Gay Erotic Stories

Angelo 1

by Storyteller Bob

Angelo In high school, I just wasn't like everybody else. You know, the ones that party day and night. Not me. I was low on friends but high on lust. It's the lust that no one in school knew about. I've got a decent build, long dark hair, brown eyes, a deep voice, and in interest in sports. Who would think I'm gay? When I'd get home each day, I'd enjoy my daily sexual fantasies about Angelo. Angelo was a dream. To this day, I've never seen a guy, be it a model or porn star or anyone, that even comes close to his beauty. For a senior, he was relatively small, but this stud's killer looks more than made up for any possible faults. He was tan all the time, even in the dead of winter, thanks to well planned tropical vacations and tanning salons. He had piercing blue eyes, an almost chiseled nose, and beautiful pink lips. His shoulders were broad, his great chest was well toned from endless workouts, and his basket obviously concealed a big gun, if you know what I mean. Perhaps his best feature was his round, tight ass. How many times I wanted to just grab hold of those cheeks when I watched him walking by. Angelo walked by me quite often, but never towards me. He ran with the athletes, while I admired him from afar day after day. Senior year had just ended, and I was awfully depressed with my inablilty to get close to Angelo. In my 4 years of school, I never even got to see him shirtless, and now I would probably never see him again. My parents were away for the weekend, and it was a beautiful day, but I decided to stay in and fantasize about him yet again. I was just about to jerk off when the phone rang. 'Great," I thought. "My parents have terrific timing." I dejectedly rose from my bed and answered the phone. "Hel-lo," I managed. "Bob?" The voice on the other end sounded quite familiar. Nah, it couldn't be. "Yep, who's this?" "Oh, hey Bob. It's Angelo." Luckily, a chair was readily available to receive my shocked, collapsing body. I gulped, took a deep breath, and almost pinched myself before I realized that I had to end the awkward silence. "Angelo, from school Angelo?" Could I have asked a more moronic question? "Yeah. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" I laughed to myself. "No, not at all. Congrats on graduating!" "Well, congrats to you too, buddy!" "Buddy," I thought. "Since when?" "So Bob, I hear you're going to an Ivy League college. Wait to go!" I couldn't understand what all this patting on the back stuff was about, but for Angelo, I was willing to play the fool. "Yeah, that's right. Where are you going? The State U., right? That's not a bad school at all," I continued. "In fact, I..." "No," he interrupted. "Actually I haven't enrolled in a college." This caught me way off guard. Angelo may have been a jock, but he could succeed at college rather easily. Why choose not to? "Oh? Why not?" "Well actually," he began hesitantly, "that's what I'm calling you about." Huh?!? "I'm not following you," I said in a state of confusion. After a long silence, Angelo continued. "Well, you've got a relative in the porn industry, right?" Now, I was sure this was some kind of prank call. "Oh, jeez," I retorted. "Why are you bringing that up again?" I said "again" because Angelo was right. It had somehow gone around the school a couple years back that my uncle was an agent for porno stars. But he was thousands of miles away, on the other coast, in La-La Land. Why would Angelo care? "I bring it up," he replied, "because I suppose you're somewhat knowledgeable about the porn biz." He had a point, but I became defensive. "Now, wait a minute. I wouldn't say I was an expert in the field. I mean...." Angelo cut me off again. "Oh come on, Bob. It's cool. I just want some advice." Any discussion involving Angelo and sex had to be worthwhile, so I took the bait. "Yeah, alright. Whaddya wanna know?" "Well," he said nervously, "I want to know how to become a porno actor." How did the phone stay in my hand? How did it not drop to the floor as a million mental visions of Angelo in hard core flicks raced through my mind? I don't know, but I managed to recover from the sheer joy of the moment. "Wow!" I restrained myself from further exclamatory comments. "That's quite an idea, Angelo. When'd you decide on this?" "Oh," he said, laughing at my surprise. "I've wanted to for a long time. It really excites me." "You and me both," I thought. "So Bobby," he said. "You think I've got what it takes?" "Well..." I struggled to maintain my impartiality. "You might be able to cut it." "That's good to hear," he replied happily. "I've got some natural talent, you know?" I was melting at the thought of his abilities. "Talent can only get you so far," I said, noticing my chance to seize the opportunity. "You need to know how to go about it." "Like I said, that's why I called you," he said. "You're as good a source as any." Actually, this wasn't completely true. Sure, I knew some basics about porn, but I learned more from the Internet than from my uncle's occasional discussions of his job. Still, if Angelo thought I was an authority, then I'd let him believe it. "OK," I said calmly. "What is it exactly that you want to know?" "Everything!" Angelo's enthusiasm was getting me excited as well. "I wanna know where to go, how to audition, what requirements I have to meet. The whole nine yards!" I could feel a sly grin spread across my face. "Fair enough," I said. "But I can't tell you all of that in one phone conversation." I let Angelo figure out where I was going with this. It didn't take him long. "You're right," he concurred. "Listen, I'm hitting the gym for a couple of hours. How about I swing by your place around 2? The gym's just a few blocks away from you anyway." Oh, lordy mama, the gods must love me today! "Yeah," he continued. "That way you can polish up your info, and I can polish up my assets. Ha!" Angelo found that remark funny. I found it to be flat out wonderful. "Sure, you bet!" I finally allowed myself an expression of happiness. "Anything to help a friend." "Thanks, Bobby," he replied. "I'll see you at 2, Pornman!" He laughed again, and hung up, and for what seemed like the first time in ages, I took a breath or two. This was hard to believe, but it was happening, and now I had just over two hours to plan how to use this meeting for my advantage. Those hours seemed like an eternity. I spent the time alternating between remembering all the things I knew he'd need to be a porn actor, and thinking naughty thoughts about him. I tidied up the place as best I could, and changed into a more comfortable T-shirt and shorts. Then, I just sat and waited for Angelo. I couldn't believe this! At that moment, he was probably pumping iron with that hot body of his, and in a few minutes, that hot body would be seeking my guidance. My anticipation nearly killed me. At exactly 2, I heard a car pull into my driveway. I didn't move from my chair, just took a deep breath and waited for a knock on my door. In seconds, that knock arrived, followed by that familiar voice. "Bobby? You home?" I sauntered nervously towards the door and began to open it. I was nearly blinded by the gorgeous sight on the other side. There was Angelo, smiling from ear to ear. He wore a black muscle shirt, tight black athletic shorts and black high tops without socks. His duffel bag was held by a sweaty hand. As a matter of fact, the rest of his body was glistening with sweat as well. It was the most flesh I had ever seen him expose, and I was loving it. Angelo broke me out of my trance with an extended hand. I did the same, and shook the hand of my handsome new "student." "Thanks for helping me out," he said. "Is it OK if I come in?" "Absolutely," I said eagerly. "Sit anywhere you like." Angelo dropped his bag in the corner of the den and sat on the couch. I sat on the adjacent sofa, so I could shamelessly stare at his perfect physique. "Well, Angelo," I started, "where should I begin?" "At the beginning, man," he laughed. As I giggled at his mildly amusing comment, I noticed that his legs were hairless. "You're body shaving already?" My forthrightness apparently appealed to Angelo. "Yeah!" He reached down and rubbed his moist legs. "I figure it brings out my muscles more, right?" While shaving was certainly not a requirement to get into porn, I had to admit that it made him look sexier. "Yeah, there's certainly some nice definition down there," I offered. "Now to get into porn," I explained, "there are two main methods." "Yuh huh," Angelo listened intently. "You can start out in amateur videos. Most trade magazines advertise for new talent regularly." I could see a sour expression form on Angelo's face. He could make it big without even stepping foot into the amateur ring, and he knew it. "Or," I continued, "you might know somebody in the business who can give you a break." The smile returned to his face. Just as I suspected. Angelo was going to use me as a stepping stone. Lucky me. "Alright," I concluded. "I'll give you my uncle's phone number. Give him a ring, and tell him you know me, but don't tell him I sent you to him. He might take you on as a client." "Oh, thanks Bobby!" Angelo was at his happiest. "I know he'll like what he sees." That remark caused me to look Angelo over once more. I felt my cock spring to attention. "Now, Bobby," Angelo said as he reached for his water bottle, "what happens then?" "Well, assuming everything goes well, you might land some auditions with film producers." "Uh huh." Angelo took a drink of water, licking his lips afterwards. God, he was hot. "Now, what does the audition consist of?" "The audition?" I started to get nervous. The topic was turning towards steamy specifics. I cleared my throat and went out on a limb. "Well, you know, for porno, self-control is very important. Usually, you'll meet someone in a quiet place who'll ask you a few questions, and look you over." I paused to gather some confidence. "Then, usually they'll ask you to...uh... take your clothes off, know....demonstrate your sexual technique." "You mean jerk off?" So much for formal explanations. This talk was making me unbelievably aroused. "Yeah, Angelo. They'll usually sit there, and you'll have to masturbate. They'll want you to show that you can keep it up. They might want to see you have an orgasm on cue. Most importantly, you have to climax without any outside sexual stimulation. They want to make sure you're reliable. You do well, and you'll probably get to do films." I quickly reached for my own drink, so I could cool down after these hot thoughts riddled my brain. "Uh huh." Angelo sat back and absorbed this information. He arched his back to stretch, and I zeroed in on his obviously full shorts. "I know I've got what it takes," he said, "but I better be ready for that audition." He sat up and peered at me with those baby blues of his. "Can I practice in front of you?" I don't have to describe my euphoric shock to you. You can already gather how great that sounded to me. "Come again?" I just couldn't believe he said that. "You know. You play the big bad producer. Watch how I perform, maybe offer some tips. Whaddya say, Bobby?" There was Angelo's endearing grin again. How nuts would I have to be to refuse this? "Alright," I said, perhaps a little too excitedly. "After all, practice makes perfect, right?" "No," Angelo replied. "Practice makes porn stars." He laughed again, and I made hasty preparations for Angelo's big show. "I'll tell you what," I said, rising from my sofa. "Why don't I go into my bedroom and close the door behind me? You stay out here for as long as you need to, and prepare how you think you should go about the...proceedings." Angelo really found my nervous reactions to be funny. He agreed, and as I walked to my room, I saw his sweaty frame rise from the couch. I entered my bedroom, closed the door, turned my desk chair towards my bed, sat down, and waited breathlessly for the aspiring star's entrance. I took this quiet moment to think about my unparalleled luck. First off, the stallion I've wanted for so long shows up at my doorstep, and now he's going to jack off in front of me! Plus, I might have years of porno movies starring Angelo ahead of me. Of course, they'd be hetero-themed tapes, but just the fact that he'd be in them would be terrific! I don't think I could've been happier if I'd won the lottery! I squirmed in my seat and continued waiting. I couldn't believe that he really thought I was a porno expert. How on earth was I going to act straight during this "audition"? It would take all my restraint, but I told myself that somehow, I'd get through without going insane with lust. Just then, the doorknob turned, and the hunky star of this screen test walked in. He closed the door behind him and fought off a grin from his face. He hadn't done anything to change his appearance. Good. The longer this lasted, the better. "Hello," I said in my best serious producer tone. "You must be Angelo." "That's right," he said, rubbing his hands down his sides. "And you must be the producer I'm gonna amaze!" All of a sudden, he put his hands behind his head and began to swivel his hips. Angelo took his right hand and slowly licked the palm, bringing it further down to brush against his growing bulge. My eyes must have been popping out of my head. The best way to describe his moves is "bat out of Chippendale's." While he kept up his hip swivels, Angelo slowly lifted the shirt off his head. He then ran his hands down his stunning chest. It was glistening, with small, round, dark nipples that stood on end, begging for attention. He raised the gold chain with the cross that hung around his neck, and brought it between his teeth. This was either a way to let me ogle his completely bare chest, or another perfect striptease tactic. It was like he was dancing to music only he could hear. His expression remained businesslike, keeping to the naughty task at hand. He started moving in an up and down dipping motion, and moved his hands to the waistband of his shorts. Slowly, rhythmically, with his eyes fixed on me, Angelo lowered his shorts. I couldn't meet his glance at that moment, because I was occupied watching the lowering shorts reveal a pink waistband. More pink was revealed as Angelo's dipping continued, until he reached his big bulge. At that point, he quickly shucked the shorts, revealing what promised to be a great cock, held back only by a pair of pink bikini briefs. He lifted his legs out of the shorts, and bent over forward to retrieve them, lingering just long enough for me to examine his faultless back. He stood up straight once again, and threw his shorts over to the floor on the other side of the bed. I let my facade down to let out a slight, approving grin. Angelo was certainly a grade A exhibitionist. He turned around so his back faced me, and ran his hands down his side again. This was a view I really enjoyed. Just a small strip of fabric running down his crack allowed me to revel at just about all of Angelo's beautiful ass. His ass was bronze as well! "Jeez," I thought, "all those tanning salon trips really paid off!" Since Angelo continued to dance with his back turned, I took a moment to quickly adjust my shorts. My hard dick was becoming extremely difficult to conceal. "Oh," he suddenly said. "I almost forgot about my shoes." He slowly bent over again, and reached for his left shoe. Yeah, he forgot alright. I knew he was just making sure I got the best views I could, and this one was hard to beat. He slowly undid all the laces, as his sweet little behind jutted out towards me. The back of his briefs eventually slid deep into his crack, giving me a view of his ass that I still dream about. I could see his bulge growing even larger. Angelo looked through his legs and smiled again. He knew that I knew he had the goods, but he couldn't have known how much I was enjoying them. He slipped his shoes off, and threw them over by his shorts as he stood again. Even his feet belonged in a painting. He kept his back turned, and seductively clenched his ass. He ran his hands down his body, and then clapped them once. That set him off into another dance, this one more of a fast thrusting motion. My dick and I knew that he was getting close to the big revelation. He brought his hands to the band of his briefs and looped his thumbs inside. In time with his thrusting, he brought the briefs down lower and lower. Soon, some, half, and then all of his gorgeous ass was laid bare. Angelo stopped dancing, brought his legs close together and let his briefs slide to his feet. He lightly kicked them over against the door with his right foot, being careful so as not to show me any dick yet. That was alright. I could be content with his ass for, oh, about a decade or so. He wiggled his butt a couple of times, then froze, and reached his arms behind himself. Quickly, he slapped his hands onto his ass, and let each one grab a handful of cheek. Man, Angelo sure loved his body. That made two of us. He brought his hands around to his front again. I could tell he was softly fondling his cock. "Yeah," I heard him whisper, as he squeezed his pecker a few more times. He then put his right hand between his legs and gave me the finger, to which I helplessly laughed at. He brought both hands back to his crotch, and began to turn around. He faced me, hands covering his cock, legs close together. He looked down to the floor at his side with an ashamed expression, and for a moment I thought he would stop and run out. But just as quickly, the melodramatic Angelo split his legs and flung his arms out to his sides in the best jumping jack ever attempted in history. Angelo just stayed still and watched my reaction. My eyes were all over his dick. It was a surprisingly impressive piece of meat. Even in its semi-hard state, it had to be about six inches long. Its thickness was wonderful. I imagined it would be awfully hard to wrap a hand all the way around that sucker when it was totally hard. His cockhead was nicely in proportion with the rest of the dick, with a darkish shade, but not anywhere near the deep purple that can sometime blemish an otherwise amazing cock. I'm sure his nuts weren't the size of golf balls, but they looked to be close. They were shaved as well, with the only hair in the area being a nicely manicured crop of dark pubes over Angelo's dick. Absolutely breathtaking. Angelo stayed still until I looked up and met his studious gaze. This was his signal. He clapped his hands again, and started thrusting again. This was one hot dancing fool. The light sound of his balls slapping against himself as he moved accompanied Angelo, as he started to move towards me. He danced forward until he was about a foot away from my face. He smiled, put his hands behind his head again, and started to thrust his crotch towards my face. He was so close that a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead to my leg, but he kept enough distance for me to know that this was just part of the act. Angelo was really over the top. This sort of show would be great for a strip club, but not for an audition. That would be strictly business. However, I was so aroused that I decided to watch now and criticize later. Angelo stopped and kneaded his cock once more. "Mind if I sit," he asked. I remained silent, and he let out a chuckle. He sat down on the corner of the bed, just a couple of feet away from me. The thought of his bare ass on my bed sent a warm shiver through my cock. Angelo opened his legs wide, basically straddling the bed corner. It was time for his workout. His eyes locked with mine, and the newly formed sweat on his brow made him look even hunkier. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Angelo take his right hand, and put it on the bed in front of his crotch. He slowly brought it back towards himself, until it made contact with his somewhat aroused schlong. "Oooh," he said in a surprised tone as he looked down. "Little Angelo wants some attention." He ran his hand over the length of his growing cock, lingering to lightly tease the head and slit. Angelo reached down and tickled his balls, before moving back up to the base of his joystick. My joystick had been rock hard for sometime before Angelo began slowly fisting himself. "Ahh, that's good," he whispered, as he ran his thumb over the head. After just a few more strokes, his cock sprang forward to its maximum size. I'm not a measurement authority, but his heavenly penis had to be at least nine or ten inches long, not to mention impressively thick. Angelo held it still at the base for a moment and leaned back, his grinning face fixed on mine. "It's one nice slab of manmeat, isn't it Mr. Producer," he questioned proudly. "Yes, Angelo," I agreed instantly. "It certainly is." "Well, you just hold on," he said. "Little Angelo can do a lot more than stand on end." With that comment, Angelo sat back up and gently squeezed his cockhead. As if it were planned, a few generous drops of precum came oozing out of his slit. He ran his hand all over the wet head, moaning lightly from the sensations it was giving him. Angelo used the precum as a lubricant, and went back to his wonderful fisting rhythm. I would've given anything to be able to whip out my cock and jerk along with him, but I was determined not to scare Angelo off with my true feelings. I squirmed again as Angelo started to fondle his balls with his left hand. "My nuts are bursting today, man," he said. My attention was back to Angelo's cock. He hadn't lost any of his hardness while milking himself so slowly. In fact, his cum vein was really making its presence known. This was driving me crazy. I decided that I should take some control in my role of producer. "Now, pump it faster for me," I said as evenly as I could. "You got it, man." Within about ten seconds, Angelo's right hand went from slowly riding his long shaft, to being a blur of speed. "Oooh, yess." Angelo let out his first pure moan of pleasure. I pictured myself going down on him, sucking that big tool for all it was worth, but I remained in control of the show. "My cock could stuff any hole," Angelo said matter of factly. "Don't you think, Mr. Producer?" I realized that any real feedback might help turn him on, so I kept quiet and watched this hunk go at himself some more. I noticed Angelo tensing up slightly. He started to massaged his balls really rapidly. I sensed he was very close to cumming. "Oh, here it cums, man," he moaned. "No," I said. "Hold it back, now." Angelo shot me a surprised glare, but he realized why he had to control his orgasms. "Whoa," he shouted, as he gave his cock one last tug before stopping abruptly. Angelo threw his head back and pursed his lips, trying desperately to hold back from the edge. Sure enough, his cock pulsated sharply several times while he held it steady, and nothing came out. He had very effectively stopped a major orgasm in its tracks. He gave me a big simile, kissed his left hand, and brought it down to touch his trusty tool. I don't know why, but I've always found sweat to be a real turn on, and looking at Angelo just then, with his beautiful smile, sweat covering his face from his excellent wanking, the gold chain sparkling on his moist bronze neck, I captured a moment in my mind that will last with me forever. Lucky for me, the audition was far from over. "Can I resume now, Mr. Producer," Angelo asked. "Yes, please do," I encouraged. Angelo went back to his slow, steamy stroking, and my eyes never left his huge penis. "Little Angelo" was making sure my cock was hard, but even though he never missed a beat in his fisting, Big Angelo kept his eyes on me. He had to see the lust in my eyes. He had to know that I was more than a disinterested friend. He had to see the bulge my dick had made. He just had to. Didn't he? Angelo's kept stroking his shaft slowly for the next five minutes or so. I smiled at him, and he smiled at me. I decided it was time to throw the actor one final curve ball. "Now shoot for me," I said anxiously. "Cum? Now?" "Yeah," I pressured. "In the next thirty seconds. The clock's ticking." "Piece of cake," Angelo bragged. He lay back on the bed and spread his legs even further. His stroking became a rapid blur yet again. "Ohh fuck yeah!" Angelo's pleasure was making me very happy. About ten seconds later, he moaned one more time. "I'm ready, man," he yelled. "Send me the damage bill." "What do you mean?" "You'll see." With that, Angelo held the base with his left, pumped with his right, and pointed his cock to the sky. " Oh fuck!! Get a load of this, Mr. Producer!!" Angelo let out a big grunt, and his jizz quickly shot out and up. The first shot actually hit the ceiling! The second made it up there too! Angelo bucked and writhed in ecstasy. Three, four, five more ropes of cum spewed out of his magical cock! A big puddle of his cream formed on his chest, with his hand getting covered in the stuff. "Uhh! Oh god, yes! Ohhh, I feel fuckin' awesome!" Angelo rambled happily for a while, then lay completely still, enjoying the tingling aftershocks of his monster load. I watched in amazement as Angelo's first couple of jizm ropes dripped off the ceiling onto his stomach. I had never seen such a powerful cumshot in my life! I made a mental note to lick the remaining cum off the ceiling later that day. After a jerkoff for the ages, Angelo closed his eyes and stretched his spent body. He was a mass of muscle, sweat, and cum. I just sat there and took the chance to rub my dick through my shorts, wishing I had owned a camcorder. Just then, Angelo sat up and winked. I regained my composure and laughed. "I'm not bad, huh?" Angelo just made the understatement of the year. "I don't know what to say," I blurted. "That was a record breaking audition! Can I sign you to a five hundred picture deal?" We both laughed at that one for a while, until Angelo broke the giggles by getting off the bed. "Wait a minute," he said. "I'm not done. I'll be right back." He smiled, opened the door and walked out. As I watched his hot little ass disappear into the den, I wondered what on earth he could still have to show me. I heard the zipping and unzipping of his duffel bag. What the hell? CONTINUED IN ANGELO 2


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Storyteller Bob

Angelo 1

Angelo In high school, I just wasn't like everybody else. You know, the ones that party day and night. Not me. I was low on friends but high on lust. It's the lust that no one in school knew about. I've got a decent build, long dark hair, brown eyes, a deep voice, and in interest in sports. Who would think I'm gay? When I'd get home each day, I'd enjoy my

Angelo 2

Angelo walked back in, his cock flopping in the air. He kept something hidden behind his back. He pushed the bedroom door closed with his ass and gave me another wink. He walked over and sat on the bed corner again. He then pulled his hands from behind his back. In them, he held a ....giant pink dildo!! What was this? "This can be just as fun," he said. Angelo


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