Gay Erotic Stories

Auld Lang Syne

by T J Love

AULD LANG SYNE We hope that you enjoy reading the sizzling hot gay sex story, AULD LANG SYNE. If you do, you can read several MORE FREE STORIES, of about the same length, by the same author at The Top 25 Internet Site, Just Click Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will also obtain FREE ACCESS to dozens of other excerpts and hundreds of HOT FREE NUDE & SEX PICTURES -- and that is only the beginning - if you subscribe for $24.95 for one year, you will have access to dozens of complete additional stories like this and over 5,500 of the hottest pictures on the Internet with arousing, funny, annotations that our members say make the pictures come ALIVE! © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998 A New Years Story AULD LANG SYNE! H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S T O Y O U A N D Y O U R S! Would you like to see our imageries of the two primary Characters in this story, Auld Ange Syne, Tim McShan and Stewart noon. They depict the models we used for the story, want to see our imagery of what they looked like? Imagery of Tim McShan Imagery of Stewart Dunoon 00 AULD LANG SYNE Before AIDS and other STDs decimated the Gay Community, gay promiscuity was much more wide spread than it is now. It was not usual for a reasonably attractive gay male to have twenty or thirty different sex partners per week, and for practical purposes all gay sex was unprotected. There was little fear because if you caught something, it could be readily cured. As you read this story, please remember the important admonitions about unprotected sex in some of the acts depicted in this story. So, without further delay…the story… Edinburgh, Scotland New Year's Eve of 1977, a Saturday. New Years Eve day in Edinburgh was gloomy as the combination of fog, sleet, freezing drizzle and snow was whipped in off the Firth of Forth, clouding the sky and reducing visibility to about a tenth of a mile. The temperature was only 25 but it felt like 25 below as a result of the driving wind off the North Sea between Scotland and Norway. The weather matched Thomas, Tim, McShan's mood. He had returned to his apartment early, from his parent's home in Stirling, four days before to find his gay lover, Sean Blair, naked in bed with another guy having anal intercourse. It wasn't just the thought of Sean having sex with another guy but a combination of all the things that had happened, them having anal intercourse and passionately kissing, doing it in Tim's and Sean's bed, acting like it was just a one night stand, and all the other things had combined to make the whole sordid affair intolerable to Tim. He had went out and rented a unit in a quadplex, in Clemiston, all the way across town from his and Sean's flat in Portobello. Tim's new quadplex was not quite as nice as their apartment had been, but he wanted to be as far away from Sean as he could reasonably get, and be closer to his job in Granton as well. As a result of his breakup with Sean, a disagreeable affair to say the least, Tim felt lonely and downcast that dreary day, his spirit was as dreary as the weather. If the weather had cooperated more, he might have gone clubbing down around Carlton Hill, and got drunk, but the roads were slick and icy, and besides he might run into Sean and rekindle the unpleasantness. Tim was a closeted gay, at least among his family and colleagues at work, though he was fairly well know in the gay community of Edinburgh. Tim was six feet two inches tall, with curly, sandy, brownish hair, a very light blondish auburn. Tim weighed 70 kg, 155 pounds, and was very good looking. He had a narrow weight-lifters waist, and medium muscular arms, chest, pecks, abdomen and legs when flexed. He had hazel, sparkling eyes betraying his Scottish ancestry. He had a big wide mouth with gleaming white teeth. He drank socially, but did not smoke or do drugs, though he had smoked grass at Cambridge on occasion, especially at gay parties. In terms of sexual endowment, on hard Tim's penis was cut, and was a little over 19 cms, 7.5 inches, long and a little over 17 cms, 6.65 inches, in circumference. IT was a highly attractive straight cock that turned guys on, and he could use it extremely well during mutual masturbation, oral sex or anal sex. That and his kissing ability gave him an air of confidence that made him a highly desirable gay sex partner. Tim had graduated the year before in Petroleum Engineering from Cambridge and had a high paying job with British Petroleum, the primary developer of the North Sea Field off the East Coast of Scotland. He was working primarily in geophysics, digital seismic processing, on a CRAY-1, with a hard-wired convolver for doing auto-correlations and digital filtering. The North Sea was a difficult area for seismic processing because of the ringing effect, created by the high energy sound waves vibrating back and forth between the air-water interface and the water-ground interface and as a result a process known as deconvolution had to be employed, to get rid of the singing, using Norbert Weiner techniques. Tim had a very high paying job, and was considered a rising star at BP. Tim considered the possibilities for New Year's Eve. While jogging in Murrayfield, two days before, he had met an attractive male jogger who told him that there was going to be a mixed party in the Murrayfield Armory on New Year's Eve Night. Since that was less than a kilometer away from Tim's new flat, and with snow tires, he could drive his new Honda Accord that short distance, and even if he got stuck there, he could safely walk the short distance back to his quadplex. The jogger had explained that a lot of single girls would be at the party, and Tim should not have any trouble picking up a warm body to share a bed with him. Of course, Tim was not interested in picking up a girl, but knowing that some attractive girls would be there meant that some attractive men would be there too. Further, as a result of the atrocious weather, which had moved in four nights before, the night he had returned from Stirling and found Sean in bed with another guy, Tim suspected that a lot more guys would be there than girls. And that there might be some attractive straight guys there who would be more than willing to share a bed with a guy, if they couldn't pickup a girl. Also, he knew that a goodly number of guys had rather share a bed with an attractive guy, than with a girls who were not so attractive. Plus there would be some bisexual, or even gay, guys at such affairs, willing to hook up with a male for sex purposes, especially if the male was attractive and sexy looking, and Tim certainly filled that bill. Accordingly, Tim felt confident that he would be able to garner some male company for bed and sexual gratification purposes. Having decided to attend the New Year's Eve Party at the Murrayfield Armory, Tim showered and dressed in a warm tweed suit, with a matching London Fog trench coat, and black boots. He drove the short distance to the Armory, parked and went inside. He checked his coat at the cloakroom inside the door and then walked on into the dance floor. It was already after 10 o'clock, but the Armory Hall was only sparsely filled, due undoubtedly to the sorry foul weather. Tim thought, even though sparse, there was an abundance of twenty something year old guys and girls at the party. Though obviously the guys outnumbered the girls, who were evidently more prone to stay home in the inclement cold, dreary, weather, even on New Year's Eve. Tim looked around the dance floor and with a lingering glance, noticed several males that he would be very interested in bedding if given the opportunity. Most of the ones that attracted Tim's attention were about his own age, 23. However, as he looked around, his eyes kept returning to one particular guy. Dressed in highly colored, red, black, green, and blue Scottish Kilts of all things - Tim thought that the guy must be freezing his balls off in kilts, in weather like that outside of the armory. But decided that the guy must be either daft, or have changed into kilts at the party. The gorgeous guy was talking to a drop dead beautiful blonde, blue eyed, curvaceous girl, who was all over him, rubbing her body against his, obviously arousing herself, and him as well. Tim wished that he could have that guy so that he could be all over him like the girl was. Tim moved around and positioned himself where he could get a better view of the incredibly handsome guy, obviously much the ladies man. From about a dozen feet away, Tim observed the handsome guy closely. He was obviously somewhere in his late twenties. The guy was about six four inches tall, and weighed around 85 kgs, almost 190 pounds. He had short cropped, curly blondish hair, incredibly blue eyes, and was muscular, more so than Tim. His skin had a soft bronze look to it, like he was out of doors, in the sun, quite a bit! Tim was suddenly startled by a voice next to him, who said, "Well it looks like Stu, the prize stud stallion of West Edinburgh is going to make another conquest tonight, huh?" Tim turned to his right and was confronted by a beautiful red haired girl. He smiled at her and said, "What did you say?" "I said that it looks like Stu Dunoon, the Edinburgh stud is about to add a new filly to his stable of conquests," The girl said. "You mean the guy in kilts there," Tim replied. "That's the one, he's bedded every available filly in West Edinburgh," The girl said. That was mildly discouraging news to Tim, but not in an absolute sense. He knew that someone with such an incredible reputation with women, was often bisexual and would swing the other way for variety and intrigue. He smiled at the beautiful girl and said, "Hi, my name is Tim McShan," "Hi, I'm Arlene Larwers," the girl responded. "I'm new around here, I don't know many people," Tim said. "I knew you were new, I know everyone," Arlene said and then added, "Like some company?" "No thanks, I'm involved right now," Tim said, in what amounted to a white lie, in that he was involved in his breakup with Sean, and he was gay. The girl had obviously expected a 'yes', or 'sure', but she accepted his brush off, shrugged her shoulders and moved away looking for another guy. Tim couldn't take his eyes off of Stu, and noticed that from time to time, Stu would return his glance and Tim would have to turn his eyes away. Stu was really good looking, and to Tim it looked like that he had at least a semi-erection underneath those kilts, they sort of bulged out, when he leaned back, or turned to the side. The very thought of a big dick being hard in there was a turn on to Tim, and his own penis started getting hard, even though he tried to suppress it. Fortunately, he had on some tight jockey underwear, which held his almost rigid penis down along his left thigh. The band broke into a high-stepping Scottish bagpipe fling and Stu and his filly took the floor to prance and dance to the rousing music. Stu was an excellent Scottish dancer and quickly, his kilts started bobbing up and down to his rousing antics. Tim was sexually intoxicated at the sight of Stu exposing his muscular legs and torso. Briefly at one point, Tim saw what he thought must be Stu's underwear underneath the kilts - Tim had not expected him to be naked underneath, as many often thought, at least not on a cold night like tonight. But the mere though of being able to get down and pull those underwear off and give Stu a wet blow job further inflamed Tim's passion. As the Scottish fling ended, Stu left the dance floor and walked off directly by Tim. Tim looked at the incredibly handsome guy as he walked past, and he noticed that Stu gave him a lingering glance, which Tim took to be an indicator of some kind of interest. That did it. Tim knew that he was going to have to relieve his built up sexual tension resulting from daydreaming about sex with Stu. Tim had a raging hard on, and wanted to do some jacking and shoot off. He looked around for a rest room, and saw one behind him and to the right. He turned and started toward it, and then saw that he could walk right by where Stu and the beautiful blonde were standing talking. Tim changed his route slightly and walked directly behind the girl and as he passed looked over and smiled at Stu, who again gave him a lingering glance and a smile. Tim continued walking the twenty feet or so to the rest room door and then gave a quick glance backward and saw that Stu briefly look at him as he opened the door and went inside. Tim had planned to go into one of the closed toilet stalls and urinate, then jack off, but because of Stu showing a hint of an interest, he decided to go to the three urinals at the back of the stalls and stand there for a couple of minutes or so, to see if anything developed. He could always, hastily button up and go into one of the stalls, should unwanted company enter. Tim stood at the urinal closest to the door, the right one of the three as you faced them. He had urinated and was there less than a minute, when he heard the door opening and looked around to see who was coming. His pulsed quickened and he heard a ringing in his ears as Stu walked passed and took the urinal to his left, the center one, instead of the far left one. Obviously Stu was going to display his sexual wares to Tim, and that made Tim quiver in excitement. Stu stood at the urinal and raised up his kilts displaying soft mid thigh length Scottish Woolen underwear. Stu pulled down his woolens, and a big whitish red, almost hard cock pooped out and stood at a 45 degree angle, from the floor, as Stu prepared to urinate. Tim displayed his own now absolutely rigid cock and he let it hang there, bobbing in sexual excitement. Tim looked over at Stu's huge cock, and then up at Stu and said, "Hi, I'm Tim McShan, I’m new in the area. I saw you out there dancing, you're quite a dancer." "Hi Tim, I'm Stewart Dunoon, but call me Stu. Yeah, I love to dance, and do other exciting things," Stu replied. "I do to," Tim said intrigued by Stu's comments about doing exciting things and then added, "You wearing those kilts on a night like this is fascinating, you didn't wear those things outside, did you?" "Of course not, I have a locker here. I work out here three or four nights a week and the clothes I wore here, are in my locker," Stu explained. "I figured it had to be something like that," Tim said as he glanced back down at Stu's penis. Stu had finished urinating, but was know holding his penis with the familiar jacking grip and slowly stroking his now hard penis back and forth. Tim grasped his own penis in a like fashion and starting jacking himself too. He looked up at Stu and said, "It looks like dancing with that girl cause you to get excited in more ways than one." "Yeah, I have a tendency to do that quite often. Sometimes I have to find a place to get off," Stu said in what was an open invitation. "I have some wet lips and a big mouth, that can help you do that, if you're interested," Tim said in a voice that was shaking in excitement. "Where?" Stu asked, obviously accepting the invitation. "In one of the stalls. You can stand on the seat and I'll suck you off," Tim said, his body and voice, quivering more in excitement at the prospects. "Which one laddie," Stu said in a voice that was also indicating excitement and anticipation. "Come on," Tim said as he inserted his rigid penis back into his pants and watched Stu, pull up his woolens and drop his kilts. Stu followed Tim to the middle stall, where Tim opened the door and let Stu get in first. Tim watched and then said, "Just stand on the seat and face me, I'll do the rest." "Okay," Stu said as his body trembled slightly. Stu stepped up onto the toilet seat and then turned around and faced Tim. The height was almost perfect, with Tim's face just slightly above Stu’s groin. The stall had sideboards that went from the floor to the ceiling, and a door that had a small slit, about a foot high, at the bottom, but otherwise was closed to the ceiling as well. Stu pulled up his kilts, and held then tight against his abdomen, so that he could see the action that was about to unfold below. He looked down at Tim and asked, "Is this okay?" "Perfect," Tim said as he reached over and felt the big bulging penis in Stu's underwear. He couldn't reach around it, and he knew it was considerably bigger than his own large dick. He reached over and grasped the waistband on Stu's underwear and slowly pulled them down, exposing the bush, and the top of Stu's cock. Tim bent over and ran his nose and lips into he bush and ran his lips part way around the base of Stu's hard dick, as he continued to pull down the underwear. He could feel the quivers of excitement in Stu's body, like those in his own body as he pulled Stu's woolens down. His lips on the base of Stu's penis held it down as the underwear cleared the head of Stu's penis. Tim pulled them on down below the knees and then let them fall down onto Stu's boots as he pulled his hands up and reached and grasped the treasure with his right hand. Stu's penis was even bigger around than Tim thought it was going to be. IT was well over eight inches around, maybe eight and a half, and was about eight and a half inches or nine inches long. Tim's hands trembled as he held Stu's huge cock. Tim buried his head in the right crevice, Stu's left, between the penis and thigh and sucked on the flesh and pubic hairs, smelling the intoxicating musky, malty, spicy aroma of Stu's groin. He started bathing it with kisses of affection. The stall was rather narrow, so Stu pressed his hands against each wall and tensed his muscles and pushed his groin forward into Tim's slightly bent forward, eager face. Stu's penis was absolutely rigid as Tim held it firmly with his hand. Tim started bathing Stu's cock, bush, scrotum, testicles and environs with soft wet kisses and broad flat tongued licks back and forth. Tim also quickly unzipped his trousers and pulled his own large penis out so that he could masturbate while he sucked Stu off. Realizing that he would not have long to tarry, under the circumstances, but wanting to savor the experience of giving an incredible stud a good blow job, Tim hurried along. After thoroughly drenching the scrotum, testicles, the area below the testicles and Stu's bush with his saliva, to the point of where it was dripping into the toilet below, Tim held the base of Stu's big penis at the base with his left thumb and index finger, Tim turned the big dick to his left slightly, and pressed his drenching wet lips part way around the circumference and ran his lips up and down on the outside left of Stu's penis, all the way from the head to the base, a dozen times or so, as he felt Stu wincing in pleasure, then he turned the penis to his right and did the same thing to the outside right of Stu's hard cock. Then Tim repeated that same process on the bottom and top as he felt Stu's tensed body cringed in what was obvious great pleasure. After thoroughly wetting the penis and surrounding area with his saliva, Tim pulled the huge penis up at about a sixty degree angle from the horizontal, so that he could lower his wet drenched soft warm lips over the huge, slightly puffy, warm reddish-purplish head. Tim pushed his lips down over the urethra opening and slid then down to about the midpoint on the head of Stu's penis. Then he pressed his lips down as tightly as he could on the warm malleable purplish penile flesh, took a deep breath and slowly slid his lips downward, over the head, and then pressing even harder down over the rim of the head, sliding his pressing lips down until they encountered the silky, glossy foreskin on Stu's dick. Tim slid his pressing lips on down over the foreskin, and the barely noticeable foreskin cut, onto the main shaft. Fortunately, Tim had wide lips and a big mouth because the gargantuan cock, stretched his lips and he was just barely able to hold his teeth off of Stu's penile skin. Still he was only able to slide his lips on down another inch or so, below the foreskin cut, leaving a good three, or maybe a little more of Stu's hard penis below his lips. Tim left enough room so that he could suck in more air and create a vacuum effect between his wet velvety lips and Stu's hard penis inner core. Sucking firmly, Tim slowly pulled his wet lips back up the shaft, over the foreskin cut, up the foreskin, depositing a liberal amount of his saliva as he pulled his lips up. As Stu stood there, his hands pressed against the walls to obtain maximum leverage so that he could tense his muscles and body and thrust his penis out into Tim's wet heavenly feeling lips, Tim sucked even harder and pulled his lips up over the super sensitive rim onto the head again and slid them along the head to the midpoint starting place. Sensing that it might be even more arrestingly delightful to Stu if he held the skin on Stu's penis taut, Tim pulled his left hand up to about three inches above the base of Stu's penis, and then gripped the hard cock tightly with his thumb and forefinger and pushed it back down, slowly drawing the skin above the grip taut, pulling down on the rim and foreskin, and sending undulating waves of sensuous pleasure through Stu's body. With the skin above his grip now very taut and tense, Tim repeated the maneuver of sliding his pressing lips down over the head, over the taut rim that was being held down and out by the pulling skin below, down onto the foreskin. Then Tim continued to press his sliding wet lips down the tight foreskin, over the cut, on down another inch or so. There, Tim paused momentarily, sucked hard and pulled his sucking lips back up Stu's penis, up the shaft, over the tight foreskin, up to the rim. Then Tim pulled his sucking lips up over the extended rim onto the head and back to the starting point, as he continued to slowly jack himself off. Satisfied with the basic rhythm that he had established and sensing by the reaction in Stu's body, that Stu was extremely pleased with the delightful pleasures that Tim was imparting,. Tim started repeating the process over and over again, with slight nuances and variations - at times he would just push and pull his wet sucking, pressing lips back and forth an inch or so over the rim on Stu's dick, dozens of times, and other times shorten his stroke just o encompass the foreskin and rim, back and forth, back and forth, as Stu's body quivered in intense ecstasy. Tim looked up and saw that Stu's head was thrown back in what was obvious lustful pleasure. After three or four minutes, Stu's body started a reciprocating action, in synch with Tim's cock sucking lips. Stu would press his hips forward to enhance Tim's downward pressing lips, and then pull them back as Tim pulled his sucking lips back up Stu's dick. The effect as to speed up the pumping action of Tim's wet sucking, pressing lips on Stu's hard penis. Under different circumstances, Tim might have tried to delay the orgasm that Stu was now rapidly approaching, but under the circumstances, Tim reacted by increasing the speed of his pressing, sucking lips, traversing back and forth on Stu's dick as he also increased his own masturbation process. Both of them pressed onward toward orgasm, their bodies gradually being inundated by the pleasurable sensations of their approaching orgasms, and at least in Tim's case the approach of both orgasms. Suddenly overcome by the last pre-orgasmic surge, Stu pulled his hands off the wall and put them behind Tim's head and pulled it forward as he slid his penis further into Tim's throat. Tim put his hands behind Stu's naked buttocks and pulled them toward him further inserting the huge penis down his throat. Tim heard Stu moaning and felt Stu's body jerk violently in the first orgasmic surge! Tim looked up so that he and Stu could look each other in the eyes as the beating orgasmic pleasure took complete control of their bodies. Tim felt the huge penis head swell up in his mouth and he squeezed his lips down tightly on Stu's warm penis, about two inches or so, above the base, as his felt his own penis starting to jerk in his hand. He titled his head up and looked into Stu's vacant eyes overcome with orgasmic ecstasy. Then he felt a large voluminous surge of semen paint the back of his throat and tongue, and then another and another, each seeming larger and of greater volume, than the preceding one. Stu's cum filled Tim's throat and covered the inside of his mouth as he tried to swallow the drenching volume being shot into his mouth by Stu's jerking, throbbing, pulsing penis. The volume of cum was too great, and he could not swallow much because the big dick was implanted so far down his throat, so it flowed into his nasal cavity, and up his nose, and flowed out of the corners of his mouth as Stu's penis continued to spray paint the back of his throat with round after pulsing round of thick, stringy ejaculate. Stu looked down into Tim's blank bugged eyes, wide open and bulging out as Tim tried to accommodate Stu's thick voluminous pumping semen. The inside of Tim's mouth, throat, nose and esophagus was awash with Stu's cum, but though he was gagged by the seemingly unending streaming cum shooting out of Stu's hard dick, Tim was actually experiencing blissful ecstasy, from taking Stu's sexual elixir, and from his own orgasm as his penis pulsed in his hand and shot his semen though Stu's legs, back against the back wall of the stall as the pulsating, throbbing orgasmic surges rolled over his and Stu's body. The pulsating pleasure of their bodies and penises subsided and were finally stilled as Tim held Stu's still hard penis in his lips. Tim pulled his lips back to where just the wet head rested in his wet mouth and swallowed several times, try to evacuate the cum from his mouth where he could breathe and maneuver comfortably. After swallowing a considerable volume of the thick semen, he slowly starting milking Stu's penis with his lips, sucking out more of the delicious nectar of Stu's ejaculate, as Stu's penis slowly receded. After it was almost soft, Tim pulled his lips off and cleaned up the considerable volume of semen that had flowed out of his mouth onto Stu's penis and pubic hairs. Tim kissed and sucked the cum as Stu watched from above. After a minute or so, Stu's penis was cleaned of the cum, and looked spent and wet from Tim's saliva. Tim stepped back from the toilet seat and Stu stepped down, and stood in front of Tim. Tim looked into Stu's smiling blue eyes and said, "Thanks, that was really great." "Thank you, that was beautiful, you are quite a cock sucker, laddie, the best that I've ever seen," Stu replied as he smiled at Tim. "Thank you for the compliment, it was astounding. You have a really nice cock and I didn't think you were ever going to stop shooting, I've never seen so much at one time," Tim said. "I let it build up a little, and it felt so damn good, I couldn't stop," Stu replied. "You really unloaded," Tim said. "I know," Stu replied and then said, "You said you're new around here, where do you live?" Stu inquired. "1606 Paddington Road, six blocks up Armory street and then two and a half blocks, north," Tim replied. "I know the area well. I live about seven blocks or so from there myself," Stu said. "Really," Tim said as he was excited by the inquiry that Stu was making, as perhaps a precursor to the two of them getting together again, under more private circumstances, at sometime in the future. "Yeah at 14-208 Daisy Street, just off of 120A. Apartment 146," Stu said as Tim made it a point to remember the address. "Mine is a quadplex, I live in B, downstairs on the right as you face it," Tim said providing more information in case Stu was really interested. "Where do you work?" Stu asked. "For BP, in their seismic processing center at Granton," Tim replied. "Hey I work at BP too. I'm a Civil Engineer designing and working on Offshore Production Platforms. I spend about two thirds of my time at Aberdeen, but I spend three or four months a year down here, maybe we can get together," Stu said. "I would love to do that, anytime you're ready. "1606 Paddington Road, Unit B," Stu said as they made preparations to leave. "Right, and yours is 14-208 Daisy Street, apartment 146," Tim said and then added, "by the way, if you come by sometime, my red Honda Accord will be parked outside on the street." "I got it, you got it. You want to go out together?" Stu asked. "No go ahead, I'm going to stay here and clean up a little," Tim said knowing that he needed to flush Stu's cum out of his mouth. "I guess you need to wash out your mouth some," Stu said as he looked at Tim and smiled. "Yeah, a little," Tim agreed. "Well since we can't very well do it at midnight out there in front of everyone, let me give you a little head start on that project," Stu said as he moved his face over to Tim's and turned his head slightly and pressed his lips tightly against Tim's stunned lips. They both opened their mouths wide and played wet tongues for a minute or so, sucking and playing with each other's wet tongue and lips. Only then did Stu realize how much of Stu's cum was still inside Tim's mouth. Stu felt it clinging to his own tongue and teeth and gums as they exchanged wet kisses. Stu looked at Tim and said, "Happy New Year, Tim my lad." "Happy New Year to you Stu my lad," Tim said cheerfully as they pressed their wide open lips against each other and continued to kiss passionately, which was warmly welcomed by Tim. Stu could taste his own semen in Tim's mouth and the thought that a handsome guy like Tim had willing taken his load made Stu feel good. After another short round of kissing, Stu left the stall, washed his hands and went back out to the dance floor. Tim stayed in the stall for a minute or so and then he too went out and washed his hands and gargled several times with water trying to clear, his tongue, lips, nose, teeth and throat of Stu's semen still clinging to various spots therein. After cleansing his mouth, urinating again and washing his hands once more, Tim again rinsed his mouth out and then went back outside to the dance floor. It seemed like he had been gone for ages, but glancing up at the clock, he could see that it was less than fifteen minutes. It was almost 11:30, only a little over thirty minutes until the dawn of 1978, Tim thought. He cruised a couple of relatively good looking guys that under different circumstance he might have put a move on. However, his thoughts kept returning to Stu and Stu's intriguing discussion of where Tim lived and so forth. What if he took a guy home and Stu dropped by after bedding whatever beauty Stu chose to mate with that night, presumably the blonde bombshell. What would Tim do then, ask the other guy to leave or what. Finally Tim decided that he would resolve the issue by going home alone, and jacking off a couple of times, fantasizing about him and Stu having a 69 session, or Stu fucking him, or something along those lines. Having resolved that problem, Tim bought a glass of Champagne for a Pound and drank it as he watched Stu prance around the dance floor as the minutes ticked away. Shortly before midnight, Tim purchased another glass of the cold champagne, and waited. He noticed that Stu had high stepped all over the dance floor but as the last seconds of 1977 ticked away, Stu had dance up just steps away from Tim. With less than a minute to go, the crowd started counting down he last forty seconds of 1977. As the last few seconds ticked away, the band struck up the beloved Bobby's refrain of Auld Lang Syne. The crowd started singing the melancholy beloved melody, as the new year dawned. As midnight started chiming away all over Scotland, England, Ireland France, Spain and the others in the Greenwich time Zone, the armory was suddenly thrown into darkness and the girls and guys started kissing each other and wishing them 'Happy New Years.' Even in the essentially total darkness of the Armory, it was easy to distinguish the females from the males, bust, muscles, perfume, size and other discernible features made the task easy, but to Tim it made little difference, but he did feel several males feel him and then turn away. Quickly, Tim started making his way toward where Stu had been standing when the lights went off. He kissed a couple of girls on the way, and then about halfway there, he felt the muscular arms and body of a male, obviously about the size of Stu. He felt the guy rub his body against Tim's Body and he softly whispered into the guy's ear, "Stu?" "Tim," came back the whispered response and Tim knew it was Stu. In the darkness, they kissed passionately and played wet tongues and rubbed each other crotches with their hands, and each other's slightly turgid penis, made so mainly by the other groping it in the darkness. As the band played Auld Lang Syne, they whispered soft, "Happy New years to each, with each other's name included. Then they had to move on, but at least they had been able to exchange a warm embrace and passionate kiss in the darkness. In a minute or so, the lights came back on, and the crowd cheered as the band once more played the beloved Bobby's Auld Lang Syne. Afterward, in the light, Tim glanced over at Stu and lifted his Champagne glass slightly as form of a toast, and he saw Stu wink and lift his glass in return. The merry making continued for awhile and Tim drank one more glass and then decided to call it a night. As he was leaving, he glanced back, and saw Stu eyes following him as he left. That sent cold chills of delight up Tim's spine as he went back to the cloakroom, picked up his coat and went back out into the awful night. He had no trouble starting his car, but the roads were slick and he slowly drove the almost ten blocks to his flat. He parked out front and went inside. The radiant heater had been left on and it was quite comfortable inside. Tim poured himself a generous jigger of Single Malt Earlston Scotch Whiskey and say down in one of his two huge easy chairs to warm himself with the alcoholic nectar and to consider the events of the night. Was his affair with Stu going to be a one-night stand or would it amount to something more. He had given Stu his real address, and hoped Stu had given him his real address too,. Even if not since they’re both BP employees - but how did Tim know that Stu was really a BP employee. Doubts started creeping in his head, depressing the uplifted mood that he had experienced at the Armory. Still, the chances of running into Stu at future parties in West Edinburgh were good, though he didn't know how he would handle it, if Stu had lied to him. With nagging thoughts about any future relationship with Stu, Tim slowly drank the liquid Scotch nectar in his glass, slowly sipping at the smooth tasting whiskey as his mind whirled around the possibilities. It took him fifteen minutes, or so, to sip the double jigger of Scotch. After finishing the Scotch, Tim decided to undress and then go to bed and jack off, fantasizing some way about Stu and his big beautiful dick and gorgeous overall looks. Afterward, he might take a hot shower before going to bed and maybe jacking off again dreaming of wild sex with Stu. Tim put the Scotch glass down and went into the bedroom. He hurriedly undressed, turned down his bed exposing the soft white silk sheets. He queued up a special tape that he had duped from Rolling Stone's Albums, three songs from the Album 'Between the Buttons,' which were, ‘Let’s Spend the Night Together,' 'Connection,' and 'Something Happened to Me Yesterday,' plus the song 'I Am Waiting,' from the Stones album, 'Aftermath.' He planned to play those four songs over and over, as he jacked off and thought about Stu and fucking, and sucking and carrying on. All of the selected songs could have different connotations depending upon your sexual preferences, and they had a nice beat to them. Tim then put on a warm terry towel bathrobe and walked into the bathroom. He rinsed out his mouth again, and thought about sucking Stu off as his penis started hardening to the thought of what he had done, and was about to do. He looked into the mirror, and reached inside the robe and gently stroked his penis as he vicariously relived the encounter with Stu in the stall at the Armory. Suddenly, he heard a loud knock. Was it next door, or was someone knocking on his door. Tim pulled the bathrobe up tight and walked out of the bathroom, across the bedroom and then into the living room. As he entered his living room, he heard the loud knock and doorbell ringing on his door. Tim thought it might be some New Years Eve's drunks, making a mistake of where they were, so he walked to the back of the door and stood there for a couple of seconds and then heard the persistent knock again. Tim said in a loud voice, "Who's there!" "Stu. Let me in, it's as cold as hell out here," Came back the reply. "Stu?" Tim said loudly. "Yeah, can I come in?" Stu responded back. "Of course," Tim replied as he opened the door and saw Stu standing there, dressed in a heavy suit, a woolen scarf and topcoat, with a bottle of Moet Dry Champagne in his black glove covered hand. Tim said, "Come on in," as he made way for Stu to come into the living room. Stu entered the room, as Tim locked the door behind him. Stu took off his top coat, scarf and gloves and laid them on one of the chairs. He sat the Champagne down on the coffee table, turned and smiled at Tim and said, "I thought you might like some champagne and some company on the first morning of a brand new year!" "I would absolutely love to have some company on the first morning of a New Year,” Tim said and then added, "What happened to you, I thought you would be in bed by now, fucking the brains out of that beautiful blonde?" "Fortunately she is just starting her period and there were some other considerations too," Stu said. "Oh," Tim responded. "Yeah, that makes it possible for me to exercise my real preferences without making her feel bad doing it," Stu said. "Your real preferences?" Tim asked. "Yeah, like first I had rather get my knob polished than fuck, at least when it's being done by a real expert like you," Stu said obviously referring to getting his dick sucked off! "Thanks! Was they’re something else?" Tim asked, having taken note of Stu using the term other considerations. "Sure, I like to fuck tight asses too, and I wouldn't want it to get around, but I enjoy a good sixty nine session and getting fucked myself. At least with the right guy, and you are sure the right guy as far as I am concerned," Stu said, as he stood directly in front of Tim. "That's fantastic and you're certainly the right guy as far as I am concerned," Tim said as he was absolutely delighted by the great insinuations that Stu was making, a fully reciprocal menu of Tim's favorite sexual acts. The news couldn't have been better as far as Tim was concerned. "Well, you're going to have some company then," Stu said. I'm not dressed properly for company," Tim said. "Nonsense, you're closer to being dressed than I am, at least for what I have in mind, which I assume is the same thing that you have in mind," Stu said. "Some bed romping and cock playing," Tim said, "Precisely," Stu said as he moved closer to Tim and bent his head forward and kissed Tim passionately. Stu pushed his hand through the opening in Tim's housecoat, and as expected, he found Tim naked underneath and quickly sought out and found Tim's rock hard penis. Stu gently stroked Tim's hard penis and said, "It feels like you are ready for some hot action." "I was ready before you got here, I was going to jack off, dreaming about having sex with you. Now that you're here, I am really turned on," Tim said honestly. Well, you have the real thing now instead of a dream," Stu said. "Yeah, thank God," Tim replied and reached down and unzipped Stu's fly, slipped his hand in and found that Stu was naked underneath, no underwear, and that Stu too had a rock hard penis. Tim looked at Stu, smiled coyly and added, "I see and feel the pot was calling the kettle black." "I was thinking about you all the way over here and it kept getting harder and harder as I got closer and closer," Stu said with equal candor. "What would you like to do first? I'm game for anything, at least any of those things that you brought up," Tim said. "Why don't we slip into something more comfortable, and then have a nice sixty nine session to get the festivities underway. Then afterward, we can drink a little champagne while we recover and then get down to some serious ass fucking," Stu replied. "I have some nice Single Malt, premium Earlston, if you would like to warm up a little before we get started. "That's not necessary. I'm as hot as hell now, in more ways than one, thinking about a great sixty nine romp with you. Unless you want to wait, I am ready for some sucking action," Stu said. "I'm ready too. I was only suggesting it in case you wanted to warm up inside first,” Tim said. "Like I said, I couldn't be any hotter, especially for you, and your cock and your wet lips," Stu said as he again pumped on Tim's big hard dick and kissed Tim passionately and then added, "come on less get naked, as he sat down in a chair and starting unlacing his right boot. While Stu was working on his right boot, Tim was unlacing the left. With both of them working quickly and unconcerned about strewn clothes, it was only a matter of a minute or so before Stu was buck naked with his huge penis sticking straight out, like a flag pole standing atop of a hill, except that the flagpole was Stu's penis and the hill was Stu's groin. Stu reached over and helped Tim pull off his bathrobe and they stood naked in front of each other, and then they kissed and ground their groins and hard penises against each other. "Let's do it in bed, it will be more comfortable," Tim said. As he pulled on Stu's hand drawing him toward the bedroom "Let's put the champagne in something to keep it cool and get a couple of glasses so that we can drink it in bed, afterward, It will only take a minute," Stu suggested. Okay, let's hurry, I'm dying to wrap my warm lips around your big cock," not mentioning that he was also anxious to feel Stu's warm wet lips wrapped around his dick too. They hurriedly went into the kitchen and Tim grabbed a plastic ice bucket, emptied three trays of ice cubes into it, grabbed a couple of stem glasses, and two large kitchen towels, and then went back and retrieved the champagne, and wrapped it in a towel and stuck it down into the ice, The whole process didn't take more than a minute or so and their cocks maintained their erections, with both of them thinking about what was about to happen! Tim carrying the ice bucket and Champagne led the way into the bedroom as Stu followed behind, with the two glasses and the second towel. They quickly set up the champagne and then turned and faced each other. "Come on let's feast on each other's body, and cock," Stu said as he watched Tim finished the preparations for their sexual romp. Tim pulled the quilt and comforter, which he had turned down, completely off the bed and dropped them at the foot of the bed. Then he and Stu stood to the right side of the bed and begin kissing and playing with each other's wet slippery tongue. After a few seconds, Tim leaned toward the bed, and the two of them fell down onto the silky white sheet. Though cold outside, it was warm in the bedroom and though naked, their body heat help to keep each other warm as they kissed passionately and rubbed their groins together pushing their hard cock against the other's hard cock, After lip kissing for three minutes or so, they started kissing each other's neck and then started to slowly reverse their head to head - feet to feet positioning to a the desired 69 position, it already being understood that they were going to simultaneously suck each other off. They kissed each other's neck and started pulling up their feet and positioning their head where they could kiss and suck each other's shoulder blades, chest, and nipples. After only a brief stays there, they started kissing around each other's belly button and upper abdomen as they slowly moved their bodies so that soon their face would be in each other's groin. They kissed each others abdomen, slowly moving lower and lower, working their mouth and lips into each other's bush. They were still laying side beside, but now Tim's feet were up above Stu's head and Stu's feet were up above Tim's head, or below, depending upon what view one took of it. They kissed and sucked on each other's pubic hairs and slowly slid their lips down and started kissing the base of each other's hard cock which were standing out rigid from their groin. They grasped the other's cock and bent it down, so that they could maneuver easier around the penis until they were ready to engage in sucking of the cock directly. The aroma of each other's groin was zestful, spicy, earthy, musky, with all kinds of sexual nuances. The taste was exhilarating and spine tingling, with subtle, tangy pungency of earthy tones, somewhat frightening to first timers, but an acquired cultivated taste that quickly became arresting to indulgers. They savored the aroma and sensuous taste of each other's sexual core as their lips, tongue and mouth sought to bring pleasure to each other. Tim was pleased to find that Stu was very adept at pleasing his partner, and worked assiduously in giving, while at the same time receiving the pleasures of male sexual carnality. It sure was not going to be a one way affair, because obviously Stu was as anxious to impart pleasure as he was to receive it, knowing that by doing both, he and Tim were both greatly magnifying and amplifying their enjoyment of what was happening! For a few minutes, they worked around the cock, bathing the skin, scrotum, testicles and surrounding area with their saliva, gently sucking and kissing and licking each others balls, scrotum, the perineum area between the scrotum and he anus, and the crevices between the other's groin and thighs. They also kissed and licked around the base of each other's thick dick, kissing and licking and sucking on the outside skin. After all of the environs surrounding each other's big dick was wet with their saliva and had been kissed and licked and tongued repeatedly, they started doing the same thing to the outside of each other's hard cock, painting then with layer after layer of wet saliva as their licking tongue worked back and forth, up and down and around the other's hard cock. They partially surrounding each other's penis with their lips and ran then up and down, back and forth on the outside skin, all the way from the base to the tip of the head - ion the left side, and underneath, and on the right side and on the top, depositing wet layers of saliva as their tongues and lips moved over the other's hard dick. Unlike in the stall, they were in no hurry, no hurry at all. They had plenty of time to relish the pleasures of what they were doing, and what was being done to them. They continued to play around the outside of each other's penis for a few minutes and then they moved up and concentrated on the glossy cut foreskin and the rim of the head. They held each other's penis firmly with their hand and used the tips of their tongue to explore and stimulate the foreskin and along the top of the rim, lapping the wet velvety tips back and forth on each other's rim, as their bodies writhed in the sensitive pleasure being imparted. After a couple of more minutes of that, they moved onto the head itself and tongue and licked it too, though still paying more attention to the sensitive rim than the rest of the head. After another minute or so, they looked down at each other, smiled happily and then moved their wet lips over the urethra opening onto each other's penis glands. Still watching each other, they pressed their lips down on the penis head and slowly slid them down and inch or so on the head of the other's cock. Then they pressed their lips down tighter on the other's warm springy like penis head and slowly pushed their lips down the head, up to the rim, where they pressed their lips down even tighter and slid them over the rim and down to the top of the foreskin below. They paused for a few seconds, enjoying the feel of the other's big penis head inside their wet mouth, with their lips pulling back on the rim of the other's cock. Then both of them ran their wet sucking lips back and forth over the other's rim, between the top of the foreskin and the bottom of the head, dozens and dozens of times creating highly erotic sensations as their pressing lips darted back and forth over the rim. After so stimulating the rim for a couple of minutes or so, they again paused at the base of the rim and looked down at each other, holding the other's cock in their mouth. Stu winked at Tim and smiled, who smiled back. Tim savored the pleasure of not only sucking Stu, but also being sucked by Stu at the same time. Having really aroused each other by pressing the wet lips back and forth over each other's rim hundreds of times, they then proceeded to free lance, primarily making about a five inch pressing, sliding stroke from the mid-point on each other's penis down over the head, over the rim, along the foreskin, down on to the main shaft, and then sucking hard, pulling their sucking wet lips back up the same route, over the shaft, onto the oreskin, along the foreskin to the rim, back over the rim onto the head and then back up the head to the starting point! They did make several variations though, sometimes just going back and forth over the rim like they had done before, and sometimes just adding an inch or so of the foreskin to the rim and stroking those two inches or so of flesh rapidly, and sometimes just the rim and a larger part of the penis head. After several minutes, they rolled over into a semi-kneeling position where Tim was on his back and Stu was kneeling above him with his knees next to Tim's head so that his penis and testicles was directly above Tim, hanging down into Tim's face. Stu was holding himself up off of Tim, his forearms were flat against the bed, with the palms of his hands up under Tin's buttock's and his head directly above Tim's cock with his lips encircling it. Tim reached up and put his palms on Stu's buttocks and pulled down and raised his head up, as his wet lips slowly ascended Stu's cock, though of course from Stu's viewpoint, they were sliding down Stu's penis. Likewise Stu pulled Tim's buttocks up slightly and bobbed his head down, pressing his lips down on Tim's big dick. After they had as much of each other's dick inside their mouth as they could comfortably accommodate, they sucked in and reversed the process, Tim pushing slightly on the side of Stu's buttocks to push them back up as he pulled his sucking lips back down the hard shaft in his mouth, though again from Stu's viewpoint, the sucking lips were being pulled up Stu's hard penis. Likewise Stu let Tim's buttocks sink back down onto the mattress and simultaneously pulled his lips up, which pulled his sucking wet lips up Tim's dick. With subtle variations, they kept up that rhythm, back and forth on each other's cock and the bed started swaying and creaking rather loudly as they went back and forth, up and down on each others hard cock, their lips pressing as tightly against the inner core of the other's hard cock as possible. The creaking bed played a form of sexual music as they continued to push and pull their lips down and up each other's hard dick. After a few minutes of sucking each other with Stu on Top, they rolled over again, with Stu on his back and Tim on his knees and forearms up above him but the sexual rhythm and creaking bed continued, louder if anything as they slowly increased the tempo of their sucking lips, moving their wet lips faster, back and forth on each other's hard cock. Stu could accommodate a little greater length of Tim's cock inside his mouth, than Tim could with Stu's dick, but not much, perhaps an inch at most. The bed continued to sway back and forth and creak loudly as they continued their assiduous task of rapidly sucking each other off. They started using their hips to help the other's wet lips traversing back and forth on their cock. Tim would press his hips down as Stu pulled on Tim's buttock's and lifted his head up, pushing his pressing wet lips up the penis, which of course was down the penis in Tim's stomach down position, and then when Tim sucked and pulled his lips down the penis, back toward the head, Stu would pull his hips back up causing the penis to slide out of Tim's wet, clinging, sucking lips. In a similar though reversed manner, Stu would lift his hips up off the bed as Tim pushed his pressing lips down on Stu's big thick cock, and at the bottom as Tim pulled his sucking lips up Stu's cock, Stu would let his hips relax back down onto the bed. The combination of theses actions greatly increased the speed at which their wet lips traveled back and forth on each other's hard cock, and the bay swayed more and creaked at an increasing rate, to the point where it was soon creaking what amounted to an almost continuous crescendo of creaks and snap backs. They were rapidly approaching orgasm and they arched their backs, and tensed their muscles and curled their toes as the increasing pre-orgasmic sensations racked their bodies. Back and forth, up and down, their lips traveled at a rapid rate on each other's penis. Tim felt the head of Stu's penis swell up in his mouth and he pushed his lips down on Stu's penis and he pulled his hands further up under Stu's buttocks so that he could hold Stu's dick in his mouth more firmly as it started to jerk and pulse, shooting semen up into Tim's throat. After feeling Stu's penis head swell up and pump the first load of ejaculate into his mouth, Tim too fell over the cleft into blissful orgasm. Tim's penis head mushroomed up in Stu's mouth and he plunged the puffy head against the back of Stu's throat, effectively sealing it shut as his penis shot a thick load of cum against the back of Stu's throat - Tim's penis was pointed down, so aided by gravity, it really peppered the back of Stu's throat as it fired round after round of thick semen against the back of Stu's throat. On the other hand, Stu's penis was pointed up and so his semen tended to fall back against Tim's tongue, teeth and cheeks. Though neither ejaculates was as much as they had in the bathroom stall at the Armory, they did fill each other's mouth with a considerable amount of thick, starchy, bleachey, glutinous cum as their bodies shook and pulsed and vibrated against each other's in ecstasy. The scrumptious orgasm caused their bodies to pulse and jerk as wave after delicious wave traversed through their bodies and they savored the exquisite sublime pleasure they had brought to each other. They shared their orgasm both as individuals and as partners. The crescendo of pleasure ebbed, gradually subsiding and then stopped completely. Though the orgasm was over, they continued to nurse each others receding penis, sucking the semen nectar residue out. As their penises grew soft in each other's mouth, their after play continued and they starting kissing and licking each other's soft dick, and scrotum and the enclosed testicles, as sort of a tribute and to give thanks for what they had each brought to the other, and shared so wonderfully. Stu, sucked Tim's left testicle into his mouth and then squeezed his lips down on the scrotum skin and pulled back, letting Tim's testicle sort of pop through his lips, not any substantial pressure that might cause pain, but rather just enough pressure to send erotic overtones flowing through Tim's body. Tim looked down and asked, "What are you doing?" "Just a little after play that I call, 'popping your balls,' applying a little lip pressure and then pulling your ball through my lips," Stu replied. "Let me try it," Tim said realizing that Stu probably wanted some of that erotic feeling imparted to his body as well. It was easy to pick up the tempo and so Tim and Stu played the ball popping game for a minute or so, and continued to lavish kisses and tongue licking on each other's scrotum and penis. They played around round of fifteen or twenty ball poppings on each other and then Stu looked down at Tim and said, "If you're ready, I would like to come down and play some wet lips and tongues with you. "Me too, I want to kiss you," Tim said. Stu quickly switched his body around so that they were face to face, and they started kissing and playing with each other's wet tongues and lips. They savored the pleasure of what they were doing, and what they had just done for another ten minutes of intense after play as their sperm and saliva intermixed thoroughly. "That was the most marvelous, best tasting cock, and cock cream that I have ever laid lips to, matie," Stu said as his he held his lips loosely on Tim's lips. "Same here, it was absolutely superb, matie," Tim said emulating Stu's Scottish slang. "I can't tell the difference between your semen and mine, they're all mixed together," Stu said. "I know, there wasn't quite as much of yours this time," Tim said teasingly. "There never is the second, but you did dump a pretty good load down my throat. It was pointing down and you really sprayed the back of my throat with it," Stu said. "You want to wash it down with some of that cold champagne?" Tim asked. "Good idea," Stu said and then added, "Let me open it up and we'll toast our new friendship and the New Year." "Lead on Mr. Dunoon," Tim said mockingly as he gazed into Stu's bright blue eyes. The two of them sat up on the edge of the bed, and Stu reached over and took the champagne bottle and shook I t a couple of times and said, "I'm going to really make it pop off." "Like something else, like our cocks, did a few minutes ago, matie," Tim teased. "Yeah, like that and like they're going to again a couple of times before this night is out," Stu said as they both laughed merrily. Stu undid the wire wrapping around the cork, and then used his strong hands and thumbs to gently pry the cork up out of the bottle. Stu could feel the pressure building on the cork as he eased it up out of the bottle and then when about two thirds of the cork was up, he held the bottle over the ice bucket and released the cork which shot up against the ceiling and a fountain of bubbling foaming champagne shot up seven or eight inches above the bottle top. "That was just what your cock did back at the Armory," Tim laughed. "Shit, it didn't do that much," Stu chuckled back. "Not very fucking far from it," Tim laughed as he looked Stu in the eyes and smiled. "You didn't object very much," Stu said. "No. You almost drowned me, but I loved every drop of it," Tim said. "You did?" Stu said. "I sure did," Tim said as he bent over and kissed Stu, who was still holding the bottle over the ice bucked as the geyser effect subsided. They kissed for several more seconds, then Stu poured one of the glasses about three quarters full of the cold champagne, and handed it to Tim. Then as Tim held his glass waiting for Stu, Stu poured another glass about with a like amount and put the bottle back into the bucket. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and smiled and lifted their glasses, then Tim moved his arm across and up and underneath Stu's, so that in effect they were holding their glasses of champagne with their right arms interlocked just above the elbow, their forearms touching above the elbow for several inches. They raised their glasses up and clicked then against each other, and Stu said, "To my new very good friend, Tim McShan, and to a wonderful New 1978!" Tim responded, "To my wonderful new friend Stewart Dunoon, and a fantastic 1978, during which we come to know each other even better!" They took a good swig of the champagne and swallowed it. Then they sucked the rest of the champagne in their glasses, a good jigger and a half or so, unto their mouths and gently swirled it around washing their mutual semen mixture into the champagne. With the champagne, semen and saliva mixture still in their mouth, they kissed each other and opened their mouths, further mixing the elixir together, and causing it to foam and bubble up, tickling their tongue, throat and even their nasal passage some. They happily swallowed the bizarre mixture, as they gazed into each other's sparkling eyes. Afterward Stu poured them another glass of champagne and they just sipped at it and kissed as their free left hand found each other's soft penis and started playing with it and stroking on it in preparation for what they knew would be another round of sex, anal intercourse this time. Within three or four minutes both of their penises were rock hard again and they smiled. Tim looked into Stu's eyes and said coyly, "It looks like your dick is about ready to give me a good ass fucking!" "Not yet. I want you to fuck me first. You gave me a blow job first, now it's your turn to go first," Stu said. "Are you sure?" Tim asked. "Of course, I'm sure. I would adore being either your bottom or top laddie, but I want to be your bottom first," Stu said. "Okay, it will be my pleasure," Tim said. They put their champagne glasses down and Tim retrieved some KY jelly out of the nightstand top drawer, beside the bed. He opened it and pressed some out onto his finger tips and he started lubricating around and inside Stu's anus. Stu took the tube from Tim's hands and squeezed a very generous amount out onto his fingertips and laid the tube down on the top of the night stand. Then he applied a generous layer of the lubricant to Tim's penis. After they were both amply lubricated, Stu propped up a pillow on the bed headboard and looked at Tim and asked, Ready?" "Yeah, do you mind if I turn on some good fuck music? I already queued some selections up. I was thinking about playing them while I jacked off, but now we have something much better to do while the music is playing," Tim said. "Out of sight," Stu responded as Tim reached over and switched the music on. As Mick, Keith and the Stones started playing and singing, 'Let's Spend the Night Together,' Stu nodded his head, smiled and pulled his legs up parallel with his chest, and pulled his buttocks up and inserted another pillow underneath. Tim moved around and knelt between Stu's spread thighs. Tim reached down, put his hands down, his palms on Stu's buttocks and his thumbs in the crevice, and spread them out as Stu used his palms to fingers to aid in creating an opening for Tim's big dick. Tim looked into Stu's anticipatory anxious eyes, and smiled. He grasped his cock an inch or so below the foreskin cut, and edged his knees forward as he brought his penis head up against Stu's anal sphincter. He rubbed the big head against Stu's anal opening back and forth several times, and probed it with his left index and middle finger, sliding them back and forth in and out of the anus. He edged somewhat closer and then felt Stu grab his thighs to help during the insertion process. Tim raised his cock up above the anus, and then pressed it down hard as he pushed his hips forward and Stu pressed his hips back against the hard penis shaft prying at his anal opening. The large penal head slid through the opening as Stu gasped audibly feeling the large shaft starting to slide up inside him. "Are you okay?" Tim asked knowing full well that Stu was just acting normally to the pain of having a large cock sopread the anal sphincter out wide and having a large hot cock slide up into his rectum. "Great, it's just. Well, you know how it feels, the mingling of the pain and euphoric pleasure at first," Stu said as he gazed with anxious eyes at Tim. "Yeah, I know," Tim said, as he briefly thougth about how is was going to be when Stu inserted his bigger, thicker cock inside Tim. Stu still had an erection and Tim liked that, he would rather fuck a guy who had a hard on too, than one who had a flaccid, or turgid penis during the anal intercourse, though of course, he had experienced all three. After getting the head inside, Tim pressed his hips forward and Stu pushed his hips back, as Tim's big dick slowly slid inside Stu's anal canal, Tim's penis head slowly parting the wet clinging enveloping soft velvety skin of Stu's anus, as Tim pressed his penis deeper inside Stu's anus, and Stu's anus skin closing down, and around Tim's penis as it was pushed deeper and deeper inside Stu, as Stu moaned and squirmed at the incredible feelings racking his body. Stu felt the rubbing pleasure as the head and penis slid through Stu's prostate, and further into his body. When Tim's testicles came up against the spread out anus opening, Tim of course, had to stop, both he and Stu savored the feeling of the penis fully inserted inside Stu's body as they looked at each other through glistening eyes. Tim leaned forward and propped himself up with the palms of his hands and then leaned his head down and stuck out his wet tongue as Stu reciprocated in kind. Then with the tips of their tongues rubbing and pushing back and forth rapidly against each other, Tim pulled his hips back and started to make long penetrating strokes back and forth as his hard dick slid back and forth in Stu's velvety wet anus skin, with the Stu's anal sphincter grasping Tim's dick firmly. Tim continued to fuck Stu for eight or ten minutes at a fairly slow pace, varying his angle of penal insertion slightly, and the depth of the penetration, but consistently sliding the penis head back and forth through at least the prostate. They played with the tips of their tongues and sucked on each other's tongue and ran their wet lips together, and explored each other's mouth with their tongues as Tim continued to pump his penis back and forth in Stu's anus! They gazed into each other's lustful eyes, betraying the pleasures that both were experiencing as Tim's penis ploughed back and forth in Stu's anal canal, causing Stu to audibly gasp from time to time, and both of them to moan in pleasure. After several minutes, Tim started picking up the pace of his rhythmic fucking of Stu, shortening his stroke to mainly the area of where Tim's penis head, and the thick part of his penis, slid through Stu's prostate stricture and the anal opening itself, a three or four inch stoke, and of course that increased the speed of the back and forth movement of Tim's cock inside Stu, and also Tim pumped back and forth more rapidly and to further accelerate the action. Stu arched his back and started pushing and pulling his hips back and forth in synch with Tim's actions. All of these factors combined to push and pull Tim's hard dick back and forth in Stu's anus at a very rapid rate. Tim raised up on his tip toes, arched his back, tensed his muscles and pumped even faster as he rushed headlong toward orgasm, and Stu responded in kind. The beating Stone's song of 'Let's Spend the Night Together,' was playing for the third time as Tim reached down with right hand and grasped Stu's hard penis and started pumping back and forth on the hard inner core. Tim put his left hand on Stu's left hand and they interlaced their fingers and squeezed as both bodies trembled against each other in the last vestiges of pre-orgasmic pleasure. They could feel each other's hearts beating rapidly as the head of Tim's penis swelled up inside Stu's rectum and Tim slid it in as far as he could to have maximum anus skin to penis skin contact as they experienced blissful orgasm together! Both of them moaned and gasped as the waves of orgasmic exhilaration rolled over their bodies and Tim's penis ejaculated round after round into Stu's rectum and Stu ejaculated into the cavity between their abdomens. They played with the tips of their tongues and gazed into each other's ecstatic eyes as the pulsating waves of orgasm racked their body and the heavy beat of the Stone's music resounded in their ears. "Happy New Year, Stu," Tim whispered into Stu's lips, which responded with a, "Happy New Year, Tim." The high tide of their joint, mated orgasm ebbed and subsided at a rather rapid rate as they pressed their bodies against each other and kissed frantically and sucked on each other's tongue. Tim kept his penis inside Stu as it receded and they kissed and engaged in the blissful pleasures of after play. After ten minutes or so of after play, Tim pulled his now flaccid penis out of Stu's anus and they sat on the edge of the bed and kissed some more and sipped some more champagne as they awaited the resuscitation of their respective penises so that Stu could fuck Tim. "I can't decide which," Stu said teasingly. "What are you talking about?" Tim asked. "I can't decide if you are a better sucker, or a better fucker. In any event, you are absolutely superb at both, the best that I've ever seen laddie," Stu said affectionately. "Thank you mate, so are you. I have never enjoyed sex as much as the three times that we have already done it, and I'm am really looking forward for the fourth time coming up shortly," Tim said. They continued to talk softly and kiss and they started playing with and stroking each other's penis, but after all the activity, it was almost half an hour, before they felt each other's penises start responding to the playful stroking hand of the other. After thirty minutes or so, they were able to achieve another full erection in anticipation of Stu fucking Tim, and that carnal desire played a large part in the two of them being able to achieve their fourth erection of the night. "It looks like that you are about ready to fuck me?" Tim said as he slowly pumped up and down on Tim's hard cock! "I'm ready whenever you are," Stu responded as he smiled at Tim affectionately. "Okay, let's do it," Tim said as he laid back on the pillow and assumed more of less the same position that Stu had been in when Tim had fucked Stu. Stu climbed in between Tim's thighs and moved up close to Tim's buttocks. He reached over and retrieved the KY jelly and spread a liberal amount on his fingertips and started to apply some to his rock hard penis, but Stu exclaimed, "That's my job, let me have the KY!" "Okay matie, but I get to lube you up some," Stu said as he handed the KY to Tim, and put his hands down and thumbed open Tim's buttocks and started applying the lubricant. "Thanks, that feels good," Tim said after Stu started rubbing the KY around and in his anus. Tim squeezed a liberal amount of the KY on his own right fingertips and palm and then bent forward and grasped Stu's large hard cock and started applying the jelly around the head and foreskin. He quickly used up that on his hand and had to squeeze out some more to lubricate the long. As he lubricated Stu's large penis, Tim though about how big it was and how penetration was going to hurt but also about how the pain would go away, at least most of it, and the wonderful euphoria of Stu fucking him would take over. Having lubricated each other, Tim pulled his thighs and calves up onto and aside his chest and then lifted up his buttocks and stuck the other pillow underneath them. Then Tim reached down and pulled his buttocks open with the tips of his fingers. Seeing the invitation, Stu moved up close, grasped his cock with his right hand just below the foreskin and kneed his way forward as he thumbed opened the crevice in the center of Tim's buttocks. Stu could feel Tim trembling in what he knew was a combination of great anticipation and fear, He smiled down at Tim and whispered, "It's only going to hurt a little while, then it will feel wonderful." "I know," Tim said with a voice of experience as he felt the large head of Stu's penis at his anal sphincter. Stu rubbed the head of his penis on the Tim's anus opening and then probed it a could of times with his lubricated fingers. He heard Tim moaning and he smiled down at Tim. Tim grabbed Stu's thighs with his hands and used then as leverage to push his anus back against Stu's hard penis. As Tim did so, he felt his anus opening up some to the large penis head at the opening. Stu leaned forwarded raised his penis head up slightly above the anus and then pushed it back down as he thrust his hips forward and leaned toward Tim. The combination of his and Tim's action caused the huge penis head to spread open Tim's anus sphincter as Tim shook his head from side to side and moaned audibly 'Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,' repeatedly. The giant glans penis head slid into Stu's Anal canal as the anal sphincter closed down around Stu's big dick. Tim looked up Stu with glazed, almost dazed eyes and managed a smile as the pain of having his anus spread open so wide racked his body. Pausing only momentarily, Stu knowing that Tim was suffering the initial pain of having a large penis inserted up his arse, slowly slid his penis forwarded as Tim shook his head from side to side and moaned, and moaned 'Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,' repeatedly again, in what was obviously some combination of pain and delight. Tim's own penis was as hard as a rock and Stu grasped Tim's hard dick with his left hand and used it as leverage as he slid his own penis deep into Tim's anus. Tim continued to shake his head from side to side and moan 'ohs,' loudly as Stu slid his penis all the way down to where his testicles were in the opened crevice between Tim's buttocks. He looked down at Tim who continued to shake his head and moan and inquired, "Are you okay laddie?" "Yes, but like that American tellie 'StarTrek' says, you're sure as the hell are going places that no man has ever gone before," Tim replied in whispered chuckling tones betraying the pain and pleasure that he was enduring. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or the reverse," Stu said as he held his huge cock inside Tim and smiled at him. "It's a compliment for sure, but it is also sure true. I'm okay now, go ahead and start doing it whenever you're ready. I want to kiss you and feel that thing sliding back and forth in me," Tim said again in whispered tones. "Okay," Stu said as he leaned forward and extended his hands down and put his bent palms down onto the mattress between Tim's arms and upper chest, just below the arm pits. Stu bent his head down and rubbed noses with Tim and then they played with the tips of each others wet tongues very rapidly as Stu pulled the huge penis back down Tim's anus to where just the head and foreskin was still inside and then plunged it all the way back down again. Stu started the rhythmic movement of thrusting his hips back and forth, causing his penis to slid back and forth in Tim's body. Tim was still experiencing some pain, though the intense euphoric pleasure was much greater as Stu plunged his big dick back and forth inside Tim's body. Stu gazed down into Tim's eyes and could see that the pain had eased, though not disappearing as his penis pumped in and out of Tim's anus. They played with their wet tongues outside their mouths as starters, and then they sucked on each other's tongue and pressed their wet lips tightly against the other's, and did their tongue playing inside each other's mouths. They brushed their lips together and licked each other's lips and did other things to accent the pleasure both were now feeling as Stu's cock slid back and forth in Tim's now loosened anus. Although there was still some pain, the intense pleasure of having Stu fucking him was far greater as Tim felt the Stu's cock traversing back and forth in his anal canal. For over ten minutes, essentially changing only his arm position, down onto his forearms and elbows and after awhile back up again, Stu continued to fuck Tim at a somewhat rhythmic steady pace. Of course Stu, like Tim had done before, varied the length of his stroke, and to a certain degree the angle of penetration, trying to rub the penis head more firmly against the sides of the anus. He found that Tim particularly enjoyed feeling the penis head sliding back and forth in the slight stricture of Tim's prostate, and that also felt exceedingly good to Stu as well, so Stu frequently resorted to short three inch of so strokes shoving his penis head back and forth through Tim's prostate, so that his big penis head rubbed and massaged Tim's prostate to the obvious moans of delight that were emitted by Tim and to a lesser degree by Stu too. After over ten minutes at a fairly steady pace, Stu started shortening his stroke and increasing the pace as he moved toward orgasm. Tim could feel the Stu's penis sliding back and forth inside his anus and as Stu's pace increased, Tim tensed his muscles and arched his back slightly and lifted his hips up off the pillow. Tim put put his hands behind and grasped Stu's buttocks and used them as leverage to start thrusting his own hips back and forth in unison with Stu's thrusting. Stu shortened his stroke down to where his penis head was traveling only the two and a half or so inches between about and inch inside Tim's anus opening to an inch below the prostate, that is a stroke of about three or four inches inside Tim's anus, on each side of the prostate. Stu raised up onto his tiptoes, arched his back and tensed his muscles. They again played with the tips of each tongues at a frenzied pace as both of them closed on their orgasmic desires. They could hear each other breathing rapidly and could feel each other's hearts beating rapidly and the bed squeaked at a high frequency and this time, the Stone's were singing, "I Am Waiting," As Stu reached down and grasped Tim's hard cock firmly and started pumping on it, and the two of them plunged into the ecstasy of orgasm. Stu pressed his penis all the way down to the hilt to feel the complete encirclement of his penis by Tim's anile skin, and held it there as his penis head swelled up and pumped cum into Tim's body. They pressed their chests against each other and frilled their tongues against each other's as the pulsating waves of pleasure traversed their enraptured bodies. After a couple of pumps by the head of Stu's penis inside Tim's body, Tim's penis head expanded and Stu felt Tim's penis pulsating in his hand as Tim's penis shot cum into the cavity between their abdomens. Stu looked into Tim's eyes and smiled and as his body was racked by the orgasmic pleasure, whispered, "Happy New Year, Tim!" "Happy new year, Stu," Tim replied back as his and Stu's body pulsed and shook to the tune of their shared mutual climatic orgasm. They gazed into each other's eyes and Tim sucked Stu's tongue into his mouth as their lips met and then pressed tightly against each other, with opened mouths. They rolled their tongues together as their bodies trembled and the enthralling waves of pleasure started subsiding. Afterward, they kissed for a couple of minutes, and then rolled over onto their sides in somewhat of an awkward position, so as to keep Stu's penis still inside Tim. They kissed and played wet tongues and experienced the wonderful after play of what they had just experienced. After three or four minutes they just lay cheek to cheek and quickly drifted off into blissful sleep in each other's arms. The next morning, Tim was awakened by feeling Stu kissing and licking at his groin. He gradually became aware that Stu was giving him a blow job. He looked down and smiled at Stu and said, "Turn your legs around so that we can 69." "Let me give you one laddie. You're one up on me from the armory last night at the armory. After this, we'll be even," Stu said. "We don't have to keep a scorecard," Tim said jovially. "No, and we won't, but I do want to give you this one solo suck, then we'll forget about keeping score. Just lay back and enjoy," Stu said as he slid his lips onto Tim's hard cock. Tim did lay back, and looked through to the side of the window shades and saw a beam of light and knew that the sun was shining outside on that first day of 1978. He closed his eyes as Stu's pressing, sucking lips started sliding back and forth on his hard cock. He savored the pleasure of being sucked off. Then he suddenly thought of Sean and about how he had not even thought about Sean since first laying eyes on Stu the night before. The sun was shining outside, it was no longer gloomy in Edinburgh. And the sun was shining inside Tim as well, in his heart and in his disposition. The gloom of the previous five days had lifted, an exhilarating feeling of exuberance and what pleasures might lie ahead for him and Stewart Dunoon! It was indeed a happy New Year and as Stu pressed his lips back and forth on Tim's penis, Tim opened his eyes, looked down at Stu and started singing 'Auld Lang Syne.' Stu kept his lips on Tim's cock, but looked up at Tim, smiled and winked affectionately. Stu's gesture was met by the return of an affectionate smile and wink, as Tim continued to softly sing, 'Auld Lang Syne.' Did you like Auld Lang Syne? We hope that you enjoyed reading the story about Tim and Stu and their Scottish Gay Sex Fling on New Year's eve and morning! You can read several MORE FREE stories, of about the same length, by the same author at The Top 25 Internet Site, You will also obtain FREE ACCESS to dozens of other excerpts and hundreds of HOT FREE NUDE & SEX PICTURES -and that is only the beginning - if you subscribe for $24.95 for one year, you will have access to dozens of complete additional stories like this and over 5,500 of the hottest pictures on the Internet with arousing, funny, annotations that our members say make the pictures come ALIVE! © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998


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