Gay Erotic Stories


by Tony Ratliff

Chrome Two minutes and twenty five seconds. The digital timer counted down the remaining moments I had left before he would enter into my life, and perhaps change my outlook for the next several years about sex, about myself, about fucking and making love. The week hadn’t been going good at all, work had me stressed, finances were a problem, and I hadn’t gotten a piece since the breakup with Charles. I must say though that getting laid hadn’t been a priority - finishing off the spotless rinse cycle on my car wash, was. It was Friday, and I wanted it clean for a party on Saturday. One minute and thirteen seconds. My thoughts had turned to why I had been trying so hard. Trying hard to fix things that were beyond repair. To mend broken hearts, and to live beyond my means was a dream that I’d started to give up on. None of the guys I’d met within the previous several months did anything for me. I spose what it all came down to was that I felt emotionally drained. Relationships had always been work for me. They always had to involve feelings and the physical expression of love, but all I had to show for it were three failed symbolic unions. At some point I had missed out on the carelessness of youth. Ten seconds remained and the automated voiced had just chimed out, “for additional time please add…” More money. Nah, ‘I think I’ll pass’ I said aloud to myself feeling a little antsy. The party on Saturday would be fun I was hoping. And, ‘if I’m lucky’ I thought, ‘I might meet someone.’ Ping. Time was up. I walked around and gave my Accord coupe the once over frowning at a few places that I seemed to have missed. “Nice car” someone was saying to me for a second time, it was only then that I realized that I’d heard him the first time but it just hadn’t registered. I turned around a little befuddled only to catch the upward glance of a guy with a friendly smile on his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” he went on. ‘Was he looking at my butt?’ If he was, that was somewhat arousing cause he was cute but truly I didn’t want to get into a scene with some guy trying to run a trick at the car wash. The area always looked a little shady and I’d heard stories, but I’d never been approached. He was youngish, about twenty three was my guess. Dark hair and eyes, smooth, reminded me of Dean what’s his face. You know. Superman. But this guy was definitely Latin, the accent, the dark skin, simply sexy. He sort of started laughing and I realized that I was standing there holding the hose and dripping water onto my Nikes. I couldn’t help but smile at that myself, even though It made me look like an idiot. The smile however turned into a hellish grin as I pictured him bent over while I pumped him on the hood of my still drying auto. I think, I finally managed to say thanks about the car even though it didn’t seem like a big deal. It was just a Honda after all. ‘Why don’t we just skip the formalities and the cheesy ass pick up lines before they get worse, and go back to my place and fuck?’ Damn if only could have read my mind I thought, or if only I’d have just had the courage to say what I was thinking. “I’m Danial” he said with an outstretched hand. I gladly took it and told him my name. The handshake seemed to have lingered longer than necessary for both of us to be straight. And since I knew that I wasn’t, it only left the question of him. My cock started to twitch with the anticipation of perhaps having that question answered. His handshake was firm enough, his hands slightly rough but not so hard that they could not be gentle, I wanted to look down at his body but didn’t want to be obvious. Also I didn’t want to feed the hard on growing between my legs. ‘So what’s going on’, I asked, my soul wanted to know him as a person, my body only to feel him from the inside. To have my cock stretching him to accept me, to accept my thrust, and to satisfy my lust, that’s what I wanted from him more than to hear about his childhood or how much he loved eating Vietnamese cuisine. He started to tug at me slightly and I willingly accepted at first but then stopped short, and pulled him into my arms. “What are you doing?” He laughed confusingly. Truth was I didn’t know what I was doing. A girl vacuuming her Tercel stopped only briefly to stare in our direction, shrugged and continued with her ritual. I was gently pushed away, and he gestured for me to follow him around to the next bay. At that moment I felt the blood rush into my face because I had lost all perception as to where things were going, what it was that I had wanted, and especially what he was about. When I stepped around to the other side close in behind him I saw his coupe. Exactly like mine. Same color, same rims, same options, and him standing laughing at me exactly as I would have been in his position. I’d made my apology and started backing off with a full erection pressing against my Tommy’s still aching to get at his hole. I’d imagined it would have been picture perfect, but those thoughts were fading to anxiety and a little frustration. “Anyway” he started, “I only wanted to say that you have great taste in cars, and to ask if you had any more quarters. I didn’t expect to get all hot and bothered, and you seem to be willing to do something about this.” He grinned and looked down at his crotch, my eyes followed and took in the sight of his full basket. When my eyes had met his again we both were coming together with him fondling my fuck muscle while our mouths collided and I grabbed for his tight boy buns. He squeezed my prick a little harder than I liked and said with an animal snarl, “you want some of that don’t you?” But I sort of pulled back from it, not from him, but the whole situation which was a bit obscure at that moment. We had gotten the attention of a couple of Papi Chulos polishing the chrome and they were laughing and calling us fags. ‘Well, at least they are as amused as we are’ I mussed, questioning my motives. For the first time in years, I wanted to just fuck and didn’t give a shit if I never saw that hot little body again. He felt so hard in my arms, so good against my skin for that brief moment that, I could have lost my self in the motion of the deed. I sort of smiled, and the moment was gone. We shared a clumsy maybe I’ll see you around good bye, the day was over, the sun set, and that night I jacked off thinking about that embrace and dreamed of fucking him on the hood of a metallic gray coupe. Saturday morning, ten thirty eight. I got out of bed a little later than normal because I had nothing to do except get ready for the house warming party that I’d been invited too. Mike and Michelle, were actually both friends of mine that I’d introduced. A few years later, and they were married and inviting me to see their new place. Saturday, noon. I gave in to the need and dropped a load in the shower while thinking about Danial. Several thick wads of my cum mixed in with the soap and had gushed over the wall of fist that I’d formed around a thick head of mammoth meat. ‘Damn, I sure wanted to save that’, I thought ‘but I can always make more.’ That night: The party was a bore, I hadn’t really gotten the chance to talk to Michelle nor Mike, all of the singles were straight, and the only other gay guys that were there were in the arms of long term lovers. I was in and out of a conversation with some guy about the Gore ticket that I found a little too heavy for my mood. Earlier that night when I had pulled up, I saw a car exactly like his and hoped that by some minor miracle I was headed for some grave twisted destiny, or at least a hot one night stand. I’d been at the party for two hours, seen the house, ate a little bit of everything, pet the dog, stuck my feet in the swimming pool and laughed at corny jokes. Hell, I’d even walked in on some single “straight” guy taking a piss with a cock that had to be bigger than mine. I apologized awkwardly and had started out but he said to just come on in cause he was almost done. He shook it off, and stretched it a bit. “Hank” he said. ‘You call it Hank?’ I retorted surprised. “No my name is Hank. But I suppose this is little hank.” He laughed. “But I’m sure you’ve seen better.” With that he smiled, put little hank back in his pouch and zipped the door on that chapter of my life. Leaving me once again feeling flush in the face. I didn’t even see him anymore that night. I stood looking at my prematurely graying hair in the mirror and willed the blood from my engorged tool. I wondered if I should have just slipped out and gone to the bars. I asked myself, but knew I wouldn’t. My car is so common, it could have been any one of the fifty or so people at the party, even the guy who’d been a major cock tease. At least things were picking up, I felt. People were past comfortable and doing all kinds of crazy shit as I’d witnessed. ‘Who knows where this could go’ I thought. That song about mammals doing it on the discovery channel was playing while I sat on the front porch looking at that car parked on the street when Michelle came squealing up to me grabbing my hand. ‘What’s going on? And where are you taking me?’ I asked her excusing myself from the non-conversation I was having with the kissing couple on the porch with me. “There’s someone I want you to meet. I’m sorry I didn’t think about it earlier, but I’ve been so busy. Mike and I figured it’d be Ok, even though we haven’t known him very long.” ‘Who are you talking about and why are we crossing into your neighbors yard?’ Before I could get an answer from her she feel into a drunken uproar, and stumbled onto the neighbor’s porch. The area was full of old farm style houses that sold for big bucks, but that’s besides the point, before we could ring the bell a voice was saying “I thought I’d recognized that squeal. Michelle?” A silhouette stood in an open doorway briefly before stepping out into the darkness with us, and by doing so allowed my eyes to focus in on him. “Daniel” Michelle started, “this is” “Tim.” “You two know each other? I hope that’s a good thing.” ‘Yes, actually’ I told her ‘we go to the same car wash.’ He and I both laughed, and I was invited in to stay the night. Sunday four in the morning. The party was over, and Daniel had gotten up to move his car into the garage. I stood in the headlights as he pulled in and shut off the motor, and the beams. ‘Are you gonna put down the door’ I asked. “A guy has to take some risk” he said as he spread his legs open for me resting on the hood of his car. Our bodies became like one in a reflection of chrome. His hole stretched around my meat as I moved inside of him and tasted him for the fifth time that night - knowing that it wasn’t the last. Ok guys this was on of my first attempts at something on the edge of titillating, if interested I’m also a song writer: or check out my (Tony Ratliff) missives at: At any rate feedback is great.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Tony Ratliff


Chrome Two minutes and twenty five seconds. The digital timer counted down the remaining moments I had left before he would enter into my life, and perhaps change my outlook for the next several years about sex, about myself, about fucking and making love. The week hadn’t been going good at all, work had me stressed, finances were a problem, and I hadn’t gotten a piece since the

I Didn't Inhale

I’m not a threat, or I at least seem like a rather nice guy to those women who work in the adult entertainment industry. I don’t really know what they think because I haven’t asked, and really wouldn’t know how to phrase the question. Simply put, I went to the Colorado (a gentlemen’s club) last night and enjoyed it, but unlike my earlier years of going to such establishments I


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