Gay Erotic Stories

A Night In Paris

by BoyLush

Three years ago I was on holiday, staying at a youth hostel. I had seen the hunky Brazilian before in Amsterdam and now we where sharing a room together in the romantic city of Paris. The first few nights of staying in that room with him was driving me over the edge. He had the most heavenly body, sculptured pecs, rippling abs and the arms the size of tree trunks. His face was clean shaven, with a square jaw you only see in the movies. His legs had little hair on them but where pure muscle, muscle that I wished I could lick all over. I never really got to see what was in his briefs but from all the peeking that I did I could tell he was hung like a horse. About the third night,. he noticed that I had been keeping an eye on him, every few minutes after the lights went out he would turn over and peek down from the top bunk and I would be there watching him straight back. After a while he kept staring, I didn’t look away as he had the most gorgeous brown eyes. He didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak Brazilian (Portuguese) so we both motioned each other into our beds. He jumped down from the top bunk and hopped straight into my bed! I couldn’t believe my luck. We both where wearing our briefs as it was a hot night, but it only took me a second or two get his off his perfect body. I could tell from all his fumbling that he had never done this with a man before, so I took it upon myself to teach him the ropes. By now his cock was rock hard and mine was straining the briefs, let alone soaking them with my precum. He had a thick uncut cock which was about 7 1/2 inches long, my hand barley reached around it and it too was leaking so much precum that it was self lubing. My 7 inch cut cock was freed by his gentle hands and he was slowly stoking both our cocks together. The feeling of his foreskin against my cock head was turning me on even more. Laying down next to him I cupped his huge balls in my hand to find that they only had a slight covering with hair. I ran my other hand over his smooth muscled chest and found his hard round nipple, I squeezed it gently at first and after a few minutes of this he was moaning in delight. I replaced my hand with my mouth and started sucking his nipple and gently biting it, he loved this even more because at the same time he was moving his hand faster along our two cocks and a soft rumbling was escaping from his throat. He slid his hand around to my ass and started to stroke along my crack, slowly working his way to my opening hole. He inserted his finger inside me and I was that hot and ready that he found no resistance. He slipped a second finger in with the same ease and we where both moaning in delight. I swung my body round so we could take each other’s cocks in our mouths and started sucking on his monster cock. He also had taken my cock into his mouth and was licking and sucking me like a professional. Maybe he wasn’t so innocent after all. After sucking and licking my cock and balls till I was nearly ready to deliver my load he moved onto my now waiting ass. He moved down between my legs and placed them on his shoulders. Looking down at him I could see the precum dripping down the length of his rock hard cock. Aiming it directly at my waiting ass he was in up to his balls before I knew what was going on. I offered him no resistance. He slowly started to pump his cock in and out of my warm and silky hole and after a few minutes of this he was pumping like a madman. His balls where slapping my ass and his pubes where scraping against my balls. He grabbed my cock, which had left a pool of precum in my navel and started to stroke me fast. He was nearly ready to blow his load. The bed was banging against the wall by now and I didn’t care who heard the noise. He pulled his cock out of my ass and started to stroke his cock along with mine. His foreskin was pulled back all the way revealing his deep purple head. Our balls where tight against us, he started yelling in Portuguese (I guess) but I couldn’t understand him. I knew it was something good because he started shooting his cum all over me, which let me loose too. His cum landed all over my chest and arms. Mine hit his chin and upper chest and was then dripping all over me. He leaned down and kissed me hard and we stayed in that position all night long. Unfortunately he was leaving the next day. But I had had the most terrific holiday I could imagine.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from BoyLush

A Night In Paris

Three years ago I was on holiday, staying at a youth hostel. I had seen the hunky Brazilian before in Amsterdam and now we where sharing a room together in the romantic city of Paris. The first few nights of staying in that room with him was driving me over the edge. He had the most heavenly body, sculptured pecs, rippling abs and the arms the size of tree trunks. His face was


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