Gay Erotic Stories

Cocktails, Part 8

by Manny

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents were pleased to see that I was cheerful; the only thing that concerned them was that I had lost a considerable amount of weight in the past few months. Dad had called me aside one day and asked if there was anything that they should know, and if they could do anything to help. I speculated as to his reaction if I had told him that I was pining for the son of one of the leading lights in town, and that I missed not being fucked and fucking him! Giles had started dating Celia and that amused me. After the bitch had spread so much dirt about me around town, I was surprised she had shown any interest in another member of the family. But that's the way life goes, I guess. Since Giles was busy with Celia, he kept out of my hair. That gave me plenty of time to reflect on the events of the past few months. Larry, dear faithful Larry, was my fallback option. Over the past few weeks I had grown quite fond of him. I basked in his adoration, but made sure I never took him for granted. My life with Brooks was getting nowhere, and the encounters with Lloyd were beginning to unnerve me. I often wondered why the frat was so important in my life. All my rationalizations led to one simple answer--Brooks. Despite the deterring presence of Lloyd, the answer to whether it was worth making the effort to get in was always--Yes! Would I do anything to get in? Probably! Soon after the break, was Pledge night weekend. Pledge night weekend is when the pledges throw a party for the brothers. A wild time is had by all, with the beer flowing like water and drinking games going on till the early hours of the morning. Most brothers look forward to it, as the main idea is to get the pledges smashed out of their minds. I was disappointed when Brooks told me that he would have to miss it, as he was going home for his grandparents' fiftieth anniversary. He said not to worry, as I would not miss him, as I would not know what the hell I was doing in any case. The shithead! The party had been going on for hours, and it was already two in the morning. Most people were sodden, to put it mildly, and all the pledges were ripped. I had played beer pong, Wales's tales and signals and was feeling the effects of over-imbibing, when I saw Lloyd staggering towards me. I had avoided him all evening, and looked for a place to duck away. But he had seen me and bellowed out at me. I slunk up to him and he ordered me up to his room to wait there. There was really no point in arguing with him just then, and so I did as he asked. I waited in his room, not really knowing what was in store. Whatever it was, I knew that it was going to be bad news. Lloyd had looked pretty bombed when he had bellowed at me, and probably could do anything in his present mood. The door opened and Lloyd came in, followed by an obviously spaced out Steve. He shut the door and went over to a chair, turned it around and sat on it, his chin resting on the back. We stood in front of him like two truants about to be punished. "Strip!" "What?" "Strip, you mother fucks!" Steve and I were trapped with this maniac. I looked at him in askance, to confirm what he had just said, and the menacing look on his face made it clear that he meant every word. We were all drunk, and possibly I did not care. Steve and I both started shedding our clothes. Not before long we stood naked in front of him, with our cocks and balls shrunken into our bellies. He pointed at me and said quite clearly: "Get on your knees and suck his cock, you cock sucker!" I hesitated, but not for too long, and did exactly as I was commanded. There was no joy in what I was doing, but after what Brooks had said, I had better do what he said or else. My mind was still reasonably clear, but the beers did dull the shame that I felt then. After trying to suck at the limp cock with no visible results, I lifted my head up for the next set of instructions. He made us sit on the carpet facing each other. My legs were on top of Steve's and he wanted us to sit so close that our balls would coddle each other's. "Jack each other off!" My hand reached out for the cock in front of me. A hand reached out for my cock. I felt the limpid cock and balls and tried to coax a cockstand out of them. A hand was busy trying to do the same to me. Slowly our cocks started throbbing as finally the blood began to flow. I closed my eyes and thought of Brooks. It was Brooks' cock that I was pumping away and it was Brooks' fist that was pumping away at me. The touches were now hot and the muscular rods were now engorged with blood. To and fro our fists flew; up and down we pumped away. I was now getting into the act. "Shove your finger up his ass!" he yelled at Steve. I felt the finger probe my asshole. It tickled the entrance before plunging in. I felt the sharp nail score the sides, before the finger was buried till the first digit. Involuntarily, I jumped and clamped down hard on the intruder with my ass muscles. There was an audible gasp from Steve before he started rotating his finger in my ass. I wanted to slip into oblivion. --Brooks' fist was pumping hard, with each stroke he banged my balls. Faster and faster he pumped as his finger probed my prostate. I squeezed his cock hard, ground my fist into his crotch as he started arching his hips of the carpet- Without warning, Steve groaned, and as I opened my eyes, a stream of white cum erupted like a geyser from his cock head. It hit me in the center of my chest. I could not hold back, and clamping down hard on the finger, my cock spewed its contents all over Steve's body in globs and the trickled down onto his groin. Sweat had collected on our brows with the exertion of the last few minutes. I stared straight ahead vacantly, not caring to know what Lloyd had in store for us next. "Lick it up!" I turned to look at him. He was looking at me pointedly with stoned eyes. His knuckles were white as he clenched the back of the chair. He was breathing hard and his face was flushed. His body twitched, as I saw the bulge in the crotch of his pants. I got onto my haunches and leaned over Steve, and started licking my cum off his stomach. Steve just sat like a zombie. I do not think he wanted to know what was going on. His cock was flaccid and his balls had deflated. I continued licking and made my way to his crotch. "Lick it you fucking cocksucker!" Lloyd barked out the command. With such encouragement, I continued my task with forced gusto. I was beyond caring now. The bastard had broken down any sense of shame that I might have had. I looked up towards Lloyd to see whether or not he was satisfied. He was staring at me bug-eyed. He pointed at Steve: "You, get on your fours!" Without blinking he continued to look at me and: "I want you to eat his ass!" I felt Steve shudder as I grabbed his hips and buried my face in the crack of his ass. He jumped forward, as my tongue began to probe around his asshole. I licked for a bit and then forced my tongue past his sphincter. He moved back on my tongue to give me better penetration. I pulled my tongue out and began licking each of his ass cheeks. I felt for my cock, but it was as dead as a doornail. No amount of manipulation could get any rise out of it. "Fuck him in the ass!" came the order I was dreading. I pulled Steve towards me by grabbing hold of his waist. As I slammed my crotch into his crack he had started mewing. I made a few desultory attempts at humping him, but it was clear that no amount of Lloyd's barking would make anything happen. He was getting annoyed, now that his plans had gone askew. Pointing at Steve, he said: "You! Get out!" Steve jumped up and started dressing. He averted his gaze as he finally belted up. He stood waiting. That was his mistake. "What're you waiting for? You want more?" "No...I..." "Get out!" He turned and hightailed it. The door closed with a resounding slam. I was alone with Lloyd in the room! I was sitting naked on the carpet with my clothes in an untidy heap next to me, while he was still in the chair fully clothed. The bulge in his crotch was very obvious, and I wondered what he had there. He looked at me speculatively. T hinking, I am sure, of what next to do. He kept on staring and this started getting me uncomfortable. "Wait here, I'll be back!" he grunted. He walked to the door and went out. I thanked the Lord and quickly put on my clothes. Fortunately, I only had a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and loafers with no socks. I was dressed before you could say "Jack Robinson!" I sat in the other chair, waiting for him to come back. He was certainly taking his time. I walked over to the shelf over his desk and started looking at his books. They were books mainly on civil construction and some on medieval architecture. Lloyd was in Civil Engineering and his taste in books reflected this. On his desk, there was nothing except a lamp and a picture of a girl framed in gold. She was exceedingly pretty, and I guessed this was his girlfriend. That reassured me as I waited for him. If he had a girlfriend, I didn't think he planned to do much with me. So much for my fertile imagination! I went back and sat down, impatient for him to come back and dismiss me. The door opened and he entered with a pitcher of beer in one hand, and two clear plastic glasses under the other. Hell! He wanted to drink some more. As it is he was pretty wasted. "Why do you have your clothes on?" "I...uh...I thought..." "Take them off!" This was getting a bit too much! I got up from the chair and stood my ground. I did not make a move to take my clothes off. "Listen you cocksucker, I said take them off. You understand English?" He walked to his desk and placed the pitcher down in the center, along with the two glasses. I watched, still standing, and didn't move. "You going to take your clothes of or what?" I just stood keeping quite. I thought to myself that if I walked out of the room, he couldn't do a damn thing. He seemed to have read my thoughts. "You walk out of here, you're history as far as this place goes..." An icy shiver ran down my spine. I looked squarely at him and wanted to make some witty riposte, verbally cut the son of a bitch to size. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't even croak. My throat had suddenly seized up. Jesus Christ! He was going to black ball me. Shit! For king and country; no, Brooks and the fraternity... I started stripping. I slipped out of my loafers, carefully undid my pants, and stood in my T-shirt and briefs. "Off!" he continued to bellow. I took it all off. I was naked as a jay bird again, with my cock and balls hanging loose for him to do with what he wanted. Fuck him! Fuck the frat! Fuck school! I told myself. How in the hell had I gotten into this mess? I'd deal with this son of a bitch in my own due time! My nightmares were becoming more than I thought possible. How on earth had I landed in this room alone with this fucking pervert? "You want a beer?" he asked, in a somewhat more palatable tone. Picking up on the volume reduction, I replied in the negative. "Ok." He acknowledged, as he poured two glasses anyway, keeping them on the desk. "Come and get it." He ordered. I walked to his desk and reached for the glass. His hand came up and goosed my ass. I jumped back, spilling the beer on the desk and some on his pants. "Look what you've done asshole! You no like?" He leered at me in disgust. "Lick it up!" I left the glass on the desk, and was about to start licking the beer off the desktop, when he caught my forearm and yanked me to my knees. I was kneeling in front of him and began to lick at the stains the beer had made on his pants. He was probably grinning at the top of my head, while I was licking at his knees. He pushed me back. I was still kneeling when he handed me a half-empty glass. "Chug!" "I can't. I'll get sick." "Chug it you fuck!" I chugged. He refilled the glass from the pitcher. He took the other glass, and I watched in fascination as his Adam's Apple bobbled while he finished the glass in one draw. I put mine to my lips and beseeching God to spare me, drank the whole glass. "Another one!" He refilled both the glasses, standing up and holding his aloft he drank to: "Cocksucking pledges!" He put this one away as easily as the first. I struggled. I had to stand up, as I thought I would throw up kneeling on the carpet. Serves the bastard right if I did! The full effect of the beer was hitting me, as he filled the glasses for the third time. I do not know how I got it down. I knew I was getting plastered, as I had never drunk so much so fast. I was having trouble standing straight, not to mention erect. I stepped back and almost fell into the chair. Lloyd was still standing and a faint smile flickered on his lips, as he saw me stumble and sit down. Slowly, he started stripping. He first took off his shirt. He had no undershirt. His shoulders were broad and firm. He had an elegant neck and his collarbone was clearly visible. His torso was "V" shaped and tapered into a neat waist. He had a very slight down covering that was barely visible from where I was sitting. He bent down slowly and unlaced his sneakers. One by one he kicked them off. He reached under the hem of his pants and rolled each white sock down, before he pulled them off. He had neat ankles was my drunken thought. He stood firm now, and stared me in the eye. I stared back unblinking. My eyes soon focussed on his hands, as he undid the buckle of his belt. He was going too slowly. The bastard was putting on a show for me! I saw the bulge at his zipper and wanted him to uncover it as fast as possible. What was with all this slow undressing? He undid the button holding his pants and then the zip, and his fly was fully exposed now. He had on white briefs and his cock was tenting them. I stared in fascination. He slid his pants to his knees, and kicked them off. He only had his briefs on now. My mouth was getting dry, and I licked my lips as he waited sometime before moving his hands up and down his torso. The final denouement! He waited and waited, as I stared and now the wait was getting unbearable-too much for me. Jeez! I was getting hard. Oh shit! He hitched his thumbs in the elastic of his briefs and slowly pulled them down. His cock got caught and he snapped the elastic below his cock and balls before taking them off his ankles. He stood up straig--directly in front of me. I was drunk!--drunk with beauty! Michaelangelo's David stood in front of me. His eight-inch cock jutted out and throbbed from his crotch, as his eyes pulsated with flashes of desire. I had never seen anything so beautiful. My God! He was perfect! God must have been on top of his form the day he sculpted this marvel. My mind flashed back to the first time I had seen Lloyd. He had taken my breath away even then. The promise that that day had held out had not been belied. He was simply incomparable. I had wanted Lloyd then, and I wanted him now! I must be mad or drunk or both! This was the guy who had made life merry hell for me over the past few months, and here I was drooling over him like some love-starved debutante. But the fact remained that I wanted Lloyd, if he would have me, no matter what! Lloyd knew the effect he was having on me. I had nowhere to hide my hardon. My mouth had flown open and I was having trouble breathing normally. He looked down at me-arrogance personified! He turned the chair around and sat down. His cock was pointing at the ceiling and throbbing away. He called me: "Come here." I walked up to him. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled forwards. As I leant over he pressed on my shoulders with an urgency he had not shown before. I knew what he wanted without him having to tell me. I slid to my knees and his cock was in my face. My mouth opened on its own as I bent forward and enveloped his cock head with my impatient lips. He had twined his fingers in my hair and used it as reins to control the bobbing of my head as I paid homage to his manhood. I bobbed along its length with an even tempo as I gently nibbled at the mushroom head on each stroke. I could feel his excitement as he tensed his thighs with each stroke. I wanted to swallow his cock whole. I wanted o taste his juices, the elixir of his life. He had started moving his hips in rhythm with my bobbing and with each thrust I thought he would puncture my tonsils. Suddenly he stopped moving and I raised my head off his cock to find out why. He leant forward and slipped his hands under my armpits and raised me to him. He grabbed me by my ass and pulled me closer to him. My legs were outside his legs as I straddled his lap. He placed his hands on either side of my waist and they urged me to sit on his waiting cock. I looked into his green eyes; they were like those of Medusa. Flashing fire they turned me to stone and like a stone I sank on the top of his cock. The ridge of the mushroom split my sphincter as I powered down to the hilt of his cock. He had thrown his head back and hissed through his lips as he completed the penetration. He brought his hands down to either side of my ass cheeks and forcing them apart, and bucked up hard using the floor as leverage to impale me on his cock to the fullest. It hurt, but not as it should have. The beers were having their effect. I wanted to ride that cock. I wanted to ride it so hard that my ass muscles would grind it like a meat grinder would a sausage. I rose on my toes, letting the length out to the mushroom ridge and corkscrewed my way down its length. My torso twisted and turned, as I ground the meat that was fucking my asshole. I rose and sat with a quickening tempo, my ass muscles trying to pulverize the throbbing cock probing my innards. I humped and ground his bucking crotch. I put my hands on his shoulders and rotated my ass-his cock being clenched by my ass muscles-as I slid down its length. I was banging in his crotch with such ferocity that I thought his balls were going to be crushed like grapes in a press. My cock scraped against his stomach and chest as I rose up and down. My balls were taut and my body tensed, as I gritted and gnashed my teeth to fuck this son of a bitch to smithereens. I knew that I was going to cum soon. My juices were boiling and my prostate was being mercilessly thumped. But I was damned if I was going to cum before this fucking bastard. His bucking had now become intense. He smashed harder and higher into my bowels as he too started gritting his teeth. He put his hands on the sides of my waist and helped power me down. He suddenly arched his back and pushed up hard and I thought we would both fall off the chair. I heard him groan and felt the large vein throb at my asshole as he started shooting his jism into my distended ass. I had never had an eight-inch cock up my ass, and the frantic fucking had left my ass sore and raw. His warm cum was the salve I needed, and I felt the warmth ooze all over my insides. The sensation accentuated my own orgasm, as with a shudder I sprayed his stomach and chest with white blobs of my sperm. I was exhausted now. I sat astride him catching my breath. His cock was still inside my ass. His head was lying back and his eyes closed. I tried to shift, to get up, but his hands around my waist kept me there. He raised his head and opened those hypnotic eyes and then something extraordinary happened. He placed his hands on either side of my face. He stared at me quizzically. Then he said quite ardently: "You really are very beautiful." I looked at him directly, to see if he was being sincere and for once he appeared to be transparent. He pulled my face forward and I felt his tongue probing my teeth, before he entered my mouth to search for the back of my throat. His kissing was quite frenetic and I was suddenly inclined to go along with him. I was stunned by the turn of events. This bastard had needled me to make my life a misery throughout the time I had known him. He had abused me to whatever extent was humanly possible. Not once had he shown any respect, on the contrary only degradation, towards me, and now just like that, he thought I was beautiful and was kissing me, as though there would be no tomorrow. Here was one guy I would never be able to fathom. The bottom line though, was clear--I lusted for him! He kept on kissing me and I thought that besides my ass, my lips would be sore. I never thought that such a taciturn person could have such passion. He kissed me all over the face and neck, making little hickeys all over. At length I leaned back and asked him: "Lloyd what do you want to do?" He stood up and I had to, too. His cock slipped out of my ass in doing so. He was in front of me, facing me, searching all the while with his eyes. He then slid to his knees and grabbing me by the ass, took my limp cock in its complete entirety into his mouth. The shock of his warmth ignited my passion and I was amazed to feel myself harden. He bobbed on my cock for awhile and then reached out for my hand. Urgently, he pulled me with him to lie on the carpet facing each other. I was convinced I was going mad. If anyone had told me that one day Lloyd and I would be lovers, I would have surely dispatched them to the lunatic asylum. We lay quietly looking at one another's faces. No words were needed to express what we were feeling at that time. I moved towards him and kissed him on his lips lightly before making my way to his neck. I gently turned him on to his stomach and he did not protest. I started kissing him on the nape of his neck and worked my way down his back, to the top of the crack of his ass. He was moaning softly now as my tongue flicked around his ass cheeks, laving them lightly. With both hands, I separated his buns and exposed the puckered rosette nestling there to the assault of my tongue. I shoved with my tongue as hard as I could and managed to invade the privacy of his ass. He arched his back and lifted his hips, so that I could penetrate much deeper. I worked my way back to the nape of his neck and positioned my body on his back. I felt the precum oozing from my cock. I was ready to fuck the bastard. I positioned my cock on his asshole and was ready to begin the final joust. "Take it easy." He admonished softly. Take it easy?-my ass! How about him having taken it easy all this while, as he made my life a misery. I slammed my cock head into the portals of his ass with such ferocity that he yelped. My cock was halfway up his ass. I drew it out to the mushroom ridge, and slammed back to the very hilt that my balls were wedged in between his legs. I started stroking him with vigor, and by now he was squealing like a stuck pig. I placed my legs outside his, and had a vice like grip on his lower torso, so that he could not move even if he had wanted to. I slipped my arms around his chest and made sure he was in position for the fuck of his life. I pivoted from my waist and started slamming into him. All my frustrations were manifesting themselves in the pounding that his ass was getting from my inflamed cock. I was going to fuck him so hard, he was going to have trouble walking the next day. I ground my teeth in effort, as I slammed into him repeatedly. I knew that I was being rough, but that still tame for the frame of mind that I was in. He started lifting his ass to meet my repeated onslaught. He bucked with me, rotated with me, and clenched with me. I knew that if we kept up this pace I would be spent in a very short time. I tried to gather my forces, by stopping awhile, but his ass muscles were in full flow and he was able to milk my cock like its never been milked before. He clenched so hard that I thought that he would rip it off. I began to skewer him again and the pace took on an eerie frenzy. He was moaning quite audibly now, as I fucked the living daylights out of him. The pressure of the cum was building in my balls, as I pounded away. All too soon, I started exploding in his ass, as his ass muscles milked every drop of jism out of my body. I was exhausted by this effort. I was covered in sweat, as I lay collapsed on his back. Neither of us said anything, as we tried to collect our thoughts. As I caught my wind, I thought of all the things that had happened in the recent past and was thankful that, with Lloyd it had ended this way. It was getting late and I had no intention of spending the night here. I rolled off the top of him, and my cock came out with a pop. He lay there very still, not even opening his eyes. I didn't wait now, as I started dressing. I was almost dressed, when he moved and stared directly at me. I expected him to say something pleasant, for once; after all, I had put a lot of effort into that fuck! His gaze was venomous. He hissed through clenched teeth, as the muscles in his neck stood out because of his jutting jaw: "You know what you are? A fucking whore! A fucking cheap slut! You'd fuck anything in pants! You think you're good? You've got something coming to fucking faggot! Keep off Brooks you bastard!" The words stung. The beer in my stomach started to curdle, as I sobered up immediately. I opened my mouth to tell him that if I was a faggot, what did it make him? Once again, my vocal chords gave up on me. I just wanted to get out of the room. I turned and unlocked the door, slid out and slammed it-hard, not looking at him once. The mention of Brooks' name brought me back down to earth. What the fuck had I been doing messing around with Lloyd? I felt guilty that not once during the time I had spent with Lloyd, did the thought of Brooks cross my mind. What was happening to me? Maybe I was becoming as brazen as Lloyd had implied. Since that first experience last summer with Brooks, I had come a long way. Perhaps I was too randy for my own good. It was almost five in the morning and the party was still limping on. There were a few brothers still drinking, and the putrid smell of puke permeated the living areas. I hurried out of the house and on to my dorm. I slept till four that afternoon. I woke up with a massive hangover, and my stomach felt as though I had ptomaine poisoning. I limped through dinner and went to bed early that night. I did not want to meet or talk to anyone. Larry was sweet as ever, but Lloyd's words still stung, and I could not see fucking anyone that weekend. It hurt me to fob him off, but I was really quite desolate and wanted to be by myself. Sunday I stayed in my room and even skipped lunch. I did a bit of homework, but Lloyd's words kept coming back and haunting me. Would he tell Brooks? Jesus, the shit would hit the fan and I would be hard pressed to explain what the hell had really gone on. Brooks would never believe me. These things just did not happen. They were made to happen. I could imagine Brooks' reaction, if he knew that I had been fucking around--pure fury. Rather hypocritical since he had initiated the three-way with Achmed, but the point was that he had started it. Although he had never committed anything to me, it was tacitly understood that I was his private preserve, to do with as he wished! Charlie was back at six in the evening. He sensed my gloom and left me alone. I think he had an inkling that things in my life were not going as planned. Although I was very fond of him, I dared not confide in him, as I was not sure how he would react to the sordid details of my problems. Finally Charlie could not take my oppressive mood any longer. "What's eating you Manny?" "Nothing really, just thinking about the problems one of the guys has at the frat." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah---you see he's a bit confused emotionally, and he's got no one to talk to, and with the pressure of school, he's going to crack up." "How do you know?" "He told me so." "Manny, there are counselors on campus who deal with this kind of shit. Ask him to talk to one of them." "You think they could help? Are they confidential?" "Manny, you...I mean he, should go and see one. They're confidential." I looked at him hard and saw the guileless face and I knew what he said made eminent sense. There was no fooling Charlie. "Tomorrow." I looked up the address in the campus guide and walked over on Monday afternoon. I had to do something, and Charlie's suggestion appeared to be the best. I saw them halfway across campus. Brooks and Lloyd walking towards me. Oh Shit! I turned and ran into the nearest building. I stood just inside the front entrance watching them as they walked past. They were laughing and Lloyd slapped Brooks across the back right in front of the building. I waited till they had passed, and ran all the way to the counselor's office. There were three people there already. One was a girl who was in one of my classes, and she smiled at me weakly when she saw who I was. This was going to be tough. I told the receptionist that a friend had asked me to get some details. She smiled at me archly. She had heard this story so many times before. She handed me a form and asked that my "friend" fill it out. I made sure that the girl heard this--I had come for a friend. The form was very detailed. It asked every intimate question you could possibly ask anyone. I was not going to have this shit on record. I never went back. My salvation was Larry. The next weekend we lay in my bed after our fucking and he cradled my head in his arms, as I cried at my tortured fate. I did not want to face Brooks, and was now disgusted with what I had done with Lloyd. Most of all, I was frightened by the thought of losing Brooks forever. Larry obviously knew that there was something amiss. He had tried to probe, very gently of course, but I had told him that it was something that no one, not even he, could help me with. The only time I felt safe, was when Larry held me tightly and whispered that things would work out for the best. Dear, sweet, Larry.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Manny

BJ visits my University

Oh my God, this guy was so fine. I met him at work after, I came home from college for Thanksgiving break. His name was Bruce, but they called him BJ. He was 5'10, about 170 pounds. He was black, with the lightest complexion. He was probably mixed. BJ had the walk and the talk of a thug who was use to getting by on his good looks. I had the pleasure of working with this guy for a

Cocktails, Part 1

COCKTAILS It never occurred to me that puberty with its cocktail of hormones could be such a compelling situation. Till then, I had considered myself "straight", dating and falling in out of love with girls in various grades along the way. Although I discussed sex with many of my friends, it was all "straight" stuff and occasionally we would

Cocktails, Part 2

Cocktails, Part II AUTHOR'S NOTE: After the posting of COCKTAILS on the Net I have received some feedback which has made it necessary that I continue the story. The one question that was often asked was about how authentic the incidents were. Frankly, they have been modified to suit a more manageable time frame but the essence of the story remains true. Another

Cocktails, Part 3

Cocktails, Part III Achmed was exotic! He was a bit taller than I, with tawny skin, reddish hair, and the greenest pair of cat's eyes I had ever seen. I never new that Turks looked like this. His shoulders were broad and square, tapering to a modest waist and his hips flared out before his long legs joined his trunk. I felt the familiar sensation of

Cocktails, Part 4

Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must

Cocktails, Part 5

Cocktails, Part V by MANNY Achmed did as he was told, and so at about seven, after dinner we went over to Brooks' house. When he opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and I knew that he had no intention of going out that night. He was as charming as could be with everything laid out. I was still a bit wary as I knew that he could be quite a chameleon. I

Cocktails, Part 6

Cocktails, Part VI COCKTAILS VI By MANNY Thursday morning was a hectic rush. My parents insisted that I finish packing for college before I left the house. I kept one ear cocked at the telephone all morning hoping that Brooks would call. The bastard was probably sleeping in so I gave up by lunchtime. Actually, deep down I had expected this, so I was not

Cocktails, Part 7

Cocktails, Part VII COCKTAILS VII By Manny As the term progressed, the workload had increased dramatically. The subject that needed a lot of working on was turning out to be math. High school math was a cinch compared to what we had covered till now. Charlie found it a breeze, but I knew that if I did not concentrate, I would soon be in trouble.

Cocktails, Part 8

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents

Cocktails, Part 9

Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In

Cocktails, Part 10

Cocktails, Part X COCKTAILS X By MANNY The meeting was the next day--just two days before the finals started. The vote would be taken, results announced and the initiation ceremony would be a day before we broke up for the summer vacation. I was sure that because of Lloyd, I would not be attending any of the ceremonies. The stand off the other night in

Cocktails, Part 11

Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the


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