Gay Erotic Stories

The Elevator

by Tom

Tom Aaron jumped out of the cab in front of County General Hospital, getting soaked to the skin as a summer thunder storm swept across Cobb County. Shaking off as much water as he could, Tom looked to find the correct bank of elevators that would take him to Dr. Golden’s office on the tenth floor. Seeing one of the elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck his arm into the closing doors and made them bounce back open allowing him entry. When he finally settled into the front corner of the elevator in front of the floor selection panel, he noticed a pretty young woman of about twenty-two or three leaning up against the wall in the back of the lift. He nodded a cursory hello and turned back to wait for his stop on ten. Just as the elevator passed floor number six, there was a hard bump and all the lights went out. The elevator was not moving and they were standing in pitch darkness. Before either of them could say anything an emergency light in the back corner popped on filling the elevator with a soft eerie yellowish light. Tom turned to the rain coat clad girl and said, “It might be a power outage from the storm, we may be here for a little while.” The girl now looking very forlorn said, “I’ve got an appointment with my baby doctor in five minutes, I hope I’m not late!” After fifteen minutes and still no power, Tom sat down on the floor to rest, and the young woman who introduced herself as Sandra, still stood in the corner not moving an inch. As the two made small talk, Tom got the distinct impression that Sandra was very uncomfortable. He could exactly put his finger on it, but she kept her arms folded in front of her and she fidgeted from one leg to the other. Finally Tom asked her if she had a problem. Shaking her head yes, Sandra slowly removed her coat and revealed a truly massive chest on such a slim body! Tom knew he was staring but couldn’t help himself! Just watching Sandra breath was a treat in itself! Sandra then said, “I had a baby about six weeks ago, and I’ve always been large busted, but since I got pregnant they have just grown and grown! Now I have to wear a 40DD bra! I nurse my baby at least six times a day, but I produce way more milk than she can drink, so I use a breast pump at least twice a day to relieve the pressure. This morning my pump broke down and I was going to pick up another one at my doctor’s office, but now we’re stuck in here and my breasts are really sore do to the extra milk buildup.” Tom could believe his own ears! Here was a pretty young woman talking about her over sized breasts to him as if they were talking about the weather! Not knowing what to say, Tom just nodded and said he hope that they would be out soon and then she could see her doctor. Another half hour went by and still no movement. Sandra was now growing more desperate! She had been whimpering for a good ten minutes and now was starting to cry. Now Sandra was holding her huge tits, one in each hand, trying to relieve some of the strain that their sheer bulk was causing. Tom, trying to act the gentleman, asked if there was anything he could do to help. Still massaging her chest, Sandra looked at him and said, “When my baby sucks on them to get milk, I can feel the tightness go away. If you could maybe suck them for me, maybe the swelling would go down a little.” Dumbfounded at what he was hearing, all he could do was shake his head “yes”. Sandra quickly unbuttoned her loose fitting top and dropped it to the floor. Right in front of his face was an industrial strength bra that was doing it’s best to hold back a tidal wave of tit flesh! Sandra unhooked her bra and let it slip of her slim shoulders. The huge tits were tipped with large nipples that were almost a deep shade of purple! The tips were long and firm, the result of nursing a baby six times a day! As Sandra sat down next to Tom, her breasts swayed obscenely back and forth just inches from his face. Now sitting down and leaning against he elevator wall, Sandra had Tom lay on his back with his head in her lap. She guided a hard nipple into his mouth and said, “Come on baby, let Momma feed her big boy!” Tom started sucking on the huge nipple and soon his mouth was full of a thin but sweet milk! The more he sucked the more he wanted! After about fifteen minutes Sandra removed the nipple only to replace it with it’s heavy twin! By now Tom’s pecker was hard as a flag pole! His head being held and caressed by this beautiful young girl who was cooing soft and low as he sucked the milk from her big chest, began rubbing the front of Tom’s pants. When she found his hard on Tom heard a moan coming from her lips. “Baby’s a naughty little boy,” she said, as she rubbed up and down the shaft of his thick pecker! “Time for Momma to suck baby,” she moaned! Sandra then unzipped Tom’s pants, slipped her small hand into his open fly, and pulled out his engorged organ! He had never felt such delicate touch as the one this huge titted pussy was now doing to his straining cock! Because of the massiveness of her chest, Sandra was able to lean over and take his prick into her mouth and not even pull the nipple from his lips! As delicate as were her fingers, her mouth was another story! She became a bitch in heat as she deep throated his entire shaft! Both of them groaned as they sucked each other, he on her huge nipple, and her on his eight inches of blue steel! The mutual suckfest went on for about five minutes when Tom’s balls tightened up and his cock shot a load of hot jism into Sandra’s hungry mouth! At the same time, Sandra was having her own orgasm simply from the intense sucking that Tom had been giving her engorged boobs! Sandra said, “The baby gives me orgasms all the time when I nurse her! Ever since I got pregnant I can get off on my tits all by themselves!” Just then the lights came on and the elevator started to move! Both Tom and Sandra leaped to their feet and struggled to get their clothes on! Sandra didn’t even have time to put on her bra! At floor number ten there were people waiting to get on the elevator. Tom stepped out and gave Sandra a good by wink as the elevator quickly filled up. Sitting in the waiting room Tom looked out the window as the sun came through the clouds. A guy sitting next to him said, “Some storm, huh?!?” Tom looked at him an replied, “Yeh, some storm!!!”


20 Gay Erotic Stories from Tom

After Bar 69

Imperial Hotel room, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, summer Saturday, almost noon. I took off my wristwatch, shoes, socks, shirt, tee shirt, slacks, and underpants. When I was naked, I pulled on a sleeveless gym shirt, white shorts without underpants, and shower shoes without socks. I had to go down the street to do live-sex peepshows with a black Jamaican girl named Angela. I put on a

Am see

Im juni war es sehr heiß,sodas ich mir vornahm nach der arbeit am see vorbeizufahren.meine badesachen habe ich immer im auto leigen.nach feierabend machte ich mich auf den auto angekommen sprach mich ein kolege an,was ich den noch unternehmen wolle.naja nach einem kurzem gespräch saß er bei mir im auto und wollte mit. wir waren beide 26 ,und nicht von schlechten eltern,hatten

Auf Dem Bauernhof

Hallo,ich heiß tom und bin student aus gabun(afrika) um meine börse etwas zu füllen arbeite ich als erntehelfer. was mir nicht schwer fällt,da ich gut gebaut bin.186cm,90kg und sehr sportlich.auf dem hof ist gerade ist ein heißer tag,was mich natürlich nicht stört. der bauer istschon mehr am schwitzen er ist so um die 35 und ganz derbe.sein t-shirt ist vor schweiß schon


hallo,ich bin der tom ich war mit meinem golf unterwegs nach italien kurz hinter der grenze fing das auto an zu bocken.schitte es war schon spät und ich war schon kurz vor meinem nachtquatier.aber jetzt muß mein auto ja streiken.ich stand am straßenrand und wollte ein auto stoppen .ich hatte erst kein glück,aber dann hielt doch eins ein typ so um die 30 stieg aus und bot seine hilfe

Bar 69

It might have been a typical American bar. But then it wasn't. It was along the raunchy Reeperbahn in Hamburg, and it was a live-sex-show bar. There was a padded red-rug-covered platform for live sex performances built up against the bar, ten steps in from the door. As a single middle-age white American male visiting Germany, I wanted to explore. And I had. I had already been naked

Crack On and Dip

Like a lot of people, I didn't think the letters in Forum were real. But after a recent experience of mine... well it's lime the Monkeys used to sing: "I'm a believer." It started when I was planning a party for my household. I dropped down to the supermarket to pick up the usual crackers and dip. I love going to the supermarket because women shopping and checkout chicks give me

Das Hätte Ich Nie Träumen Lassen!!!

Hallo, Ich bin Tom. Ich bin 19 jahre alt habe naja eigentlich braue Haare aber im Moment habe ich sie mir heller geblecht. Ich habe blaue Augen. Ich bin ca. 1.85 gross und wiege 75 kilo. Ich gehe noch zur schule. wenn ich nicht in der Schule bin kann man mich fast immer in meinem stammkaffe treffen oder in meine lieblingsdisko. dort spielt auch die geschichte die ich euch heute

eine starke erfahrung

hallo,ich heiß tom, bin 28 und gut drauf. beim letzten kneipenzug bin ich leicht versackt.ich hatte mich verabredet mit einer bekanten und wartete 1.5 std. nach dem 3ten bier wollte ich gehen.ich war leicht sauer,und rempelte einen typen neben mir an.der kippte seinen drink über seine hose und wurde gleich war in meinem alter und ich dachte gleich habe ich eine hängen!er


Klar, ich hatte mir schon oft Gedanken gemacht ob ich Ihn einfach drauf ansprechen sollte oder nicht. Ich war mir aber nicht sicher. "Er", das ist mark, ca. 183 cm groß, braune kurze Haare und einen wahnsinns Body! 2 - 3 mal pro Woche geht er ins Fitness-Studio was Ihn nicht gerade unattraktiver macht! Er ist in meiner Jahrgangsstufe und ich habe mir schon oft vorgestellt, wie es


Aku ni bukanla gay sangat. lebih minat perempuan lagi. tapi bila baca kisah gay, stim juga. masa awal2 dulu aku ingat aku seorang 'top' atau tak pun seorang 'versatile'. nampak bontot kawan aku gian saja nak tibai. ini masa kat sekolah la (all boys). tapi entah kenapa lama kelamaan, terutama sejak scandal dgn T aku lebih minat jadi 'bottom'. aku lebih suka menerima batang dalam

It Runs in The Family

* Just a Note: This is my first story. If you like the story please E-Mail me. And I now understand why there are so many typos in these stories. Its tougher than it seems. Enjoy it, studs.*** My grandmother’s house is a big fortress above the California Cliffs in Northern California. The stone walls rise up into ornately carved stone work. Ivy grows all over the western wall. A


Wir waren mit 4 Jungs mit den Fahrrädern unterwegs und abends in eine Jugendherberge, die in einem Schloß lag, eingekehrt. Ich teilte mir ein Vierer-Zimmer mit Richard, Erich und einem gewissen Tom. Es war ein ehrwürdiges Zimmer, eine alte Werkstatt oder so, es waren überall an der Decken und an den Wänden Ringe angebracht. Um Mitternacht wurde ich unsanft aus dem Schlaf gerissen,

Massage Utöver Det Vanliga...

Jag är 32 år, lång och ganska vältränad. Många tycker att jag har ett attraktivt utseende och ska sanningen fram så lägger jag en del tid på att se OK ut. Jag har ett ganska stressigt jobb som säljare i Stockholmsområdet och efter en lång körig vecka så blir jag lätt lite spänd i axlarna. Därför brukar jag ofta unna mig en stunds massage hos Tina, en jätteduktig tjej som har egen

Reseledare med Ståfräs

Det var en varm vårkväll i Cala Bona på Mallorcas vackra östkust. Jag satt på vår stambar och tog en iskall öl medans jag väntade på kollegorna. Jag hade precis avslutat Vings tvåveckors introduktionsutbildning för reseledare i huvudorten Palma. Att jag sökte och dessutom kom med var en stundens ingivelse men där jag satt och tittade på folket som paserade på gatan kändes det helt

Seduced By Alison

When I was at school, I used to sing in the choir. The reason was quite simple to the average horny boy - 25 girls to 10 boys and the sexiest teacher in the school in charge of it. My lust at the time was for a girl called Alison who just happened to be in the choir as well. We used to get on famously but I always seemed to lack the courage to ask her out. She was eighteen (same


Hari itu T call, selepas bertanya kabar, dia terkenangkan kisah lama kami. "Amacam, kita jumpa nak?". "Boleh juga", jawabku. Kami pun mengatur pertemuan di bilik hotel, Kami bertemu di lobi, T nampak masih cute. Setelah bertegur sapa, kami pun terus menuju ke bilik. Dadaku berdebar2 memikirkan apakah adegan seterusnya. Dibilik, kami duduk di sofa dan berbual2. T memulakan langkah

Syok lagi

Pertemuan seterusnya diatur lagi. Kali ini T call dan katanya dia nak cepat2 fuck aku, tak nak tunggu lama2. Aku sudah bersedia di katil bilik dengan hanya memakai t-shirt, tanpa seluar. Tiba2 T membuka kunci pintu, lalu masuk dan menguncinya semula. T terus merebahkan badan di atasku lalu mencium bibirku. Aku membalas balik dengan menusuk2 lidahku ke dalam mulutnya. Lidah kami

The Bet

My brother and I shared a room together. One hot summer day we were both stuck in our room together. To stay as cool as possible we were both stripped down to our boxers. I was laying on my back reading a book and he was on the computer. He got up out of his chair all the sudden and came over to me. "Are you 100% straight?" he asked. "Of course I am." I said. "Do you think you

The Elevator

Tom Aaron jumped out of the cab in front of County General Hospital, getting soaked to the skin as a summer thunder storm swept across Cobb County. Shaking off as much water as he could, Tom looked to find the correct bank of elevators that would take him to Dr. Golden’s office on the tenth floor. Seeing one of the elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck

Tobacco Road

I reckon I'm a rare bird among gay men. I don't go to bars or discos; nor do I belong to a gym. There aren't any gay nightspots within ninety miles of the tobacco farm that I own. And as far as health spas are concerned, my work serves to keep me in decent shape. Of course my opportunities for meeting like-minded fellas are limited, but the internet keeps me in touch with gay life.


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