Gay Erotic Stories

Billy's Man

by Buck Jones

Billy drove his truck up old US Highway 2, north through eastern Washington state, past Mt. Spokane and on toward the Selkirk mountain range, through country that was covered with a giant green and tan patchwork of crops and prairie, bright with a hot sun washing over fields that had been washed by the rain earlier that day. He slowed down so he would take more time here in this place. The fields between the mountains seemed to be a huge bowl of fresh green life. And if he closed his eyes it smelled liked it looked. He wasn't trying to get anyplace anymore. He was tired from working from before sunrise, tight and a little sore, but his whole body started to relax now. His shoulders, stiff from holding the truck on the road, had let go and slumped down a little. His forearm, which had locked his hand on the wheel, relaxed as he slid his other hand up on the truck's wide steering wheel and massaged the air with the hand he had been using to drive. His butt shifted left and right as he let is settle a little lower in the seat, feeling his thighs tighten and relax as his ass found a better, softer and deeper place in the springs. Over about a quarter of a mile off the road he saw another pickup parked under a single tree by a pond on the side of a field covered with a carpet of that bright green of some new crop climbing up into the sun. There were handles of something sticking out of the back of the truck at odd angles, pitch forks or scythes or something he guessed. He could just make out a man leaning up against the front fender, a strong dark man without a shirt on. He couldn't see much but he could see the shadow under the man's chest, straight across, and he could tell that this muscular body flowed down from a fine chest into narrow hips and then flared out again into powerful long thighs. A dirt road turned off the highway right past the pond and ran toward Idaho. If he took it it would get him close enough to get a look at the man. He didn't know where the road went or what he was going to do. But he took it. As he got close enough to see the man's face Billy watched the man watch him, and his truck slowed down, downshifted as a little cloud of dust started to catch up from behind. He slowed down some more. He didn't think about doing it, didn't even mean to. It was as if the truck knew and so it just did. He was right about the man leaning against the truck, just not right enough. The man was strong with wide hard pecs, cut clear and sharp. The crack between his pecs ran down into a channel through his belly, down through the muscles that marched down his stomach on either side, down into faded jeans hanging on his hips. He was all one dark flowing river of muscle, leaning back loose now after being worked hard. His truck bounced a little through a pothole as he passed by. The man didn't move. He just leaned there up against his truck, black hair, bronze skin, like a big cat resting, powerful but completely relaxed. But the man's eyes never left his, right through the dust and the truck window they locked on to his and neither one let go. As the man's head turned slowly to follow him down the dirt road a long dark shank of hair slid out from behind, fell down over the man's shoulder and swung over and got caught on the outside of his hard pec, then came loose a few strands at a time as the man's slowly turning head drug more and more of them across that side of his chest. Billy kept driving. Now what? That man could break his neck. And there was no doubt at all: he noticed. He didn't smile, not a hint of a signal of any kind -- annoyed, pissed, curious, interested -- nothing. But by the look of his body and the calm on his face it was clear that the man wanted something, knew what it was and could get it if he wanted to. Billy drove on but he felt his whole being pulled back through the rear window of his pickup, back toward the man, still standing there, smaller now and hard to see in the dust that he was kicking up. Another road came up headed northwest, angling up north toward Sacheen Lake. He took it. He had no idea what he was going to do. Something snatched his eyes back up in the rear view mirror and he saw that he was being followed. He couldn't remember what kind of truck the man was leaning on. He couldn't even really see it, just another cloud of dust behind him with a little burst of reflected sun breaking through every now and then. But he knew that it was the man. He knew it. Billy's whole body came alive. He breathed several long deep breaths. His eyes blinked open wide. Both hands twisted slowly around the steering wheel. His body tightened and relaxed, all of is muscles flexing together, and a soft mist of sweat spread over his body under this clothes as it got ready for -- what? All he really knew was that it scared him but he was going to do it. There was a cattle gate in a fence to the left where tire tracks than ran off into a grassy tan field toward a dense stand of trees in the distance, with Mt. Chewelah off in the distance. He took it. What the holy fuck was he doing? He was way off the road now and he was being followed by a powerful man who might be up to anything. His dick pushed down the inside of the left leg of his jeans. The tire tracks wandered over to the right but he turned left through the grass over to the thicket of big trees. It was time to find out. He pulled in under the trees as deep as he could, stopped, turned his engine off and stepped out, took a few steps away from his truck, walking away from the only thing that might give him any safety at all if this went wrong, as if he needed to make this as dangerous as possible. He squared his feet and spread them apart a little, crossed his arms and stood there watching the man's truck lumber over the furrows in the grassy field and slip into the first shadows just inside the grove of trees, shift down, break and stop about forty feet away. It's low grumbling idle stopped after a few moments and there was only the sound of the breeze in the trees and the sun crackling on the hot waving field of prairie grass. The man sat in his truck. Billy stood there. He found his arms uncrossing, sliding down around his sides and his hands slip into the back pockets of his jeans, opening his body up, showing the man that he wasn't afraid while trying to convince himself that he believed it. The man got out of his truck. Shirtless, with dust now caked onto this strong body where his sweat had been, long black hair flowing down each side of his strong neck and below his shoulders, a light wind swinging a few strands softly over his chest, and he stood there, looking, just stood there, his hands at his side, his hips cocked to one side a little. There was still nothing on his face. Just strong, deeply confident, calm power. Something was about to happen. And this strong man was going to decide what. He already had. The man started to walk over to Billy, slowly, his scuffed-up boots cutting through the grass, his loose jeans floating around his waist, his powerful body flexing as he walked. As the man got closer Billy could smell him, smell the salt and the sweat and the dust baked on his skin. And he could smell himself. His whole being started to swell up, get bigger and tighter as the man got closer. And then he stopped, just three feet in front of Billy, standing there, the man's eyes still locked on his. Billy's lips slowly peeled apart and a bubble burst softly between them as he breathed slowly through his open mouth and stared at the dark eyes of the man standing there. The man reached up and around and grabbed the back of Billy's neck and held it in his hand. It hurt. Billy's eyes tightened and he stumbled a half step forward but the man held his neck even harder from behind and kept him from getting any closer. Then the man grabbed Billy's bicep with his other hand and turned him around facing his own truck. The man started walking, pushing Billy ahead of him, up to the fender and slowly pushed Billy over on it. Billy felt his arms fling up over the hot hood of his truck and felt the hot metal burn his face and his chest through his shirt. His legs tightened and he braced himself and held his butt hard and still. The man let go of him and Billy stood there, slung out against and lying over the fender and hood of his own truck. Nothing happened. The sound of the breeze in the trees above them dissolved away and Billy's ears seemed like radar now listening only for sounds behind him. Then the man reached around under Billy's chest with both hands and pulled his shirt apart and back and off. As Billy fell back against the truck the hot metal against his chest pushed a gasp and a deep breath out of him. The man reached around and unbuttoned Billy's fly, pulled his jeans apart and jerked them down to his ankles, pulled off his boots and jerked everything off. A cool breeze wandered through the trees and over his naked body, down and around his balls, cold, and blew across his asshole. He heard something snap twice, the sound of denim rustling and two thumps on the ground, and then silence. The man spit. Billy heard slick wet sounds behind him and then the man spit again. Billy raised his head a little and pushed up on his arms - there was just too much churning around inside him to stay calm and down and he couldn't help it -- standing himself back up a little, and he could see the man in the hazy reflection on the truck's side. He was naked and the sight the distorted reflection of that powerful dark body behind him pulled another sharp breath into him and he almost turned around to see it but he knew better and let himself back down and laid out over the hot fender, very slowly, sinking into the truck now and welcoming the not metal against his body. He felt the thick head of the man's dick press against his asshole. He took another couple of steps to the side. The man stood there, pushing the head of his dick on his asshole. Not coming in, just letting Billy feel how wide and how hard it was. Several streams of sweat ran off of Billy's chest, some down his belly, others onto the truck and down through the dust on the side of the fender. Billy's legs trembled a little. The man grabbed Billy's hips with both hands and held them, then ran his hands up and down Billy's back, back down over his butt and down his thighs a little way, back up over his hips, up and stroked his lats, reached under with both hands and twisted Billy's nipples, the man's hard dick never moving, hard and thick pressed against his asshole. The man softly slapped both sides of Billy's butt, then again, and again...and then Billy felt the man move his feet, and with his face pressed down on one side on the truck Billy could look down and see that one foot had stepped out just a little to the side. He felt his asshole push out, reaching for the man's hard dick, suck in and push out again. Billy's hard dick jerked up and hit the top of the wheel well. Billy felt the fat head of the man's dick press harder, very slowly keep on pressing, very slow, still coming, never pausing, very slow, harder and bigger and wider as it did. His asshole pushed back but stayed shut, pushed back harder and he felt his ass start to split, felt it sting, just crack open a little bit and...the man pushed his dick all the way down deep inside Billy's ass all the way to the bottom pushing the whole weight of his hard dick and his thick body against Billy's back and down to his backwall up inside his belly somewhere, pushing hard down deep inside him, the man's hard body crunched down hard on top of his back, the man's knees forward into the back of his knees, their whole bodies fused together into one body hooked together tight with the man's hard dick pushing out from the inside of his lower belly. Billy's ass burned hot and a hard dark pain shot up through the center of his body. He let go of everything in his body. All of his breath shot out, his knees buckled and his arms slid back over the hood, his cheek pulled against the fender, and he felt his butt slide back hard into the man's thighs and deeper on his dick. He would have slid down off the side of the truck if the man hadn't been pinning him up there with his dick. Drool drained out of the side of Billy's mouth and onto the hot metal. His eyes shut, opened up little and crossed. The felt pain grip both wrists hard at once as the man reached up and grabbed each one and pulled his arms out to the side over the truck, holding him up on the truck by his stretched out arms and the hard wide dick stuck up his ass. Billy felt the man's long hair brush over his back as the cool breeze ran between his back and the man's chest, hot metal on one side of him and the cool soft scratching of the man's hair in the breeze on the other and somehow it made the man's dick seem to grow bigger and deeper and harder and wider. The man started to move his dick just a little. Just rocking it just a little. Not letting it slide in Billy's ass yet. Billy's ass tried to loosen but grabbed on and held onto it as it pulled and pushed his asshole muscle in and out. Then the man pulled back just enough for his dick to slide just an inch, then back in slow and deep and until it slid a little again. All at once a white-hot flash popped behind Billy's eyes and his ass flared open and disappeared into a wet black nothingness around the man's thick cock and a low slow groan came pushing up out of Billy's gut. The man fucked him slow. Still holding Billy's arms out to the side wide across the truck hood, the man fucked him standing up in the breeze in the shadow of the trees clustered together for protection from the hot sun above. Nothing existed for Billy anymore but his ass and the man's dick. Everything else -- the hot truck, the breeze, the man's hair flowing across his back -- was just a hint of something else that broke through now and then, that came and went away as he flowed back into the hot blackness. They were one thing now, all one thing as the man fucked with slow deep thrusts in and out, in and out, slowly, hard and deep in and out as the lining of Billy's ass collapsed and followed his cock. The man pulled back to the inside edge of Billy's asshole, almost out, then in with one long hard deep push hard against the bone deep in his ass, and held his hard dick there pushing hard. Then out again, almost out again, holding it there just inside Billy's asshole as Billy's hole closed a little and felt the lip of the thick head of the man's cock. Then Billy's ass collapsed and it let go. The man pulled he head of the man's dick just halfway outside in the top of his asshole, his dick head half in, and Billy's asshole became mush, wide open, just a soft black hole in the crack of his ass, staying open on its own as the man let his dick head slide all the way out for a second before sinking it back down in, slow as it entered then faster and hard down all the way into Billy's ass. The man stepped back and out, just like that. Billy's eyes flared open and he let out a hard grunt and felt his body jerk as the dick left. He started to slide down the side of the truck but the man's strong right arm swung down under his crotch, to one side of his balls and up under his body and he was sitting on the man's strong forearm. The man reached his other arm around Billy's chest and pulled him back into his own chest and picked Billy up from behind. Billy's head fell back against the man's shoulder, mouth open eyes half closed, his whole body limp and wet, one leg cocked up over the man's forearm, the other hanging down to the side. The man carried him around to the back of the truck, unwrapped his arm from around Billy's chest, reached out and unhooked the tailgate and let if bang open, leaned over and jerked a horse blanket back over the tailgate and laid Billy down on his back onto the thick scratchy wool, lifted his legs up in the air and lifted his butt up off of the tailgate. The man put his left hand flat against the place where Billy's back met his ass and pushed him on up, curling him up, his ass straight up in the air and his legs falling down over his body. Billy felt a shaft of sunlight hit his asshole and it was hot, and then warm spit shot down on his hole, then more, and he felt the man's two big fingers fall into his asshole and twist straight down, slowly twisting as deep as they would go, exploring, twisting and hooking down inside his ass, pushing left and right, reaching further down as some of the man's long hair brushed across the back of his ass. Then he began to let Billy's ass down slowly as he hooked his two fingers up into his ass toward his balls, held Billy's ass up off the tailgate with one arm and those two hooked fingers in his ass, and then let him on down until Billy was resting on his back on the horse blanket, and Billy felt the man's fingers slip out. The man grabbed Billy's hips, pulled his ass back just off the back of the tailgate, stepped forward and with no warning shoved his dick hard down in his ass, holding onto his hips with both hands backed all the way out and slammed his dick in him again, thrusting in and in and in and jerking back hard on Billy's hips when he did, in hard in hard in hard fucking him on the tailgate, Billy's body jerking up on the truck every time the man slammed his ass. Billy's arms flung up over his head and slammed down into the hard wooden ribs on the bed of the truck, his head rolled side to side, his mouth fell wide open breathing hot air through his dry lips, his eyes slightly crossed and stuck open wide just enough to see the trees and sun whipping back and forth as he rolled his head left and right while the man fucked his dark wet open ass. There was no ass anymore. There was no dick, no man and nothing else, just that big hard dark burning shaft that swelled up and now filled the core of his body and pushed him out in every direction at once, swelling his whole being up until it swallowed up and became everything there was. The man hung onto Billy's hips hard and jerked him into his dick each time he fucked his ass, harder and faster now. Billy bounced his head up just enough to look down his sweaty body to see his own hard dick straight up and jerking back and down onto the man's hard cut belly crunching tight as he fucked him, looked up the man's flexing wet dark body, up to his tight cut hard chest glistening with rivers of sweat running through the dust on his stretched bronze skin, the man's long dark hair swinging back and forth and left and right, his head wide and powerful, his mouth open, his jaw set open, breathing over his lower teeth pushed out...but in the midst of all of this awesome fury the man's dark eyes that looked back at Billy were strangely calm, never leaving Billy's eyes. The man pulled Billy's ass further off the back of the tailgate, Billy's back arched down, his arms reaching quickly to the sides and grabbing the chains holding up the tailgate, catching himself from being pulled off, while the strong man hunched a little down on his powerful legs and now fucked him up into his ass hanging down off the back of the truck, Billy's body like a bridge off the truck, the man's body flexed hard and tight, shiny with sweat. Billy looked down his own slick body stretched tight by how own arms holding onto the truck to see the powerful man between his legs fucking him up into his ass hanging off of the truck, fucking up into his ass, lifting his whole body in a wild jerk up each him the man shoved his hard dick up his ass. Billy and found something inside now and his own muscles found the strength that had been fucked out of him up till now and Billy pulled hard against the chains and felt them pull hard inside his arms and chest and back and pulled harder and harder until he felt the pain of his own tearing muscles run through his body and felt a fire flood through him inside down into his ass hot and liquid and flow back and up and meet the man's wide hard dick straight on and surround it and fuse into and become his dick and flow back up into the man's powerful body....then Billy's head flew back and he let everything go and started to slide into the man's dick and thighs, off the truck, gasping. The man caught him, stopped him, grabbed his butt with both hands, held up just a little, his dick still stuck up in Billy's ass, holding his ass steady cradled in both big hands, and started to rock his big dick back and forth, gently teasing his ass, exploring his ass as if he was trying to see what he had done with it so far. Billy raised his head and looked down to see the man slow fucking his ass with his big hands under his ass holding his ass steady, and he saw the man's biceps pumped out in two huge sharp muscles with a big vein running down and across each one and his powerful dark wet chest split and cut as it stretched and pulled against itself in strings of muscle flaring out from the center across each pec. The man stop and let his dick rest hard and heavy inside Billy's ass, then stepped toward the truck, shoving Billy back up on it with his dick, stood there for a second letting Billy feel the thick wide dick up his ass, and then started to fuck him again, four long slow deep even thrusts then faster, faster and harder, starting something that couldn't be stopped now, shoving it in harder, pulling all the way out now then in then, out and in out and in and the man let his head drift back and he was fucking Billy hard and looking up out through the trees across the prairie at the mountains in the distance as his eyes grew tighter and his mouth opened a little and he began to smile as he fucked Billy's sweet ass harder and harder and harder. The man swung his head back forward and whipped his hair down across Billy's chest, yanked hard on Billy's hips and slammed his dick into his Billy as he jerked his ass onto his dick, closed his eyes tightened his butt and thighs and slammed his dick as hard as he could down deep and hard held it there held it there hard....and opened his mouth wide....and let out a long low slow deep breath....and was silent for a second, tightened his body then dropped his head and let go of a river of hot cum flowing out of his dick in a long thick streams fighting to get ahead of each other, held his dick in there still and hard, his whole powerful body pushing with all of its power hard down and through his dick like a hot stone pole, and it shot again, still holding it there, not moving it, just feeling it shoot, feeling his balls tighten and fall, letting Billy feel it shoot hot into his still, collapsed body and from the inside push Billy's cum out of his own swollen soft dick flowing slowly into a big puddle on his belly. He looked up at Billy's face -- shut down, gone away to some helpless place. The man stood there, his whole body loose and liquid again, his cut belly heaving out hard when he breathed, his thick dick still hard up Billy's ass, smiling down at Billy but only with his eyes, his jaw set hard and secure and confident, holding his dick in there still stiff and thick, and then rocking it back and forth a little now, just a little feeling it and Billy's asshole burn. The man stopped and let his heavy dick rest there in Billy's ass. Billy started to come back and a quiver ran through his whole body. His mouth struggled to open and break loose of the thick paste that held it shut. He took in a long deep breath in three sharp hard gasps. He got one half of one eye open and looked through the haze covering it down at the man standing there. The man looked down at him. They stared at each other. Billy felt the man's heavy dick lying up in his ass. The man stood silently looking down, cocked his head to the side just a little and with a quiet long breath through his nose smiled a little in one corner of his mouth. Billy felt the man's dick start to swell and thicken and grow heavier and push further up in his ass. The man smiled a little more as he watched Billy's eyes start to blink clear and try to focus. Then the man shot a sharp breath out through his mouth and pulled out and stepped back, grabbing onto Billy's ankles to steady him and keep him on the truck as Billy's body twisted and arched and yelled and then flopped back down hard and still on the truck. The man held Billy's legs up, not letting them fall, and then he started to let them down slowly. Billy let out a loud long groan as his body uncurled and felt the pain break out of the joints in his back and hips as they came unhitched and he stretched out, curling back down slowly, groaning louder and twisting with pain as his body straightened out and stiffened and stretched and then relaxed. He felt the man take his legs on down and drape them easily over the tailgate and let them go, hanging off the end of the truck, limp, Billy's butt just at the edge. Billy felt the breeze again, running cold over his wet body. He slowly curled his head up to look at the man again and saw his powerful dark shoulders and back and ass as he walked away a few steps, bent over, picked up his jeans and socks in one hand, his boots in the other, and carried them at his side as he walked through the high grass to his truck, bent over, pulled on his jeans and his boots, hooked the two bottom snaps on his fly, reached his hand down into his jeans to his crotch and adjusted his dick and balls, hooked up his jeans, got in his truck, closed the door and looked down at the dash. It roared and settled down. He draped his left arm along the window. The truck bounced forward and around to the right. Billy pulled himself up on his elbows and looked down his exhausted wet body. He saw the sun hit man's truck as it pulled out of the cluster of trees and onto the prairie. The man's long dark hair shifted as his head turned a little. Billy saw the man's dark eyes glance at him in the rear view mirror.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Buck Jones

Billy's Man

Billy drove his truck up old US Highway 2, north through eastern Washington state, past Mt. Spokane and on toward the Selkirk mountain range, through country that was covered with a giant green and tan patchwork of crops and prairie, bright with a hot sun washing over fields that had been washed by the rain earlier that day. He slowed down so he would take more time here in this


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