Gay Erotic Stories

Bodyguards, Part 1

by Aussie Slick

Bodyguards Part I As Corporal Groves brought his heels together, they clicked loudly. He stood erect and unmoving in his US Marine - Old Guard uniform. He was proud to be one of the White House Guards and took great pride in himself, his duty and his attitude toward performing with precision and style. His powerfully developed thighs locked together making him stand stock-still. His eyes remained fixed in a thousand yard stare, dead ahead, looking neither right, left, up or down. Yet, his field of vision allowed him to take in all that was happening around him. He could see the President slowly walking out the door, into the open air, for the ceremony to receive the King of Sudiman. The Marine Guard of Honour looked great! In another line of Marines, forming the avenue, down which the two national leaders were to walk, Brett Groves could see his secret heart throb, also a standing sentinel, fixed in time and space. Garth, the unit's Sergeant, led the men well. He was a fine example to them. Brett would follow him anywhere - into battle - into the proverbial valley of death - into bed. But right now, he would follow his leader's example and give this King the finest reception and welcome they could. He watched the President walk between the two rows of Marines, heading for the dais, with the King just a half a step behind and to his left. Both national leaders pledged friendship to one another - citing the positive attributes of both countries - long time friendly relations between them - mutual cooperation - and all other manner of diplomatic niceties. With warm, friendly smiles, they shook hands and waved to the cameras, firing off flash upon flash, for a memory of this grand occasion. Then they strolled back through the ranks of the Marines and into the lower foyer of the White House. There was a luncheon planned immediately after this reception on the White House lawns and Brett had been assigned the honour of Presidential Guard. This meant, he would stand behind the President at all times. He had never been given this duty before, but had hoped for the honour whenever a State Reception was being organised and planned. He took up his position behind the President as the luncheon commenced. The King was still slowly working his way around the banquet table, shaking the hands of the many dignitaries in the room. Brett could see the King's Own Bodyguard walking behind him. From this distance, he seemed to be a very fine build of man - in a uniform reminiscent of an ancient culture. His pitch black skin shone with a blue tinge, making the crisp white uniform with red and yellow sash and emblems stood out all the more. His turban was gold and highlighted his face as if he had a golden aura around him. He had only seen him from a distance in the past few hours, since the King arrived, but now he would have him stand right beside him - this Sudiman guard protecting his King, as Brett protected his President. Both stood inches apart, directly behind his respective chieftain. Through the corner of his eye, Brett allowed himself to take in the very classy uniform. It really made the man appear fearsome. The white cloth hugged the body very closely, showing every contour and muscle. And this man sure had plenty of both. The various insignia and emblems - although foreign to Brett - told him, this Guard had many honours to his name. Without moving his eyes - merely allowing his focus to alter - he then noticed the powerful thrust inside the body-hugging trousers, which were more like cyclist lycra pants than anything else. The bulge was colossal and told openly of being restrained inside the tight package. Brett wondered just how outstanding this man would be if not confined. Then, his focus fell a little lower and for the first time realised the man was bare footed. His strong, masculine feet gave a promise of a truly well oiled and powerful individual, indeed. Brett felt his dick stirring and quickly concentrated on the duty at hand. Although the luncheon dragged on for over 2 hours, Brett felt great pride in himself, for not having flinched even a little. And when a clumsy waiter dropped a glass only inches from his foot, he never reacted to the sudden unexpected noise. But he also had to admit to himself, that his counterpart had been equal to the task as well. And finally, when the banquet ended, these two guards slowly followed their respective leaders out of the room and into the famous Oval Office of the President. They stood, one either side of the doorway, once the two leaders went inside. Brett could see the secretaries sitting in this outer office, were very impressed by the Sudiman guard as well. Being less disciplined, he noticed their eyes continually returning to the man and it didn't take much to see where their main focal point lay. But the black man remained unhinged. He was unaffected by all this attention by the opposite sex. However, after only a few minutes, the two commanders re-emerged, shaking hands at the door, promising their future meetings, that evening and the next day, would resolve many differences between them. Brett had to wonder what differences there might be, after hearing the welcoming speech, which seemed to indicate both countries were so attuned to one another, they might well unite and become one! Once this meeting ended, Brett's duties ceased and he would go off duty. He saluted his Chief, then turned and followed the King with his guard close behind, out of the Presidential Offices and into the hall. It seemed they were heading the same way he was, so he held back and walked close behind. They emerged outside, to the Carriage Entrance, where the King got into his limousine. His guard also saluted his chief and remained on the driveway as the car pulled away from the building. Brett decided it was a fine opportunity to meet his fellow guard. Taking the few steps, he stood beside the black princely man and gave him a friendly smile and nod. White teeth 10 miles high beamed at him as the black man smiled back. "Hi. I'm Corporal Brett Groves - US Marines. Welcome to the States." He extended his white gloved hand to the black man, who took it firmly and shook it with some pain to Brett. "Do you speak English?" Brett asked as he hoped his hand might be freed soon. "Of course. We were a British colony for 100 years until we learnt better." He smiled even wider and finally let Brett's hand go free. "My name is Cash Simbol. Pleased to meet you." "Maybe we can meet for a drink - swap stories?" Brett couldn't help glancing down at the huge bulge in Cash's tights and hoped he didn't fully reveal what he hope to meet and drink and swap. "I'd like that but I don't have much free time. I'm off duty from now until tonight when the Gala Ball starts. But being in uniform..." he looked down at himself and then back to Brett, "can't go out dressed like this." "Well, I'm off duty myself until the ball tonight too. And if you don't mind, we could just head to my place, so we don't have to worry about uniforms. I got an apartment off the base, not far from here." Cash looked at his wrist watch, smiled and gave a nod. "But I'll have to be back here within a couple of hours, so do you mind if I have a shower at your place? This uniform is fine for tonight, as I've only had it on for a few hours." "Sure. In fact, might be an idea if we both get out of these, so they don't get crushed or marked. I've got to wear mine tonight as well. I got some other gear we can wear while having a drink. OK?" The two fell into a marching step and walked out the main gates of the White House and Brett hailed a cab, directing the driver to his home address. They weren't far away and were there in a matter of minutes. On the way, they really only had time to compliment one another for their fine outfits and how well both had held their positions during the luncheon. Then, piling out of the cab, they went up into the apartment block and into Brett's place. Almost immediately, as Brett asked Cash what he would like to drink, both men began to carefully take off their uniforms, folding each piece. "Yeah, I've got some whisky I think. But hang on and I'll get you a hanger for the clothes as well as something else to slip on. I reckon we're about the same size." "I've got slingers on underneath - they'll do fine - but yes a hanger will keep the gear in order." "Slingers?" Brett wondered what they might be, then quickly saw, as those tights were rolled down over very muscular thighs. Slingers - were simply - underpants. Very colourful ones. "Oh. I see." Brett returned with a coat hanger for Cash, but meanwhile had stripped and hung his own uniform in the bedroom. He wore only his boxers, so as to let Cash feel less naked. While Cash placed the tights and jacket onto the hanger, Brett went ahead pouring them a drink. As he did, he couldn't stop himself from giving the occasional glance across the room to Cash. His body was in superb condition! His build was somewhere between a Grid Iron player and a heavy weigh boxer. Finely tuned muscles, springing out in just the right proportions. Not heavily muscles, but nor was he simply athletic. His skin was black, evenly over the entire surface. Smooth, except for black tufts underarm's, crotch and a thin line racing up from the triangle of hair just showing above his jocks, extending up to his navel, but petering out an inch or so beyond that point. The enticing bulge inside his jocks was now more freely visible than when it was restricted inside those tight pants. It pouched out invitingly from his loins and promised something truly wonderful and potent. "Here we go." He handed Cash his glass. "Now - sit down - relax - you just have to tell me about Sudiman. I don't know a damn thing about your country." "Well, like most former British colonies, its had its culture base changed to please the Brits and.." Cash settled back onto the couch, spreading his thighs wide apart, accentuating his hefty balls, which were now able to stretch the jocks down between his legs, "except in a few instances, is very westernised now." As Cash sipped his whisky and dry, he swished his thighs back and forth slowly, forcing his nuts and dick to pillow up, then deflate. "But a lot of our old culture still remains - they didn't totally dominate us." "We gave them a good boot in the ass too." Brett let out an almost childish giggle, trying his best to cover up his inner thoughts and rising desires. "What sought of - culture things - did they change?" "Oh old family values. That sought of thing." "Such as?" Brett pressed - more for time than anything else. He simply didn't know how he was going to approach this. Something told him - go for it - all the signs were positive. But yet, something else told him - don't rush. "Well, we believed in husbands having more than one wife. They tried to stop this, but it remained underground and once we become a republic, it return full force. Also, old tribal rituals allowed us to be more free and open about sex in other ways. They thought such ideas were pagan - even evil." "Oh! This sounds intriguing. What sought of rituals?" "Well - Fathers teach sons, Mothers teach daughters. That sought of thing." "Teach them what?" "Now, what do you think?" Cash smiled and flashed those thighs back and forth more quickly. "Oh! I see." But his thoughts went in a hundred directions. He couldn't NOT take this further to solve the question marks. "Literally have sex with sons? Or just tell them what to do, how and when?" "Oh no! A Father must never have sex with his son. But he will bring other older members of the family in, for the instruction and will be the tutor. He might tell his brother to show his son one aspect of sex, then another son, to show his younger brother, another area of understanding. But he is not allowed to engage in such things himself." "So - you mean - when you were a boy - for instance - your Father had your older brothers or uncles or such, give you - actual sex instruction - they actually made love to you??" Brett sat forward in his seat and turned a little toward Cash. "Oh yes. Quite normal in our culture. Firstly, it removes the taboo your culture has with sex. It makes it more - natural - which it is! And peer pressure works here too?" Brett nodded. "You will take notice of someone your own age or a little older, more than you will from an elder, especially a Father." "But he still guided the whole procedure?" "Yes. He would tell them what they should be covering in that session, then he leaves and later returns and gets a report from his son and whomever was given charge of the instruction, to be sure that lesson was understood. If it isn't, then, he might need to ask another member of the family to try and get that idea across better." "But isn't that incense ?" "No. Its not being done for breeding purposes - only instruction! Its always with same sex family members, see?" Brett gave a half-hearted nod. "Our ways are the same in that regard. There should be no union between close family members, in a heterosexual manner." " acts are - accepted?" Cash appeared puzzled, so Brett rephrased it. "I mean same sex is accepted there?" "Oh yes." "So, you'd think nothing of another guy - say - taking you in hand?" As he spoke, Brett reached out and his hand rested on the bulk of jock-covered meat between Cash's thighs. Cash didn't even flinch. Though he turned slightly, to face Brett. "This is OK in your country?" "In private. We don't offend others by doing things in public, if that's what you mean." "But here, in the privacy of my home, you wouldn't be offended?" Brett felt the dick under his hand flex a little and some swelling gently lifted his palm. His fingers curled a little and took a moderate grip, as best he could, through the jocks. "No, not at all. I am honoured to know I am so well accepted by you. And I then become your property to enjoy in whatever way you wish." "I'm beginning to like your country more and more." Brett hissed as he moved in closer, squeezing that dong tighter and giving it a slow massage, as more and more of it grew in his fist. "Would you rather lay down?" Brett offer Cash to stretch out on the couch. He took the suggestion and swung around, throwing one leg up onto the back of the couch, while his other powerful thigh came up and lay on Brett's legs. Now, Brett had a clear view between those thighs and better access to the meaty prize surrounded by them. His free hand turned to removing the jocks and Cash helped, by bringing his legs together enough, to permit them to work their way down to his ankles and away completely. Then, he returned to spreading his thighs wide once more and settled back onto the couch in a very relaxed lay. He put his hands back behind his head and closed his eyes, as Brett worked more aggressively on that tool. Both hands were now needed to slave over the almost erect dick. It arched back toward Cash's navel, wrist thick, glowing as its skin stretched and throbbing in tune to his heart beat. Soon, Brett found he could hardly contain it within his hands and its steely power captured him. He become its slave. The two mighty balls hung well below the base of the giant 11" ebony semi-erect dick, occasionally bobbing up as Cash flexed his genital muscles. Hardly a hair showed on the balls, although it was thick and bushy around the cock itself. Nor did it seem as though Cash shaved his nuts. He was naturally hairless there. "As my guest, feel free to do whatever you wish - with me. I would be equally honoured to find you were enjoying my company as well." Brett was getting the idea of Cash's cultural ways and may as well use it to his advantage. "You mean you are giving me permission to do as I wish - anything?" Cash frowned a little and now Brett wondered if he had made a mistake. Maybe what Cash wished was - not to have sex. "Er...yes. Of course." Brett stopped his jerking on the immense cock but remained hand locked. "Anything?" Cash began to sit up, resting on his elbows. "Sure. What do you like to do?" His fingers strolled down the vast length of the tool and cupped the huge balls, delicately increasing pressure and mentally weighing their liquid content. "I have never been so venerated by a Westerner! Why are you so kind?" "Because I like you very much and you turn me on." "Turn you on?" He really looked puzzled and took one of Brett's hands away from his balls, but dropped it around his dick. "What do you mean - turn you on?" "Well - you know - I'm homosexual and you are very handsome - no - fucking brilliant!" Brett smiled widely now. "Well, I just want to be with you." "Homosexual? You've said that before. What is it?" "You are joking!" But Brett could see the puzzlement in Cash's eyes. "Look, a homosexual - or gay person - is someone who enjoys having sex with someone of the same sex. I prefer sex with other men, not women - see? And you really make me - happy. I want sex with you." "Oh. I've heard of such men in the west. I never understand this. In our country, we enjoy sex with anyone. You don't only eat with men or only drink with men? Why do westerners prefer to make love with only one sex?" Their eyes remained locked - in silence - then Cash spoke again. "Oh well, but tell me - does a homosexual do anything with their partner? Does your offer still stand - that I am invited to enjoy you as I wish?" "Yes! How many times must I say it Cash?" "No more." With that, Cash quickly moved forward, breaking fee from the grips Brett held and rushed up the couch, pinning Brett back against the arm rest. He moved up along Brett's body until he was positioned high above and his mighty sword was level with Brett's face. Then, without warning or second thought, he plunged down with his muscular buttocks and speared his cockhead onto Brett's lips. He spread his mouth open as quickly as possible, allowing the meat to slither deep inside his mouth. As soon as the cock reach the back of his throat, Cash commenced a dance with his hips, rolling his dick in and out of the widely spread lips, hitting the back of the throat then withdrawing until only the head remained. Over and over, at more quickening speed, he fucked Brett's face. The faster he went, the more Brett's mouth oozed spit, covering and waxing the tasty tool. The more he worked on the steaming dick, the faster it seemed able to slither in and out of his mouth. Then, Cash whispered softly - "hold your breath.." and as he felt the air being drawn in over his wet throbber, he slipped more deeply into the throat, down, down until his hairy crotch pressed against Brett's lips. He held his dick inside the throat and gut for only a few seconds, then commenced to fuck the throat slowly. After a number of thrusts, he pulled all the way back out to the spongy tip, letting Brett breath a moment or two, before plunging completely into his gullet once more. Brett was amazed how experience Cash was at face-fucking a guy. Brett had never been very good at deep throating - he always gagged. But the method Cash was using, seemed to be "natural" and he had no problems what so ever. This fucking continued until Brett wondered how Cash could not hold back from blowing his tube in the process. Brett found himself becoming more and more experienced in this too. He was able to tighten and release the 12" dick in his gullet at just the right moment, to allow it to have a very tight passage for fucking, but completely free to withdraw every 20 or 30 plunges inside his mouth. His throat lining become so sensitive he could feel every vein, throbbing edge and the piped under belly of that crazy, enormous dick. He could feel when Cash pulsed and vibrated inside him. He could even feel the bulbous head swell now and again to a much greater size, then reflex back to normal - which was massive at any time. And not totally sure if he was fooling himself, he also felt he could detect the occasional trickle of pre-cum when it oozed from the end of the dick, whether it was deep inside his guts or withdrawn and resting on his tongue. But the powerful taste of manjuice was no imaginary thing. Cash was certainly exuding plenty at a regular rate. It had a much different, manly flavour than other guys Brett ate. Even the cock itself tasted special. Brett knew exactly how long Cash kept this up. He had glanced at the clock on the wall just a moment or two before Cash surged up the couch, over him. It was 2:50. And when Cash finally dragged his dick completely out of that tingling mouth, he noticed it was now 3:14. He was slightly amazed that a man could face-fuck for such a long time and not blow his nuts to pieces. His eyes remained fixed on the departing dick, as Cash retreated away from him. He watched its powerful strength, flexing in jerks and throbs and a string of goo that emerged and with added spunk behind it, hung an inch or so from the broad eye. Meanwhile, he felt his legs being lifted higher. But his eyes were still fixed on this most glorious of cocks. It shone brightly with his spit and the juices Cash had oozed out over it. Black in parts, bluish - but also glistening white as well. One mighty throb sent it smashing against Cash's belly, then it fell back to its gentle arch, straight out from his body. But it whipped back high again with yet another pulsation and the string of pre-cum was flung out and onto Brett's chest. He didn't even look at it, as he scooped it up and licked it from his finger. It was the most tastiest spunk-soup he'd ever had. His eyes remained locked on that stupendous parcel of gristle. But his senses returned a little as he watched it climb over and cover his own tool. What happened to his boxers?? Then, he realised, Cash had removed them while he was in his hypnotic state. The black dick hid his own cock from view, until it re-emerged as the darker meat moved back, then down. He watched it slip below his balls, as Cash lifted Brett's legs a little higher. Then, he felt the head of that mighty warrior cock tickle his hole. Only then, did the thunder strike announce in a flash, what was about to happen. His first thoughts were - wonderful! I'm going to get that beautiful dick up my ass! Then, he remembered its length and more importantly - its massive thickness! He'd never had a dick in his hands the size of Cash, and the biggest cock to ever get itself inside his tail end was only half this size. Further more - Brett was a top man! He'd only been screwed once before! And that was against his will. What was he thinking? He couldn't - he wouldn't take this dick - no matter how glorious it or its owner was! "No!!" Brett screamed out and quickly reached down between his thighs, gripping the giant tool in his hands. He felt the pole slip between his fingers, as it was so greased by now, that it was hard to hold. He felt it glide unhindered through his fingers, even as he applied more pressure around it. In the back of his mind, he could also feel the pressure at his tail end. His ass was sensing the robust slab of beef as it crushed against him there. "Please Cash! I don't take it." With some fear he looked into the eyes of the black beauty. Cash was smiling back at him and he blew him a kiss. Brett more frantically squeezed his grip around the cock between his thighs and felt it more slowly slide by, until he felt the hairless balls fall into his grip. But how could they? Quickly glancing down, he could see those large orbs for spunk storage, held tightly in his hands, just below his own dick and balls. He mentally followed the line of the black cock and it struck him like a lightning bolt. That dick must already be up him! He could feel the pressure in the area of his assring, and it was a constant strain there. But he couldn't feel any pain that he would consider - nasty. "Are - are - are you in?" Cash smiled, then pressed deeper until his balls, surrounded by Brett's fingers, rested on Brett's muscular buttocks. Brett - still in shock - allowed his fingers to fall around the shaft and felt it disappearing inside his body. Only an inch or so remained free for him to fondle. He had no less than 10" inside his bowel and it felt - fine. There was no pain - but nor was there - pleasure. "We are taught to - not hurt." Cash smiled. "We know how to make you senseless. But now its time for you to enjoy a man. Its time to wake up and feel me inside you." Brett wasn't sure he knew what Cash meant by that, although he had to agree, he didn't feel himself losing his virginity. And he did feel as though he was in some altered state of mind. "Centre yourself. Look at it." Cash looked down to his own dick, indicating where Brett should also look. Then, Cash moved slightly. He pulled away about an inch or so, then slithered back inside. As Brett watched this a few times, he began to regain his senses and actually feel the tube of flesh taking him, then leaving the ringed cavity. His ass muscles flexed a little and felt the steely resistance under it. As with his throat, he now found he was able to feel every ridge, valley, vein and pulpy edge to that weapon fucking his ass. He began to sense his sphincter being pushed inwards as Cash thrust deeper, then dragged out again, as he withdrew. His impressions grew stronger by the second but pain was not part of it. He soon felt the width of that cock - he could easily judge that his assring was being spread apart wider than ever before. The depth and length of the loving intruder was now rising up and making itself clearer to him. With these understandings, his achievement of taking such a broad and extensive piece of man meat up his back passage brought about a sense of power. Cash held one form of power over any man he fucked, but that man he did indeed fuck, held another, equally mighty power. As his mind centred on the expanse, speed and volume of the large cock up his ass, his eyes watched it in motion, giving a further dimension to it all. To observe it slide a few inches in, then slowly pull away, while his nerve endings reported it from within, gave him a heightened wisdom of love making. He could feel his own urges building up with each stroke of that massive meat inside his body. Rushes of energy surged through him, starting at the base of his brain, shot down his spine and slammed into his bowel, making him lift his hips higher, opening the door wider and giving greater access to the invading black mast. He returned his hands to grip that black dick and more lightly clutched it, so he could feel from another source, as it slithered in and out. He cupped those heavy balls, feeling their power and the thickening of their sack, as Cash's heat grew and his nuts slowly climbed inside his body. Brett heard himself murmur over and over again - yes - yes - yes. Cash heard him as well. "You are mine." With that, Cash dragged his dick all the way out. Brett felt his insides being torn out with it and suddenly there was an emptiness he couldn't understand, explain or accept. Neighbours totally deaf, would have heard him scream - "NO!" But he was right - Brett now belonged to Cash. The monster shaft hovered only a fraction of a second at Brett's heavenly gateway, then it ploughed back inside, until it hit bottom and sent a thrill throughout Brett's body. Empty one second, then totally packed tight the next. Brett signed a relief and clasped his ass impenetrably around that dick, using his bowel to suck and kiss it from every angle. But then, it was gone once more. Brett only realised this when he heard the loud popping noise and he emitted an even louder fart. But as his stinking air rushed from his bowels, it was stopped up when Cash plunged back inside once again. Now, Brett began to feel a slight pain, as this cock worked on his body in a most aggressive way. But the pain was of a higher pleasure than the absence of it. He learnt quickly and fell limp to Cash's demands. His threw his arms by his side, head laying back over the arm rest of the couch, legs hung loose over Cash's shoulders and his buttocks pointed directly toward the ceiling. Cash attacked and retreated at a faster rate. Occasionally, he would only withdraw most of the way, as his speed become too fast for total accuracy. These mistakes sometimes led to him missing re-entry. His cock would slam into the crease of Brett's ass and push him further up the couch. But it never changed the thrusts from Cash. The next time, he would simply aim better. The whole ass become more sensitive and it throbbed with a lovely ache, which soon turned to an itch, which only further raping would cure. Brett felt his legs fall to the couch and sleepily he opened his eyes, looking up just in time to see the black snake an inch from his nose. Automatically, his mouth opened so wide, it hurt the jaw, then that pain went as the dick commenced an equally raping attack into his mouth. He could taste his own bowel over the surface of the cock and further washing's brought the taste of blood. Cash only thrust to the back of the throat, leaving a mass of cock open to Brett's hands. He worked on that shaft with a higher rate of massaging than his lips were allowed to give the head. Frantically he yearned to bring this wonderful guy to an end, so he could taste that sweet spunk suppress inside the nuts. But what nuts? They were now completely invisible. Only an indented cavity showed where they had been utterly sucked into the body. His fingers clawed at the thick ball bag but they were gone. Brett's mind become a mess. Like a stew over cooked, he lost all sense of balance and control. His hands roamed over the muscular body above him. He searched every crease, fold and muscular package he could reach. Over the back, across the stomach, down both thighs and calves then back up to the tight, brawny buttocks. His hands drove into the cheeks and they parted more easily, as Cash spread his thighs a little to help. His fingers played across the hole and immediately one popped inside. He found the hole very accessible. This guy had been taking something up his ass which had to be equal in size to his own dick. He found a second, then third finger was able to slide inside the dry crack without any contest. And Cash was clamping his ring around those fingers with a show of great pleasure. Brett tried for a fourth finger and launched into a fisting attack on the hole. But he had hardly found a rhythm when Cash pulled away once more. His dick popped out of the mouth and his lifted himself off Brett's hand. Brett looked up to see what Cash was doing now and found him swinging around so that his thighs rested on the back of the couch and his feet went up onto the wall behind. His head and shoulders lifted away from the seat of the couch, as he let those legs drop back down, plunging a knee on either side of his neck. Now Brett could see. The giant dick easily fell into his own mouth and he slaved, bite and licked the head and at least a few inches of the shaft. This turned Brett on even more. Although he had wanted to eat that spunk himself, he found, watching such a beautiful guy chewing his own dick, almost more satisfying. Cash rocked his back and hips up and down, spearing his own cock further into his face - he was literally face-fucking himself. He reached up and grabbed his own thighs, using them as leverage to increase the speed, depth and accuracy. He allowed the dick to miss his mouth and licked the underside for almost 5" while he hissed, from deep throat - "finger me." Brett came up onto his knees next to Cash and crammed his face into the fucking ass. His tongue wet and licked the ring, as it winked and flickered at him. His fingers joined in and one by one, he pushed them inside and worked them around. All the time, Cash had returned to screwing his own mouth in ever increasing speed. Brett felt a wetness on his calf and looking down, saw his own dripping dick seeping out onto his leg. He gathered up this and more from the head of his cock and worked those spunked fingers into Cash's asshole. He brought more fingers into play and soon had 7 of them plugging the hole, right to the top knuckle. But then he decided this was child's play. He stood over Cash and got himself into a position above him. He lined up his cum-coated dick with the wide parted hole and dropped himself inside. The warmth of Cash's insides closed around his cock as he slipped his smaller 7" dick right to its very end. Brett plugged the hole at a faster tempo with each thrust. Cash tried to bring his own movements into line with Brett and soon they were working in accord. "Please - tell me when - you're going to blow. Please - I want some of it." Brett pleaded. Looking down over the powerful black man's body, he saw Cash stop his action, taking a few deep breaths, then looked him in the eye. "I don't end until you tell me you have enough." He gobbled his dick back inside. Only now, was it settling into Brett's mind that everything Cash does, is for Brett's pleasure, rather than his own. Even this self-fellatio display was for his benefit and he had to admit, it really gave his balls a stirring they'd never had before. Cash was a total sex machine. His one aim was to totally please his partner in whatever way he felt would do the trick. Since this was the case, Brett now knew that - although he belonged to Cash, he belonged to him to do whatever he wanted. With that in mind, Brett grabbed Cash by both arms and lifted him upwards, spinning him around at the same time, so that Cash fell back onto the couch and lay along it. Cash never fought and lay there with Brett deep inside him. Brett raised Cash's thighs onto his shoulders, just as he had been laying before. Now, Brett attacked that lovely sloppy asshole with harder and deeper strokes. Cash locked his legs around Brett's neck and clamped his ring tightly over the assaulting dick. He clamped so tightly around it, that Brett found it difficult to screw him at a faster speed. But Cash encouraged him to try - "go - go - go - fuck me - give it to me!" And so, Brett aimed to pleased as well. He fought to fuck that ever-tightening hole with extra vigour and power. The more he pushed inside, the tighter Cash drew himself shut. "Fuck like I did!" Cash hissed. Brett pulled all the way out and when he tried to re-enter, the door was tightly closed. He found he was only stabbing at the entrance and little more than his dickhead breached the portal. "Try harder!" Cash urged him on. Brett found he could actually do it. That is, if he fucked so hard that it hurt his cock slightly and felt the fleshy doorway pop open in what must have been a very painful way. But seeing the wide row of smiling teeth beaming back at him, he knew this was what Cash was prepared to take. So, with heartfelt aggression, motivated by love, rather than anger or hate, he fucked that hole as if his dick was a bayonet and the ass was the victim. It worked. And soon the pain he once felt, turned to a tingling pleasure. Every time he drove himself into the bloody hole, the shock was enough to send him to his final climax. But somehow he was able to fight it off for yet another beating blow. The heat emitted from the sphincter was increasing. The friction was drying his shaft up and he found the going tougher each time because of this. Cash could see the problem. "Here." He pointed to his mouth. Brett scampered up along Cash's body, just as Cash had done to him earlier. He hovered above the mouth, but Cash raised his mouth up and gobbled him down. Brett needed only to move slightly forward and he felt his pole slide all the way into the throat and down into the gullet. The hot tongue washed over his shaft as the lips and teeth clamped so tightly around it, Brett knew not to even consider pulling his dong back out. The tongue worked on him for at least a minute before the grip was released and Cash allowed his throat to be freed of the dick and Brett could fuck the mouth for a short time. But the mouth watered up well and covered the shank completely. Then, Cash spat the dick out. "You fuck me again." He tenderly gave the head a few quick licks, then suck heavily on the tip. Brett felt as though his insides were being sucked out the end of his cock. When Cash took his lips away and opened his mouth, the tongue had a coating of spunk, freshly extracted from the pipe line. He lashed the head with his tongue, lathering it with the ooze. Brett backed away, being careful not to let his dick touch Cash's body and loose any of the moisture so lovingly given to it. He didn't need to lift Cash's legs onto his shoulders, because the black trunks automatically went high into the air and settled lightly onto the shoulders. He squirmed and edged himself down until his ring collected over the head of the throbber. Then, he lay quietly and waited for Brett to give it to him. The moment Brett moved in on his ass, it clamped tightly once more. He started that same hard fuck action but this time, he found it slithered so very well, but still only after a great effort. Cash reached down and lightly wrapped his fingers around Brett's emerging dick. He held them steady, so as to keep Brett's aim perfect, but also, it meant the dick never really saw the light of day. It felt to Brett as if he had a 14" dick, or at least, was fucking a 14" hole. It seemed to have no bottom - no opening. But after a mere few minutes of this treatment, Brett knew he couldn't retain himself any longer. He slowed and finally came to a stop. He hovered outside the hole, still held inside the grip of fingers. "I'm there. Got to rest." "No. You need to go." "Cum." Brett corrected him. Cash's English was terrific but they obviously didn't have the same terminology as Americans. "We still have 2 hours. You cum now and again soon." Cash sat up and pushed Brett backwards, into his original position, with his head beyond the arm rest. Cash climbed up besides him, then turned around. He put both of his knees onto the arm rest and then lowered his dick back into Brett's mouth. The man was more than happy to have that massive slug inside his lips again. Looking down long his body, he watched Cash swallow his dick, shit coated and all. Cash never moved his body, allowing Brett to eat the dick in mouth ain whatever fashion he wanted. But he worked hard and quickly over Brett's dong. Brett could feel his spunk building up in the shaft once more. He spread his thighs and moaned, as a warning for Cash, just in case the man didn't eat babies. But after all he had witnessed today, that seemed most unlikely. Cash took the open signs from Brett and worked all the harder, toying with the aching balls below the dick he slaved over. And when the last possible moment came and Brett took his mouth away from the giant dummy stopping it up, to call out in a bellow, Cash lifted his face away until only his lips covered the flaring head. The instant Brett started to shoot, he took his mouth right away, lapping at the threads of spunk climbing out of the throbbing dick. His mouth was too close for any of the spunk to miss its target. Each shot flew into his open mouth and his tongue wrapped around it, flushing it toward the back of his throat. And as Brett ebbed and his cum only bubbled out, Cash was able to dip his tongue into the boiling mess and lick it off the eye of the cock without any problem. Only when the oozes seemed to stop, did Cash cover the dick once more and suck it wildly. Whatever he found, Brett never knew, because once he lifted his mouth away for the last time, and turned to smile, Brett could see the mouth was empty. He'd swallowed every last drop. Brett's cock was inflamed. He'd never seen it so swollen. It hurt and itched all at the same time. Even when Cash gave it a couple of light licks, the sensation were almost too much to bear. Cash noticed this and knew what would happen if he kept up this sought of action. So, he dropped his mouth over the cock once more and sucked it as hard as he could. Brett screamed aloud, bring his thighs up in a protective way. "No, please, don't, its sore!" "I'll make it feel better - believe me." Cash stopped as asked, for only long enough to tell Brett he intended not to stop. His mouth fell over the head again and closed tight. Brett thought he would die from the pain and pleasure at the same moment. It took about a minute of agonising before he was able to stand the pleasure pain and relax once more. The giant steel rod remained erect and throbbing by his cheek. In resignation, he rolled his face to the side and swallowed its head back into the mouth. Cash fucked into the lips at a slow and steady pace, while he continued to chew on the tender, spent dick. Brett could feel that his cock remained hard. He had read where some guys would blow, then remain stiff and fuck on for long periods before shooting again, then again. He found he was never able to do that. His dick always went soft and died after he blew. But this time, it was harder than it ever seemed to be in the past. It was a strange erection. It was like it had become permanently hard. He felt if he stopped all sex now, it still wouldn't deflate. Cash took the advantage of this, working like never before. Glancing to the wall clock now and again, Brett eventually found that they remained in this 69'er position for over 30 minutes. His cock felt painful but nice. It felt as if he would shoot again at any moment, but never quite went over the edge. "Please - get it over with -" Brett begged. "I can't stand it any longer." With those words, Cash raised Brett's ass off the couch just a little, thrusting his dick slightly deeper in the process, but also, drove at least 3 fingers inside Brett's hot, wet ass. He fingered the hole at a very rapid velocity while sucking on the head with a tightly closed mouth and throat. The suction was intense on the spongy, sensitive head. And he felt those fingers screwing around inside him. Each time they touched a certain point, he felt an electric shock run through his body. The combination of the two brought that on-rushing feeling even closer. He doubted whether he would still cum as he had felt this before a few times and still he didn't shoot. But the rapidity of these stimulations and because they were now happening every few seconds or so, his doubt faded and he relaxed his body more. He gave into the fact that this guy knew everything needed, to bring anyone to his final point. His body grew taut once more and thighs parted. He lifted his hips, pushing his dick deeper into the mouth above. The signs told Cash that his actions were doing their duty. Cash lifted his own hips up enough to draw his cock outside Brett's oral grip. Brett responded by licking at the head and occasionally sucking it inside for a short slurp, but Cash kept it far enough away so as not to allow him too much access. He wanted so much to eat that ball load Cash had waiting but felt the man was containing it for some other purpose. He also knew, once he blew his load again, his desire for that charge of spunk would die with his cuming. "I'm nearly there - I think -" Brett whispered into the eye of the dick, poised over his lips. With those words, the body above him shuddered, quaked and the knees at his head seemed to buckle slightly. He wondered what was happening. Cash dropped his body fractionally and allowed his dick to slip an inch inside the lapping mouth. Then, Brett found the answer. A hot blast burnt his tongue and the might dick throbbed, crashing against his teeth. The instant he realised Cash was blowing his load, Brett raised his mouth a little higher and closed the lips tightly around the jerking meat. By then the second firing scalded the roof of his mouth and another cut a line deep into his throat, causing him to gag a little. The spunk collected over his tongue and at the back of his throat, which he had quickly closed off to his stomach. Cash started to fuck the mouth in short quick stabs, forcing more cream out of his dick and into the eager mouth. The overjoyed mind burst and Brett couldn't contain himself another second. His own dick commenced to fill the mouth he occupied with his second spunking. Both men slaved over the shooting dick in their respective mouths. Brett has enough presence of mind to now know that Cash even knew how to hold himself back until the crucial moment - and that maybe the guy he was taking, may not be able to enjoy the pleasures of his spunking, once he himself had blown. Eventually, the two quietened, slowed all action to a stop and lay there munching on the dicks in their mouths. Brett held the boiling mass of spume in his mouth for ages. He toyed with its strings of thick custard, chewing it, rolling it over his tongue and mashing it into the roof of his mouth. Finally, as Cash lifted himself out of the mouth, he swallowed much of it, looking down his body to see what Cash was doing. Cash had en empty mouth as before. He seemed to enjoy gulping his prize down as soon as it arrived. He was now only licking the head and squeezing the shaft to see if anything might remain hidden inside the fuck-tube. Brett took the leadership from cash and gripped the massive organ over his face, running a very tight gripped fist down its entire length. A long rope untwined out the eye and hung right down into his mouth. He lapped upwards, licking it off the cockhead and retained that last string of pearls for as long as he could. "We should get showered." Brett looked at the watch, while Cash sipped at his fresh scotch and dry. They had sat talking for a while and got to know one another much better. If that was possible. "I'm suppose to be there at seven." "Me too." Cash took another sip, "you go first." "Why not shower together - saves on water." Brett smiled and Cash returned the smile. "You just like me or any big black man?" "Both." "Maybe you invite another around here tonight after the ball?" "Who?" This sounded interesting. "My - how you say? Buddy?" "He a Sudiman guard too?" "Yes. He big man." "Can't be bigger than you Cash." Brett swallowed his drink down. "He's big. I think you like big cocks, don't you?" "Never really gave it thought until you. I always thought a big dick meant rotten sex." "Why ?" "Big men tend to have a big ego with it and don't know how to give pleasure. Then, they screw you without any love. Well, that's what I thought - though you're my first big guy." "You should be able to take Todd now - after me." "What? He that big?" "Same length as me I think but its fat." Cash laughed and brought both hands together to indicate a girth as fat as a beer bottle. "Oh shit. Don't think I can take that!" "You take - once I give you some first to open you up." Cash pointed to his eye. "And once you see it you not want to let it go without attention!" "You take it?" "Many times. Most nights but sometimes I must be fair and let others have it too." "You know Cash - you're an answer to all my dreams - yet - what will I do when you go home?" "You look - you find someone like me." "Not in this goddamn country where everyone has sex hang-ups. Come on - let hits the showers."


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Aussie Slick

Bodyguards, Part 1

Bodyguards Part I As Corporal Groves brought his heels together, they clicked loudly. He stood erect and unmoving in his US Marine - Old Guard uniform. He was proud to be one of the White House Guards and took great pride in himself, his duty and his attitude toward performing with precision and style. His powerfully developed thighs locked together making him stand

Family Prophet

Family Prophet by Aussie Slick I’d heard so much about Grant from letters back home, that I was more than intrigued to finally see this guy, at his wedding. My young sister had met him at a wrestling tournament and had fallen head over heels for this - "muscular, handsome, gorgeous hunk of flesh". Not only were her letters to me always filled with what

Forgotten Sailors

Hans had always had a deep love for Erik. And working with him in the Engine Room, where it was hot, didn't help him control those passions very well. Erik would parade the steel cathedral, surrounded by all the mechanics and machinery, wearing only a pair of shorts, sailor's cap, heavy work boots and socks - maybe a navy blue singlet, when it was cooler. Hans was an Able Seaman

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 1

Major Buck's Odyssey Part I Chapter One Major Buckley Wright climbed out of his jeep, saluting the Corporal who drove him up to the base. He'd been posted many times to secret and top secret establishments, working directly under Generals often, so this new posting - which he was told would be - exciting to say the least - held no great expectations. He'd come

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 2

Major Buck's Odyssey Part II Chapter Two Buck held the cylinders in his arms, shaking with fear, as he watched the Professor twist the knobs and adjust the various dials. He prayed the man made no mistakes and it all worked out, just like that test run he witnessed a few minutes ago. The Professor turned at the hips and gave Buck a wave, before throwing that

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 3

Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to

Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It

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