Gay Erotic Stories

Dancing with Love!

by Augustas

Every Friday, after the football games, the high school has a dance. Everyone goes, including the man I am in love with, Chris. Although he has a girlfriend, I still believe that someday we will be together. Chris is on the football team, so he usually sits on the bleachers in the gym with the rest of the players! Me and my friends are having fun dancing, when I start to feel depressed, since I am gay, and alone. I go to the top of the bleacher, and sit in a corner. This is normal for I see Chris, and I get upset since I can't have him. Every now and again, I see Chris looking at, but I brush it off as him just curios as to why I am sitting in prep central! (the bleachers where all the preps sit!) I see his girlfriend walk away from him, and after a minute, I feel a finger on my shoulder! "Chris, uh, hey, heh, sup?" I say. He sits down beside me. I am overwhelmed, Chris, my crush, sitting right beside me! "Not much, you?" "Same, I guess! Why are you up here?" "I just wanted to get away from those, people, those, things!" He uttered, pointing at the football players. I wonder, if he wanted to get away from them, why did he come to me? "Where is Micky?(his girlfriend)" "She is out dancing with her friends, I don't dance!" He explained. "Why?" "I can't!" "So, if you love her, you should dance with her!" I hint! "That's the thing, I don't really love her like a relationship love! I love her as a friend!" "Oh, why, is there something wrong?" "It's just that I don't love her in that sort of way, it's hard for me to say why!" "Is it because," I pause, and move in closer, "you’re gay?" I whisper. Chris hesitates for a minute, and then looks at me. He has a tear in his eye! "Don't worry, I am too." I say in a helpful tone. His eyes widen, and he leans back against the wall! There is a moment of silence between us, then he speaks. "Have u ever, you know, had a boyfriend?" He urges, I hesitate a minute, sigh, and respond. "Nope, I have been love free all my life." I say in a sad tone. I look down. I feel his hand on my back. Surprisingly, it is soothing! "Me either, but I am on the football team, it's kinda hard finding someone in the closet." I know exactly what he means, and I sit up. Looking at him, I smile. He exchanges the smile. For some reason, his eyes seem deeper than before. The blueness of them penetrates my sole. "Wanna go out side to talk, I need some fresh air." Of course I say yes, and we leave. We go and sit down on the bench out side, and talk for what seemed to be an hour. We laughed, we smiled. But suddenly, we are caught in blank moment. Looking at each other, getting lost in each other. He reaches up, and touches my cheek! I begin to cry. He leans over, and ever so gently, lands a kiss right on my lips! Everything disappears. It's only me, and Chris, Forever! Tell me what u think,


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Augustas

Dancing with Love!

Every Friday, after the football games, the high school has a dance. Everyone goes, including the man I am in love with, Chris. Although he has a girlfriend, I still believe that someday we will be together. Chris is on the football team, so he usually sits on the bleachers in the gym with the rest of the players! Me and my friends are having fun dancing, when I start to feel


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