Gay Erotic Stories

Doyle's Vision

by Asgard

As Doyle watched Angel head off into the night, he couldn’t help the image as it came into his minds eye. An image of Angel, strong, silent and moody, moving across the bed towards him…. Doyle shook his head, trying to shake out such an absurd vision. ‘What am I thinking? I must really need to get laid’ he muttered to himself. ‘The boy’s cute and he ‘ain’t exactly my type but I can see why the ladies go for him.’ He turned back to the computer and not for the first time cursed the fact that Cordelia had gone home to visit her father. ‘Bloody machines!’ he swore at it, ‘why won’t you do what I want?’ Suddenly the machine beeped at him and the screen went blank. ‘Shit, what have I done now? Angel will kill me!’ Doyle began to feel a panic rising in him when he remembered that there was a copy of the file that he was working on downstairs in Angel’s apartment. Doyle scrambled down the stairs, nearly tripping over as he went. At the bottom of the stairs, he looked around to see where he had come to a halt, taking note of the bed and chest of drawers next to it. Guessing that Angel might have put the file copy there; Doyle walked over to the chest. He started to look through the drawers, perching himself on the edge of the bed to do so. As he was searching, Doyle’s eye caught an object lying on the ground just by the bed and reaching down he picked it up. Before he realized what he was doing Doyle saw that he had actually picked up a pair of Angels dirty underwear. He was about to put the briefs down, when suddenly, another image appeared in his mind again, this time it was of Doyle himself but wearing the small blue briefs. ‘What the fuck is wrong with me lately?’ he thought and was just about to put the briefs down when he noticed what appeared to be a stain on the front. Against his better judgment, he brought the briefs closer to his face so that he could get a better look at the stain. As they came closer an unmistakable smell filled Doyle’s nostrils. It was Angel’s smell, mixed with the scent of dried semen. Doyle was beginning to become aroused, Angel had actually masturbated into these underpants, he could feel the faint stirrings of his penis as it began to move inside his own small, white, briefs. Doyle held the underwear close to his nose and breathed in, deeply, the scent of the vampire Angel. ’Oh god’, he whispered, ‘I’ve never felt like this before’. Recalling the image that had entered his mind earlier, Doyle decided to put the briefs on, wanting, suddenly, to put his penis where Angel had so recently had his. Doyle quickly stripped but was in such a rush that he forgot to remove his black socks. When he was down to his own briefs, just before he took them off, he looked down at his now fully erect penis tenting the thin cotton. He gave it a quick rub, pulled them off and threw them onto the bed. With his erection bouncing before him, Doyle somehow managed to get Angel’s pants on. Feeling completely aroused now Doyle sat back onto the bed and began to slowly rub his hard cock through the soft material. Just as he was ready to lose himself to an orgasm, he heard a slight cough and sat bolt upright, turned and saw Angel standing at the foot of the bed. ‘Oh, my god’ he stammered ’Angel! Shit! Er, I’m sorry mate; I was just, um… Oh, shit!’ ‘I can see what you were just doing Doyle and in my underwear too I believe.’ Doyle started stammering again and was trying to stand up but he still had one hand on his aroused penis and fell back on to the bed again. In one swift movement, Angel was standing next to Doyle and was reaching out his hand. To Doyle’s surprise, as Angel’s hand opened, Doyle’s briefs that he had discarded on to the bed, now hung loosely from his fingers. ‘These are yours I think’ Angel waved the pants at Doyle. ‘Oh, shit, look mate, I can explain’ Doyle tried to rise again from the bed but this time it was Angel that pushed him back down. ‘Do not move a muscle’ with those words Angels moved so swiftly that he seemed to be only a blur. When he stopped he was standing next to Doyle again but this time he was wearing Doyle’s little white briefs, which seemed a stark contrast to the only other item that he was now wearing, which was a pair of black socks. ‘I think it only fair that as you are wearing my briefs I should be wearing yours’ As he spoke, Angel began to move across the bed towards Doyle in a sensuous move that he recognised from his earlier vision upstairs. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked. ‘Making my dreams come true’ Angel replied ‘I have wanted to do this with you ever since you first appeared in this room, but I never thought you would want to’ ‘Believe me, Angel man, I had no idea until just this moment that I wanted you. I have never been attracted to a man before but you are just so beautiful’ ‘Enough talk’ said Angel and reached over to pull Doyle’s hot mouth onto his. If you want to hear more, let me know.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Asgard

Doyle's Vision

As Doyle watched Angel head off into the night, he couldn’t help the image as it came into his minds eye. An image of Angel, strong, silent and moody, moving across the bed towards him…. Doyle shook his head, trying to shake out such an absurd vision. ‘What am I thinking? I must really need to get laid’ he muttered to himself. ‘The boy’s cute and he ‘ain’t exactly my type but I


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