran's universe shrunk until nothing existed except her trembling cunt wrapped around what was now feeling like a monstrously large cock. She wanted to scream at the tops of her lungs. She wanted to yell "FUCK ME GOD DAMN IT FUCK ME." But he didn't start fucking, instead he stopped her rocking, and once again made her sit still on his rock hard organ. "Concentrate on the cock. Don't think about anything but what it feels like inside you." Dave whispered in her ear as his hands continued to leave trails of fire over her lust-crazed body. "Concentrate on what the cock feels like inside your cunt. Concentrate on what your cunt feels like stretched over my cock." Dave continued to whisper in her ear as the trembling of her body turned in to spasms. Dave wrapped one arm around Fran's waist, he picked up and cloth napkin from the table and stuffed it into her mouth then placed his hand over her napkin filled mouth to muffle the screams that accompanied the racking spasms jerking her body forward and backward and side to side. Copious amounts of lubricating fluid ran from Fran's spasming cunt. It flowed over Dave's balls and onto the chair, puddling under his butt. Fran lost contact with the world around her. Her universe consisted of Dave's giant cock deep inside her grasping cunt. Dave held her as the muscle spasms died away and her body went limp in his lap. He pulled the napkin out of her mouth and Fran gulped great lung fulls of air, then laid with her head on her brother's shoulder while she slowly worked her way back to full consciousness. Fran realized that her brother's cock was still hard, and still buried completely in her wet pussy. She started to move her hips wanting to repay Dave for the mind-blowing orgasm he had just given her. Dave grabbed her hips and stopped her. "No. Just sit. There are times when having a hard cock buried in a hot wet cunt is even better that coming. I want to keep my cock inside you until we have to stop. Mother will be in her bedroom for at least another hour, and I intend to keep my hard cock inside your wonderful pussy for fifty-nine of those sixty minutes." Dave began to run his hands over her body again. "I want to see how many of those earth shaking orgasms you can have during the next hour. " "Oh God you're a monster." Fran moaned as she kissed her brother's neck and began to concentrate on the feel of his massive hard cock stretching her hot wet cunt.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Norm DePloom

Slave Sister: Chapter 10

Chapter Ten "Lunch With Mom" Martha kissed the store clerk good bye with a friendly squeeze of his well used cock then walked down the short hallway and out the second door into the bright noon time sun. Her thighs were sticky and wet clear down below the bottom of the short skirt Dave had forced her to wear. Feeling 'frisky' after three good fucks on the floor of the bondage

Slave Sister: Chapter 01

Slave Sister By Norm DePloom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted at normdeploom@yahoo.

Slave Sister: Chapter 02

Chapter Two "Dave's Friends" Saturday morning Fran got out of bed just after her brother finished his morning fuck and headed back to his own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make sense out of what was happening to her. She seemed to have lost all her will power. All day yesterday she did whatever her brother had asked. After sucking his cock in the parking lot of

Slave Sister: Chapter 03

Chapter Three "Fran Goes to Church" Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent

Slave Sister: Chapter 04

Chapter Four "Back to School" Fran was awakened by a soft buzzing under her pillow. Following her brother's instructions she got up and removed her night cloths then walked naked past her mother's bedroom to her brother's room where Dave would be waiting to have his sexual desires serviced. As Fran walked across the room Dave laid on his side against the wall making room for his

Slave Sister: Chapter 05

Chapter Five "The Raffle" Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother Dave's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by her brother just moments before

Slave Sister: Chapter 06

Chapter Six "The Prize" Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples

Slave Sister: Chapter 07

Chapter Seven "Fran's New Family" Dave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally arriving home exhausted and still naked, cum drying on every part of her body. Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at

Slave Sister: Chapter 08

Chapter Eight "A Day With Daddy" Fran and Daddy After church Fran walked to her Daddy's fully restored 1968 Mustang convertible nestled comfortably in his strong arm, and watching with eager anticipation the bulge growing more prominent in his pants. As the engine roared to life Fran straddled the gearshift to get closer to her new Daddy. With her legs spread, the Coach pulled

Slave Sister: Chapter 09

Chapter Nine "Mom Goes Shopping" Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly

Slave Sister: Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven "Vicki's Punishment" "Please Fran," Vickie begged with a whine that was rapidly becoming very irritating to Fran, "I don't want you to be mad at me." Vickie hurried breathless from trying to talk and keep up with Fran's determined steps. "I told you because I thought you would get a kick out of it." Fran suddenly stopped and spun around. By the time Vickie arrested

Slave Sister: Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve "Slave's Revenge" After Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans he jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. "Hey, I've got a great idea." Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio


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