Gay Erotic Stories

Ben! Oh Ben...

by Henry

Ever since I can remember, I loved friends around me: The more, the better. Since early primary school I was always involved in something wicked with some buddies. From that early time though, I always tended to have a better liking in one of the guys in a group of friends and eventually, if an occasion lasted long enough, became rather close to him. For some reason I still can't explain, I was driven like a madman become senior class president in High School. I consistently worked hard and behaved well, though I still enjoyed life. Ben and I became acquainted in our freshman year and best-buddies in our sophomore year. We both did well in all areas, but I was academically quite superior. Athletics 400m was my forte whereas Ben was the school's start football player. We competed on both counts though, since it's fluctuating seasonal sports. We both gained muscle as high-school went on, but at the end of our junior year I guess our stats were about as follows: Me (Henry) 6'2", 170lbs, Light Brown Hair, Gray Eyes, Hairy Arms and Legs but smooth chest. My face is very similar to Mel Gibson's, though I guess somewhat less attractive... Ben: 5'9", 180lbs,jet black hair, blue eyes, light skin with a line of hair down his belly and some under his nipples. Ben's face was incredible, with a perfect skin, and his smile was much like George Eads'. I suppose Ben would get the Savannah role easier, he was truly remarkable. Being his best-buddy always provided more than enough female company around. He was a bit of an asshole though, sometimes back stabbing me but a quick fight quickly made up. Those I usually won, but we did it away from school not to get into trouble. I had 3 different girls during high-school, and lost my virginity in my junior year with the last. At that stage anything soft and curvy with a pussy turned my heart around. Ben never had a girl and it was the topic of a lot of teasing. I never suspected anything because he always joined in the detailed accounts of about every girl we liked. In my junior year Ben and I had basically blocked out other friends. We were still friendly and chatted to everyone but we never did anything anymore with the other guys. I simply enjoyed his company so much that I had no need for anyone else. At the end of junior year, I was elected to class president, and he vice-president. Suddenly everything was turned upside down. Ben suddenly ignored me and I was totally confused about the whole situation. After about two weeks I even began considering inside that I'd let my position go if things could just get back to normal. The end of the year came, and nothing changed. I felt extremely alone even though Susan, my virginity taker, was around most of the time. The last day after school the principal called me in and basically asked me what was going on. I had no answer for him. On my bike that afternoon, I decided that I had to go by Ben's home to try and find out how this can be rectified. He was an only child, and was home alone when I knocked. Now imagine this strong-minded tough football friend who took pride in his macho image, and basically never got sentimental over anything. He opened the door and basically said "Hi Henry." greeted back. With his next sentence I could hear a break in his voice. He was close to crying! Although he asked me to leave then and there, I refused. "What's wrong?", I asked. " You!" and then he simply walked to a TV chair while I followed. My sitting down in another chair, he insisted that I wouldn't understand and no matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. After a while he broke into very controlled sobs, standing up asking me to leave. Instinctively I rose, stepped over to him, placed my arms around his shoulders, pulling him close and simply held him to my chest. Then he started sobbing unreservedly, while I stroked his back. He also put his arms around me. When I reasoned he's calmed down enough, I let him go to end this hugging. He however, did not let go. I was a bit uneasy since this has already been going for about two minutes. Then I simply put my hands around him again, as he started rubbing my back. Although this made me increasingly uneasy, I also loved the way his muscles and stubble felt. His musky smell also exited me. As I was trying to get to grips with myself he slowly started rocking us. Slowly swinging left to right, I put my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I liked this enough for it to go on. He continued stroking my back and suddenly I could feel his hand stroking my hard butt. I tried to forcefully break our embrace, but he started pleading in my ear not to. So I submitted. Soon I felt his hands inside my shorts and jock, slowly stroking both my butt cheeks. This was starting to arouse me and soon I could feel the blood slowly filling up my cock. I could also feel his rock-hard member against my leg through his shorts. "I love you Henry, I loved you from the first day I knew you." Ben uttered into my ear while still kneading my butt with both hands. I had to answer, and since this was putting me someplace I've never been I said that I loved him too. It was the truth anyway! The first forceful thrust of his tongue into my mouth is a sensation that I'll remember forever. I grabbed him behind his head and started working back. My tongue explored his mouth while he started to reach for my dick. He pushed me down on the couch, and started to kiss my neck and face all over. I froze for a moment while he was the active one. Realizing what was going on had me out of my wits again, but I simply couldn't stop Ben or myself. After he motioned for me to lift my arms, and pulled my T-shirt off, he started kissing my nipples, torso and naval. This took me to heaven... With closed eyes I simply allowed him to go on. When I felt his tongue on my dick, something in me snapped. I jumped up, pulled on my T-shirt and was out and on my bike in a few seconds. Although I enjoyed it more than anything I ever experienced, it was just so out of anything I ever imagined, that I couldn't go on. The rest of the day what happened played in my mind over and over again. How was I ever to understand these feelings that was bubbling inside me! Now the reason I share this story with you: The next morning, first day of the summer-holiday, my mom called from work asking me to stay there till she got there, and arrived with dad and our principal a few minutes later. Ben shot himself earlier that morning. I was devastated, to the point of taking my life too. My mom hugged me and calmed me the rest of the day. Susan was soon over as most off my class who hadn't already left town. It was a Thursday, and he was buried the next Monday. Although I was supposed to speak there I totally broke down and our principal read the words I prepared. Everybody knew we were about the closest friendship in the school. I felt guilty, and most of all I longed to hold Ben again. My mom is the only one who have a detailed account of what happened that last day, I just had to get it off my mind. Although I had more support from friends, teachers, my folks, my two younger brothers and Ben's Mom and Dad than I could ever imagine, I cried for years. Even now as I type tears are in my eyes. His last message was written on the sideline of the newspaper: "Without you I have no reason to go on." A single line, which only me aand mom ever fully understood Our romancing that last school day is in my mind almost continuously, and that memory I guess also changed my sexual orientation, although I guess I always liked well developed men's bodies. I didn't finish school in my own high school. The second school day in my senior year, without Ben, I was once again at a terrible low and had my first epilepsy attack. A second attack followed at the doctor's about an hour later. Before they could get me stabilized I had lost consciousness and had 7 attacks in the span of 5 hours and was starting to vomit blood. At one stage they called all my relatives because they feared for my life. About two months later I was enrolled in a Los Angeles school for epilepsy sufferers, a few hours from home. It helped me a lot to get away from all the memories. I passed but didn't do well. Today I'm stabilized, but I cannot get my life together again. Perhaps I never will. "I miss you Ben. I love you Ben! All I want is to hold you once again!" Perhaps you were there, perhaps you heard about it, perhaps you lost a loved one too? Email me:


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Henry

Ben! Oh Ben...

Ever since I can remember, I loved friends around me: The more, the better. Since early primary school I was always involved in something wicked with some buddies. From that early time though, I always tended to have a better liking in one of the guys in a group of friends and eventually, if an occasion lasted long enough, became rather close to him. For some reason I still

My Neighbor The Stud

To start out with, this is a true story. Okay, I'm sure that half of the guys on here claim that their stories are true, but I'm telling the truth. I guess that's really easy for me to say, but you read it, and then judge for yourself. Could I honestly make a story like this up? Well, I guess that I should start out with the beginning. (This is all true too, but I've


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