Gay Erotic Stories

Talk Dirty To Me

by Greg Lee Hunt

(This multi-part story is the reenactment of a series of imaginary weekly erotic telephone conversations (phone sex) carried on over a period of time between a married woman and her best friend's husband. The language is descriptive, extremely graphic, and very raunchy. The first telephone conversation begins innocently enough with Cathy making a call to her best friend Nancy. Nancy's husband Gary answers the phone and the conversation evolves.) * * * * * (On a very hot day Cathy places a telephone to her best friend Nancy. Nancy is not at home, but Nancy's husband Gary answers the phone. What begins as a perfectly innocent conversation between the two of them quickly becomes more torrid than the day.) It was an unusually hot afternoon for early May. While residents of the San Fernando Valley are used to hot weather and extreme temperatures in the summer, the sizzling heat had arrived several months earlier than usual. According to the TV newscasts the thermometers outdoors were soaring everywhere in Southern California. The clock read 12:24 PM and the needle on the clock-like thermometer in Gary and Nancy Harris' west Valley backyard pointed to 100° That was in the shade and there was very little of that. To make matters worse, the hottest part of the day was still a good two or three hours away. Gary hated to think about how hot the temperature would become later on. It would soar above 110° he suspected. Lots of new temperature records were likely to be set before this day was over. To counteract the heat outside, Gary had the air conditioning system set to a frigid temperature and the fan blowing at full power. Despite these actions, the room that served as his home office felt warm and stifling. Maybe it was the southern exposure of the room or the fact that the central air system was less than fully efficient. Under the conditions, it was difficult to keep himself from falling asleep. As hot as it was outside, Gary had no idea about how really hot things were about to become for him. Though the heat was intense, it wasn't enough to keep his wife Nancy and their teen-aged daughter Jamie, from getting their hair cut, their nails done or from their favorite recreational activity -- shopping at the mall. Gary, a successful screenwriter, was working on the first draft of a commissioned script for a new movie. He was supposed to meet with the producer at the end of the week with a full outline and treatment. The ring of the telephone disrupted his thought processes. "Hi it's Cathy." Gary had probably heard this familiar girlish greeting hundreds of times before when he'd picked up the phone. He wasn't sure why Cathy thought it necessary to identify herself every time she called because her voice was certainly familiar enough to everyone in the Harris family. Cathy was his wife Nancy's best friend. The two women would talk on the phone for at least an hour every day and sometimes more than once a day. Cathy's daughter, Monica was Jamie's oldest and closest friend. Cathy, her husband David, Gary, Nancy had also become close as families go. Gary wouldn't characterize David as his best friend, but concluded that he was an all right guy. "Oh, hi Cathy. How are you? Are you enjoying this warm weather?" "No I hate it when it's this hot. I'm trying to stay cool but I'm sweating like a pig. Can you ever remember it being sweltering like this in early May?" "No I can't say that I have. I hate the heat too!! I don't see how people can live here without air conditioning." "Well, believe or not, we may have to. Our central air needs servicing and it doesn't seem to be doing the job at all. I can't get the system serviced on a day like today. I can't even get through to the maintenance company, their line has been busy for hours. So I've had to improvise a temporary cooling system. I have the fans blowing and several large buckets of ice sitting between me and the fans. But I'm not sure that it is helping much." She laughed heartily in her own distinctive and provocative laugh, which Gary always thought sounded like a mixture of a high pitched giggle and a belly laugh. He identified with Cathy's discomfort. "Well ours usually works well but I'm sitting in my office and it has to be the hottest room in the house. I'm wearing shorts and a tee shirt, but damn it's still unbearably hot." "Is Nancy around?" "No. I'm sorry she's not. Would you believe that she and Jamie left for appointments at the beauty parlor about half an hour ago and then they plan to do some shopping at the mall? I don't know how they do it, especially on a day as hot as today. Anyway they're gone for the day. I'm supposed to meet them at seven-thirty for dinner. To tell you the truth, I'm a little surprised that you're not with them." "Actually I was feeling a little dizzy earlier and I'm still involved in cleaning up the house in the aftermath of Monica's sweet sixteen party. David took Monica and some friends to the beach, but I just wasn't really up for that so I stayed behind and I'm just doing my best to survive is this heat" Gary thought that Cathy was a bit ditzy and somewhat of a chatterbox. Although their two families were close, he'd have never really gotten into any extended or 'deep' conversations with her. Gary tried his best to end the chat and get back to what he was doing before Cathy's call interrupted him. "Can I give Nancy any special message or should I just have her call you when she gets home?" "No. Nothing really important, just have her call me...well to tell the truth, I'm kind of glad that she's not around. I've had some things on my mind that I've been meaning to ask you about when the right opportunity presented itself and now seems like as good a time as any to do that. Are you busy or do you have a minute or two to talk?" An exasperated look of desperation came over Gary's face but, of course, Cathy couldn't see that. Gary liked Cathy. In her own way she was attractive and pleasant. He thought that she was a very sweet and good person, but she sometimes rubbed him the wrong way. He knew that she meant well but she had the ability to talk and talk and talk, rambling on endlessly. Sometimes she and Nancy would tie up the telephone line for several hours. Cathy's repetitious attention to trivial things and her endless small talk had been known to annoy even Nancy. But, of course, she was Nancy's best friend and she was a nice person. Gary didn't want to be rude so he figured that he would give her five minutes to get whatever she wanted to say to him off of her chest - her ample chest he thought to himself. "Sure. I've got nothing but time. What's on your mind? Anything going on with David or Monica that I can help you with?" "Oh, no it's nothing like that. She giggled. Before I get to what I really want to talk to you about, I have to tell you that you really have looked terrific since you've gone on that diet and lost weight. How much weight have you lost?" "Oh about thirty-five pounds and thank you very much for the compliment." He wondered exactly what Cathy was fishing for, since she could have complimented him becoming slimmer at any time. He detected some uneasiness in her voice and a sense of purpose behind her question and the compliment. "I mean it. I wish I could find a way to lose twenty to twenty-five pounds myself, but no matter what I try, it just doesn't seem to work...anyway since you've lost the weight, you seem much more lively and ...well anyway... Let me be blunt, I can't help it but I've noticed something different about the way you relate to me the last couple of times that our families have gone to dinner together do I put it?" 'Put what?" "Well there have been times recently when I've caught you staring at me, when you thought that I or any one else didn't notice you doing it. It almost seemed like you were ogling me. You had an expression on your face that I'm not certain I fully comprehend. And lately whenever we greet you or you guys leave, your hugs have been much more...I'm looking for the right word....expressive. You used to give me very perfunctory hugs but now you give real hugs, the kind of warm cuddly hugs that a person remembers for a long time afterward." "I'm sorry about that." "Oh, don't be sorry. I like the new way you hug. Really I do...but there's something more too. I've noticed some other curious changes in the way you relate to me. Maybe it's just my imagination but that's why I wanted to talk with you." "What kind of changes?" "Well, for example, the other night when we were finishing up our meals at that rib restaurant in Thousand Oaks. When you handed me the packet of wet naps to wipe the barbecue sauce off of my fingers, you didn't hesitate to point out to me, and to me alone, that the shape and feel of the packet reminded you of a packet of condoms. Also, it used to be that when we were in restaurant that you chose to sit far away from me. I'm not certain if it is intentional but now it seems that you either sit directly across from or right next to me. Also the last few times Dave and I went to the movies with you guys, there were a couple of occasions when you've made remarks or comments that were slightly risqué and even downright bawdy. I've sort of felt well, that they were meant to get rise out of me. Were they?" "...ummm...well, maybe...they could have been ... kind of ...they probably were...I don't know what made me do that, maybe it was something in the air." She was right, of course. Gary had been staring at Cathy a lot lately. He wasn't certain what the exact nature of his attraction to Cathy was. It could have been her feisty, perky personality and her raucous laugh. Maybe it was her red hair, her complexion and her lovely face. It was also probably her girlish playfulness, nearly to the point of naïveté that appealed to him, although he suspected that her pretended innocence was mostly part of a well-rehearsed 'act'. That's something below the surface that he was tuned in to. Almost certainly it was her big breasts that also made her alluring. Possibly it was the way she smelled or some combination of all of those things. He knew that large women turned on some men but he wasn't one of them, though Cathy's heftiness didn't repulse him either. Cathy had said she needed to lose twenty-five pounds. It was probably closer to forty. She wasn't fat but she was large, but then at 5-11 she was nearly as tall as he was. As he thought about it, Gary realized that his first serious girl friend Carla was a tall well-built red head and so was his first wife Linda. Whatever it was about her physical appearance or her personality, Gary found Cathy to be physically very appealing. She had increasingly become the sexual object of many of his secret erotic fantasies over the past six months. Now obviously, she had caught him ogling her. He wondered whether she'd picked up on any other signals that he might be giving off. Despite his recognition of her distinctive allure, he was reluctant to open up to Cathy knowing that she and Nancy shared so many of the intimate details of their lives as trivial gossip that she might reveal this also. "Let me explain what I think is going on with me that might help you understand my behavior. Do you remember the time when the four of us were out together on some kind of dinner date? We went without the kids and you told us a very entertaining dirty joke about a woman who'd just given her boy friend a blowjob. I remember that the thing that made the punch line especially funny was your imitation of the woman trying to talk while her mouth was filled with her boyfriend's cum. That was pretty bold of you. Anyway, I thought it was. Those are the kind of jokes that I expect to hear at a poker game or watching football with the guys. The fact that you even knew those kind of jokes let alone told it in public gave me a new perspective of you. I guess I didn't expect you to be telling that kind of raunchy joke. I had always thought of you as being so non-sexual. Another thing that impressed me was when you went out and got a henna tattoo painted on your arm. Somehow those two things made me think of you in a new way. I no longer saw you merely as the friend of my wife or as merely one part of a family unit with whom we've become friendly. I began to think of you as my friend, and as an individual. The kind of person that I can relate to and relax my guard with. Believe me it wasn't that way before. I see you as kind of a kindred spirit." "Oh you mean that you saw me being 'one of the boys'...something like that?" There was something peculiar about the way about the way that Cathy phrased her question. It was almost as if she was teasing him and fishing for quite a different answer. "Well I wouldn't put it that way!" "Then, how would you put it?" Now there was definitely a seductive undertone in Cathy's question. "Well I just feel much freer around you than I have before. I'm able to relate to you as a real person and open up some more, to express my true feelings and so on. Am I being clear? I guess I'm a bit uncomfortable. I'm not certain I know where this conversation is leading." "Where do you want it to lead?" That clinched it. Gary no longer doubted that Cathy was trying to seduce or at least tempt him sexually. He was confused. He did find her attractive and yes sexually alluring, but he wasn't ready to admit it too her just yet. He needed to stall for time and decided to play dumb. "Oh, nowhere special, I was just commenting on how I see things. PAUSE By the way, I know a really good Heating and Air Conditioning contractor. He's honest, he's good and least he won't cheat you." Obviously, Gary was making an effort to change the subject and take the conversation back to a more comfortable level. Somehow Cathy wasn't buying any of it. "You're hinting at something else. If I were a betting woman, I would bet that you have some much more basic motivation in hmmm ...sexual feelings for example. By the way, do you think that I'm sexy?" "What makes you say that? What makes you think that I'm interested in having sex with you?" "I didn't ask you if you were interested in having sex with me, YOU used those words, and attributed them to me. I only asked if you thought that I was sexy but your little slip of the tongue indicates that having sex with me is something that has crossed your mind before! But you still haven't answered my question. Do you think I'm sexy?" "Well, yes I do. I think you're very sexy as a matter a fact." "But I put on this weight and I'm so fat. Sometimes I think that I look like a cow, or a whale or even a hippopotamus. How can you find that sexy?" Though she was on the heavy side, Cathy was still a very pretty woman and being so tall her heaviness was not unattractive. She had reddish auburn hair that was cut fashionably short, with wisps that cascaded playfully over her forehead. She also had compelling green eyes and her ruddy complexion was splattered with light freckles. Her face was rounded and complemented by a lovely nose and an even better mouth. In fact, Cathy's mouth was probably her most attractive and sensual feature. Her teeth were straight and her lips were perfectly proportioned and slightly pouty. She had a dimpled yet elegant chin. But she had put on weight, a lot of weight, in the ten years that Gary had known her. Without the weight she'd have been even more beautiful. In fact, she'd be drop dead gorgeous. "Well because you are a very beautiful woman. I've always thought that you are one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen. I mean that sincerely. And you weren't always heavy. I remember those photographs of you that David showed us that he took when you guys were on your honeymoon. There were a couple of you wearing a two-piece bathing suit in which you were an absolute knockout In fact you had a great figure and if I didn't know who you were I could have easily mistaken you for a glamour model. (Or even Playboy Magazine's Playmate of the Month with those kind of tits)" he thought to himself silently not wanting to share that last part of that thought with Cathy. "You looked fabulous when those pictures were taken." Gary secretly wondered whether David would have had the balls to take some topless pictures of Cathy that were locked away and forgotten. He also wondered whether David had taken any nude or even intentionally erotic photographs of Cathy during that time. "Yes but that was twenty years ago, I was barely out of my teens." "But time has been good to you. There is a lot to be said for the mature beauty of a good-looking 40 + year old woman. With you, beauty improves with age. You've gotten better and better looking over the years I've known you." "I'm blushing and I really don't know what to say. That's very sweet of you and it's a very lovely compliment...thank you." "You're welcome. I mean it. Are you embarrassed by my frankness?" "A little I suppose but ... well I lovvved hearing it as a matter of fact. I haven't gotten very many compliments of that kind in the last few years." "Well you deserve them and as for 'fat' that's primarily a cultural thing, Have you ever seen paintings by the renaissance Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens or any of his contemporaries or more recent one's by Renoir." "Yes, I think I have." "Well those painters glorified, venerated and elevated 'big' women to a new level of eroticism. Their paintings of naked 'voluptuous' ladies are among the most sensual ever painted on canvas." "What do think I'd look like without any clothes on? Would seeing me naked turn you on? Maybe I should rephrase my question. Have you ever thought about seeing me without my clothes on?" There was an uncomfortably long silence. Gary was too embarrassed to answer a question that was so direct, so personal, and so potentially embarrassing to him. 'You haven't answered my question. Maybe I should phrase it slightly differently to make the meaning more clear. Have you ever wanted to see me without any clothes on?" 'Well I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but yes I have." "Have you had that thought more than just one time?" "Yes, as a matter of fact I've fantasized about seeing you naked quite a few times, especially in the last few months". "Hmmm... that's nice, very nice. I appreciate your honesty and I take it as a compliment." Gary felt himself blushing and beginning to perspire profusely. Although he knew that Cathy couldn't see him, he was embarrassed by and felt pangs of guilt about the confession that she'd just cajoled out of him. He also felt himself becoming sexually aroused. There was a tingle and a quickening between his legs and became aware of the fact that an involuntary release of seminal fluid was oozing into his jockey shorts. Obviously this telephone conversation was about to take him into some new and uncharted territory. It was a potentially very dangerous area to explore but it was also a stimulating one. Gary needed to stall for time and to compose his thoughts. He had distinctly mixed feelings about whether or not he even wanted to continue this conversation. In fact, he wondered if he hadn't said too much already. Maybe Cathy and Nancy had conspired in order to test out their husbands' commitment and faithfulness, and Cathy was using this conversation to test his loyalty to Nancy. If that were so, would Nancy be having the same kind of conversation with David? 'Cathy, would you mind if I put you on hold for a minute, I want to move from where I am to a more comfortable location and we'll pick up the conversation when I get there.' "Sure, but don't take tooooo long. This conversation was just beginning to get really interesting." He pushed the hold button on the telephone, got up out of his chair, and looking down noticed for the first time that he had sprouted an erection...a full blown hard on. He got up and walked about ten feet into the master bedroom, sat down on the bed and flipped the speaker button on the phone. 'Hi, I'm back. Sorry about the interruption." "Where are you now?" "Oh, I'm in the bedroom." "Oh I see. And was there some specific reason that you wanted to continue our conversation from the bedroom?" "We...well..." For the first time that afternoon Gary the wordsmith and master conversationalist found himself being absolutely without words and tongue-tied. Obviously he was aroused and a little flustered by the turn the conversation had taken. Cathy was beginning to probe further and obviously she was about to discover that he had the hots for her. Furthermore she would learn that she has been the secret object of his lust and lascivious thoughts for a very long time. "I seem to have pushed a couple of your buttons, haven't I. Uhmmm. Uhh Do you have a hard-on?" Though Cathy's question was very intrusive and totally unexpected, Gary didn't hesitate to respond honestly. "Yes. YES as a matter of fact I do." Snickering. "That's very nice and thanks again for giving me another compliment. I'll admit that find you sexy too, and if you must know the truth, I'm feeling very, very flushed and warm myself and it's not from the hot temperature outside. Something else is going on...isn't it? Something adventuresome, but also very pleasurable in a risky way." "Are you comfortable?" "Yes, I guess so. Do you mean physically or emotionally?" "Both!" "Well I suppose that I could prop some more pillows under my ass and my neck..." "Oh, are you lying on your bed too?" "Mmmm. Why of course, my bed is a very comfortable and welcoming place." Cathy had lured Gary with the bait and hooked him, but now he wanted to take charge of the conversation, at least for a little while to test her a bit more. "Why don't you do that?" "And, as far as the other part ...well I've got butterflies in my stomach and my mouth is very dry. I guess I'm wondering what I'm letting myself in for and where this conversation is leading. After all you are my best friend's husband." Cathy's voice had taken on a tone of 'staged' and pretended scolding. "Who knows where it's leading? I certainly don't. Wherever we let it go, I suppose. But remember you can stop me or yourself anytime you feel really uncomfortable. You can even hang up on me if you want. I'll understand." "You're right! I can hang up. But I don't want to... at least not yet." "What are you wearing?" "Oh just an old flowered throw on robe, my bra and a pair of panties." "Would you like to take off your robe? If it will make you more comfortable, that is." Yes, as a matter of fact, I would like to do just that." "Then do it!" Gary could hear the rustling sound of the fabric rubbing against her body. "It's off." "Why don't you push the speaker phone button, that way you can hear me and speak without having to hold the receiver, leaving your hands free to do other things if you feel like doing something." "OK. Can you hear me?" "Loud and clear! Now would you describe your bra and panties to me? I want to picture what you look like in them." "How about what I look like 'out of them'?" "One step at a time, maybe we'll get to that later... now tell me about them, pretend that I'm there on sitting on your bed next to you. What would I see if I was looking at you now? I want the details." Cathy was beginning to breathe a little more heavily and even the crackling sound of what must have been her body squirming and adjusting itself on the fabric covering the bed's surface. "Hmm pretend that you're sitting on my bed... now that's an interesting thought, and come to think of it -- a pleasant one ... Well, I'm wearing a hunter green Victoria's Secret large push-up bra. It has florets and its cut low on the bodice. The cut pushes my breasts upward and together exaggerating their voluptuousness. Because of the cut of the bra, there's a lot of flesh showing. The bra has a lacy finish and it's got florets patterned on the cups, the trim is satiny." "Very good I can almost see it. Green goes nicely with your complexion, I can almost see it on you. What about straps and how does it open -- in the front or the back?" "The straps are over my shoulders resting on my collar bone." "Lower them onto your upper arms." "Right...and the bra snaps open in the front underneath my breasts." "Would you mind telling me your bra size?" "Umm...well if you must know its 40 DD but sometimes even bras that size feel a little tight on me. So maybe 'they've' grown. Does that do anything for you?" "Yes, as a matter of fact, it does! I've always been a breast man. Just a little fetish of mine, I suppose. Obviously it hasn't taken too much exposure or more than casual observation on my part to notice that your boobs are large and voluptuous, but I never realized or imagined that they were nearly that big. I'd love to have a look at them, do you think you could...?" "Take my bra off? Of course, your wish is my command monsieur. The snapping sound of a plastic clip being unfastened crackled over the speakerphone. "There, it's done. That's better I like it when they feel free and unfettered. You like?" "Hmm...tell me about your tits!" "What do you want to know?" "Everything! I want to know their size, shape, texture, any differences between the right one and the left one, whether they sag, the size and texture of your aureole and your nipples, please don't spare me any of the details. Then after you tell me all of that, why don't you touch them and play with them for me and then tell me how you like to have them touched and sucked. What turns you on?" "Whew ...this is getting really private. I'm getting hotter. Maybe I should drink some water first to cool me off. This conversation is turning me on...a lot!" "Do you want me to stop being so personal?" "No..No..NOOO ... Don't stop! Please Don't Stop!!! You can ask me anything that you want about my body. In fact, if you want to know the truth, I would love it if you would come over here right now! I'll leave the front door unlocked for you and when you come in you'll find me lying on my bed with only my panties on. Then you can see my breasts for yourself and see and even touch so much more of me too if you want that. If you'd like me to, I'll take my panties off too. So if you want to cum over now, I promise to make the trip very worth your while and you won't be disappointed I can assure you of that." "Thanks for the invitation, but no. I think it's best if we limit this ... whatever this is -- to phone seduction or phone sex...for the time being anyway. There are too many complications involved and emotions, besides, the possible consequences of anything more would be too much for either one of us to handle at this point. We'd regret it. Big time!" "I suppose you're right, but I really meant what I said and my invitation is still open if you change your mind." "I know you did. If things were different I'd take you up on your proposition in a minute." "You are so full of compliments. I'll 'fess' up to being sexually attracted to you too." "Oh really!! Is that a recent thing?" "No, not really. Sexual thoughts of you have titillated me on for some time. Only I've repressed those feelings and the thoughts and images associated with them pretty well don't you think. I'll bet that you never suspected that I had the hots for you." "You're right I hadn't. I was totally clueless." "Anyway I'm glad to know that your penis has gotten hard because of me. But I wish there were some way that I could take advantage of that situation and that is was possible for me to feel your hardness. I love to have my fingers playing with stiff, hard man things or the feeling of a man's long hard thing planted deep inside the place between my thighs, or filling the inside of my mouth." "Uh oh, this is pretty steamy, raunchy stuff! Gary felt his heart palpitating uncontrollably. Listen. Maybe we should stop this teasing right now or change the subject before one of us says or does something we'll live to regret." "No Gary, I don't want to change the subject!! This is the first time that I've ever had the nerve to own up to my sexual feelings and to share those feelings with the person who evoked them, especially knowing that the same person is sexually aroused by me too. I've never opened up like that even with David. Besides knowing that I provoke sexual excitement in you makes me feel much better about myself. I haven't felt this good in a very long time. I mean, I love David. In fact, I adore him. He is a wonderful husband, a good companion and a great father. I can't imagine not being married to him or ever leaving him, but you know how it is, familiarity breeds boredom. He just doesn't light my fires anymore. I'll bet that if you asked David to be honest and open, that he would tell you pretty much the same thing about me." "What do you think he'd say?" "That I don't excite him anymore. That he is indifferent to the prospect of having sex with me. I think that's why I we've both allowed ourselves to become so fat and sloppy. It's also why I used to spend such late hours at the office when I was working and why David spends so much time away from me. I'll tell you something that no one else knows." "What's that?" "I have always been much more sexually expressive and needed sex more than David did, and I was and I still am far more adventurous too! Don't get me wrong, David was usually a good lover. But in the last five years or so the frequency of our sex has dwindled to almost nothing and somehow I always suspected that David was having sex with me because he was doing his husbandly duty. That he wanted to please me and that he didn't need very much reciprocation himself." "Somehow that part of it doesn't surprise me at all." "I mean I love to fuck, and I really enjoy oral sex, both giving and getting head, and I treasure and indulge myself in all of the playing and playfulness that goes on before and after lovemaking. I haven't had an orgasm from any kind of sexual activity with David in...let me least the last nine...or maybe ten years. I want it. In fact, I want it more now than ever before. But David doesn't. Somehow he just doesn't seem to need it the way that I do. He can take sex or leave it. I couldn't be unfaithful so I've had to resort to other means, more basic one's if you know what I mean to bring me to my climax." "Wow, that's quite an admission. Okay, I think I understand you better now and I can appreciate and just enjoy the give and take and the sexual energy that's going one right now." As a matter of fact Gary was creaming in his pants, he hadn't anticipated that one telephone conversation could arouse him as much as this one was doing even though Cathy was frequently the subject of some of his most explicit and lewd masturbatory fantasies. "Would you mind if I pry? What about yours and Nancy's sex life? I mean Nancy has been a doll and she's my best friend and even though I've had lusty thoughts about you for quite a while, I would never do anything that would hurt Nancy. I couldn't live with myself if I did." Gary was careful not to say anything that might get back to Nancy or that he might later regret saying, but he didn't want to lie either. "Nancy is a very affectionate lover and she really turns me on physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, we don't have sex frequently enough to suit me. Even though I fantasize about you and I've also fantasized about other women in the past, until this phone conversation I've always been absolutely faithful and loyal to her and I've never had any reason to cheat on her. We're very good in bed together but I wish that she were more adventurous and aggressive in bed. I love women who are sexually aggressive." "Hmmm.. and tell you what they want." "The only thing is that our sex is pretty conventional...our experimentation with a variety of sexual positions has been very limited and frankly, Nancy is not responsive to oral sex...I mean to my going down on her. In fact she won't allow me to do that to her any more. And I love eating pussy." "Um, I love being eaten!" "I thought that might be the case. Sometimes I have fantasies about you sitting on my face and my chowing down or rather 'up' on you to use a crude expression." "OOOuuuuhhh...siggghh. You Do? I like that too!" "Your pussy would probably taste delicious!" "Oh do you really think so? Tell me more. I'm blushing and you're making me feel even warmer than I was when we first started. What do you think my pussy would taste like?" "Sweet and juicy like a great big peach or a ripe plum. Those are the images that keep popping up whenever I try to visualize your pussy." "Huff...Pant , mmmmmm ... ooohh ... that's soooo nice! Please come over now and I'll let you take a bite out of me and give you a nice generous sample of my pussy to taste." "You know I can't do that! What's going on?" "My pussy is getting juicy, just thinking about you eating it." "I like the feel of pussy juice on my cheeks and on my chin." "Oooooh... lets change the subject before you drive me out of my mind and I pop my cork, especially since you're not willing to come over and sample my pussy for real!" "I want to admit something else to you. I love it when a woman is very expressive in bed, especially when she's in heat and in the throes of passion building toward her orgasm Kind of like how Meg Ryan was in the 'Deli Scene" in Harry and Sally only more so. Sex is doubly pleasurable for me when a woman is noisy -- you know -- loudly sighing, screaming, moaning and using crude, descriptive language that leaves no doubt about what she's feeling and what she wants you to do to her. . I really get off on that sort of thing. I love to feel my lover's finger nails clawing at my back and her legs thrashing or kicking wildly or the feeling of my hips or cheeks being crushed by her powerful thighs squeezing them." "Oh.... is Nancy like that?" "No, I'm afraid not...not really...I wish she were. Are you?" "Well I can be...I used to be years ago. But David hasn't made love to me in a way that would make me respond in the manner you described in years. When we were first married he used to go down on me, sometimes. When he did that I'd go crazy in just the way you're describing. As I said, I love being eaten, but that's ancient history. David has lost all interest in oral sex if he ever had much. Except, of course if I tell him that I want to suck him off...but you know he doesn't even want that very much any more and somehow sucking his cock doesn't appeal to me that much any more either. Do you like having your cock sucked?" "I can't think of anything that brings me more pleasurable feelings than getting a good blow job. In a word, I love it. Especially when the person doing it really knows what they are doing and enjoys doing it. I mean I love it when someone knows how to knock my socks off with a blow job." "I give great head. It's something that I really enjoy doing. I'm licking my lips. I'd love to deep throat your cock." "UHHH ohhhh, speaking of my cock. It's standing at attention again. Describe how you'd suck my cock!" "Sure why not. I picture you in a pair of tight jeans and bare-chested sitting on a sofa. I'm in sitting next to you wearing just a bra and panties. I'd put a pillow on the floor and get down onto my knees facing you. I would take off my bra and rub my tits up along the rough fabric of your blue jeans. I'd begin to lick the fabric on your jeans right around the crotch and make it nice and wet while enclosing your little bulge in my hot mouth. Then, I'd unbutton your fly and put my mouth on your crotch, you know so that there would be prominent mouth shaped lipstick marks staining your shorts. I bet you'd keep them as a souvenir or a trophy to commemorate my blowing you. I would want to make your dick hard and feeling very uncomfortable that way. I would love to see your inflating cock straining at and trying to rip through the fabric of your underwear. Next, I'd start talking dirty to you." "Talk dirty to me!" "You sure like giving me orders." "No I don't. In fact just the opposite is true." Cathy's tone of voice changed instantaneously, as if her ears perked up to something that piqued her curiosity. "Oh really! Tell me more about that!" "Well that's the subject of another 'conversation' altogether. Maybe we can make that the subject of our next phone call if you like. That is if we ever have another telephone conversation like this." "Oh, I want to do this with you again and you can bet that we will. And you can also bet that a full discussion of the remark you made will be the first item on my agenda." "Sound's like fun. I'm looking forward to it already. Now where were we? Oh yeah, talk dirty to me!" "Then I would open up your fly and take your big delicious cock in my mouth. I want to caress and suck your at a time. I would take off my bra and ease your cock into my cleavage and begin stroking you. I'd open my mouth and draw your cock into my mouth just like sucking on a straw, a thick straw... I want to look up at your face and without my saying a single word plead with you to ram your big cock between my lips and fuck my mouth. I would want to know if I'm bringing you pleasure. Please let me experience what it feels like to have your cock become hard inside my mouth. I want to feel my lips distending, being pulled apart, and my cheeks inflating as you feed me all of your huge sex machine. Fill my mouth with you. I want to gag on your big salami dick feeling your big hard rod slamming against my throat...and your balls battering against my full yielding lips. Slurry. That's the sound of my tongue flickering on the big meaty head. I'll bet you'd really go nuts if I was to scrape the edges of my teeth along the meaty surface of your big mushroom shaped cockhead and if I playfully nibble on the opening of your pisshole. All the while I'd squeeze your big snake in my hand, harder and harder and faster. Finally you can't take anymore, your stomach tenses and your ball sac tightens and you shoot your hot cum bullets into my mouth filling it to overflowing ... I love the taste of your jiz and swallow every...." "Stop, I can't stand it anymore.... Oooohh. That's sooo nice." "How am I doing? Are you playing with yourself?" "You're doing great and no I'm not playing with myself. Not yet any way, but I am seriously thinking about it." "Well I am playing with myself, so you can feel free to start whacking off any time you want to." "Where did you ever learn to talk raunchy like that? And more to the point where did you ever learn to suck a cock like that? David is sure a lucky guy." "Oh, I've never sucked David quite that way, in fact I've never blown anybody that way, but I'd gladly and eagerly suck your cock that way. Really I would! I would love the feel of a hard cock filling my mouth. Believe it or not I would want you to cum inside my mouth and I promise that I would swallow everything you deposit there. You already know that I read a lot. But I bet that you didn't know that I like reading erotic stories. I even have a secret diary of stories and sex fantasies that I've written myself locked in protected files on my computer. Sometimes when I know that David or Monica aren't going to be around for a while I'll go to the video store and rent a XXX hard-core porno film and watch it. I can watch it and even take it back to the store before they return. I enjoy porn films, do you?" "I picked up on that once in an exchange of remarks between David and you. Yes, I like porn too but Nancy doesn't." "Oh David is a such a fuddy-duddy prude. He'd never watch porn himself or even allow me to watch it in the house if he knew about it." "Maybe we could watch a porn film together sometime." "You never can tell. It depends on what else we'd be doing. What's that sound?" "I'm just taking you up on your offer and starting to jack off." "I would love listening to you do that. I want to hear what you sound like when you cum, would you let me do that?" "Sure, but I'd like your help." "What do you want me to do?" "Well first if you have a vibrator or even if you don't, you can keep on playing with yourself too. I promise you that I won't come until you are just about ready to come yourself. We'll be having sex over the phone in a manner of speaking. And I would love it if you would share one of your sex fantasies with me." "What about your fantasies?" "Well, you already said that you wanted me to tell you about some of them the next time we talked." "Oh. Now I'm beginning to get an idea about what some of your fantasies are. I'm even more intrigued and turned on by them. Okay. It's a deal. But you have to promise me that you won't leave anything out the next time we talk like this and before we hang-up I want to know when we will be talking again." "I promise I won't leave anything out. And by the way the fact that you are turned on with just the barest clue about what my fantasies are, turns me on even more. Maybe we can even fantasize together sometime soon. A little role playing if you know what I mean." "Hmmm, I catch your drift and yeah I think I could get into that with you, especially when I know a little more about your fantasies. It sounds like that would be fun. What do you want to know about my sex fantasies?" "Tell me about the wildest sex fantasy you've ever had. Please don't leave anything out. I like details and dirty talk." Gary heard the faint buzz of what he assumed must be Cathy's vibrator in the background. "Okay, are you playing yourself yet?" "Yes. And it feels sooo good. Knowing that you're there listening to me do it excites me and just hearing your voice arouses me even more." "That's great. It's nice to know that I'm such a turn-on for you. Anyway here goes. Hmmm...ohh, ahh. OK. I want you to try to imagine that I'm all alone standing stark naked in a nearly empty room and that my body is in the same trim and buff shapes that it was fifteen years ago. I've been summoned to this place by a mysterious letter and given instructions to strip when I got here. Imagine that this large empty room has wooden floors and very large opaque windows. Sunlight bathes the room but it is impossible for anyone outside to see in and for anyone inside to see out. Besides that the room is on the second story of a two story building and all of the surrounding buildings are deserted. The building seems to be some kind of abandoned warehouse or an old factory. The only furniture anywhere is a bathtub that is located exactly in the center of the room. It's an old fashioned bathtub, the kind with feet that stands alone...and it's a king sized one ... very, very roomy. Ahhh. Suddenly, without any warning, a mysterious group of about twenty men walks into the room. They are all muscular, very handsome men. Most of them appear to be very young men in their early twenties. They are all wearing black masks like the one that the Lone Ranger used to wear, so that I can't identify them. They surround and tower over me. I'm a little frightened, and anxious not knowing what they want to do to me, but I'm also very aroused being surrounded by such hunks." "Six of the men pick me up and carry me to the bathtub. Although I'm naked and totally vulnerable, they are very careful in the way they handle me. They avoid touching my breasts or my genitals. I'm standing at the side of the bathtub. I'm waiting for something, anything to happen. Then, one of the mysterious men, who seems to be older than the others and appears to be their leader points to the bathtub and signals me to get into it. Not a word has been spoken. The silence is eerie. The men form a ring and surround the bathtub. They are bunched around it so tight, that there is almost no space between them and certainly no avenue for my escape. OOOOOhhhhhh ... sigh ... puff" Increasingly, Cathy's words were punctuated by her heavy breathing "All of the men are dressed exactly the same way. They are wearing tight leather pants and rip away white shirts. Even though they are fully clothed I can see that they are all beautiful physical specimens and endowed with very large penises. A minute later my observation is confirmed as each of the men strips off his clothing and stands at attention. Ahhhhhh. They move around the bathtub making certain that I have ample opportunity to view each of them naked. Although their penises are flaccid, its obvious that their size is extraordinary." "Groan...sign...moan. Oh yeah... more" "Then on a signal from their leader, each man begins stroking his penis until he has obtained an erection. Then one man gets into the bathtub and stands directly in front of and over me. He begins masturbating vigorously. Pant ... Pant ... puff .. I watch in awe and I'm able to observe as his body begins to perspire. I have a close up view of the physiological changes occurring as he becomes more and more sexually aroused. I watch his muscles tighten and his scrotum tense up as his orgasm becomes inevitable and imminent. At the very moment of his ejaculation he rips off his mask, it doesn't matter much though because his jism spurts onto my face and that temporarily blinds me. The man continues to cum for what seems an eternity in gush after slow motion gush of milky colored liquid. It feels warm and sticky as it hits my face and begins to trickle down my neck and onto my breasts." "Uh....uhh... this is getting me hot and very, very bothered...I think I need to come up for a breath of air." "I can hear that...sigh uuh too. But I don't want you to stop now. Keep on jerking off! I don't want you to come yet either, you do understand me. Don't you?" "Yes, yes of course...snnugh...oww, ooh." "Aghhhh .. Ohh .. Good. Anyway, when my vision returns and I look up again, I'm able to see that the first man has left and a second man has taken the first one's place and he is now standing in front of me. ... whew I need some air ... Like his friend he begins masturbating and after a few minutes he comes and just like the first guy, he ejaculates on me. He sprays his cum all over me. He is indiscriminate in his aim. Some of his cum juice lands on my face, some on my breasts and some even falls on my belly." "Uuuuugh..ooooh, this is really making me hot! I'm....ooh, not much longer I can hold myself back from ...uuumph...ooh ...cummming." Cathy's breathing was becoming more pronounced, even labored and interspersed with mewling, grunting and low moaning sounds. "Each of the remaining mysterious men in sequence repeats the same act. Each one of them unmasking as he ejaculates...until the leader... he is the last one to get into the tub with me begins to he nears his orgasm, he gestures for to me to open my mouth. Just as I do so he begins to ejaculate, aiming his stream of hot sticky cock milk directly into my wide-open and awaiting mouth... He unmasks so I can look at him. He is you. You are smiling. It's a kind of a wicked grin. You come and come and come and come you are completely spent then like the others you leave the bathtub and return to the circle. The salty musky taste of your semen fills my mouth, and I begin drooling small amounts of a cum juice and saliva cocktail before swallowing the rest of it." It was very obvious that Gary and Cathy were nearing their respective orgasms, Gary was approaching the point of no return and Cathy was having difficulty speaking between her pants and moans. She began garbling her words. "The men carry a large mirror and place it in front of ... puff ...meee.. huff. As I look ... aaiii.. ooohh. I can see that I 'm drenched and co..uu..vered from head toe with layer upon layer of cc cum juices, it is sticky and drying but it feels wonderful and I'm smiling because of all the atten .. atten shin that.....oooh, ahh I'm close t..tooo .. oooooo .. it'll be just another minute orrr minute or two, can you wait that long for me?" "Umm, pant .. puff...pant... puff ... ahh.. it may be difficult but I'll try to hold back for as long as I can," "But these mysterious attractive men aren't through with me yet ...The leader, aeeh, yi yi you tell me that they've been jacking off for weeks anticipating thisssss ev..ent ...saving all of their cuuum for by one each man reappears.....holding a jar filled with his collected cum juice...they keep pouring it...hussssh...sigh oooooh.. ver.. me. until my bo.. pant..dy is ..pant, drenched ugh..ooooo.. and cuv -erred with cummmmm. I'm....ahhh....sitting in a bathtub filled alm..ost eeehh.. to the brim.. wiiii...cuhum soup .Themmen... uuugh.. moan.. start agh .. the As each one of the ggguys leaves the room, he passes in front of me...he wipes any stic ..hick ..y oooh stuff still on his penis onto my face and then forces me to kiss and su..uu.c.kkk the head of his c...k...... ohh eat me ... eatM .... God I want you to eat meeeeee ...miiii puss.... Please Gary... please ...ea... Ayyyyyy...I'III'm cummmmi...cummmmm...oooh god..oooooh yes, fuuckk me...Fuckme...FUKME HARD Gary!....ooohmigoood... screech ... moan ... F..u..c..k ME Yes, ohmigoddd... it feels Sooo Good ... aiiiyyy... oooooooohh.yes..yES.YES...YES. ohhGAWD... OH YESS YESSSSSSYESS YESSS..yESSSSSSSS............. oooooh YESSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssss .............. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh." (Silence) "Oooohhhhhhh miiii... god...grunt, grunt....sigh sigh sigh..I'm cumming too and my cuuum... It's spurting all...over me and aall over everything else. I'll have to clean it up before Nancy gets home" "UHHHH....uhhhh. thatsss good. That's breath..what...pant...I hoped would happen." It took a few minutes for the passionate throes of their climaxes to subside. Finally each of them had recovered some of their wind and collected their thoughts enough to be able to resume a conversation. Cathy was the first one to speak. "Whew. I'm still catching my breath. Whew ... puff .. puff. Well what did you think of my fantasy? Was it raunchy enough for you?" "I'll say it was. You are one very hot and kinky lady." "Thank you. It was a very real fantasy and vivid, and its one that I've had many, many times before. I'd love to arouse a man, then watch him masturbate and have him cum all over my face and boobs. I've often wondered what it would feel like to be bathing in a tub filled with male love creme." "I've had almost the same fantasy ... only the other way of course!" "And you were really the person doing that to me in my fantasies." "YOU TOO!!!" "I can't believe it, we both have the mirror image of the same fantasy. That's extraordinary. Almost surreal and metaphysical. What do you think it means?" "I don't know. Who cares? And what the hell does it matter, anyway? All I know is that I get off on it every time. I really can't believe that we did this. That was the best sex I've had in years and my best orgasm ever." "It was great for me too!" "Do you feel guilty about it?" "Do you?" "Nawwwh." "Nah." "You've made me feel like a real woman again. I want you to cum over here so that I can kiss you passionately all over your nipples, your cock, even your asshole...Everywhere, but unfortunately I guess that won't happen today." "Thanks, its nice to know that there is a woman out there that has wild sexual fantasies that are like my own." "Promise me that we'll do this again!" "I promise that we will." "I'm holding you to it. Give my love to Nancy and Jamie." "And mine to David and Monica. We'll probably see you guys sometime later this week." "Probably so... unfortunately it won't be just the two of us alone and it definitely won't be the way that I really want to see you." "And how is that?" "Lying naked on a bed sporting a big, throbbing hard-on that's waiting impatiently to be shoved into my warm, wet, twat." "Wow!!" "And you know that what I want is for you to fuck me so intensely and so deep that I can feel your balls pressing against my pussy lips, trying to get in to my warm juicy hole. And I want to taste the head of your cock clogging up my throat, as it tries to exit my body through my mouth. Oh well. I've got to get off the phone now after getting off with you. I'm exhausted, but I'm also feeling absolutely tingly from head to toe. Let's do this again next Saturday at 1:00 o'clock, I can get David to run a long errand and I'll send Monica somewhere too so that we can talk for hours without being disturbed or overheard." "I'll do the same. Nancy will probably have finished her usual routines by then and be off somewhere, doing something. Jamie just needs an excuse and some friend to visit. But just to be safe, lets make it at 2:00 o'clock." "I'm looking forward to it. I loved having phone sex with you and I really hope that we can do it again next Saturday. She laughed again in her unique and distinctive way. Luv ya. Bye." Click The image conjured up by Cathy's parting comments and her description of the way she said that she wanted to him to fuck her stayed with Gary for a long time afterward. Obviously, her intent was to titillate Gary and to make his rod get hard again. It worked. What a prick tease she was! Contributed and posted with permission from


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Greg Lee Hunt

A Different Kind of Therapy

(Have you ever imagined what might happen if you trusted someone enough to tell them your innermost secret sexual fantasies? You know the kind of dark fantasies that you hide even from yourself. What if that person suddenly became the 'real life' object of those fantasies? Or What if knowing what your sexual fantasies were, she surprised you by fulfilling them? This is a fictionalized

Darlene's Story Chapter 1

My wife's best friend is a lady named Darlene. She is a very pretty redhead. Darlene was grossly overweight in her thirties. Last year, when she turned forty, Darlene lost more than seventy five pounds and the results have been spectacular. Darlene is extremely self centered and she can be combative and very bossy. She doesn't like to take no for an answer. This story (parts 1, 2 and

Darlene's Story Chapter 2

(In Part 2 Darlene decides to become a participant in the sex play with Greg and her husband. She uses and sexually dominates Greg while punishing and humiliating her husband) In spite of all of their careful planning and the elaborate security measures they'd taken to keep their sexual encounter clandestine, Brian Carr and Greg Hunt were caught flagrante dilecto (in the act). To

Darlene's Story Chapter 3

Part III- Mistress Darlene (In Chapter 3, Darlene completes her transformation from a grossly overweight undersexed wife into an alluring and svelte dominatrix who is served and serviced by a group of submissive males. She contrives a plan that will reveal her secrets to her friends Abby and Pamela and subsequently recruit them into the world of female domination.) Nearly eight

Hot Email

Last November, on my forty-third birthday, my wife Abby gave me a special birthday present by making a fantasy of mine come true. Abby remembered that I'd once accidentally blurted out my fantasy of wanting to put on a private masturbation and sex show for some woman other than Abby. I realized that I'd hurt Abby with that revelation and dropped the matter quickly. The subject never

Talk Dirty To Me

(This multi-part story is the reenactment of a series of imaginary weekly erotic telephone conversations (phone sex) carried on over a period of time between a married woman and her best friend's husband. The language is descriptive, extremely graphic, and very raunchy. The first telephone conversation begins innocently enough with Cathy making a call to her best friend Nancy. Nancy's

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