Gay Erotic Stories

Blow Out the Candle

by Donnie Bellew

It was a Sunday morning, and way too early for anybody to be knocking at my door. I don’t know, maybe seven thirty, you know ... dangerously early! I couldn’t even get focused, head pounding from all the Margaritas I’d put away down at Bowie’s. I was still trying to find the second sleeve of my robe when I cracked open the door and, what tha’ hell? There’s Boomer Nelson standing there with his face all screwed up and damn near bawling! Boomer was all state football back in high school, now he sells cars or something. I knew he and his wife lived in my apartment complex but it’s not like we’re friends or nothin’. I came out when I was like, a sophomore, with purple hair, earrings and leather pants. We lived on slightly divergent planets, totally different orbits. So I’m just standing there, still fumbling for my other sleeve and my red silk kimono is not co-operating, my mouth is doing it’s best imitation of a fish outta water and I’m thinking this is one stupid ass dream ... then Boomer is pushing his way inside and looking over his shoulder like a dope dealer in daylight, and slams the door and then he’s hugging me and damn near sobbing. “Stanley, you gotta’ help me, man. I am SO fucked up! So fucked! Nobody else to turn to, man! I donno what to do...”, and the big guy is mauling me, which ain’t exactly a bad thing, and I’m guessing this is gonna be a wet dream, you know? I still couldn’t wake up! “Hey, big fellow, whoa! Whoa! You bruising me, for god’s sake! Put me down!”, and he keeps patting at my arm, apologizing and screwing up his face, little tears beading up and he’s flushing red. “What the fuck, Boomer? You’re scarin’ me. I ain’t helping you move no bodies, you hear? If you killed your wife ...” “Hey, Stanley, listen. Please, man! I got a serious problem, here. Make some coffee, you gotta wake up. You gotta help me, ain’t nobody else I know, please!” “Calm down, Boomer, calm down! Do a lude, dude! Here, sit down, I’ll get some coffee.” “No! God, I can’t sit down, that’s the problem!”, I thought he was gonna scream, he was on red button, panic alert, “It’s my ass, man. I done fucked up my ass and I’m totally screwed!” Mmm, okay, he’s in homo crisis, I get it. That’s why he comes to me. Big dude got fucked, right? This dream is starting to get interesting. I found my sleeve, got the damn robe on, tied the belt. “It’s okay, Boomer. You came to the right place. We can talk about this, it ain’t as bad as it seems. It’s okay, really! Chill, man. Life goes on.” He looks at me with some shade of relief, “So you can get it out? I don’t have to go to emergency? Please, Stanley, I can’t go to the hospital!” “Huh? Boomer! You ain’t pregnant! Get a grip, man!” “No, man, the candle! Can you get it out or not?”, he’s really crying, now, big sobs! Big drum roll, snare crash! I got it. Took me a while, but I got it. I grinned, “You got a candle stuck up your ass?” “Since Friday night. I can’t get it out, Stanley! Please help me, dude. I am SO fucked!” “Yeah, I see what you mean. What color?”, I’m just trying to get the picture, here. “Hell, Stanley, what’s it matter? Can you get the fuckin’ thing out?” “Oh, yeah, I can get it out. Just that I like white ones, colored candles are sort of passé, don’t you think? White and vanilla scented, that’s my favorite. Don’t hit me, Boomer! Jesus, I ain’t awake. I need coffee, sit down.” “I can’t fucking sit down, man! I’m telling you!”, and he starts pacing around. I gotta have caffeine, can’t think. An angry Boomer makes more sense than a sobbing Boomer, guess we making progress. “I got some Mocha Deluxe, want a cup?”, he just looks at me. I ran to the kitchen. Little fits of giggles kept coming in waves, I repressed. “Here, all I’ve got is Valium. Better take two, they’re the weak ones. You got to relax, Boomer. We can do this, don’t sweat it.” “Okay, but nothing short of Prozac is gonna chill me. What’s this?” He held up the glass to the light. “It’s very expensive scotch! Don’t spill it, drink it! If you don’t relax we’ll have to go to emergency!” He gulped down the pills, swallowed half the drink, shuddered. “I ain’t going to the hospital, I’ll kill myself first.” “The autopsy would find it, that wont work”, I grinned. “You’re a cruel man, Stanley.” “Drink, relax.” “It ain’t fucking funny, okay?” “Yes it is, Boomer, you’ll laugh about it later.” “In divorce court? Right!”, he had a real ugly streak of cynicism. “Too late for modesty, Boomer. Hike your legs and get it over with.” I put him on the kitchen table, best light, best height for work. I put his feet up on the back of chairs, like stirrups, got in there with a flashlight and a tube of K-Y jelly. “What kind of lub did you use?”, I was curious. “Just soap, I was in the shower. Janice had these candles on the shelf, she likes candle light bubble baths, you know women. Flowers and candles, all that.” He was more relaxed, now, talked a lot! “I don’t know much about women, Boomer. But candle light and bubble bath sounds romantic.” I got a finger in and started massaging his sphincter; he was still clamping it tight. “Romantic, yeah. But I get tired of romance, Stanley. Sometimes I just want to get real kinky and funky. Sex for sex sake, you know? I’m a very physical guy, I need some hard play, some strenuous working out. All that soft lovey-dovey stuff, it don’t do much for me. I could get into some leather and sweat. Janice, she don’t understand about that. Ouch, wait a minute, that hurts!” His ass squirmed around; maybe it was too soon for two fingers. “Lay still, Boom! Take it like a man! It’s gonna hurt, but you can handle it!” Big drops of sweat broke out on his face. His breathing was still short and fast. “Hey, what you doing? Don’t play with my dick, man. This ain’t no free love orgy!” “It’s gonna help, Boomer, relax. You gotta get your mind off your ass hole. Funny how the pain works, but when you get turned on, it wont hurt so bad, I guarantee.” He had a really fat dick, uncut, and big hairy balls. Working right there at them was a temptation I couldn’t resist. Besides, it might help to take his mind off the pain. It always worked for me! I leaned closer, kissed his balls. “Whoa, Stanley! I ain’t ready for this, dude. I ain’t never let a man do me, stop it!” “Your dick seems to like it, Boomer. You’re getting hard. Just lay back, think of it as therapy. Or maybe the price you owe me for my medical services.” He kept getting harder, growing fast. I stroked him, licked his balls and then went for the big banana. “Ohmygod, that’s deep, Stan! How you do that? Shit!” My well-practiced deep throat technique always wowed ‘em. Years of training had my gag reflex under firm control; I could take down a bigger cock than Boomer! He was starting to buck under my mouth. I backed off, “Feel good?” “Hell yeah! I never had a girl go down that far! Wow, gets tight in there, and hot! You can do that again, if you want to.” “Well, if you like it...”, I went back down on him, let my throat catch his big head and pump. His hands came down to hold my face, rub my hair. His hips lifted off the table. I kept a couple of fingers working at his ass and they slowly slipped inside. I worked them in a tight twist. “Oh, shit, man. Yeah! That’s the way to get it!” His ass was clutching at my fingers, gripping and relaxing, in pulses. I touched candle! Okay! Backed off the head job, didn’t want him shooting, yet. He tried to hold my head down. “More, Stan, just a little more, don’t stop!” “Wait up, wait up. Lots more, we gonna get you off, Boomer, just wanna get more lube up in there. I found the candle; it’s not in deep. I can reach it.” “Maybe if I cum, then I can relax more, you think?” “Mmm, maybe”, I squirted a half tube up inside him, got my silver ice tongs all greased up and went back to work on his cock before I tried to push them in. He was opening up real slow, but steady. “Yeah, baby! Deep, go deep. God, that’s so good!” The tongs went in easy, he didn’t even feel it. I got a finger in beside them, guided the candle and caught a grip, eased it out.” “Oh, fuck me! Owh! Baby, you did it? Oh, yeah, sonofabitch, you did it!” he was moaning in relief and still bucking at my throat, never side tracked from the nut he wanted so bad!” I backed off, again, left him panting and bucking air. His body was drenched with sweat, trembling with tensed muscles. I dropped the tongs and candle to the floor, climbed up to stand in a chair, tossed back my robe and pushed my pounding cock at the wet hole already stretched and begging. “Stanley! Hey, man! What..? Aw.. mmmm, cut it out! don’t fuck around, man.. Oh, shit! Yeah, hard! Fuck me, dude! Deeper!” He slid up the table, his big fat muscled legs came over my shoulders, I topped him and got an arm around under his thick neck for leverage. His eyes squeezed tight and his mouth peeled back tight over his teeth in a fierce mask of pained pleasure. “Better than a candle, Boomer? Is that good? Is that deep?” I fucked him like a punk bitch, and he was tripping! “Stan, Stan, oh baby, oh baby, oh!” Must have hit the prostate, or his g-spot or something, he started spewing like a gusher, shooting sperm all over my chest, his belly.. his feet was trying to climb my back and I lost it, dumped a two week load in him, a quart of hot jizz and my nuts was boiling! I took a shower, pulled on some briefs, he was still laying on the fucking table. “Get up, man. come on!”, I slapped at his face. He was near comatose, truly flaked out. “Huh? Huh?” “Wake up, Boomer! All over, man! Go get a shower. You gonna live, or what?” “Yeah, hey. I’m okay.” He rolled off, picked up his clothes, stumbled towards the bath. I followed; fell on the bed, exhausted. When I woke he was curled naked against me, kissing my neck, “You’re so good for me, Stanley”, he reached down and played with my dick. I rolled away. I hate it when they get romantic, you know?


21 Gay Erotic Stories from Donnie Bellew

Aaron County Watch Club

Me and Kyle had this place on the creek down behind his granddad’s barn. It wasn’t really our property but we’d been playing down there since we was kids, felt like we owned it. The creek passed through a thickly wooded hollow down there before running out into the sunshine near the interstate. We’d pulled logs and rocks and stuff down there to make it back up and we had a pretty

AC Repairman

Vic was my newest obsession, my quarry. I met him when I went to a local garage to have my car’s air conditioner repaired. The summer got too hot to put it off any longer. July in Alabama is a season of super saturated humidity and boiling hot temperatures. The sky stays white hot and sweat soaks through everything. Vic wasn’t a gorgeous looking stud to make you snap your head

Beach Boys Bingo

It was in Fort Lauderdale, spring break of my junior year and maybe three nights into the weeklong siege of the beach. I was damn near broke already and had just enough money left for a bus ticket back to school. By nine o’clock I was so drunk I couldn’t stand up so I curled into a blanket I’d salvaged from somewhere and crawled under a raised section of boardwalk and passed out.

Blow Out the Candle

It was a Sunday morning, and way too early for anybody to be knocking at my door. I don’t know, maybe seven thirty, you know ... dangerously early! I couldn’t even get focused, head pounding from all the Margaritas I’d put away down at Bowie’s. I was still trying to find the second sleeve of my robe when I cracked open the door and, what tha’ hell? There’s Boomer Nelson standing

Bunk Buddies

“Aw, Pearson, you fuckin’ dumbass, don’t talk like that. They can’t help it. Tell you the truth, I always liked fags on account of gettin’ raised by my Uncle Bennie. He was the only family ever made me a home, only one didn’t run out on me or slam the door in my face. Hell, you know the only letters I ever get is from him. When you start cussing fags, you talking ‘bout him. It

Cleaning Out The Basement

Tyrone was this older guy, like me, lived a few blocks away. He was semi-retired, drawing a small pension from a steel company that shut down before he reached the age for social security. I’m guessing he was early fifties. Hard to tell because he was slim and healthy. His short cropped hair was still dark except for a dusting of gray at the sides. But he was a grandfather, just

Hidden Treasure

Sven always scared me a little. He was a tall blond beast of a man, a dour Swede with no sense of humor at all. He had a history of drunken brawls and drunken driving that spanned the county and went back a couple of decades to his teenage years. He was pretty much the “turned out bad” boy in our part of the country. Mothers used him as a bad example to warn their sons off alcohol

Into Blonde Silence

It was after the frat party, almost dawn. I know this sounds weird, but I really didn’t mean to fuck him. Just that, you know, he was so passive. He just lay there when I grabbed his ass. Come on! What was I suppose to do, then, huh? Look pretty stupid backing out at that point, wouldn’t I? Sheesh! Like, well, I thought he would laugh, or try to get away. I was just kidding, for

Look But Don't Touch, Part 1

Hey, tell me something. That cop that arrested you, did he get it up? You know, did he get a bone?” I thought Butch was asleep. He’d been lying on the upper bunk for an hour while I read. “Hell yeah”, I answered, “he was real turned on. Dripping wet and ready, the son of a bitch!” Butch laughed, a deep and slow rumble in his chest. Then I watched the bottom of his mattress shift

Look But Don't Touch, Part 2

“Go ahead, I don’t think it matters, long as you don’t touch it.” He spread his legs wide and I hefted his balls as they hung in the crotch. They were hot and damp, but heavy with a thick gnarled twist of backed up jism. “Mmm, squeeze ‘em easy”, he muttered. I cupped them and rolled them inside their thin sac, then closed my hand around their soft resistance and tugged gently.

Mailman Memories

Why does nudity, alone, grab so much of my memory and fantasy? Is it the idea of shared intimacy and trust? I can look back over the ten years I spent delivering mail in an inner city neighborhood of Birmingham, and my clearest memories are the sparkling flashes of the naked male body I caught on hot summer days, the split seam pants and the wet towel wrapped hips. Almost every day

Model 1

“Hey, you wanna make some money?” That’s how it always starts. I cruise the streets in the late afternoon, before dark, so I can see the guys. I’m looking for a particular type. Black, about thirty, slender with good definition, not too desperate looking, and friendly. The friendly part is important. If the guy smiles, well, he’s got the job. This one smiled and came toward the car

Model 2

I was cruising around the projects, looking for a new model when I first saw Johnny. Now, I gotta tell you, when I’m looking for a model it’s not just to have somebody to draw. I’m looking for a guy that interests me enough to spend some time with, to maybe mess around, you know? I pick up guys that I would like to have sex with, guys that turn me on. Usually that means I pick up a

Model 3

“Donnie? I don’t how in hell you talked me into this!” “I didn’t talk you into shit! I offered you fifty bucks and you jumped!” “Right now I’d rather jump off a cliff!” “Hey, Brad! It’s okay! Just relax, it ain’t gonna hurt or nothing.” I told him, “Sit down, stop pacing!” “I’m nervous as a cat. I don’t know if I can do this, man. Shit! You sure nobody is gonna see the

Quarterback Sack

“Cut it out, Donnie! You know I don’t go for that shit”, Darrell laughed but he still shoved my hand away from his dick. Nice dick. It was a handful, if he would let me fill my hand. “Anybody else and I’d bust ‘em for that. You gotta quit before I forget I owe you. I really appreciate the loan, but I’m gonna pay you back in cash, okay?” We’d known each other forever, all through

Rough Trading

“The pen? Mostly just boring as hell. Not like the movies with riots and breakouts and psycho guards, that shit. Just a long fuckin’ waste of time, eating at you day after day. The punishment is seeing your life leaking out, like bleeding to death real slow.” He took another deep pull at his beer, savoring the flavor. His eyes constantly moved, flicking at every sudden movement,

Sweat Box

The long hot days of boredom spent inside thick masonry walls felt too much like a Texas state prison. Our three day delay turned into a week, then ten days. Some Mexican provincial judge was holding up our construction permit, the company wasn’t willing to meet his bribe demands, I guess. Anyway, we were four gringos stuck in this coastal town that never heard of air conditioning and

The Geometry of Night

You know how it is when you’re so fucking tired and your muscles are aching and you lay down but you been fighting sleep so long you can’t really let go. Late summer and they was working us till dark, trying to get caught up on the lagging schedule. I must have lifted a ton of cement blocks since daylight and I could feel the weight of every damn one of ‘em. Too hot to sleep and

Turning Pink, Part 1

I guess after mom died, my sister took over the role of chief family busy body. Don’t get me wrong, I love Angela. She just wants to take care of everybody and she don’t always realize it don’t help to do stuff for me, you know? I like taking care of myself. So when she kept telling me I needed somebody to stay with me while I was laid up with the leg cast, I kept saying no way. I

Turning Pink, Part 2

We talked a while. It wasn’t a radio. He had a little tape player, the kind you usually have headphones for, but his had a tiny speaker so the music sounded far away and soft. He liked music, knew all the country western singers. By ten he was yawning. We lived on different time zones. I was waking up and he was falling asleep. He finally gave it up, took a shower and came out in a

Unzipped Letters

Hey Mad Mitch! How’s it going, man? Sorry to hear about your wreck. I phoned my folks last night and they told me. Said the Camero is totaled! Shit, I know that’s hell. Just so glad to hear you’re alive and kicking! You lucky SOB. Be careful, will ya? Guess you’ll have to slow down with both legs broke!!! Brutal, man! Rest up, get well soon! Take it easy Bud, Joel (Lobo Joe)


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