Gay Erotic Stories

Alex Smiled

by HotProf

"Capozelli? Alex Capozelli?" He raised his hand and answered, "Here." I'd noticed him the second he walked into my classroom. Now I knew his name. In four years as a professor at the college, I'd noticed lots of cute male students on campus. But Alex Capozelli had the look that, since puberty, had always gotten me right in the crotch and usually brought me to my knees (so to speak). When he walked into the classroom, I knew there was major potential for me to be in trouble. You see, I always had a weakness for the "guido" type. Big dark eyes, dark hair slicked back with gel, earrings and chains. But the thing that really brought it all together for me was if the guy was kinda stocky. A naturally big build (as opposed to the muscle boy thing) really got me. The first guy I ever slept with looked like this. I guess I never got over it. Alex had it all: big, bedroom brown eyes; wavy black hair, slicked back with and shiny from gel; two small gold hoop earrings in his left ear, and one small gold hoop earring in his right ear; a gold chain around his neck; a boyishly handsome face (with just a hint of stubble) and a stocky, natural build. I figured he was about 20, since this course was for juniors and seniors only. He wore a black leather jacket and a white dress shirt tucked into a pair of the best-fitting baggy jeans I'd ever seen. His package, from the quick look I'd gotten at it, looked more than ample. When he headed down one of the rows to take a seat, I had the pleasure of getting a quick look at a perfect round ass to which the denim of his baggy jeans clung in just the right way. I'd seen some well-filled jeans, but Alex filled his like nothing I'd ever seen. Yep, he was HOT, and I was glad I was standing behind a big lectern that provided cover for my stiffening dick. "Welcome, Mr. Capozelli," I said after he identified himself. That's when I knew I was definitely in trouble. His face broke out into a wide, bright white, toothy smile. He looked right at me and said, "Thanks, Prof." I could have lifted the lectern with my dick at this point. I was sure my face was as red as a fire engine, so I quickly moved through the rest of the roster. Once things had calmed down in my chinos, I was able to come out from behind the lectern and move around the room, discussing the outline of the course and its requirements, which, since it was a speech course, would involve at least one individual session with each student. I watched Alex walk out of the room when class was over. I tried to be discreet, but I just couldn't keep my eyes off him. When I got back to my office, I locked the door, pulled the window shades down and jerked off to the image of Alex Capozelli that was vividly displayed in my mind's eye. As I wiped myself off, I thought, "Shit. This can't be a good thing." The college frowned on relationships between professors and students. I was a junior member of the faculty (in my early 30s and not yet tenured), so I was particularly vulnerable if I were to do something stupid. Only the previous year one of the untenured, junior faculty members got tossed for a sexual relationship with one of his female students that ended badly. I would have to watch myself very closely this semester. Alex was definitely hot, but nothing was worth sacrificing my career in academia. Unwillingly, I found myself practically counting the minutes until the time I met with this class so that I'd get to see Alex again. While my "little head" was in overdrive, my "big head" began to think of reasons why I wouldn't really be interested in Alex. He's probably not that bright. I couldn't possibly have anything in common with someone 13 years younger than I. He's probably straight. There's no reason for me to put anything at risk here. My dick didn't seem to be getting any of these messages. If I spent more than a minute thinking about Alex, my hard-on would be raging. Oh, man! The next time the class met, Alex walked in looking hotter than last time. The beautiful black hair was still gelled and slicked back. Instead of gold jewelry he was wearing one silver hoop earring in each ear and a silver chain around his neck. He had on a gray sweatshirt that was torn at the top, exposing his smooth, olive-skinned chest. And he had on a pair of tight and very well faded Levi's. The outline of what looked like a most impressive dick was enough to cause my eyes to bulge. Alex sat right in the front. "Hey, Alex," I said, trying to hide the fact that I couldn't take my eyes off him. (I hadn't greeted any of the other students by name. Shit, it was only the second class. I didn't know any of their names yet.) "Hey, Prof. Wow, you remembered my name," he replied. Needless to say, I couldn't get out from behind the lectern. Throughout the class, I tried to keep my eyes moving around the room, looking at all the students, but I was constantly drawn back to Alex. "Shit," I thought to myself, "I hope he's not noticing." But I had a feeling that he was. At one point, he slid down in his chair and spread his legs a bit wider, resting his left hand on his thigh and then rubbing it a bit. I thought I'd come standing right there. I kept teaching, but my mind and, for the most part, my eyes were fixed on Alex. When the class was over, a few students approached the lectern to ask questions. (God knows my lecture couldn't have been very clear.) I noticed Alex last on the line of students who were looking to speak with me. I still couldn't move from behind the lectern since the bulge in my pants was still pretty prominent. Finally, I got through all of the students and Alex approached. "Hey, Prof," he said, "I was wondering if I could set up one of those individual meetings with you. I know it's early and stuff, but I think I have some stuff I need to discuss with you." I didn't know what to think. "Sure, Alex," I replied, "how about you come by my office in an hour?" "See ya then," he said. Then he flashed that big, toothy white smile at me, turned around and walked pretty slowly out of the room. That ass! It was like two halves of a basketball. I savored every second of his exit. Then I covered my swollen crotch with my books and notepad and ran to my office hoping I'd get through without anyone noticing my hard-on. Alex showed up in my office an hour later. "Hi," I said, "have a seat." He sat down. He started to ask some questions about a couple of things I'd mentioned during the lecture earlier. I was in the midst of answering one of those questions when Alex put his hand inside the torn sweatshirt and began to scratch his chest, then rub it a bit. My eyes went right to his hand, wishing it were mine. I pulled my gaze away from his chest and looked up. Alex had a half smile on his face. I was dying. Did this kid know what was up with me? Was he playing with me? Could I score with him? The questions were racing through my mind. "Okay, well thanks, Prof," Alex said. He continued, "You know, my work sometimes keeps me up late, so if I'm late to class once in a while I hope you'll understand." I asked, "What do you do?" He smiled. God, did he look sexy when he smiled. He replied, "Promise you won't tell anyone?" "Yeah, sure," I said. "Well," Alex continued, "I'm an ... well, I'm kind of an escort." BOING! My dick sprung to attention. I asked, "An escort?" "Yeah, you know, I go out with people and get paid for it," he said. "It's not something I tell everyone," he continued, "but you seem like someone I can trust. The money is good and it's putting me through school." "Hmmm, I've never met an escort," I said, trying to sound professorial and academic about it. "Well," Alex said, "it's funny. I'm not a pretty boy or muscle guy, but there's a whole bunch of guys out there who are totally into my look ... ya know, the big Italian guy thing." "So," I said, "your clients are all male?" (I was gulping at this point.) "Yep," Alex replied, "I could do women, I suppose. But there are more guys who are into my look and they got the money. I mean, personally, I'm bisexual. But the guys got the money, so that's who I work with." With that, he sat back in the chair, lifted up his arms and locked his hands behind his neck. His eyes were locked on mine. "Very interesting," I said. He asked, "Is it?" I didn't know what to say. Was he offering his services? "Yes, it is," I said. Alex asked, "HOW interesting, Prof?" I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Look, Prof," Alex continued, "I'm like a professional, ya know? I can tell when a guy is interested in what I have to offer. I don't mean to be too forward here, but I'm thinkin' that you may be one of those guys who's into my look. No offense, if you're not. I'm just wonderin'." "Well, Alex," I began, but he interrupted me. "Prof, when I walked into class the first day, you practically swallowed me with your eyes. Today I thought you were gonna leap across the podium at me." He began to rub his hand on his big thigh, just as he had in class. He continued, "I just want you to know that if you're interested in hiring me, I'm available. And, Prof, you're pretty good lookin', so we may be able to work out a considerable discount in your case. Oh, and I'm way professional and discrete. No one will know and it won't affect the whole teacher-student thing." I was stunned. This kid was right out of my fantasies. He WAS my fantasy. I heard myself saying, "Can you be at my place at 8 tonight?" "You got it, Prof," Alex said, "we'll talk cash then." I scratched out my address on a post-it note and handed it to him. Alex got up, put the post-it in his pocket and walked around behind my desk. He pushed my chair around. My dick was straining against my pants like a pole holding up a tent. Alex reached down, ran his finger along it and said, "Nice. VERY nice." Then he took my right hand and brought it to that big thigh of his that he'd been rubbing. "Just so you know what it feels like, too," he said. He ran my hand along his leg and then up to his denim-covered dick. He looked right into my eyes and said, "Not bad, huh?" I replied, trying to catch my breath, "Not bad at all." "See ya at 8," he said and strolled out of my office. I thought to myself, "I've either just gotten into the greatest thing ever or I've made the biggest mistake of my life." But I was going for it. I wanted him, and I was even willing to pay for it. My doorbell rang promptly at 8. When I opened the door, Alex was standing there in the outfit he'd worn the first day of class, along with the gold earrings and necklace. "Hey, Prof! I figured you liked it on the first day, so why mess with success," he said. I invited him in. The smell of Alex's cologne was strong. I think it was Gio. That was part of the whole "guido" thing for me, too: the cologne. Alex put his arms around me and said, "Now, here's the greeting you wanted the first time you saw me." He pressed his lips against mine and within a second Alex's velvet-like tongue was exploring my mouth. I was lost immediately. The feel of his big body against mine. His soft tongue twirling around mine. His scent. The feel of the leather jacket. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was on fucking fire. The kiss must have lasted for 3 minutes. Then Alex pulled away and said, "Ya like?" I just nodded my head affirmatively. He smiled, "I thought so. Well, now that you've gotten a taste of things to come, let's talk dollars and cents." At that moment, I would have paid anything for this to continue. But Alex wasn't looking to hustle me. He said, "Prof, I usually charge 250 bucks an hour, then 150 for each hour after that. We won't even get into what I charge for overnight. But, since you're so fuckin' cute AND you're my professor, I think we can work out a more affordable arrangement." "Okay," I said, "let's hear it." Alex said, "I'm thinking this. For the rest of the semester, you get me twice a week, for two hours each session, and I get an automatic A in your class. Once the semester's over, we'll see what arrangement we can work out. Whatcha think?" The rational part of my brain---well out of control at this point---was screaming that this was a major violation of college rules. But lust was running my brain at this point. "Deal," I said, within seconds. Alex took me by the hand and walked me into my living room. He told me to have a seat on my couch. He stood right in front of me. He pulled off his leather jacket. Then he started unbuttoning his white dress shirt. He pulled the shirt out of his jeans and stood there with it open. He looked totally hot. He smiled and said, "You're diggin' this, Prof, aren't you?" I just nodded affirmatively, drinking in what I could see of his exposed torso. He was smooth. The perfect body type for me. Not fat, but stocky. Off came the shirt. He had a naturally huge chest. His nipples were big. His skin had that almost natural tan that Italians are so lucky to have. Just the slightest love handles, which I loved. I was looking him over standing there shirtless in those amazingly well-fitting baggy jeans, my dick straining against my own jeans. He began to undo his belt, then pulled it off and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans. He reached his hand inside his jeans and began to adjust his dick, which appeared to be stiffening. He said, staring at my crotch, "Ya see, Prof, the turn on for me in all this is how turned on a guy who is totally into me gets when he looks at me. Getting you all salivating gets me hard. This is a great business like that." This kind of cocky banter was turning me on even more. This kid had the whole thing down pat. It was like he knew what I wanted without me having to say a thing. He WAS a professional. He pulled his motorcycle boots off, then Alex began to unzip his fly. He was wearing a pair of black boxer briefs underneath those baggy jeans. I loved the way he looked in those jeans, but now I wanted to see how he filled out those boxer briefs. He pushed his jeans down. Wow! His dick was stiff and pointing right at me through the black boxer briefs. His naturally big thighs were amazing. His legs were hairy, but not too hairy. He put his hand around his underwear-enclosed hardness and began stroking it. I was squirming at this point I was so turned on. Then he came towards me. He straddled me. God, he was big! His hard dick was pressing against my stomach. He began kissing me again. At times, it seemed like his tongue was all the way down my throat. I did want to swallow him, just like he said I had looked like I wanted to. He began moving his hips back and forth in a fucking motion as he continued to kiss me. I could feel his balls running along my leg, then the head of his hard dick returning to press against my stomach. "Let's get you out of these clothes," he said. He got up and began to undress me. I was so anxious to get out of my clothes that I kinda pushed him away and just stripped everything off. I wasn't wearing any underwear, so my rock-hard dick just bounced right out of my jeans once they unzipped. "Nice," Alex said, "nice." He dropped to his knees in front of me and began licking my dick. His tongue was so soft and smooth. I closed my eyes. Just then I felt my dick running through his hair. I looked down and saw that Alex had lowered his head and was running his gel-slicked hair along the length of my dick. The sight of my dick running through his hair caused it to jolt a bit. I thought it was going to burst. Alex asked, as he continued, "You like my hair, don't you?" "Oh yeah," I replied. Then he began licking my dick again. Slowly he took the head in his mouth, gently sucking, flicking his tongue on the piss slit sometimes. It felt amazing. He knew what he was doing. As he continued doing this, he ran one of his chubby fingers under my balls. My dick jumped. He took more of me into his hot mouth and sucked a little harder. I felt like I was about to come. Alex must have known this. He let my dick fall out of his mouth. He put his hand on it and was gently stroking it. He looked up at me and asked, "Want to see my dick, Prof?" "Yes, I do," I said, looking straight down at him as he continued to glide his hand along the shaft of my dick. Alex's grip got a little firmer and he said, "How much do you want to see my dick?" "A lot," I said, "a whole fucking lot." Alex smiled that big, white, toothy grin. "You wanted to see it the first day you laid eyes on me, didn't you, Prof?" I replied, "Yes, Alex. The second I saw you that first day of class." "Well," he said, "I'm here to give you what you want." He let go of my dick, stood up and began to push his black boxer briefs down. His dick was gorgeous! It must have been 9 or 10 inches long. It was fat. I reached out to touch it. He let me. I began to run my hand all over it. "Ya like the way it feels? Ya like the way it looks?" "Alex," I said, "you're fucking beautiful." "Yeah," he said, "well you ain't so bad yourself, Prof." With that, Alex led me back to the couch. He got down on his knees in front of me and went down on my dick. He swallowed me whole. I wasn't as big as he was, but I had nothing to be ashamed of. He began to play with my nipples, rubbing his stocky fingers in circular motions on the tips first, then pulling on my nipples. I was in ecstasy. He had me on the verge of coming. I was moaning and groaning. I wanted to scream. He kept playing with one nipple, and with his other hand got a hold of the base of my dick and started going to town on it. I was about to blow when he stopped and looked up at me. I was like, "What? What?! Why are you stopping?" He smiled and said, "Prof, don't you want to see my face when you come? Don't you want to be staring into my big brown eyes?" I wanted to come. I was ready. But the idea of looking at him while I did threw me into an even higher gear. "Yeah, I do," I said. He began to work my dick with his hand and said, "Just look at me. Keep your eyes fixed on this face. Think about how much you wanted me when you first saw this face. Keep looking." I began to get lost in his brown eyes. I could see the gleam of the gold earrings in my peripheral vision. Then Alex slowly began to smile, his hand flying up and down on my dick at this point. I let out a scream as I came. My jizz flew out of my dick so hard that the first spurt must of hit the ceiling. I was still shooting goo when Alex went down on my dick, sucking every drop out of me. I'd never felt like this before. Alex and I had lots of other sessions. It was a couple of years ago now. Maybe I'll tell you about some more in another story. There was and is no one like Alex in my book. He spoiled me for anyone else. If you liked this true (well, mostly true) story, let me know. E-mail me at If you think you look like Alex, let me know.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from HotProf

Alex Smiled

"Capozelli? Alex Capozelli?" He raised his hand and answered, "Here." I'd noticed him the second he walked into my classroom. Now I knew his name. In four years as a professor at the college, I'd noticed lots of cute male students on campus. But Alex Capozelli had the look that, since puberty, had always gotten me right in the crotch and usually brought me to my knees (so to


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