Gay Erotic Stories

Cocktails, Part 11

by Manny

Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the equipment away for the term end. Coach wanted the inventory taken before he left, so straight after the match we started tallying the books. Although I had a sweat suit on for protection, I still wanted to shower before I went back to my room. It was around nine when we finished, and I headed to the locker room for a quick shower. The gym was deserted as it was near closing time, and most people were busy partying before the summer break and for some, graduation. I dumped my clothes and tennis gear in my locker and threaded my way toward the showers. There was nobody there. I had adjusted the water temperature just right, when I saw somebody enter from the corner of my eye. I looked and it was Brooks in a pair of Speedo swimming trunks. My heart leapt. He looked good--really good. He came toward me and put on the shower next to mine. He slipped out of his trunks and slung them on the shower knob. We were both naked now. "I thought you'd be here. I knew you had a match and I was waiting for you." "Fucking A", I thought. The shower spray made me feel good as the warm water cascaded over my body. "Aren't you going to say something?" Brooks broke his silence. The drumming of the water on my head made me think of the summer gone by when the rain used to come down as we lay by the pool. "Listen to me you fucking whore!" and he roughly, grabbed me by the shoulders to turn me to face him. "Don't you touch me! Don't you ever touch me again! Or I'll smash your face!" He looked shocked. I was trembling and seething with rage. His baby-blue eyes widened and I knew it was now or never. Deliberately, I shut the shower off, turned, and slowly walked away from Brooks. Never again would I feel his touch, as I walked out of his life. I had reached the far end of the shower room, and I would soon be on my way. My heart bled, and I wept silently as I resigned myself to what I had to do--what I should have done a summer ago. "Nooo...!" A banshee wailed, and in spite of myself, I had to turn around. He was on his knees in the shower, the water pouring all over his body. "Nooo...!" and he was crying now as he doubled up onto the floor. Over the sound of the shower I heard: "Manny don't go. Please don't go." And then I heard amidst the sobs a stifled: "Manny I love you. Manny come back." I was in his arms. The initiation ceremony was somber if not a bit overwhelming. It started after dinner at about eight in the evening and went on till about ten. All the brothers were present except Lloyd, who I later learned had gone home earlier. The pledges were called in descending order of their grade point averages of the previous term, and I was the first to be called up. The vows were read out to the assembly, and each of us in turn had to answer in the affirmative. After that the pledge master introduced us formally, and we were brothers. The beer taps at the bar were turned on, and the revelry started. Steve, who was present at the ceremony, had disappeared. I looked for him to congratulate him, but he had gone. We drank vast quantities of beer amongst the congratulations and much back thumping. I looked for Brooks and saw that he was with some seniors playing a drinking game. It had gone on until two in the morning, and I thought I should be getting back to the dorm. My parents were coming for me at about three the next afternoon, and although I had spent the better part of the morning packing, I still had some odds and ends to stack away. I was gong to move the bulk of my things to the frat store-room for the summer, and so I didn't have to pack too carefully. Charlie had already gone home in the morning to take up with his girlfriend. The room looked empty without his things. Next year, he was in another frat house. Larry's initiation ceremony was at the beginning of the next year, and he had reluctantly also left for the summer. I had promised to keep in touch over the summer, which I was determined to do. Brooks staggered up to me:, "Let's go!" "Where?" "Anywhere!" He was tanked. "I'm going to the dorm." "I'm coming." We walked to the dorm under the clear and starry night. It was slow progress as Brooks was weaving all over the place. The dorms were deserted, as a lot of the guys had already left. I unlatched the door to the room and we went in. Brooks flopped onto my bed. I put the lights on and waited. He had a stupid smile on his face. "You're all mine. All mine." What drunken shit! "You're drunk! Go to sleep!"" "Manny, come here!" I went over and he reached up and grabbed me by the shirt collar. He pulled down and my face was barely inches from his. I smelt the liquor on his breath, as I am sure he could smell it on mine. His arms enveloped my head as he crushed his face into mine. There was urgency and there was desperation. His tongue pried open my lips as he punched past my teeth to the back of my throat. He yanked and I fell on top of him. He started kissing me hungrily all over the face while squeezing me in a tight embrace. Our bodies were locked as he pillaged my mouth. He bit my lips hard, so hard, that I tasted blood. I had never seen Brooks so frenzied. His hands moved all over my back and he tried to pull my shirt off. I rolled off him to the side. We both had all our clothes on and I wanted to get rid of mine. He rolled back on top of me and started kissing me all over the face. "Manny hurry!" He got off the bed and started shedding his shoes and clothes like a demon. They were strewn all over the place. I too followed suit, getting off the bed and shedding my clothes. When I looked at him, he was completely naked with his engorged cock jutting straight out from the thatch at the juncture of his legs. I looked down at myself and saw that I was rock hard, my cock jutting out equally prominently. I was going to kneel and take Brooks' cock in my mouth, but he beat me to it. He fell heavily on his knees in front of me and swallowed my cock to the balls. He grabbed me round the waist, as his blonde head moved to and fro at my crotch. The shock of possession hit my body. I grabbed the back of his head and pressed in, grinding my crotch into his face. I could feel him gagging as my cock thrust toward the back of his throat. I started to fuck his face. I grabbed his hair and entwined my fingers in them and held his head still as I rocked on the balls of my feet and rocketed my cock in and out of his warm and moist mouth. The tension was building in my groin, but the liquor had anesthetized my cock. I felt I could go on fucking his face forever. I was in the groove now as I pumped away to the cadence of his bobbing head. He stopped sucking. He scrambled up and flung himself on the bed. I piled on top of him. He had grabbed my face again and was showering it with kisses. He squeezed my torso so hard that I thought he would crack my ribs. He had moved to my neck and was giving me love bites. Suddenly he took a pinch of skin between his teeth and sucked hard. It was an exquisite pain. He was looking at me now and I saw tears welling up in his eyes. He was breathing hard, much harder than I was. "I love you Manny! I love you Manny! I love you Manny!" he moaned and then he started to cry. I kissed away his tears. His tears were salty as I licked them and kissed him on the mouth. He shrugged my face away and looked at me with wet eyes. My face was very close to his. "Manny don't ever leave me!" "l'll never leave you Brooks, you know that." "They all say that. All the fuckers say that." "Who?" "Everybody!" "Shhh!" "Say you'll never leave me." "I won't ever leave you." "Manny I'm so alone." "Brooks I love you...I'll never leave you...You'll never be alone---" "Show me!" I kissed him hard and I felt his body shiver. I slid down to his neck, his nipples, and his belly button and onto his cock. It was dry as I lapped the ridge of the mushroom head before swallowing his cock to the hilt. He lay very still as I bobbed up and down. He lifted his legs and cocked them as he exposed the puckered hole nestling in the crack of his ass. I darted down and my tongue entered the pink rosette. I tongue fucked him for a while before gathering myself up and kneeling between his upraised legs. I saw his blue eyes staring at me. They were wide-open pools of blue. They drew me into them inextricably and I felt myself drowning in a sea of love. Helplessly I was sucked deep down into the vortex of those whirlpools that lay in his eyes. I laid his ankles over my shoulders as I positioned myself for the assault on his altar of love. He reached up and pulled me to him by my shoulders. I knelt forward, my hands on his sides, as he swung his heels around my back. The tautness in my loins was unbearable now. I prodded the crack of his ass with my enraged cock to effect an entry. I thrust with my hips. There was an initial resistance, but with a groan I was soon entering his body. He moaned his pleasure as he locked his heels behind my back. Pivoting forward on my knees, I entered him to the hilt. I started pumping and Brooks began swaying. --Like a gentle flower in the breeze, he swayed with me, and swayed me more...Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore, he hugged me close, and hugged me more--- I was pumping evenly, rhythmically and hard. All the while we locked our eyes as we were locked together in the combat of love. I did not care how long the fuck lasted, I just wanted to fuck him. This was not lust this was finally love. Time seemed to stand still as I fucked away. In and out, in and out. The slapping of his ass cheeks was steady now as I plundered the depths of his love. I was groaning now with the strain of the effort. His legs were now tightening their hold and I was having trouble breathing. His head was rolling from side to side, but he still kept staring into my eyes. The cauldron at the base of my cock was at full boil now. Any moment now and I would explode. And then it happened. Wave after wave of cum exploded from the top of my cock and gushed up his love passage. I frantically humped out of rhythm, to capture forever the throes of eternal bliss my body was in the midst of. My mouth had become dry and my tongue had become furry, as the life juices were being sucked out of me by Brooks' demanding ass. With a last thrust, I catapulted forward onto his chest. His arms encircled my chest and held me tightly. I panted in exhaustion as I smeared my sweat all over his body. My softening cock was still up his hole as we lay in this position. I felt his hard cock press into my stomach as my breathing slowed down. We were silent, savoring this moment, wanting and hoping for it to last till eternity. I buried my face in his neck. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, loved him more than life itself, but I did not want to speak lest the spell be broken. At last he moved. He gathered me in his arms and pulled forward till my face was on his. He thrust his tongue into my mouth as he parried with my tongue. He straightened his legs and I was now astride him. I now knew what he wanted me to do. I gathered my legs under me and squatted over his groin. His cocked loomed up as I slowly lowered my ass to possess his cock. He lay very still, his arms by his sides and his legs straight out. With one hand I held his cock and lowered mmyself till my ass rested on his crotch. The penetration had been smooth and swift. It felt like a red-hot poker, which was going to come out from the top of my head, had skewered me. I started rocking on him, lowering my ass up and down, so that he could plumb the very depth of my being. He was motionless and our eyes continued to remain locked. I rode his cock with all the ferocity that I could muster, but he seemed impervious to my efforts, as he lay there supine. I was smashing into his balls now with my ass cheeks, but he lay there very still. Suddenly his eyes clouded and he started bucking. He grabbed for me and scratched at my knees. I slammed my ass down hard as he thrust up, and he started spewing copious amounts of his cum up my sore ass. He was panting now as I sat on him. His spent cock was still up my ass. We looked at each other, not speaking, because our eyes said it all. I leant forward on him and his cock slipped out. I kissed his face, his lips, his neck, and nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder. We lay like this till we went to sleep. It was late in the morning when we both awoke. I was lying in Brooks' arms. I wanted to lie there forever. It was magic!! A story like this has to have an epilogue. This summer Brooks and I have been circumspect yet inseparable. He has a job in the city with an investment-banking firm as a summer intern. I have my old job back on the night watch. This year Brooks and I are gong to be sharing a room at the frat. In spite of my curiosity, I have never asked Brooks about his exact relationship with Lloyd. Neither has Brooks volunteered any information except that Lloyd was extremely possessive of Brooks. I imagine that they must have had a relationship, but I did not dwell too much on the past. However, Brooks did tell me the aftermath of that fateful night at the frat. For the first Time, he admitted to himself that he definitely had deep feelings for me. He said so to Lloyd and further clarified that he did not intend to have any sexual relations with Lloyd anymore. Initially I had been a "cute" thing for the summer, but it developed into something that Brooks did not expect. His churlish treatment of me throughout the year was because he could not accept our developing relationship, as he was frightened of becoming dependent on anyone, especially for love. After that night, he was ashamed for the first time in his licentious life (his words) and was afraid that he had gone too far and would lose me. He did not know how I would respond to his approaches and therefore had stalked me to the showers in the gym. Lloyd had been very quiet at the meeting. At the time of room assignments for the next year, he had informed the house that he would be moving out for his senior year. Using his squatter's rights, Brooks had me assigned to his room. Fortunately the rooms are to be rearranged over the summer. We are now on the third floor---no elevator and no Lloyd! After hearing all this, I do not feel so guilty about Larry. Larry will be back at school. Brooks cannot even guess about Larry. I will be damned before I tell him. I cannot give Larry up, as in my life I have never had so much adoration heaped on me, and now I am addicted to it. I have been in touch over the summer but it is our little secret. College years are those of experimentation, and I am going to try it all. I know that whatever I do, Brooks will never be far from my thoughts, but I owe it to myself to get on with what I think is best for myself. Achmed went back to Turkey for the summer and is doing well in college. I met him once in the city, when he was on his way home, and he has taken to the American way of life like a duck takes to water. Celia is still dating Giles! The horny bitch seduced my brother, who is two years younger than her. They both looked exhausted this summer. Dad was given a promotion after the Turkish contract. So the fuck with Achmed was for a good cause! I have caught Mom on occasions pensive and scrutinizing me. I think she feels something, but is afraid to ask. Brooks' parents still travel a lot. They are never there. Steve has dropped out of college. He never had much to say to me after that evening. Charlie was top of his class. The guys at home still frequent the pool, but the gang is changing, as indeed they should. After that night in the dorm, Brooks has never declared his love for me again. I have accepted this. He is one of those reticent people who are unable to openly express their feelings. It is probably a reflection of his upbringing. My only regret in all of this is that neither Brooks nor I can openly acknowledge our relationship, as it would cause a lot of pain to people close to us. I know that one day we will have to make a definitive choice, but till that day, I take each day as it comes, consumed and consoled by our love for each other. The End.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Manny

BJ visits my University

Oh my God, this guy was so fine. I met him at work after, I came home from college for Thanksgiving break. His name was Bruce, but they called him BJ. He was 5'10, about 170 pounds. He was black, with the lightest complexion. He was probably mixed. BJ had the walk and the talk of a thug who was use to getting by on his good looks. I had the pleasure of working with this guy for a

Cocktails, Part 1

COCKTAILS It never occurred to me that puberty with its cocktail of hormones could be such a compelling situation. Till then, I had considered myself "straight", dating and falling in out of love with girls in various grades along the way. Although I discussed sex with many of my friends, it was all "straight" stuff and occasionally we would

Cocktails, Part 2

Cocktails, Part II AUTHOR'S NOTE: After the posting of COCKTAILS on the Net I have received some feedback which has made it necessary that I continue the story. The one question that was often asked was about how authentic the incidents were. Frankly, they have been modified to suit a more manageable time frame but the essence of the story remains true. Another

Cocktails, Part 3

Cocktails, Part III Achmed was exotic! He was a bit taller than I, with tawny skin, reddish hair, and the greenest pair of cat's eyes I had ever seen. I never new that Turks looked like this. His shoulders were broad and square, tapering to a modest waist and his hips flared out before his long legs joined his trunk. I felt the familiar sensation of

Cocktails, Part 4

Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must

Cocktails, Part 5

Cocktails, Part V by MANNY Achmed did as he was told, and so at about seven, after dinner we went over to Brooks' house. When he opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and I knew that he had no intention of going out that night. He was as charming as could be with everything laid out. I was still a bit wary as I knew that he could be quite a chameleon. I

Cocktails, Part 6

Cocktails, Part VI COCKTAILS VI By MANNY Thursday morning was a hectic rush. My parents insisted that I finish packing for college before I left the house. I kept one ear cocked at the telephone all morning hoping that Brooks would call. The bastard was probably sleeping in so I gave up by lunchtime. Actually, deep down I had expected this, so I was not

Cocktails, Part 7

Cocktails, Part VII COCKTAILS VII By Manny As the term progressed, the workload had increased dramatically. The subject that needed a lot of working on was turning out to be math. High school math was a cinch compared to what we had covered till now. Charlie found it a breeze, but I knew that if I did not concentrate, I would soon be in trouble.

Cocktails, Part 8

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents

Cocktails, Part 9

Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In

Cocktails, Part 10

Cocktails, Part X COCKTAILS X By MANNY The meeting was the next day--just two days before the finals started. The vote would be taken, results announced and the initiation ceremony would be a day before we broke up for the summer vacation. I was sure that because of Lloyd, I would not be attending any of the ceremonies. The stand off the other night in

Cocktails, Part 11

Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the

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