Gay Erotic Stories

Family Prophet

by Aussie Slick

Family Prophet by Aussie Slick I’d heard so much about Grant from letters back home, that I was more than intrigued to finally see this guy, at his wedding. My young sister had met him at a wrestling tournament and had fallen head over heels for this - "muscular, handsome, gorgeous hunk of flesh". Not only were her letters to me always filled with what Grant did, said and hoped to achieve, but my own Mother and Father were onto this trick as well. So, after some 6 months of hearing nothing but praise for this supposed herculean wonder boy, I could hardly wait to finally meet him. And who should be despatched to pick me up from the airport ? None other than Grant himself. My eyes were fixed on his perfect facial features. Black hair, cut in a marine style, capped the most even tan you could aim for. Two deep dark eyes pierced through me, yet they were filled with softness and - yes - even a caring nature. His nose was broad yet small, which suited the face perfectly. Ears were also small and close to his skull - with the short hair style, they would have looked ridiculous otherwise. His lips were large, full and permanently twisted into a cheeky simper. All this was perched on top of a very broad, powerful throat, with tufts of black hair scurrying out the neck line of his tight fitting T-Shirt. This hugged every curve of his very well trained torso. Shoulders broad. Chest thrust out. Stomach rolling down into jogger shorts, tapering to that narrow waist. I couldn’t make out what he might have inside the shorts, but from the leg holes, perfectly swollen thighs thrust out and down to strong knee joints and then further on, to broad calves. These legs were coated with thick black hairs, as were his forearms. His biceps sat somewhere between a body builder and a top class footballer. Not small by any means, but not grotesque and extreme. The many descriptions were right. When he spoke, he had a gentleness about him. But he was very masculine in bearing as well as attitude. He knew it and therefore didn’t need to put on airs and graces. Firmly, he demanded he would carry my bags, then simply took them and marched ahead of me, casually looking back to make sure I was not falling behind or getting lost in the crowd. I was so busy watching those mighty thighs working, and his hefty arms hauling the loaded bags, there was no way I would have lost track of him in any crowd. At his pickup, he sat the bags into the back then opened my door, waiting for me to get in, before closing it - like the proper gentleman I had been told. Only my choice in music was allowed and he would ask civil, friendly questions, short at that, then sit back, drive and listen to me talking. When he did speak, it was always singing praise to my sister or my parents. Julie certainly found herself the perfect husband-to-be and if someone was to marry her, I couldn’t have picked a better man. And Lord knows I’d tried hard enough - for my own life too. "I can sleep on the couch." He suggested, when sleeping arrangements were being discussed. "No way. Wouldn’t think of it." I was going to be firm on this one. "Well, gee Brett, I feel awful about this. Its your room after all." Grant had moved into our home after he and Julie were engaged and he had been sleeping in my room. "At least its only one night. Tomorrow you can have it back." He smiled. They would be going on their honeymoon and after that, he would move into Julie’s room, which was bigger than mine anyway. "Well, that’s settled." Mother said, slapping her hips. "But mind you don’t snore and keep Grant awake, Brett." He had already become "mummy’s boy" by the looks of things. After dinner, Grant and Julie did the dishes and tidied up the kitchen, before joining the rest of the family out on the back porch. It was a warm night and very pleasant, with the cooling breeze from the east. The chatter covered the event to come. Arrangements that had been made, how many guests were invited to the reception, how lovely Julie’s dress was and what her Brides Maids were wearing. I yawned an excuse for bed and excused myself, saying the long flight had taken it out of me. Grant stood as I did - yes, he was the perfect gentleman. I took a quick shower, pulled on a pair of shorts, although I normally slept naked, then took the mattress on the floor. Naturally, there was only one bed in my room and I really would sleep better, knowing the Groom had a proper bed, the night before his big day. I could hear the talking and occasional laugh, rising up from the porch but eventually I drifted off to sleep. I woke to a whisper - and light shining into the room. "Night." I heard Julie say. Looking over the sheet, I could see them in the doorway. Clearly, Julie had her hand clutched tightly on something right between Grant’s hips. It took no rocket scientist to realise she had her fist filled with his cock. They clung close together, rocking in the doorway. Her hand movements came more quickly and Grant buckled at the knees slightly, crashing himself closer to her upper body, while backing off at the waist, to give her more hand room. He took a long, deep breath inwards and she stopped her jerking on him. "Now look what yu’ done." He whispered again. She gave him a final long kiss then stepped back and into the hall. He slowly, quietly, closed the door and put on the light. That, I didn’t expect. The position I lay in, I was looking right up into his face. He saw my eyes open, looked down at the massive bulge in his shorts, which had a distinct wet spot, where he was oozing precum, then smiled. "She can’t help herself sometimes." He excused her. I was about to reply - nor can I - when he casually tore his T-Shirt off in one quick movement over his head, revealing fully, that powerfully developed torso covered in a fine mat of black hair. The chest was coated, letting only his nipples punch out from the fur, while it trailed down his muscular abdomen, surrounded the navel and disappeared into his shorts. But it didn’t remain that way, as he ripped them down and stepped out of them. His heavy balls swung right, then left, as he raised his knees to shake himself free of the short, while his enormous dick, still in a full state of upward curved erection, towered a definite 9" from his very hairy crotch. And as though I didn’t exist, he took his tool in both fists, squeezed and rolled the foreskin forward, forcing a liberal amount of precum out of the large eye of his dick. He scooted it over the head to make it shiny, then released his cock, so it sprung back, slapping his belly, leave a trace of sticky glue on the hairs above his navel. Looking down at me, he calmly said - "This ain’t gunna wait until tomorrow night !" "We’re all guys here." I heard me saying. I don’t know what my face told him, but I felt I was remaining extremely unruffled by all this. On the inside, I was in shock. He stepped over me to get onto the bed, giving me the most perfect view from below, looking up to his full, hairy nuts, the underside of his dick and his equally hair crack, as his buttocks parted wide, stretching his legs to step across. Turning, he sat heavily onto the bed and without looking my way at all, started to slowly pump his tool, squeezing more juice out the end, which he quickly used to oil the head and neck of his organ. "At least you’re not self conscious." I had to say it, as I detected a laugh rising inside me. The comment covered this, when it happened against my will. "Yeah." That was all he said in answer. His fingers played slowly on the shaft and a drool of ooze emerged, which he left dangling for the longest time, before putting it to good use as well. Then, he finally spoke again. "Brought up with four brothers. Yu’ gotta be. Besides, Julie tells me you’re very understanding and broad minded." He went on playing deliberate tunes on his organ. Then he added, "It don’t bother me yu’ gay. Even straights like me have had some knocking around with other guys. Shit, I used to fuck my two older brothers every night from when I was 14 till I met Julie." He stopped jerking, resting a hand on each knee and looked right into my eyes. "You reckon that makes me gay ?" "I wouldn’t like to say Grant. We all know inside ourselves how we feel about things, unless we’re mixed up. But I don’t think you’re mixed up. You’re too candid about the whole thing for that." "But if I liked doing it, does that mean I’m gay ?" "Maybe bi." I tried to offer him some answer without telling him straight out - if he likes it, then he is or should be part of it. He was so innocent in his comments, I was sure he was naive. But how could a guy be screwing other guys - brothers admittedly - for 6 or 7 years and not realise he was at least bisexual ? "Had it with other guys aside from your brothers ?" "Oh yeah. Some school buddies and a couple at the gym where I work out." He scratched his side and slide the hand up to his pecs and scratched some more. "When my Dad found out, well..." "He blow his top ?" "No !" Grant laughed. "He gave us lessons. Shit, we’re all big guys and he wanted to make sure we didn’t hurt each other, you know ?" He took a grip on his dick and waved it around to express the idea that his tool might do harm. It could. It was a very fat dick as well as long. I was beginning to ask what sort of lessons, but Grant went on to answer me anyway. "He showed us how to get one another ready for it - suck the arse out a bit and finger around to loosen the ring up - that sort of thing." "You think you’ll miss not having that sort of fun after you get married ?" "Oh I’ll still fuck around with the guys in the gym sometimes. I promised I wouldn’t just stop because I was getting hitched. Gee that’s not fair to them either." "Does Julie know ?" "Hell no !" He let his dick go again and leaned forward. "You think I should tell her ?" "Well, yes. You’ve got to be honest in your marriage or that’s where troubles can start." I sat up and put my back against the wall for support, then placed a hand on his hairy knee. "What if she walked in right now and found us doing this ?" I run my hand from the knee, up the thigh to his hairy crotch but made sure my fingers never even grazed his dick or balls. "She’d be angry I guess." He never moved my hand or showed signs of discomfort by me having my hand there, so I let it remain still on his thigh. "Wouldn’t it be better to tell her almost the same thing you’ve just told me ?" I run my hand slowly, up and down the thigh. The hairs under my hand were thick and wiry. "Tell her about your times with your brothers - that sort of thing ? She’ll then naturally ask if you still find an interest in guys, just like I did. Then, all you have to say is - sometimes I guess. At least she’ll be aware of it and besides, you can then tell what her reaction might be, by what she says to that." "Shit yu’ making me horny Brett." He changed the subject and smiled down at me. "You don’t need me to make you horny Grant. God, look at it dribbling everywhere." I reached out and caught a string of ooze that hung a few inches off the and of his tool. I looped it back, curling it over the head and wiped my finger, free of the cum, onto the head. He still didn’t react, only sat there watching me perform this operation. "Julie tell you I’m gay ?" There ! I said it ! "Yeah." He squeezed his cock from the base and forced a very large glob of cum to the opening. It formed into a river and run into the underside foreskin folds, threatening to trickle all the way down his long shaft. He watched it a while, then looked at me to see my reaction. Cat and mouse. Or was it dog and bone ? I wasn’t going to play his game. Leaning forward, I swallowed the head whole and tongued those juices right away. "But she said not to worry. You wouldn’t try anything." I lifted my mouth away and looked up his dick, over his muscled torso and into his cheeky smile. "But you had other ideas." I now took a firm hold and tried to squeeze even more juice out. Not much came, for the effort, but I still licked it off. He tasted very potent, salty and yet sweet. "Not until I met you. You remind me of one of my brothers." He leaned back and spread his thighs wider. "He loved cocks too. Still does." "You still feed him yours ?" "Fucked him about two hours ago." "And you still have that much juice in you ?" I licked a small bubble collected at the eye. "I’d already seen you, so I just screwed him for a while but kept myself for tonight." "That sure, were you ?" "You should have seen your eyes from my side." He gave a deep belly laugh. "They were never off my crotch from the minute we met." He was possibly right. Although his body in general received a lot of attention too. "Grant, if you’re going to plan times with other guys, don’t you think you might possibly be bisexual ?" He smiled. He already knew. "Then, you really should warn Julie. To be blunt pal, she deserves to know you just might bring home some bug inside your dick one night. She has that right." "I’ll think about it." He leaned forward again, bringing his dick closer to me and gave it a few quick, hard rubs. "Here, get your mouth around this." I was seeing another side of Grant I loved very much but also disliked at the same time. I loved his honesty with me but lies to Julie. I admired him for knowing what he wanted, when and how. But didn’t like him not letting his left hand know what the right hand was doing. It was unfair. It was even unfair to me - because now I would know the truth and would be forced to either keep my mouth shut, or warn Julie. I decided to open my mouth and I swallowed the head down in one gulp. I let him push forward into me until the head nudged the back of my throat, then I eased back. "When were you fucked last ?" He sure was direct. "Not for a while." I lifted my mouth away and licked the head, underside and worked my tongue and lips down to his nuts. They fell into my mouth as if they always belonged there. One, then the other, went hot and firm into my mouth. I toyed with them and Grant lifted himself off the bed, standing over me so I had a better attack angle. "But I love rimming." His ball slipped out of my mouth and I licked behind them. Grant spread his thighs wider, stepped over my shoulder and lowered his buttocks over my mouth. His strong hands parted his own cheeks and he dropped the little bit more, so his puckered hole rested between my lips. My tongue probed and his fingers moved in, spreading his hole open even further for me. I could actually see into the darkness within, but blocked it out with my tongue as I moved in once more. His ring was moist and the scent was strong. I could tell he had been working out at the gym today and not too long ago, dropped a turd as well. But it seemed perfectly natural and a beautiful thing to share with me. My mouth sucked on the wide hole as the tongue drove inside until the rope under the tongue hurt from the strain. Grant gave a little fart, which I felt was not deliberate. He voiced his own disgust at having so little control over himself. I took my lips away and whisper loud enough for him to hear - "that’s OK." He took this to mean, I enjoyed it. No sooner had my mouth regained lost territory, when he more deliberately forced a more protracted wind gust across my face and into my mouth. The smell was not bad and it actually sent a surge of electricity down my spine, buzzing my dick into full erection. I loved rimming guys but had never considered scat. I hoped he wasn’t about to experiment on me. I could feel his arse muscle tighten around my tongue and press down on my lips, as he bore down from the bowel. But thankfully, it turned out he neither farted nor tried to shit on me. Instead, he was merely forcing my tongue deeper inside. After I rooted around in there for a short while, he lifted himself away and stepped back over me, to stand with his mighty tool towering overhead. From its eye, the greatest collection of pre-spunk so far, trickled in three separate trails, over his shaft. I quickly licked it away, gulped the head down and sucked more from his tool. My mouth felt almost as well oiled with man juice, as it would, had a guy just blown in me. "Leave it." He gently pushed my head away from his dick, rushed a tight fist up the length, pushing a small load ahead of the pumping, then wiped the clear drops across my lips. His strong hands gripped me under the armpits and he hauled me up, into a standing position. Turning me around, I felt those hands run down my body, taking my shorts off as they went, then his fingers probed into my crack, spreading my cheeks aside. His mouth began to treat me as I had just done for him. His tongue pressed again my hole. I bent forward slightly, pressing back onto the meaty mouth organ. He turned it into a stiff prodder, poking at the entrance until he finally broke inside, lapping at my inner chamber. I felt a finger dig inside as well, then another. He used them to prise my hole open wider and his tongue was driven deeper still. Now I knew what he had felt minutes before. It was a beautiful sensation. I screwed my arse around over his face. He was edged on and pressed up even more. The fingers worked inside, even deeper as well. Liberal amounts of spit was being applied. He was making slurping noises and his fucking tongue and rooting fingers added other sounds to the concerto. Deep within, I heard him grunting, "yes, yes." A third wet finger joined in and all four instruments worked away inside me for the longest of time. Then, he removed his mouth and left his fingers to fuck my arse in short quick stabs. There was no pain. He had certainly been taught well by his Father, how to prepare someone for a big cock. And now, my mind centred on that very fact - he intended to fuck me. "Stick another one in. Get me really loose Grant." I begged him and he obeyed my every wish. Almost instantly I felt a fourth finger pushed against the hole. It quickly entered and he was now able to fist fuck my arse to his thumb. I felt him open and close his hand, so it was broad - the width of his four fingers, one minute, then narrow, as he let them close down, into a more rounded spearing tool. Of course, I wasn’t just standing there. My hips bounced up and down, absorbing his thrusts all the more deeply and swiftly. He was an expert. He slowly turned me around but retained his hand completely inside me, to the thumb. He sat on the bed now, pumping my arse from between my parted thighs, while he worked on his own dick. He let go of his cock and raised those fingers to my nose. Letting me sniff the scent of his cock and precum, he reached behind my head and forced me to bend over and once again, swallow his prick. But as soon as he felt his cock was nice and wet, he lifted my face away and turned me around once more. His fingers slowly drew out of my arse and both hands pulled me slowly backwards, toward his lap. "You do it. Take your time." He certainly knew what was the best way for a big fat dick to go inside a tight arsehole. He held his cock firm, aimed right at my hole. I edged backwards a little more and the head nestled into the widened pucker hole. I could easily take the head inside and only began to feel a tightness as the more broad shaft came inside. But my entire weight bearing down, drove my arse over the meaty pole, down, down and finally, I sat on his hairy crotch. He sat still. I was the one in charge and he made no effort to force me to do one motion or action I didn’t wish to make. Once I become accustomed to its long length inside me and the ring had spread nicely, I rose a little, then sat again. I did this a few times and was soon wishing more. I rose higher and sat down firmly. I lifted off, until the head was the only piece of him inside, but then dropped full length, and swiftly over its entire span. I become more and more game. Eventually, I was lifted completely off him and making his cock force the doorway open, before taking me. Finally, once my arse was totally in accord with his dick size, I enjoyed a stretch of quick, short fucks over the first few inches of his weapon. Still, he remained motionless. But I sensed this was bringing him closer to shooting, then he might have liked. I stopped. "What yu’ stop for ?" Grant began to hump up into me, to return the action over his dick, which I’d stopped. Realising, what I thought was his approaching climax, to really be simple pleasure and delight, I met his upward strokes, with hard plunges down into his lap, then lifted as he pulled away, until we were combining attacks that dragged his gorgeous tool all the way out and back to its full length in swift, almost violent slams. Every punch of his dick inside me pounded my button, crushed my nuts and brought me to the very edge of a giant lake of cum - dammed up for too long. Knowing I couldn’t hold back nor slow him enough to protract our pleasures further, I gave into it freely. My spunk splattered onto my stomach, hot, wet and plentiful. I closed my eyes and swum in the delight of it all. My heart pounded and sweat gushed from every pore. I drifted into a dazed state but came around when I heard the door knob rattle, as it was being opened. God ! If it was Julie, it would be the end of everything ! Grabbing the sheets around me, I felt my sticky cum wet the sheets. My elbow crashed onto the floor boards which brought me around to a more aware state. The door slowly opened and Julie’s head peeped through. "Yes, he’s asleep." She whispered, as she opened the door further. I could see Grant standing behind her. They turned in the hall light and went into a deep kiss. I could see her hand working on his crotch area - then finally realised, I had only had a wet dream. Ashamed, I still watched her hand play on him and as in my dream, his knees buckled a little. He took a deep breath and said, "now look what yu’ done." She gave him a final kiss before moving back into the hall. He quietly closed the door and put on the light. He saw my eyes were open and looked down at the wet splatter marks around my crotch area. His own shorts were pouching out just fine and where the tip of his mighty dick lay, I could make out his own wet spots. He smiled and slowly shook his head back and forth. "Yu’ might have waited for me buddy." No it had not been a dream after all - but a premonition. Grant fulfilled every portion of my dream and much more before that night was through. And every Thanksgiving, Christmas and other family gatherings, he showed me more of his abilities and skills. From that night on, I listened to my inner intuition much more - and our family grew much closer together than I ever thought it could. A true story.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Aussie Slick

Bodyguards, Part 1

Bodyguards Part I As Corporal Groves brought his heels together, they clicked loudly. He stood erect and unmoving in his US Marine - Old Guard uniform. He was proud to be one of the White House Guards and took great pride in himself, his duty and his attitude toward performing with precision and style. His powerfully developed thighs locked together making him stand

Family Prophet

Family Prophet by Aussie Slick I’d heard so much about Grant from letters back home, that I was more than intrigued to finally see this guy, at his wedding. My young sister had met him at a wrestling tournament and had fallen head over heels for this - "muscular, handsome, gorgeous hunk of flesh". Not only were her letters to me always filled with what

Forgotten Sailors

Hans had always had a deep love for Erik. And working with him in the Engine Room, where it was hot, didn't help him control those passions very well. Erik would parade the steel cathedral, surrounded by all the mechanics and machinery, wearing only a pair of shorts, sailor's cap, heavy work boots and socks - maybe a navy blue singlet, when it was cooler. Hans was an Able Seaman

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 1

Major Buck's Odyssey Part I Chapter One Major Buckley Wright climbed out of his jeep, saluting the Corporal who drove him up to the base. He'd been posted many times to secret and top secret establishments, working directly under Generals often, so this new posting - which he was told would be - exciting to say the least - held no great expectations. He'd come

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 2

Major Buck's Odyssey Part II Chapter Two Buck held the cylinders in his arms, shaking with fear, as he watched the Professor twist the knobs and adjust the various dials. He prayed the man made no mistakes and it all worked out, just like that test run he witnessed a few minutes ago. The Professor turned at the hips and gave Buck a wave, before throwing that

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 3

Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to

Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It


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