Gay Erotic Stories

An Initiation They'll Never Forget

by Roger

The three apprehensive pledges stood silently in the basement of (XXX)' fraternity house. Although a fierce thunderstorm raged outside, they heard nothing -- layer after layer of thick fiberglass insulation, spray-painted flat black, lined the stone walls and blocked all sound from entering or leaving. Joey, Tom and Brad had been told to report to the Pit, as the basement was called, at midnight on Hell Night, the last night of pledge probation. Now they stood in the eerie room, dimly lighted by a few red bulbs that glowed like coals, waiting for Hell Night to begin. They didn't stand too close together -- as ordered, all three were naked -- and the unseen observers noted the differences in the young men's bodies. Blond Joey was short, with a gymnast's tightly muscled physique, stray locks of pale hair falling over boyish features, his body smooth except for the deeper hay-colored hair his soft cock dangled from. Tom's taller form was dusted lightly with the same deep black curls that were tousled on his head, his blue eyes darkened with a touch of fear, but the unseen looked in appreciation at the heavy low-hanging balls and the uncut dick that, even soft, hung down a good eight inches. Brad might have been a cartoon "corn-fed farm boy," a muscular youth with a linebacker's build -- swollen biceps and bulging calves, a full round bubble-butt that gleamed white beneath his deeply tanned back, and crewcut brown hair that matched his eyes. Smiling in anticipation, the unseen watcher silently closed the peephole and beckoned to the brothers waiting behind him. The three young men jumped in startled surprise as hidden speakers suddenly blared harsh feedback-heavy music and a concealed door swung open. The brothers -- robed, hooded and masked in black -- filed into the room and lined up around the walls, surrounding the three now-frightened naked youths who waited in the middle. Then one, his black clothing trimmed and edged in blood-red fabric, stepped forward to speak. "PLEDGES!" the brother shouted harshly, "ARE YOU PREPARED TO JOIN OUR BROTHERHOOD?" "Yes sir!" Joey, Tom and Brad replied almost in unison. "Be sure..." the brother warned in a voice like the hiss of a snake. "Be sure, or leave now and never return. Once you begin, there is no turning back........." The three young men stood resolutely. "I'm sure, sir," Brad said. "So am I, sir," Joey replied, though his voice quavered with fear. "Me too sir," Tom answered the brother. "SO SAY THE PLEDGES!" the brother shouted, turning back and forth to the other fraternity brothers. "DO YOU HEAR THEIR PLEDGE?" "WE DO!!!" the brothers all shouted together. The frat president turned back to the waiting pledges. "Then let it begin...." he said softly. Immediately six brothers ran forward, two seizing each of the young men. Two pairs dragged Brad and Tom to the back wall, and quickly the pledges were bound spread- eagled with their backs to the wall by stout leather straps fixed firmly to bolts embedded in the stone beneath the insulation, their hands high over the heads, their legs spread wide. The other pair pulled Joey to the front wall, beneath the brightest of the dangling crimson lights. With a metallic whirr, a thick chain slowly descended from the ceiling, and the brothers bound the short youth's hands together and fastened them to the hooked end of the chain. Again the clanking whir, and the chain rose, pulling Joey's arms above his head, pulling his body upward until only the tips of his toes rested on the stone floor. From an alcove a brother produced a yard-long two-by-four with straps mounted on it, and soon Joey's legs were widely spread with each ankle strapped to the black-painted lumber. The brother trimmed in red stepped forward to stand in front of Joey. "Life," the brother began quietly, "Is full of pain." The voice from beneath the redtrimmed black mask almost caressed the word 'pain,' and Joey flinched slightly. "Pain -- pain is a test, pain is a challenge, pain is a gate you must pass through to join our brotherhood," the brother continued in the same softly menacing tone. "It is a difficult test. It is an arduous challenge. It is a very narrow gate." Suddenly Joey stiffened in shock as he felt the brother's hand take firm hold of his balls between his bound, spread legs. "You will pass that test tonight," the brother said, tightening his grip on the pledge's scrotum so that Joey squirmed with the discomfort. "You will meet that challenge," the brother continued, contracting his fist even more around the youth's balls. "Uh!" Joey grunted at the painful ache in his crotch. "And you will pass through that gate," the brother said, and squeezed Joey's aching balls for a second with his strongest grip. "AAAAHH!" the pledge yelled, fierce, sickening pain shooting from his abused genitals. The brother released his grip, turned, and beckoned. Three of the other brothers came forward carrying a leather satchel. One of the brothers removed a tube of ointment from the case, squeezed some into his palm, and roughly took hold of Joey's soft cock, massaging the cream into it. Shocked by the idea of a guy touching his dick, still aching from the pain in his scrotum, the pledge struggled futilely against his bonds. The brother took no notice, but went on roughly working the ointment into Joey's cock. In a few moments, the pledge felt the skin of his dick begin to tingle and burn as something in the cream irritated the super-sensitive nerves, and helplessly his cock began to grow. A murmur of approval went up from the watching brothers as Joey's cock lengthened and thickened to full erection under the brother's working hand. Humiliated beyond anything he'd ever known, the pledge blushed to his nipples and tears filled his eyes as the tingling cream and roughly stroking hand brought him to an erection so hard he felt as if the skin of his cock might burst. Then the brother stepped away and another came forward. He too removed a tube, but a different one, from the bag. He also took out a glittering metal rod about the length and thickness of a pencil, from which dangled a long insulated wire. The brother slicked the length of the metal rod with the clear ointment, adding an extra dab to the blunt tip, then took hold of Joey's hardon and put the lubricated tip against the pledge's piss hole. "No!" the bound youth shouted as he felt the rod begin to slide into his achingly hard dick, and he struggled again as the brother slowly inserted the rod it's full length, the cold metal burning inside Joey's cock. When the rod slipped into place, the brother turned and removed two chrome alligator clips from the bag, each also with a long insulated wire depending from them. He slicked them with the same ointment, then, standing in front of the struggling pledge, began to gently pinch and twist Joey's right nipple until the dark flesh hardened and the nipple stood out stiffly from the pledge's tight-muscled chest. "YEOW!" Joey yelped as the brother snapped the spring-loaded clamp onto the tender skin of his erect nipple. "STOP! I changed my mind!" the pledge begged. "It is too late for that," the president of the brothers said from beneath his redtrimmed mask. Soon the brother had the other clamp fastened to Joey's left nipple, then stepped back from the writhing pledge. Brad and Tom watched, helpless in their bonds, as the brothers prepared Joey for the torture of Hell Night. Both were shivering with terror -- it would be their turns next! Now a tall robed brother stepped up behind Joey, a long, broad, but thin paddle in his hand. The face of the paddle gleamed with a sheathing of raw copper foil, and an insulated wire dangled from the end of its handle. At a gesture from the paddle-wielding brother, another frat brother first twisted together the bare ends of the three wires attached to the pledge's cock and nipples, then screwed them down tightly to one terminal of a car battery which a brother, grunting at the weight, hauled onto the floor. Then he took the bare tip of the wire hanging from the paddle and fastened it tightly to the other terminal of the powerful battery, and stepped back to rejoin the fraternity ringing the walls. The brother holding the paddle looked at the frat president for a signal. "Wait," the president said from beneath his red-rimmed mask, "He complained, when he knew that was no longer allowed." He paused as if considering. "Not yet. Make it sore first," he commanded. The brother with the paddle bowed slightly, and gestured to a brother against the wall, who brought out a long, flexible black leather paddle from the alcove and handed it to him as he laid the copper-coated paddle aside. The tears is Joey's eyes brimmed over when he saw the leather paddle being carried to the brother. He wasn't really frightened of the battery; he was sure that was a fake intended to scare him. But the thick flexible leather of the paddle -- oh, that was going to hurt! He clenched his teeth, determined to get through it like a man and not beg again. WHACK!!! The brother swung the paddle with a two-handed grip forcefully across the pledge's smooth buttocks. "Ungh!" Joey grunted at the sizzling spank, his body jerking forward, his rock-hard cock dipping and then returning like a see-saw to snap straight up against his stomach. WHACK!!! Again the paddle slammed across the pledge's bare ass, its broad width covering nearly the entire surface, setting the nerve endings alight. "UNNNH!" Joey's grunt was louder though he kept his teeth clenched; the fierce burn of the paddle glowing through his exposed ass. WWHHAACCKK!!! The brother swung the paddle hard across the thick lower part of Joey's bottom and the tops of his sensitive thighs. "YAAOWW!" the young man couldn't keep his lips sealed against the yowl that was forced from him by the sudden wildfire of agony in his ass and thighs. Now more tears gathered in his eyes and trickled down his smooth cheeks. WWHHHAACCK!!! "YEEEOWWAAAHH!! P-PLEASE!!" the sobbing pledge begged as the paddle again exploded across his naked ass cheeks, the torture of each stroke kindling anew the smoldering agony of the previous whacks. The brother took no notice, but continued to wind up like a major-league pitcher and swing the paddle with a firm determination squarely across the pledge's glowing scarlet ass. WHAAACCKK!! WWHHHAACCK!! WWHHAACCKK!! WWHHHHAAAAACCCKKK!!! By the twentieth savage stroke, Joey was screaming and sobbing like an infant, the bonfire in his bare ass tormenting his flesh like acid, the aching burn and throb of his granite-hard cock torturing him as it jerked and swayed with each whack, the vicious bite of the clamps on his nipples growing sorer, and most of all -- the unbelievable humiliation of being degraded and abused like a worthless animal before these robed men. "Enough," the frat president commanded, and the punishing brother stopped the paddle in mid-swing. "Now show him the "power" of Brotherhood," the president said, and a soft chuckle rose from the other brothers. Brad and Tom, though neither had yet been so much as touched, were both whimpering in terror from viewing Joey's pledge ordeal. Brad hadn't been able to keep a tear of dread from trickling down his cheek. Horrified as they were, neither could stop watching as the punishing brother again picked up the copper-sheathed paddle and swung it against the blubbering pledge's sore red ass. Whack! It wasn't a very hard stroke; it didn't need to be. Joey's pectoral muscles contracted and bunched like a competition bodybuilders'; his cock and balls leaped wildly back and forth as if they were alive, and a flash of pale blue sparks exploded from the paddle and ran like shimmering threads across his bare ass, the threads of electricity writhing down from his punished behind and between his legs to sparkle across his balls and cock, up his smooth belly to glitter around each nipple like a halo, as the new auto battery's twelve amps of power torched from the paddle! "EEEAAAAAHHHHHHHEEHEEHAGHHHHHHHAHAAEEEEAAAAA!!!!" the scream ripped from Joey's throat as unimaginable pain scalded through his blistered ass, clawed at his cock and balls with white-hot fingers, and turned the small clamps on his nipples into iron tongs glowing from the blacksmith's fire. "STOP!!" Brad screamed in horror as he saw the pale blue snakes of electricity encircle Joey's genitals and nipples, the flash of sparks behind him where the paddle struck his ass. "SILENCE!!!" the president roared at Brad, and the husky naked youth shrank back against his bonds in fear. Four more times the charged copper face of the paddle smacked the pledge's bared ass, four more times the room rang with his screams as the power crackled across and through the most sensitive parts of his body, until he hung panting and sobbing hopelessly from the chain overhead. Again the frat president stepped forward. "You have passed the test. You have met the challenge," he said to the crying pledge. "Now you will learn what it is to go through a narrow gate." The red-trimmed brother beckoned to the tallest of the robed figures on the room's perimeter. The tall brother walked up to Joey, stood in front of the bound, sobbing pledge, and pulled his robe over his head and off, tossing it to the floor. He slipped off the hood and tossed that down, standing naked with only the black mask covering his face, his eyes glittering through the mask's two openings. At nearly six and a half feet tall, he towered over the diminutive Joey; a pelt of thick black hair like an animal's covered the massive pectoral muscles of his chest, thinning slightly as it traveled down over chiseled abdominals, to thicken again above a cock so long and thick that both Tom and Brad gasped audibly when they saw it. The nude brother stretched like a cat, his bulging biceps rippling, the thick muscles of his thighs and calves tensing, then relaxing. Idly his hand wandered down to play with his hard cock, and it lengthened further until it pulsed nearly a foot long, thick as a beer can. He glanced to the president, who nodded, then stepped behind the still-whimpering, blonde pledge. He spit into his palm, and rubbed the saliva lovingly into the deep red plum-sized head of his cock. Again he spat, and again, slicking the warm fluid over his cockshaft. Then he gripped his hardon with one hand and moved forward to position it between Joey's burning red asscheeks. "NO! PLEASE PLEASE NOO!!" Joey begged as he felt the hot wet cock begin to push between his butt cheeks, and realized what was about to happen. The naked brother ignored him, pushing forward until the head pressed tightly against the pledge's hole. He grasped Joey's hips in his brawny hands, holding the target right where he wanted it. Then he jerked his hips forward hard, shoving the huge cockhead halfway into Joey's virgin asshole. "YEEEOOWWW!" the pledge cried out at the pain like needles tearing at his hole. "STOP, STOP TAKE IT OUT!!" he pleaded. The hugely muscled nude brother pushed forward slowly while Joey writhed and yowled, shoving his cockhead further and further into the incredibly tight pledgehole, then felt the tight ring of muscle snap closed around his cockshaft as the broad flare of his cockhead slid past the sphincter. Still he pushed on, ignoring Joey's useless struggles, burying the long thick shaft in the pledge's ass, until his heavy balls rested against Joey's blistered ass. "OH GOD GODD IT HURRTS! P-PLEASE T-TAKE IT OUUUUT!" Joey bawled. His ass felt like a utility pole had been shoved into it, the hole sore and stinging where the brother's cock had torn the muscle slightly. The pledge barely noticed it when the brother reached around to slide the probe out of Joey's still-hard cock, and wrap his fist around the pledge's aching meat. Now the naked brother slowly pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside the young man -- then he rammed forward to bury his cock to the hilt, his balls slapping hard against the pledge's abused ass. "AAAOOOWW!" Joey yelled as the cock slammed into him, but through the pain he felt a stab of bizarre pleasure as the brother's cockhead scraped past his prostate, and the hand gripping his cock began to stroke it up and down roughly. Hard and fast the naked brother thrust his cock in and out of the pledge's gripping asshole, all the while jerking Joey's cock with a fist that chafed and burned the skin, keeping the pledge bordered on agony while ecstasy screamed to be released. Suddenly the brother slammed deeply into Joey's ass, grinding his hips against the pledge's bruised butt, and the bound young man sobbed in humiliation as he felt the brother's hot jets of come shooting into his raped ass. But the humiliation was not yet complete -- suddenly against the brother's roughly-jerking hand, Joey felt his own orgasm build, a fire boiling up from his balls and from the hot pole of meat buried in his asshole -- helplessly he jerked and danced from the suspending chain as spurt after spurt of come jetted from his cock to splatter on the floor, burning like fire as it squirted up the irritated lining inside his cock. Exhausted, he slumped limp as the naked brother pulled his dripping cock from Joey's hole. Quickly several brothers ran up to unstrap Joey's ankles, to unhook him from the suspending chain. The pledge collapsed onto the floor, but was helped up and led slowly to stand, supported by two brothers, before the frat president. "Welcome, Brother!" the president said, and "WELCOME, BROTHER!!!" the other brothers shouted from the walls. "You have done well, Brother Joey," the president told the young man trembling with exhaustion. "You must rest now. But tomorrow you take your place among the brothers of (XXX), a brotherhood that lasts your lifetime. From our brotherhood have come the leaders of the most powerful corporations, Senators, even Presidents -- we do not forget our own," he said. The two brothers led Joey through the concealed door to rest from his Hell Night ordeal. The frat president turned and walked to the wall where Brad and Tom hung, almost weeping with terror, spread-eagled in their bonds. "You...." he hissed at Brad, "You dared to speak during the initiation. It's your turn now, pledge SCUM!" he shouted. "Flip him around," the president commanded, and two brothers ran up to unfasten the beefy youth and turn him in his bonds, struggling, to face the wall. A thick leather bolster was shoved between Brad's groin and the wall, forcing his bottom outward so the smooth white skin was stretched tight, and his full round ass presented at a perfect paddling angle. "Brothers!" the president said from beneath his redtrimmed mask, "You all know the drill; it's time to teach this pledge scum a lesson! Line up!" Behind Brad's trembling, naked form, all twenty-eight of the frat brothers lined up, paddles in hand. The paddles -- except for the names carved into the reverses -- were identical: solid oak polished to a glassy finish, nearly half an inch thick, two-and-a-half feet long, and six inches wide. "Ten each, brothers, and make sure the scum feels it!" the president ordered. The first brother stepped up behind Brad, and with a two-handed grip on his paddle, swung back -- then slammed the broad heavy paddle with all his strength against the husky pledge's bare ass. WWHHAACCKK!!! "YEOWWW!" Brad yelped as the thick oak blazed across his helpless behind. WWHHAACCKK!!! "YAAAOOWWW!" the beefy young pledge yelled again at the next blistering impact of wood against flesh. WWHHAAACCKK!!! Tom had squeezed his eyes shut at the first yell from Brad; hanging next to the husky pledge as he was paddled, Tom couldn't stand to look -- but he was helpless to stop hearing as Brad's yells turned to screams, punctuated by the loud "crack!" of the paddles as one brother after another stepped up to deliver ten searing strokes to the brawny pledge's bright red bare ass. Tom squeezed his eyes even tighter when the screams rose in pitch until Brad's shrieks sounded like a woman's -- and then began to be intermixed with wild sobbing as the pledge broke down. Brad's ass was a mass of white-hot agony. He struggled uselessly against the tight manacles that bound him to the wall, and jerked his hips this way and that, trying to avoid the searing blows of the paddles on his naked bottom -- to no avail. The pain was unbelievable, for as the paddling went on over increasingly sore and blistered skin, he felt as if he was being spanked with paddles of fiercely-heated metal -- each whack burned like the sudden blast of a welder's blowtorch! Finally it was over. Bawling like an infant, the beefy young man hung from his bonds, his ass glowing a deep red that was almost purple. The frat president waited until Brad's wails subsided to sobbing, the stepped forward again. "You will make no protest. You will do exactly as you are ordered, pledge! Or the gantlet will begin again -- do you understand?" he demanded. "Y-y-yes, s-sir," the pledge sobbed, terrified, reduced by the paddling to a whimpering slave eager to fulfill his masters' least wish. Two brothers unfastened Brad from the wall and supported him until he could stand. Then one produced the black leather bag, and extracted from it a curious device like an oversized telephone operator's headset. From a broad black leather belt, a smaller strap lined with copper studs hung down, carrying at its base a square plastic box securely attached. From the other side of the belt hung down a long, thick, realistically shaped dildo ten inches long. As a brother fastened the belt around Brad's waist, another knelt in front of the husky pledge to tighten the small stud-lined strap around Brad's cock and balls like a leather cock ring. A third brother knelt behind Brad, positioned the gleaming copper dildo between the pledge's flamingly sore ass cheeks, and slowly slid it into the pledge's hole. Brad stiffened and grimaced as the cold metal stretched open his virgin hole, but he kept his lips shut against any protest. Finally, his hands were cuffed behind him to the thick belt. "Now," the frat president began, surveying the beefy young man trussed in the converted dog-training collar, "You need to learn a lesson about opening your mouth, pledge. So for the next hour or so, it's going to stay open -- with frat dick stuffed into it!" Brad nearly cried out against the perversion -- but he knew it would do no good. "Kneel, scum!" the president commanded. Weeping silently in humiliation and disgust, Brad knelt. "You're going to suck frat cock now, pledge, " the president continued. "You're gonna suck it good, and your gonna swallow every fucking drop of frat come, or we'll start the paddle gantlet over with FIFTY apiece this time!" He opened his redtrimmed robe to reveal a fat, soft, uncut cock hanging down, and stepped forward until his meat touched the sobbing pledge's face. "Suck it, scum! NOW!" he ordered. Shaking at the degrading act, Brad opened his lips and tentatively licked the flaccid cock. "I said SUCK IT!" the frat president shouted in anger, gripping the husky pledge by his ears and pulling his face forward until the pledge's mouth enveloped his cock. Brad began sucking, disgusted, at the meat in his mouth. Slowly it began to thicken and lengthen -- but he couldn't pull back because he was held in place still by the ears. Suddenly, involuntarily, he gagged. The president pulled his half-hard dick out of the pledge's mouth. "I knew that would happen," the president hissed. "And now I get to show you what happens the next time you gag -- and every time you gag after that!" He showed Brad a small black plastic box with a red button on it, like a remote control. Then he pushed the button. "YYYEEEAAOOAAGGHHH!!!!" Brad shrieked as a powerful electrical shock slammed into his cock and balls, and turned the thick dildo stretching his hole into a rod of fire. "Gonna gag again, pledge scum?" the president said, laughing. "NO SIR!! PLEASE PLEASE I WON'T!!" Brad begged -- the unimaginable slashing pain of the shock still echoing like an afterburn in his crotch and asshole. Without waiting, he leaned forward and gulped at the frat president's cock, eagerly sucking as it stiffened to full hardness, eager do to anything to avoid another of those hideous shocks. "Yeah, that's right pledge scum, suck that dick, you know you love it," the man taunted him from beneath the redtrimmed mask. The husky youth went on sucking, feeling the thick shaft pulse in his mouth -- then suddenly the president grabbed him by the ears again, and, with a guttural groan, began to come. Jets of hot, sticky, salty-sweet frat come jetted into Brad's mouth, and he nearly retched in disgust as his mouth filled with the warm sticky fluid. "Swallow it, scum! NOW!" the president ordered. Shuddering in revulsion, the beefy pledge screwed up his courage and swallowed the heavy load in one convulsive gulp. "Not bad, pledge," the president said panting as he stepped back. "You may just get through this without any more 'training'! Get ready for number two!" Though his stomach rebelled, Brad had begun to feel relieved now that the ordeal was over -- wait! Number two? "Sir -- sir, I sucked you, I did what you said!" the pledge almost whimpered. "You thought that was IT?" the frat president said, doubling over with laughter. "Oh NO, pledge boy, you're gonna suck ALL of us!" "NO! I can't!" the husky young man protested. "Big mistake, pledge..." the president said -- then pushed the red button on the small remote again. "YEYEYEEHAHAGGGHHHOOOOO!!!!!" Brad screamed in pain as again the vicious shock stormed through his supersensitive genitals, seared at his asshole. This time the pain didn't stop, as the president went on holding the button down! "YYEEAAHHH PLEEEAASSEEEAAHHH LET ME OWOWAAGHH SUCK YOUR COCKS OWWWAAAAHHHHHGGG!!!!!!!!" the pledge begged, screaming. "THERE ya go, that's the right attitude!" the president laughed as he released the button. "Line up, brothers!" For the next ninety minutes, one frat brother after another stepped up in front of the sobbing pledge, bared his cock, and sighed as Brad's unwilling lips surrounded his meat. After the tenth hot load of come, Brad began to feel grateful even through his tears when brothers with a smaller-than-average dick stepped up for their blow job -- his jaws were beginning to ache. He soon began to feel as full and glutted as he felt after a big dinner, too, as one enormous load after another unloaded into his sucking mouth -- he couldn't know the brothers had been ordered not to come for a week to make sure their balls would be full, ready for just this pledge ordeal....... Finally it was over. Brad's lips were puffed and sore, his jaws aching, from the cock after cock which had filled his mouth and spurted come into his bloated stomach. His chin glistened with the overflow of semen, and his cheeks gleamed with tears of humiliation and disgust. "Very good, scum," the frat president announced when the last brother had pulled his dripping cock from Brad's lips. "But so much come has gone into you that I think it's time for some to come out! Stand up!" The husky pledge stood, his knees shaking with fatigue and the nausea of a belly full of semen. A brother knelt and unfastened the electrical torture harness, but he detached the thick metal dildo and left it in place stretching the youth's pledgehole wide. Now the brothers pulled Brad forward and fastened his hands above him to the overhead chain as they had Joey. "Wha - what are y-you doing?" the beefy pledge timidly asked. "Shut UP! Haven't you learned yet to keep your mouth shut?!" the frat president roared. He nodded his head in the redtrimmed cowl, and three brothers stepped forward. Two took their place behind Brad, who hung helpless with his toes barely touching the cold cement floor. Each held in his hand a long, flexible leather riding crop -- thin and supple, but the tight-braided leather and its springy bamboo core could sting like a thousand wasps. The other frat brother stood in front of the husky youth, and pulled onto his right hand a canvas glove with a rough, scratchy leather palm -- a steelworker's gauntlet. As Brad watched uncomprehending, the brother unscrewed a tube of ointment and squeezed a generous glob into the coarse palm of the glove -- and the unmistakable pungent smell of Ben-Gay drifted upward to the pledge's nostrils. Without warning, the brother suddenly knelt and gulped Brad's soft cock into his mouth. "OOOOHHHH!!!!" Brad moaned in surprise and pleasure, as the brother's tongue expertly lapped at the thick shaft and fat cockhead, which rapidly lengthened and hardened. In less then a minute, the muscular pledge's cock was fully erect, stone-hard. "Here's the deal, pledge," the frat president began, with a note of cruel humor in his voice, "Once you shoot, you're a brother -- but it's not gonna be as easy as you think!" The sucking brother stood and in a quick motion, gripped Brad's rigid cock with the rough glove coated in caustic ointment. "AAH!" the husky pledge yelped as the brother began to harshly jack off the cock in his grasp, twisting and pulling brutally at Brad's sensitive meat. It hurt, but not so badly that he couldn't come in a minute or two, Brad thought as the glove rasped at his cock like sandpaper coated with Vaseline. Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation begin to build in his tender cockflesh -- pleasantly warm at first -- but the heat grew, and grew and GREW! "YAAAAOOOWWW STOP!!!" the youth begged as the menthol, the clove oil, the witches' brew of corrosive irritants in the Ben-Gay burned and boiled the millions of sensitive nerve endings in his hard dick. "OOWWWW!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!" Brad pleaded -- his cock felt like a hot dog being broiled over a charcoal grill! Still the brother ignored him, savagely jacking the pledge off as he begged and yelled in pain. Even through the agony, Brad couldn't help it -- he felt his balls begin to tighten and draw up under his crotch, felt the slow pulse begin that meant he was on the way to shooting his load. The brother jacking him off noticed this too -- and nodded his head to the brothers standing behind the muscular pledge. TTTHHHWWWAAAAPPP!!! TTTTTTHHHHWWWAAAAAPPP!! "YEEEEEAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWW!!" Brad shrieked as the two riding crops simultaneously slammed across his still-tender asscheeks, leaving bright purple welts across the smooth skin of the pledge's butt. Brad's nuts dropped again, the pulse toward orgasm cut off by the blinding pain of the vicious whips on his ass. "See what I mean, pledge scum?" the frat president laughed. On and on and on it went -- the beefy youth bawling and screeching as his cock was savagely manhandled by the rasping glove full of Ben-Gay that seared like molten metal -- Brad's wild attempt, over and over, to shoot his load from balls that began to feel like iron weights, but then the TTHHWWAAPP! TTHHWWAAAPP! of the riding crops blistering across his welted ass, and the slow build toward shooting back at the start again! Finally the frat president nodded again. The two brothers behind Brad began an unrelenting barrage of whips across the husky pledge's bare, bleeding asscheeks, and the jacking brother tightened his grip and began to work the dick in his grasp fast and furiously. Brad twisted, shrieked, jerked and swayed -- his cock and ass aflame, his now- purple balls aching as if they were twisted in a vise. Then through all the agony, it began, unstoppable as a speeding 18-wheeler hurtling over a cliff! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Brad's mouth opened wide and he screamed, a full-throated roaring scream that a lone passerby on the street dimly heard, even through the thick walls and heavy soundproof insulation! Blazing come spurted from his cock, a mixture of agony and ecstasy like emptying a bladder full of boiling acid! -- and shot across the room to splatter the wall nearly fifteen feet away. Again and again the youth's cock twitched and jerked as semen shot wildly in all directions, and his roaring scream of agony and release went on and on... Brad hung limply from the chain; he had fainted with the overwhelming pain and indescribable pleasure of his final ordeal. Gently, he was unshackled and carried away through the door -- and the frat president turned to Tom, weeping with terror in his shackles. The red-trimmed figure stalked slowly up the bound pledge. "This is nice, very nice," he said, flicking a hand a Tom's long fat cock. "You must be proud of it, huh?" "P-p-please......" Tom whimpered, sobbing. "ANSWER ME, SCUM!" the president shouted, "ARE YOU PROUD OF IT?!" "Y-y-yes, I-I g-g-guess sir," the youth sobbed. "You'd better be, pledge boy, unless you wanna be pledging sororities tomorrow! Take him down!" the frat president ordered. Quickly the brothers unshackled Tom, and dragged him to a low padded bench, where they laid the lithe pledge on his back. "Don't say a word. Don't move a fucking muscle. Got that?" the president hissed. Speechless with fear, Tom nodded. Two brothers knelt beside the pledge and, spraying huge handful of shaving cream into their palms from striped cans, began to cover the youth's lightly-furred body with a thick layer of shaving foam. Over his legs, across his cock and balls, up across his belly and chest and neck, his face, and his curly black head of hair, the brothers slathered the foam on thickly, then stepped back. The frat president knelt, and held a long black curved handle in front of Tom's eyes. "Time to turn you into a slick Willie!" the president laughed, flicking the handle so the blade of the straight razor snapped out, flashing and glittering in the dim light. Paralyzed with terror, the youth lay motionless, silently praying he wouldn't get slashed. Tom sobbed as the president held the razor to his forehead and s-l-o-w-l-y drew it back, the keen blade stripping the pledge's black curls from his head to fall to the floor. Again and again the blade touched Tom's forehead, then swept slowly back to the nape of his neck, as his hair sheared off in handfuls matted with shaving cream. In a minute Tom's head was smooth as a cue ball. "Now remember, don't move..." the president said with mocking glee in his tone, as he first swept the razor down, up, and again down the pledge's right arm, shaving off the small tight black hairs. He lifted Tom's arm and with delicate precision, sheared the hair in the pledge's armpit. The pledge began sobbing loudly as he felt his body being denuded by the frat president -- and how could he face his parents, his classmates, with his head shaved? "Shut up!" the president snarled, as he repeated the shaving on Tom's left arm and armpit. Next he laid the razor just above the thick thatch of black hair at the pledge's crotch, then drew the gleaming blade upward across Tom's flat belly and well-defined pectorals, a broad pink stripe of hairless skin appearing on the once-furred body. The pledge winced as the ice-cold steel slid over his nipple, sobbing as the razor stroked over him again and again. Next the president shaved Tom's legs, shearing the curled hairs from the pledge's muscular calves and thighs until his legs gleamed smoothly. "And now for the best part!" the man said with a laugh. Tom shuddered when he felt the icy sharp metal touch his scrotum, and begin to scrape across the tender skin in short delicate strokes. Then down the razor slid between his legs, the keen edge tickling with terror beneath his now-hairless balls. Finally the frat president gripped Tom's cockhead between two fingers and pulled the pledge's dick up and out of the way as he prepared to finish shaving the crotch. "P-please, don't, p- please n-not that!" Tom begged. "Oh yes, THAT!" the man laughed as the razor sheared away a huge clump fo the pledge's pubic hair. Four quick strokes -- and Tom's crotch was as bald as a ten-year-old boy's. "Roll over pledge boy, time for the other side!" Tom lay on his stomach, bawling as the back of his legs were shaved, the few fine patches of hair on each shoulder sliced off by the gleaming razor. "Say, brothers, the hair on pledge-boy's ass seems kinda rough. We'd better soften it up! Get me a hot towel..." In a minute, a brother appeared hold a steaming folded towel -- so hot from its dip into boiling water that he held it with tongs. "You're in for a treat, pledge boy," the frat president hissed menacingly. He nodded to two brothers who moved to hold the pledge down tightly by hid shoulders and ankles. Then the man took the steaming towel and dropped it with a 'slap!' onto Tom's naked ass. "YEEEEAAAOOOOOWWWW!" the youth yelled as the boiling-hot towel scalded his sensitive backside, writhing from side to side as the flesh scorched, but unable to escape the tight grasp of the imprisoning brothers. "Take it easy there, pledge boy," the frat president laughed, "We've hardly started!" He flipped the towel off Tom's bare ass, revealing a pledge butt scalded tomato-red beneath its dusting of black curls. "AH! OW! OOW!" Tom yelped and writhed as the razor slid over his burned skin, dipping into the deep crack between his rounded asscheeks to finish the job. The shave was over, and the pledge was indeed a "slick Willie" now -- hairless as an egg from the top of his head to the tips of his toes! "Now for a little lesson in self-control, pledge," the president snarled. Tom was hauled off the bench and dragged to the center of the room. Two brothers wheeled out a tall wooden framework that seemed somehow familiar to the pledge even through the haze of pain and fear that fogged his brain. He was pulled forward toward the frame, and suddenly Tom recognized it -- a guillotine! But -- something different -- he struggled wildly as his hands were thrust through holes high in the side members of the odd guillotine, but to no avail -- he was trapped against the tall wooden device, his hands cuffed together on the other side. "Recognize our little toy here, pledge boy?" the redtrimmed man asked. "Oh, it's not a "guillotine," the president said, pronouncing the word 'gee-oh-teen' as the French do, "It's a 'she-otine!' " he laughed. "Cause it'll turn you into a 'she' if you don't do as you're told!" The small split panel with the hole in the center, which was in front of Tom's hips, was opened by a brother. Two others pushed him forward until the pledge's cock and balls dangled on the opposite side of the device -- then the brother pushed the panels together again, trapping Tom's genitals inescapably in the center hole! "Look up, pledge boy," the frat president ordered. The youth tilted his head back, and saw, high above at the top of the framework, the heavy glittering slanted blade in its track -- and instantly realized that, like a regular guillotine, releasing the rope at the side would let the heavy blade free to slam downward between the panels. But it wouldn't be his head the blade would carve off -- it would be his dick and balls! "NO! LET ME GO!! PLEASE!" the pledge screamed. "Oh, calm down now pledge boy," the man mocked. "No one's gonna touch the rope that releases the blade but you! Here, hold it!" the frat president laughed. He unfastened the rope from the side of the guillotine, and put the end of it into Tom's mouth. "Bite down hard!" the man said jeeringly, "Wouldn't want to let go of that, now, would we?" The weeping pledge bit onto the rope, feeling the heavy weight of the blade against his tightly clenched teeth. "There now, that's not so tough, is it," the redtrimmed man chuckled. "All you have to do to become a brother is keep your mouth shut for the next five minutes." Through his tears, Tom sighed mentally. The blade wasn't THAT heavy, he could easily hold it in his teeth for five minutes. "Of course, we have to give you a little challenge!" the president said, pulling from beneath his robe a yard-long bamboo cane, thick as a man's index finger. "UNNNNHH!" the pledge begged between clenched teeth, as the frat president stepped behind him and took aim at Tom's blisteringly sore, scalded shaved bare ass. THWAAAACK!!! "MMMMMPPPPPHHHHHHHNNNN!!!" The cane slammed into the pledge's rounded, burned bottom, a bright purple welt swelling up, as Tom's body tensed in agony and he let out a muffled scream. Still the rope stayed tightly gripped in his teeth, holding the blade that could shear his dick and balls off like soft butter. THWAAACK!!! "MMNNNGGGPPPHHHH!!!" Again the cane blistered across Tom's scalded buttflesh, another purple weal rising up from the hairless skin. The pledge's face was crimson with agony and the effort of keeping his mouth closed, when he needed desperately to scream out the agony of the caning on his bare burned ass! Tears ran down his cheeks, and huge beads of sweat broke out on his forehead to run down and mingle with his tears -- what if the pain grew so intense he couldn't help screaming? The guillotine -- the blade would slam down and cut off his dick, slice off his balls! THWAAACKK!!! THWAAAACK!! THWAACK!! Again and again the president walloped the agonizing cane across Tom's rounded, roasted ass, watching in delight as the purple-and-red welts grew and crisscrossed, and the pledge, drenched with sweat, let out one muffled shriek after another. As the end of the five minutes neared, more than forty blazing welts throbbed on the crimson, scalded skin of Tom's writhing bare butt. The pledge's lips were white with the effort to keep his mouth closed tight against the almost- unstoppable urge to scream his agony at the top of his lungs! "Good pledge boy!" the president shouted gleefully. "Okay, here comes the last one!" The man drew his arm far, far back -- took careful aim -- and slammed the whistling cane with all the force he could muster directly across the super-sensitive crease where Tom's well-rounded, well-caned buttocks met his thighs. "TTTTTHHHHHWWWWWAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!! The incredible, intense, nuclear heat of the cane stroke was more than the tortured pledge could bear. Like a swimmer surrendering to drowning, Tom opened his mouth wide, the rope snapping from between his teeth in a flash, and screamed his agony to the world! "YYYEEEEOOOOOAAAAWWWWWWWGHHHOOWWAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" Even as he screamed, he saw the gleaming blade flash downward, past his horrified eyes, hurtling down with irresistible force to slash off his...!!! Tom fainted. From a swirl of darkness Tom slowly opened his eyes. The room swam around him, then his vision steadied, and he was looking into the glittering eyes of the frat president. "OH MY GOD!!!" the pledge screamed in horror, his suddenly-free hands shooting down to his crotch -- he had to stop the bleeding! He frantically grabbed at his groin -- and felt his long, heavy cock, his full round balls still firmly attached! The frat president smiled broadly, and gestured toward the guillotine. Tom saw the blade in its track -- stopped less than a quarter-inch from the genital trap-hole by a steel pin through the panels. "Scared ya, didn't we brother?" the frat president laughed, and Tom fainted again. Four weeks had passed since Hell Night, and the three roomies - Joey, Brad and Tom -- were nearly healed of the wounds to their bodies. The cane welts and paddle bruises were fast fading. But the wounds to Brad and Joey's minds weren't so quick to heal -- husky Brad had to run from the room one night when a couple brothers brought back Chinese food. The thick, glutinous sauce on the noodles instantly reminded him of semen, and his mouth had suddenly filled with the hallucinatory taste of frat come. Joey was having dreams once or twice a week that frightened and disturbed him -- "wet" dreams where a shadowy figure sodomized him with a huge cock, and he awakened with his sheets and belly sticky with his own come. The youths had already compared their initiation experiences; Tom was secretly happy he hadn't been subject to the sexual humiliation his buddies were forced to endure. He didn't know that Brad and Joey resented his escape, and didn't like it when Tom suggested that his initiation had actually been worse than theirs. Tom was out on a date with his current girl Heather, and his two roomies, left alone, were discussing that very subject. "I can't fuckin' believe Tom didn't hafta do any of the queer sex shit," Brad groused. "I think it sucks." "I know, dude, and all that bullshit about his bein' worse than ours, gimme a fuckin' break -- hey, his hair'll grow back, but my ass won't get un-fucked!" Joey said angrily. Both youths reddened as they remembered that night, recalling their humiliation silently. Then, slowly, Joey began to smile -- a thin, cruel smile that sat oddly on his boyish face. "Hey, dude ....... I got an idea," he said. And as he began to explain his "idea," the same smile curled Brad's mouth. It was after one o'clock in the morning when Tom quietly opened the door of the darkened bedroom, trying not to disturb his two roomies. He was pissed off -- he'd been looking forward to getting off with Heather, but she was on the rag and in no mood for sex. He gently closed the door and began undressing in the dark, then climbed into bed under the blanket. His woody was so hard it hurt against the sheet, but there was nothing he could do about it -- he wasn't going to jack off in the same room as his frat brothers! An hour later, Tom suddenly awakened as bright light flooded the room. He tried to roll over onto his back to find out what was going on -- and discovered his hands were tied somehow to the legs of the low dorm bed! "Hey! What the fuck...."Tom began angrily. Then Brad and Joey appeared in front of him. "Got a problem, dude?" Joey smirked. "What's the fuckin' idea?" Tom snapped. "Well I'll tell ya, dude," Joey said in a mock- reasonable tone, "Brad and I got ta talkin' and we decided it pretty much sucked that we had ta do all that queer shit and you didn't, so now it's your turn!" "No fucking WAY!" Tom shouted. "Hey bro, better keep it down," Brad warned. "Fuck you, I'll wake the whole fuckin' house up!" "Wouldn't do that if I were you," Joey said. "Cause if ya do, we're gonna tell the bros we caught ya rippin' off our wallets an' we're just takin' care of ya for it." "You wouldn't fuckin' dare," Tom said, but he kept his voice quiet. "Oh yeah? Try us," Brad sneered. "You know a bro's ass is busted outta the frat for stealin'. Who d'ya think they're gonna believe, our word against yours, man." Slowly Tom realized he was set up with no way out. Brad was right, his ass would get busted out -- the bros would take two guy's word against one. "You motherfuckers. Just what the fuck are you gonna do ta me?" Tom spat, the bravado of his tone failing to conceal his growing fear. "Anything we want, dude," Joey jeered, "And you're gonna do whatever we tell ya. So what's it gonna be -- you wanna get thrown out, or you wanna be our queerboy?" Tom's fury was wilting under the implications -- he couldn't get busted out of the frat, no matter what he had to do! XXX was the toughest frat to get into in the country. He tried to talk his way out of it. "Look, dudes, this is a joke, right? C'mon, 'nuff already," Tom said with a weak attempt at a laugh. "No fuckin' joke, Tom. That's the choice," Brad said with finality. The bound youth's eyes filled with tears of frustration -- he'd HAVE to do what these fuckers wanted! "Okay, I'll do what ya want," he whispered. "Whatcha say Tom? Couldn't hear ya," Joey said with a smirk. "I said I'll fuckin' do it!" Tom snarled. "Awww don't be that way about it, dude," Brad mocked. He turned to Joey. "Who's first?" "Go ahead, bro," Joey said. Brad picked up a skin mag from his bed and began paging through it as Tom watched. "Just chill a minute, dude, gotta get some wood goin' for ya," he said as his hand wandered down to the bulge in his blue boxers, and he began massaging his hefty cock through the thin cotton. His eyes glued to the creamy breasts and pouting lips of the centerfold nude, Brad stroked his growing meat as he walked over to stand at the head of Tom's bed. He laid the open magazine down on the bedside table where he could go on looking at it, and suddenly pushed his boxers down. His half-hard cock sprang up inches from Tom's face. "Hey dude, slide up a little bit and suck my woody!" he ordered his bound frat brother. "Hey -- c'mon man -- don't --" Tom said weakly. "Do it!" Joey snapped, pushing Tom's head forward so his face brushed the Brad's cock. Frustrated and humiliated, he opened his mouth and took in the tip of the beefy youth's dick. "Oh yeah..." Brad sighed, staring at the photograph of the nude woman as he felt the first wet warmth on his cock. Tom pushed his mouth further, taking in Brad's whole dickhead. Might as well get it fuckin' over with, he thought, even as he suppressed a gag of revulsion at the idea of a hard dick in his mouth. The muscular frat boy's cock quickly hardened to its full eight inches of thick meat. "Ooohhhh, man that feels fuckin' great....." Brad moaned. He was too horny to wait for Tom to suck him on his own -- Brad put both of his meaty hands on the back of Tom's close-cropped head and began to slowly face-fuck the bound young man. Tom let out a muffled groan of disgust as the thick cock began stroking shallowly between his lips. Joey, watching by the side of Tom's bed, had been fondling his own hard cock through his tight white jockey shorts. The sight of his muscular buddy's cock sliding in and out of Tom's mouth made his dick so hard it ached. He looked down at Tom's smooth, rounded ass -- and knew it was time to face those strange dreams. Quickly the short frat boy slid his jockeys off, then grabbed the bottle of Johnson's he kept for oiling up before swim meets. He squeezed a handful out, and reached down to slick the slippery oil over his hard dick, closing his eyes at the intense sensation. Then, putting the bottle down, he climbed onto the bed next to Tom. "Mmmmmph???" The bound frat boy spluttered questioningly around the meat pistoning in his mouth. "Time for me ta get mine, dude," Joey said, reaching out to pat Tom's butt in anticipation. "MMMMPPHH!" Tom tried to protest -- he knew exactly what that pat on the ass meant! But Brad's thick cock in his mouth made an effective gag. "Hey dude -- you fuckin' bite me an' your ass is dead!" Brad hissed menacingly. The face-fuck felt great, and Brad wasn't looking at the nude woman's photo anymore -- he was staring down at the sight of his own cock thrusting between his frat bro's lips, making him suck it -- and getting off on it. Joey forced Tom's legs apart and knelt between them to keep them open, as the bound youth struggled -- but Brad had Tom's head in a firm grip, and his arms were securely tied to the bed -- it was going to happen! "MMMPPH! MMPPHH!" The meaning of Tom's muffled yells was clear to both the frat boys -- and neither of them cared. "Hey, keep that up dude, that feels bitchin'!" Brad laughed as the helpless youth continued to try to yell around the cock filling his mouth. Tom's eyes filled with tears of rage as his tormentor mocked him. Joey gripped his stone-hard cock by the base and tipped it down, positioning the hot red head between Tom's rounded asscheeks. He slid his cock up and down the struggling youth's butt-crack, until he felt his head against Tom's hole. "Here it comes, dude!" he said, and began to lean forward, pushing his hard dick against the bound frat boy's tight-clenched asshole. "MMMMPPPPHHHUUNNNHH!!" Tom's muffled bellow didn't stop Joey for a second. Fuck! god that hurts! Tom thought as his roomie's cock began sliding into him. Feels like the little fucker's got a fuckin' baseball bat on him, goddamn it hurts! The tears in Tom's eyes spilled over as Joey's cock stretched his virgin hole wide, stinging and burning like hot needles. "Aaaahhhhhh...." Joey sighed as his aching dick slowly pushed into the tight heat of his frat brother's ass. Further and further he pushed, even as Tom began sobbing, until his cock was buried to the balls. "Oh, yeah dude, oh man your ass feels so fuckin' goooood...." Joey breathed behind Tom's head. I'll fuckin' get you both for this, Tom thought, sobbing around the thrusting meat in his mouth, Just wait, you fuckin' bastards! Brad's fat cock swelled even further as he watched his buddy slide his dick into Tom's ass, and he began to thrust faster into the weeping youth's mouth as he held his head firmly in place. Joey pulled back until only the head of his cock was still inside Tom, then pushed in again to the hilt, savoring the wet warmth that gripped his meat. Somewhere inside Joey's head, it was him, not Tom, who lay bound and sobbing as a cock was forced up his ass.....Joey began stroking in and out of his frat brother's hole, his balls slapping against Tom's smooth round butt with each forceful thrust. Brad felt his balls tighten and the churning in his crotch began that meant he was close to coming. He began pushing his cock in long, measured strokes in and out of Tom's mouth, ignoring the youth's sobbing and gagging. "Oh dude, oh yeah here it fuckin' COMES!" Brad cried out through clenched teeth. The cock in his mouth pulsed and suddenly Tom felt the hot spurts of Brad's orgasm against the inside of his mouth -- tasted the salty- sweet stickiness of his frat brother's come, and he sobbed more loudly. "Swallow it, fuckin' swallow it NOW!" Brad ordered, squeezing Tom's skull threateningly. A wave of revulsion swept through the bound frat boy as he convulsively gulped and swallowed the heavy load of semen, and Brad pulled his cock free of Tom's lips. The sight of his buddy's dripping cock sliding out of Tom's mouth -- and the suddenly- audible bawling of the youth he was sodomizing -- were all it took for Joey. He rammed his cock to the hilt into the frat boy's ass, and ecstasy exploded in his groin as he emptied one boiling spurt of come after another into Tom's ass. "AAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!" Joey groaned with the force of his orgasm. He lay panting on Tom's back for a moment, then pulled his spent cock out of the youth's ass.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Roger

An Initiation They'll Never Forget

The three apprehensive pledges stood silently in the basement of (XXX)' fraternity house. Although a fierce thunderstorm raged outside, they heard nothing -- layer after layer of thick fiberglass insulation, spray-painted flat black, lined the stone walls and blocked all sound from entering or leaving. Joey, Tom and Brad had been told to report to the Pit, as the basement was

Apache Custom

Billy dug his heels into the flanks of his horse, pounding across the plain with a band of wild Apache warriors whooping and screaming only a few hundred feet behind him. In fifteen Pony Express runs, the slim youth hadn't before run into Indians. Tempted by the money -- ten dollars in gold for every run! -- he'd discounted the warnings of the Pony Express recruiter. Now, with the

Footplay In The Stalls

Roger took his daily stroll to the public restroom just down the beach from his resort home. The sand and warm sun always gave him new hope that today would bring the fantasy man he was looking for. It was still early and the restroom stalls were empty. So Roger moved deliberately into the middle stall for his hopeful wait. He slipped off his T-shirt and Speedo trunks,

My Fantasy To Rape A Cop Comes True

What a turn on! There I was, only eighteen years old, and a hunky macho cop tied up and waiting for me on the bed! Now, suddenly, I knew the time had come to initiate myself into the mysteries of hot sex! The young cop was fully awake now and knew what was going to happen as soon as he saw the expression on my face! He was thin and well built with gorgeous blue eyes and

Our First Twosome

It looked like it would be all too easy. And our merry gang likes a challenge. So this time we decided to take a risk. We'd not only trap and then torture one young hunk that had aroused us, but instead would try to capture a twosome. The rewards seemed to outweigh the risk. We had been having our fun on campus for the past few months and had become experienced in luring dumb

Paper Boy Is Caught Red-Handed

"Hi Billy, c'mon in while I get my purse," Mrs. Hanson said, holding the door open for the paperboy. Billy Walker tipped his bicycle against the brick wall of the Hanson's home and followed her into the front hall. The bulge in the front of the eighteen-year-old's shorts grew slightly as he leered at the young housewife walking upstairs -- her pert ass wiggling temptingly

Stationhouse Hazing

Well I passed all the exams and now for the past six months I was a fully certified and accredited firefighter! For four months I was pushed around from station to station and finally got a post on the outskirts of the city, a real quiet area. An area where every building must be made of steel and fire calls are few and far between. Well I didn't mind not having many calls to

The Whippin' Of Their Lives

Matt was doing well in school and hadn't gotten into any serious trouble since the night of his birthday. In a little over three months, he had gotten only one demerit spanking, given with my hand on his white cotton briefs. He didn't need anymore than these two reminder spankings, because he was now carrying a 3.4 grade average and kept the house in generally good shape. One

Training A Ball Player

I was driving along in my car with one hell of a fucking stiff in my pants. I wanted some action but I couldn't make up my mind where to go to get it. I stopped the car to think about what to do. I fixed a joint of hash and started to smoke it. I was parked near to the local playing field and I noticed that the American Language Centre College baseball team had

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