Gay Erotic Stories

A Chance Meeting

by Deathsoldier

Where do I begin my life story? A thought that has entered my mind more then once in the past few weeks. I guess I can begin where it all started coming together for and nearly falling apart on me. Oh by the way I am also a Homosexual, so if this bothers you do not continue, but I do urge you to read this. It all began on a beautiful Thursday night on May 26 of the year 2000. I had just come home from work and was checking my email for new messages. When I spotted a letter from an unknown person to me at the time. It was from a guy that I have never known or heard of before that day. It was simply titled HI. So being the curious person that I am and thinking it was one of those Triple-X email site things, I opened it and to my surprise it was from a guy who lived near me and wanted to meet me. Because at the time I was looking for a new roommate and so was he. The next few days we chatted online and via e-mail to learn more about each other. We came to realize that we both had so much in common. We both love Sci-Fi stuff, especially when it came to Star trek and Star Wars. After talking with him for a couple of days I started falling in love with him. Then he sent me a picture of himself via ICQ and I knew then and there that my feelings for him ran way deep for him even though we have not met in person yet. Before we ended the talking on Sunday the 28th of May, we set up a time and date to meet in person to see where things go from there. Then his wonderful sister whom I have not met in person either interrupted us. She had come to ask for his help. I will not go into great details about the troubles she was having, but I will tell you that her husband of so many years was not in the best of health and getting worse everyday. So he told me that he was going to go help his sister out who lives in Iowa. He has sent me a letter or two everyday, letting me know what was going on. It was if he trusted me with all of his heart and I will not know why till he returns so that I can ask. Well it seemed like his Brother-in-law was starting to get better then on Wednesday the 31st of may I got a very disturbing letter from him. It appear that his Brother-in-law had just passed away that afternoon, so he wrote to me asking to understand that he could not meet me at this time and barely being able to see the screen to write me a letter because he was crying so hard. When I got the letter a few minutes later, I starting reading it and found myself crying with him. I do not know these people and they do not know me yet I feel their pain. I wish I could be by his side to be his strength and guide him through all of this, but I have to let him come to me first. When I told my friends and family what had happened today I was enveloped in a love that I have never felt before, it was as if his thoughts were with me to help me. I have told him that when he needs me I will be there at his side. I feel real sorry for their lose of a loved one. Then his Brother-in-laws relatives show up and started to make accusations about things no one had control over. I told him not to do anything rash that he might regret later. This is not my whole story but a small part of it. I just wanted to write this down while it is still fresh in my mind. And to let this guy know that I real care about him and his family and would do anything to help them out in any way that I can. Steven you will be the first person to read this because I am sending it to you first. I love you so much I can not describe it in words in a letter or in a story, I can not explain where these feelings are coming from but I have searched my heart and know what I must do. I would travel the world just to be by your side. So know I put this question to you, even though it is very bad timing on my part, but I can not wait any longer for fear I might lose you. And if it helps, imagine me on one knee. Will you be my Boyfriend? I know I am moving just a little fast for you but a wise person once told me to take life by the balls, if you want something so bad you have to hold on tight, and if a person really loves set them free. I will explain these when we next talk. You do not have to answer my question till you are ready to, but I am ready for a life long commitment with you. Love always with hugs and kisses and forever yours, Bill


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Deathsoldier

A Chance Meeting

Where do I begin my life story? A thought that has entered my mind more then once in the past few weeks. I guess I can begin where it all started coming together for and nearly falling apart on me. Oh by the way I am also a Homosexual, so if this bothers you do not continue, but I do urge you to read this. It all began on a beautiful Thursday night on May 26 of the year 2000. I


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