Gay Erotic Stories

Friendly Favour, Part 2

by Slick

Friendly Favour, Part II Friendly Favour - Part 2 Slick Gary expected Paul to hump with Mary's brother that same night ? It was all right by Paul, however, Gary had just lost one hell of a load. But he agreed and Gary left him sitting in that untidy room, while he went upstairs to shower and get ready. Paul pondered the notion of going up to the bathroom and seeing if he could get a little further with Gary, but he knew that was out of the question. The guy was as straight as a guy could be and still be human. He wondered just what he had got himself in to. What would this brother of Mary's be like ? Would he like him enough to go through with the promise ? What would the guy want to do, as they heated up things for Mary and Gary ? Besides, why did Mary need something like that to get her going ? With a guy like Gary for a boyfriend, in Paul's view, she had the world at her feet; a Prince of a man; a giant among the tall; the vision of visions. But then, he didn't know her and everyone needs a little something to get their juices boiling. For Paul, he only needed Gary but today proved his dreaming would always be just that - dreaming. He had the finest opportunity and he blew it - or failed to, in this case. "Ready ?" Gary stood at the doorway, hands on hips. He'd dressed in his finest leather outfit, but then, he was a biker. Stars lined his shoulders, chains curled in loops, secreting into his armpits. Studs dotted his collar, cuffs and waistband, while logos for the local biker club embellished the upper arms. The jacket was finely polished, unlike the one he wore to work, daily. Jeans were new but they had the old faded look to them. Chains fell from the studded belt as well, looping across his right thigh and disappearing around the back somewhere. His boots were shined to a gleam and they had silver toe tips and a star on each outer heal. He knew how to make himself look desirable, in Paul's eyes anyway. As they approached the front door, Gary picked up 2 helmets. One was obviously a spare he always had at the ready, while Paul knew which helmet Gary would be wearing. Jet black, with a sunshade mask. Not a sign or symbol on it, made it appear - threatening, somehow. He handed Paul the other helmet which was white with stickers from various biker clubs plastered over it. The scuff marks showed that Gary must have had a tumble or two in the past - since Paul had seen him wear this helmet on occasions. They walked to the big Harley, patiently waiting for its Master, on the footpath, outside the front door. With ease, Gary raised a leg and tossed it over the seat, as he donned that black helmet. Paul slid on the seat behind him and gingerly wrapped his arms around Gary's waist. "Better take a good hold. We're running late." With the words hardly out of his mouth, he kicked the bike to life and they sped off with a roar, leaving a cloud of dust and rubber behind them. Paul was forced to hug in close to Gary, merely by the intensity of their take-off. Gary rode a little recklessly, although it was evident he knew exactly what he was doing. He was a very professional rider; holder of a number of championships for speed, cross country racing and rough riding. So, with this knowledge, although the ride seemed to be a little wild, Paul knew he was in safe hands. In no time at all, they were on the other side of town, not too far from Paul's street. Gary lived in the working class district while Paul - and it seemed Mary - lived in the more affluent area. They stopped outside a finely built brick house with vast lawns. In the drive were 2 cars and none of them were within Paul's price bracket. "How's my girl ?" Gary scooped Mary into his arms and his tongue was out before her mouth opened wide enough to take it. Their cheeks sunk in and each sucked the other deeply into their mouths, crowding tongue against tongue, mashing teeth and hissing loudly and unashamed of their embrace on the front steps. He broke his mouth free, "and this is Paul. I told yu' about him - we work together." "Hi Paul. You just bi or totally gay ?" She didn't pull a single punch. "" "Doesn't matter. We're going to have great fun tonight." Mary swung on her heel and dragged Gary through the front door. "Mark ! They're here !" She called as they entered the front room. It was a noble house with fine furnishings. Only the best and all matching perfectly. Right out of a Home Beautiful magazine. Family photos took up the feature wall. Paul could see many with Mary in them and a number had older faces, who were most likely her parents. He scanned them for a younger male face, in hopes of seeing who this Mark might be, but he couldn't see one at a quick glance. "How's about a beer ?" Gary gave her a squeeze. "Got something even better." She broke free and walked to a side table which had a tray, with champagne glasses and a bottle in an ice bucket. "Special. For you." She popped the cork and begun to pour it into 4 glasses. "Hi." Paul swung around to face the voice behind him. A young college jock type; not old enough to shave by the looks and dressed only in swimmers, stood with his legs wide apart. Paul eyed the boy over. His fresh face cheated the simple fact that this boy was indeed a man. Thighs of a horse held up a very solid and powerfully tuned torso. Broad shoulders expanded as wider than his immense chest and out from all this, thrust a neck of a power lifter. A trace of hair flickered over the top of the swimmers, climbing to the closed button of his navel but ceased at that point. Hardly a hair appeared again until the chest, where it coated the tanned flesh with blond sprigs. It was only a fine coating, which told Paul, Mark must have shaved himself not too long ago. Everyone greeted him and Mary introduced Paul to him, as she handed out the champagne. All clicked glasses, wishing good health to one another and they stood silently, sipping the sweet sparkling wine. Paul watched closely, as Mark brought his glass to his lips. His powerful biceps flexed, ballooned fat and strong, as though the glass must weigh a ton. How could such a young kid be so well developed ? He felt he'd have no problems enjoying time with Mark. But looks weren't everything and he would much rather try a second round with Gary, however, beggars can't be chooses and Mark would have to be the greatest looking guy he'd seen - aside from Gary. The wine helped him relax and everyone quickly drink their first glass, accepting a second as Mary walked from one person to the next, topping up their drink. Paul wondered where they might be having this "session" tonight and hoped the parents of Mary and Mark wouldn't be there to hinder the gala performances. "So, where's everyone else ?" Paul finally asked. "Who ?" Mary looked puzzled. "Your family." Paul pointed to the wall of family photos. "At home - I guess. This is my place. I live alone. Oh Mark is visiting, but otherwise, I am everyone." She smiled and looked into Gary's eyes. Paul was inclined to ask how she come by so much wealth at such a young age, but knew that would be too personal. Possibly a rich daddy. "Well, anyone for another drink or is it already doing its job ?" Gary and Mark reached out with near empty glasses and Mary poured more into them. She turned to Paul and he quickly swallowed what he had to allow space for more of that fine nectar. But what did she mean ? Is it already doing its job ? He felt a little light headed but then, they had drunk 2 glasses of champagne fairly quickly. His face felt a touch flushed but drink always did that to him. He let the thought drift away as he took in the beautiful sight of Mark. The boy (which was true, but really unfair as well) now sat in an easy chair with one thigh hooked over the arm rest. The tight swimmers packed close around the equipment beneath them, detailing to any eye what must be there. He seemed to have more than reasonable sized balls, as a mass thrust the swimmers out, between his spread thighs. He could also make out the trace line of an average cock and the tightness of the nylon cloth showed every major feature including the bared head. He was cut. Paul realised his dick was beginning to react to this voyeurism. But then, that's what they were here for. He sipped more champagne and turned his eyes back to Mary and Gary. They were standing side by side, arms locked around on another's waists. Their eyes were looking deeply into each other's eyes and they seemed unaware of anyone else in the room at that moment. Glancing back to Mark, Paul found him staring right back. Their eyes held one another for only a few seconds, before Mark looked away, toward the stairs near the front door. Paul once again scanned the boy's body but now found he had a much greater package inside his swimmers and it was still growing. When he let his glance drift further up that mountain of manhood-boyhood, Mark was once again staring right back. "So, what school you go to Mark ?" Paul felt he should break the ice. "School of hard fucks." He smiled a crooked smile, which made his boyish face suddenly appear very strong and manly. "Which raises the point - when are we getting started folks ?" He directed his question to all present. "We already have." Gary replied. When Paul looked back toward them. They certainly had. Mary's dress was raised high and Gary was on his knees, buried deep in her fur. Her fingers held her cunt wide apart and once he finished speaking, he turned to plunge his tongue back into the wet, reddened folds. Mary poured a few drops from her glass, over his nose and lapping tongue. No champagne hit the carpet, as he worked to capture ever drip. "This stuff of Mary's works great, doesn't it ?" Paul turned back to Mark as he spoke. Mark had rolled his swimmers down just enough to let his growing cock emerge from out of the waistband and he dipped a finger into his glass, running a trace line with his finger, around his flaring cock head. "She puts some special stuff in it to make you all the more horny." So, that was what she meant ! Paul looked at his glass and quickly swallowed it whole. "You want more, have this." Mark extended his glass toward Paul but as Paul slowly moved toward him, he dragged his dick completely free from the swimmers, bent it awkwardly downwards and plunged it into the champagne glass. As Paul reached the chair, Mark lay back and allowed his dick to stand erect, dripping with the wine. Paul fell to his knees and devoured the cock entirely. The scent rising from the boy was sweet and fresh. As sweet and fresh as his face. He lay still and watched Paul eat his cock. There was only a small patch of blond hairs around the organ, which never got in the way, although Paul licked at them, on the way down to lick and tease the massive balls. As he rolled the swimmers lower, they emerged into the open air and showed their full potential. Enormous. Almost too large, set against the boy's ample but average dick. Like two small apples inside a silken purse, they bounced free but remained close to the base of his dick. One bounced with pleasure, shooting up to sit higher than the dick itself, for just a second, then fell again, low and heavy. "Seen balls like that before Paul ?" Gary called across the room. But Paul didn't turn from his task, only gave a little wave of the hand, to signal he heard Gary's comments. Mark gave a chuckle and flexed his muscles, to make those balls bounce up and down, while his dick surged and pulsed as well. "You should see what they throw out ! Enough to drown a whore." With the dick still firmly lodged in his mouth, Paul looked through the corner of his eyes toward Gary. Gary had returned to what he was doing, which was feeding his dick into Mary's mouth. She had taken up position on the lounge, with her head falling back over the arm rest. Gary lay along her, braced by one hand on the back of the lounge and the other fondling her breasts. His massive dick had a direct, straight path down her throat and he fucked her slow and gently. Her fingers were all crammed inside Gary's arse cheeks. From this angle, Paul was sure she had at least 2 inside his arse while the rest scratched and clawed, forcing him into her mouth. She seemed to be trying to make him fuck her faster, but he was restrained - slow and steady. He still wore his jacket and his jeans had only slid down to mid-thigh. Paul hoped they might all soon be naked and he could watch his Prince of Passion, at last, in full flight as a lover. Even if it wasn't his arse taking that dick, it would be good watching it tame that cunt of Mary's. "Hey ! Eyes front soldier ! Get that cannon primed and ready for firing !" Mark nudged Paul's guts with a kick of his bare foot. "I got a week of spunk loaded up for you. Now get sucking." Paul happily obeyed and went right back to work, sucking with a fever, brought on by seeing Gary and memories of being with him as he blew his load an hour or so back, as well as having a beautiful dick in his mouth at that moment. He slaved over Mark's entire lower body with quickly tongue and mouth maneuvers. Gobbling down the dick, dropping to suck on each ball and licking the crotch, thighs and the beginnings of the arse crease. There was a pleasant scent rising from that arse and he wanted to return there after giving the cock some more attention. But he hardly swallowed it down when Mark grunted, bucked forward and like a trained gymnast jumped up, spreading a thigh over each arm rest, fell on top of Paul and plunged his dick completely to the hairs. Then, he commenced to fuck short and fast like a dog over a bitch. It shocked Paul, as it happened so quickly and no warning at all. Fortunately, Paul was experienced enough to take a dick deep into his throat, in the fashion it was dispensed. He looked at the attacking dick and below them the two balls were now hard as billiard balls, pressing tight against the base of his cock, but being so huge, they straddled both sides of it, lifting higher as he watched, until both were now poised a little higher than the dick itself. Paul could also see the rumblings and surges within the shaft itself. The veins stood out fierce as the bulk of the organ grew thicker and more potent. The underlying tube broadened and he could see the waves rolling in along the thick pipeline, as Mark fucked his mouth from every angle of attack, twisting his body this way and that, tunneling deep, then shallow, high into the roof of his mouth, then deep into his throat. The boy was going crazy. He was losing it in the most beautiful way. "Mark's gunna do it !" Paul heard Gary announce. Next thing, he and Mary were beside the two men. Paul could easily see the raging fat dick throbbing and arching up to Gary's leather jacket. Paul was heated too. He reached out and grabbed Gary's tool and he found no objections from him or even Mary. Gary dropped closer to Paul and brought his dick under Paul's chin. This was a silly thing to do, as Paul couldn't stand that much of a temptation. He forced his mouth from of Mark's cock and quickly gulped Gary's down instead. The only reaction to this was Gary shedding his jacket, as he plunged his dick into Paul's mouth. Glancing up, Paul soon found Gary naked from his knees up and he was in heaven as he observed that dick sliding in and out, effortlessly. Before his eyes, he could also see Mark working on his own cock, slowly massaging it and from the smile on his face, he was not the least bit upset that Paul had changed horses mid stream. "Give it to him. Make it nice a wet." Mary hissed from the side line. Gary slowly backed away, but held Paul's face over his dick. He moved back and slowly edged himself down onto the carpet. Paul followed and was soon over the top of Gary, bearing down on that weapon. Gary was trying to shed his jeans now and Mary moved in to help. She slipped his boots off, then dragged the jeans over his feet. Now, he lay there with only his shirt on and Paul's mouth was the only covering for his dick. Paul knew Gary wouldn't be able to give him a load of spunk, since he had only blown a short time back, also, Mary might have something to say about that one. She was fine now, because it suited her to enjoy this game she liked, but if it meant she might miss out on the main event, then that would be another story. He felt hands climbing all over him. Next thing, his shirt was being peeled away, his shoes and socks went and then his own jeans were going. Not too bothered who was doing it, next her saw Mary's dress fall to the floor near his face and she moved in closer. Kneeling over Gary, she lowered her hot, wet crotch over his face. His mouth opened wide and his tongue could be easily seen scurrying in and out of her snatch. She rose and fell in tune to his attentions, forcing his tongue deeper, then completely out, only to be swallowed inside her cunt in the next second. Meanwhile, Gary spread his thighs wider, lifted his hips and started to pump his dick deep into Paul's mouth. Fingers worked on Paul's arse and he knew it had to be Mark. Was he trying to prepare him for a solid fucking ? In a way, he was hoping not. Sure, he could easily take that cock - it was not huge. But he also wanted to see those balls crack and spill out their nectar. Mark's mouth was hot and angry as it eat at Paul's ring. Paul could feel the tongue breaking ground, bursting inside and wetting him. Teeth nibbled at his flesh and plucked at his arse hairs. Mark grunted and groaned as his whole face pushed inside and pressed his tongue right by that relaxing ring of flesh to wash his insides. Paul knew his scent would be high, after the hot session with Gary. It turned Mark into a wild beast and he tried to eat his way right to Paul's heart. Then he stopped. Paul glanced over his shoulder to see Mark giving his own cock a few quick tugs, then he braced himself. Paul felt the tip of Mark's cock touch his moist hole. And with no effort or pain, he felt the muscle spread wide and his guts become filled with Mark's dick. Was it the drug Mary used ? Or was he just so powerfully turned on that he felt no pain at all ? It didn't matter. He could feel that dick inside him and he could feel its power and filling capacity. That was all he wanted anyway. "Geez yu' tight." Mark grunted. But to Paul, he felt he was as loose as he ever remembered being during a fuck. "God ! My dick feels like it'll break." "Want me to open him up a bit mate ?" Those words sent shivers throughout Paul's body when he heard them. Gary ? Offering to fuck him ? Surely he is joking. But no, without waiting for an answer, he dragged his massive dick from Paul's lips, sprung to his feet, leaving Mary hovering in mid air, and quickly moved around behind Paul. "Move over." Paul felt his emptiness as Mark withdrew. "Its a bit shitty, but here...." Mark had moved to the front and lay back on his haunches, pointing his cock directly into Paul's face. Paul could see no traces of his bowel on the dick but those heavy balls were once again hanging low. The dick needed proper attention again, as it seemed to have gone slightly off the boil. His mouth covered the head and begun to suck softly on the spongy bulb. Just then, he felt a very prepared Gary press his much thicker and longer dick against his arsehole. He braced himself, expecting there to be pain this time, but no. The head popped inside with the same effortlessness that Mark had been able to do. The pressure was much more powerful and he could sense his arse spreading wider apart, as well as able to perceive his insides being parted much further up than Mark had gone. "Hell, you're right Markie !" Gary grunted and he seemed to be even panting a little as he pushed deeper inside. "Not hurt'n yu' is it ?" "Not a thing. Hardly know yu' there." Paul joked. Although he wasn't really joking. Sure he knew Gary was well inside him and it felt great but he certainly had no usual pain to deal with. "We'll see about that arsehole !" Gary sounded offended and with that, he chucked his whole body behind his hips, sending his tool right to the end of Paul's tunnel. Paul could feel Gary's balls against his buttocks and the hairs from his crotch tickled his bum too. Gary withdrew quickly and completely, before driving home once more. "How's them apples !" Before Paul could say a word, he did it again. "Still feel nothing ?" He struck once more before settling into a full depth screwing of shorter, faster plugs. Paul was too happy, having his dream boat up his arse, while down his throat he was taking an equally beautiful guy. He decided not to bother replying to Gary's verbal charges, instead, enjoy the statement Gary's dick was making. Mary had moved behind Paul, when Gary took Mark's place up his arse, but now he could feel her very close. Her fingers were playing on Gary's cock as it emerged from his arse, then she would finger his hole, waiting for the shaft to come back out for her to play with. Paul let his mind drift. All his wishes were being fulfilled at once. But all those days he had seen Gary and yearned for him, seemed wasted now. If only.... "Fuck this. I'm no good screwing arse from behind." Gary grunted. "You've done me plenty of times that way." Mary reminded him. "That's different. Come on Paul, roll over mate." Gary drew his dick out and stood back. Mark obeyed Gary's wishes and pulled away from Paul as well. Paul slowly rolled onto his back but his head hardly touched the floor when Mark floated down and covered him from above. Knees fell, one either side of his head and that lovely dick came lower and lower until he automatically slotted between his parting lips and kept on driving forward. Paul threw his head back in time for it to sink deeper and travel down into his throat. Gary, meanwhile, moved in between his thighs, spreading them and lifting his leg up and back, opening the way for him to come right up between the thighs. Once Mark was positioned, he reached forward and took those legs, bringing them back toward him. Now Paul was cradled between the two men. His tail was being held high in the air by them both, his mouth was crammed full with dick and now Gary settled in too. His giant dick found the opening still well oiled and apart. He sunk inside inch by inch, then braced himself over the top of Paul, his strong arms took the floor near Mark's feet and he begun a push-up action into Paul's hole. Paul was now able to watch both men at work on him. Both perfect bodies toiling for his pleasure. Their muscles twisting and flexing with their every movement. Meanwhile, Paul could see Mary behind Gary. Her mouth was obviously doing things to his arse and her fingers were clawing his bum and balls. Occasionally, she reached through and played on the piston, as it came free if his arse. He saw her wet a finger and guessed she plunged it inside Gary's hole. He jerked and Paul felt the dick inside him power deeper and jolt. He quaked again, then again. His breathing become faster and he was breathing through gritted teeth. "Baby...yu' hit the spot ! Careful...." Gary stopped fucking into Paul and hovered there, trying to regain his composure. But her fingers played on him no less and he was racked with quivering tremors. "No, no !" Gary quickly backed away. His dick sprung free of Paul's hole and slammed back hard against his muscular stomach. A long string of clear precum oozed from the head and trickled down the shaft but this was followed by a thicker string which was creamy white. Gary tried to get up from his straddling position but his body was shaking violently. He stumbled and fell forward. The ooze increased to a small burst, which shot into the air and landed on Paul's neck. As if in pain, he cried out and stumbled once again. Mark pulled himself free of Paul's mouth and tried to reach out to stabilise Gary, who was falling forward, toward him. Paul, watching this from below, also tried to sit up, or get out of Gary's way. Instead, unexpectedly, he rose as Gary fell further. The next thing they knew, that gorgeous dick was only an inch from Paul's face and the spunk drew him like a magnet. Paul opened his mouth as wide as he could, so that he was able to engulf the head before Gary even felt him there. His lips closed over the shaft and his tongue drunk in the spunky juice, washing it around the head to further lubricate it. That was the final straw. Gary bucked and screamed aloud as his dick burst open and flooded Paul's mouth with an ocean of cum. Paul clamped his mouth around the tool very tightly and begun a swift fucking motion over the bursting head with his tongue and lips. The first few shots did fill his mouth, but then Gary regained enough calm to be able to be responsible once more. He hauled his cock from Paul's mouth and fell backwards. His dick throbbing in mid air and pumping out another eruption. "Mary..." She had already rushed around him when he had begun to fall. Now she was at his side and fell forward, lodging his exploding dick in her mouth. She slaved over it and he settled down, happy to know it was now going where he wanted it to go. He sunk lower to the floor and finally lay there with Mary totally hooked over the head of his tool, sucking out his juices as he gave them to her. Paul rested on elbows, watching the wonderful sight and enjoying the flavours he still held in his mouth. But this was too much for Mark and he forced Paul back onto the floor. He lay over him, both legs spread wide and braced high on tip-toes, his hands propping him above Paul. Then he quickly lowered his body and plunged his throbber into Paul's mouth. After all they had been through, he was primed and waiting for his moment. Paul tried to drag those mighty balls down, as they moved higher and along side his meat, as they did once before. But this must have been like a painful pleasure to Mark, because in a cry of pain, he pulled back and away from the open mouth. His dick hovered above the lips and he hissed..."yes"...before spilling his balls into Paul's mouth. Paul was amaze at the volume pouring from the end of the dick and shooting directly into his mouth. He tried to lifted himself up to engulf the meaty head inside his lips but Mark would pull away, so he remained outside. Mark liked to watch himself spunking and enjoyed it most when he was blowing into a hot mouth. Paul was gagging with all the spunk collecting at the back of his throat but knew he couldn't close his mouth, otherwise he'd miss the next fountain. "Paul ! Paul ! You're going to be late !" His Mother's voice brought him around. Fuck ! It had all been just a dream. His sheets stuck to his body, wet from the ball load he'd released in his sleep. Work. Yet another day at that mad house. Gary would be there and he'd have to try harder than ever before, not to grab him and rape him on the spot. How could he endure this life, locked in a love match with a dream ? Throwing the sheets aside, he clawed his way out of bed, cupping the drools of wet spunk, roped across his belly and dick. Tormented. Tortured. His mind thought a thousands ways he might bring those dreams to reality. None would work. Work? He loved to hate going there. Haunted brain cells ached. Hurts as much as his dick. Both almost hurting as much as his heart. Gary, you're a bastard ! Why did that Prince of Human Beings have to be straight ? But then, maybe he's not ! "But then, maybe you're just dreaming again !" He mumbled to himself.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Slick

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Body Guards Part II Brett could hardly wait for the ball to end. He was so on edge throughout the party, wondering just what was going to happen later that night. He was glad he was off duty for the next 2 days, so he could rest up. Even if nothing took place tonight, he needed plenty of rest after that powerful session with Cash. During the night, he had seen Cash

Boys To Men, Part 1

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Boys To Men, Part 2

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Continued Fun With My Latin Friend

I was horny as hell today when I left work. So I decided to go back to the park where I had met this Latino dude in a park restroom. He is 20, about 5'10" 160, nice build with a nice 5" uncut cock. I’m in my mid 40's, 6’, 170 and in decent shape. Brown hair, green eyes, hairy chest, legs and ass, with a 7"cut cock. I easily pass for a mid 30 something. Most people are shocked at my

Friendly Favour, Part 1

Friendly Favour, Part I Friendly Favour - Part 1 Slick There was never any doubt in Paul's mind that he knew what he was doing when he turned into the street and walked the row of house, which all looked the same. One after the other, the faces of identical doors and windows beamed back at him, painted the same colour and often, clad in the same lace

Friendly Favour, Part 2

Friendly Favour, Part II Friendly Favour - Part 2 Slick Gary expected Paul to hump with Mary's brother that same night ? It was all right by Paul, however, Gary had just lost one hell of a load. But he agreed and Gary left him sitting in that untidy room, while he went upstairs to shower and get ready. Paul pondered the notion of going up to the bathroom

Fun With My Latin Friend, Part 2

The restroom was already loaded with guys and the leaves were falling, so the trails were too visible. We headed out in the car and found a new subdivision where the builder must have gone bust; a couple of framed houses that had not been worked on in months. Not enough cover there, but there was a hidden cul de sac to park on. Before I got the car stopped, he was pulling on my


Homeless But Not Hopeless By Aussie Slick Its tough being homeless but even tougher on cold nights, when the rain is just pissing down, heavy and at an angle because of the wind behind it. It was just such a night when the street awnings gave no protection, nor did the bus shelters. I wandered for a while, up one street, down another, hoping to find a garage door open, so I

My Latin Surprise

Tonight after I finished my workout at the gym I was extra horny. I went in the steam room and got a little action from a regular buddy. I can usually find plenty of fun there. I’m above average in looks for a guy in his mid 40s. I usually pass for a mid 30 something. I’m 6', brown hair, green eyes, hairy chest, legs and ass with a 7" cut dick. The gym was so busy we got disturbed

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