Gay Erotic Stories

Coming Home

by San Palo

My parents had been married forty-seven years when my Mother passed away. My father was an NFL referee and was still working every weekend for the NFL. After the funeral, my Dad and I talked at great length about what he was going to do and what he wanted to do. He told me he was not sure what he wanted to do but he said it was going to be lonely without his wife. "Dad, if you need someone to stay with you for a while I would be glad to stay until you felt comfortable being alone." "No, son I think I will be alright." Well a couple of weeks passed and Dad called me on the phone crying and saying how much he missed Mom and that he was terribly lonely. I told him then that I would move in with him and rent out my house until he felt better. Well of course you have to give people a six month or year contract, so I gave this fine older couple a year's rental. I rented it furnished so all I did was take my clothes and move in with Dad. I moved right back to the room I had as a child. I was 45 when I moved back and knew it would feel completely different. I had to get used to living with someone else. Dad had been used to living with someone, so his adjustment was not quite as bad. We had always enjoyed each other's company because we had a lot in common. We both loved football and all sports. We enjoyed fishing together and went out quite often. We would go camping and find a place to go skinny dipping and bathe. I had seen my Dad nude many, many times when I was younger, but had not seen him nude in 15 years at least. When he suggested that we go skinny dipping I was a little reluctant. I remembered back to the days when I would see him nude and how it excited me. He had a great body when he was younger and he kept fit by being a referee. "Get undressed and let's go swim before we eat." Dad said. We both started to take our clothes off and I was reluctant to look toward Dad. Finally, I was nude and I looked over and Dad was pulling down bikini briefs. Dad I said, "How long have you been wearing bikini underwear." "About three months now." " After your Mom died I thought I would try different things and these are one of them, as he held them up for me to see." "Don't you think they are sexy." dad said. "Yes, they are very sexy, I think that depends on who is wearing them though." With that we headed to the lake and slowly walked into the slightly cool water. We swam and played for quite sometime and finally decided to get out and fix something to eat. Dad looks over to me and says "What happened to your cock?" I look down and then looked at him and said, "What happened to yours also?" The cold water had made our cocks shrink up so it looked as though we were little boys. "Reminds me when you were a small boy, son. That's about the size it was when you were ten or eleven. "Well believe me Dad it is a hell of a lot bigger now." "I am sure it is and it will come back to normal after we warm up by the fire." Dad got everything together and cooked a delicious supper. We ate enjoyed the moon and stars and then turned in for the night. We had two sleeping bags but decided to zip them together because it was real getting cold. "Did you bring any pajamas, son." "No, I didn't think I would need them." "Well we better snuggle tonight to keep warm." Dad said. So we left the fire going and Dad crawled into the sleeping bag first and I crawled in after. I snuggled up against my Dad's back and put my arms over him and held on to his chest. Dad said, "This brings back memories of when your mother and I slept, she would snuggle the same way." "Thanks Dad" I said. "Go to sleep son; good night." "Good night Dad, sleep tight." I wanted all that night to reached down and feel Dad's big cock but was so nervous that he would get upset with me. I stayed awake all night thinking about being so close to him and not being able to touch his cock and balls. I did feel his chest and stomach all night and even felt his ample tits and big nipples. I think Dad thought I was doing this in my sleep and did not protest. Once I let my left hand wonder down to his pubic hair and let my fingers curl around in them. I made sure I did not touch the base of his big cock. Next morning I got up before Dad and started a new fire and fixed coffee. Finally Dad crawled out of the tent and stood up. I glanced down and saw that Dad was hard. He saw me looking and said, "haven't you seen a grown man with a hard on before?" "Yes, Dad I have but not yours." "Well mine's pretty much like everyone else's." "You and I inherited these from my Dad and your granddad on my side" Dad said as he cupped his balls in his hand. "Dad, you are a little bit larger than I am." "Son, size is not everything." Then Dad walks around the side of the tent and goes to the edge of the woods and to take a piss. When he came back his cock was softer and arched out over his low hanging balls. "Dad, did you see your Dad and granddad when they were hard?" "Yes, son many, many times. They were like you and I, they were open about nudity and sexuality. My parents and grandparents were always open with us and we were able to ask questions about any subject. "So that is where you learned about sex." I asked. "Yes, son I talked often to my granddad about sex, he was more open than my father, and granddad would bring up subjects to talk about. "Sometimes we would sit nude talking to each other about sex. I looked down many times when I was young and saw granddad's cock standing up. He did not try to hide it he acted as though it was a natural thing. I wanted you to feel the same when you wer growing up. I think that you have a healthy attitude toward sex." "Well, here have some coffee and we should eat and go back to town." "Dad, you have to go to the game tomorrow, right.?" "Yeah, the Cowboys and Eagles are playing and I have to referee." "Dad, I know you are really tired and sore when you get through with your games. I thought I might take a massage class and when you get home at night or after any games I could give you a massage to help you relax and help with the sore muscles you're always complaining about." "That sounds great son, how long is the class and when does it start?" "I think I can start tomorrow and it lasts for two weeks." "Well, the NFL season just started so that will give you plenty of time to complete the course." "Also Dad, I know you wear all that support and underwear when you go onto the field, I thought if I could find a class I could learn more about what you wear and how I could help you protect yourself better." "Yes, son I worry about getting a helmet in my groin and really being hurt. I don't know what would happen if I got injured and couldn't get an erection." "You would still be a great man to me Dad." "Yeah, but my cock and erections mean a great deal to me." "I know how you feel Dad, I feel the same way." We had breakfast packed up and headed home. Next day I enrolled in the massage class and the two weeks went by very quickly because of the enjoyment of the class. The next Sunday after completing the class Dad came home after refereeing the Dolphins and the New England Patriots. I could tell he had a rough day, plus I watched the game on TV he had been knocked down three times during the game. "Hi Dad, you sure had a rough day." "Yes son, it was one of the roughest games I have had it quite some time." "Dad would you mind if I helped you get cleaned up for dinner?" "You know son that would be nice I am so tired I don't think I could do much." "Come to your room and I will get your bath ready and then help you get ready for the tub then you can soak while finish dinner." "Thanks son I sure appreciate your help. Your Mom helped me before when I was extremely tired." "Well Dad I am here for you now." I went into the bathroom and started the water, checked the temperature and then went back into Dad's bedroom. Dad was sitting on the edge of the bed. I knelt down and started removing his shoes and socks. Then reached up and unbuttoned his Black and White stripped shirt. I removed his shirt and underneath he was wearing a thin athletic shirt. "Dad, do you always wear this type of shirt under your official shirt?" "No, not always, I wear different types what ever my mood my be." "How many type do you have?" "Probably fifteen." I reached over and pulled the A- shirt out of his pants and then removed it over his head. I had seen Dad's chest before but not this close. I then unbuckled his belt and asked him to stand up for me. He got up and I unzipped his pants and they fell to the floor. "Dad, what is this you have on?" "Son, those are called compression pants." "What do they do for you?" "Well son they serve two purposes, they help support my cock and balls and help me look a little slimmer." "Dad, I know you need a lot of support for your cock and balls but you don't need to look slimmer. You have a great body and are not fat. You are big but not heavy." I reached the top of the compression pants and tugged them down his thighs. Underneath Dad was wearing a jock with a cup. "Dad, do you always wear a jock with a cup?" "No, son I wear different type jocks all the time." "How many jocks do you have Dad?" "I think I have one of every kind made. I get them free from all the Sports companies." "What about your other underwear and clothes?" "Anything under my uniform is given to me free that is why I have so many different type of jocks and compression pants." I then reached up and slowly removed his jockstrap. I had seen him plenty times naked but not this close. I could smell the male sweat when I slid the jock down his thighs. He stepped out of the jock as I stared at his cock and balls. "Dad, you sure did sweat today didn't you. This jock and your crotch smell like you have worn this jock for a week." "Yeah, son it was humid out there today." I led Dad into the bathroom and helped him get into the tub. "Dad, just lie back and relax while I check on dinner. I'll be back to wash you in a few minutes. Just relax and enjoy that hot water. I have a surprise for you after we eat." I hurriedly checked on dinner but did not tell Dad it was finished. I went back into the bathroom and Dad was lying on his back with his left leg draped over the side of the tub. "Ok Dad, time for your bath." "Ok I am ready son." I reached over Dad to get the soap on the other side of the tub. "Sit up Dad so I can wash your back." I washed his back as much as I could with him sitting down. I then wash his legs and feet. I knew his feet were sweaty and washed them a little extra. I washed his chest and enjoyed feeling those ample tits and big nipples. I pinched his nipples lightly and noticed they were getting hard. "Dad, what makes your nipples get hard like that?" "Well that's natural when someone touches them or pinches them like you were doing." "What happens after they get hard?" "Well son there are several things that can be, mostly they can be sucked or pinched harder to give the person pleasure, if they are into that sort of thing." "Okay Dad, stand up if you can I need to wash your lower parts." "I think I can manage for a few minutes." Dad stood up and the soap bubbles ran off of his body. He stood in front of me as I sit on the edge of the tub. I asked him to turn around so I can wash his bottom. He turn and presents his beautiful ass for me. I reach out and rubbed the soap all over his ass, then proceeded to clean up in the crack of his ass. "Dad, bend over so I can get in there to make sure you're clean." "Okay, son how is this?" He almost grabbed his ankles and I almost shot off. There staring me in the face, was his asshole and I could see his big cock and balls hanging down. "That's great dad, hold it for a few minutes if you can." I washed his ass real good and was also able to slide my little finger into his asshole. I wanted to bend over and stick my tongue into the hole, but did not know how he would react. "Okay dad, time for the front." Dad turned around and his cock is arched out over his balls. I got some extra soap on both hands and then reached out and wrap my right hand around his cock and my left hand takes his big balls. I slowly start washing his cock and balls and I am in heaven. "Son you know my cock is going to get hard when you wash it. It always did when your mother washed it for me. So don't be surprised when it gets extremely hard from your washing. "That's okay Dad, I don't want to hurt you though." "Son it doesn't hurt, it feels good when it gets hard. Just like when you play with your cock and it gets hard, doesn't it feel good?" "Dad you're embarrassing me, stop." "Son you are going to have to learn that we can talk about anything and everything like my granddad and I did and my daddy did." "Dad did you ever wash your granddad and dad?" "Do you mean wash there cock and balls, son." "Yes, daddy, there cock and balls." "Yes son, I washed granddad and my daddy's balls and cock about every night from the time I was six or seven." "Daddy, why didn't you let me wash your cock and balls for you when I was young." "You did son, when you were six or seven, but you didn't seem to enjoy it so I did not want to force you. Your older brother seemed to enjoy washing my cock and balls much more." "Oh Dad, I am so sorry I have missed so much but we are going to make up for all the lost time." I kept washing Daddy's big cock and balls while he told me about when he was younger and he washed his granddad and his dad. I lifted dad's cock and examined the foreskin and the head very closely. I rolled the foreskin back and cleaned real good right behind the head. I picked up his balls and felt them one at a time feeling them roll in my hands. "Dad did you get excited when you washed granddad's cock and balls?" "What do you mean excited?" "Well seeing their cocks get hard when you washed them, did your cock get hard also? Also just playing with their cock and balls did that get you excited?" "Well granddad let me play with his cock and balls anytime I wanted, but it seemed a special treat to wash them for him." "Well dad I think you are clean lets go eat and I have a special treat for you and you tired muscles." Dad wraps his hand around his cock and says "what am I supposed to do with this." "Daddy, let it go down for now." I knew he was puzzled by that statement. We had a quick dinner and I asked dad to come out by the pool where I had set up by massage table. "Son, what's this?" "This is the surprise I have for you. I am going to give you the best massage you have ever had." "Boy that sounds great, son." "Get upon the table and lye down." I noticed he had put on one of his many jockstraps. He crawls upon the table and lays on his stomach. I pour some oil into my hands to warm it up. I then start to massage his back and shoulders. Then I move down to his legs and ass. When I get to his upper thighs he spreads his legs to give me access to his inner thighs. I then reach up and grab the waist strap of his jock. He raises his hips so I can remove the jock. Then between his legs I could see his balls and cock lying on the table. It was a beautiful site even if an hour earlier I had them in my hands. I finished with his back and asked him to roll over so I could do the front. I looked down to his crotch and he was hard again. "Dad is that thing always hard?" "Yes, son it always is after it has been washed and played with." "Well how do we get it to go down, dad?" "Well what do you do when your gets hard from you being horny?" "Well I jack off if I am alone or if I have a good friend I asked them to help me get off." "Son, How do these friends help you get off? "Well some of them jack me off and others suck me off." "Do you jack or suck them off too if they need it? "Yes dad I do." "Oh, you like sucking cock?" "Yes, I do." "Well why don't you help Daddy out by sucking me off? Would you like that?" "Yes daddy I have dreamed of sucking your cock since I was six or seven." "Why didn't you let me know you wanted to suck me?" "I was afraid you would punish me." "No son, that is a natural things for some boys and men to do." "After I would wash your granddaddy and your great granddaddy they would let me suck them. They call it their pacifier and I would get what they called their milk and then they would let me lay between their legs the rest of the night nursing on what they called their teat." " I could not get enough cock from granddad and my daddy so I sucked my daddy's brothers and my mother's brother who were willing to help me with the cock sucking I needed. "Oh daddy you have gotten me hot talking about sucking your granddaddy and daddy. Can I suck your milk out of your cock for you.? "Yes son you help yourself to what you want and then I have a surprise for you too." "Dad slide to the edge of the table for me so I can get a good look at your cock and balls and I can suck everything better that way." "Okay son, what ever is best for you." Dad slide his ass to the edge of the table and I sat down in a chair at the end of the table. There in front of me was everything I had always wanted. I stroked the inside of daddy's thighs and sniffed the aroma coming from his cock and balls. "Daddy you are beautiful down here and you smell so good, a manly smell." "Yes, granddad and my daddy told me that also." "Did they suck you off also?" "Yes, of course they loved to suck as much as I did." I couldn't wait any longer I had to taste this big cock hanging in front of my face, I kept rubbing the inside of his thighs as I leaned over and licked his cock and balls all over. "Son you don't have to wash them they are nice and clean since you washed them." "I know dad I just want to taste the flavor of your maleness and also you have been oozing precum when you were telling me about your dad and your granddad. Boy, your precum taste great I can't wait to get the load of cum stored for me. Do you shoot a big load daddy?" "Yes, I shoot a nice mouthful of cum. I am sure you have sucked guys that gave you a mouthful." "Not too many. I want you to give me a mouthful though." "I will son just suck me for about an hour and then I will give you a big mouthful of my jism." "Daddy can I do this every night and anytime I want to?" "Yes, son you can have daddy's cock anytime you want. It might not be hard as you like and I might not be able to give you cum every time, but you can suck on me anytime you have the need." "Thank you Daddy I Love you." "I love you too, son" I think its time for me to give you a mouthful of my sweet cum, are you ready?" "Yes, daddy give that cum I have waited so long for. "Okay son, suck on the nipple, my cock head, and you can suck it out." I moved up and down the big shaft and pause on the cock head and suck it hard. Daddy starts to wiggle and squirm and raises his ass off the table. I knew it wasn't going to be long before I got my reward." "Suck it son, suck it, get that cum. You are a great cocksucker son." I felt dad's hips fall back to the table and then felt his nuts draw up and knew he was getting ready to cum. He moaned loudly and then started ejaculating into my mouth. It was sweet like daddy said and I sucked and swallowed dad's delicious load of cum. I did not want this to end and I kept sucking for a long time. Dad did not seem to mind, I ask him about it later and he told me granddad used to stay on him that way and he got used to having someone suck him after he had gotten his nuts off for them. "Daddy this is the best sex with anyone I have ever had. I got so excited when you started cumming in my mouth I shot off on the floor." "Well that spoils my surprise, I was going to suck your cock for you tonight, son." "Well dad give me about thirty minutes and I will be ready to go again." "Can I have your cock again in thirty minutes, dad." "I will try for you son, if nothing else we can 69 while I suck your cock and get me a big mouthful of cum." "I will be ready for you again in the morning for sure. Come sleep with me tonight as a matter of fact every night now and wake me up the way my daddy did with my cock in his mouth waiting for me to give him my load." Dad and I proceeded to his bedroom and he asked me to lay down on the bed. I laid down and spread my legs and he crawls in between. "Son, you are well equipped. You would be sexy in one of my jock straps." Dad reached and started feeling my cock and balls. Dad rolled the foreskin back and admires the head. "Son you have a nice nipple here. I bet your friends really enjoy sucking you don t they." "Yes Dad all of them do. All my friends are about your age, Dad." "Is that right son, you don t like men your own age?" "No Dad, I only like older men." "Are you able son to get all you need from older men like me?" "Well Dad I am going to get all my needs from you for a long time. We have a lot of making up to do and I have thousands of things I want to do to you." "Thousands," son. "Yes, thousands Dad." "Well first let me take care of your needs right now. Relax and let me enjoy this beautiful body of yours." "Dad be gentle and enjoy me as long as you want. I can stay hard as long as you have the need to suck." "Well son, that is going to be all night tonight. It has been a long time since I have had cock to suck. To be able to suck one of my sons again is heaven on earth. Your brother and I have not been on good terms for sometime and I haven t seen him for years. I think the death of your granddad really devastated Bobby. He really loved granddad and I know he was in love with granddad. He and granddad were inseparable in the last ten years of granddad's life. They slept together and bathed together and were always having sex together. They would suck each other all the time. Anywhere they might be that was private, one or the other would unzip the other's pants and pull out their cock and suck them off." "Maybe we can get him to come by someday and we can talk to him and help him through his rough times, Dad." "I know Bobby is looking for someone to replace granddad, son." "Well he can't have you, Dad I don't want to share you with anyone for a long time. I have found the cock I have always wanted." "Do you understand Dad." "Yes son, I understand and I will respect your wishes. I feel the same way and I don't have a need for anyone else's cock but yours. We have so much making up to do." "Now shut up and let me suck your cock. You just lay back and let daddy take care of his boy." Daddy licks the inside of my thighs and licks down to the base of my cock. His tongue wets my pubic and mats it all down. I just lay there watching Daddy. I know he enjoys what he is doing. I know I am enjoying it. Daddy licks me all over my cock and balls and then asks me to turn over. "Son have you ever had your ass kissed and licked?" "Yes Daddy, but not by you." "Well you have a beautiful ass and I want to suck and lick your ass for you, okay?" "Yes dad sure if that's what you want to do. I know it will sure get me hot." "You know son it gets me hot also when I get the chance to lick and suck ass. But it has been many years since I have had the taste." "Well daddy you eat my ass as long as you want. I want nothing more than to satisfy all your needs." "Son I know you will do that for me and I will satisfy all your needs too." "Son your cock is covered with precum already, do you need to get your rocks off now." "No daddy like I said as long as you want to suck and play it will be hard and oozing precum. Taste it and tell me what you think." "Dad leans forward and sticks his tongue onto the end of my cock and gets a big drop of precum and savors the taste." "Son that is sweet and delicious. It taste almost like mine. Don't you think so?" "Yes dad I thought about that when I first tasted your precum out by the pool. You think our cum tastes alike?" I will let you know son sometime tonight when I get to the point I need some cum. As hot as I am getting I don t think it is going to be very long and looking at you I don t think you are going to last much longer. Your cock is straining for release right now. "Well Pop I could give you some cum now and later tonight give you more if you need it. I know how much you like the taste of cum and how much you need cum. Why don't you go ahead and suck me off and then later we can suck each other off again." Daddy pulled my big cock to his lips and licked the head. Wetting the head real good he slide my hard cock into his mouth. I jumped because it was the best feeling I have ever had. His soft lips caressed my cock head as he licked the head. "Daddy go slow I want to enjoy this first blow job from you." "I will son but I need your cum." "I know daddy but there is a lot more where that comes from. Feel my nuts and tell me what you feel." "I feel two large perfect cum producers which are going to give me mouthfuls of cum for many, many years." "Yes daddy my balls from now on are only going to produce cum for you. Daddy I am in love with you and have been all my life." "Son I am in love with you. I want to live the rest of my life taking care of all your needs and wishes. Likewise my nuts will only produce cum for my boys mouth to savor." "Dad it will be alright if you fuck my ass once in a while." Dad went back to sucking me and I could not hold back any longer from the sucking and licking daddy was doing. I patted Dad on the head and told him I was going to cum. Dad shook his head and kept sucking. I started moaning and breathing heavy and started fucking daddy's mouth. Then I could feel him holding my nuts and knew he was checking to see if I was cumming. "Suck it daddy, suck my cock, you cocksucker." He deep throated me held it there for a few seconds came back up to the head and I started shoot my load into his mouth. It was the biggest load I have ever had and Dad was swallowing every drop. Dad continued to suck me for about fifteen minutes and then came up for air. "Dad, how does my cum taste compared to yours." "Son it might be just my imagination but your tasted a little bit sweeter than mine. Next time I shoot my load into your mouth, let me taste it one more time for a better comparison." "Dad it looks like you might be ready now." "No son I don t think I can cum right now, but would still like to suck you more. Lets 69 and we can relax and suck to satisfy the urge I have to nurse. You know how much I need to nurse. That is what I miss most about not being able to suck and nurse on granddad and great granddad." "Dad you know you can have my cock anytime night or day." "Son, that goes equally for me. Anytime I can satisfy you in anyway let me know. You know I will do anything to satisfy my son."


4 Gay Erotic Stories from San Palo

Baptist Preacher

My daddy had been a Baptist preacher for many years. He was sixty-five and still preaching fire and brimstone in the pulpit. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in his personality. At church he was the forthright preacher and at home he was a different man. Every Sunday he would dress to the teeth in his Sunday clothes. He was extremely handsome and he knew it. His white hair

Coming Home

My parents had been married forty-seven years when my Mother passed away. My father was an NFL referee and was still working every weekend for the NFL. After the funeral, my Dad and I talked at great length about what he was going to do and what he wanted to do. He told me he was not sure what he wanted to do but he said it was going to be lonely without his wife. "Dad, if

Granddaddy And I

I had just gotten a divorce and had no place to go, so I called my granddaddy to see if I could stay with him a while until I got back on my feet. I was still working, but the child support was high and kept me from being able to get my own place. "Sure son, you come and stay as long as you like. It will be great to have the company." "Thanks granddad you are a life

Seeing The USA With Grandpa

"Hello Grandpa, how would you like to take a slow trip around the USA? I'm going to retire next week and would like you to go with me on an extended trip." "Son, that sounds great. How long will we be gone?" "I don't know Grandpa, do you have any thing you have to do?" "No son, I don't have any plans or commitments." "Good, could you be ready week after next to


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