Gay Erotic Stories

The Basketball Player

by DutchBoy

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend, Brian, played professional basketball. I don't think I'd ever met a man that tall before. Standing well over seven feet, he moved with a grace I'd not have expected from one so big! At any rate, we hit it off right from the start. Brian was very gracious, and very attentive. I knew from the first moment he took my hand in his that he was going to be a great lover, but I had no idea how much I'd enjoy this athlete until later that night. I'm not a very big woman, and my five foot five inches, seemed even smaller next to Brian. His hand was bigger than my entire face! They arrived home around seven that night. We had planned to go to a club and have a few drinks, maybe dance a bit and then make an early night of it. In the back of my mind, I was concentrating on Father's Day, and knew that it would be a full day. I was sure I'd appreciate the rest the night before. But once Patrick and Brian arrived, the whole evening changed. "Rachael, I want you to meet Brian West. He plays basketball for...well, I guess it doesn't matter who he plays for...does it?" "Hello, Brian. My husband is such a chauvinist. He thinks women don't know anything about sports." "When a woman is as beautiful as you are," he said taking my hand in his, "she doesn't need to understand sports." "How kind of you to say that! But I'm afraid he's right. I don't know much about basketball." "There's not much to know, sweetie," Patrick interjected, "you just take a round ball and put it into a round hole." "That's a bit of a simplification, Patrick, but it is a pretty accurate description of what I do." Brian said with a smile. I couldn't help but notice what a pretty smile he had. His teeth were so white, in contrast to his dark skin. Patrick looked at me with a certain sense of appreciation. I'd already dressed for the evening. Since we were going to party a bit, I'd selected one of Patrick's favorite outfits. It was entirely black. A fitting choice, in view of our new friend. I was wearing a black silk dress, cut low in the back, with a knee length skirt. It was obvious from the back that I wasn't wearing a bra, of course, it was obvious from the front as well. The silk of the bodice hugged my form like the skin of a grape. My large 38DD breasts were prominent, but equally prominent were my firm, hard nipples. Patrick calls them bullet nips, because he says they're the size and firmness of a .38 slug. He showed me the bullet he referred to once, and I must agree, without the metal part, my nipples and a .38 slug are about the same size. Patrick hates panty hose, so I'd chosen a pair of silk stockings, with a delicate spider web pattern, held on by garters. Now, your wife will tell you, garters are a pain in the ass...but he likes them and I feel really sexy when I have them on. To make the outfit even sexier, I wore a very thin pair of bikini panties, more for effect than protection. There was practically no back on them, and the front couldn't completely cover my pussy. But again, I was dressing for my man, not for comfort or style. I'd chosen a pair of open toe of course, with almost a four-inch heel. I was ready to party! After a couple of was everyone else. When we were ready to leave, Brian took my arm and escorted me to the car. He opened the front door for me, but I told him he could ride up front, that I'd get in the back. That made sense to me; he would need more legroom than I would. Besides, I had a plan in mind for this boy...and he'd be in front of me to enjoy what I had in mind. As we drove to the club Patrick and Brian and I chatted, mostly about nothing. Then I asked Patrick about his trip. "Oh, nothing special. I met a rather attractive blonde in Atlanta. She works for the company that hired me to give the seminar." "Really? What did she look like?" "Nice looking. Firm tits. You know...the kind of woman I tend to find attractive." "Was she good in bed?" I asked this question with the same inflection a person might ask about dinner, or the weather. I glanced toward Brian and noticed the surprise registered on his face. "Oh, she was all right. Couldn't suck a cock as well as you, but her pussy was pretty tight. There was one thing I did especially like about her, though." "And what was that?" "She didn't wear any underwear. Ever. She told me she didn't even own any!" Brian still hadn't said a word. It was as if he were used to men telling their wives about women they'd been fucking a week ago. I thought this was the perfect opening for what I wanted to do. "Well, I don't wear a bra. Doesn't that count?" "Of course it counts, sweetie, but you do were under panties, now don't you?" "Isn't that just like a man, Brian? Never satisfied. Here, hand these to Patrick for me, will you?" As the tall man turned to take what I wanted him to hand to my husband, he got his eye full of me, pulling my skirt up, and stripping off my panties. His face registered what he saw. I must have made quite a sight, my legs lifted, one after the other to the seat as I "stepped" out of my lace black panties. I made no effort to cover my pussy, in fact, quite the opposite. I even parted my legs a bit before pushing the skirt back down, allowing our new friend a nice glimpse of what I knew was a sparkling, glistening pink morsel of fine pussy. Brian took the panties from my hand and almost without conscious thought, brought them to his nose. I watched as he inhaled the crotch, and knew that not only could he catch the faint aroma of my pussy, but also that his nose told him the dampness in the crotch area was pure sexual arousal! "Here," he said to my husband, handing him my panties. "No, you keep them," I said as an afterthought. "You look like a man who appreciates mementos." "I'll treasure them always! The scent will linger in my mind forever." He put the panties inside his coat pocket. I knew he was hooked! We got to the club about twenty minutes later. It was located in the next city over from where we live. Patrick doesn't mind partying, but really doesn't want to party with someone who may show up at our door the next day. For that reason, we do most of our playtime out of town. The bar we were going to was in a hotel, and it was one we'd had fun in before. I was glad he'd chosen that particular place. Patrick got us a table near the dance floor. He doesn't care much about dancing, but loves to watch me. Dance that is. For that matter, he loves to watch me do almost anything. Strike the "almost." Patrick loves to watch me do everything! We had ordered drinks, and I realized how out of place we must have looked. Here we were, in a southern city, in a hotel bar, and what a trio we made. Patrick is well-built, usual height and weight, and sports a very sexy beard! I'm a fairly attractive woman, or so I'm told, and I realized I was dressed in a very sexy manner. I was decent, but just barely. Men have often told me that while I looked like a respectable woman when they first see me, after a while another side of me starts to surface, and soon, they're not sure if it's lady or whore they're talking to. Trust me...its whore! Alone we made an attractive couple, but add Brian, a completely perfect athlete, muscular, well developed, seven foot four in height, and black as the ace of spades, and you can imagine the picture we made. I sat between the two guys, sharing my attention equally. After we'd sat through half a dozen songs, Brian asked if I danced. "Yeah, but Patrick doesn't. So I usually don't." I answered shyly, and very out of character. "Oh. I see." Brian, for all his aggressiveness on the basketball court wasn't very aggressive as we three sat in that bar that night. I was getting a bit frustrated by the whole thing, and I was starting to think I'd been wrong about my plans for an exciting evening. I excused myself to go to the restroom. Patrick stood to let me pass him, and as I did I whispered in his ear, "Can't you liven him up some?" I said that quietly, but my husband heard me. I squeezed his cock as I went by, to accent my statement. I made my way to the restroom. The real problem about women's rooms is the stalls are always full. I walked over to the make up mirror, to check for damage, and took a seat on the left of a woman who seemed to be doing the same thing. She was a knockout! Dressed in white, complete with white leather gloves, this very tall blonde, (I would guess about 5'9" or 5'10") sat in front of the mirror tracing her lips with a liner. I probably looked at her longer than I should have because she noticed I was staring. Without looking at me, but rather at my reflection in the mirror, she continued to fix her lips. Finally, she pulled the liner away from her mouth, and glanced in my direction, again through the reflection in the mirror. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "Oh, no. Sorry. You're very pretty, and I was just watching you put on your lips." I realized how lame that sounded as soon as the words were out of my mouth. "Thank you. I don't usually get many compliments from other ladies." "No, but I'll bet you knock the men dead!" "Some I do, some I don't." "Ah, come on. What man wouldn't hit on you?" "You'd be surprised. A lot of men are intimidated by a tall woman," she replied. I put out my hand. "Hi. My name's Rachael." Taking it she replied, "My name's Jan." We both giggled. I reached for my mascara, and started applying it to my eyelashes. Jan continued the conversation. "I saw you out there with the two guys." "Oh, yeah, Patrick and Brian." "You married to one of them?" "Yeah. Patrick." Jan looked at me incredulous. "I hate to state the obvious, but I don't know which one is Patrick." "Oh, I am sorry, Jan. I wasn't thinking. He's the shorter one." "Honey, you can't be that thick. Is he the white or the black one?" "Oh, how stupid of me. The white one. I'm sorry, I didn't understand. "No problem. And what's the story on the other guy?" "He's a friend of my husband. He's a pro basketball player." "No shit! Whom does he play for?" I told her, and told her his full name. "NO SHIT! Oh, Rachael, you've got to introduce me!" "Okay, I will. Are you a fan of his?" "I am! I've fucked twelve basketball players so far. That's less than half the number of football or baseball players I've done. Oh, please do introduce me. I'll be your friend for life! I'll do anything you ask!" "Anything?" "Well...almost anything. I mean I wouldn't butt fuck an ape, but almost anything...yeah." Now, I'm not one to pass an opportunity, and this was an opportunity. But before I went on with my plans, I thought I'd better check this girl out. "Anything is a big promise." I said gently. "You don't know how bad I want to meet him!" I sat back in the chair I was sitting in. Reaching again inside my purse, I withdrew a small vial of perfume. Still without saying anything, I applied a drop to both my wrists, rubbing them together. Next I placed a drop behind my stocking clad legs, at the knee. Then, vial still in my hand, I lifted up the skirt of my dress, pulling it back toward my waist. Jan was across from me, our knees not six inches apart. "Would you, please?" I said, handing the vial of perfume to Jan, and then sitting back. What a sight I must have made, my skirt hiked up to my waist, my panty-less pussy spread open, and a woman I'd just met looking at my naked cunt! But I knew what I wanted...and I knew she wanted it too! Without a verbal answer, Jan opened the top of the bottle. She allowed a drop of the cologne to collect on her fingertip, and then leaned forward, placing her hand on the upmost portion of my inner thigh. She was less than an inch from my steamy moist pussy. Her eyes met mine. I could see the question in them. I gave the slightest of nods, but that was all she needed. Jan leaned forward just a bit as her hand slid closer to my secret place. Then, without further urging, I felt her finger touch me, flick across my clit. She wasn't applying perfume to me; she was getting ready to finger fuck me! And I wanted it. I wanted it bad! Before I knew what happened, she was inside me, inside my hot cunt, twirling her finger around, looking for, and finding, my G spot! At first contact, I thought I would faint, right there, right then! I had no control over the situation. One minute before, this woman had been a total stranger to me, now she was pushing her middle finger into my cunt, making me lose all semblance of dignity while I felt her dig deeper, looking for the spot which would cause me to collapse at her mercy. And she found it! Only a woman can make a woman come that fast! Or that hard! "Come for me, Rachael! Come on my finger!" "Ohhhhh!" I searched for words, for a way to beg her to stop, and for a way to beg her not to...And then I felt myself a freight train in the distance, I heard the whistle, and I knew it would rush over me, and I didn't care! I didn't care when the door to the women's room opened, and I didn't care when a woman I'd never seen before stood there, eyes wide with disbelief as another woman finger fucked a third with abandon! The stranger turned and literally ran inside a stall and slammed the door behind her. Tough shit, lady..."Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm cummmmminnng!" I collapsed on Jan's hand, squeezing my legs together, trapping her ringed finger inside my hot cunt! I never wanted her finger to leave me, to vacate the pussy she'd just had her way with. Her gentle voice brought me back to reality. "I hope you liked that Rachael. Now, will you introduce me to Brian? I think I have something for him as well!" I promised Jan I'd introduce her to Brian. What else could I do? After all, she'd pegged me right from the start as a whore. Women can tell those things about other women, and I could have foreseen how she was had I been paying attention. I was so hot about wanting to fuck and suck this giant black guy that I hadn't paid much attention to the things going on around me. I went back to the table. When I returned, both men stood, and as I resumed my position in the middle, I squeezed Patrick's cock again. It was considerably harder than when I left, and I knew something had transpired. I no sooner sat when the DJ started playing a slow song. "Care to dance, Rachael?" Brian asked. “Love to!" I replied. Glancing at my husband I added, "You don't mind, do you?" It was merely a formality. I knew he wanted to watch me dance with this new guy, hell, I knew he wanted to watch me fuck this new guy. The dance was at the very most a formality. "Of course not. I was just telling Brian how talented you are at dancing. He'll tell you." We made quite a sight on the floor. Brian looked tall just because he was. But holding me, a very small white woman against him, made him seem even bigger. Even in heels, I was almost two feet shorter than him. And I couldn't wait till the heels were off, along with the rest of my clothing! He was a remarkably good dancer. Actually, he did all the dancing, I just kind of melted into him, let him move me however he wanted. I was trying to get across the idea to him that I could be extremely cooperative. As we danced, he held me very tightly...much tighter than I'd have thought, given his seemingly shy nature. Something had happened while I was in the women's room. I suspected that Patrick had told him that I could be had. Well, sometimes that's what it takes to get the ball moving...or the balling moving! "You dance so smoothly," I said. "I'm a professional athlete. I get paid for knowing the right moves," he replied. "I'll bet you know a lot of 'right' moves, don't you?" "A few. But sometimes I get confused, and that's when I get in trouble. Sometimes I'm not sure what he game plan is. You know what I mean?" I didn't answer him. Instead I just moved in closer, close enough to feel his hard cock as it rubbed across my stomach. I thought I was mistaken at first. Surely to goodness that couldn't be his dick! I had to know for sure. Even though he was leading, I more or less managed to maneuver Brian toward the back of the dance floor. When I was certain no one else was watching us, I took my right hand off his back and slid it between us. And then I felt it and squeezed it for myself. If that wasn't a cock, I was in deep trouble. The man had a snake inside his trousers that had to be damn near a foot long, maybe longer! "I think you understand the game. But I don't know where we'll play it. That thing in your pants is huge!" He whispered the words that almost caused me to come right then. "Baby...wait till it's hard!" When the dance was over and we headed back to the table, I noticed Patrick wasn't alone. It wasn't till I got within ten feet that I realized who he was talking to. It was Jan, the blonde from the bathroom. The blonde that had stirred my pussy with her finger till I came! When my husband saw me, he immediately smiled. "Look who's here, Rachael. Jan. She says she knows you." I smiled. She wasn't one to be denied. I guess she figured by making a move on my husband, I'd hurry and introduce her to Brian. Well, she was half right. I was excited to see her talking to Patrick, but not for the reasons she thought. I needed to find someone to handle my husband's needs while I satisfied my black cock. And at that point, Jan looked like just the woman for the job. I hugged her like we'd not seen each other in years! Of course, Patrick didn't know who she was, or what the relationship was between us. For all he knew, she was just a person I knew. Or at least that's what I thought he thought. Boy, was I ever wrong! When we sat back down, the sexual tension between the four of us was positively electric. I wanted to see that black beauty...I wanted to see it, touch it, kiss it, suck it, and finally fuck it! I knew it would split me in half, I even considered the fact that a cock that big might kill me, but if it did...well, everyone's got to go sometime...and I want to go getting fucked by a cock as big as my forearm. "Nice dance. Did you enjoy it?" my husband asked me. "Oh, yes. Brian showed me a move or two." "Rachael is being modest. If the dance went well, it was because she's such a smoothie," Brian added. "Oh, she's a smoothie all right," Jan said, "Rachael, aren't you going to introduce your friend?" I had no choice. Well, really I wasn't worried. In thirty-five years, I'd never had a man choose another woman instead of me. I've shared a lot of men, for that matter, women too, but a man has never rejected me because he'd rather have a different pussy to fuck. I could stand the competition. Stand it...hell, I thrived on it. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to take a man away from his woman, even if only for the night. And the more blatantly I do it...the better I like it. There was one night in Boston that I took a man away from his wife by offering to suck his cock for an hour straight. What made that so remarkable was the man's wife was standing there, next to him, when I made my offer. The bitch almost had a coronary...I could tell by her mannerisms that she hadn't had a cock in her mouth for years, if ever. That's the secret to keeping a man. If you won't suck his dick, why have him? "I'm sorry Jan.This is Brian. Brian, this is my new friend, Jan." "Pleased to meet you, Jan." "New friend? I thought you guys knew each other well," my husband said. Again, thinking he knew nothing of the nature of Jan and my relationship, I merely said, "Well, not long, but we do have a deep understanding of each other." I thought that was a rather cute thing to say at the time. "Actually, what she means to say Brian," my husband started, "is that Jan has just had her fingers in Rachael's pussy. Isn't that right, dear?" "Patrick!" I couldn't think of what else to say! "What, dear? Jan told me all about it. She also told me that she found Brian to be quite attractive. Isn't that what you told me, Jan?" "Well, my exact words were that I wanted to 'fuck him,' I believe," Jan replied. Brian, in the meanwhile was taking all this in, and I must say, he took it well. If he was surprised that I'd gotten finger fucked in the bathroom, or that this luscious blonde wanted to fuck him, he certainly didn't show it. I was really starting to admire just how cool my basketball star was! "Well, I'm flattered, Jan, but I think I already have a date for this evening." As he said that, he slipped his arm around me, and cupped my breast in his left hand. Now I have a size 38DD breast. Two of them in fact. But when his hand cupped my left breast, it totally disappeared inside his black mitt! I mean totally. This should give you an idea of just how big the man is. And I might add, that as his hand cupped my boob, he managed to wiggle his fingers in such as manner as to make my already hard nips come to full attention. I swear, if he'd have wanted to, he could have taken my dress off right then and there, and played with my naked breast in front of the whole bar. (In fact, that isn't a bad idea for next time. His hand could have been my living bra!) Jan was sitting on Brian's right. I couldn't see her left hand under the table, but I had no doubt where it was. I put my right hand under the table as well. I was right! The little cunt had her hand on my date's cock, rubbing him through his trousers. But even with her hand covering what it did, there was plenty of cock she couldn't cover. My hand clasped over the part she wasn't able to hold. "Ladies, know, there's a lot of Brian to cover. Least that's what the coaches tell the other players. There's more than enough of me to go around. I can make you both happy. If Patrick doesn't mind, that is," Brian added. "Mind? Perish the thought. As I told you, Rachael is a very friendly girl, aren't you, darling?" He was teasing me, and I knew it. I also knew what he'd say next. "I suppose I could be called that," I answered him. "She's so friendly, in fact, she'd love for you to fuck her whenever you're ready. Aren't you dear?" "Yes," I answered quietly. "What did you say, sweetie. I don't think Brian was able to hear you." "I said 'yes'." "Yes to what, dear?" Patrick was dragging it out of me as if I didn't want to say it. It's part of the game we play. Sometimes it's "humiliate" Patrick, sometimes it's "Humiliate" Rachael. It doesn't matter which, but it adds spice to our relationship. "I said, 'yes to what', dear?" He repeated. "Yes, I'd love for Brian to fuck me." "Could you please speak up? I can barely hear you." "I said 'YES, I'D LIKE FOR BRIAN TO FUCK ME!" Did you hear me that time?" "I think the whole bar did, Rachael," Jan said. "Well, then. Brian, are you ready to go? Or did you want to fuck the little slut right here?" I've got to tell you, for a moment, I thought he was going to take Patrick up on the offer. And I'd have let him, too! I wasn't wearing panties. It would have been a quick thing for me to hike my skirt and give his black cock access to my cunt. It wouldn't have been the first time I'd been fucked in public...nor would it have been the first time I'd been fucked in public by a black man. I was so hot right then, all I cared about was getting my hands, mouth and pussy on that giant cock! "What about me?" Jan asked. I'd almost forgotten about her. "What about you?" Brian replied. "Do you want to come with us?" "How far are we going?" "All the way, mama, all the way." For just a moment, I thought Jan was going to chicken out. I didn't care. I'm more than enough woman to handle both Brian and my husband. Then Jan spoke. "I can't go far. I've got to be home in an hour, before my husband gets off work. Can I have it in the car? Can you fuck me in the car?" I was just about to object. I didn't mind sharing my black cock with this pushy bitch, but I'd be damned if she'd get first come! "Tell you what, ladies. There's no reason to act like kids about this. Why not rent a room here and I'll fuck you both. If that's okay with you, Patrick," Brian suggested. "Fine with me. I'll get the room." With that, my husband left the club area to rent a room. And he left me alone with the fantasy of my life. And of course, Jan. I was beyond caring about her at that point. From what I could feel of his cock, I'd probably welcome Jan's help with Brian, and besides, someone would need to suck Patrick's cock while Brian was fucking me. We'd stayed at this hotel before, on the spur of the moment as it were, so Patrick knew what was available in the way of accommodations. He got us a really nice two-room suite. It was on the tenth floor and the ride up to the room was interesting to say the least. We all knew what we were going upstairs to do, but to hear the conversation in the elevator, you'd have thought we were all on our way to a church social! But the mood didn't last long. The door was no sooner opened to the suite then the action began. Brian wanted one more piece of reassurance. He looked at Patrick. "You sure?" He asked my husband. "Help yourself," my husband answered him. That was all the encouragement the man needed. He reached over to where I was standing and picked me up like I was a feather. Carrying me to the king size bed, he rather unceremoniously dropped me on the covers. Jan was looking on as this tall man, (and he seemed to be getting taller right before my eyes) started to strip his clothes off. He pulled his shirt from the waistband of his slacks, and started to unbutton it, first the cuffs, then the collar buttons, then one by one, each button down. As the blue oxford shirt was unbuttoned, each new button revealed more of his handsome dark chest. Throwing the shirt on the carpet, he reached down and removed his left shoe, then the right one. Still standing at the foot of the bed, he bent each leg at the knee and raised it, almost to his chin, as he removed first one sock, then the other. This strip show took less than a minute, but I can still see it in slow motion. The man had muscles that literally rippled as he moved. Now he was wearing only his slacks. He put his hands on his sides and took a long look at me. Finally he spoke. "Don't move from that spot. You hear me?" "Yes," I responded. Shit! This man was playing to every fantasy I'd ever had. Gone was the soft-spoken gentle man who'd been so gallant all evening. In his place was a cocky black man, a black man who was about to fuck a white whore, and was going to treat her like a cheap slut! Then he turned to Jan. "Bitch, you want some of my black cock, get your ass over here! Now!" "Yes, sir!" "Now one of you bitches undo my pants." Jan was closer, she got the honor. I was still remembering what he'd said about not moving. Patrick had taken a seat by the bed, a front row seat where he wouldn't miss any of the action. Brian completely ignored my husband, intent instead of subjecting these two "white sluts" as he called us to total domination. As she started to undo his belt, he bellowed out more orders. "Bitch...kneel when you approach a man you want to suck! Do it!" She didn't need be told another time. Jan fell to her knees as she continued to undo his pants. The belt finally yielded to here somewhat nervous hands, next the little clip inside the pants, and then the zipper. I watched breathlessly as Jan worked the zipper down the front of his pants. I envied her that position. She'd get to touch his cock first, and that pissed me off. But not so much that I said anything to Brian. As the zipper came down, I could see the beginning of his underwear. It was royal blue, silky looking, and obviously not bought off a shelf. As Jan skinned his pants down his legs, he lifted one leg, then the other allowing her to slip them off his body completely. She reached for his shorts, but he caught her hands in his. "Not so fast, bitch. You want what ole Brian's got in them shorts, don't you?" "Yes. Yes, sir. I want that cock! I want to suck it." She answered. "Well, let's see how bad you want it. Take off my shorts, bitch, with your teeth." Brian looked at me after he'd told Jan what he wanted. Then he barked another order, this one to me. "Hey, slut! Get your white ass over here. Help this cunt do what I told her. Come on, get your lazy white pussy over here!" I scurried off the bed to join Jan as she worked the blue silk material off his ass, down his legs. With my mouth on the left legging, and hers on the right, we managed to pull in tandem until we felt the prize come off this black bastard's ass, and down his legs. Putting his hand on both our heads for balance, he stepped out of the shorts. He was totally naked now! And I got my first glimpse at the cock that swung between his legs. It was enormous! That's the only way I can describe what it looked like. It was like a huge sausage swinging there, almost like the trunk of an elephant. I stole a glance at Jan. Her eyes were as big as mine, even though I knew she'd fucked basketball players before, and I can only assume that all men as big as this guy was are equally well endowed. Now, I'm not really the kind of girl who measures men's cocks. As far as I'm concerned, if the guy's dick gets hard, it gets in! My husband is at least ten inches long flaccid. Hard he gains about another inch. But when I tell you this cock made Patrick's look small, I mean he made Patrick's look small! "Okay, blonde, you start on the cock. Lick it real good for me. And you, cunt, (I think he meant me) you lick my ass. Go!" We neither one needed more instructions. As I ran my tongue up and down his ass cheeks, I could hear Jan slurping his big dick with her mouth. I held on with my hands wrapped around his leg, and fuck, did that boy have tree trunk legs! I started at the crease where his legs met his ass, and swirled my tongue in that crevice. As I licked him there, my hand moved around his legs, up and down the soft inside of his thighs. Our sucking and licking were getting to him, though; I could feel his legs trembling. Or maybe it was just my hands. At any rate, I knew I wanted more. "You look like such a slut, licking his ass, Rachael." I got hotter when Patrick said that, knowing that he was telling the truth. Nice white girls don't lick black men's asses! But that worked out well, because that night, I was anything but a nice girl! I started working my mouth and teeth around to the round fullness of his ass cheeks. My left hand was still moving around his inner thigh, but my right one was scratching his ass cheeks, as my mouth moved higher and higher on them. I continually flicked my tongue outside my mouth, licking, tasting this giant. I knew what position I wanted him in. I knew how I could be totally degraded by this "master." "Lean forward, please, sir." He understood what I wanted, and gave it to me. He stepped closer to the bed, and then leaned forward to the mattress, bent at the waist, but keeping his legs straight. He almost suffocated Jan when he did this, she still being on the floor in front of him, sucking around four inches of his black cock meat into her face. But I had him where I needed him. Snaking my left hand between his legs, I grabbed hold of his giant member and worked my hand up and down, as if I were milking it. Meanwhile, my mouth was still working on his ass, but this time from a different angle. I was kissing, and licking, his black ass cheeks, working slowly toward my goal. I wanted to lick his ass hole! I was only about an inch from it. I could see it puckered up, and I could sense his excitement, as well as my husband's! Patrick watched my mouth close in on the prize. My husband studied my face as my tongue left my mouth and tickled, gently at first, and then with a certain amount of anxious panic, poking Brian's tight ass hole. Patrick could see my tongue push inside this man's bung hole, could see me form it into a tight cone and shove it into him, and each time I pulled away, he could see the moist saliva pool I'd leave behind. I licked Brian's ass while Jan continued to suck him, and I kept my hand high on his cock, feeling the wire brush like curly pubic hair against my half way closed fist. I was pumping his dick into the other slut's mouth, wishing I were the one on the receiving end of his dick, wishing it would be my mouth he'd come in, my lips around his turgid cock, my tongue flicking in and around his pee hole... not hers! My tongue was buried inside his ass now. I had at least a half-inch of my oral digit sucking, licking his ass hole. And I could feel his tenseness, his readiness to come. I wanted to taste his cock...I needed to taste it! I withdrew my tongue from his ass hole, replacing it with my middle finger. I knew what he needed, and I knew how to give it to him. Some men don't like their ass played with during sex. I've always found it to be a real turn on. I have a special way of sucking Patrick's cock that really drives him wild. I have him lay on his stomach, and pull his dick under him, and then between his legs, so it's coming out the back of his legs. This allows me to suck him, and lick his ass at the same time, not to mention ramming his ass hole with my finger, or anything else we happen to have handy. I wanted to do this to Brian, but he wasn't into taking orders, just giving them. As I pushed my middle finger up Brian's ass, I forced my head between his legs, until I was in position to lick part of his cock and his balls. He had enormous balls, too. That's one of Patrick's best features. He has huge balls, in fact, I'm sure there must be three or four in there, because his ball sac hangs down, much further than his cock, and his cock ain't no slouch! After working my face into the proximity I wanted, I started licking and sucking his cock and balls. By this time, my middle finger is buried all the way to my hand in his ass hole. And he loved it. I couldn't see Patrick, but I could feel him! He was sliding his hands under my skirt and fingering my naked pussy, the same pussy that Jan had fingered less than an hour before. I spread my legs as I felt my husband's mouth closing over my wet cunt. Oh, shit! I can feel it still! I was a little worried about Jan. I needn't have been. She was doing fine sucking the giant's cock, while he'd opened her blouse, and pulled her bra away from her tits. I could hear her moaning as he twisted and pulled on her nipples. I couldn't see what I was doing, but I took my free hand and tried to reach the blonde's tits. I caught hold of one of them, and remember thinking how big her nipples were too. Suddenly, I knew it was time. My finger was working diligently inside Brian's ass, my mouth was licking the underside of his giant cock, and my hot breath was keeping his ball sack warm! I could feel the eruption as it started in his balls, and made the long journey down his cock and finally bursting forth, into Jan's mouth! To say there was more than one woman could handle is an understatement! The man's black cock started spurting white cum juice like a bottle of Dom uncorked after being shaken for an hour! Within seconds, I heard Jan gag. She simply had too much come in her mouth, throat, and now, all over her face! I came to her rescue. Grabbing his cock, I started licking lower on the shaft, (from my perspective, that would have meant getting closer to the head) until I was able to taste his come also! It was as I expected. Delightful and rich! But that was his first come, and judging from the size of the balls still slapping against my face, there was plenty more where that came from. Jan and I were working together to lick any extra "cum" from his shaft. Of course, working in such cramped quarters, we couldn't help but "bump" into each other as we licked and sucked all the remaining evidence of his orgasm from his legs, ass, and dick. And when we did bump into one another, we would linger, and allow what had been an accidental touching to develop into a full blown kiss, complete with tongues in each other's mouths, and lips nibbling at their counterpart. I must confess, her kisses were quite stimulating, especially when I thought about her mouth having been used as a repository for Brian's come just seconds before. At some point, we became as engrossed in one another as we had been with Brian. Neither the black man, nor my husband seemed to mind that Jan and I had developed a fondness for one another. Somehow, Brian had managed to extricate himself from between us, and now, without a huge black man separating us, Jan and I found ourselves licking come off each other's cheeks, and chins. I noticed a huge glob of Brian's come had landed on Jan's left breast. Her tits were outside her bra, but other than that, she, as was I, remained almost fully dressed. "One of us has to let go of the least till we can get naked," I said to Jan. Reluctantly, we both let go of the other's body, and almost in unison, we stood and stripped off the rest of our clothing. I left the thigh high stockings on, and the garter. My shoes were already off, and all that remained was for me to drop my dress, which I did. Now, both men, the black athlete and my husband, watched as I stood almost without clothing and certainly no clothing covering any private parts of my body. Within seconds, Jan was like-wise naked. She didn't even have stockings. Her bush, as blonde as her hair, was neatly trimmed, about as close cropped as mine. Her clitoris, however, was really noticeable, even from the distance we were now apart. I looked at Patrick and Brian. Neither one spoke a word, but I knew what they both wanted to see. All men like seeing a woman going down on another woman. And luckily for them, I'm one woman who enjoys licking pussy! I fell down on the bed, landing between Jan's legs. But for some reason, she'd closed them, and her pussy to my touch and gaze. "Open up sweetie. I wanna lick!" You can imagine my surprise when she shook her head and said, "No." "Open them legs, bitch! The other ho's going to lick your pussy! You crazy or something. Now open 'em up for the cunt!" Brian had such a sweet way with words. But even this sweet talk didn't help. Jan kept them closed like a rusty lid on an old Mason jar! I was about to give up when the men came to my rescue. Each took one of her legs, and pulled them away from the centre. In fact, they had her splayed out for me in no time. I knew she wanted my mouth there, she was begging for it, but just didn't want anyone to know. Well, now it was open and open wide. Both men held her open waiting for me to make my move. I was literally mesmerized by the sight of this struggling woman; her legs widely open, her cunt glistening with slick pussy juice. Patrick brought me back to reality. "Rachael, are you going to lick her for us? Or don't you like the taste of pussy anymore?" That was all the invitation I needed. I went for that clit like a dog goes for a milk bone! As my lips and tongue licked and kissed her hardened clitoris, my hands roamed up and down her body, and rubbed her pussy with the soft flat of my palms. Her cunt was too much for me. I hooked both my thumbs inside her opening, and while my mouth sucked her clitoris like a miniature cock, my hands were making her come by their constant touching of her pussy and pussy hair! Both men started on her breasts at the same time, one on each, twisting, sucking, pulling...generally making their presence known to the bitch on the bed. Her head moved back and forth, quickly, like she was in a bad dream...or a wet one...while my husband licked her right breast, Brian licked the left one, and I had a meal of pussy and pussy juice. I knew she was about to explode. The men didn't need to hold her legs apart any longer. She was given over to her orgasmic needs, and I rather doubt at that point whether it would have been possible to close them! Patrick had stripped off his clothing by this time, and I could see his huge erection as I lifted my head from Jan's cunt. I didn't want her to come yet, though she was begging me to put my mouth back on her sex. Almost as if by prearranged plan, I lifted off of her as my husband came around to take my place. I thought he was going to eat her pussy as I had been doing. Patrick had other plans. He grabbed her ankles, and in one fast movement, brought Jan from the middle of the bed to the left bottom corner. With an ankle in each hand, Patrick parted her legs once more, but this time, instead of lowering his mouth to the cunt's cunt, he drove his cock into her. Up to now, her eyes had been closed, denying herself of the visual stimulation of another woman's head between her legs. Now, as my husband rammed his jumbo-sized cock between her legs and into her pussy, she suddenly joined the party. I don't know who was fucking whom, but believe me, there was no danger of either Patrick or Jan missing a stroke. Maybe they might have one, but they weren't going to miss one. Patrick wasn't between her legs for a full minute before Jan started her orgasm! And it was a lulu! My husband was pushing his eleven inches of hard cock into her pussy, while I licked the breast he'd abandoned. Brian, seeing an opening, got on the bed and brought his cock back to Jan's lips. She opened her mouth and sucked almost half of his thirteen inches on the first pass! This bitch was hot! Patrick reared back, his cock still deep in her cunt, and let out a roar! I knew what that meant. He was dumping his load into her. I watched as my husband spasmed time and time again, each spasm meaning he was pumping more come inside her pussy. I wondered if she'd get it all out before her husband visited her tight little cunt? Nothing, Patrick says, is more distressing to a husband than finding another man's come in his wife's pussy. Course, that doesn't hold for my husband. He likes it when I present a juicy cunt for his inspection, and when I spread my pussy lips for him, and sperm comes running out, he knows I've been bad. Sometimes he spanks me, sometimes he just tells me what a cunt I am. But regardless of how he reacts, he always ends up doing the same thing. He always ends up with his mouth over my freshly fucked pussy, licking it clean! My husband pulled his cock out of Jan's quivering pussy and watched, as the bitch lay there, exposed to anyone who wanted to look. She didn't even close her legs. I figured she was done for the night when Brian stepped into the place Patrick had been. His giant black cock was rock hard again, and defying gravity in the way it stood straight out. It was obvious from the look on his face what he wanted. Jan saw it also...and she also saw the size of his cock. "No. Wait. I can't take that in my pussy. Wait..." No one listened. She was too weak from the fucking my husband had just given her to resist the black man's cock. Funny, less than an hour ago, she'd begged me to let her fuck him, now she didn't want any part of his black dick. Too bad. Guys like Brian don't care a great deal about if you want their cock, they only care about getting it wet! Brian was no exception. As Jan kept saying "No!” Brian kept feeding his giant dick into her pussy. I must admit it didn't look to me like it would fit. My own pussy hurt as the big black athlete kept pushing more and more of his cock into her tight pussy. Even with my husband having just fucked her, and leaving her wet and open, Brian's cock just seemed too big. Of course, as I've heard many men size fits all! Within a matter of minutes, his entire black cock was hidden within the recesses of her pussy. But I could see it inside her; I could see the bulge it made inside her stomach as it distended her uterus. It was an obviously oversized fuck device the man had, but despite all that, despite her crying and whining, I knew she wanted it. We all do, don't we? She wanted to be used by this man, to be fucked like a cheap whore and then discarded. I wondered about Jan. She didn't seem the type to want such dispassionate lovemaking, the kind that sometimes leaves you empty in the morning...but for now, she was getting what she wanted. I figured it would take about a week for her pussy to revert to its normal size. Hope her husband didn't mind waiting! And even as Brian was dropping his load into her, squirting so much cum inside her that is started to ooze back out, making squirting noises as it was forced back out by his fucking motion, I knew that soon, it would be me there...on my back...Brian's cock stretching me, hurting me. I would be lying there, in front of my husband, while a big African forced his giant prick in and out of my cunt. And while my husband looked on, looked at his bride, his wife, his lover...I would orgasm like no man had ever made me come before. This was the prick I'd been wanted all my life, and in a few minutes it would be out of this blonde bitch, and inside my greedy little pussy. And maybe, after he finished with me...I'd never call my cunny little again! Contributed by


16 Gay Erotic Stories from DutchBoy

A Birthday Story

Yesterday was Rachael's birthday. She turned thirty-five, and I swear, she looks younger than when I met her nine years ago. Her firm body is just as firm, her proud breasts are still high and taunt, her bullet nipples still become likes little stones when she's excited, and these days she gets very excited, very often. I want to tell you how we celebrated her "coming" of age into

The Basketball Player

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend,

The Bellman

Last weekend, Patrick and I decided we'd seen enough of Dallas, and took off for Houston. It was a great trip down, with me giving my loving husband many opportunities to watch as I flirted outrageously with every male we encountered over the two hundred mile trip. I wore my white sundress, nothing underneath. Whenever we stopped, and I got out of the car, everyone could plainly make

The Chess Player Ch.1

Patrick, my husband, and I had spent a long day in Dallas, and instead of going home (we lived about a hundred miles away) we decided to spend the night there. That's not an unusual thing for us to do. We often went to Dallas just to party, and since we were already there, we figured we might as well have some fun. Patrick is always ready to have a good time, and we hadn't really

The Comparison

My wife, Rachael, and I tell each other everything. Thursday, we were on our way to a club for a few drinks and perhaps some dancing, when the subject of my new friend from England came up. I was telling her that he, like myself, enjoyed sharing his wife's adventures with other like-minded men. I told her I'd read several of his stories, and that I noticed a particular fetish of

The Deal Ch. 1

My husband, Patrick, and I have a very active and wide ranging interest in sexual affairs. Ours is a marriage bonded on mutual love, respect and lust! I am a shameless exhibitionist. Patrick is an avid voyeur. Together we have had hundreds of exciting and in many cases, breathtaking experiences. Last week, however, I think we crossed over the last barrier to total freedom of exercise

The Deal Ch. 2

Patrick waited nervously. When he got home Friday night he expected to find me, but instead found only my note. Patrick, Sorry I couldn't be home when you got there. I've had a very hectic day getting ready for the weekend, and decided I needed a few more things. I want you to take a bath. After you finish, go to my jewelry box and you will find another note. Do not open it

The Deal Ch. 3

Phillip did as I'd instructed him. He didn't hesitate when I told him to clean Kyle's cock, sucking it clean from the remnants of our fuck session. I stood outside the car, having slipped my dress back on, with nothing else underneath, and watched as my husband sucked my lover's cock with an expertise I didn't know he possessed. Kyle's hard dick responded to Phillip's mouth, and was

The Deal Ch. 4

I told Patrick to clean himself up as I started to dress. It was already past eleven, and I still needed a hard dick in my pussy. Patrick could have serviced me, and for a brief moment, I considered letting him hammer his ten inch cock into me, but the whole point of this weekend was to drive him crazy with desire, and besides, I could fuck him any time I wanted. After eight years

The Englishman

Last night I wanted to surprise my husband with a special homecoming. He'd been to Scotland for a seminar and I was picking him up at our local airport. Patrick and I enjoy a rather exciting sex life, and there are no taboos or restrictions on our activities. Getting back to last night, I was very anxious to see my husband. He'd been gone five days (and five long, long nights!) I

The Gardener

Rachael was waiting for me when the plane landed. I'd called her that morning and told her what time I'd and, and she said she'd be there with a special present for me. I was sure I knew what that would be. Rachael loved to fuck as much as I did, and she'd been without my cock for almost two weeks. Knowing her as I do, I didn't for a minute think she'd been without any cock all

The Police Officer

Author's Note: This is really part two of "The Chess Player", as it took place immediately after the incident in the motel with the chess game. Thought you'd like to know that in case you're keeping score. * * * * * As I got into the front seat of our BMW, I made no effort to cover my legs with my dress. It had settled comfortably about two-thirds up my thighs. I knew Patrick

The Pool Player

For everything there is a first time. This story is about the first time my husband, Patrick, and I ever partied with another man. Patrick and I talked about opening our marriage, but until that night, it was just talk. But we knew it was only a matter of time before we went all the way, before we invited another man into our bed, into my pussy! It happened kind of suddenly. We

The Shoe Salesman

I knew I was in trouble. I should have been home six hours ago. It was already 11:00, and I knew Patrick would be worried. I started to think of a good excuse, a story I could tell him that he would believe. Car trouble came to mind, but he'd ask why I hadn't called him on the car phone. I looked in my purse. Damn! He'd paged me three times. I didn't have my beeper with me most of

The Traveling Woman

This is a continuation of the story "The Trucker" Hope you enjoy this as much as we did. If you'd like to write to either Rachael or me... * * * * * I lay there for a few moments before I spoke to my husband. It wasn't even ten in the morning and I'd already had my first orgasm of the weekend, and what an orgasm it had been! Patrick had finger fucked me in the front seat of our

The Trucker, Part 1

Patrick and I decided to travel by car on a mini-vacation. Because of time constraints, we usually fly wherever we go, but this time we wanted to relax, so we figured if we vacationed closer to home, we'd have more time, but still enjoy ourselves. Besides, wherever we go, we enjoy ourselves (and others!) Since we live in the eastern part of Texas, we decided New Orleans might be nice.


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