Gay Erotic Stories

Cafe On Market Street

by Takeshi Dakota

After the company I worked for in Omaha was forced out of business, I found myself once again pondering my life and worrying about my future. I was grateful after seven weeks of not working to receive an offer that was acceptable. The pay was better than the job before, but it didn't start until after the first of the year. I couldn't wait, I needed money for silly things like food and shelter, now. A friend living in San Francisco had called and offered to let me come out and look for work there. I could stay with him and work there to keep myself afloat. After quick consideration and seeing the inside of the refrigerator, I agreed to the plan. After two frustrating weeks of job searching, I took a job as a waiter in a restaurant near the Castro. Beulah's was nothing to write home about, but it was steady, instant money. I was given the graveyard shift five nights a week. The clientele left a lot to be desired. So did the manager I worked under. My regulars were usually Castro and Polk goers, bag ladies and winos. Rarely did many Folsom people come in, but I was grateful when they did. I always felt comfortable with them. One week there must have been a convention for leather men in town. I had never had the joy of waiting on so many hunky guys in my life. Too bad all I was able to serve with Sherri around, was food. Sherri hated to see me having a good time with customers, yet also insisted I be friendly with them. I could NEVER please her, but I kept trying, until the convention arrived. The time there seemed to drag slowly by. Finally my new job was only three weeks away. I hadn't told any one at Beulah's I was going to be--quitting, and was sure that Sherri would make it extra difficult for me when she found out. The leather men's convention proved to be a perfect out. On about the third night of the convention, word must have gotten around that a tall, skinny, blonde guy, flying red and black was working at Beulah's. The guys had already met my approval and I guess I had met theirs. I had begun to get to know many of them by name and nick-name. "Dan, Porker, Piglet," I greeted the first of them. "How're you guys doing tonight? Come on over to my section." "We're doin' fine, Randy. How's it hangin' with you?" "Low and to the left!" I teased. "Who else is coming?" "The whole gang. And this time we invited a few friends. Can you handle it?" "You got it. Your wish is always my desire. How about the far back section, you can have the whole thing." As stated, Sherri had fits when I was "too cozy" with the customers. She yelled across the restaurant to me. "Be right back guys, I gotta see what the old bitch wants." As I proceeded to the front, I heard Dan tell me to give her hell. I really liked Dan. I thought he was the hottest of them all, standing about six feet-four, and weighing in at two hundred ten pounds of solid muscle. It didn't hurt that he had deep blue eyes and was one of the hairiest guys in the group, often exposing his chest or part of his ass. Last night, Dan stayed long afterward to talk and visit with me. Sherri bitched and griped about one thing and another. I let it go in one ear and out the other as I filled water glasses, walking away from her in mid sentence to escort the other guys that had just come in. "Just six of you? Piglet said there'd be more." "Oh, don't you worry darlin'," Dirt Bag said to me. "Word's out that you're workin' here. There'll be a big crowd tonight." "You still gonna quit at the end of the week?" Dave asked quietly. "If that old bitch chews my ass one more time," I began, "I think I'll belt her in the mouth." "That bad, huh?" Al asked with an odd grin, looking at Dave. "I just can't take that miserable retch any more," I said, my arm around Dave escorting them back to join the rest of the group. "Randy!" Sherri screamed. "I don't want to see that again! Just serve them and let them get out!" That did it. I stormed over to her with the most evil look on my face I could muster up. I had had it with her. I think the only reason I could let loose on her now was because she feared the leather guys and I knew she couldn't wait on them. "Look you miserable old bitch," I hissed, "If you want to wait on them yourself, you just keep it up! I've had it with you. I like all of them and they like me. Don't EVEN think of causing more trouble. They're getting really sick of your petty nit-picking, too. NOW KNOCK IT OFF!" I heard the guys all yell out a "Whoa!" in unison. That seemed to work. I was sad there weren't more people around. We both turned and stomped off in different directions, not saying another word. I returned to the table with several pots of coffee and glasses of water. Dave and Al complimented me on standing up to Sherri. The others chimed in words of praise as I took their orders. I returned to the cook's window. About seven or eight more guys walked in as I was hanging tickets. Sherri just pointed to the back section. I had to grin as I heard them comment on me and join the others. I started preparing more pots of coffee and filling water glasses. "He IS hot," I overheard. I could also hear others making comments like wanting to get me into their sling or wanting the chance at my ass for an hour. Then my heart skipped a beat as I heard Dan and Al state that they would give their eye-teeth for a night with me. I felt Al, Dave, Dirt Bag and Mick were also super hot, second only to Dan. Their comments switched to hushed whispers. I loaded up the big tray and started over with the drinks. Another mob of guys came in at that moment. There were easily a dozen more. I had never seen some of them, and was sorry I hadn't. "Back here guys," I directed them. One of the new guys spun me around and just looked me up and down for a moment before turning me back and doing the same thing. He gave someone a nod and sat down. I thought his actions were odd, but considering the massive group that had come in, I assumed someone had told him to get a good look at me, which he did. I brushed the event aside and took more orders, promising to return soon. "You better, boy," one of the new guys called out. I heard Dave "shush" him. I thought they were all acting a little odd as I hung more tickets and picked up the first orders. Every time I left, a bunch of them would huddle up and whisper among themselves. They usually talked openly and made me feel included. I returned to take the rest of the orders, finding all but three of four of them in a huddle. Porker whistled and they straightened up. "What's going on?" I asked questioningly. "You aren't thinking of pulling some shit on Sherri are you? Don't do it, she isn't worth it." "Oh, OK," Dirt Bag stated quickly. "Well, there goes that idea," he said, almost sarcastically. "Hey, Randy. Al and Dave tell me you're quitting," Moose interrupted. "Yea. But don't worry, I'll stay 'till your meetings are over." "Don't stay on our account," Jim said. "Thanks a heap! I really feel loved now!" I responded loudly "What I meant was, don't stay if you hate it that bad. Why spend your last days here feeling shitty?" "Well, I like all you guys and want to serve you," I replied. Realizing the pun, I slapped my hand over my face and grabbed some empty coffee pots. Once again I heard the familiar "Whoa!" from the crowd. I walked quickly to the cook's window to gather the rest of the orders, feeling my face burn in embarrassment. Sherri glared at me from the counter where she was seated with a semi clear view of the whole crowd. Once again, I returned to find them in a huddle. They were up to no good and I feared Sherri was to be the brunt of their little joke. "All right! Break it up here!" I barked out to them. The crowd straightened up quickly. Someone said, "Yes, Sir!" and several of them laughed. They were all grinning ear to ear. I just knew they were going to pull something really wild. I told them again to just leave Sherri alone. Dan reached across the table to hand me something, ordering me to take it and not to argue. I opened my hand to find a tightly folded hundred dollar bill. My face just dropped. He again told me in a strong voice not to argue, stressing it was my tip. It was all I could do to keep the tears back, realizing that they truly did like and accept me. I managed to choke out several "Thank You's" and "I really love you guys" and slipped away to get them more coffee and water. While I was filling the pots, one of the new guys approached me and introduced himself as Arnie. He asked me if the hankies I was flying were serious and if I had a lover, among other questions. I was flattered that he was so interested. He was a hunk and flew red on the other side. "The hanky signals are as serious as a heart attack," I began, "and I don't have a lover. Why, are you guys wanting to apply for the job? Now, I'm too greedy to pick just one of you. It's all or none," I joked. "Just wonderin'?" he asked with a deep southern accent. Moose and Jim passed by us on the way to the register to pay all the tickets, with the biggest "shit-eatin' grins" I had seen on them yet. I could just feel that all hell was about to break loose. It was obvious to every one that Sherri wore a wig and I could just picture them, pulling her wig off, carting her out the door and holding it closed, letting everyone on Market see her. Arnie helped me back with the coffee and water saving me a trip. Big Bad put his arm around my waist and told me to sit and visit a while. I started to object, informing them that Sherri would have a fit. I was met with an "Oh, fuck her!" and pulled down into the booth. It felt good to get off my feet for a minute. I pulled a cigarette out and lit it, and poured myself a cup of coffee, preparing to join the conversation. I knew it wouldn't last. I heard Sherri yelling across the restaurant again and everyone saw me bite my lip and take a deep breath. Without thinking, I flipped her the bird causing the crowd to let out another "Whoa!" and start laughing. I rolled my eyes back and shook my head, taking another drag off my cigarette. "Sherri, knock it off! All my side-work's done and there isn't anything else to do right now! I'm on my break!" I yelled back. Sherri stormed over, "You are NOT on your break now! You’ll go on break when I say you can go on break!" That was a mistake. She shouldn't have done that. Everyone stood up and stepped toward her. Her eyes widened in terror and she turned and walked off very quickly. The conversation resumed as though nothing had happened. After about ten minutes I told them I had to clear off the table and get back to work. Big Bad pulled me back down. I tried to rise and was pulled back down again. "Come on, I've got to get this mess cleaned up," I told him. About a dozen of them got up and moved around surrounding me. "Come on, guys. I've got work to do." "You ain't goin' anywhere," Big Bad stated boldly, looking me right in the eye with a solid, cold stare. More of them had gotten up and I was now completely surrounded by them. Big Bad pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket and put them into his, taking the time to light one and put it into my mouth. "Now isn't that nice?" Dirt Bag asked me. "Yea, it's nice, but I really have to get back to work." I was able to get up this time. Dan moved directly in front of me saying, "Baby Doll, you don't work here any more." His blue eyes had turned icy cold and stony. I turned to see the circle around me had tightened. "Oh, shit!" was all I could manage to say. "Oh, shit's right," Al told me, as he handed me a locking bank bag."Empty your pockets and put everything in there." I did as I was told, stopping only to put my cigarette into an ashtray during the process. He took the bag back, locking it and telling me he would keep it safe. "You can't be serious. You can't really do this," I said nervously. A long silence followed. "Oh, fuck. Oh, shit!" "You told me about your kidnap and rape fantasy, remember?" Dan asked. "Well, hello. Welcome to the wonderful world of reality." With that, someone slapped a hand over my mouth. Hands came from everywhere, tying my arms behind my back, cuffing my legs, gagging me, wrapping rope around me from my chest to my legs. I would have fought them, knowing I had a job to do, but they just moved too fast for me. I struggled and wiggled under the bonds, trying to get loose. I've always felt an obligation to give notice and quit a job in a proper fashion. I couldn't just be carted away! Somehow, this just didn't seem right, but I was powerless to do anything about it. "So this is how I'm going to quit Beulah's?!" I questioned to myself. "So this is what they had been plotting and planning. They weren't going to do anything to Sherri! Fuck, I should have never told Dan any of my fantasies," I thought. "Oh my God! I told him about more than this - my suspension fantasy, gang-bangs, all of them!" Several of them slumped down behind me and I was slowly raised up onto their shoulders like a pig on a skewer for a luau. I must have been held up by twelve guys as I didn't feel any space that was exposed. With a quick jolt, they pushed me up higher now holding me securely above their heads in their hands. I heard Sherri let out a blood-curdling scream. "Quick, let's get him out of here," Dave ordered. They moved swiftly, carrying me to the front door. Someone undid my apron and I saw them toss it to Sherri. Arnie called out to her, "We took a vote and decided that Randy just quit!" I couldn't help but laugh under the gag at his comment, and seeing Sherri cowering behind the counter. Once outside I was placed in the back of someone's pick up truck that had a shell on it. Big Bad, Al, Dan and several others climbed in with me. As the truck started moving down the street Big Bad asked if I wanted a cigarette. I nodded my head and the gag was removed. Big Bad held the cigarette for me to smoke. "You guys are terrible," I said laughingly, "Sherry's going to think you were serious, that you REALLY kidnapped me. For a minute there, I even thought you were serious." No one laughed. They just looked down at me stone faced. "Come on guys, you can take the ropes and stuff off me now. Just drop me off at Kyle's, he lives on Taylor and Pacific. For a minute there, I thought you were really serious! There must be nearly thirty of you." I laughed nervously. Again, no one else laughed. Dan just looked at me, blandly, holding an outstretched finger down across his lips and chin, as I took a long drag off the cigarette. My eyes opened wide and I choked out a cloud of smoke. Laughing at my sudden realization, Dirt Bag said, "This ain't NO joke sweetheart. This is the real thing. YOU are the main event of our little gathering here!" "This was just too easy to resist," Al added, "we couldn't have set up a situation like this any better if we had tried!" I let my head fall back onto the bed of the truck. The gag was replaced. Someone put a blindfold over my eyes, telling me they didn't want me to see where we were going. We must have driven up and down every street in the city before finally reaching our destination. I could hear a large metal door being slid open and several cars and bikes driving in. Then the truck entered and the door slid closed with a heavy thud. I was pulled out of the truck and placed in a freight elevator. People crammed in and I could hear feet climbing stairs before the door was pulled shut. I was placed on a large table and felt restraints and ropes being attached to my legs. I was rolled over and the same was done with my hands and arms. I could smell the leather from a hood that was placed over my head. The blindfold was removed and a small dildo gag was snapped over the mouth opening. A collar was placed around my neck and my shoes and socks were removed. Several people stood me upright. "Gentlemen! Welcome to San Francisco," the voice said. "I'd like to introduce Randy, tonight's entertainment!" With that, several pairs of hands began tearing my clothes off. I was quickly stripped down to my just my underwear. The crowd let out a loud "Hoo-ray!" Then, my underwear was torn off also. A chain was attached to the collar on my neck and to the restraints on my arms and legs. The rope and bindings placed on me in Beulah's were removed and the chains were tightened and secured. I fought and tried to move in the restraints. The crowd cheered on. Off to the side I heard several whips crack. I started fighting the restraints wildly. "Looks like he wants it!" A voice announced. "Should we give it to him?" The crowd "Yeah'ed" and applauded. The whipping started somewhat slowly and easily, gradually getting more painful and faster. The crowd encouraged my captors in their endeavors as I continued to fight the tight restraints that bound my arms and legs. My body felt as though it was on fire by the time the whipping stopped. A huge pair of hands began kneading my chest and tits. The hands attached alligator clamps to my tits. I nearly shot through the roof from the bite that they took. I had been involved in three and four ways and a couple of small orgies, as large as Omaha would allow, but never anything like this. I had no control over the situation at all My thoughts were broken by yet another pair of hands on my back. They moved down and began kneading my already warmed ass. The hands were large and rough. The type that construction workers would have. They kneaded and pulled at my butt and moved between my legs gripping my nuts. One pair of hands were working the tit clamps, and the others were working my ass and balls. "You like this, boy?" one of the voices asked loudly for the crowd to hear. "Yes, Sir." I replied. "They can't hear you, boy! Louder!" "Yes, Sir!" I replied again loud enough for all to hear. A paddle popped me on the butt several times. I realized that I was beginning to get so involved with the activities that I had blocked out the fact that there was a room full of people out there beyond the black leather blindfold. Someone must have sensed a change in me and I was greeted with the strong smell of poppers. That's all it took. The tit-clamps began to tease in a wonderful hot agony. My ass begged for more. I bent over slightly, as much as the restraints would allow and tried to show that I wanted more. Several paddles began to beat my butt rapidly now. Someone grabbed my nuts from the front and attached something to them I was now flying on the poppers and getting so hard from just what had happened so far, I feared I would blow my load right then. I felt my ass being spread apart. I hand slapped a large glob of lube right into my hole. The whole world was a blur from the poppers, now. "He wants it real bad! He nearly took my hand with it! Should I give it to him?" The crowd cheered him on. I felt something prying my ass open. This guy was hung like a mule. As I felt him start working his big dick up my ass, I felt the platform turn and change directions. He was almost too big for me to take. The pain was incredible, but just knowing that it was a huge dick up my ass made it easier to take. I felt the hair on his chest against my back as he pounded my ass harder with that massive tool. His big nuts slapped against me as he went at it. I couldn't help but gyrate to his motions and try to get a good feel of his big, hairy balls. He reached his hand down and stuck a finger up my ass and told the crowd that there was more room. I felt him reach down and begin forcing something else in. He shoved both his balls up my hole along with his big poker. The poppers were really doing a number on me. I had lost track of the rest of the world, but, I was sure I was in heaven. I had never felt so full and fully loaded up as I felt now. Under the gag I could just barely moan and groan and get out a "Yeah!" He responded by fucking me even harder. Pulling back a little more each time, he would ram his dick up me further and further. I felt stuffed to the brim and was enjoying it immensely. I felt something cover the front of me in several places, and my arms were attached to it. Someone attached my legs to another chain. The guy's dick never came out and he never missed a beat as I was hoisted up in the air, face down into something like a sling. I heard someone say "Now for the real fun. Arnie, didn't you want to know if the hankie signals were for real? Well, get up here and find out!" The guy who had been ball-fucking me began to pound at me furiously. I felt a massive load of cum shoot deep up into my gut, and he continued to throb and spurt for what seemed like an eternity. Arnie commented to him, "Now, I have your mess to clean up! Thanks a heap." The crowd roared in laughter, but I was still so high from the popper soaked rag that I barely took notice. Without more than a "hold on," I felt a huge mass slide out of my ass with a jerk and a groan from the man. "Clean as a fucking whistle, too!" I heard him exclaim. "And ready for a lot more than I can give him. He popped me on the ass with his lube covered hand, sending chills up and down my spine, for knowing what was about to occur. Arnie whispered to me quietly, "Just squeal if it gets to be too much, I know how to put on a show and I don't want to really mess you up bad. Just groan if you are okay, but I'll listen for a squeal. Got it?" I nodded in agreement, feeling very high and confident after hearing that he wanted me to be okay. I had thought that he was a hunk at the restaurant and was now convinced that he was a super cool guy after his quick talk here. I muttered for him to fist and fuck me at the same time. I only hoped that he could figure out what I was saying through the gag. I felt his fingers slip in easily, up to the knuckles. He said something to the crowd on the order of how much I wanted it. He had no idea how much I wanted his big fist up my ass. I planned on proving it to him. I wiggled and tried to twist and turn to let him in. The crowd seemed to acknowledge my desires by cheering him on and yelling out words of encouragement. I pushed against his fist, and forced it in. I squealed to let him know to slow down for a few moments while my ass adjusted to the assault. He covered for me by speaking to the crowd on how hungry my ass was, that I had just grabbed his fist and gobbled it up. I groaned to let him know to carry on. He began to twist and turn his hand inside my butt. I started to groan loudly and tried to beg for more. He took the cue and began twisting and pumping his fist deeper up my ass. I felt his hand double up and then stretch out, then double up again. I was sure that I had died and gone to heaven, the feeling was so great. I heard the crowd roar and cheer on as he went deeper and deeper up my ass. I wanted as much as he could give. I began to squirm and wiggle in the sling, forcing his arm deeper up into my butt. On several occasions he had to hold me down to keep the sling from swaying too much, as I was so into the action. "Whoa, baby," I heard him say, "I'm nearly two thirds to the elbow. Calm down or you're going to hurt yourself. I'll give you as much as you can take, but I won't let you go much further and risk hurting yourself!" I could just groan in appreciation and wiggle back and forth. "I think he wants even more!" The crowd seemed to be a million miles away cheering FOR ME. I felt another mass start to invade my ass. Arnie was sliding his dick up my chute. Within seconds, I had devoured both his hand and arm, and his man meat. I felt fuller than I had, not more than fifteen minutes ago. I kept reaching new heights and newer depths of satisfaction and gratification. "Well, he definitely means what he flies, doesn't he?" Arnie directed to the crowd. "He's still fucking hard! Look at that!" I could just lay there throbbing in a satisfied, bloated agony, and felt better than I had ever felt in my life. I could barely move, the ecstasy was so great. I wanted more than just his fist and his dick up my ass, but didn't know what. I could just lay there and moan. Quickly, too quickly for me, he began to yell, shudder and slam into me. Driving his fist and meat deeper into me, I felt a warm sticky gush deep in my gut. All at once, my ass went into orgasm. A feeling I've never quite experienced, but only read about. The sling swayed wildly as Arnie tried to pull out. Someone yanked the gag off. Once again, he had to hold me still in order to keep me from getting hurt as he pulled out his dick and started to remove his arm. I began to yell and moan loudly, not wanting him to remove his deeply embedded arm. I wasn't conscious of how loudly I was yelling and begging for more until I heard the crowd roaring. Arnie removed his hand and arm, with me begging for him not to. I was lowered and helped down. The hood was removed to reveal a crowd of nearly a hundred people. Arnie put his arm around me and held me tight. Dan, Al and Dave rushed up to us. Each throwing their arms around me and hugging me. "God damn, you were hot!" Al commented. "I've never seen anything like that, from someone so little!" Dan chimed in. "Why don't you come upstairs and rest a while, the party will be going on 'till morning." People that I had never seen before were slapping me on the back and handing me cards and telling me how hot I had been to watch, as we worked our way through the crowd to a door near the back of the room. Al unlocked the door to reveal a flight of stairs. In one swift move Dan picked me up and began to carry me up the stairs. The last that I remember hearing was, "You just sleep, baby, Dan and I will take good care of you... You know that we really care for you... It's okay... Just sleep..." as I drifted off into a deep slumber with several hot men by my side. I awoke later to find Dan asleep next to me, and Al and Arnie sleeping in chairs near the window. The sun was low on the bay and I quietly sat up in bed to get a better view of the bay and the gorgeous sunset. Dan awoke shortly after I did, greeting me with a "Morning, Baby Doll. You sleep all right?" and a tight hug. He had taken his shirt off and the massive amount of hair on his chest pressed against me, caused me to get hard all over again and began to stroke my hair and kiss me deeply. I felt him begin to grow under his jeans. I was tired but was coming back to life quickly. "I'm more than ready for more." I hissed into his ear. "Are you, baby, are you really? I want to give it all to you, really bad. So does Al and Arnie. We had a talk last night, and we're going to fly you to the moon and back. You want it, baby?" "Oh, yea! But, you're the one I really want most." Dan lifted himself up, just enough so that I could see his chest. I lifted myself up also, and began to run my tongue over the mass of hair around his tits. He began to moan as I bit down on them, and moved my face lower. "Get those fucking jeans off, before I rip them off," I asserted myself. As he quickly slipped his jeans off, I noted that Al and Arnie were still asleep. Dan moved back on top of me and began to lay hard on me. I pushed him up and noted his absolutely huge dick. It was bigger than I had imagined. He was covered in hair all over. I had to have it all. I pulled him up higher and began sucking on his massive tool. I took his huge nuts, one at a time, then both at once into my mouth. He was more than I could stand. As I sucked on his meat and balls, I couldn't keep my hands off his ass. He had the hairiest butt I had ever seen. I had to have all of him in every way I could think of. I moved my face lower, between his legs and began to lick and suck all of him. He smelled hot and sweaty, which only turned me on more. My face went lower and he arched backward. My tongue was less than half an inch from what I considered to be next best thing to heaven. He moved closer. My tongue slid across his hairy hole. I nearly came right then. To be continued….


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Takeshi Dakota

Aron's Conversion

College. A big place. The buildings are big, the class size is big, the campus is big. But I had no idea what else could be big! Every year, the population of the place grew. I, myself, would often walk around, just looking. I knew several of the teachers, okay, "professors" if you will, that taught there. I just called them teachers. I mean, they teach, don't they?

Cafe On Market Street

After the company I worked for in Omaha was forced out of business, I found myself once again pondering my life and worrying about my future. I was grateful after seven weeks of not working to receive an offer that was acceptable. The pay was better than the job before, but it didn't start until after the first of the year. I couldn't wait, I needed money for silly things

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