Gay Erotic Stories

Dave, Part 5

by Iainlthr

Chapter Five – Long Time Passing “How long since you had sex?” I looked up in shock. Neil was staring at me, having asked his question across the dinner table in front of four other friends. “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I said indignantly. “Yes it is,” he replied, “especially when you sit here at our table with a morose look on your face and refuse to join in the conversation. You’re becoming boring Mike, and I think you need a good fuck!” “Yep,” chimed in Peter. “I agree. And getting back to the question, how long has it been, Mike?” I stared miserably at Neil, then Peter, then the others who were all looking to me expectantly. “I don’t know, a while I suppose.” “Almost a year!” declared Peter’s other half, Rob. “Since that weekend you went to Melbourne chasing this faceless Dave we all heard about but never met, and came back with your tail between your legs. What did happen with him?” “I don’t want to talk about it!” I said emphatically, standing up and storming outside to get away from them, bringing the topic to a close, or so I thought. Neil joined me five minutes later. “Look, Mike, I’m sorry if you’re upset, but we’re worried about you. You’re a good friend, but everyone says the same thing. Over the last twelve months you’ve become very quiet, withdrawn. It’s not healthy!” “I’m fine, really I am.” “No you’re not. You’re still carrying a torch for someone who dumped you ages ago. You have to get out and live.” I began to sniffle as the tears formed. He had caught me at a bad time – it was exactly a year ago to the day that I had met up with Dave again in the pub and we’d both collapsed at my flat after a long night of drinking, to wake up the next day and make passionate love. Neil saw the moisture in my eyes. “Hey, mate, are you okay?” “He didn’t dump me, Neil. I dumped him. But I miss him, more than anything. I haven’t gone a day without thinking about him.” “But why…” “He was so far away, and sleeping with other guys. I couldn’t bear being the occasional long distance fuck, to be fitted in amongst his regulars.” “Is that what he said?” “No, but it’s how I felt. It was better to end it. But I just can’t seem to get him out of my head.” Neil just stood, and moved to me, holding me in his arms. I cried softly, letting out some long built up emotion. He waved the others away and let me get control again. “Mike, you really do need to get back into circulation again. But you’re obviously still not ready for starting another relationship. This is going to sound crass, but I think you should get yourself out and have some no-strings sex. Take yourself off to the baths or somewhere. It’s a way of breaking the cycle of thinking about him when he’s not around. Start with the easy part – sex – first, and work up to the difficult emotional stuff after that.” A week later I was sitting at home alone, when Neil’s words came back to me. He had been quite sincere, and serious, when he’d suggested I go out and get some anonymous sexual gratification. Maybe what he said made sense. I certainly wasn’t getting anywhere sitting at home alone every weekend. So I found myself at one of the saunas. It was a long time since I had been to somewhere like this, but the basic rules hadn’t changed, and they fulfilled a purpose. Pay your money, collect your towel, make eye contact, find a cubicle, fuck, and leave. That was how it worked, I knew. No commitment, no questions, and more often than not, no names! It didn’t take long to find a potential partner. He was tall and solid, dark hair covering his chest, and I noticed him following me from one area to another as I explored my way around the place. I felt a rush of blood, a sense of nervous anticipation, and stopped near the door of an empty cubicle, turning to watch him as he got closer. He walked right up to me, looked me straight in the eye, and brushed past me, his arm lingering against my chest as he went into the tiny room and sat on the vinyl covered bench, looking at me still. I followed him in, my heart beating quickly. As I did, he stood and turned the latch on the door, giving us some privacy. The towel around his waist was carelessly dropped, and his semi-hard cock swung from his groin toward me. He lifted his hand to my chest, running a finger along the edge of my pecs. “Hi,” I said quietly. “How are you?” “Okay,” came the gruff reply. His hand slid down my abdomen. “Been here long?” I asked, trying to make some kind of intellectual contact. “Nuh.” He loosened my towel and pushed it away, leaving me naked. His fingers grabbed at my slowly hardening cock. “So where are you from?” I asked, feeling strangely nervous. “Do you wanna fuck or not?” He sounded annoyed. “Well, yes, I guess so. But can’t we talk as well, at least tell me your name?” He stood up, recovered his towel, and opened the door with an irritated snap. “Forget it mate. If I wanted conversation I wouldn’t be here, would I?” As he left, I sat down hard on the bench, mentally kicking myself. I knew how these places worked. Why couldn’t I just shut up and get on with it? Feeling very glum, I stared at my feet, sitting there still naked, my towel lying on the padded platform beside me. I heard a cough, and looked up at the open doorway. Leaning against the edge of the door, his towel draped over his shoulder, one hand slowly stroking a thick and growing tool, was a blond guy with a chiselled chest and impossibly narrow waist. He was gorgeous, and looked a lot like Dave. I forced myself to not think about Dave, and looked again at the man who was staring at me and fondling himself only a metre away. “Busy?” he said in a low tone. I stifled a chuckle. “Not now,” I said. He sauntered casually into the cubicle, an air of confidence about him. Locking the door behind him, he dropped his towel. His prick was now almost fully erect, standing out proudly in front of him. It was huge! Long, although not the longest I had ever seen, but thick as well. I looked at his meat, then up to his face, which smiled at me, and back to his groin again. “I saw the other guy piss off,” he said quietly. “Didn’t he want you?” I smiled grimly to myself. “Not after I asked him his name,” I said. “It’s been a long while since I came here. I forgot how to act appropriately.” “My name’s Warren,” he volunteered, and I’d really like to fuck you!” I tried not to sound shocked at his forthright comment. After all, that was why people came here. “I’m Mike,” I said quietly. I looked again at him, taking the time to enjoy the sight. He was truly stunning, a beautiful man, and I wondered for a moment why he needed to come here for sex when he could have his choice of men at the bars. “So, Mike,” he whispered, “do you want it?” “Yeah,” I hissed, my cock suddenly throbbing erect. “I want it.” There was no prelude to our joining, no pretense at romance. He moved quickly to me, taking my now stiff member in his hand and squeezing me appreciatively. I copied him, wrapping my fingers around his massive tool. I suddenly wondered if I was going to be able to take him, he was so big. “Uh, Warren, take it slowly, okay? It’s been a while for me.” “No sweat, mate. You got any preference for position?” “Err, no …” “Then lie back and enjoy!” he said as he knelt on the bench, spreading my legs and lifting my feet to his shoulders. As my head rested on the vinyl, I felt his hands kneading my cock, and running along the crack of my arse toward my hole. He reached for a couple of sachets of lube from the bin provided by the management, and began to rub it onto me, using his fingers to insert the oozing liquid into my anus, opening me as he did. He was gentle enough, and careful as he went, although a little quick. I willed myself to relax and enjoy his attentions as I felt him force first one and then a second digit into me. Just as I was beginning to tingle with the pleasure of his ministrations, he withdrew his hand, and coated the lubricating gel over and along his huge pole of muscle. He settled my knees on his shoulders and leaned over me and into me. I thought for a second he was going to kiss me, but no, he was just getting into the most comfortable position. With his fingers guiding the way, he nudged his firm round knob against my puckering hole and began to press forward. I felt the pressure against me, felt my sphincter resist, and willed myself to relax, pushing back to meet him. “Slowly, Warren!” I cautioned again in a whisper, and he grunted an acknowledgment. Gradually I felt my muscles yield to the insistent force of his cockhead. My anus stretched as wide as it could, and still his prick pried me open further. Whether it was because I had not been with anyone for so long, or whether he was exceptionally large, or a combination of the two I don’t know, but as he inched forward, driving the head of his weapon into my hole, a searing knife of pain ripped through me. I was no virgin, but this was agony. I hissed and gasped, my breath coming in quick pants as I tried desperately to relax around him, to adjust to him. I swore he had torn me open as I ached from his insertion. When the mushroom cap of his flared glans finally passed through and my anus closed around his shaft, he moaned a low satisfied sound, but all I could do was grimace from the shooting pain emanating from my arse. I bit my lip and blinked away the salt of tears that had come unbidden to my eyes as he stopped for a moment. “Okay?” he hissed, and I grunted back, not wanting to admit that I was in agony. He took my response as encouragement and began to push again, his thick, thick shaft slowly sliding between my ring of muscle and sinking into my protesting rectum. I squirmed with the discomfort, forced myself not to cry out. Even though his entry into my gut was slow and measured, it felt as though a beer can was being shoved into me. Finally, he filled me completely, the entire length and thickness of him buried inside. He rested a moment and began to hump at my body, slowly in and out, increasing his speed as the clenching resistance of my hole lessened. Gradually, the pain I felt from being ploughed by his huge log resolved into mere discomfort as Warren thrust into me, pounding his thick sausage into my wounded bowel. The man atop me was obviously enjoying himself. And he was a ‘talker’. As he thumped himself into me, he hissed, “Fuck yeah …” Ram. “Oh that’s good …” Shove. “Take that cock …” Thrust. “You like it, don’tcha …” Thud. I lay there and accepted his plunging and his hissing, doing my best to relax and enjoy it. I blocked out the sound of his voice in my ears, and in the dimness of the cubicle, I imagined that he was Dave. It was Dave, in my mind, who drove himself into me; Dave who fucked my arse with intensity and lust; Dave who filled me. The discomfort faded, and with the help of my fantasy, I began to be aroused by this fucking. My cock returned to its previous hardness, and tingles of pleasure spread from my cavern exciting me and stimulating me. With my eyes closed and my head back on the bench, I felt Dave holding me as Dave’s cock thundered into me. I was just starting to really get into it, to moan and enjoy it, when I was suddenly brought back to reality. Warren in the real world, as opposed to Dave in my imagination, had hit his peak. As he did, he grabbed at my legs, and pulled me back fiercely onto his massive tube of manmeat, shoving himself into me hard and deep, and shuddering with the power of his climax. I felt his cock erupt, a load of his jizz filling my gut as he twitched in release. In a minute or so it was over, but my eyes were closed again, my mind telling me it was Dave who filled me, as my hand flew up and down my shaft, flailing at my cock and driving me towards orgasm. Warren leaned over me. “You about there?” he whispered, but I ignored him. “I can’t stay in much longer,” he warned, as his rapidly flagging tool was clenched by my arse, and I writhed under him as in my dream Dave fucked me harder. With a gasp, I exploded, wads of cum shooting up and falling back onto my skin. As I reached my peak, I clamped my arse hard, and the spasm expelled Warren’s now limp, flaccid prick from my body. He sat back on the bench and watched as I ejaculated several times before collapsing, spent for the moment. “Hey mate,” he murmured. “What did you say your name was? Mike? That was great, Mike!” He began cleaning himself up, readying himself to leave. “You wanna get together again sometime?” “Uh, I don’t know,” I said slowly, not wanting to offend him with an outright rejection. “No worries!” he said cheerfully. “I’m here every Saturday night, if you change your mind.” I smiled weakly, and watched him exit the room. What an existence, I thought to myself. How could anyone go through life spending every weekend having anonymous sex in dim bathhouses? Suddenly I had to get out of there. I cleaned up, dressed and headed home as fast as I could. Several days later I spoke to Neil again. “Have you tried to get out like I suggested?” he asked. “I tried, but it was awful!” I related the whole sordid story, giving him all the details, including my fantasising that the man was Dave, as the only way I could get into it. He clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Oh, boy. You really are in a bad way. Why don’t you try to get in contact with this Dave guy again? Maybe that’s the only thing that can save you!” “I tried that the day after the sauna. His number is disconnected.” Neil tutted again, and pushed me for more information about Dave. He had been a ‘no-go’ topic since I dumped him, and consequently none of my friends knew much about him. Now Neil seemed determined to find out everything he could, and in my depressed mood, I answered him as best I could. It didn’t even register with me to question why Neil wanted to know so much. Finally, he patted my back and got ready to go. “Listen, Mike, this has gone on way too long. Try to cheer up, okay? You have to get on with life, and it’s never as bad as you think.” “Yeah, yeah,” I replied despondently. I doubted I would ever feel really happy again. Time passed slowly, but my mood didn’t improve much. As I had been for the last year, I worked during the day, went home and stared at the TV or wanked off to relieve the tension, and slept. I operated on auto-pilot for most of the time, not thinking about anything much at all. My friends continued to insist on having me join in at dinner parties, or going to the theatre, but I rarely enjoyed myself, and the comments about finding me a man began to wear thin. One Saturday morning, Neil rang me. He sounded excited, pleased with himself about something, but I took little notice. “Mike, do you have any plans for this evening?” he asked. “Nah.” My usual response. “Good. I have something important to show you. Meet me at ‘Chez Hommes’ tonight, okay? I’ve booked a table in your name for 8.30.” My curiosity was piqued. I knew the restaurant he named: it was a small intimate place, good for romantic dates and quiet talk. Why on earth would Neil want to meet me there? “I guess,” I answered uncertainly. “This is important, Mike. Promise me you’ll be there?” “Okay, okay! I promise.” I showed up just before the allotted time, and asked for my table. The maitre’d ushered me into a booth at the back of the room, very quiet, very private. Again I wondered at what Neil could possibly have to show me that required such a setting. I sipped a drink as I waited, looking over the menu, when there was a cough beside me. I looked up and gasped. Standing there, looking absolutely stunning, with a guilty grin on his face and a single long-stemmed red rose in his hand, was Dave! To be continued… Comments, complaints or compliments? Email me at


61 Gay Erotic Stories from Iainlthr

A Long Weekend

A LONG WEEKEND A hand grabbed my forehead, and another twisted my arm up behind my back without warning. I tried to call out but my mouth was instantly covered by the glove of whoever had attacked me. Struggling, I felt warm breath on the side of my neck, the roughness of an unshaved chin, a hissing in my ear… “Don’t try to fight, cocksucker! I won’t hurt you if

A New Beginning, Part 1

A NEW BEGINNING Tim had had a bad day. In fact, he’d had a bad month. His lover of three years had suddenly announced that it wasn’t working any more at the beginning of the month. Not that Tim was particularly upset. They hadn’t been seeing eye to eye for quite some time, it just came as a surprise that he didn’t want to work at solving the problems. Then the landlord had

A New Beginning, Part 2

A NEW BEGINNING, Part 2 Tim woke, startled and confused. Where was he? What was this binding around his chest? And then he remembered, and smiled happily to himself. The horror of the last few weeks, losing his partner, his home, his car and his job had driven him to a labouring job for a removal company. That in turn had led him to discover a treasure trove of

A New Beginning, Part 3

A NEW BEGINNING, Conclusion Together they descended the stairs to the basement. No daylight came here, and the dim illumination of a single globe barely lit it. The two men had come to their basement, their ‘playroom’, after having dressed each other in the most erotic, all encompassing leather harnesses chaps and gear that they loved so much. They had pledged their love for each

Back To A Future

Crunnnchh! Suddenly I was jolted out of the thoughts buzzing around in my head about sales targets, budgets and stock problems. The car came to a grinding halt and a sickening feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. The noise from the motor had sounded very serious, and the way the engine died seemed to spell a permanent stop. “Fuck!” I declared loudly to the empty land around me.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For I had been looking forward to this break for months. Work had been getting me down for a while. It always seemed like there was too much to do and no time to do it in. The pace of life, whilst I usually enjoyed it, had taken its toll, and I needed some quiet time, out of town and away from everything. And that was exactly what I had. Gerry had offered

Blind To Love

Nick was beside himself, jumping up and down with excitement. Not an unusual situation for him to be in. The dark headed, olive skinned young man had a tendency to get carried away over the smallest thing, so when he raced to Ian ready to burst with news, his friend took little notice. “I’ve found him, I’ve found him,” Nick exclaimed as he grabbed Ian’s arm, tugging at his shirt to


BLUE By It was hot. Damn hot. Had to be more than 40 by now and the heat was the sticky, humid heat that you only get in Far North Queensland. Still, this was what I’d come for, the heat and the sun, and to get away from the rush and cold at home. I dived into the pool for the hundredth time, letting the water wash away the sweat and cool me down as I lazily


“Fuck, what’s that?” Terry said out loud to the empty alley. He’d kicked something in the darkness -- something hard -- and almost stumbled as he did. Bending down and peering more closely at his feet, he found a pair of boots. Looking around quickly, he found the place deserted, no one in sight. The boots were tall, black leather, and seemed to be in good condition. Picking them up

Christmas Present

Christmas Present As John’s orgasm ebbed away, he collapsed against me and I wrapped my arms and my legs around his sweaty, shaking, muscled frame. Between us, the remnants of my ejaculation squelched over both his skin and mine and we grinned at each other like kids. Slowly he withdrew his long, glorious cock from my body, and I reluctantly let it go as we stretched out alongside


Continuity I saw him enter the bar, and knew him straight away. Not personally, of course, but I knew his type. Curious, uncertain, knowing he wanted to try something but not even sure exactly what that something was. He wore a pair of snug fitting faded denim jeans and a tight white t-shirt under a black leather jacket. Just enough to almost fit in with the

Dave, Part 1

Chapter One – Catching Up You could have knocked me down with a feather. Standing there, just across the bar from me, was a real ‘blast from the past’. I stood and looked, my eyes drinking in the sight. He was tall, a blond with wide shoulders and the sort of chest you only get from serious exercise during your developing years, and I should know: I’d watched him doing that

Dave, Part 2

Chapter Two – Almost Forgotten Several months had passed since the night I had bumped into Dave in the bar, and gone on to embarrass myself with another man. For a few days afterward, I had tried to examine my feelings that night, had tried to work out why I had called out Dave’s name during sex, given that I had never had sex with Dave, and that my fantasies of him were from

Dave, Part 3

Chapter Three – False start? Steve and I stayed together for another three months after the night that I bumped into Dave again at that bar. We tried, really we did. But as wonderful as our sex life was, outside of the bedroom we seemed to be less and less alike as time went on. He struggled at the small intimate dinner parties I loved so much, did all he could to keep up his

Dave, Part 4

Chapter Four: Absence Makes the Heart…? Dave and I spent most of the next two weeks together. We made love often, passionate rutting sex that echoed the sense of impending frustration at his leaving. We shared our thoughts and enjoyed each other’s company, but overshadowing the whole time was his imminent departure. The weekend of his move dawned bright and sunny. His furniture and

Dave, Part 5

Chapter Five – Long Time Passing “How long since you had sex?” I looked up in shock. Neil was staring at me, having asked his question across the dinner table in front of four other friends. “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I said indignantly. “Yes it is,” he replied, “especially when you sit here at our table with a morose look on your face and refuse to join in the

Dave, Part 6

Chapter Six – How Did This Happen? I looked up at him, and my brain raced. How did this happen? Why was he here? What do I say to him? “Hello, Mike,” Dave said quietly, uncertainly. “It’s good to see you again.” As he did, he handed me the rose. “Uh, hi. Thank you…” I murmured softly. “Do you mind if I sit down?” “Yes. I mean, no. Please, sit,” I stuttered, trying desperately to

Dave, Part 7

Chapter Seven – Don’t Let Go Dave and I spent the following weekend making up for our ‘annus horribilis’, exploring each other’s mind and body, and generally fucking ourselves into exhaustion. Being with him was just so wonderful that I didn’t want to share him with anyone, but Neil’s comment kept sticking in my mind. If we were going to build a real relationship, we had to interact

Dave, Part 8

Chapter Eight – Home “Dave,” I murmured, a whispering softness that only he could have heard. “I…” His eyes opened wide and pierced my soul, a question and a hope written on his face. “I love you.” My heart didn’t race; my voice didn’t quiver. I knew what I was saying and I meant it, more certain of this than of anything before in my life. He looked at me, and instead of surprise,

Dave, Part 9

Chapter Nine – I Do! Dave and I moved into our new home about six weeks later. It sounds like a while, but in reality the time flew as we made arrangements as necessary, notified friends and relatives, and generally got used to the idea. To me, it felt like a passing dream, the thought of being in my own home with the man I loved, and somehow the weeks both dragged and raced at

Dave, Part10: Conclusion

Epilogue – The Lessons of the Past It’s been more than five years now since Dave and I were ‘married’. It is still one of my happiest, brightest memories, that day by the harbour, and the following night in the hotel. We followed it with a marvelous week of lovemaking and sunbathing at a tropical resort, and then came home to settle into our new life together. Despite my

Every Other Sunday

Private Club for Men into Serious Leather, meet last Sunday each month’ said the small, classified advert in one of the gay papers, giving an address. My curiosity was aroused immediately. Today was Sunday, the last of the month, wasn’t it? Yep. Just how private, and just how serious? I decided to give the place a visit and see for myself. Determined to show I was ‘into serious

Fair Day

FAIR DAY BY IAIN - It was a cold Sunday morning. The thought of getting out of bed did not excite him at all, but he’d promised John that they would get together and go down to check out the Leather Pride market day on Forbes Street. Ian didn’t quite get why his closest friend seemed so keen to wander around looking at what he imagined would be just a bunch

Getting Out

“Mitchell, get in here, NOW!” My boss’ voice rang out through the office, and all eyes turned to me. I shuddered, and stood up from my desk as the faces around me looked away. I could hear the muffled sniggers as I made my way to the source of that shout. I tried desperately to think of what I might have done to incur his wrath in the last few days, but nothing would come to mind.

Jim's Closet

Jim’s Closet Jim was gay. He knew it, and it made him miserable. He was still well and truly ‘in the closet’, with the door firmly locked. He lived in a small town community where everyone knew each other and where secrets weren’t easily kept, but he had kept his. Years ago he had realised that he was attracted to other men, but the lewd and often harsh comments

Leather Lovers

It was just another Friday night, same as all the others. Nothing special planned for the weekend and nothing exciting on the horizon. For quite a while I had been feeling as if something was missing, as if there had to be more than the endless round of work Monday to Friday and spending the weekends alternating between bars and beds, always looking for something but never really

Leather Lovers, Part 2

I had drifted off to sleep easily, wrapped in Mike’s arms, feeling oh so comfortable, and so satisfied with our lovemaking. When I woke, it was quite late for me. Around 10 in the morning, but his arms were still there, holding me tight. His harness and chaps, my leather pants, were thrown around the floor, removed after our hot session last night (or was that early this morning?).

Leather Lovers, Part 3

Leather Lovers, Part 3 It was well into the afternoon when we left Mike’s flat. The morning’s lovemaking hadn’t tired me at all. In fact, I felt exhilarated, horny, just being with him. We jumped on a train to take the few stops to my home, chatting the whole time. As he talked, Mike had a habit of touching – suddenly grabbing my arm, or putting his hand on my

Leather Lovers, Part 4

Leather Lovers, Part 4 Over breakfast on Sunday morning, Mike and I reminisced on the events of the day before: the pure exhilaration of showing off in the bar, and coming home to make love urgently, powerfully. We discussed the things we had seen in the leather boutique yesterday afternoon, the clothing and toys they offered, and how much we would both like to

Leather Lovers, Part 5

Leather Lovers, Part 5 Mike and I had gone together to the clinic and both been tested for HIV. Within a week we had the results: we both were clear. We had both expected the result, had both been careful for a long, long while now, yet it was always still a concern during that time between the test and the results, always a worry that at some time a condom

Leather Lovers, Part 6

Leather Lovers, Part 6 Mike and I didn’t make love that night. After rushing around all week moving him in and making all the usual adjustments, we were tired out. Added to that, the stress of the HIV test and the waiting and wondering, even though we expected the good news, had drained us both. When we were both given a clean bill of health, it felt like the

Leather Lovers, Part 7

Leather Lovers, Part 7 Mike and I had been together now for about four and a half months. During that time we had discovered so much about each other, likes and dislikes and yet we still had so much more to find out. We’d moved in together and explored our passionate side, shared our secret fantasies and begun living them out, falling more and more in love

Leather Lovers, Part 8

Leather Lovers - Pt 8 With everything we needed to construct our ‘fantasy room’, Mike and I couldn’t wait to get started on it. We pulled up the carpet in the room easily enough, and found a smooth concrete floor underneath. He wanted to leave it as is and paint it, but I pointed out that the cement would get cold and rough on bare skin, considering what we were

Long Lost Lovers

Long Lost Lovers He looked fucking fabulous. I couldn’t take my eyes from his body, as I tried to drink in every inch of his frame, tried to hold the vision in my mind and store it away to be cherished forever more. At just over six feet tall, Ian dominated any group by virtue of his height alone. But he was gorgeous as well; a true hunk. His face was

Lost Needs

It had been a busy fortnight. My company had sent me to Melbourne to sort out some problems in the regional office there, and that had meant two weeks of solid work, but by that Thursday night I had resolved the difficulties and had everything back up and running like clockwork, almost a week earlier than expected. My grateful supervisor had told me to take the following day off, and

Nerd Or Not

Nerd or Not For some reason that had escaped me, I seemed to be the ‘golden-haired boy’ at the firm where I worked. Sure, I had been blessed with good looks, which I maintained by working out at the gym regularly and, modesty aside, I did seem to have the kind of personality that allowed me to mix easily in almost any crowd. But I still had difficulty

Nick And Noah

Chapter One Nick and Noah were an unlikely couple. Both were slender but muscled in build, but that was about the only thing they had in common. Nick was lucky to stand 5’6” in thick socks, while Noah often had to duck his 6’2” frame under low doorways and hanging ornaments. Noah was the embodiment of ancient Viking stock, his impossibly thin waist the base of a ‘V’ of flesh and

Nick And Noah, Part 2

“Holy shit!” declared Nick as he looked around at the mess. “Where do we start?” He began to walk further into the flat, kicking at some of the upturned items as he did, and bent down to pick something up just as Noah called out in an urgent voice. “Nick, don’t touch anything! We have to call the police.” Nick jumped back as if bitten by a snake, and turned to look at his

Nick And Noah, Part 3

First thing Thursday morning, despite their late night interrogation of Lena, the drag queen in the Shift, Nick and Noah were up and about early. They felt they were onto something at last, and they wanted to get to the supermarket where this ‘Geoffrey Renouf’ worked as soon as it opened. Nick seemed convinced it would lead them to Jim, although Noah still had considerable doubts.

Nick And Noah, Part 4 (REVISED)

At the address given on the sheet of paper Noah had 'borrowed' from Geoff's employer, they found a pleasant looking home surrounded by gardens in a quiet suburban street. Noah parked the car outside and turned to Nick, who was nursing an excited Indiana. "I told you: you'll have to stay here with him. Hopefully I won't be long." Nick looked disconsolately at his partner, and watched

Nick and Noah, Part 8: Conclusion

The sound of the doorbell at 3.00 in the morning caused both Nick and Noah to look up, and then at each other in alarm. They were both exhausted after the rigours of the day, and their exertions in their special dungeon with Jim as an audience. Noah had been relaxing on the sofa while Nick worried himself over the absence of Indiana, their dog, when the sound rang out. Jim had headed off to

Opposites Attract, Part 1

Jeff Shaw reclined in his chair, swiveled around and stared at a huge billboard across the street, from which his own smiling face stared back at him. “He’s on YOUR side!” declared the banner below his chin. He groaned inwardly. He had made a living out of exposing rip-off merchants and con men, to the extent that he had been given his own weekly television show, and had developed a

Opposites Attract, Part 2

They relaxed again, and Jeff lay back with his head on Michael’s lap, as Michael ran his fingers over Jeff’s body playfully. Staying there for hours, they chatted easily, confiding in each other, both finding it a strange but welcome relief to be able to open up completely to another person. Finally, around 2.00 am, Jeff began to get restless. “Do you need to be somewhere?” Michael

Opposites Attract, Part 3

The next day Michael was back at work as usual. If it weren’t for the new clothes hanging in his closet, he could easily have convinced himself that the weekend had all been a dream, so far removed was it from his day-to-day existence. Nothing had changed in the ‘real world’, yet he constantly thought of Jeff, of the incredible sex they had had, and of the special man behind the

Opposites Attract, Part 4

They idled away the rest of the morning and the early afternoon lying around the pool, swimming occasionally, or resting against each other and enjoying the view of the harbour. It was wonderful doing nothing, yet doing it together, and they were both completely contented, and so comfortable with each other. Late in the afternoon, Michael was lying stretched out in the lee of the

Opposites Attract, Part 5

Back at work on Monday morning, Michael was still so exhilarated by the weekend, still so amazed at the incredible experience of pure, natural sex and the unbelievable rush of emotion in realising that he loved Jeff and that Jeff loved him that he failed to notice the lack of usual bullying from his co-workers. It was only after lunch, when his supervisor asked him to get some

Opposites Attract, Part 6

The next day Jeff was still rapt with joy at having Michael move in. He planned a dozen things in his head, and excitedly showed Michael the basement he wanted to make into their ‘leather pit’. He started to explain how he would get Phillip to arrange things when Michael cut him off. “No,” he said with a force which made Jeff stop and look. “I don’t want Phillip doing this. This

Opposites Attract, Part 7

The next few days were hectic, to say the least. Jeff threw himself into this project with far more enthusiasm than anyone at the station had seen him exhibit in a long while. And still he was smiling and happy. More than one of his co-workers commented on the change that had come over him, and Suzie began to find herself pressed for more information, but she knew nothing and

Opposites Attract, Part 8

Friday dawned, the ‘big day’ for Jeff’s confrontation with Ken, the bigoted supervisor who had sacked Michael and Tim. As he lay next to Michael in bed that morning, Jeff looked at the sleeping face of his man and a tremendous wave of joy rolled over him. Something made Michael stir, and his eyes fluttered open to find Jeff so close beside him. “Morning,” Michael muttered sleepily.

Opposites Attract, Part 9

Three months flew by, and out of the blue, a letter arrived from the lawyers. Michael opened it with little concern. He had been told right at the start that the law moved slowly, and not to expect much to happen in a short time. As he read, his brow furrowed with confusion, and then his face lit up: The company had admitted responsibility, terminated Ken’s employment, and were

Ships In The NIght

He was a real spunk, the kind of guy you could stare at for hours, and he lived across the hall from me. I had only been living here a month when he moved in, and the day he did I noticed him: noticed the strong legs and wide shoulders, the thin waist and tanned skin topped by a beautiful face with a permanent smile beneath a shock of mousy blond hair. The day he arrived I was on

Take It Or Leave It - Satisfaction

Take It Or Leave It – Satisfaction When I woke again, it was still dark. The candles had burnt out, and I sensed rather than saw that the sky outside was just beginning to lighten. I was still encased in my leather harness, and as I moved a little, I felt the dried remains of last night’s mind-blowing experience scratchy on my skin. My head was resting against his leg, the supple

Take It Or Leave It, Part 1: Arrival

Crunnnchh! Suddenly I was jolted out of the thoughts buzzing around in my head about sales targets, budgets and stock problems. The car came to a grinding halt and a sickening feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. The noise from the motor had sounded very serious, and the way the engine died seemed to spell a permanent stop. “Fuck!” I declared loudly to the empty land around me.

Take It Or Leave It: Discipline

The next morning I woke suddenly, a tingling sensation in my dick irritating me into consciousness. In the first few seconds of waking I panicked, struggled vainly at the chains holding my arms in place and fell back onto the rough blankets where I had slept. He was bending over me, having just finished tying a piece of leather thong tightly around the girth of my cock, just below the

Take It Or Leave It: Rewards

I slept well that night, and woke up feeling surprisingly good. The ‘kennel’ was not cramped at all, and the pile of rags made a passable bed. I was stirring enough to be alert when I heard a whistle from within the house. Responding to his signal, I crawled from my kennel and stretched quickly before hurrying around to the front of the cottage and up the steps, waiting on hands

Take It Or Leave It: Riches

He carefully cleaned, dried and oiled our leathers, and I admired the way he looked after them, as he stood there naked and proud. Finishing, he pulled the chaps back on again, smoothing them over his legs and fastening them into position. With the gleaming leather gripped tightly around his muscled legs, and the bands of leather on his arms, he truly looked a formidable sight, and

The Shopper

The first time I saw him I almost creamed my pants on the spot. Tall, dark and handsome was the usual expression, but that went nowhere near doing justice to the way he looked. He stood at least 6’4”, and had short dark brown hair that looked a little unruly but suited him to perfection. His skin was tanned a deep golden brown and contrasted beautifully with the white T-shirt and

Work It Out

[Note: this story is a ‘spin-off’ from my story “Leather Lovers”, and was inspired by generous comments and a suggestion from Rick, a hot leather muscle guy, and one of my regular and appreciative readers.] Pete had known Mike for years. They had met at the gym, and had become good friends, often going out together for a drink, catching up with a group of others and enjoying the

Work It Out Some More

Pete and Steve had become regular fuck-buddies. Pete’s introduction to the delights of leather sex with Steve’s help had opened a whole new world to him, and he had happily procured his own gear, tailored and fitted to his body so that it looked great and felt fantastic. His curiosity had been aroused by seeing his friend, Mike, leathered and hot, building a relationship with Neale,

Work It Out Together

The very next afternoon, Pete and Steve met up again at the gym after work. Since their schedule for the week had been thrown out of whack, they decided to make their next session the Thursday evening instead of their usual Wednesday night slot. As they headed for the expanders, Steve nudged Pete, pointing. Already there, sweating against a heavy load on a leg curl machine, was Mike.

Work It Out Ultimately

[Author's note: This chapter of ‘Work It Out’ was specifically requested by Rick, a muscle leatherman who is a fan of my writing. Rick came up with the idea for the scene, and asked for a specific position that the guys get into. If you prefer the idea of the four guys staying friends but not getting back together in a group scene again, don't read this story. Otherwise, enjoy!]


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