Gay Erotic Stories

AMG Studio Match

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming rooms for a "private party". I thanked him for his courtesy and said that, as a matter of fact, one fellow I recognized from an earlier wrestling film and sure would like to get him down on the mat. Minutes later, Bob was ushering us into his main studio, told us to enjoy ourselves, and locked the door behind him as he left. "Tico" was Mexican-American, had a lithe figure, and dangled an enormous piece of meat between his legs! He also possessed a very devil-may-care attitude and only liked to do things at which he could have fun. I asked him if he found rasslin' fun and he hollered, "It's probably my favorite!" "Well, it's mine, too," I replied. "I've seen you in several of Bob's movies and it seems you like to break the rules, but you didn't seem to get sexually aroused by the action." "That's because Bob usually doesn't want his wrestling movies to become sex films. He's afraid of the "feds" busting him for selling pornography. It takes a lot of restraint to not turn the matches into a sex fight, which is what I really like." "Me too!" "Then, let's do it. Get those clothes off now! I hope you're not just into play and fantasy 'cause I like it kind of rough." "Injury, knocking the guy out?" "Shit no! Not that rough! I just like to give and take real pain. No broken limbs, but leave my opponent with some real sores places the day after." With mutually understood limits established Tico and I both stripped. Since Tico had a model's experience, the stripping itself was pretty hot. I followed his lead and we both made our clothing removal into a bit of foreplay. Each undressed the other: shirts first, then belt, then trousers. We sat down on the mat to get shoes and socks off. Then stood again in just jockeys to face each other, chest to chest, reaching down inside the waistband to play with each other's cock, to get 'em harder than they already were. "How about we take our time with this," Tico said. "Let's first just play around for a couple of minutes in our jockeys." And before I could reply he grabbed for my legs and toppled me backward onto the mat, leaped on top of me, and was trying to tie up my arms. I pushed up on one elbow and he rather easily rolled over. I was now pinning him down, our crotches thrust together, and I began to tickle his sides. His laughter was infectious, and we both started to roll around, each trying to tickle the other person. This play-rassle was great. Headlocks secured were more tender than painful. My full nelson on him was exerted with just enough pressure so he'd stay face down, my cock atop his ass, but without trying to hurt him. This "horseplay" must have gone on for ten minutes or more. We both stopped just to take a breather, drink some coke, and laugh. But most curious was that in the playfulness I noticed I'd gradually lost my erection and he had as well. A minute or two of rest and he pulled me back to my feet. We again stood facing each other chest to chest, hands down into each other's shorts, arousing the prick of the other. "Ready for the real thing?" Without giving an answer, I grabbed him in a bear hug, lifted him off his feet, flung him to the ground and was astride him, locking his legs into a double grapevine. I brought my left arm across his throat and began to choke him. Tico was surprised at the swiftness of my moves, but seemed to have a wry smile on his face. He punched me sharply in my side, then again and again 'til I brought my own fist down into his chest and began to pummel him. It was awkward to get a strong hit 'cause we were so close together, so I forced him over onto his stomach, got a full nelson on him, and began to apply as much pressure as I could. Unlike our first tussle, my cock was raging with pleasure and the harder I forced the hold the harder my prick became. Tico began to thrust his ass into my cock, and in a minute I was cuming all over his back. The strength flowed from my body and he quickly broke the hold I had on him, rolled me over on my back and now sat astride my body. He leaned down into me, our chests touching and began to pinch my nipples, not gently but with his fingernails. It hurt a lot, but my grimace only encouraged him to continue it. It seemed that I was to get no break after cuming, so I thought I'd better give back some fight or be pulverized by this fighting hunk. I grabbed his hair with both hands and with one mighty yank forced him to release his hold on my legs. As we rolled sideways I grabbed his balls and squeezed as hard as I could. He gave a more than faint yell, but grabbed my balls in retaliation. I leaned into him, bit the soft, fleshy part of his upper arm, and he followed suit. We were now both ball squeezing and biting simultaneously. This mutual torture went on for several minutes until he let go of my balls and punched me in the gut. It caught me off guard. I stopped biting the flesh of his arm, grabbed his wrist, and in one motion brought his arm up behind his back into a powerful/painful hammerlock. The more he pounded my stomach, the tighter I pulled up on his arm. He grabbed my hair and began to pull as hard as he could. I held his arm with one of mine, and pulled his hair fiercely, too. It took about a minute, but it was sweet pleasure indeed when I heard him cry, "I GIVE!" I immediately let him go, and he rolled over onto his back in obvious agony, breathing very hard, slowly massaging his arm. "I WON!" I cried with more surprise than triumph. "That you did. I'm yours to do with what you will. You won my body." "Stay just where you are." I then climbed atop him, sitting perpendicular to his chest, a widening smile of victory forming around my lips. But within less than a minute I leaned down to begin to massage his arm ever so gently. As I smiled into him, he seemed touched at my care and concern. "I just want to help ease your joint's soreness. My victory does bear a price, but I think you'll like the payment." As soon as his arm seemed better I lay down on top of him and gently kissed his lips. It was his second look of surprise in as many minutes. He kissed back and passionately at that. For the next several minutes are tongues explored the various corners of one another's mouth. "So this is your price?" "No! This is just to show how much I'm enjoying our time together. My price is this: you're going to stay on your back for at least the next ten minutes, making no attempt whatsoever to push me off. We're going to grapevine our legs together and keep them locked throughout what follows. We're going to encircle each other's heads with our left arms in a tight, mutual headlock, and this mutual headlock will remain in tact for the duration. We each have one free arm to do to the other whatever is possible in this position: choking, hair-pulling, hitting the side, pressure points, while all the time are cocks are locked in combat down in our groins. Whoever cums first wins. Are you ready?" "Wait! That's it? Your price is mutual pain?" "Absolutely! It's only fun when we're both laying into each other. And I bet I win." With that said, he began to grab my hair and squeeze my head with a newly discovered savagery, all the while thrusting his cock into mine. I grabbed his hair backed and so we fought. One minute, two minutes, three, four. It was what we both loved the most: simultaneous torture! Our breathing became more labored, our cock thrusts more intense. We'd each occasionally let go of our opponent's hair to apply a choke or pummel the other's side, then back to the hair, then another side blow! Finally, as the ten-minute time limit was nearly reached, the excitement deep within me burst forth in a torrent of cum! Seconds later, Tico's prick followed by shooting one surge of creamy white juice after another. "So you did win," he finally said when he could get his breath. "No, it was a tie," I said, smiling warmly into his face. We then kissed gently. "Well this is the best sex I've had in a long time. How long are you going to be in town?" "Another two days. Want a rematch?" "How about tonight?" he asked. "Let's go at it in my motel room, just for variety's sake." "Just tell me where and when. I'll be there." "Plan on spending the night. After round two we can share the room's king size bed."


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG Studio Match

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming

First Time With Steve

When I was about 18 years old, my best buddy was Steve. Steve stood about 5' 8" and weighed about l45 lbs. He had an attractive build, but especially muscular thighs. I stood about 5' 7" and weighed in around l55lbs. Though shorter than Steve, my build was stockier, but not soft. I had great arms and was very proud of how they looked in a short-sleeved shirt. Steve and I

Frat House Match

It was my Junior year in college and I'd enjoyed the wonders of living in my fraternity these past two years: about 50 guys, l8 to 23 years of age, at the prime of their sexual allure, most horny as hell all their waking hours (and in their cum-soaked dreams as well). As most young men were wont to do, they routinely dressed in minimal clothing, the better to admire their

High Atop A Hill

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to

Hot History Class

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking.

If You Dare!

Tom was beginning to shake all over as he stood in darkness on the deserted street corner. He knew it was due partly to not dressing more warmly on a cold, December night in Silicon Valley. Vanity rather than common sense had dictated his apparel: tight T-shirt and trousers with only a light-weight wind-breaker. He always chose clothes to reveal his well-chiseled physique. He

Private Showdown

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for,

Rasslin' For The Last Butt

Tom had been driving since daybreak, and the sun was now beating down on his bronzed torso. There was nothing in life he loved more than headin' out on the open road in his '66 Mustang convertible, tunes in his cassette player, sunshine and smokes. He'd been a Marlboro Red man since he'd started smokin' his senior year in high school four years ago. Of course, these trips out in

Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

It had been raining off and on all afternoon in the city and the hustlers had retreated from the sidewalks of Polk Street into various coffeehouses to get dry. So it was that Jason was sitting near the window of Mrs. Brown's when he saw a compatriot make a dash for the entrance, fleeing a momentary cloudburst. Junior's clothes were soaked and dripping as he scanned the place for a

Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

How many hours ago had it been, Dan asked himself. Six? Seven? Christ, had it really been just that morning the blond Adonis had been introduced as a new kid in his P.E. class? Most of the guys that day in gym had just nodded or offered a casual "Hi" to him, but Dan had found himself particularly aroused and couldn't force a word from his lips. Usually never. at a loss


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