Gay Erotic Stories

Cold Comfort

by D. Katz

I had gone to Heathrow airport in the morning, to see someone off. I came back by train to my college town. I had just gone into the train when it started snowing. A cold wind caused the temperature to drop to 10°F in minutes. When I got to my town after 30 minute trip, the blizzard was really strong. I got off the train, left the station and went to the bus stop to wait for the next bus to take me home. Someone was at the shelter, and when I got there, I recognized him. His name was Samy, a classmate, from the Middle East. He said he was going to the movies. I said: "Can I join you?". He said yes, and we took the bus and rode together. We were dropped downtown and crossed the street to the movie theater. I remember they were showing Jaws 2 and we went in. I bought pop- corn and we took our seats. He sat to my right. After finishing the popcorn he offered me a cigarette which he lit, then gave me (this happened in Britain, where there is still some respect for smokers; movie theaters have smoking sections and there are ashtrays in the back of the seats). We enjoyed the movie and as I complained of how cold it was, he took my hand and put it in the pocket of his bulky jacket. I kept it there and felt warm. After a while, I took it out and placed it on his thigh and rubbed it to give him some warmth and to enjoy the feeling of his sexy leg. He was tall, very slender though not skinny, with a very nice body, black curly hair, nice round buttocks and very tight trousers. I caressed him and he didn't protest, but I was very shy then (I don't know why since I had had many sexual adventures, but I had one or two years when I was shy, sexually I mean, perhaps for fear of being rejected since most my friends were supposedly straight). Samy was somewhat effeminate but he had many girlfriends, so I wasn't sure what to expect. After the movie, I told him: "My flat is just 2 blocks down the street. Would you like to have dinner with me? I can cook up something". He said he had booked for a long distance call. I told him: "You can call the operator and ask to have it transferred to my home". He agreed and we went home. It was very cold--bitterly cold. I put a 50 pence coin in the meter and the heater didn't work, and it was weekend, so there was no way of having it fixed or calling the landlord. We kept our jackets on, and I went to cook. I decided to bake something to have some heat. I made a lasagna I had prepared beforehand and kept in the freezer. I put it in the oven as well as some garlic bread. While I cooked, he got his call. He joined me in the kitchen when I was preparing a salad and said: "It's cozy here with the oven". He leaned against the counter and we talked as I cooked. We had dinner and he liked and praised my cooking. I told him: " I worked as a cook once, and I enjoy cooking". We watched some TV sitting on the sofa, and he put his feet up on the sofa, stretched himself laying along the sofa and put his legs on my lap. We were not that close as to do that, but of course I didn't reject if, and I casually caressed his legs, but didn't go for his crotch although I was wanting it desperately. I could see it growing. We watched the news and the weather forecast was for more snow, wind and cold. Samy lived on campus, 2 miles away, it was too late for buses and I didn't have my car, a friend had borrowed it. I told him to stay and he agreed, it was the best thing to do, considering the bloody weather. The flat was less cold thanks to the oven, but after I finished cooking, the time we spent eating and then watching TV, it was cold again. I said: "Let's share the bed and we put the extra blankets on top of my quilt so it will be warmer like that. He helped me spreading the other blankets on the bed and I went to the bathroom. I washed and when I came back he was in bed already. I switched off the lights, undressed in the dark, and went to bed in my Y-fronts. When I was under the blanket I removed my underwear, snuggled close to Samy. I could feel he was naked too. I was laying on my back, then I turned my back to him and he hugged me and cupped my body with his. I could feel his cock growing and poking against my ass. The feeling was so sexy: the growing rod with a smooth head, it was circumcised, pulsating, throbbing. I moved my ass towards him and said: "Take me, Samy!". He started caressing my back and side, my ass and kissing my shoulders and back. He started pushing his cock into my ass, I passed my hand behind me to grab it and feel it. It was not so long and thick as mine (I have 8 1/2 inches long, 2 inches thick), about 7 inches long and 1 inch thick, but it was hard as steel, and I could feel its energy as poked trying to find its way inside me. I guided it with my hand, and soon I was enjoying the bliss of being thoroughly fucked, utterly penetrated, the friction made me go crazy, I started moaning and yelling, and he was fucking me, taking his cock almost completely out, slowly, and then pushing it at once to the hilt. His balls were regular size, not very big, smooth, hairless, but I could feel them against my bum. He fucked me and I was crazy with pleasure. He started wanking me and we both came simultaneously, in an explosion of pleasure. I felt my body being filled with his hot sperm and it surely beat the cold. I turned around when he took his cock out of me. We embraced and necked for a while. I started getting hard and he went down to suck my cock. He was an expert cock sucker, his mouth warm and wet did wonders, his tongue was agile and moved to probe the most sensitive areas of my cock. I especially enjoyed the way his tongue played with my piss slit and how he licked my nuts, biting them slightly and delicately, and sucking them both in his mouth in spite of their big size. He sucked hard and I came in his mouth. He swallowed and then asked me to suck his cock. I did and it felt wonderful. We spend a night of sex, I fucked him, he fucked me again. We masturbated each other, caressed mutually all over our bodies, suck, bite, lick, invented all kind of sexual games and ways of giving and receiving pleasure, and went crazy fucking and fucking all night. We really fought hard the cold weather and we won the battle. It became so hot under the blankets and quilt that we were all wet with sweat, sex and semen, all cozy with cock sucking, caressing and cuddling, and fucking happy.


77 Gay Erotic Stories from D. Katz

A Blue Truck

I like to jog on the park, I don't really like running and I don't really needed - I am lucky, I can eat whatever I want and don't do any exercise but I maintain my weight and my body looks as if I work out regularly (though not a hulk) - but I like to expose my sexy legs, to flaunt my firm butt, and cruise for guys who like eyeing a handsome manly guy. I had n0ticed, on

Agencia de Viajes

Tenía que asistir a una convención y llamé a la agencia de viajes para comprar los boletos. Me dijeron que estarían listos al mediodía y que podía recogerlos o podían enviarlos con un mensajero. Yo salía a correr a la hora del lunch y pasaba por la agencia, así que les dije que yo los recogería. A las 12:00 salí a correr 2 millas, vistiendo unos shorts de correr verdes y una

Amontonados en Un Carro

Una fiesta muy salvaje, hubo de todo, cuando mis amigo y yo nos retiramos, eran ya las 6 de la manana, pero estaba obscuro porque era invierno. Un amigo era el "chofer designado", y se mantuvo sobrio para llevar a todos a sus casa. Tenía un Volkswagen, escarabajo, y en el nos apretujamos 9 personas. Al frente iba el conductor, un pasajero en el otro asiento con otro amigo

Arreglando El Jardín

Un sábado acababa de levantarme, eran como las 10 de la mañana y sonó el timbre. Yo estaba desnudo, así que me puse una bata de baño para cubrirme y abrir la puerta. Un joven de unos 20-22 años estaba allí, y me dijo: "¿No tiene algún trabajo que quiere que haga?". Me acordé que las vallas alrededor de dos árboles del jardín ya estaban muy viejas y desvencijadas; ya había

Boxing Day

If you haven't been in England on Boxing Day (December 26), you don't know what boring means. Nothing opens on that dau, restaurants are closed, cinemas don't open (I heard they do now), even some trains don't run. Some years ago, even TV stations didn't broadcast, and you only got the channel signal with "Happy Christmas" and some Christmas or classic music. Well, that

By The Pond

I was very sad and depressed, I wasn't doing well in my studies, my grades were not that good and in addition, my girlfriend and I had split up. Whenever I felt gloomy, I used to walk around campus, and always ended by the ducks' pond. It was a very quiet and pleasant spot in the evenings, with the ducks, geese and swans roaming around on the lawns, the benches around the pond and

Cat Lovers

I have always loved cats, I love them as much as I hate dogs. I can't remember any period of my life when I didn't have a cat. When I moved to a new place, the first things I did were shopping for a toaster, a coffee maker and looking for a cat to adopt. Once, I had this beautiful Siamese female. She had all the characteristics of a perfect Siamese. I'm not into cat

Choir Practice

My village is small and pretty, with an old church where I was a choir boy. The vicar had died 4 months ago and we were waiting for the new vicar. He was going to arrive on that Saturday afternoon. All the village went to the train station to receive him. The train arrived at 3:47, as usual, and he step out. He was tall, handsome and young. He was alone since he was a bachelor.

Coins In The Fountain

A hot summer day, I was visiting Rome and I went to Trevi's Fountain and throw 3 coins and make a wish, like all tourists. I got there and first admired the fountain with all those sculptures of naked male bodies. I wanted to drink something cool first because I was feeling very hot under the sun. I sat at an open cafe and asked for a kind of coffee sherbet called Cafe Granita,

Cold Comfort

I had gone to Heathrow airport in the morning, to see someone off. I came back by train to my college town. I had just gone into the train when it started snowing. A cold wind caused the temperature to drop to 10°F in minutes. When I got to my town after 30 minute trip, the blizzard was really strong. I got off the train, left the station and went to the bus stop to wait for the


The school I attended, from kindergarten to high school was a very strict Jesuit's school. In addition to the academic part, which was very hard and taught in a traditional way, that is, following the old advice: "The letters enter through blood", - which didn't mean transfusion, but spanking, belting and other physical punishment - my school was famous for the rigorous


Había conseguido un trabajo al otro lado del país: 2,000 millas. Por tierra. El viaje iba a ser largo y pesado. Puse un aviso en el tablero de la universidad y en el clasificado del periódico local. Esa noche sonó el teléfono y una voz masculina dijo: "Hola, me llamo Nick. Vi el anuncio de que ud. necesita un copiloto. Yo también voy al mismo lugar y me gustaría acompañarlo, y

De Compras

No me gusta ir de compras porque necesito comprar algo de $5 y termino gastando $200. Lo bueno de ir de compras es ver machos guapos, aunque nunca ha surgido oportunidad para sexo. Excepto hacce 2 semanas. Fui a Harrod's y me dije que sólo iba a comprar una camisa de £20 lo maximo, no más. Es más, no llevé conmigo mis tarjetas de crédito sino que sólo llevaba en el bolsillo £30,

Despiértame, Por Favor

Cuando estudiaba en la universidad, yo vivía en los dormitorios y allí vivía tambien James, un compañero de clases guapísimo. Yo creo que James era el hombre más guapo que jamás había visto. Era alto, con cabello castaño y ojos azules, delgado y musculoso con un culo perfecto y un cuerpo cubierto de vello delicioso. Todas las mañanas me lo encontraba en las regaderas y me deleitaba

El Albañil

Fui a comprar algo a una tienda y cuando salí,¿qué veo? Una construcción en la acera de enfrente. Una docena de albañiles, cuerpos bronceados, pieles curtidas por el sol, el viento y la tierra, sudor, músculos. Wow!, no podía quedarme allí parado como tonto, pero no podía dejar de admirar esos cuerpos sensuales y bellos. Me subí al carro y di la vuelta a la manzana para

El Elevador

En el edificio donde yo trabajaba había un hombre guapísimo, yo siempre me fijaba en él: era un electricista, guapísimo, altísimo, al menos 6 pies 6 pulgadas, musculoso, enorme, pero con una cintura pequeña para su cuerpo, un culo redondeado y levantado, era rubio, con ojos azules y con todo el cuerpo (bueno al menos o que yo podia ver) cubierto de vello dorador. Sus piernas eran

El Hombre del Lago

Me gusta mucho ir al parque del lago en mi pueblo. Sufro de claustrofobia, así que en el receso para el lunch siempre me salgo del edificio donde está mi oficina y me dirijo al lago para comer mi lunch mientras contemplo las aguas azules del lago, los cisnes y gansos nadando, y los guapos paseantes que van a correr, caminar o simplemente a sentarse a disfrutar del paisaje como yo.

El Jardinero

Durante las vacaciones solíamos ir a una casa de campo que tienen mis papás en las montañas. Ese verano ellos fueron antes que yo, ya que debía presentar un examen extraordinario, y yo iría cuando ellos regresaran. Cuando volvieron, mi mamá me dijo: "El césped del jardín está altísimo y no puee uno caminar allí porque puede estar lleno de bichos venenosos. Cuando te vayas,

El Mozo

Yo tenía 19 años y estaba fuera de casa estudiando. Ese año fui a casa a pasar las vacaciones de verano y coincidió con el fallecimiento de Ramón, nuestro mayordomo. Él había sido mayordomo en casa de mis abuelos maternos y cuando mi mamá se casó él se vino a trabajar a nuestra casa. Lo sentí mucho porque era como de la familia. Durante 1 año estuvimos sin mayordomo y mis padres

Fireworks Fiesta

I visited Mexico some years ago and a friend of mine invited me to visit the South of that country, rich in archeological remains. When we were in a small city, my friend told me: "Today is September 15th, and tonight there will be fireworks at the main square in town, it's the celebration of Mexico's independence". I told him I wanted to go, but he said: "We can see it on TV, and

Halloween Story

It was Halloween, James was trick or treating with a bunch of guys in the same college. He was dressed as count Dracula and he only had to wear a black tuxedo and plastic fangs since he already was thin, tall, with black straight hair and dark penetrating eyes. After having a plastic carrying bag filled with candy, he said good bye to his friends and went home, to his

Hombres Ricos y Pobres: todos Locos por Mí.

Durante el tiempo que trabaje con Jake, él me cogía todas las noches y me mamaba con ansia. Le encantaba que yo me viniera en su boca o que le salpicara mi semen encima de su cuerpo velludo. Yo estaba satisfecho: un buen trabajo, un buen cogedor, y comida y techo gratis, así que no tenía que gastar ni un penique. Aunque odio la rutina y mi trabajo era muy disciplinado y metódico,

Horror Movie

My roomate and I went to the movie theater, it was a Saturday night and we went to the late show that started at 10:30 and ended midnight. I'm not squeamish and have had hair raising experiences; however, that night the movie affected me more than expected. My roomate, James, noticed the movie had me in suspense and that during the scariest scenes I averted my eyes and was


...¡Yo estaba volando! Me tomó una fracción de segundo darme cuenta de que había sido atropellado por un carro; traté de poner en práctica las lecciones de judo y karate que había tomado, así como mi experiencia en clavados y las muchas veces que me había masturbado mirando videos de Greg Louganis echando clavados, así que traté de evitar lastimarme la cabeza o la espalda, y para

How To Take It Up The Ass

I would like to share this tutorial with other authors of this section of Men on the Net. I will write a lesson on anal sex and would be delighted if you contribute with your accounts about your experiences in this mode of sex. I usually do more oral and manual (caressing, touching, wanking my partner) sex than anal. A guy has to be really gorgeous or really close to me

Just In Time

I can be described as a very handsome bloke, some would say I'm gorgeous, others, just very handsome, depending on personal tastes. Well, I was in college and many guys made advances and invited me to join them in sexual activities, except Pete. He was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. He was gorgeous: tall, athletic, a virile and beautiful face, brown eyes, brown hair, few

La Cola del Banco

Era día de pago y viernes además, así que el banco estaba a reventar de tanta gente. Yo tenía que depositar un dinero y el cajero automático estaba descompuesto, así que entré al banco a hacer cola. Me consolé pensando que tendría la oportunidad de ver al cajero que me gustaba. Era guapísimo, muy parecido a Tom Selleck pero joven, cuando hacía Magnum. Busqué su ventanilla y me

La Hora del Almuerzo

Todos los días salgo a la misma hora a caminar a la hora del almuerzo, luego compro mi almuerzo y regreso a mi oficina o al laboratorio para comerlo mientras navego en la Internet. Camino a mi oficina paso por los baños de caballeros a lavarme las manos y orinar. Sin querer, soy muy exacto y metódico, y esto lo notó Ed, un técnico por cuya oficina paso siempre que voy al baño. Ed


When I was in college we had a library right by the dorms, crossing merely 40 feet, and it was open 24 hours, we just borrowed the book and filled out a slip and left it in a box by the counter. It was something very common going there at midnight or later. One day, I was doing a homework with my friend in his room. We needed some tables to solve an engineering problem, so I

Ligando Durante el Desayuno

Hace ya algunos años viajé a la ciudad de Boston para una convención. Era verano y el sol brillaba embelleciendo la ciudad, no daban ganas de estar escuchando conferencias, sino mejor salir a admirar a los guapos bostonianos disfrutando del sol. Estaba hospedado en uno de los mejores hoteles del centro, y allí mismo se llevaban a cabo todas las conferencias y eventos de la


¿? Cuando era adolescente recuerdo la casa de mi amigo Javier. Era una casa de principios de siglo con innumerables habitaciones, una tras otra, con pesadas puertas y ventanas con enrejados de hierro forjado. A mí me gustaba mucho ir a casa de Javier y recorrer con él esos cuartos donde hallábamos trebejos antiquísimos, llenos de polvo y telarañas, que evocaban épocas

Los Mingitorios del Cine

La primera vez que visité la ciudad de México me hospedé en casa de unos amigos que vivían en la "Zona Rosa", una área de la ciudad famosa por su vida nocturna. Un día salí de compras con mi amigo y andábamos en otra colonia, cerca de la Zona Rosa, y apuntó hacia un cine - Cine Estadio - y me dijo que allí había mucha acción gay todo el tiempo. Yo estaba cansado de andar

Lucky Leap

The first moment I saw this guy I fell in love with him. We were new in a British college and were next door neighbours in the dorm hall. He was from the Middle East, white skin, blackest hair and moustache, with chiselled features and a perfect body, not a bodybuilder type but slender, not skinny, with muscles where needed, a perfect ass, hairy body and really handsome. Moss,

Lunch Break

There are methodical people, who plan every minute of their daily life. I never planned anything like that; however, just by chance, it seems that I work on a tight schedule, watch in hand. It's just a coincidence, but all my routine steps happen every day at the same time, exactly. I leave my office or the lab at 11:58-12:00, I go for a walk, buy my lunch, go to the lab in order

Mi Secretario!

El director de nuestra compañía donde yo trabajaba como investigador científico nos anunció: "Todos los investigadores que trabajen en laboratorios tendrán secretarios en vez de secretarias. En primer lugar, a las chicas no les gustra trabajar en los laboratorios, aisladas y sin poder chismorrear agusto, y segundo, como los investigadores tienen que viajar todo el tiempo, es más fácil

My Secretary

Once I worked as a research scientist for a big pharmaceutical company. One day, the director told us: "From now on, all secretaries in the labs will be male. The girls don't like working isolated, they need the gossip; and besides, you travel all the time and it's easier for a male secretary to travel. We'll hire bachelors only, so they won't have problem with travelling". I

My Summer Adventure, Part 1

My Summer Adventure, Part I Sunday morning, 4:30 a.m. The night before I had had my high school graduation party . I had been planning this for a long time. I wrote a note to my parents: "Don't look for me, I just want to have some time for myself. I promise I'll be here in time to go to college as planned". I left the note on the kitchen counter, and off I went.

My Summer Adventure, Part 2

My Summer Adventure, Part II I walked for hours in the big city, suddenly, it started raining. It was really pouring cats and dogs. I went under a marquee to avoid getting soaked in the rain. I looked across the street and there was a synagogue. The door was open, I crossed the street and went in. I was raised a Jew and knew the etiquette in the temple I saw a

My Summer Adventure, Part 3

My Summer Adventure, Part III. During the time I worked for Jake he fucked me every night and sucked me with enthusiasm. He liked me coming into his mouth or splashing it all over his hairy body. I was satisfied, a good job, a good fucker, and free food and shelter, so I didn't have to spend a pence. Although I hate routine and my work was very regimented, it was for

My Summer Adventure, Part 4

My Summer Adventure, Part IV ...I was flying, it took me a fraction of a second to comprehend that I had been hit by a car; I tried to put in practice the judo and karate lessons I had taken, as well as my experience in diving and the many times I had wanked watching videos of Greg Louganis diving, I tried to fall avoiding hurting my head or my spine and neck, so I

Next Please!

I wanted to invite my friend Josh, a doctor, to a party. I happened to be in the neighborhood of his office, so I stopped in to see him. The receptionist knew me and told me to go into his office. He was in the next room examining someone and popped in for a second and told me: "I'll be with you soon, give me 10 minutes, I'm removing a cast. There were several people

No Tan Aburrido Como Creía

"¡Joder!", me dije, "¡qué pinche aburrimiento!". Estaba en este pueblucho (bueno, ciudad pequeña, pero era lo mismo) por razones de trabajo. Estaba haciendo mi trabajo social, que consistía principalmente en estadísticas y recopilar datos, y a las 3 de la tarde ya estaba libre todos los días. Iba a comer y después no había nada qué hacer o ver. La tele tenía

Not So Boring A Town Afterall

I was stuck in this small town because of my work. I was doing some social work, statistics mainly, and had all afternoon free. There was nothing to do there, except for the only movie theather. TV had only 2 channels, so I went to the movies every afternoon. The film was always the same, Karate Kid, so I just went in to doze off, have som popcorn and soda and let the time go by.

On The First Day Of Christmas

It was December 1st, and the night before there had been a blizzard like no one had seen in New York state in the last 20 years. The snow reached 4 feet in some places, and a good part of the lake outside town had frozen. I went to buy some groceries, there was still some light, but it'd be dark very soon since it was past 4 p.m. On my way home I decided to take a shortcut

Oso de peluche

Cuando me fui de casa no sabía a dónde ir; estaba fastidiado de vivir en una ciudad tan chica donde uno no podía ni tirarse un pedo sin que los vecinos se enteraran y trataran de avinar lo que uno comió. Además, en un lugar tan chico no podía tener muchas aventuras homosexuales sin que mi familia se enterara (auqneu bien que me las había arreglado para seducir a unos cuantos

Overnight Bus Trip

I had to take an unexpected business trip; I couldn't get a seat on any flight, so I decided to take the bus. I hadn't used that means of transportation in many years, and never for long trips. There was a bus departing at 7 p.m. and would arrive to my destination at 7 a.m. I bought the ticket and took my seat, fourth row, left hand side, aisle seat. My neighbor was a very handsome

Por la Fuerza

Todos los que me conocen me consideran guapo, algunos dicen que guapísimo. Soy alto, 6 pies 2 pulgadas, complexión atlética aunque no voluminoso, sólo los músculos suficientes para verme atractivo, pero nada exagerado. Cabello castaño claro, ojos verdes, y muy velludo, con vello castaño claro que al ser alumbrado por el sol se ve dorado. M verga circuncidada mide en su máxima

Puñeta ¿a la fuerza?

? Mi amigo Guillermo era guapísimo: cabello negro lacio, ojos obscuros, facciones muy masculinas, y una boca muy sensual con una sonrisa que lo hacía parecer a Richard Gere. Alto, complexión regular, no musculoso pero con piernas fuertes y sexis y un culo bien formado, y su verga estaba siempre parada y se le notaba a través del pantalón. Eramos amigos y salíamos

Qué frío!

Regresaba por tren de visitar a un amigo en Londres. Apenas llegué al pueblo, empezó a nevar y a soplar un viento helado y la temperatura descendió como a 10° bajo cero. Caminé hacia la parada del autobús para ir a mi casa y encontré allí a Samy, un compañero de clases que me gustaba mucho. Me dijo que iba al pueblo, al cine, yo le pregunté si podíamos ir juntos y estuvo de


I went to the bank, it was Friday and payday, so it was full and crowded. I stood in a queue to a window where there was a cashier I liked. He looked like Tom Selleck but young, about 25 - 30 years old. I was there, waiting and admiring the handsome cashier, when I felt something pushing against my bottom. I guessed it was a child playing around, or a lady carrying a lot of

Quiero Vergas!

Desde que desperté al sexo, se puede decir que siempre he tenido una verga en la boca, el culo o la mano. Soy bastante guapo, así que no me faltan pretendientes o amantes, y mi carácter y verbosidad son herramientas de gran utilidad para seducir a todos los hombres que he tenido. Sin embargo, hubo una vez en que pasé un largo período de abstinencia sexual, y fue una horrible

Raped at KFC

I got a job one summer at the KFC restaurant in Kingston-upon-Thames. Work was easy, everything was ready to put in the fryers, and what I liked most: I could meet many guys. My first day, I was introduced to my partner, Trev, and when I saw him I was speechless. Wow!, what a beautiful bloke: 6 ft 6 in tall, 230 pounds of pure muscle and hair, reddish blonde, bluest eyes, and those

Room Service

A business trip to Chicago, I worked all day and when I went to my hotel it was past 11 p.m. I went up to my room, and I was going to take a shower, but I was hungry, so I picked up the phone and dialed room service first. I hadn't eaten all day, so I ordered a full meal. I went to the bathroom and took I shower. When I was toweling, I heard a knock at the door. I asked

Salto de suerte

Desde el primer momento en que vi a este hombre supe que estaba enamorado. Los dos éramos estudiantes en un colegio inglés y ocupábamos cuartos vecinos en el dormitorio. Moss, como todos lo llamaban, era del Medio Oriente: piel blanca, pelo negrísimo, bigote poblado, facciones angulosas pero muy guapo, y con un cuerpo perfecto, que no era masivo como el de un fisicoculturista pero


I was really infatuated with this guy. His name was Alex; medium height, athletic body, blue eyes, reddish blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a big cock and perfect ass. He used to go to the same gym I frequent and I saw him naked several times in the showers and the sauna. When he walked, his big 8 inch cock (not erect) used to swing to the left and the right and it was the


I hate going shopping because I always spend more than what I planned. About 2 weeks ago I wanted to buy a shirt and, if possible, trousers, so I went to town and I took with me only £50, planning to pay no more than £40 for a not very fancy shirt, £5 for my lunch and £5 for the train back home. I didn't carry my credit cards to avoid temptations. I decided to buy it at

Taking My Time

I used to work with Greg, he was 26 and I was 28 then. He was of medium height, about 5'8", dark brown hair, brown eyes, not muscular, more an intellectual type, but handsome, hairy and horny, I could notice the outline of his cock in his tight white jeans or loose chino pants, and it seemed it was erect all the time. He was very handsome and serious, and I didn't know

The Art Gallery

I was invited to an opening ceremony at an art gallery. I like art, but usually classic works, not abstract rubbish. I knew it was going to be boring and horrible, but I didn't have anything else for that night, and it was an opportunity to take the tux out of the closet and check it for moths. The place was crowded with snob intellectuals, ugly, mainly middle-aged women

The Beautiful Barber

I needed a haircut, so I went to the barber shop. I don't like having my hair cut in a salon, I prefer barber shops. This time a new barber was there. He said: "Hello, I'm Jack, you must be looking for Martin, well he went to Italy to visit his relatives and will be there for a month. In the meantime, I'll be here". I sat down at the high chair and told him how I

The Biggest One I Ever Saw

I went to the movies, alone, it was pouring cats and dogs and I just went in to wait for the rain to subside. When I entered, the film had started, so I stood by a short wall behind the back row to get accustomed to the darkness. It was so dark that I hadn't noticed there was another guy standing there next to me, we were shoulder to shoulder. He apparently thought my

The Hairy Construction Worker

I went to buy something and when I came out of the shop I noticed a construction site on the opposite side of the street. I stopped there, admiring the muscular bodies, glistening with sweat, exerting themselves. I couldn't stop there very long, so I went to my car. I drove around the block and looked for a parking spot where I could have a good view. I found one and parked there

The Man On The Park

Whenever the weather was nice, I liked to go out for my lunch break, especially to the park by the beautiful lake. I used to sit on the grass and eat my lunch while I read a book or the newspaper and glanced at the jogger and sun worshippers who exposed a lot of bare skin to the sun. One day I was there when I noticed a very handsome guy. He was stout, medium height, some belly

The Novelty Shop

I lived in a small city, or rather a town, it had very few shops and other business. There was a tobacconist-newstand-novely shop. There were some gadgets displayed in the window: whoopee cushions, fake puke, green slime, a trick glass that dripped when someone drank from it, etc. Inside, there was a counter with stools and a soda fountain. The first time I went in, to buy

The Prisoner

When I was a teenager, I used to visit my friend Jay's home. He lived in an old manor house from the time of the Civil War, it had innumerable rooms, room after room, and heavy doors and windows with wrought iron bars very decorative. I loved visiting his house and we used to roam around the many rooms where we used to find lots of old things - all dusty and cobwebby - from a

The Shrubbery

It was a Saturday, I woke up at 10 o'clock and while I was getting up I heard the doorbell. I was in my birthday suit, so I put on a bathrobe and went to the door. A young man, 20-22 years old, stood there; he had copper-red hair, green eyes, very handsome, and with a great body, especially his bubble butt and his strong thick legs which stretched the denim of his jeans almost to

The Shy Professor

There was this professor on the faculty of the college where I studied, he was very handsome, manly and sexy, but shy. He was of medium height, in his late thirties, not an athletic type but with a good body. He usually wore a sweatshirt and jeans, and I could notice he had beautiful buns, a good package, and shapely legs. The back of his hands was covered with red fur, yes, he was

The Tube Station

It wasn't late, maybe 6 PM, but it was winter, so it was all dark. I went into Baker Street underground station. It was a Sunday, so the station, usually full of people, was deserted. It felt creepy and I had the feeling that someone followed me. I waited for the train and suddenly, a pair of strong arms held me from behind. I'm no weakling, I'm 6 foot 2 and with good strong body,

Trabajador doméstico

Cuando Steve y yo nos despedimos, me dejó en una estación de servicio justo afuera de una ciudad grande. Me dijo: "Puedes encontrarme aquí los días 6 y 21 de cada mes, ya que paso aquí todo el día para que le hagan el servicio al camión. Si se te ofrece algo, ya sabes dónde encontrarme". Me despedí de él y de Jim con tristeza, ya que iba a extrañar sus dos vergas enormes metidas en

Travel Agent

I got a call from the travel agency to let me know that my tickets for my trip were ready. I was flying to attend a convention. The girl on the phone told me that they could send them to me. I told her that I'd pick them up at lunchtime since I was going out jogging and their office was on my route. I went jogging, wearing a T-shirt and a pair of brief jogging shorts,

Triple Treat

I was watching the preview channel and suddenly I noticed they were going to show "The Hunt For Red October". Wow! I couldn't believe it: Alec Baldwin, Sean Connery and Sam Neill in the same film. I made a few calls and cancelled all my appointments and dates for the next 2 hours. I love watching Alec Baldwin, especially his hairy chest and beautiful face, and Sean Connery is


Estaban haciendo reparaciones en las tuberías de agua de mi calle, así que todos los días cortaban el agua a las 7 de la mañana. Yo me levantaba a las 6 para bañarme antes de que la cortaran, pero ese día me quedé dormido. Necsitaba bañarme, me sentía sucio después de haber corrido la noche anterior y jugado basketball. Me dormí sin bañarme por lo cansado que estaba. No había agua,

Viaje en autobús

Tuve que hacer un viaje repentino de negocios; no conseguí asiento en ningún vuelo, así que decidí ir por autobús. Hacía muchos años que no usaba ese medio de transporte, y nunca para viajes largos. Había uno que salía a las 7 p.m. y llegaba a las 7 a.m. Compré el billete y me senté en mi lugar, en la cuarta fila, lado izquierdo, el asiento de corredor. Junto a mí estaba un hombre

Wake-up Call

I liked this guy in college, his name was James and he lived in the same dorm as I. He was of medium height, very thin but with muscles, a beautiful ass and a big cock. I saw him every morning in the showers and he had a huge cock, about 8 inches when soft, with big hairy balls. All his body was very hairy and I loved looking at his legs, ass and chest. He had black hair and blue eyes. As I

Wanking In Public

When I was in my senior year in college, one morning I was heading for the library when the secretary of the department called me: "Dany!", she said, "Prof. Kramer just called, he had a family emergency and cannot make it in time for the exam he's giving his students in 10 minutes. I have the questions, he gave them to me on the phone, but someone must take care of the group. Would


That summer I took a part time job to save some money for college. I responded to an ad in the paper and went to an interview. I was told that the job was as an assistant in a warehouse. I had to stack boxes with merchandise (auto parts), keep the warehouse clean and check the inventory sheets to keep them up to date. I was given the job and the supervisor took me to my

Whore!, Part 1

I was in college, I was 19, and I had a marvelous lover, Moss. I have told about him in other stories. He didn't mind having some sexual encounters with other guys, because he was sure of my love for him and that he could have me anytime. He just told me to be careful and not to bring him any disease. I went once to a party: a friend of a friend of a friend. I was roaming

Whore!, Part 2

My first experience was not so bad; the client was very satisfied, and even forgot the spanking he had paid for. He was more than satisfied after I fucked him. Work went on, three times a week. Usually, I had one or two clients, but sometimes, especially Saturdays, I received even 4 people in the 2 hours of my work shift. Sometimes it was quite okay; guys usually wanted to


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