Gay Erotic Stories

A Man's Man, Part 2

by Roof Raiser

All during the ride home from Jack's cabin, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Is it possible that he really did sleep through what was the most erotic experience of my life? But I then realized that the experience WAS so erotic BECAUSE he slept through it! The feeling of suspense and danger was what had thrilled me. Now there was a chance of a repeat performance in another week! During our week at work, it was business as usual. We seemed to talk more than usual, now that we had something in common outside of work (our interest in the cabin - not our night time experience). Jack would still fall asleep at the computer and right on cue would give me another show featuring his ample basket. By the time Friday night rolled around, I was more than ready to head back to the wilderness. During the 2 hour drive north, Jack gave me a rundown on what he'd like to get accomplished during the weekend. He hoped to be able to get the wiring and plumbing done. The well drillers had been there during the week and the water was ready to go. The electrician had also been there and were supposed to have established power into the service panel. All we had to do was set the plumbing fixtures and run the wiring for outlets and lighting. The interior of the cabin was going to be left rustic. We arrived after dark and started unloading the furniture. Jack unlocked the door and flicked on the light switch, but nothing happened. Apparently the electrician wasn't able to finish the job in time - it appeared we wouldn't have electricity for the weekend. After lighting a half dozen candles, I was glad there was no power. The mood that the candles set was enticing. We brought the furniture in and set it in place. The two easy chairs we placed in front of the fireplace, and the bed was put in the far corner, right under the large window. The moonlight lit the bed with a soft glow, casting shadows across the floor. As I built a fire in the fireplace, Jack finished bringing things in from his truck. He'd brought up a few pots, pans, dishes and utensils to cook with, along with enough food and drink to last us the weekend. As he was bringing the bedding in, he paused for a moment with an odd look on his face. "Oh man, I just realized that I didn't bring enough bedding along. But I've still got my sleeping bag in the truck that I can use, you can have the bed" My heart sank as I realized that the opportunity for a repeat performance of last weekend had just flown out the window. Oh well, I thought. It's great just to be able to spend time in the company of this man. We sat by the fire in the easy chairs and I found the combination of warmth from the fire and the buzz from the few beers I'd had too much. In minutes I was sound asleep. I awoke later to Jack's hand on my shoulder. He'd already made the bed for me and was now laying his sleeping bag on the floor next to the bed. I felt guilty making him sleep on the floor and told him so. At my urging he agreed to sleep in the bed, using his sleeping bag for himself. I would use the blankets. What he said next puzzled me. He would only sleep in the bed if we slept in opposite directions. He said he'd been having crazy dreams lately and was worried about sleeping with another guy in the bed. He wasn't sure what he might do in his sleep and didn't want to embarrass either of us. "Don't worry about it," I said, "We slept together last week and nothing strange happened", but he was adamant. With that settled, we both settled down in bed - him facing north and me facing south. The chance of anything happening tonight was pretty slim. The bed was very comfortable and the fire in the fireplace kept us warm and toasty. Soon we were both sleeping soundly, each of us having our own dreams. Mine were about Jack. I awoke later bathed in sweat. The heat from the fireplace had overheated the cabin and the air was stifling. I quietly got up and opened the window to let in some fresh air. My getting out of bed must have disturbed Jack's sleep. He was tugging at the sleeping bag in an effort to let some air in. He too was overheated and seemed to gasp for air as he slept. In the moonlight I could see that he'd thrown the sleeping bag free and was now laying on his side towards the window, completely naked. I returned to bed in our agreed positions and laid there without covers, letting the cool breeze from the window drift across my body. As the breeze blew across Jack's body, it picked up the musky smell of his sweat and carried it to my nostrils. I breathed deeply and savored the smell of him. Later that night, I awoke to the movement of Jack thrashing in bed. He was still hot and sweaty as he lay on his back, his legs moving back and forth, as if running in his sleep. He soon settled down, but by now he'd worked himself far down onto the bed. His waist section now staring me in the face. I leaned forward at took a deep whiff of his aroma. He rolled half on his side toward me, exposing himself to the moonlight and my admiring gaze. Slowly, very slowly, I raised my head and held it just above his inner thigh. Taking great care not to disturb him, I gently laid my head down. He stirred briefly but soon settled down. My nose nudged his ball sac and the aroma made my head spin. Even this guys sweat sends me over the edge! His cock was in its cocoon stage, all shriveled up, just inches from my face. I gently placed my had on his stomach and felt the firm muscles beneath. During all of this Jack's snore had been soft and steady. Now it was starting to become erratic and louder - a signal that meant he was about to go into a dream. I laid there patiently, my head on his thigh and my hand on his stomach, and waited for the transformation of his cock to begin. In the moonlight I could see the beginnings of arousal. Slowly his cock seemed to rise up from his scrotum. Within seconds it seemed to go from nothing to a 10" raging monster! How could it happen so quickly? His snoring was now strong and steady, just like his cock. I laid like this for what seemed an eternity, anxious to act but terrified he would wake if I did. I gently lifted my hand from his stomach, careful not to arouse him, and lightly grasped his cock in my hand. I could feel it pulse and flex and it seemed eager for more. I slowly moved my grip to its very base and gave it a gentle squeeze. Jack rewarded me by flexing every muscle in his groin, which made his cock expand until it seemed ready to burst! My view in the moonlight was awesome! As I gently squeezed at its base, the rest of it looked like a club in my hand. Its head extended a good 7 inches beyond my grip! I could see a glimmer of his juices at the tip and leaned forward to taste it. Gently I ran my tongue across the very tip of his cock and lapped up his pre-cum. It was silky on my tongue and tasted slightly salty. Cautiously, I took his cock in my mouth, straining to open my mouth wide enough to get over its ever expanding head. Suddenly, Jack seemed about to wake up. I quickly released my hand from his cock but kept him in my mouth, waiting. I dreaded the thought that I may have gone too far, too fast. His hand reached down and grasped his cock tightly as he slowly began to pump its entire length. His hand would rise up and almost touch the hungry lips that encircled its head, then down again to its base. Before long he groaned softly as his cum shot from his cock, hitting the back of my throat. I greedily sucked at its source, wanting every last drop. His snoring returned immediately and I realised that I had just helped him have a wet dream! When his snoring had settled down to a slow steady rhythm and I was sure he was in a deep sleep, I quickly and quietly satisfied myself with his cock still within my mouth. I awoke first the next morning and already had breakfast ready and waiting for Jack. I walked over and gave his big toe a shake and he awoke almost instantly. He seemed startled to see me standing over him, but quickly smiled and stretched his entire body while letting out the sexist growl I'd ever hear. I went out to the truck to bring in things I'd brought along and when I returned Jack was setting on the edge of the bed in his underwear, his hair going in twenty directions, a smile still on his face. "Sleep well? I asked. "I was a little hot during the night -I guess you must have opened a window?" "I did. I hope I didn't wake you up." "Not me", he replied, "I slept like a log!" With that he arose from the bed and slipped on this pants and pulled on a crisp white T-shirt. During breakfast we talked easily. The more time we spent with each other, the more at ease we became with each other. I got daring and began teasing him about the nocturnal wanderings of his hands. He took me seriously and looked panic stricken at the thought of what he might have done! "I'm so sorry if I did anything in my sleep, but I tried to warn you! When I'm asleep, I'm in another world." I assured him that nothing had happened and that I was just teasing. "You were a perfect gentleman" I told him. He came up to me with a mock look of anger on his face, which quickly melted into a broad grin as he grabbed me in a headlock and pulled me down, my face inches from his crotch. We wrestled briefly in a playful way and then he released me, laughing. We were both energized and ready for work. While Jack ran the water and drain lines for the plumbing, I installed the electrical outlets and light fixtures. The heat inside the cottage had become sweltering and at about 2:00 PM, Jack suggested we go for a swim to cool off. We ran towards the river, stripping off our clothes as we went. I dove in first and was taken aback when Jack jumped in right on top of me. The force of his blow knocked the wind out of me. He disappeared underwater and when he came up, he had a mischievous glint in his eye. He grabbed me by the waist a pulled me under. I was totally taken off guard and swallowed a mouthful of water and came up choking and gasping for air. I was in serious trouble! I couldn't get enough air! Jack was immediately there to help me as we stood face to face in waist deep water. He placed his hands on my shoulders and coached my breathing as he begged for forgiveness. When at last I was finally able to breath, he asked if I was okay and I assured him I was. He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close to him in a gentle bear hug in a gesture of friendship. I almost melted in his arms. The rest of the day was spent installing plug and switch covers, plumbing fixtures and cleaning up the work site. A playful dispute erupted over who would get to take the first shower that evening in the new bathroom. Jack surprised me by saying that maybe the only solution would be for us to take one together! I couldn't tell if he was serious our not - but the thought of it kept my mind busy for the rest of the day! We went into town early that evening and had dinner at a great steakhouse. The lighting was low in the dinning room and there were candles on the tables. The glow of Jack's face in the candlelight was mesmerizing as I listened to him talk about everything from his childhood to his life's dreams. It was a perfect evening and the wine was flowing pretty freely. By the time we'd finished dinner we were both a little light on our feet. We decided we'd better head back to the cabin while we were still able to drive. I drove the truck while Jack playfully poked me in the ribs and teased me about what a scare I'd given him in the river. I'd never seen him in such a playful mood before. When we arrived back at the cabin Jack opened another bottle of wine while I re-lit the candles. We didn't bother with glasses, he took the bottle and tipped it up, letting the wine flow down his throat and then handed the bottle over to me. Back and forth we went until the bottle was empty. Jack went out to the truck to a bottle of whisky that he kept under his seat while I waited inside. He seemed to be taking forever so I decided to make good on my claim of taking the first shower in the new bathroom. I stripped my clothes off as I headed to the bathroom, letting my clothes fall were they may. I sat the candle on the window ledge and turned the water on hot and stepped into the shower as steam filled the room. The water felt invigorating as it flowed off my head and down my body. Without warning the shower curtain opened and there stood Jack, totally nude, and sporting an ear to ear grin on his face. "I thought we agreed to share the first shower!" With that he stepped in and pulled the curtain closed behind him. There we stood, face to face, just inches apart and I was starting to become aroused. Jack's body swayed back and forth, we were both very drunk by now. A quick glance down told me that Jack was in his cocoon stage and apparently not interested. I quickly turned around to hide my growing erection and let the water hit me full in the face. Back to back we stood in the shower, our buttocks occasionally touching, while we each lathered up, then switched our positions to allow the other to rinse off.. When we were both rinsed, I turned the shower off and Jack opened the curtain. While I was now perfectly under control, Jack was in his half -hard horse cock stage. I tried not to be obvious as I glanced down at him, perhaps looking a bit longer than I should have, but he was looking me straight in the eye and could see where I was looking. In the candlelight his face gave no hint to what he was thinking, and I didn't know how to interpret the situation. Finally Jack broke the face-off and poked me in the ribs and said "I guess we could call it a tie, okay?" He turned and left the room, his mammoth cock swinging ahead of him I was afraid to come out of the bathroom. How had Jack reacted to my looking at him? Pulling on my shorts and taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped into the room. Jack was sitting in one of the easy chairs with the bottle of whiskey between his legs. "Come have a night cap" he said, he voice deep and thickly slurred. As I walked over to him to take the bottle, I saw that he hadn't put his underwear back on and the bottle of whiskey was wedged up against his balls. His rock hard cock was sticking straight up against his stomach, dwarfing the 5th of whiskey. I slowly pulled the bottle from his lap and his meaty cock fell forward onto the seat with a thud. We sat without talking, passing the bottle back and forth. When it was finished, Jack said matter-of-factly, "time for bed". His cock had entered its cocoon again. He fell back into bed in what was supposed to be my position. In seconds he was asleep. I had to crawl over him to get in, doing so quickly, trying not to disturb him. To hell with this 'north / south business as I settled in next to him and pulled the covers up over the both of us. As the wine and whisky took its effect, I too fell off to sleep. In my drunken sleep, my dreams were wild and incoherent. I dreamt that Jack and I were swimming in the river and started to rough-house again. Jack grabbed my cock and held it firmly in his right hand as he stood behind me, his half hard cock hanging down between my legs, reaching almost to the back of my knees. If only this was real and not a dream I thought. The dream seemed to be stuck - like it was frozen in time. It went on like this forever, with us just standing there in that position. In the dream Jack started to slowly grind his hips into me, his grip on my cock beginning to move back and forth. Coming out of the drunken fog, I realized that this wasn't a dream. This was really happening - for me at least- Jack was sound asleep! His cock began to pulse between my legs, twitching and flexing, looking for a place to bury itself. Bravely, the alcohol giving me new confidence, I reached between us and guided Jack's throbbing cock to me, pausing briefly and willing my body to relax before pushing back against him, allowing his cock into me. Jack was motionless as I pushed myself further and further onto his huge cock. When his rock hard 10" was all the way into me, I stopped. We stayed in this position briefly, as Jack's cock continued its familiar pulsing and flexing. His cock was so powerful, that each time it flexed, it rocked my body with its force. Jack began to rock his body in unison with mine, his grip on my cock slowly moving with us. He quickened his pace and it now seemed that HE was in control of the situation. His cock wanting more and more of me. His cock entered me fully and then retreated until I was about to lose him, then slammed forward to the hilt. I suddenly realized that Jack was fully awake! In an instant he rolled over onto me and began fucking me in earnest. He pulled me up by the hips to fuck me doggy style, his hips slamming against me with such force that my body flew forward. His massive hands would catch me and thrust me back onto his urgent cock again and again. His right reached around me to grab my cock, and as soon as he touched it, I came into his hand. At the same time he made one long sweeping thrust into me and shot his load - pumping it into me. A long luxurious moan of pleasure escaped his lips as I collapsed under the weight of him. We laid there, his cock still deep within me, as he wrapped his arms around me in gentle bear hug. His lips brushing against my ear as he purred like a contented lion. Slowly he rolled off of me, taking his magnificent cock with him. It was only seconds until he slipped into his deep sleep once again. We both slept late the next morning and when we awoke we both had major hangovers. Jack said nothing when he awoke and I assumed that he remembered what we had done. I wondered what would happen to our friendship and worried that he would have misgivings. I feel into a deep despair, figuring that this would be the end of it all. After a while, Jack said, "What happened last night?" As I stammered and tried to think of what to say, he added "I don't remember a thing after we walked in the door after dinner". "I shouldn't drink so much. I always awake in the morning with no memory of the night before". I couldn't believe my ears! Jack had satisfied me more than any man ever could and he didn't even know it! Jack and I continue to come up to the cabin at least once a month. I make sure that we work hard during the day and that we drink heavy in the evening. I am the happiest man alive and Jack doesn't have a clue what we do together.


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5 Gay Erotic Stories from Roof Raiser

A Man's Man, Part 1

I had been working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months and was more than ready for a vacation, when my co-worker Jack mentioned that he was heading up north for the weekend and wondered if I would consider coming along with him. He was building a small log cabin in the woods and needed some help in raising the roof rafters. I gladly accepted and we arranged to

A Man's Man, Part 2

All during the ride home from Jack's cabin, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Is it possible that he really did sleep through what was the most erotic experience of my life? But I then realized that the experience WAS so erotic BECAUSE he slept through it! The feeling of suspense and danger was what had thrilled me. Now there was a chance of a repeat

A Man's Man, Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before we could make it back up to Jacks cabin. We made plans to go up the first weekend in August. It had been a hot summer and I had hoped it might be a little cooler up in the mountains. Jack was to go up on Thursday afternoon in order to order the lumber and materials that we needed for the jobs we had planned. We wanted to make sure that they would

A Man's Man, Part 4

That glorious weekend with Jack and his kid brother Sam had created a dilemma for me. I now realized that I was totally and hopelessly in love with Jack. I don't mean in love with his cock or his body, but in love with the total package including his mind, heart and soul. He was all that I thought about. I wanted to spend every waking minute of the day with him. I wanted to spend

Jacks Are Wild!

EIGHTEEN--nine little letters that were to shape my future. I was certainly not a kid anymore, but not yet a man. I was well on my way to manhood with my body changing in delightful ways. Hair in the pits, the beginnings of a beard and the deepening of my voice all were adding to my physical appearance and what I would look like as a grown man. I have to admit that I was shaping up


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