Gay Erotic Stories

Cruising The Navy

by Dubnium Up

After ten years in the Navy, I'd learned a few things about cruising--or not cruising-on base, and how to figure out who was 'safe' to hit on. I'd seen enough guys get burned by the system and tossed out on their ass for being gay. It sort of came to me as second nature, what I thought I could do and what was too hot to go near (or maybe just too fuckin' uptight...). This pissed me off, too, 'cause a lot of the guys I'd seen get thrown out of the service were pretty damn good sailors and Marines. Just 'cause the fucking government didn't like who we were sleeping with, or how we did it. I was on medical hold at Nimitz Hall in Norfolk, Virginia because of a problem I had with my ears. Used to be in the engine room on a submarine, and the Bureau of Medicine, in their great wisdom, wanted to take me out of the relatively quiet environment of a sub engine room and put me into the noisy-as-hell engineering spaces on a "skimmer." Fuck that! I thought, subs or nothing; so I fought the whole deal because subs were the best duty goin', too. Gotta admit, its weird volunteering to serve on a ship designed to sink, but then every ship in the Navy can sink - only a hundred or so can come back up! Nimitz Hall was a real mind game. Four wings, three decks on each wing, all divided up according to the kinds of guys stuck there, and why they were there. The biggest part of the barracks was given over to guys in some kind of deep shit - the disciplinary stuff, guys awaiting court martial, getting tossed on their butts when Uncle Smart Ass decided they were substandard. The rest of us were jammed into two decks in the small wing - guys awaiting a flight, to a ship overseas, or on some kind of hold status like medical. Every day we had to be standing by to get our orders, since nobody in the fucking personnel office seemed to know in advance when we were supposed to ship out or where. This meant that nobody could settle in, make any kind of plans or even split for a weekend at Virginia Beach, without kissin' up to the paper pushers for the latest word on our status. There was one fat slob - don't know why they let him stay in uniform, since he barely fit into it - who wouldn't give ya any info at all unless you let him give ya a quick "nobber" in the gear locker. There was another personnel man named Kyle, though--big, blond hunky guy--I would have sucked off in a minute if he'd even give me the time of day. No action there, though - he was engaged and took it seriously, although I could tell he knew there was some action goin' on around the building. Just a little bit too interested and watchful, y'know? So anyway, here I was, stuck in this goddamn dump. The last time they painted the place was probably when Nimitz himself was a seaman. But it wasn't all that bad, 'cause the instincts I'd developed out of fear of being pinched by the Shore Patrol over the years, kept me up to speed. Puttin' it bluntly, I knew I was stuck in this hole with about four hundred other guys, nobody knew if they were comin' or goin', and everyone was as horny as legend says sailors are if they're awake. There had to be something goin' on. I just had to find it...or make it. It was summer, too, and since most of the guys were in transit from one station to another nobody gave a fuck what they thought of us there at Nimitz. Most of the staff were assholes anyway and treated everyone like we were no-loads and the scum of the Fleet. Since a shitty attitude seemed to be the order of the day, everyone wore their uniforms like they were headed to the beach - lots of open shirts, no T-shirts, stuff like that. Sometimes raw, hard blunt dirty sex is great, but sometimes it can up the adrenaline just gettin' a regular look at some hard pecs and washboard abs. And it always seemed like the bad guys in the disciplinary wings spent all their spare time at the gym, so there was always some hot tit to check out. There was this one dude, who was awaiting a court martial on drug charges, who was definitely the king of the hunks. Had a chest that makes Stryker look like an anorexic Sal Mineo, and an ass that he stole from Tom of Finland on a good day. Short, blond hair and a big, square face with the look of apple pie, mom, and America all over it. I never thought there'd be any way to see the full show, though, so I contented myself with tellin' him it was okay to strip off his shirt and T-shirt, when I was on watch as duty chief (I outranked the hell outa him, but there wasn't much advantage to that in terms of layin' him.) I knew there was really a God the day the plumbing blew in our wing and the barracks staff told us to use the heads in the wing he was in. First thing I did was to find out what his daily routine was - just some discreet watching -and it turned out that he always ended up showering by himself in the mid-evening, when he finished up at the gym. I guess summer suddenly got a lot more hot, 'cause it always seemed like I needed a second shower in the evening, to get rid of the day's sweat. It was wild, checkin' him out in the shower. He was the closest thing I'd ever seen to perfection. Big all over. Big chest, big arms, big legs, big balls and a great cock, bigger soft than mine is hard, and that's not small! Big nipples, too, the kind that looked real big but y'think would get real small and hard, and stick out some when he was rarin' to go. His chest was real broad and deep and the whole trunk had that hunky kind of definition that comes from really using your body, not just preening it at a gym. And tan . It wasn't a Hollywood tan, either, just a real golden tan from the waist up from workin' outside on a lawn crew, with his shirt stripped off. Not as much tan on the legs, but enough to look great, from some kinda cut-off length shorts. And blond hair, thick on the legs, all the way up to a tight pad of blond curls over his hanging dick. Not so much hair, though, to hide the muscles and the definition. His legs were gigantic - not body-builder kinda big, more like country-boy hockey player big with thighs like tree trunks. God, did I want to get trapped between 'em! His ass...I don't even know how to describe it. Big, hunky kind of big like the rest of him, but bubble-round, tight and creamy smooth. He knew I was checkin' him out, too, but he didn't know what to do about it. Seemed like a kind of quiet guy, maybe who got himself into some trouble 'cause he just didn't think about it, and knew he needed to lay low and stay out the way of any more trouble to get through his court martial. And I wasn't bein' too gross or obvious either, but he knew I was lookin', and I knew he knew. Sort of a draw. After a first couple days' worth of "hi ya, how are ya?" kind of stuff, we started to talk some while we were in the shower. He told me his name - Mark - and we swapped our sad tales of woe. He knew they had me workin' in the work detail assignment office, where everyone in the barracks drew their daily work assignments if they weren't gettin' shipped out that day. I started holdin' some of the good details for him, tellin' myself it was 'cause he seemed like a decent enough guy, and not because I wanted him to be grateful or anything. It just kinda went on like that for a couple of weeks, me watchin' him, him watchin' me watchin' him, and fuckin' nothin' happening! He was restricted to just a few places on base because he was on disciplinary hold, but I could go where I wanted, including to the Enlisted Club. I'd go over now and again to have a few, check out the guys (since there were hardly any women they all hung out there and got drunk) and waste time. I hit the club one evening and was in a real shitty mood, so I got good and plastered with some other mechanics I knew, before I headed back to Nimitz. I could walk okay and all, but I was in a real "I don't give a damn what you think" mood when I got there. I had a key to the office and went in to get a soda from the fridge before I racked out for the night, figurin' there wasn't anything else worth doin'. On my way out, who comes sauntering down the hall in gym shorts, barefoot, and with his shirt over his shoulder but my jerkin'-off fantasy-man-of-the-month, Mark. We didn't talk much, but he KNEW my eyes were all over him! Shit, though, enough was enough and I was gettin' damn tired of lookin' at the candy store and not gettin' any sweets. So we split off, him sayin' he was going to head for his rack and me, to mine. Y'ever have one of those moments when you decide it's time to fuck caution, and good common sense and do what you want to do? That night it was my turn. I was back at my rack, changed into my gym shorts and still pretty plastered when I decided to go back to the office and throw my career out the window with a phone call. Once in the office, I dialed the extension for Mark's wing and got the seaman on watch there, askin' him to get Mark so-and-so to the phone. After a minute, he came on and I didn't tell him who I was. Y'could tell he couldn't figure it out, when I was just talkin' about sailor stuff and he kept talkin' back, wondering who the fuck I was and why I was callin'. I told him I thought he was really a good guy, and that I hoped he beat the rap, and then I figured, since he didn't seem to figure out who I was, what the hell, may as well say what was on my mind. I don't know who was more surprised, him or me, when I said how hot he was, and that his great body kept my cock hard all night. Really weird, he had no idea what to do, but he didn't tell me to blow off or hang up. So I kept talkin' trash to him. "It makes me crazy horny when you walk around with your shirt off. Don't get pissed, but I wanna give you a blow job. Y'want it? I know someplace we can go..." "I don't know. I guess I could get in a lot of trouble. I'm not mad, but I still don't know who you are and I don't think I oughta. I don't want no more trouble..." "Hey, if you want to check me out, we can meet someplace, right now if you want, and if you don't like the scene you can walk. I really wanna suck you off, man." He started to say some more stuff about bein' uptight about gettin' into more trouble - must have thought it was some kind of set-up or something. But he didn't sound pissed, and he didn't hang up on me. So I kept at him. "Hey, I'm not gonna tell you who I am, but we know each other, man. If you really want to find out who this is, ya gotta meet me somewhere. An' if you don't like it, just say so and we'll call it off. But I really want to blow you." I knew I had him thinkin' about it now. I could just see his cock comin' to life, and startin' to do his thinkin' for him. It was gettin' so crazy I was startin' to think it might even work! He didn't say anything for a minute, and I didn't either. I finally said, "Just meet me, guy, and we'll talk it out, okay? I'm gonna be by the back bay at the mess hall in fifteen minutes, and if you want to know who I am ya just have to come over and see." He didn't say anything for a second. So I said, "Okay?" "Okay." Shit! Here was this guy ten times bigger'n anyone, on his way to a bad conduct discharge, and I just asked him to meet me so I could suck his dick!! When I hung up I thought for a minute how fuckin' stupid I was to put my whole Navy career on the line for a suck job. Then I did something even more dumb. I locked the office and headed for the back of the mess hall down the street. I don't know if it was adrenaline, raging hormones, or just the excitement from thumbing my nose at the rules so much, but when I got there I was ready for action. I stayed off to the side, in the dark a bit, waitin' to see if he'd really show. Couple of minutes later, I hear someone coming, and wasn't sure whether I should stay, run, or just shit in my pants right there. It was late, so no one would have been around if they weren't there on purpose, but that might include the Shore Patrol on a tip about a queer makin' weird phone calls. Then he walked up and sat on the loading dock, wearin' his dungarees and no shirt. He was smokin', and I never saw him do that before. Now or never, do or die, you may fire when ready, Gridley and God helps them what helps themselves, so I started walkin' towards him. Fuckin-A!! He was that hot - I'd swap my uniform for even a small piece of him. "Hiya, Mark." He was visibly surprised. "I never did this before." "I have. Y'aren't pissed, are ya?" "No." Silence, for a minute, while we both figured out whether this was for real. And, if it was, what the hell to do next. "You wanna talk about it, first?" "I don't know. What? Gettin blown?" "Yeah, if you want. I feel kinda weird, doin' it like this, but I really wanna suck your cock." "Okay." Just like that...! We walked around for a minute, and I suggested we head for the golf course over by the admiral's quarters, since there were some groves over there Truth is, I didn't know what the fuck to do, and couldn't believe he was really gonna let me blow him - just like that. We didn't talk much or anything, other than me sayin' "Lets head over this way." By now, whether I got into his meat locker or not, I was going nuts just walkin' around with this tanned god, shirt off and pecs all over the fuckin' place. Even though he was as nervous as I was, I guess, he had this easy kind of walk, sort of sauntering along, and I guessed he figured whatever happened, he could take care of himself. When we got into some trees, I stopped and turned towards him and started playing with his chest. He was still pretty nervous. Nobody said anything. Then I started rubbin' his crotch with one hand, while my other hand kept goin' from tit to tit, playing with his nipples. His cock started out soft, but it was still a good handful, nestled in with a big set of balls, that I wanted to empty out bad. But he didn't flinch, and he didn't look away. We just looked at each other, him standing there and me gettin' hard gettin' him hard. It was working. The nipples started gettin' tighter. I knelt down by his crotch and started rubbin' my face into it, and I knew it was goin' okay, because he started to bulge. I knew his meat was big from seein' it in the shower, but this was gettin' better than I expected. His waking dick was still tucked into his jockeys kinda bunched up, so when it started to get hard it was all lumped in there, and didn't stretch out down his leg or up along the zipper like a guy who goes around plannin' on gettin his nut that day. And when it started bulging bigger and bigger, it got to the point where it was pullin' the waist of his dungarees away from his stomach. That was making me crazier. His pecs were big, round and his nipples were gettin' smaller and startin' to poke out some. But his dick bulge was gettin' so bad it musta started to hurt. The waist on his dungarees was about a half inch out from his belly, and his stomach was startin' to work, the great abs heaving a little as he started to get into it. I never saw a better lookin' body, and his skin was pulled tight over the best washboard I could imagine, except where it curled into his navel - and I started tonguing it while I played with his tits and crotch. Couldn't wait much longer for Old Glory to rise in the breeze, so I started for his pants button and fly - and I must've been nervous as hell, cause he ended up having to do it for me. But I got his pants down to his knees and started lickin' up and down inside his thighs, smelling his maleness and the musky scent of hot crotch. I was right about his cock in all respects - bigger'n hell and pretty badly confined until I pulled out the front of his jockeys to let it pop up free. I don't carry no ruler, but it was ten or more if it was an inch, and big around as my fist. None of that swollen, purple cock head stuff, just a big, creamy, smooth, anxious man dick bouncin' around some, now that I pulled his shorts away from it. I didn't even get his shorts down before I went down on his rod as deep as I could. Couldn't wait, and it don't get any better than this, so I held his balls cupped in my hands - and it took both hands, and sucked and sucked like it was the last cock I'd ever see, deep, hard, long suck strokes up and down. He was gettin' crazy into it, too, 'cause every now and then a tremor would go through his legs like he was havin' a hard time controlling himself. I kept one hand on his balls, kneading and kneading 'em as I forced my other hand through, under his crotch. His legs were locked tight, so I stopped suckin' for a minute, and stood up again, holdin' his dick in both hands. "This okay for you?" "Yeah. Good." "Why don't you relax some, then. I'm doin' all the work. Hey, why don't you get your pants off and lay down on the grass?" He pulled his pants and shorts off, fumbling with them, and I stood there watching as this giant god bent over to undress himself for me. Then he kicked off his shoes and tugged off his socks - shit, even his goddamn feet were sexy! Everything! Every fucking thing! like it was sculpted by a master - a horny gay master! Then he stood up, and the effect blew me away. Here in the moonlight, with just enough of a fog comin' in to make it mystical, with this piece of perfect man naked in front of me with his cock standin' straight up against his stomach, waiting for me to tell him what to do. "Relax. Lay down." I don't know if I said it or just thought it, but he reached down and bunched up his dungarees, and laid down with his head on 'em. Then he sort of spread his legs, looked up at me and put his hands behind his head. "Okay. Why don't you get your stuff off too." !!! Later, I couldn't even find one of my shoes, I guess I tossed them so quick. I got stripped down and laid down between his legs, on the damp grass. His cock was waitin' for me, and I started up and down on it with my hands as I looked up and over it, up to his abs and his chest, up to his face and saw him lookin' back at me intently. "You like that, huh? You like suckin' my cock?" "Goddamn I like it. Any time you want, I like it..." No more talk. I started nuzzling his big balls, Lickin' and smellin' and playing with them, with my mouth. His abs started workin' again, and his dick was jerking around asking for help. So I started lickin' his rod, up and down and nibbling on his dick head, just enough to let him know I was back at work on it. He lifted his butt off the ground, trying to shove his meat deeper into my mouth, and I slid one of my hands under his ass, to start workin' over his hard butt cheeks. Rubbing them hard, back and forth, every now and then sliding my thumb into and up and down his crack to tease his asshole. I didn't think I could get all the way down on his dick, it was so big, but my gag reflex must've gone the way of my sense of caution, `cause it just happened fine. It was so good, so musky to smell his crotch hair right under my nose with that gigantic cock stuck in my face. I probably wasn't too wild on technique that night, because it was all such a fantasy I wasn't doin' any thinking - just sucking, sucking as long and deep as I could. The grass under me got warm and my own cock was grinding into it with its own sense of rhythm, as I kept working his mainmast. Then I wrapped one hand around it while I sucked it, workin' his dick skin along it as I sucked. Pulling it up hard when my mouth rose up to his dick head, and then down again tight as I sucked back onto it. With my other hand I started workin' as slowly as I could toward his ass crack, wantin' to finger his butt hole while I sucked. Straight guys don't get any more uptight than they do when you threaten their precious little fuckhole, so I had to force myself to go easy as I headed towards it - I didn't want him pushin' my hand away before I showed him the real reason God put pucker holes on guys. Up until then he was laying there, kinda quiet and pretty still while I worked his cock over good. When I started slidin' my hand sideways, up and down his ass crack, he started movin' his butt a little, but I don't think he was really thinkin' about it. I started centering my hand-sliding more and more over his hole, and he wasn't noticing in any bad way, because his dick was startin' to get bigger (MORE?), y'know, not throbbing but kinda that bulging out now and then while that feeling starts to grow in your groin? While he was good and goin', I began playing with his fuck hole with my finger, rubbin' back and forth over it and around it, stickin' my fingertip into it just a bit to get him used to it. That was when he started makin' noise, half moaning, half real heavy breathing, so I knew he was enjoying it. With my one hand working hard on his cock, pulling the skin tightly up and down following my mouth on it, I started stickin' my finger up his asshole. He lifted his ass again, and I thought he wanted off my finger, but instead he relaxed and I stuck him all the way with it, gently massaging as I went in. Whoever invented prostates oughta get a trophy or somethin', 'cause when I found his he started bucking, stickin' his cock hard down my throat, and flexing his ass muscles around my finger in his ass. His dick swelled up real fast, and I almost gagged on it, while he kept buckin' around in the moonlight, before he shot his load. Just when he started to blow his wad, I thought his asshole was gonna cut my finger off, it tightened around it so hard. Then his nuts tightened up into his groin and he shuddered as he blew off shot after shot after shot into my mouth. I tried to save it all, so I could taste it and roll it around in my mouth before I drank it, but he shot so much cum that it dribbled out the sides of my mouth, and down his cock shaft, into his curly blond pube pad. I kept goin', suckin', suckin' as much as I could, squeezing his cock shaft hard to keep it going as long as possible, before I finally stopped moving, my mouth still on his hard rod. I came up off it slowly, pullin' my finger out of his ass and moving both hands to his thighs and balls, rubbing them hard while he got over his eruption. Then I worked my hands up his stomach, over and around it and onto his big tits, twirling his hard nips between my fingers as he caught his breath. "I'm not gonna blow ya, but its okay if you want to jerk off." I was hoping to get off that way, so I didn't let myself shoot into the grass while I was suckin' him. "You mind if I sit on you while I do it?" "No. Go ahead." Before I got up I licked all the dribbled cum from his cock head, and down his shaft, and then I buried my face in his crotch to lick up the rest and smell his hot, spent balls. Then I stood up. E ven if I'd been a eunuch, had no sex feelings at all he still would've looked like a spent god, lying there looking up at me. But I do have a dick, and it was wavin' around as I stood, ready for its own good times. I squatted down over him and sat down with my ass crack right on his still-hard cock, rubbing my butt into it as I looked him over. Both my hands were already working my dick and balls as I ground my ass into his dick. Then I started playing with one of his tits while I jacked my cock slow and tight. It didn't take but a minute or so before my own balls boiled over and I shot ropes of cum all over him, hittin' him in the face with it as I blew up. After I got my breath, I laid down on him and started licking my way up his chest, cleaning up my own jizz as I went. I started licking up his chin and he didn't pull his face away, so I licked all the way up to it, tonguing his closed lips. My hands were rubbing up and down his chest and sides, and our cocks were grinding together, and he opened his lips enough for me to sink down onto them for one long, deep kiss before he turned his head slightly. We laid there for a few more moments, before he turned back to me. "You liked doin' that, huh?" "Yeah. Can't you tell. I just shot the proof all over ya. D'you enjoy it?" "Yeah." "Anytime."


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Dubnium Up

Cruising The Navy

After ten years in the Navy, I'd learned a few things about cruising--or not cruising-on base, and how to figure out who was 'safe' to hit on. I'd seen enough guys get burned by the system and tossed out on their ass for being gay. It sort of came to me as second nature, what I thought I could do and what was too hot to go near (or maybe just too fuckin' uptight...). This pissed

High School Best Friends

In the sixth grade I transferred to another school and was faced with the usual problems of adjusting to new courses and teachers, and with trying to decide who of my new classmates I would like to get to know better. Even at age 10 I realised that I found no attraction for girls, and that I held an unusual "admiration" for those boys that seemed to stand out in my mind above

Hired Hand

It was going to be my last summer on the farm. I'd graduated from high school and managed a scholarship at the state university about two hundred miles from the small farming community where I lived with my folks. I was looking forward to going away to college, but I also knew I'd miss the rhythms and cycles of the farm labor I'd done since I was a kid. I had acted as my Dad's

I Love NY!

Things just aren't turning out right for me this week. Stuck in New York for a convention that my boss has made me attend (against my will, no least) I'm surely not a happy camper. To add to the negative attitude of just having to be here, getting here just had to be the pits. Here I am on 121st street, lost and being followed by 3 Hispanic guys. I can feel the tension and fear

Mr. Bond

"Good morning, Mr. Bond." Laurie Heckert. Blond hair. Big tits. Bimbo. You could hear her giggling all the way down the hall to her homeroom. Mr. Bond acknowledged her but didn't watch as she minced away, ass swinging back hand forth like a fucking pendulum. "Hey, Mr. Bond." Bond nodded. He made no other moves, but I could tell he was watching as Dave Taggert swaggered on his way

The Motorcyclist

The day was warm; the sun high. The sleek black machine sped along the macadam, hugging the tight curves and cruising over the long straight-a-ways. My destination? Nowhere. Everywhere! I was on my own; free. No questions to answer; no explanations to make up; no strings attached. Traveling light -- that's me! All I had was packed in the saddle bags. There were no regrets. A few

Young Hetero Stud In Heat

Winters in the Midwest can be harsh. This winter was mild until the last week of January. That is when we got the worst storm of the winter. Snow had started to fall in mid-morning, and by mid-afternoon schools and businesses were starting to close. The highway patrol was not letting any travelers be on the roads and were telling them to stay in hotels or with friends or relatives


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