Gay Erotic Stories

Allstar workout with Caminiti

by Baseball Bear

This is my first try at erotic fiction, so bear with me, and I know it is long. But trust me, it is worth it. If you like, hate, or just want to destroy it… email me at If you are under 18, what the heck do you think you are doing? Please leave it be, and go to yahoo or something. If you don’t like man to man sex, leave too. If you don’t like sex between a father figure and a son, then leave too, you’ll hate it. Otherwise, enjoy and feel free to comment. Keith stood at the base of a short road. He was in a small town outside of Houston Texas. Keith was an 18-year-old writer, that because he couldn't afford college. He had written a lot of books and was lucky enough to have a friend and writing mentor that was a writer as well that pulled some strings to get him a dream interview. His friend, Greg, was a very lucky guy, in the fact that he was so skilled at writing. He was also lucky to have such great connections in the sports world. Keith was a huge baseball fan, and his idol was Ken Caminiti, the third baseman from the Houston Astros. Ken is a six-foot, 200lb giant, which was the 1996 MVP for the national league. Keith had fallen in love with him the first time he saw him as a kid, and had worshiped him ever since. His big dream was to be adopted by him. Keith really wanted to get the chance to meet him, and now to his friend Greg, he had the chance. He was going for his first big interview, just him and his idol. He walked down the road to a two-story house; motorcycles and cars were parked in front of the garage. Keith could see a group of people outside. At first he thought that maybe it was other interviewers, but as he got closer, found that it was actually the Caminiti family. Keith was gay, and knew better then to try anything with his idol, which he thought was straight; after all he had a wife and three kids. He walked up to them and thanked them for the opportunity, and said that he was honored to meet them all. "My, you’re a lot better mannered then some of the interviewers." Ken's wife said. Keith bowed again and kissed her gently on her hand. "My... very well mannered." "I was raised by my mother, who was a duchess." Kevin said quietly. "I learned a few things from her, like how to treat a lady with respect." Keith smiled at the little girls that hung off of Cammy. "And these must be your three young girls." "Yep!" One of them said smiling. "Guess what?" Keith smiled. "What?" "My daddy's going to work you like a dog when we go on our trip." She laughed. Keith wasn't sure what to make of that, but it sounded interesting. "Oh yeah?" Keith laughed. "Yup, Me and my mommy and my sister and my sister are going to go see our grandma." She said smiling. "Why not daddy?" he said getting on his to knees to get to her level. "He wanted to talk to his fan and he has friends coming over." she smiled. "Wow." Keith smiled. "Yeah." She laughed. "I love my Grammy. She always gives the best gifts." "Honey, we have to go soon." Nancy said, kissing her husband on the lips. He gave her a warm embrace, and hugged his kids as they piled into a mini-van. She looked over to Keith and smiled. "We're not going to be back for a few days. I'd like it if you would stay for a while, so I can get to know you." "Wow." Keith said taken back. "I'd love to ma'am, but my ticket for home is for tomorrow." "Well," she smiled. "Ken will help you with changing your tickets." She smiled. "I like you kid. I want to get to know you." Keith bowed again. Ken just laughed at him. Keith had the distinct feeling that he could yet be adopted. She smiled and looked to Ken. "You take care of that boy. I don't want you to scare him off." "What?" Ken laughed. "I will take care of him. Trust me honey." They drove off, and Keith was left alone with Ken outside his house. Keith wasn't sure what to do now. "Well kid, we better get you inside. It looks like your staying here for a while. We might as well get you set up in a room." Keith stammered a thank you. "Don't worry about it. " He smiled. He looked Keith over as he rubbed his beard. Keith was a slightly muscular guy, although he was only 18, he was starting to really look like a man. He was slightly hairy, a curl or two showing over his collar. He had a goatee and moustache. His brownish hair was trimmed. Keith was wearing a pair of shorts, and a large baggy short sleeved white shirt that was tucked in, accentuating his shoulders. Ken just shook his head smiling. "My daughter was right, I am going to work you till you scream." Keith wasn't quite sure what he meant. They went inside the house, and they were met with Ken's dogs, small spaniels that were still puppies. Keith smiled as they jumped and licked at him. Ken laughed. "It's like your family. Come on, I'll show you where to store your stuff. We can have the interview later." Keith smiled and followed him down to the basement, where one of the rooms had been converted into a guestroom. Ken took Keith's bag and tossed it onto the bed. Keith was so shocked. "Mr. Caminiti..." Keith stammered. "You know that had a very expensive laptop in there?" "No…" Ken said with a grimace. "Sorry kid, if it's broken..." Keith went to his bag, pulled out his laptop and started it up. Ken came around behind him. "It isn't replaceable." Keith grimaced. "It's a home made prototype." "It is?" He asked, watching as Keith pressed buttons. Keith could smell Ken's warm sweet breath as he talked. Keith forced himself to control himself. "Yes." Keith said as he put it on the bed. "I'm making it check itself. It will take a while." "Look, I'm sorry if I broke it." Ken apologized. "Don't worry about it Mr. Caminiti." Keith sighed. "My friend dropped it before and nothing happened. I'm sure nothing is wrong." "Okay... you’re sure?" Ken asked. "For you sir, I'd break it myself." Keith let out. He hated the fact he said that. Ken looked at him funny. "Okay..." Ken said. He started to leave and Keith followed. "Any ways, please don’t call me Mister or sir, just call me Ken." "Yes sir... I mean Ken." Keith stammered. He was so amazing. His body radiated strength and power. His strong back was huge, and his legs were nothing to scoff at. His tight jeans framed his tight ass. Keith tried to snap out of it, and did so just before Ken started to ask some questions. "Hey, did you bring any gym clothes?" Ken asked as they got to the base floor. "Gym clothes?" Keith asked questioningly. "You know, clothes to work out in." Ken smiled. "I can tell you work out." "I do workout, but I didn't bring any with me." Keith sighed. "Not even your jock?" Ken asked in disbelief. "Err... well..." Keith, said trying to phrase things right. "Well what?" Ken asked as he plopped down on a couch. "I don't have a jock." Keith said looking down. "I've never worn one." Ken looked like he just shit his pants. "You've never worn one?" Ken stammered in disbelief. "Okay kid, your coming with me." He got up from the couch and took Keith by the hand. Keith didn't pull back, as Ken took him upstairs into the bedroom and to the closet. Ken let go of his hand and started to go through his clothes. Keith was in awe, as he looked at all the jerseys and baseball stuff. "Here." Ken said as he passed him a pile of clothes. "Change into these." Ken started to take off his shirts. Keith was in awe of his idol more. Ken was ripped. Even through the thick covering of black hair, Keith could see the massive slabs of meat that made up his chest. There were a few tattoos and a scar or two, but Keith loved the sight even more. "Hey, are you going to keep drooling or are you going to get dressed?" Ken laughed, as he tossed his sweaty shirt and hitting Keith on the face. He took in the manly scent and enjoyed it. He committed it to memory as what a real man smells like. He tossed it to the ground and watched as Ken stood there, hands on his hips. "Well?" "Right." Keith chuckled. He took off his shirts and started to put on his new shirt. Ken stopped him. "Put on the Jock first." Ken said as he ran his hands down his side and ripped off his pants. Ken kicked off his shoes and stood there in the buff. Keith just stared, in total shock. He tried with all his might not to get a hard on, but it was looking like that wasn't about to happen. Ken laughed. "I'm glad you like what you see." He smiled. "Here, let me help.” Keith dropped his pants and underwear, showing a semi-hard cock. Ken laughed to himself, but seemed not to notice. Ken helped him put the jock on, and personally attended to the adjustment of the cup. That really got Keith hard, as Ken had put his hand in the jock and moved the cup around till it was just right. Keith stammered back some moans as Ken brushed his hands against his cup. He couldn't believe it was happening. Keith was even more shocked to see Ken getting hard too. Keith got wicked ideas, but held back. Ken stopped and stood back. "I'm beginning to think I might want to take you here and now." Ken smiled as his beard accentuated his manly smile. "But then we wouldn't have a great workout." He tossed on his jock, much to Keith's disappointment. Ken tossed on a tank top and a pair of shorts. Keith did the same, and they ended up looking a lot like father and son. They walked down to the basement and went into a new room. Keith followed Ken around like a puppy. Ken grabbed Keith's arms and started to stretch him out in different positions, getting him ready for a workout. "Okay kid, get on the bench." He ordered. Keith jumped under the bar and got ready Ken put on the weights, and Keith started to do some reps. Ken barked orders on how to do them right, and critiqued on every aspect. Keith could tell he was really getting off on this. He started to do them just like Ken wanted it. He could feel the pump already in his muscles, and could tell that Ken was right. He pushed the weight some more, his muscles straining. He just kept imagining how Ken was stronger, and kept pushing it. "That's it boy." He smiled. "Keep it coming. That's it." Keith’s muscles rippled and strained against the weight. "Okay, that's enough." Ken took the bar like it was nothing. Keith got off the bench and could see Ken's lap tented. Ken lay down on the bench and put on more weight. He started to lift it and grunt with every rep. "Sounds like you’re having sex." Keith laughed. Ken just kept grunting with every rep. "You haven't heard me fuck anything yet son. Yet." He kept grunting and pushing up the weight. Keith was really getting turned on by Ken and how he was acting. He really couldn't explain or understand why he did. Voices came from the stairs, and Keith turned to see three men came down the stairs. Keith did the best to hide his raging hard on. As the three men came into view, Keith knew immediately who they all were by their faces. "Hey Ken." Came one, a tall red bearded muscleman. Keith murmured the name 'Mark McGwire' "Who's the kid?" Came a black haired mustached man. Hair seemed to flow out of his collar. 'Mike Piazza' "Yeah, you finally adopt a boy?" Said a dirty blond haired man with a beard. He too was a stacked guy. 'Jeff Bagwell' "Yup, I think this kid will be my son." Ken grinned evilly. "What took you so long? We started with out you guys." The other guys looked him over. "Turn around son. Don't be ashamed. These guys are going to help me work you over." Keith let out a chuckle and bashfully turned around slowly so everyone could check out his physique. "What have you been doing for biceps?" Asked Mark as he rubbed his bearded chin with his right hand. "Just some curls with barbells and a dumbbell or two." Keith replied. "Eh, we can make him a bit bigger." Mike said with a chuckle. Mark and Jeff both went over to some of the other weight benches and started to stretch. They jumped eagerly on the weight sets and stacked on huge slabs of steel. Mike was starting to do curls himself. Ken grabbed Keith and dragged him to the wall. Keith was in total shock how strong Ken was. Ken was throwing him around like he was a paper doll. Keith looked up and saw a chin up bar hanging out from the wall. "Do as many as possible." Ken said with a smirk. "I want to make you fall apart in exhaustion." "Yes sir." Keith said, as he jumped up and grappled onto the bar. Keith adjusted is hands and immediately started to pull himself up, slow as he hit the top, and slowly lowered himself back down only to repeat the action. "Count out loud." Ken said with a smirk, barking more orders. "I want to hear how many you can do son." "Yes sir." Keith said after hitting the bottom again. "5...Ugh...6...Ugh...7..." The exercise continued until Keith finally let himself down after hitting thirty. Mike came over and was watching, still doing some curls. Keith let himself drop to the ground, and bounced off his toes, doing a slightly gymnastic recovery. "What the hell was that?" Mike laughed. Ken let out a chuckle. "A drop." Keith laughed. "You mean to tell me you've never done that before?" "Nope." Mike said. "I prefer to keep my manly look. Not going to ruin it with doing that fem gymnastics shit." "Hey, back of my manly son." Ken laughed putting a sweaty arm over Keith's shoulder. "He can probably kick your ass anyway." Keith went sheet white, thinking 'Oh god Mike is going to kill me.' "Ken, I could trounce your 'Son' here in two seconds." Mark and Jeff came over, Mark hugging Jeff. Keith thought about that for a sec, then redirected his attention to the matter at hands. "Why not just duke it out?" Jeff laughed heartily. "We will." Mike said seriously. Keith nearly fell over in shock. "Unless he's too scared. Not worthy to be Ken's son." "Wait a minute…" Keith stammered. "I don't want to fight. Really! Someone is going to get hurt." "Like you." Mike said getting in his face. "But you’re too scared." Ken looked really saddened that Keith didn’t have the guts to fight him. "Fine." Keith said as he shook his head. My terms though. Controlled fight." Keith looked to the padded floor and grimaced. "Let me get some things from my bag though." Mike's smile got wide. "Okay, but my stakes." Mike smiled. "Winner gets the other as a slave for the day. Whatever the winner wants, the looser does. Cook, clean, ANYTHING." Keith let out a gulp. He better not loose. "Okay." Keith said. Ken, Mark, and Jeff all laughed and got big grins. Keith went up stairs, tossed on some gloves, boots, and a padded helmet. He was glad he brought these with him. He grabbed another pair and brought them downstairs. The guys had cleared an area for the fight. Keith came down in full attire and Mike roared in laughter. Keith paid little attention but tossed the helmet, gloves and boots to Mike, hitting him in the chest and face. "I said my terms." "Fine." Mike said putting the equipment on. They shook mitts, and backed up a bit. They squared each other off a bit, walking back and forth. Mike jumped at Keith, but Keith pushed off with one of his legs, bouncing a few feet back. His legs were one of his high points, and Mike was about to learn that. "Come on wimp. Hit me!" He taunted Mike. "Fine!" Keith said. He ran up, and kicked Mike right to the side of the face. Mike reeled, but landed a solid right punch to Keith's side, knocking the wind out of him. Keith fell to the ground winded. "Wimp. Down after one hit?" Mike posed a bit, rubbing it in. Keith positioned his legs and spun, kicking several times as he turned upward and got back into a standing position. Mike looked a bit dazed, but raised his gloves in time to get two fists at them. "That's my boy!" Ken roared. "Kick Mike's hairy ass!" Mike tried to hit Keith again, and got only gloves blocking his punches. A leg came up and kneed him in the chest. Mike let out a moan and Keith tumbled him to the ground. Mike was a bit dazed, and Keith kicked up, then dropped his leg right onto Mike's back. A resounding crack was heard and Mike let out a yelp. "Oh my god!" Keith said as he dropped to his knees and inspected Mike. "Mr. Piazza... are you okay?" "Just fine kid." Mike groaned. "Damn. What the hell did you do to my back?" "I don't know." Keith was seriously scared. He was physically shaking. "Oh god I hope I didn't break something. Oh god I'm so sorry." Jeff ran up and ran his hands down Mike's back. "Nah, he's fine." Jeff laughed. "You put this little fur ball's back fully into place, that's all. He's got a vertebrae that always been a bit out of place. He might be sore for a while, but he will be fine." Keith let out a relieved sigh. "Little fucker kicked my ass." Mike groaned. "Okay, so he's a tough little fucker." "That's my boy." Ken said with a smile. "Anyone else ready to go get cleaned up?" They all nodded in agreement. Ken took Keith up to the shower in his room, while the others tried to get Mike up. They walked up the stairs, and, grabbed two towels. Ken went to his closet and grabbed two of his robes. They were a deep blue, and gave one to Keith. Ken and Keith both walked into the shower room. Ken had looked bigger then he had before; the work out had pumped his muscles to the max. Keith looked himself over in the mirror and noticed that is muscles had gotten larger too. He removed the helmet and shoes and gloves. Ken laughed. "God you are like me when I was a kid." Keith smiled happily. "Come on, strip down and hop in." "With you?" Keith asked kind of shocked. "Why not?" Ken smiled. "Its something you want anyway." Keith got bright red, not sure what to say. "Greg told me about you. I know you got the hots for me, and if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way, I think you are one cute little stud.” Keith really wasn't sure what to say now. "I'm not sure what to say..." Keith stammered. Ken just let out a shushing noise and held him in his warm arms. "Just relax son, an leave it to dad." Ken smiled. Keith has so happy, he was about to cry. Ken held him close and kissed him slowly. Keith could feel Ken's moustache tickle him. Keith put his arms around his new daddy, and held him. Ken picked up Keith in is big burly arms like Keith was nothing and brought him over to the bedroom and placed him on his bed. Ken kept kissing Keith, rubbing his hands up and down his newly adopted kid. Keith let out some small moans, and kissed back. Ken slowly stopped the kissing, but they lay in each other's arms, holding each other. "Okay son, you need to tell me what you have done with other guys before." "Well, Ken..." Keith said taking a deep breath. "From now on you call me dad." Ken said, pointing to Keith's chest. "Okay." he smiled. He looked a little ashamed of the fact. "Dad, I've only gone as far as to jerk off with another guy." "That's it?" he smiled back. He gave his son a warm smile. "That's okay. It just means I have a lot to teach you. Come here." With those words Ken slowly removed Keith's tank top and his own. Even though Keith had seen his new dad shirtless previously, he was still incredibly intimidating. "It's okay to touch it son. Go ahead." Keith ran his fingers across the hairy slabs of meat and melted. "Go ahead and give me a massage if you want." Keith took a second to get adjusted and Keith rubbed his hands across Ken's powerful chest. "Just think, me and your new uncles are going to get you as strong as us. But you’re still pretty strong yourself now." "Really?" Keith said in shock. He had never expected any of this to happen. He kept massaging and rubbed ken's hairy nipples and chest. "Shit I wouldn't take you on in a street fight stud." Ken smiled. He looked down on his new son and saw that he was staring at his various tattoos. "You want one sometime we'll get you one son. Nice one." "Maybe one that say's "Ken's property" right on my ass." Keith laughed. Ken let out a roaring laughter and a smile. Ken wrapped his big arms around his son and rolled him on his back. Keith was surprised how Ken lifted him around like he was nothing. It was part of his eternal strength that kept him going all the time through all the injuries and sickness. Keith was lying on his back and Ken was now in-between his legs. "I think that one can be arranged son." He smiled. "I think I want to plow that hot ass right now... but your dad still has to show you a bunch of stuff." Ken slowly pulled down Keith’s shorts to reveal his son's jock. "Looks like we have to get this off you son." "Yeah, cause it is really hurting me." Keith said. "I mean it's great to wear your jock dad, but it hurts to have a boner with it on." "Yours now." Ken said as he slipped it down and relieved Keith's six and a half-inch cock. "Just like mine when I was your age son. Don't worry, you'll get bigger in the next year or so." Keith thought his was somewhat big and kind of wide. So how big was Ken? "Thanks dad." Keith smiled. "Let me help you with your pants dad." Keith got closer to his dad's pants and removed the sweat shorts and jock, revealing a massive rod at full erection. It was close to eight and a half inches of big fat Italian meat. It was surrounded by a huge bush of black pubic hair and had two huge balls hanging low on a hairy sack. Keith wasn't really sure what to do. "It's okay son, nothing to be scared of. Try to lick it first and give it a taste." Keith did as he was told, taking it gently in his hands and licking the head, slurping up a drop of precum on the head. He loved the taste. The scent of sweat and power overwhelmed him along with the taste. "Like that huh? I'm glad. Try licking up and down it, then try to put the head in your mouth." Keith slowly went from the top of the head and licked his way down to the base and the big hairy balls that lay below. Keith lapped at them taking in their scent and taste. "Don't worry son, I know it is big, but you got to learn. A man has to learn how to suck another man's cock the right way. Be careful of your teeth and try to take as much as you can." Keith went back to the head and kissed it again. He opened his mouth wide and tried to get it in. He wrapped his lips around it and began to go up and down. He tried to take as much as possible, getting the think and long Italian meat in his mouth, his tongue rubbing on the underbelly of the cock. He kept trying to get more and more in, going up and down. He got so much in him he gagged a bit, coughing it out. Ken let out a roaring chuckle. "Try again son, just don’t try to take it all at once." Keith smiled and tried again. He got a good amount and bobbed up and down. Ken was letting out moans of pleasure like Keith had never heard before. Ken pulled him up and started to kiss him again, invading his mouth with his man tongue. "God dad... I've never done that before!" Keith said. "But you liked it right?" Ken smiled. "Yes sir!" Keith laughed. "Well let me try something else." He got in-between Keith's legs, kissed his cock and ran his beard over the shaft and down his balls. Keith let out a loud moan. Ken smiled and raised his son's legs. "Son you ever have anything go up your ass?" "Only my fingers and some stuff at home." Keith commented, a little worried. "You like it? Well you want me to change that son?" Ken asked. "I liked it a lot." Keith said. "I'd let you do anything dad." "Okay, I'm going to loosen your ass, and I'm going to play with it for a while. After that I'm going to take you to the next stage." Keith nodded and Ken started to lick around his hairy virgin hole. He was savoring the little brown hairs that radiated around it, pulling on one or two with his teeth. Ken lapped at Keith's ass, slowly pushing his tongue against his son's rosebud. Keith could feel the think and powerful tongue enter his ass, making him let out a gasp. Ken removed his tongue and laughed. "Relax son, take this like a man. It's not every day I do this." Ken licked and pushed his tongue in Keith’s ass some more, and finally withdrew. Ken licked his fingers and made them slick. He slowly pushed one into Keith. Keith let out a bit of a grunt as it went in slowly. "Dad that feels..." Keith couldn't finish the sentence as another wave of pleasure hit him. Ken slowly pumped with his one manly finger. Keith was melting, and was putty in his dad's hands. Keith switched to two fingers and pumped faster and harder, loosening the ring of muscle in his son's ass. "God dad, that just feels so good." "Think your ready for me to take you?" Ken smiled. Keith wasn’t sure it would fit in him. "Do you think I'm ready dad?" Keith asked nervously. "Yeah son." Ken smiled. "Just remember a few things. You got to take it like a man and don't whimper out on this. It will hurt, but I'm here. Just remember your dad loves you, and I just want you to feel good. As I push in just try to push out and relax. It will go easier." Keith nodded and Ken reached over to his night stand and removed a tube of lube. He applied it to his son's ass, finger fucking him again and applied vigorous amounts there and to his cock. He put the tube away and raised Keith's legs to the air above him. "Remember, take it like a man, and I'm here son." Ken pushed the head of his hairy cock right up to the loosened hole of his son. "Here's we go son." Ken kissed him on the mouth and pushed in slowly. It was like Keith was being ripped apart. Keith could feel pain in his ass, fiery pain. He grunted and kept himself from crying out. All he could think about was how Ken said he loved him, and how he loved Ken. He would do anything for his new dad. Ken kept kissing him, slowly pushing in. "You doing okay son?" Ken asked, pushing in slowly. Keith nodded with a grimace. Tears started to well up in his eyes and Ken stopped. "Okay, I'm going to let you relax a bit more. It will feel good son. You just have to relax. Your taking this just like the little man you are." He kissed his son again, kissing the tears away. "I'm going to keep going in now, try to push out." "Okay dad." Keith let out with a grunt. Ken kept pushing in. Inch after think inch went in, until Ken finally went in all the way. His thick black pubes tickled Keith's ass and His big balls smacked into Keith’s ass. They kissed that way for a while, letting Keith get used to it. "You took it well son. Not easy to take so much on your first time." Ken moved his hips a bit. "It's going to feel real good now." Ken slowly withdrew, feeling his son's tight ass close up on is cock as he started to withdraw. He pushed back in, making Keith moan out. "Told you it felt good. Now hold on, case I'm going to fuck you like there is no tomorrow." Ken smiled. Keith nodded and Ken went right to work, driving in and out, progressively faster and harder. "Oh god, dad... it feels so good." Keith moaned out. "I love you dad." Ken lowered himself down and kissed his son. "I love you to son, now hold on." Ken panted. He picked Keith up a bit in his arms and kept fucking him. He was giving is son a through ass pounding, and neither was able to hold it for long. Ken kept pushing hard into his son, fucking harder and harder. "I'm getting close son!" He roared. With every thrust he let out a deep bestial grunt, as did Keith. "I'm going to come dad." Keith moaned out. Ken's cock got bigger in his ass and Keith could feel Ken get ready to come. Ken grabbed a hold of Keith's cock and started to jack him hard. Keith moaned out louder. "Come on dad, fuck me harder! Make me a man like you!" Ken roared out and let out a deep howl as he unloaded his balls deep into Keith's ass. Keith screamed out as he shot out. Cum shot out into the air, landed on their hairy chests and on Ken's back. Cum started to leak out of Keith's banged ass, Ken still fucking. Ken slowly stopped, collapsing on his son. "Very nice." Came a voice. Both father and son turned to see Jeff there in no clothes clapping. Mike and Mark came bounding into the doorway. "Guys, I am proud to say that my son has just taken his first man’s cock." Ken said with a smile, kissing Keith. "Looks like we're gong to have a fun weekend." Mark said scratching his semi-hairy chest. "So it looks like you got adopted like you wanted son." Ken looked at his son and smiled. "Man, smells like..." Mike laughed smelling the air. "Caminiti musk." "Well, looks like I need to change my name." Keith smiled. "Hmm.... to what?" Ken smiled. "I don't know... maybe Ken Caminiti Jr.?" Keith said with a smile. "Sounds good to me." Ken smiled. The two held each other and fell asleep, leaving the other guys to their own deeds. Keith, or rather Jr. was very happy, as he fell asleep in his dad's arms. The future looked great for the new family. He could hear the other guys going downstairs. Jr. fell into a deep sleep, as Ken held him closer and more securely in his hairy chest. He’d get his interview from his dad later. This had been on hell of a day, and he had a feeling that it was going to be good to be in the family. He bet he had many more days like this to look forward too. TO BE CONTINUED


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Baseball Bear

Allstar workout with Caminiti

This is my first try at erotic fiction, so bear with me, and I know it is long. But trust me, it is worth it. If you like, hate, or just want to destroy it… email me at If you are under 18, what the heck do you think you are doing? Please leave it be, and go to yahoo or something. If you don’t like man to man sex, leave too. If you don’t like sex between a


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