Gay Erotic Stories

Blowing Barnes

by Juergen HH

This was my first delivery run since I arrived at the base. Sgt. Barnes, my unit leader, and I had to deliver a prisoner from our brig over into the next state. I was not very excited when I received the news that I was the one chosen to make the weekend run with him. I was hoping for a leisurely Saturday night in the barracks, playing cards and drinking beer with a couple of my buddies. This excursion meant a one way twelve-hour long ride with the Sarge in a stuffy unairconditioned military van, spending Saturday night in some cheap, chintzy motel and ending in another boring twelve hour trip all day Sunday driving back home. Sgt. Barnes could be very obnoxious at times. I had only been in his unit for about six months, but was ready to transfer if out if it were possible. At the age of thirty-six, he thought of himself as the world’s answer to all female desires, but couldn’t fully comprehend that most women were not turned on by a combination of male sweat, animalistic body sounds, and military drills. Sarge was a surprisingly good-looking guy in spite of his vulgar character; six foot tall, with dark crewcut hair and a male model’s ideally tanned rugged face. He had an extremely muscular physique, one that most guys would be envious of. He kept in shape by making full use of the base’s weightlifting room four times a week. Barnes’ downfall was that he had been in the Service too long. He was fully brain-washed against the outside civilian world. His wife eventually left him after sixteen years of roller-coaster marriage, taking their two kids with her because she couldn’t succumb anymore to his macho military act. He was not only a real prick on the base with his men, but, evidently at home, too. We delivered our prisoner as expected and pulled into a local late night diner to get a much needed bite to eat. The cubby bleached-blonde waitress was highly interested in the Sarge and flirted the entire time with him as she served us our meal. Barnes teased her by showing mutual interest and made sure she found out that he was currently single and available by the obvious hints in the conversation that he pretended to carry on with me every time she neared our table. “You good-looking boys from around here?” she finally ventured to ask. “Nah, we’re from outta State, darlin’,” Sarge answered, smiling like a possum eating poop. “But you must be from around here, right?” “Well, not originally.” She answered, happy that she finally got his attention. “I move up from Valdosta two years ago with my ex. But I’ve been divorced for the last six months now. Elwood, my ex moved on back and left me with the double-wide. That’s why I gotta work overtime so much, to make them double-wide payments that keep rollin' up on me every month.” “That sure wadn’t nice of that ol’ boy to leave you with them payments,” he answered her, “but I’m sure everything will work out in time.” “Yep, that’s what my mama’s been saying,” she retorted somewhat cynically. Her character was extremely transparent. “Maybe you could tell us where we could get a room for the night real cheap like.” Sarge asked, changing the subject abruptly. “Sure can, honey,” she answered in her corn syrup sweet southern drawl, “We only got one motel here in town, not very luxurious, but it’s pretty reasonable. You all just get back in your van and drive just a few blocks down the main drag. You can’t miss it. It’s called the Flamingo Pines Motel. My girlfriend’s second ex-hubby owns it. Tell him Betty Anne sent ya. That’s me!” she continued, looking down towards her name tag as if she had to read it to remember what her name was. “Thank ya, ma’am, we’ll check it out,” was Sarge’s reply to her information. We got up and walked over to the cash register near the jalousie front door. Sarge paid the blowzy waitress from the petty cash he carried that was to cover the expenses of the trip. She wished us both a nice stay and a safe trip back to our base while she confidentially slipped the sergeant a small scrap of paper with her phone number and address on it as she handed him back his change. It had started to rain as we stepped outside and headed back to our vehicle. I was satisfied with my belly full and longed for a hot shower and a comfortable bed to stretch out in. As we climbed into the van, Sarge was chuckling to himself. “Damn, that Betty Anne gal sure did have the hots for me!” he announced, “she even slipped me her private telephone number! She didn’t look all that bad neither, just a little too fat on the hips for me! I appreciate a woman that’s smaller waisted then myself!” I just grunted a ‘yeah man’ in response as he started the car and pulled out of the diner’s parking lot. “She sure needed a good fuck by the way she wiggled that big butt at me,” Barnes continued, placing his big left hand on his crotch and began to grapple the full round bulge in his uniform. “Damn, as horny as I feel tonight, I probably would have accommodated her if I didn’t have you along, Private, or at least a gotten her to gimme a blow-job. You know hat they say: ‘any old port in a storm’.” I was the first one to spot the pink flashing flamingo-shaped neon sign and interrupted Sarge as he rambled on, in order to tell him that that must be the recommended motel ahead. As we neared the place, I noticed that only the letters ‘t’ and ‘e’ were lit up. All the others were burnt out and had never been replaced. We pulled into the gravel covered parking lot and stopped the van in front of the dimly lit reception office. Sgt. Barnes went into the office and got us a room while I remained waiting in the vehicle. Even at night, the place looked pretty run down . From the style of the building, it must have been built in the 50’s . The motel room doors all had a big aluminum flamingo imbedded in their screen doors. There was only one other vehicle besides ours on the lot, an old Ford pick-up loaded down with worn-out furniture wrapped up in see-through plastic. Sarge returned to our car and drove it over to the end of the long concrete block building. The manager assigned us the last unit, Room 12. Barnes unlocked the door and switched on the fluorescent overhead lamp. The room was furnished with two single beds, a pair of dark red vinyl-covered dinette chairs and a worn-out particle board chest of drawers. There was a small night stand between the beds with a tarnished brass colored eagle-shaped lamp and a big star-shaped glass ashtray on it. I remember immediately thinking that this is what ‘Babcock Furniture Heaven’ must look like. The room was stuffy and smelled moldy, as if it hadn’t been used in a while. “Where the hell’s the AC?” Sarge snapped, “this place stinks like a ol’ woman’s fart!” He walked over and pulled the faded curtains back from the rear window, found the antiquated window unit and switched it on. The AC’s motor started humming loudly, blowing old accumulated dust out of its vents. After a few minutes of chugging, a breeze of cool air came out of the struggling machine and started to full the room making it more tolerable. “Which bed do you want?” asked Sarge as he tossed his overnight duffel bag on the bed closest to the door, indicating his preference. “It doesn’t matter,” I answered, realizing that he had already made his choice. I tossed my bag on the second bed and began to unpack my belongings. I was anxious to get into the shower and wash off the day’s sweat and grime. I watched as Barnes opened his duffel bag and pulled out an unopened bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey. He tossed the bottle on the middle of the bed, causing it to bounce towards the edge, almost falling off. “Whoa!” yelled the sergeant, as he made a quick grab to catch the precious bottle before it fell and splattered apart on the hard tile floor of the motel room. “Don’t want this baby damaged, do we!” I didn’t respond to his question. I pulled a fresh pair of underwear out of my bag and headed towards the bathroom door to look if there were any towels. Surprisingly, I found two unused white bathtowels hanging on a half-rusted bar behind the bathroom door and grabbed one for myself. I tossed the other one out of the door in Barne’s direction. It landed on the foot of his bed. “Here’s a towel for you, Sarge,” I called over to him, “I’m gonna take a quick shower first, okay?” “Yeah, go ahead, Private,” he answered, as he continued to empty the rest if the contents of the olive-green cloth bag unto the chair that was next to his bed. I pealed my sweat drenched uniform off and stepped into the metal shower basin. The hot water felt good as I leaned forward, bracing myself against the tile wall with my eyes closed. I had the tap turned on full blast, allowing the tepid liquid to massage my bare skin as it disappeared down the rusty drain, taking the day’s tension with it. I was really relaxed by now and could have fallen asleep on the floor of the shower stall. I lathered up with the cheap bar soap that I found on the narrow shelf over the sink. My penis was starting to swell as I soaped it up, pulling the foreskin back to wash its head. All of a sudden I realized that I hadn’t unloaded my balls for a couple of days. I felt impulsively horny. My cock was fully erect, wanting attention and I contemplated if I should jack-off now or wait until I was in bed and the Sarge was fast asleep. “What the hell you doin’ in there, jackin’ off of somethin’?” Sarge’s loud burly voice startled me back to reality and my dick went limp as his fist crudely banged on the bathroom door. “Just finishing up, Sarge,” I yelled back, after turning off the water, “be out in a minute!” “I gotta take a leak, damn it!” he hollered again while continuously pounding on the wooden door. “The door’s not locked!” I shouted back out of the shower stall. Sgt. Barnes pushed the door opened, slamming it against the wall and positioned himself spread-eagled, right hand on his hip, in front of the toilet bowl. The plastic shower curtain was only half closed. I glanced around the edge of the curtain and saw his backside facing me. His burly, muscular buttocks were erotically stretching the khaki-colored clothe of his trousers almost to a bursting point. I heard the ripping sound of his zipper opening, as he reached his left hand into the opening of his pants to pull out his dick. Unfortunately, from where I was positioned behind the shower curtain, I was unable to view his sex organ. However, I focused in on his taut, globular, buttocks, as they suddenly relaxed and a golden stream, arching out into the steamy bathroom air, appeared between his opened legs. The next immediate sound I heard was the splashing of his piss as it hit the water of the toilet bowl with a rude loud smack. The compact room was suddenly filled with the aroma of fresh male urine. “Shit,” he moaned, relieved, “I was holding it in since we left that diner with the horny waitress.” He shook the last few drops of piss off of his cock and stuffed it back into its snug compartment. Watching that hot fucker take a leak from behind just a few feet in front of me caused my dick to get rockhard again. Fortunately, Barnes did not turn around after he was finished, but immediately left the room. The man would have freaked out if he knew that he was about to spend the night with a guy that got turned on watching him urinate. I stepped our of the shower, grabbed a towel and dried myself off. By this time my erection had subsided enough that I could slip into my fresh boxer shorts and T-shirt. “You want a drink of Jack Daniel’s? It’ll grow hair on your chest and balls!” Sarge called to me as I stepped out of the bathroom. Before I could answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’, he reached the bottle over to me and stuck it in my face. The whiskey fumes raped my nostrils. I was not used to anything stronger than a occasional bottle of beer. I didn’t want to offend him, so I took a couple of swallows. The potent liquid burned my throat all the way down and my face grimaced. Barnes burst out laughing. “Yup, this here’s a man’s drink! You ain’t been in the Marines long enough to ‘preciate it none!” I watched as Sarge chugged the contents of the bottle down like a can of Coke. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt, pulled it off and threw it into a rumpled heap in the corner. He then sat down and began rambling about his wife, how she left him because she claimed he was too macho, etc., etc. Barnes was beginning to mellow. He took another long swallow of Jack Daniel’s, stood up and pulled his sweat dampened undershirt off. His muscular biceps bulged in the process, as he raised them over his head, revealing the thick sweaty patches of black hair growing in his armpits. The man’s freshly bared upper torso was keenly chiseled from years of pumping iron. His brawny chest was covered with a thick dark curly fur, that trailed sensuously down over his washboard belly, curling around the indented navel, and seductively disappeared behind the brass belt buckle into his snug fitting military trousers. Barnes sat down again on the edge of his bed facing me. His big burly hand reached for the pack of Marlboros on the nightstand. He pulled out a cigarette, lit it and took a long first drag. His legs were spread wide open, flaunting the large obscene bulge of his genitals, hidden out of sight under the thin khaki clothe of the uniform. “You got a girl friend, Private?” he asked me between puffs. “No Sir,” I responded, “not at the moment.” “Then I guess you don’t get laid on a regular basis, do you Private?” Barnes continued, “That’s a cryin’ shame, son! Every full-blooded male needs to unload his nuts on a regular basis, or else they shrivel up on ya. That’s why nature gave ‘em to us.” The whiskey was beginning to talk. “Shit, I try to get it as often as I can now that I’m single again! Don’t want my pipes to get clogged up,” he continued, beginning to slowly massage his crotch with his left hand. “Now take my ex, she never would blow me. She wodn’t into that kinda stuff. Now you take that waitress we saw. I’ll bet she gives blow-jobs! And probably enjoys givin’ ‘em, too! By the looks of her big red lips, she could probably give a damn good one, too!” He took another drag of the cigarette while staring directly into my eyes, as if he could see into my soul. “You ever had a blow-job give to you, Private?” His voice was now lowered to a half-whisper. It reminded me of a fourteen year old boy sharing his first Playboy with his best pal. “Yes Sir,” I answered again, wisely agreeing with his ramblings, but noticing that the bulge between his brawny legs had gotten slightly larger as he subconsciously continued to massage himself. “Yeah, man, I wouldn’t mind a fucking blow-job tonight, the way I’m feeling right now! Too bad you ain’t no woman, Private, ‘cause then you would have to blow me right now!” He laughed cynically. His words were beginning to slur together as he reached for the bottle of whiskey and took another long swig. “Yeah man, I wouldn’t mind shoving my big hard dick into a nice hot mouth tonight and unloadin’ my damn balls. I got a fucking hard-on right now that would choke a Georgia mule!” Suddenly Barnes stood up in front of me and pointed with his right fuck-finger to the protruding hump displayed on the front of his trousers. I made no comment, but saw the outline of what looked like the mushroom head of his stiff dick pressing outwards against the beige material. “Damn,” he moaned, “I’m sleepy! Shit, I think I’ll wait till mornin’ to take a shower.” He sat back down on the edge of the bed and reached down to try to pull his boots off. He lost his balance in the process and toppled to the floor. “Shit!” he yelled, “Get yo ass over here and pull my fucking boots off, Private!” I jumped off of my bed and lifted him back onto his bed. I knelt down and began to untie his black military boots and pulled the left one off first. A stench of ripe foot sweat attacked me as I worked Barnes’ boot off of his muscular foot. “Maybe you oughta take a shower now, Sarge,” I told him, trying to be diplomatic, as I started working the other leather boot off. “We’ve been driving all day, you know.” “Fuck you, Private!” he answered sarcastically, sticking his left socked-foot under my nose. “What the hell’s wrong with ya? Can’t ya take a little whiff of a real man’s smell?” I ignored him and finally had both boots off and got up off of my knees. “What about them socks, Private?” Sarge continued, “pull my damn socks off!” I got back on my knees and pulled both of his moist rancid smelling socks off and threw each one into its respective boot. “Now pull my pants off!” he commanded again. I reached over nervously, opened his belt buckle and undid the top of his trousers. My head was spinning. Was Barnes drunk enough to put the make on me? Was he serious about ‘forcing’ me to suck him off, or did he possibly suspect that I liked guys and was trying to trap me? I worked the zipper down and tried to pull the tight pants down over his hips. They were snug because of his well-rounded muscular asscheeks and still damp in places with sweat from the day’s long drive. With effort, I finally maneuvered his trousers down to his knees, exposing his hirsute muscular thighs and told him to sit back down on the bed so I can finish pulling them off of his legs. He obeyed by suddenly letting himself flop backwards on his back. Barnes’ feet were still on the floor and his trousers nestled down around his hairy ankles. I tried getting his pants off of his bare feet, but he was evidently too drunk to work with me. By now he was out cold. I looked from where I was kneeling between his spread legs and noticed that the slit of his white boxer shorts was splayed open, exposing a dense patch of dark pubic hair extending out of the inviting hole. My stomach cramped out of shear lust, but my rationality was screaming at the top of its voice: ‘don’t do it’! Casting all temptation aside, I finally worked his pants off and tried to lift his heavy burly right leg up unto the bed. As I did, one of his testicles slid out of the right leg opening of the loose boxer shorts. It was thick and swollen, covered with the same black curly hair that I could see through the opened slit. There he lay, in his underwear; intoxicated, one leg up on the bed and the other hanging down the side with one of his balls hanging out! Damn, if I had had a camera, I would have taken a photo and shown it all over the Base in revenge for all the obnoxious deeds of the last six months. I had a love/hate relationship with the Sarge. I couldn’t stand his repulsive character. He bullied me and every other Private that would cross his path, but I was turned on by his chiseled good-looking body and the raw sexual virility that he oozed out. I had masturbated more then once in the past months, trying to visualize what Sgt. Barnes must look like totally nude. I imagined him to have a tremendously huge cock and balls, judging from the magnificent outward bulge of his crotch that he displayed daily through the tight beige uniform. Even though we lived in the same barracks, I had never actually seen him completely naked before. He slept in his own room and showered in his own private bathroom instead of with the enlisted men. And now, here I was in a fourth-rate motel room with the same man that had stimulated so many of my jack-off sessions, and he was out cold. My brain was reeling with the thought of taking advantage of the situation. I lifted his other leg up on the bed, went over to my side of the room and laid down. Barnes was in a deep sleep by now and snoring profusely. I couldn’t resist looking. I glanced over in his direction and studied his magnificent nearly naked physique. I felt an over-powering sexual stirring in my crotch. My dick screamed at me again as it began to grow in my shorts, pushing the white cotton clothe up into the air, creating a regulation pup-tent. ‘Damn,’ I thought, as I continued to eyeball the man’s sleeping body, ‘now’s my chance to get a look at his cock.’ I got up and stood over Barnes’ bed. The only light in the room was the 25 watt bulb of the brass lamp on the nightstand. The air was static with erotic power and the raunchy smell of ripe unwashed male sweat. I reached over with my trembling right hand and carefully pried open the coaxing slit of his boxer shorts in order to get another good look of his crotch hair. A whiff of rancid musk, mixed with stale piss and semen was released and obscenely attacked my nostrils. Yeah, there it was. He had an unusually thick pubic growth. It felt like wool as I resisted all reason and stuck my fingers into the gaping hole to explore its tempting contents. I couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. The whiskey I had had earlier in combination with the sexual electricity in the air evidently helped to relax me enough to remove all my inhibitions. I wanted to finally see Sarge’s dick and balls. I cautiously reached my hand deeper into the inviting slit until I found the large sausage-like slab of flesh. It felt warm and spongy to the touch as I wrapped my nervous fist around it and began to squeeze it, trying to work it back into an erection. Barnes startled me as I began to man-handle his meaty prick by suddenly moaning. For a moment I thought he was waking up. I immediately let go of his dick and jerked my hand out of his shorts. ‘Shit’, I thought, ‘I didn’t want him to catch me with my hand in his underwear!’ No matter how drunk he was, he would have beat the crap out of me! I waited a few minutes until I was certain by his mechanical snoring that he was really asleep. I bravely extended my hand back into the opening and started playing with his corpulent male member again. I could feel the organ beginning to fill with fresh Marine blood as I continued to squeeze and massage it. I carefully worked it out of the slit before it got too stiff and unmanageable, in order to finally get a good look at the lust object of my frequent jack-off fantasies. Yeah, there it was at last; by this time fully erect, straining and standing at attention through the opening of the regulation white boxer shorts, mimicking its true hardcore Marine sergeant owner. Barnes was circumcised. The purple head of his prick was huge and swollen, looking every bit like a luscious gigantic mushroom. There was a thick blood vein on the organ’s body, throbbing and hugging the shaft like a large pulsating spider. His piss-slit suddenly flared open and oozed out a copious wad of sticky white fluid. I reached out and touched the pearl colored mass. It stuck to my finger tip and as I pulled my hand away, the pre-cum juice stretched out, creating a long white string, until it finally snapped and landed on his cotton shorts. I was really turned on by now and decided I was going to fulfill his earlier request and blow him. I reached into the shorts again and this time pulled out this twin pair of oversized bull’s testicles. They were huge, laying there spread out, resting on the white cotton clothe; slowly churning, working overtime in their wrinkly scrotum bag, producing healthy male sperm. No wonder this guy exhibited such a protruding box in his tight slacks. They were bigger than I had ever imagined them to be. There it was, in its full erect glory; Sarge’s big Marine dick and accompanying baby-makers! Maybe this was the main reason why his wife divorced him. She probably couldn’t handle the size of his genitals! I wanted to at least give it a good military try. I bent forward and stuck my tongue out to taste the newly formed gob of pre-cum that was issuing out of his magenta colored penis gland. As I got closer to his crotch, I was overpowered by the strong smell of stale sperm issuing from his unwashed groin. I opened my mouth and engulfed turgidly swollen prick head. It tasted pungent and salty. I could barely fit it in my mouth. I worked my tongue around the spongy meaty ridge and began to lingually and sensuously masturbate my sergeant’s reproductive organ. Barnes moaned again, and reached out his huge callused hand to brush away whatever it was that was orally working on his erect cock. I was so immerged into the act of sucking him, that I didn’t let go this time. He moaned again and let his hand drop down on the side of his body, giving in to whatever it was producing this provocative sexual pleasure. I hungrily hugged his thick meaty shaft with my lips and gradually worked my way downwards until my nose was completely buried in his wiry, raunchy smelling pubic hair. I began to orally pump up and down on his stiff corpulent member as he continued to moan and sigh with sexual passion. I reached over, grabbed his hairy testicle bag and at the same time began to play with his massive sperm-producers. I began to roughly squeeze and knead them like two oval orbs of Play-Dough. He groaned louder and raised his big hand again to try to swat my head away from his sexually tortured groin. I refuse to let go of his tasty cock and stubbornly continued working his stiff fleshy member and swollen scum filled Marine balls. I wanted Barnes to empty all of his copious male semen into my starving sucking mouth. “Oh yeah, suck it baby!” Sarge moaned, startling the shit out of me. I was certain that he was awake by now and quickly released his penis out of my mouth. I got up to see what he was doing, but was surprised to see that he was smiling with his eyes closed. He appeared to still be fast asleep. Confident that it was okay to continue blowing him, I bent down again and lowered my mouth over his inviting still swollen cock. Suddenly, Barnes’ two big brawny hands grabbed my head and forcefully pushed my face down all the way into his waiting steamy crotch, burying my nose in the stuffy rancid hair. His still penis was choking me, literally banging against my tonsils. I gasped for air. In a vice-like grip, he began to pump my head up and down on his rockhard member, groaning wildly in the process. Was the guy awake or was he having some kind of wet-dream? I couldn’t tell and frankly didn’t give a shit by now because I was totally immersed in the process of sucking him off to orgasm. I reached under his ballsack in order to feel for his anus. I wanted to touch him where no other man had ever touched him before. I wanted to touch his virgin hole. I worked my finger through the dense jungle of hair and found a tender wet spot of hot flesh. I slowly forced my middle finger between the lips of the hot hole until I found myself inside his steaming moist anus. I pulled out and placed my wet finger under my nose. Damn, did it smell good. Like a real man’s hole should smell. I worked my stiff fuck-finger back into his gaping hot hole until I found Barnes’ prostate gland. I pushed his magic button. He let out an animalistic growl that startled me at first. I reached up with my other free hand and renewed my rough massaging of his big balls. Barnes was really into getting blown by now and began to groan and mutter unintelligently out of the inner depths of his Marine soul. He began to buck his hips upwards again, forcing his turgid male member deeper into my mouth with each thrust. I responded to each of his thrusts by pushing my still buried middle-finger forcefully on his sensitive prostate button. I pulled on his cream filled balls, stretching the skin of the scrotum until it was paper thin, while continually squeezing his seed-swollen nuts as hard as I could. I felt his thighs suddenly stiffen as he approached orgasm. “Damn baby, I’m cummin’!” he yelled out ecstatically, while holding my face down in his crotch forcibly with both hands. “Damn, I’m cummin’, baby! Oh yeah! Take my seed!” I felt his prick explode in my mouth as it began to violently vomit out thick white gobs of rich male cream. His abundant sperm splattered against the tender back of my throat, attacking my battered tonsils as I simultaneously rammed his prostate with my finger and pulled forcefully, kneading his semen filled baby-factories as hard as I could. I wanted to milk the fucker for all he was worth! “Suck me, baby suck me!” Barnes moaned fervently, as he continued to unload his male sperm in powerful spurts into my hungry mouth. I couldn’t swallow fast enough. His seed began to flow out of the corners of my mouth, dripping down in splats into his dusky groin. With one last pulsating squirt, his orgasm was over. I pulled my finger out of his moist devirginized asshole and playfully massaged the tender asslips. I continued to hold his slowly softening dick in my mouth. and proceeded to tenderly stroke his now emptied, low hanging balls. I finally let go of his spent prick when it returned to its original flabby state and gently let it plop out of my mouth. It landed on his still swollen baby-makers. I got up and took a long look at his obscenely lurid body as he lay there, post-orgasmically. His genitals were hanging out of his boxer shorts. Semen dripped out of his now spent male organ. The man was still asleep. He never was awake through the whole sex act. It was all a wild erotic dream for Barnes. I respectfully tucked his tired genitals back into his boxer shorts and lovingly covered him up with an extra wool blanket that I found in the top drawer of the dilapidated chest. I climbed into my bed and masturbated my still rockhard dick to a much demanded orgasm before falling in a deep sleep. I was rudely awakened to the sounds of someone singing in the shower. I looked across the room and saw that Sarge was not in his bed. Recognizing the off-key voice as his, I sat up on my bed and stretched. He came out of the bathroom with a bath towel trapped around his waist and wished me a cheerful ‘good morning’. I rubbed the sand out of my eyes while answering back with a mechanical ‘mornin’. I watched him walk over to his corner of the motel room and pick up his clothes that he had strewn all over the floor the night before, tossing them up on his unmade bed. He turned towards me as he suddenly removed the damp white towel, tossing it on the bed as well. “How’d ya sleep, Private?” he asked, in an obvious good mood. “Alright, I guess,” I answered him and yawned at the same time. My eyes were unresistingly drawn to his seductively naked groin, as I viewed him now without his shorts on. For the first time he stood totally bare-assed in front of me in broad daylight. Barnes’ dick hung down like a large hammer-headed salami over the big hairy scrotum that bulged out the oval forms of his two massive testicles. The man displayed an even denser patch of dark curly pubic hair then form what I could remember seeing through the opening of his boxers last night. Sgt. Barnes approached me, his lengthy flaccid dick swinging from side to side, erotically slapping his muscular hirsute upper thighs as he walked. He unexpectedly stopped about three feet in front of me as I remained sitting on the edge of my bed, his long thick penis staring at me like a serpent about to strike. I was suddenly uneasy. Barnes reached sown with his right hand and lifted up his limp prick as if he wanted to show it to me. A weird sinking feeling developed in my stomach, not knowing what to expect after last night. He studied the organ in his hand with a puzzled look on his face. “I noticed some kinda rash on my dick this morning while I was showerin’, but I’ll be damned if it don’t look like teeth marks!” he exclaimed. “Where in the hell did they come from?” With that he let his fat long penis flop back down in its balls. “Shit, Sarge, maybe it’s some kinda rash from all the sweating you done yesterday,” I responded, trying to look innocent and nonchalant. I was furiously hoping that he did not remember anything from last night. “I wouldn’t get nervous about it.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Private.” He began to immodestly scratch his crotch in front of me as he continued talking. “Funny thang, my asshole is sore this mornin’, too! What the hell, let’s get dressed real quick like and hit the road. I wanna get back to the Base as fast as I can!” he said, turning around, displaying his white, hair-covered, globular ass-cheeks in my face as he walked back to his bed. Barnes brazenly bent over to pick up his white cotton boxers from the floor. As he did, the crack of his butt opened up, revealing an even denser growth of dark, musky fur that trailed seductively down to his hidden asshole. I could see the rear of his large fleshy ball bag as it dangled downwards between his upper thighs, like a bulbous hairy bell, suspending its pair of fat life-long tenants in mid air. He was about to step into his shorts when he noticed the dried stiff stains around the front slit.\ “What the hell’s this?” Sarge blurted out, examining the stains closer. “I’ll be damned, if it don’t look like cum stains!” He held them up to his flared nostrils and took a loud sniff. “Shit, smells like cum, too! I’ll be damned,” he mumbled to himself, exhibiting his embarrassment like a thirteen year old boy that was just caught masturbating. He pulled the used shorts on anyway and we both finished dressing. I loaded our bags back into the van as Sgt. Barnes walked over to the motel office to give up the keys. I sat waiting in the vehicle as he returned. He energetically hopped in without saying a word and started the ignition. Without further delay, we pulled out of the parking lot of the Flamingo Pines Motel unto the main highway, in the direction of our Base. The Sarge was still unusually quiet. I could detect a dumb quizzical expression smeared across his tanned chiseled face. When we were about a half hours’ ride out of town, he unexpectantly looked over to me and finally broke the odd silence. I had the damnedest dream last night, Private,” he started, “If I told you, you’d never believe me!” “Try me, Sarge,” I answered, with a knowing smile smeared across my face, “Try me, Sir!”


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Juergen HH

Blowing Barnes

This was my first delivery run since I arrived at the base. Sgt. Barnes, my unit leader, and I had to deliver a prisoner from our brig over into the next state. I was not very excited when I received the news that I was the one chosen to make the weekend run with him. I was hoping for a leisurely Saturday night in the barracks, playing cards and drinking beer with a couple of my

Locker Room Meeting

He entered the steamy locker room, wearing only a small white towel around his masculine loins. He appeared to be about thirty years old, with dark blonde wavy short-cropped hair and a thick blonde moustache. He hadn’t shaved for about three days, judging by the length of his facial whiskers. As the man walked past me, my nostrils were raped by his musky, sweaty male aroma. He definitely hadn’t


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