Gay Erotic Stories

Coaches Lil Bitch

by Lil Bitch

Sitting in class looking at the man of my many fantasies just wasn't enough. I wanted him. I wanted him ALL for me! 5'11, really nice build, sandy blonde hair, green eyes, slightly hairy, and what seemed to be a pretty good package. I would just sit and watch and think and smile. I’m a little short for my age, I'm 5'4 and I’m 18 yo (even though I look like I’m 14 or 15) Light skin, all smooth, brown hair, brown eyes, nice ass (he he) and a decent cock size, almost 6inches (but hey, at my size that's pretty good). I've also been working out, so I’m a little muscular, but not really. Anyways, I've always fantasized about having really hot sex with my coach. He's SO FUCKIN HOT! You DON'T understand! You just have to see it to know where I’m coming from. Ok, now when I say really hot sex, I mean REALLY hot sex. Like KINK and shit. One of my ALL TIME favorite fantasies is getting spanked. Not too hard though, but just enough to enjoy it. Ok now, enough of the small talk, back to the story.... sitting in my class just looking at him was getting me hard. All of a sudden, I began to daydream. We were at my house, and I was giving him the best blowjob he ever had in his life, grabbing my hair, telling me how much of a good little cock sucking bitch I am (another little fetish I like). Then I snap out of it looking around to see if anyone had caught me. Scanned the room, looked up at Coach, looked to my left and slid down on my chair and I felt I was hard. "Oh Shit!" I sat right back up and put my hand over it. "Thank God for baggy jeans" I thought to myself. Making sure everything was cool, I sat back and relaxed. The rest of the 45 minutes seemed more like 2 hours. I couldn't get anything out of my head but Coach Brown. The bell rang and I got up and just as I was about to leave the room "Mr. Williams," I stopped right in my tracks "would you come here please." I walked over to coach "Yea Coach?" Stop by my office today at 3:30. I'll be expecting you. To Be Continued


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Lil Bitch

Coaches Lil Bitch

Sitting in class looking at the man of my many fantasies just wasn't enough. I wanted him. I wanted him ALL for me! 5'11, really nice build, sandy blonde hair, green eyes, slightly hairy, and what seemed to be a pretty good package. I would just sit and watch and think and smile. I’m a little short for my age, I'm 5'4 and I’m 18 yo (even though I look like I’m 14 or 15) Light


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