Gay Erotic Stories

Boot Camp Training

by Wicks

This story is real. I have changed the name to protect the privacy of the people... you know who you are. Let me describe myself; i am 20 years old. With wavy brown hair, and brown eyes, pretty good looks as i have my share of being the object of crushes from girls in my high school. Well, I guess being on the wrestling team helped too.. Ha Ha. I am 5'10, 172lbs, and very ripped and well built with an 8-pack for abs. I have very little body hair, except for my pubes and pits, and have joined the teen bodybuilding competitions and won 2nd place in the regionals. In high school, I was an above average student, but i was bored, and since the Army promised a college education; i thought it would be good to spare my folks the burden... but little did i know what i was to get in the form of education was beyond mere academia. Boot Camp was all right; the food sucked somewhat, but I’ve had worse. The living quarters were spartan, and since I was an athlete, I can get by with the grueling training. There's one thing that i didn't liked... Staff Sergeant Williams. HE is the one thing that truly pisses me off. I am basically the kind of guy that can let shit slide, and pick no grudges, I usually toss in a joke on the wayside to relieve some tension when fights about to brew in the barracks, and I got a little respect from even the trouble makers in boot camp. Hey, everybody's just trying to get by right? Well, Sergeant "asshole" Willliams seems to have gotten word of my general congeniality with the rest of the recruits, and had picked on me since the very first day. He said I got 'mama boy's looks' and always has an extra 'drop fifties' when he runs into me. He always single me out for KP if he didn't have the roster in hand...and he always goes around empty handed. One of my barracks buds, Vasquez, would always look out for me, (heck we guys have to stick together, right?)and clue me in when Williams heading my way. I did my damnedest so that I give Williams no excuse to humiliate me in anyways. He once made me drop my pants and do jumping jacks with my rifle, in front of my platoon; and do push-ups facing the crap-hole at the outhouse in the firing range. HE once 'told' ( read: screamed into my face) me that don't think i got a tough body that i can cruise through Basic training, and he's gonna break my body if it's the last thing he ever do. And he almost did. Williamson, i found out, was not only a fucking crazy sadomasochistic asshole of a sergeant. He was also an 'Ironman' participant. A real tough motha, and he is the toughest of all the sergeants in Boot camp. I guess the big one came during the last weeks of boot camp. He wanted to hash us up for the test for hand to hand. Naturally, after a few bruising rounds with my platoon mates, he picked me for the most painful routine, to cap off his ego bolstering session. "Alright wick, get ready your ass for a serious whooping. or do ya want me to ask Pablo there to go pack up your stuff so you can go running home to yer mama after i whipped your ass?", he sneered. Williams flexed his muscles trying to intimidate me," you ain’t the only one who works out, sissy, I’d like to see how you fare against a real man's muscles!" I kept silent, willing myself not to get mad, i know he's trying to psyche me out, so I’ll rush into the fight blindly, but I know that trick. I kept my face stoic as I get into my stance, waiting for him to throw the first punch. I tightened my abs and hardened my fists, he tried to fake a punch and a side kick, but i didn't fall for it, I saw his round house kick in the cakes follow through and I slipped to the side and caught his leg just mid-thigh. Time slowed as I see his face registered surprise as old wrestling instinct took over me and i pulled him for a takedown! I crashed on top of him as he twisted agilely and got out under me, face to face, he tried a bear-hug of sorts, pressing our sweaty muscled pecs together. "Give it up wicks, you're a wuss!", he hissed into my ears, his 5'oclock shadow rubbed coarsely on my jawline, " You're nothing more than a weak-assed fag!" I don't know what happened, but i snapped. He had called me worst, but I dunno why this particular snub pissed me off so bad, I saw red, and I jammed my knee under his rib and improvised a back throw. He went sailing over me, and i grabbed on for the ride. I ended up on top of him, straddling him. He was pinned! My platoon mates cheered as i pinned his arms spread-eagled, my face inches from the heady victory, i said something i shouldn't, " Well, look who's the one who bottomed out now, sarge?" I meant as a little victory joke. but something in his face, told me he wasn't amuse. he pushed me off and glared with such hate that everyone fell silent. He dismissed us quietly, unlike normally, with a lot of cursing and shouting. That night at the mess hall, we didn't see him, he asked one of the clerks to assign the KP duties, and i wasn't in the roster.... I was actually afraid, the first time since my childhood. It's just a week to graduation, i wondered if there is anyway Williams can screw me bad. I need the college degree and career, and i could have just let it all go to the crapper because of one lousy joke. I got a sick feeling in my stomach the whole night, and I fell into an uneasy sleep..... I had a nightmare that Willaims was making me run the length of the field in my briefs while he took potshots at me with the m-16. I woke up in cold sweat when a hand clamped over my mouth in the dark barracks. The cold unmistakable hiss of William’s voice snaked into my ear, "Wicks! get in your camos and meet me outside in 30 secs!" He walked out, and I quickly bolted up and jumped into my uniform. A few of the guys woke groggily at the sound but was too sleepy to know what the hell was going on. I ran out to face Williamson with his trusty stopwatch. "Late again, Recruit! You got a fucking serious problem with tardiness don't ya?!", he sneered , enjoying my half dressed state,"20 laps! go!" i ran like the wind, huffing and puffing, this time fully awoke...this is not a dream! This is a nightmare, I sighed mentally. Williams then made me run through the whole gamut of exercises, sit ups leg ups, you name it I did it, by the time he ran out of suggestions, I was so soaked through with sweat, my hair turned spiky and plastered to my scalp. "Take off the uniform ! You are a disgrace to it!" I stripped down to my briefs and T-shirt, wet and plastered to my body. He walked around me and inspected every inch of my sweating body. "Well, Wicks, you do have a good build," he punched my abs, still pumped from the sit-ups, " But you don't have what it takes to pin me. You got in a lucky shot today, but that's it. I want a rematch now!" He kicked me in the direction of the gym and stumbled towards it. In the gym, the mats were laid out, and I caught my reflection in the wall high mirrors, I was a sweating mess, but I was pumped. I saw Williams behind me, taking off his uniform, man! He's built!!! He looked severe in his maine cut and his hard etched muscles pulled over taunt tanned skin with a sprinkling of hair looked like a more mature version of my own muscle body. "No stripes, no ranks, wicks; just us two guys ", he stated. He towered in front of me. I felt his eyes move sensuously over my body, and i felt a tremor in my cock. "Alright Williams," I said, " this is personal honour.", I got into my fighting stance. he faked a punch, i dodged and return with a kick, he sidestepped that and elbowed my back, as i lunged forward, he grabbed my shirt and hauled me back, but he underestimated the momentum, and my shirt ripped off, i turned at this element of surprise, and gave him a side kick, squarely in his kidney. He grunted like a bull and fell, but not before tangling my leg and taking me down with him. we tussled like a few playground kids and he managed to roll me on my back. pinning me, breathing hard, he leaned into me, "Well there, muscle boy, looks like you got put in your rightful place now!" and his crotch pressed into mine. I tried to shirk but to no avail. I can't budge and he pressed his surprisingly hard cock into my lengthening meat, amidst all that tumbling and his groping of me, I got turned on. "Well, well, so I was right, you are a little fag!", he mused, as he grind his cock into mine. I rose to full mast harder than it has ever been. weeks of working out and not jerking off from all the fatigue of training rose to the fore, I was leaking pre-cum, it stretched my briefs out, tenting it , my pubes showing. "Well, boy, this is your lucky day. I’m gonna teach you what it means to be a real man!", Williams laughed and lift me up; my limbs felt rubbery from all the exercises he gave me. As he dragged me into the showers, he continued to rub my pecs and pinched my nipples as he pushed me into the shower. He ripped my briefs off and used the shreds to tie me securely to the showerhead. his hands massaging me and my ass. "You look hot," he whispered.. For the first time, I saw a subdued, almost shy appraisal in his eyes. He turned on the shower to a hot level barely tolerable. As the steam rises, he lathered me up, feeling and examining every muscle in my pumped body. my cock bobbed and drooled more pre-cum as he gently caressed it. I moaned is ecstasy and was rewarded with his mouth sealing mine in a hot tongued kiss. he pressed his body against mine, as he whispered " I love your hot fucking body! I’ve had my eyes on you since the 1st day, and I love the way they flex when I give you pushups and exercises to do.. You have no idea how much it turns me on, and how hard i had to restraint myself! But I can't do it anymore, You have to be mine tonight!" With that he grabbed my cock and started to jerk it, as the other hand pinched my nipple. He spread my legs with his knee and worked his hard dick around my asshole, with a loud moan, he plunged into me! I have never been fucked before, and I screamed in pain, which he silence again with another kiss. He removed his cock and rubbed it on my abs, all the while moaning about how hot I am, and jerking me. I couldn't stand this sensation any longer, "Arggh! arrgggggh! I’m about to blow!!!", I screamed in the rush of the water. "Yeah man ! Do it, do it!", Williams grunted as he renewed in ferocity, jerking me and rubbing his cock on my ripped abs. We both exploded in a huge gush of cum, as he kissed me. Weeks of pent up sexual lust released for both of us. He wrapped his arms around me and laughed softly as we felt each other's heart beating rapidly in our hug. He untied me, and sensuously soaped me up in a erotic massage shower. I did the same for him. When we were done, he gave me a kiss goodnight and let me go back to the barracks. I fell asleep, exhausted. The next morning I awoke with the flurry in part to William’s screaming at us being worthless scum, and the trumpet. I was still bleary-eyed as i rushed to get into my uniform. Still in my half awakened state, my morning hardon stretching my briefs, I was trying to hide it from Williams lest he made some stupid comments. I was disgusted at having the weird strange sex dream, as I felt my briefs for any wet mess of a wet dream--none... weird... I opened my cupboard, but I found my camos missing! "Oh shit!!!", I thought. “Where the fuck did I put them?!". Fearing that Williams might make me do the obstacle course test in my underwear, I was frantically rummaging, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. Williams staring at me with a ghost of a smile at the corner of his lips, he stood motionless, while my platoon is in a hasty flurry behind him like some weird dream sequence, and he tossed a bundle at me. I looked at it...My camos! I looked up at Williams in disbelief...Last night.... he smiled thinly..... "Well?! What are you waiting for soldier!?", he hollered, " waiting for an invite from me to cream your ass?!" "No sergeant sir!!", I shouted, and I mentally added " you did that last night!". Our eyes met, in silent understanding…. Hey, maybe boot camp isn't so bad after all……


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Wicks

Boot Camp Training

This story is real. I have changed the name to protect the privacy of the people... you know who you are. Let me describe myself; i am 20 years old. With wavy brown hair, and brown eyes, pretty good looks as i have my share of being the object of crushes from girls in my high school. Well, I guess being on the wrestling team helped too.. Ha Ha. I am 5'10, 172lbs, and


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