Gay Erotic Stories

Father John

by Hall

I met Father John a long time ago, in fact we worked together. He was young and deciding to go into the monastery. When he finally did I was surprised as he had attended a party and asked if he could come home with me to talk about his newfound vocation. As soon as we arrived at the apartment, he suddenly grabbed and held my backside to his front side. I felt some movement in his pants and he suddenly turned me around and said he had never had sex with a man, but would I let him experience the idea? As he was quickly removing all of his clothes and I mine, I noticed that his cock was very large and since he was a redhead the hair around it was profuse and a vibrant red as well. What a turn on to me. Well we quickly lay on the bed and he reached for the Vaseline and told me to turn my back to him...well he quickly inserted his cock into my rectum and was breathing so heavily and pumping so hard that I had to hang on to the sheets so as not to be pushed off the bed. He came with such abandon that I truly felt tired. With the last spurt he bound out of bed, dressed and ran down the stairs. I lay there wondering what had happened. Well John quit at the place we were working and moved away. It was not until fifteen years later that I get this frantic phone call that he was in town, at a bar and "did I still suck cock?" He begged me to meet him at the bar, he was really drunk, and he said that he was just in town for a wedding and needed a ride to his motel. I had a drink with him and we went on our way to the motel. He asked me to come in and I had to help him into the room. He then started taking his clothes off, fell into the bed and told me to join him. He said that he was still in the monastery and ran the kitchen. He said that he did not sleep with any of the other monks but went out into the community and picked up people. He then told me "if you do this with me it is your decision." Well we proceeded to fondle each other, kiss so deeply that I was almost drunk on what he had to drink. He then turned me over and rammed his cock up my ass so hard that he almost bumped me out of the bed. After he came he asked what I felt...I had always had a crush on him. He laughed, got up showered and returned to bed and feel asleep. In the morning he woke up, started jacking himself off and then woke me up and sat on my chest. He forced his cock into my mouth and started really pumping...when he came, he jumped out of bed, got dressed, told me he was busy with the wedding and said he had to go. He wished me well, gave me a long and gasping French kiss and sent me on my way. I have not heard from him since. I guess that he must be praying for me??


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Hall

Father John

I met Father John a long time ago, in fact we worked together. He was young and deciding to go into the monastery. When he finally did I was surprised as he had attended a party and asked if he could come home with me to talk about his newfound vocation. As soon as we arrived at the apartment, he suddenly grabbed and held my backside to his front side. I felt some movement in his

Oh Father!

I used to sit in the front row of church and watch the new priest give his sermon. He was absolutely striking. I had to turn away several times after mass so he would not shake my hand because I would be weak in the knees. The one time he was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face. Father F. was written on his jacket. The one he put on after church. Well one day I


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