Gay Erotic Stories


by Willie

This is a true story concerning one of the most important periods in my life. While this account does involve sexual situations, it is not the cock pounding kind of story involving a lot of hard core sex that many of you are probably looking for. This story comes from my past and while I have chosen to reveal the actual location, I have carefully changed the names of the characters to protect the privacy of those involved. If you want to E-mail me for any reason (perhaps you remember the location, and maybe even think you know the true identities of the characters), feel free to contact me. I wish to dedicate this story to all of the terrific people we have lost to the AIDS epidemic over the years, and to those of us who miss then terribly. CAMPUS Is there a better place for a Sailor who spent his entire life growing up in the Midwest to be stationed as he begins to emerge and appreciate what it means to be a gay man than that magical City by the Bay, San Francisco? I had spent my first tour of duty stationed on a ship in the bay area, and I used to sneak off to the big city to explore those parts of town that had so much to offer a horny young man with so much to learn. One of my favorite places to go back in them days was a place called the Century Theater. It was the first place I ever found that showed gay pornographic films. I was fortunate enough to be on hand for the grand opening of that theater and I still remember the first film they featured. It was one of the all time classics, The Boys of Venice, starring Kip Noll. As a matter of fact, the other two movies they were showing also featured Kip and as a special attraction to mark the grand opening, he was on hand to talk to his fans in the lobby during the intermissions between films. He was the first of many porn stars I was lucky enough to meet in person. Sorry boys, I wish I could tell you how we went back to his hotel room that evening and had wild passionate sex, but I already told you this was going to be a true story. As has been the case with 80-90% of the gay porn stars I have been lucky enough to know, Kip was a very nice young man and I might add, a hell of a lot better looking in person than he was on screen (which was no small feat). As generally happens in the Navy, once you really start to feel comfortable in a place, the time comes for you to transfer. After going to school for several months, however, I was fortunate enough to get orders that returned me to the bay area. I was saddened to learn that the Century Theater was no longer what it had been when I left after my first tour, but I soon discovered another attraction that turned out to be even better for me. I found an ad in the paper advertising a place called the Campus Theater, and this ad went on to mention that they were conducting auditions for the Varsity Strip Squad. The Campus ran gay videos continuously, and each hour they would pause what was happening on screen to have one of the members of the strip squad come out on stage and strip/dance for the appreciate crowds. I was amazed that the performers would come up to each person in the audience and dance up close and personal for them, which generally earned then a tip that the fan would stuff inside the dancer's briefs or jockstrap, but more often, into the top of one of his socks, because the briefs and jockstraps did not stay on during the entire show. As a finale, most of the performers would return to center stage, and in the glare of the spotlight, they would ejaculate to conclude the show. I had become quite a regular, always managing to make an appearance once a week (which was how often they changed videos) and sometimes more often. After a while, I became familiar with the videos, and rather than sit in the theater watching the movies, I would hang out in the lobby outside the half door where the assistant manager worked, controlling admission to the theater among other duties. Jim was a really friendly guy and a lot of fun to talk to. In fact many times, when it was time for a live performance, if it was one of the dancers I did not especially care much for, I would remain outside in lobby chatting with Jim throughout the on stage entertainment. After a period of time, Jim decided that he could read me like a book, and knew exactly what "my type" was. One evening, as I was leaving to catch the last BART train of the evening back across the bay, Jim told me it was too bad I couldn't stay a little longer, because there was this new performer doing the 11:30 show that I would really like. I still maintain that I don't have "a type", but I have to admit that Jim was right on the money about my opinion of Eric. I caught a glimpse of him that night as he raced through the lobby to change into his costume in the dressing room upstairs, just as I was exiting the theater. Fortunately, I did not have to work the next day, and upon calling the tape recorded message, discovered that Eric was scheduled to perform in an earlier show, one that I would be able to attend. I still remember his performance. To this day, I can tell you what the opening song to his routine was (before the new score that I recorded for him) and I am almost haunted by the song that was always used for his finale. His show was probably the best performance theatrically speaking, and I was soon to adopt the opinion that he was a very special young man. One of the small details I noticed during Eric's performance was that he used a bottle of Jergen's hand cream to jerk off, unlike the vast majority of the dancers who chose Johnson's Baby Oil. After the second or third time I watched Eric dance, I waited outside the double doors that led into the theater with a bottle of "his brand" and attached to it was a bill that was slightly larger than the ones that usually got stuffed into the performers clothing. As I waited for him to exit on his way back to the upstairs dressing room following his routine, I nearly chickened out of my plan to try and speak to him. I painfully shy, as well as being deep in the closet in them days, and I had to muster a lot of courage to take this bold step. Eric almost ran me over as he pushed through the double doors, clad in nothing but his jock, as he carried the rest of his costume in his hand. He was very gracious in accepting my little token as well as my words of admiration for his excellent performances. I was quite shocked when he informed me that he had noticed me in the theater during his show, and was happy to hear that I enjoyed his act. Jim was razzing me pretty good about the whole scene, as I stood there talking to him. I was just about to take off and spend the afternoon doing something else when Eric bounded back down the stairs, still in that sexy jock strap and informed me that he was doing a second show that day for one of the performer's who could not make his time slot. He wanted to know if I would still be around in three hours when he went on again. I told him that I had been getting ready to leave and do some other things around town, but that was before I knew he would be performing again. Eric smiled that sexy looking crooked smile of his that I remember so well and then dropped a bomb! He told me he was debating whether or not it would be worth while for him to go home and then turn around to come right back for his next performance, and wanted to know if I would like to join him for a drink at a nearby bar. Sorry guys - once again, I can not claim that anything sexual went on. We had a couple drinks and talked. I learned that Eric had a lover, Marc, who was one of the other members of the Varsity Strip Squad, as well as a few other personal things about him (his real name, for one), but most importantly, I learned what a warm and down to earth person he was. I guess my brief encounter with Kip Noll earlier had not hammered home the idea that these drop-dead gorgeous men who drove our hormones mad with their performances could also be some of the nicest people you could ever want to meet. Over the course of the next 18 months or so, I came to Know Eric much better. There were a lot of hot studs dancing at the Campus back in them days, and many of them were very nice young men. The theater would frequently bring in big name stars for limited engagements, to draw bigger crowds, mainly on week ends, and some of them went on to become regular members of the Varsity Strip Squad. One of the biggest stars of that era was also one of the all time sweetest guys I had the pleasure of meeting, but despite their superstar status, non of them could hold a candle to Eric in my eyes. Eric would always stop by my seat more than once during the course of his performance when he discovered I was in the audience. I would sometimes slip into the theater without his knowledge because I loved the look I would see in his sexy eyes, and that crooked little smile when he got close enough to see in the dark that I was there watching him. I was not the only special fan he made more than one trip to dance in front of, but without fail, if I was in the audience, Eric would make me his last stop before returning to center stage to conclude his entertainment with the biggest and best cum shot of any of the performers. He once thrilled me by admitting that he made a point of doing this because I always helped him get truly turned on and he found it much easier to end his show with a big bang when I was in the crowd. Audience members almost always ignored the scripted recitation that preceded each live performance, warning that city and county ordnance forbid the touching of the performer's genitals or buttocks. When the dancers were squeezed between me and the row of chairs in front of me, dancing for my pleasure, I would enjoy the opportunity to rub my hands over their hard muscled bodies and feel up their legs as I prepared to show my appreciation by depositing a tip into the top of their sock. I joined the others in making a quick pass over the dancers firm buttocks, I must admit. Initially, I was not one of the patrons who liked to pull my cock out of my pants and stroke my own cock while one of those hot Varsity studs was shaking his booty in front of me. Eric changed all that. He often bent over as I was getting a good feel of his smooth, hard body and whisper in my ear, "take your cock out and let me see you play with it". I was astounded that this hot young stud wanted to see me play with my dick. He always insisted I really turned him on. After a while, Eric began to give me directions to sit further back in the theater in areas where the spotlights could not reach. He wanted me in these more secretive locations so that I could play with his balls and stroke his hard cock, eventually even rub my finger over the entrance to his tight little ass. There were times when Eric would start to moan softly, and then grab the back of my head and pull my face to his chest or stomach so that I could worship his heavenly body with my hot tongue. The most unbelievable experience, however, was when he would actually reach out in the darkness and fondle my throbbing cock as I played with his sexy cock. What was most special to me, was that after Eric retreated to center stage and started to really jerk his cock for the wildly appreciative audience, he would make a point to make direct eye contact with me as his hot load erupted from his raging cock. Then, he would wink and give me that sexy smile of his as he gathered up his discarded costume and exited the theater. I became good friends with Eric, and his lover, Marc. I would meet them somewhere for dinner or drinks from time to time. I was invited to their new apartment with the spectacular view looking down upon downtown San Francisco, and discovered that in addition to many other incredible talents, Eric was a splendid cook. It was pretty common knowledge among the employees as well as the regular clientele that I was Eric's biggest fan and I was named president of his unofficial fan club by proclamation. I was one of very few non-performers ever permitted to climb those stairs and enter the strip squad dressing room, once to play Easter Bunny for Eric and some of the other sweet and hot studs. It didn't take most of them long to figure out who the Easter Bunny was. I was also allowed to enter the dressing room once when it was full of the entire strip squad. I had been tipped that it was Eric's birthday, and I had baked a cake and helped organize a surprise party for him. I'll never forget the look on his face when he entered the room dressed only in his traditional jock, carrying his boom box. He confided that he had not been entirely surprised, because I had to leave rather hastily at the conclusion of one of his Arena Shows in order to get upstairs in time to yell "Surprise" when he entered the dressing room. I have some very interesting Polaroid's of most of the Varsity Strip Squad of that time, many of them nearly if not entirely naked. Those of you who were into the gay porn scene during the early to mid Eighties would no doubt recognize at least 4 sexy stars, even if you had never set foot in the Campus Theater. The Arena shows were a special feature that originated about midway through my tour of duty in the bay area. The Campus built a small arena in the basement with bleacher style seating all around and blue (gym style) mats on the floor where the performers did their act. Unlike the solo shows that occurred in the main theater, the Arena shows featured two of the dancers simulating sex acts with one another before splitting up to work the audience in the packed bleachers. I always shad a special assigned spot for these shows when Eric was performing, and I received a lot of special attention which I am sure some of the other patrons envied. One thing I can tell you is that when Eric's partner in an Arena Show was his lover Marc (which was frequently the case) there was a lot more than simulation going on. Probably the most exciting thing that ever transpired as far as shows at the Campus, was something referred to as Shower Shows. These special shows almost always originated as Arena shows, but at the end of the performance, one of the stars would distribute three towels to lucky audience members. Those receiving a towel would take their turn, one at a time, in a special shower room built in another section of the Campus basement. Towels generally went to those who clambered the loudest, pleaded most effectively or maybe just caught the eye of the performer who sometimes saw something he really liked sitting in the crowd. What went on in the shower shows depended upon the performer involved, and sometimes how much the fan was willing to "tip". I know first hand that sometimes fans were allowed to suck some of the dancers off and I had one or two who even took my cock in their mouth. Eric was one who never failed to strictly observe the rules of safe sex, and there was never any penetration involved between us, but I loved to get him alone in that shower. It was always understood that the last towel Eric handed out at the end of his show would come my way, and after a while he quit bothering to even ask if I wanted a towel. Eventually that time arrived again, when the Navy wanted me to go elsewhere. While lying in bed listening to some music one night, shortly after receiving my orders, I realized that my leaving might mean that I would never see Eric again. It was then that I realized I was in love for the very first time in my life. I had lusted after many men, but I never felt what I would describe as love, and had begun to doubt that I was capable of feeling such emotion for another man. With the sudden realization that I had the capacity to love and the man who had taught me so much about myself had broken that barrier and become my first love. I knew that Eric belonged to Marc, and I would have never tried to come between them, even if I were fool enough to believe that I possibly could. Despite the fact that my love could not possibly be returned in kind, I felt that it was very important for me to admit my feelings for Eric to him and to Marc, who was also my friend. I knew it was the right thing to do but I had no idea what the outcome of revealing my innermost feelings would be and I was devastated. That was the first time I ever cried myself to sleep. I took Eric and Marc out to lunch a few days later, and told them that I appreciated the help both of them had offered me in my coming out, and explained that I had something important that I felt I had to share with them. Both of these super guys were extremely supportive and we remained friends. They were a big part of the going away party thrown in my honor by the majority of the Campus staff and a few of the other regulars at my favorite Polk Street bar. As luck would have it, my next ship made port calls in the bay area from time to time, and I would always get together with Eric and Marc. After still another transfer, we communicated via phone and mail for a while, but sadly, as so often happens, we gradually drifted apart. I returned to California about 6 years ago, and during a weekend visit to San Francisco, I attempted to contact Eric and Marc. Being unable to locate a phone number or address for them, I tried a few other names from the past. Jim was no longer living in San Francisco but I did manage to call Dude, the announcer and spot light operator from the Campus who was still living in the same place as the good old days. Before I even had an opportunity to ask about any of the "old gang", Dude began to reminisce, and in a very matter-of-fact way, dropped the bomb on me that Eric was no longer with us. Some time during the three years that I had lost contact with him, Eric had become a victim of AIDS. The news was literally like a hard blow to the stomach. I couldn't believe he was gone. It still seems so unfair. I did not cry for Eric, and I am not sure why. I think I wanted to, but the tears just would not come. More than anything, I think I felt guilty that I had let him slip away and now he was gone. I felt like I should have been there by his side while he was going through his struggle with this terrible disease. It was eating me up inside, and I was sure that a good cleansing cry was what I desperately needed but the tears just wouldn't come. I understood that Marc was still somewhere in the area, but I could not learn of his location or his health status. I tried everything I could to contact him, but my efforts to locate him never quite came to a successful completion. I pray that he remained true to Eric until the end, and it was my hope that I could comfort him as I wish I had been there to comfort both of them during Eric's battle for life. About a month after receiving the tragic news of Eric's passing, I read the semi autobiography of Ryan White. It educated me a great deal about AIDS and made me feel more than ever a sense of Compassion for all its victims, not just Eric and Ryan. Thanks to the moving story of Ryan White I was able to cry my heart out for Eric and for others, but I have never been able to gain full closure. To this day, when I hear the song that Eric always closed to as he looked deeply into my eyes, I still cry wherever I am, as I remember what a special young man he was and the important influence he was on my life. Marc, if you by chance read this, or if anyone else out there who was a part of this story reads this and remembers those times, please contact me. "Eric", I still love you!


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