Gay Erotic Stories

Counseling The Counselor, Part 1

by Creative Cat

Counseling The Counselor, Part I Counseling the Counselor By May 1986 I knew it was going to be a long hot summer ahead of me. I hadn't gotten all my work done for school and was itching to graduate and get on my with my life. Grad school had proven to be more expensive than I ever thought it would be. It was fun, but costly and time consuming. Scott, my roommate came in one afternoon with some news for me. "Guess what - I found an opportunity for you to get some extra credits this summer as well as get paid?" My ears and mood perked up when he told me that. Money and credit - it meant my life would finally get started and my life would get on track. "So shoot, what is it?" "Well, my uncle owns that camp up north. It's not your typical camp, but he needs some counselors this summer to work for him. Actually, more than counselors, they're practically coordinators as this camp is not your typical one. It's pretty nice - the counselors all get fairly well plus additional credit so it's a good experience. Think about it." As I didn't have any leads for a summer job I figured I should go meet with him and see what the prospects were. I went in and saw Neil who was actually younger and better looking than I thought he'd be. His hair seemed to be a little too long, but it was dark and wavy. He had a large nose which matched his face. He had a warm smile and nice bright blue eyes which blazed in the sunlight. His handshake was firm and inviting. He patted me on the back in a fatherly and gentle way which I enjoyed. We talked for a while about my future and goals and the kind of stuff that a college student is concerned about. "So, Greg, what do you think? Do you want the job? I'm sure you need time to think about it." I didn't want to appear desperate and jump at the opportunity which actually was a pretty good one. He had a look of longing in his eyes for me which reminded me of the beagle I had as a kid - inviting and almost pleading with me. He was successful enough that he didn't have to plead with anyone for anything. "Sure, why not?" I answered. Neil looked happy that I wanted to work for him. ' "Want to go out and have a celebratory dinner? My treat." As I really had no plans, I decided what the hell and had a terrific time. We went for the kind of dinner that I hadn't had in a long time at a nice 4 star restaurant. In fact, one that I had really never had. When you're a working class stiff like me trying to earn his keep to get further ahead in this world, this was a luxury I never dreamt of nor aspired to. I was aspiring to making some decent money, getting an apartment on the right side of the tracks, and having a car without any rust spots on it and with an air conditioner that worked all summer. The simple things. Anyhow, the dinner proved to be terrific and I decided I could become accustomed to this lifestyle. I liked Neil. Not so much for being sophisticated and rich, but for what he was. Although I had just met him, I felt a kinship immediately. Like we had known each other for over a hundred years. What was amazing about Neil is that I felt so transparent around him. I felt as if he knew everything there was to know about me. And it was a nice sense to be around him. Being myself was completely natural, I didn't have to put on any airs. I wasn't embarrassed about who or what I was which seemed to be a first with me. Not that my family was anything bad, we were just lower middle class. Looking back over the years, I can feel a pride in my upbringing as my parents made me know right from wrong and I always stuck to those rules. We stayed fairly late in the restaurant where we talked about a lot of things, the job this summer, what I expected from life, and the kind of job I wanted after graduation. Neil said there were some openings in another company he owned and to see how things worked out. As it was late and I barely had cab fare, he offered me a ride home. We sat outside my apartment and talked for another half hour or so. I enjoyed being with Neil, looking at him, and listening to him. It almost felt like a school kid crush. But I had never felt that way with a guy before. Surprisingly, I wasn't at all confused or conflicted with the feelings I had for him, they just felt natural. "Well, I better go in and start packing or I'll never make it up to the lake this weekend." "Would you like some help?" "It's kind of late, I don't want to impose on you." "Nonsense, it'll be a pleasure. Besides, it reminds me of my college days." So we went up and start packing things in some liquor boxes that were lying in the back room from the last student who had just moved in for the summer. The night was a bit warm and I started to get a bit sweaty. Neil had already peeled off his shirt and I could see his well-formed torso. He had a nice body - nice furry chest with a nice mocha tan to his skin. It wasn't surprising as there were many warm days in the southern winter where you could go out kayaking or cycling or play most any outdoor sport. I felt a bit flush when I looked at him and felt my face to red. I was hoping he didn't notice, but since had seen through me so well that evening, I'm sure he did. Anyhow, he saved me the embarrassment. When I looked at the clock it was after 2AM. Late. And I had my last final tomorrow. "Shit, I gotta get to bed, I've got a final at 8 tomorrow." Neil understood and told me he'd come over at noon tomorrow after the final was over. Although I was tired, I couldn't sleep. I felt agitated in strange ways I didn't understand. After tossing for about an hour, I drifted off into a deep sleep. Surprisingly, I felt refreshed when I got up less than 5 hours later. Plus I felt I did great on the final. When I got back to the apartment, Neil was already there waiting for me. He looked even better today in the bright sunlight. He was wearing shorts and a form fitting t-shirt which showed off his physique real good. "You wanna get a head start up to the camp today. I've got my van and we can drag all your stuff up north." "Sure." I wasn't expecting to see him so eager to be with me, but the feeling was mutual. We finished packing the rest of my belongings. I left a note for Scott with a number to reach me should anyone be looking for me - he wasn't expecting me to leave until the middle of next week. No time like the present I thought to myself. The two of us got pretty sweaty real fast packing the rest of the stuff and loading down the van. I was surprised to see how much my stuff filled the van. This poor college kid had more than he thought he had. I felt real sticky and new I had to take a shower for the 5 hour ride we had ahead of us. "Do you mind waiting a few minutes while I take a quick shower? I'm pretty hot and need to clean up. Do you want to take one also?" He agreed. I went into the shower and quickly soaped up and rinsed myself off. I felt clean and pure and ready for anything that would happen. Neil was standing outside the shower and holding a towel for me. He could see my nude body and I didn't know what was going to happen. He then quickly ran into the shower and I could hear him moaning as the hot water pierced his skin. I didn't know if these were moans of desire or relief or both. I felt my cock stiffening in my shorts. I figured I'd get a quick shave in borrowing Scott's razor - he wouldn't mind. The mirror was fogged up from all the steam and I could barely see the shape of Neil's body as he came out of the shower. As the bathroom was small, I felt his body rub against my backside as he left. I felt my cock tingle with desire. I finished shaving and went into the bedroom to finish dressing. Neil was in there and was nude as he dried off his feet. He was oblivious to his nude body and the affect it was having on me. Neil looked so beautiful as he sat on the bed. I didn't know what to say, but I came over and sat on the bed and began to put my socks and sneakers on. I was starting to perspire beads of sweat on my forehead and chest. "You didn't finish drying yourself off." Neil took his towel and began to dry my back off again, then my neck, my forehead, my chest. We were both looking at each other. He was gazing into my eyes. His arms were now on my shoulders. He took the towel and began to towel down my stomach, down my groin, my thighs. His hands were like feathers as they caressed my body. He then began to gently touch the head of my quickly hardening cock. It felt so good the way his fingers just barely touched the head of my cock. He gently pushed on the cock head and before I knew it I was shooting my jism straight up all over him. He said nothing and just toweled it off his chest. We heard Scott make a sudden entrance and we got dressed quickly. Scott was delighted to see his uncle and we talked a few minutes before we took off on our trip. Scott and I gave a "frat" style hug to each other before we left and to promise to keep in touch. I told him I wouldn't be able to make it to graduation as I now had this job as the counselor. I really wanted to go to graduation, but I was just happy to have this job. "Don't worry pal. We'll keep in touch." Riding in the van up was a bit awkward for a few moments. I didn't know what to say. Neil broke the ice and told me not to worry, it was just a normal reaction for me to come that way. We rode in more silence. I finally had the nerve to say something. "I enjoyed what you did to me. I've never let a guy touch me that way before. It felt good and I enjoy having you by my side." Neil smiled and told me not to worry, that we'd have a lot of fun this summer. The camp was practically a resort. The campers were at one side of the lake with their own structures that practically looked like apartments. Our side consisted of a very large chalet where the counselors and staff stayed. Neil had a house to himself on the other side of the chalet which practically looked like a mansion. Not quite - it was very rustic but nice looking. We pulled up to his house and we unloaded my luggage. We walked around the home. He showed me my room which was on the opposite side of the house from his bedroom. Then we went on a tour of the camp - it was really nice. It was only a year old and was spotless and modern. Athletic facilities were wonderful plus there were classrooms for those days when the weather was rainy where the campers could practice on computers, do photography, arts, even a video studio. "Are you sure this isn't a resort?" I asked. Neil laughed and said it practically was - when people pay nearly $2,000 a week for their children, and $15,000 for an entire summer, they expected the best. And they got it. Besides, it was the 80's and people were rich and spending it. The future looked great for everyone. By next weekend, the place would be overrun with happy youngsters celebrating the event of their lives. "We've got the place to ourselves for another 3 days and we've got some preparation to do. Let's get the programs set up and scheduled with the children. That should take a few hours. Actually, that went pretty fast. Neil was surprised with my abilities on those primitive computers back in the 80's but in a spreadsheet I was able to do the schedules, the workshops, the meals, and get the summer's events all typed in. He couldn't believe how fast I could use the keyboard and how fast I got the information keyed in. By lunch we were done! We both looked at each other. "So what do we do now?" I asked him in a low voice. Although I was hoping we could continue where left off yesterday, he suggested we go for a boat ride. "We won't have time once summer gets under way. Besides, it's a warm day and it'll give us a chance to cool off. Let's head out for the ship." The boat was practically a ship. It was a 65' cabin cruiser with practically every amenity - bedrooms, kitchen, dinette, showers, the works. It was bigger than the apartment that Scott and I shared for 4 years. The day proved to be a scorcher and it was nice to be out on the lake. When the cool breezes blew it felt delightful. However, the air got suddenly still and humid. "How about a swim?" Neil asked. I hesitated, saying I didn't bring a bathing suit. "Neither did I," he said as he peeled off all his clothes and jumped into the lake. I quickly stripped and jumped in. The cool water felt delightful. We spent time swimming and diving and cooling off. We started to get hungry and went back on the ship. We were back on the boat and I was sitting on the chaise. As the sun was strong, I took out my suntan lotion so I wouldn't burn up. I was doing my arms and shoulders when Neil came over and decided to help. "You need help with your back." He drizzled the lotion on my back and began rubbing it in. It felt nice the way his warm hands caressed my back. He worked his way down and did my legs. I hadn't yet put on my clothes and my pale white ass was fully exposed. Neil then started to rub lotion on my ass. "We don't want that to burn, do we?" he said as he gently rubbed and caressed my cheeks. It felt so good the way he did it. I started involuntarily moaning with desire. He rubbed my ass some more and began putting his fingers in my crack. It felt so good as his finger went down towards my anus. He was rubbing and caressing my chute right now. I lifted my backside up so he could see my low-hanging nuts. His hands were now rubbing my balls. My cock was stiffening quickly. His other hand was now on my cock which was quickly lubricating. Incredible sexual desire was building up inside of me. Intensity I never felt before. My breathing was very quick and I didn't want the feelings to stop. His mouth was now on my ass and he was soon tonguing my anus ever so gently. Then his tongue started to probe my asshole deeper. I felt as if a firecracker was exploding inside me as he continued to do this to me. He continued to tongue out my asshole for what felt like an eternity. Neil seemed to know how to play my body like a musical instrument - in fact my body felt like an entire orchestra as he explored all different parts of my body with his tongue and his hands. It was remarkable how he could do this. All I could do is feel my body surging with desire for his body. When I turned over to face him, I could see in his blue eyes intense desire for me and to be with me. It was like I had never made love to anyone ever before and that this was the first and the last time I would ever be with someone. I wanted him so bad and I wanted him inside me so bad. To feel his cock up inside me was what I wanted so bad. I leant towards him and we hugged and caressed. Now it was my turn to reciprocate. My tongue went down his soft furry chest and I licked his nipples which were now firm. I sucked on them and he was moaning wildly and I knew that pleased him. That made me happy. Very happy. Very horny. I continued down his chest ad gently tongued out his naval. These were all things I had never done before but were coming so naturally to me and felt so right and so wonderful and so sexual. My tongue was now next to his groin. His cock was rigid and drops of clear fluid were oozing down the sides. I slowly licked the syrup that was sliding down his cock head and drank it in. It tasted so delicious. Soon my mouth engulfed his rigid member and I was sucking on it with uninhibited delight. It was arousing me even more. Neil turned around and began to suck on my eager cock. The two of us were sucking each other into oblivious ecstasy. The boat was rocking in rhythm to our movements and only enhanced the physical pleasure we were experiencing. I was insatiable at this point and was sucking wildly and madly on his tool which seemed to keep growing in my mouth. I didn't think I would be able to suck on such a massive organ but I managed to keep it in my mouth as my cheeks and tongue kept expanding to hold onto this. I didn't want to let go! Soon Neil was moaning and grunting. I knew he was at the point of letting his load go and I wanted to taste every drop of that huge load he was going to drop down my throat. I ferociously clamped my lips tighter around his rigid cock and let my tongue rub the rigid head. That put him over the edge and I felt this river of cum floating straight down my throat. Soon my cock was exploding its hot seed and Neil sucked it down as hungrily as I swallowed him. He got up and I felt myself starting to doze in a heavenly sexual stupor. He got the lotion and continued to rub it on me. I dozed off for a while. He showed up with some lunch for us. I was ravenous at this point. Between the swimming, the sex, and the warm sun, I needed nutrition. He asked how I was, I said I felt absolutely wonderful. We were both nude and I could see desire showing in his cock again. I came over to him and told him what I wanted for dessert. I was soon licking out his hairy chute with my tongue and before I knew it my cock was up his eager asshole and I was pounding him like anything. We were face to face looking each other straight in the eyes. It was wonderful to see how he reacted to my strong thrusts through his pelvis. He eagerly accepted the deep penetration of my 8" cock and wanted more. I shot my load up his ass good and deep and could tell how he loved it. Then it was my turn to get his cock. At first I was afraid as it was much fatter than my cock but my ass eagerly accepted it after he gave it a good dose of a lubricant. He fucked me doggy style as he held my upper torso and rubbed my tits real good and nice. I was getting hard again as I felt my ass probed and poked. I couldn't believe that butt fucking was so good but I was enjoying it and begging him to shove it in harder and deeper and to give me the fucking of my life. "Fuck my tight white ass! Shove that mean hard dick inside me. I want to know that you're a real man so fuck me real good. Fuck me real hard. I need that man-sized cock inside me. Make me feel like a real man you stud!" I was screaming at him real loud. Neil got so turned on by me desperate pleas for fucking that he came real good and I could feel his hot cum shooting up my asshole and running down my hairy balls and legs. After he licked off his dessert topping, I got even more aroused. I knew he needed the rest of his dessert and he quickly took my cock in his mouth again. This time he squeezed my nuts with his hands as his fingers were up my asshole. It was too much and I shot an even bigger load this time. The rest of the day and the evening were incredible as we fucked and sucked on the boat and back at the house. We spent the night together in his bed and we woke up to each other's rigid cocks which we had to extinguish. We had a few more preparations to do before the rest of the crew came up that afternoon. I also had to move into the counselor's "chambers" so I wouldn't cause any suspicions. Although I was upset about that, I also understood. We had to maintain a sense or decorum at the camp. By evening I met the other four counselors, they all seemed pretty nice and friendly. We all had dinner with Neil that night and the conversation was pleasant. We were getting ready for bed that night and Guy came over to me and asked if I went on the boat with Neil yesterday. "Sure," I replied innocently. "Did you have a good time?" "Of course." "I went on the boat with him last year and also had a good time. A real good time." I was beginning to understand what he was talking about. I could see his boner starting to grow in his shorts. I felt myself getting hard also. He was standing real close and I could feel him breathing on me. I was very still but Guy wasn't. He was now grabbing at my crotch. He was standing closer and put his arms around me so our crotches were rubbing against each other. I couldn't hide my desire. Guy slid his shorts down and then did mine and my cock popped out in his face. "Nice. Real nice." He began to suck on my cock and it felt good. I had forgotten to shut the bedroom door and soon the other guys were out there watching. I didn't realize this at first but when they all came in naked sporting erections, I knew I was in for a good time. Guy sucked on me and Pete was licking out my asshole. My hands were each touching too more rigid cocks while my mouth sucked on another one. There were hands all over my body caressing and rubbing and pressing my hard flesh. Soon loads of cum were spitting in all directions as we fucked and sucked each other to heights of ecstasy I had never experienced. By 3AM we collapsed on my bed and slept until late morning. Neil came in and saw us all on the bed. All he did was smile and take off his clothes and dove into the sea of naked men. I saw Neil bent over with two cocks up his ass at the same time - how he did I don't know but I could see he was having a darned good fucking time. We all were and were trying out positions that we never knew existed. I had never fucked and sucked so much in the past three days as I probably had in all my life and was having such a great time. Although I liked Neil the best, Guy quickly became a good buddy and he showed me the ropes of the summer and working with the children. "You know, we split up in pairs and threesomes. As I was a math major in college, the statistics and possibilities are nearly endless for the rest of the summer. In fact, I think you're the best piece of ass I've had in my life and I could go for some good one-on-ones with you." And we did. Although he wasn't as good as Neil, we had a great time. Summer proved to be wonderful, and we enjoyed the children, always being very cautious in our behavior towards them. We knew that Neil had a very respectable camp and everything was above board. I was sad to realize that summer would soon end and that this would be over. I didn't know what the future would bring. By to be continued....


38 Gay Erotic Stories from Creative Cat

An Indecent Workout

Scott: Well, I was rushing out to the gym to work with my personal trainer. Adam is a good trainer and real popular. Plus I was running late and I didn't want to miss out on the session. When you're paying $75.00 an hour, you want the best bang for your buck. And I definitely got it on that workout. Unfortunately when I got to the gym, I discovered I left nearly all my

An Indecent Workout, Part 2

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An Indecent Workout, Part 3

Rick has become a real stud and has a reputation as being one of the hottest lays in town! He needed a new and more erotic experience to heighten his pleasures. RICK I had a wonderful time two weeks ago at the health club. I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to have such public and lewd sex at the gym. I managed to get a few calls over the next couple of weeks and

An Indecent Workout, Part 4

Rick has become an insatiable sex machine. He will do nearly anything to get laid. This escapade nearly lands him in jail! Will this stop him from future incidents? Stay tuned for more in this indecent saga. RICK After that even in the restaurant with my boss and his two stepsons, I didn't know I would ever top it. But we did manage to top it on the way back. The

An Indecent Workout, Part 5

RICK After the incident two nights ago at the health club, I was a bit nervous when the owner called me at home that night. I guess he hadn't heard about happened and I was relieved. He said they were filming a tv commercial and asked if I'd participate. They needed a few photogenic guys and he thought I'd be willing to come over. I figured it'd be fun, I asked if I got paid


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Counseling The Counselor, Part 1

Counseling The Counselor, Part I Counseling the Counselor By May 1986 I knew it was going to be a long hot summer ahead of me. I hadn't gotten all my work done for school and was itching to graduate and get on my with my life. Grad school had proven to be more expensive than I ever thought it would be. It was fun, but costly

Daddy's Cure

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Family Resemblance

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Revealing Revelations, Part 1

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Revealing Revelations, Part 2

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Sons of a Preacher Man, Part 2

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Sons of a Preacher Man, Part 3

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Summer Camp Counselor

by The memories I have of summer camp are more than special. They helped teach me survival skills, the joy of the fresh air, my appreciation of all types of nature as well as giving me a future perspective of my future as a gay person. It all started about 17 years ago when I was a young teenager away at camp for the summer. The camp was up

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The Birthday Surpise

written by Greg decided to finally get in shape. He was pushing 30 and knew he had to look better. His appearance was unruly. His hair was a little too long, his clothes had no style, and his body - well, what could you say? It was a body - not fat, not skinny, just nondescript. Greg's boyish looks were starting to lose their charm and he knew he

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The Cat Burglar, Part 2

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The Golfer and The Caddy, Part 1

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The Golfer and The Caddy, Part 2

Part 2 Andrew thought out his plan - simple yet brilliant. He would arrange to "catch" the two of them in the act and surprise them. Then he'd join in the fun! Their plan was for next Wed. night. Andrew knew his wife would still be away with the kids and he couldn't wait for all the fun to happen. He was so horny the following week it was all he could to keep his hands off

The Golfer and The Caddy, Part 3

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The IRS Audit

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The Job Interview, Part 1

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The Job Interview, Part 2

The Job Interview, Part II The Job Interview - Part II by We didn't exactly fuck the next 10 hours, but we managed to have a pretty good time being all over each other's asshole and cocks. Man, I was pooped after that evening of heavy duty fucking and sucking! I couldn't believe it but I actually felt I had too much sex. I thought my ass

The Masseur

It was a long week for me and I knew I needed some relief. Two people had quit on us and here I was running just about everything in our small office. I was doing nearly everything but running the deliveries! But that is one of the "problems" of having your own business. Actually, it's my dad's company but my brother and I run the operation so I can't complain. Our hard work does

The Neighbor Drops By

Alex came back from his bike ride. It was a warm day and he was covered with sweat. But he felt real good from the ride - glowing inside and all over. As usual, he walked into his house and began peeling off his clothes. He knew he'd be going into the shower right away. He removed the sweaty shirt that revealed a soaked chest - the hairs were matted down. However, his nipples were

The Sinful Preacher, Part 1

The Sinful Preacher Part I Jeff wasn't all too thrilled with the news on television when he heard that the Reverend Phil Meup was going to be in town for another of his revivals. He couldn't stand all those religious hypocrites who were always out there judging everyone. Especially gay people. Jeff was proud of who he was and had no problems with his friends or

The Sinful Preacher, Part 2

The Sinful Preacher II part 2 After some thinking, Jeff thought of his plan. It was Jeff really good one, so he thought. Phil had to go back to his "practice" of preaching out in the field and tending to the "flock." Jeff was wondering how this flock would be tended to. Phil told him that this was something he really didn't do, but he was just so taken by Jeff

The Sinful Preacher, Part 3

The Sinful Preacher Part III Part 3 Well, the Rev. was in prison for all his "dastardly" deeds. He had two roommates - Jake and Clem. They were in jail for some petty larceny. These were the two guys who gang-banged him his first night and had turned the Rev. into one horny slut dude. Even though the Rev. was 58, he was in decent shape. Plus all

Tricks Or Treats

Trick or Treats by Rick was away at college for his first year and was having a great time. He was doing the circuit with the fraternities and was sure he would pledge soon. However, the one fraternity he wanted to join was proving a bit elusive to him. They were a nice friendly bunch of guys - all really good looking guys with a nice tanned


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