Gay Erotic Stories

Games Of Chance

by Max Graham

"How much damage?" I asked Craig. He consulted his books before him. "2d8," he replied. I chose the two little red octahedrons and rolled them. "Eleven." He jotted something down, then said, "And the dragon is finally toast." "Yes," I said, making a fist in victory. "Finally kicks it." "Wouldn't have taken much," Craig said. "It only had seven points left to it." "I could have killed it," Melanie insisted. Her character was a dwarf fighter. "Well, I killed it," I told her. "I only have the one decent spell I can use for attacking, too. To summon and control an elemental." "That's a wimpy spell, though," Melanie replied. "Doesn't do much damage." "It did enough," I protested. Ryan, the wizard of the party, spoke up from the corner of the room where he was playing with a handful of dice. "So you summoned a fire elemental. You know, if you wanted fire, I could have given you fire." "Last time you did that, I used up all my healing spells," I said. "My cleric is still in bandages from that." He just laughed softly back at me. "So why don't you and Ryan start healing us again?" Dave prodded. His elven fighter had taken a real beating during the encounter with the dragon. "All right," I said. "And Craig, do any of us rise a level?" "I think you all do," he said, hunting around for his calculator. "You all gained quite a pile of experience points, and treasure, and spells..." "And cuts, and bruises," Melanie remarked. Everyone chuckled. Ryan and I got out our dice and started healing the party while Craig started working out what our new experience levels would be. I said, "This was a challenging module, too. And full of potential experience points. - You know, Craig, I wouldn't be surprised if I skipped a level." "It wouldn't be the first time I'd seen it happen," he said. "It's damn rare when it happens, but if the situation is right, it can happen." "No way," Ryan insisted. "No bloody way you jumped a level." "He did get credit for finishing off the dragon," Craig told Ryan. "And he was already very close to being eleventh level. He might just jump to twelfth." "I'll bet you didn't," Ryan challenged me. "That would take a shit load of points." "I'll bet I did," I challenged back. "We got a shit load of points." Dave got a devious expression on his face. "Is that all you have to say?" "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well, what about making this a little more interesting?" It was Ryan's turn for confusion. "Huh?" "Well... what would you bet?" Craig asked, looking back and forth between us. "Bet?" Ryan and I asked in unison. Craig nodded. "Yeah. There must be something you'd like to bet on this." Ryan looked at Craig, then back at me. "I'll bet... a night at my place." I raised my eyebrows. "This could be intriguing." His eyes narrowed. "Cleaning it. And making me dinner." I thought about this. "Sure. And if I win, you owe me a night at my place. I will cook dinner, and then we'll figure out what to do from there." This got a number of soft ooh's from the room. "Getting serious," Craig said. Melanie just laughed. "Why don't you two just date and get it over with?" "Because there's pride involved now," Ryan said. Melanie looked back and forth between us. "You know, considering your... well, proclivities, shall we say, you two are the worst cases of testosterone poisoning I've ever seen. I figured if anyone would be more rational, like women are, it would be you two." "Don't let sexual orientation confuse you. We're still very much male," Ryan said. I told Melanie, "Yeah, well you haven't seen him wearing makeup, falsies, a dress, and a wig." Everyone started laughing. Ryan just stared at me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed in surprise. "Oh, you ass hole. I am going to make sure my place is a mess for you." "Mess it up all you want. You'll have to clean it up yourself." I didn't even think about how I was getting myself deeper and deeper in potential trouble; I wasn't even sure I'd win. Everyone's attention shifted to Craig. He stopped what he was doing, looked up querulously at each of us, and said, "Knock it off! I can't concentrate with all of you staring at me." I remarked, "I think I heard Ryan saying the same thing last time I talked to him on the phone. Must have been one of his little parties." Everyone laughed. Ryan just stared at me. I could almost see his neurons firing, plotting evil, nasty revenge. "Now I've heard everything," Melanie said. "I have the verdict," Craig said. He looked up impassively to hide what he was thinking. He did it very well; he was a DM, after all. "And?" Ryan asked. Craig turned to me. "By a very slim margin, you missed. By that, I mean you missed being eleventh level at all. You are now twelfth level by a mere seventy-two experience points." "Yes!" I cheered. "Oh, man! I can feel the spells already." I looked at Ryan, who was shaking his head in disbelief. He didn't really look disappointed; he seemed sort of detached, shrugging it off while grinning sheepishly and saying, "I don't believe it." Dave clapped Ryan on the shoulder and said, "You got yourself into it now, bud. Sharon is going to love this when I tell her tonight." "Dave!" I said. "Are you going to be playing Gossip Central now?" Craig's wife, Amanda, peered around the corner into the living room. "He won't have to. I will." She grinned broadly; I knew she was only joking. "Hey, who authorized your involvement?" I asked. "I did. Besides, a number of my friends have been after Ryan for a while now. They'll be surprised if they find out he has a boyfriend." "Argh," I grunted, "he does not have a boyfriend. It was a bet with no real predetermined fate for the loser." She just laughed. I turned as Ryan retorted, "Fate? You consider it fate? You fucker. You deserve a smack upside the head for that." "Hey," I said. "Look at the bright side. You now have a more powerful cleric on your side." He just shrugged, laughing to himself. I turned to Craig. "I should be able to resurrect the dead now, right Craig?" "Uh... yes. Yes, you should be able to," Craig said. He reached for a spell book. "Take a look at this and see what you want while I finish adding up everyone's stats." I looked through the spell book, getting an idea of what spells I could use. I looked up at Ryan a couple of times. He was paying attention to Craig while his wizard was being boosted a level. Ryan was rather handsome, in a simple sort of way. He wasn't gorgeous, but he was nice to look at. He had a really pleasant smile which had been known to grow very sexy. He had short, dirty blond hair that was almost shoulder-length in the back. He had pine-green eyes that were among the most expressive I'd ever seen. He was even taller than me; I was just under six feet tall, and he was six foot three or more. And he was well-built. His t-shirt hung loosely on his frame, but it was smoothed over his strong shoulders and rounded nicely over his chest. It draped elegantly off his strong, round pecs, but not before peaking over the points of his nipples. I could only imagine what the rest of him looked like. Soon the entire party had been updated. Craig said, "I'll be finished the new module before next week." He grinned deviously. "If you thought this one was tough, wait until the next one." I asked, "Why does resurrecting require 2d10 or a d100?" "Doesn't it say there?" "No. The only thing I can think of is a percentage." "It is a percentage. Resurrects to x percent of normal, rounded off to the nearest point." "Hell for the victim if a 1 is rolled." "Great if a 100 turns up, though. You want that one?" "Maybe. I'll let you know by next time." We started packing up our stuff for the night. Before long we were outside on the way to our vehicles. Ryan approached me as I started making my way towards my car. "Well," he said, "a bet is a bet. I can't say I really complain, but... well, I'm yours." I grinned, then shook my head slightly. I put one hand on his shoulder. "Not on a bet," I said. I gave his firm, resilient shoulder a gentle squeeze, then turned and headed for my car. He was still standing on Craig's lawn, in shock, when I drove away. The next day, I was doing some much-needed cleaning around my place. I managed to find three dice that had somehow gotten lost behind my couch cushions. I thought I heard the phone ringing, so I shut off the vacuum. It was the phone; I dashed for the kitchen and picked up the handset. "Hello?" "Hi there," Ryan said. "What's happening?" "Just some cleaning. You know, I found three dice down behind my couch cushions. The three I kept looking for last night." "Which ones?" "A d20 and two d12's. Sort of pissed me off, too. I could've used them last night instead of hunting through Craig's stuff for dice." "Oh yeah," he said. "Listen, I found a major player's compendium this morning when Melanie and I took off to the mall." "You went to the mall? You actually braved it?" "Yeah. She had to do some shopping for her mother's birthday next week, and she didn't want to go out alone. I can't blame her. It was a madhouse." "When isn't it?" "True. Anyways, this has everything. Spells, weapons, armor - you name it, it's here. We're meeting over here tonight to go through this." "Who's we?" "You and me and Melanie. Dave and Sharon are going out tonight on a previous engagement and Craig has to work." "I think I can handle that. I wouldn't mind taking a look at some spells, as long as Craig okays them." He laughed. "Good luck. You know Craig." "He's not that bad. I mean, he does make most of his own modules and has his own set of modified play rules. He's not opposed to everything that's non-standard." "I suppose. So are you coming over?" "Do I have to clean the place?" He started laughing again. "No, relax. No cleaning required." "Sure, what the hell. I'll be over after dinner." "All right. Talk to you then." I walked into Ryan's apartment. He said from somewhere inside, "He's not here yet." "Who?" Ryan peered around the corner from the kitchen. "Oh, it's you. I thought Melanie was here." I kicked off my shoes. "Because you just buzz anyone into your apartment." "Rarely. Only when I'm expecting someone. I know it's probably a bad habit, but that's me. But Melanie was supposed to be here about now. She called about ten minutes ago to tell me she had to stick around at home for a few minutes. Her kid sister's having a slumber party, so she should be over here any minute." I peered around the corner into his kitchen. He was just putting a few things away in the fridge. "Sounds good. So what's with this compendium you have?" "Come on in. We'll take a look at this." We made our way into the living room and sat down. He handed me the book. "Nice," I said, thumbing through the pages. It had sections for everything. Normal and magic weapons and armor, spells, different character classes, even rules and suggestions for creating personalized variations on each item in the entire book. I was sure Craig would find great use in that last feature; he created his own modules, and some of his own rules of conduct and play for the game itself as well. "This will work great," I said. "Where'd you find this?" "Little bookstore in the mall. You know, the one that has all the occult stuff as well. I can't remember the name." "Uhh... Overlord's, I think. Isn't it?" "That's it. Only twenty bucks, too." I closed the book and looked at it edge-on. It was as thick as two fingers' width. "Good deal," I said. I opened it back to the page I was on, to a reference list of spells for clerics. "I could use a few of these." Ryan said, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" "No, I'm not going to clean your place." He laughed shortly. "No, that's not it." "What is 'it', then?" He paused in thought a moment, then asked, "Why did you say, 'not on a bet' last night?" "Oh," I chuckled, "I thought that sort of made you sound cheap. Winning a person on a bet makes that person sound like property. I don't want to think of you as cheap property. You're a good friend I care about, not a piece of something to own. I mean, how long have we known each other?" He nodded slightly. "It had everyone else surprised last night, too. But you know, strange as it might seem at first glance, I would probably have done the same thing you did. I mean, I wasn't really serious about the terms I set forth. That was just silly posturing." "You mean, you probably would have done the same thing I did if you weren't desperate for someone to clean your place?" "You might have noticed my place is quite clean. I meant if I weren't... well, incredibly horny." I grinned broadly. "Oh, okay," I said, not without sarcasm. "You know, you're too cynical. Learn to take a compliment, pinhead." He grinned and winked at me. The phone rang before he was finished his sentence. He reached over the coffee table to answer it. "Hello? - Hi there. What's happening? - Really? Shit... sounds rough. - Everything all right, then? - Yeah? Well, take care, and we'll talk to you later, all right? - Oh, yeah, right. Thanks for the vote of confidence. - Haha, you too. Good night." "Who was that?" I asked as he hung up. "Mel. Seems her sister and friends were roughhousing around, and someone got a ruptured eardrum. Mel's the only one who's old enough to drive to the hospital, so she's not going to be here." "Nothing serious?" "No." "Good. Usually isn't. I've had a ruptured eardrum. She might need antibiotics at most." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Doesn't hurt right away, but after a while it aches like hell. That's after the blood coming out of your ear scares the shit out of you." "Oh yeah," he chuckled. "Hell, I used to get scared by nosebleeds that just sort of occurred." "You got those too?" "Sometimes. I think it's the dry air or something. That's what I hear, anyways." "Yeah, it is." He looked me right in the eyes for what seemed like the longest time, smiling intermittently. "So what do you have to say?" "About what?" "The bet." I had to laugh. "The bet means nothing, Ryan. I told you that." "I had to double-check." I put the player's compendium on the coffee table. "I'm completely serious. My friends and those I care about are friends, not property. Especially when it's someone I care about quite a bit." He turned so he was sitting on the couch facing me directly. "You know, I wouldn't have expected that from you. Actually, not just from you, but from anyone." "Why?" He smiled thinly. "Don't pretend you haven't noticed me. I was totally aware of you sitting there watching me last night. Hell, I've been aware of your opinion of me for quite some time now." "Would that be the physical opinion?" He paused. "Uh, yes." "Ryan, physical attraction comprises very little of any sort of relationship, unless that's all there is to the relationship. And that's unstable." "I know that. It provides an interesting jumping-off point, though." He grinned again, lewdly. His grin was rather sexy. I just asked, "Then why do you expect me to think of you as just a physical object?" "Because so many others have thought of me that way, and that way only." I shook my head. "You haven't asked my opinions before now. I don't think it's fair that you judge me according to the same criteria by which you've judged others, and by which others have judged you. I think of you as much more than a physical object. You're a good friend, and a great guy who also happens to have a beautiful exterior." He put a hand on my thigh, squeezing gently. "I say the things I do because I've sort of fallen for you. And I'm scared that I'll be feeling unrequited love as I have many times before." I put my hand on his. "I have a feeling you won't this time. But I always got the impression you didn't think I was your type." He stared directly at me, his eyes igniting in green fire. "Maybe I did give that impression. But only because I didn't think you would consider dating me." I laughed ironically. "Hell, I didn't think you would consider dating me." He just matched my gaze head-on. "Any day." I couldn't say anything. He just moved closer to me until our lips touched and our tongues intertwined passionately, attempting to draw ourselves into each other. I kissed the side of his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to him, pressing the warmth of his body into mine. He pulled back slightly after a bit, then rolled off the couch beside me. He put one arm behind my back and one under my knees and lifted me off the couch, balancing my weight with his own muscular body. He kissed me briefly. "I hope you don't think this too presumptuous of me," he said. "No," I replied. "I think it's kind of amusing, though." He giggled. "Is it something you'd object to?" I caressed the rounded outlines of his chest through his shirt. "If I'm going to object, I'll let you know in advance." He carried me into his room and deposited me on his bed. He knelt over me, kissing me lovingly while slowly pressing my legs apart and kneeling between them. He moved briefly down to my neck while he pulled one of my legs up to him, holding it around his waist while kissing me. I held it there, knowing he wanted something. My suspicions were confirmed when he grabbed my other leg and held it up around his waist. I raised my arms around his strong torso and ran my hands over his smoothly muscular body. My hands went to his waist, then up underneath his shirt. He sighed as my hands touched his nipples under his shirt. I couldn't resist the temptation; I pulled his shirt upwards. He held steady for just as much time as it took for me to slip his shirt over his arms and head. I tossed it in some direction; I couldn't remember which. All I knew was that he was bare from the waist up, and he felt really beautiful to the touch. I couldn't take my hands off of him. His slim jeans remained, though I was still fully clothed. He lifted himself from me to pull my shirt from my prone body in a matter of seconds. He was rather talented as well as considerably dexterous; I received a hint of his other talents when he pressed his hardness into the base of my own crotch. His hands wandered to my button and zipper, where they undid both devices. His hands then slid smoothly down to my butt, where they grasped my clothes and pulled downwards. My jeans and underwear came off smoothly, sliding off under his control very quickly. I was completely naked, though he continued pressing his hard, clothed crotch into my body just below my cock and balls. He continued kissing me as I went to work on his own clothing. Before long his pants and underwear were both down around his knees, then around his shins, then his ankles, and finally weren't even touching his body at all. His stiff prick was free to assault my body as he saw fit. He was probably seven or eight inches at the most, but he was much thicker than I'd ever seen (or felt). I reached down to him and stroked him gently. He was a real handful. He seized my wrist and gently pulled my hand away from him. He pressed his thick shaft down into my crotch, turning up my own body heat. He pulled my legs up around his waist again, kissing me attentively. One of his hands reached down to position his thick pole against my butt. I sensed he was reaching for something, and knew what it was almost right away. I felt the cold shock of icy lube against my ass, then his hot cock head melting the cold as it rubbed the lube through the crack of my ass. I felt him increase the pressure as he pushed more insistently against me. I leaned my head back and sighed, unable to control the hormones. He pushed against me once more, gently but firmly. I grunted; an icy stab of pain lasted a few seconds while his thick shaft invaded me, slowly yet steadily, if not slightly faster than I could naturally relax. Once his cock head had me stretched open far enough, his thick shaft began sliding smoothly in, hitting some sort of internal erogenous zone that turned the sharp discomfort into tingling pleasure. Once his hips were pressed against my butt, he began rocking in and out of me over and over, his thick pulsing shaft sinking into me right to the hilt. He sighed over and over again with each slow, gentle thrusting motion. He seemed to pull his body back slightly without pulling out of me, which seemed an odd sensation at first. It felt like he was trying to move his mouth down my body while staying inside me. His arms went around the backs of my shoulders, and he began rising to a vertical kneeling position, pulling me up with him as he did. His stiff pole filled me while he pulled me up to him. My arms and legs were wrapped around his muscular body, my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist while he pivoted his hips against me, thrusting his prick upwards into me and sighing deeply every time. With every thrust he pulled strongly downwards on my shoulders, hugging me down onto his thick cock. His hands went to my butt cheeks, lifting me up slightly. He slid his hips under me a little more, then thrust into me again. He went deeper this time and sighed roughly, his eyes shut and his facial expression reflecting what he must have been feeling. Our eyes locked together while our bodies strained feverishly against each other. His eyes were bright with hormones; they had changed color to the icy blue-green shade of new shoots of blue spruce in spring. He moaned deeply, "Unnnnhhh... oh, fuck you're tight..." He buried his face against my neck, kissing me gently. He whispered almost apologetically, "I can't make it last at all... I'm gonna cum..." He sighed again and again as he rocked slightly, his hips moving and pivoting enough to slide his thick pole in and out of me. My own cock was sticking out from my body against his, rubbing against his smooth stomach every time his body pivoted and pressed against mine. He grunted hoarsely a few more times. Suddenly he began making short, sharp, erratic thrusts while groaning deeply. He cried out harshly and clamped his arms down onto my shoulders. I felt a hot flush through my body as he came in a great shuddering orgasm, setting my body on fire from the inside out as he started pumping his load into me. I could feel his thick shaft convulsing powerfully, unloading his hot cream inside me as he came in thick, heaving spurts. His entire body trembled, clenching me to him so hard it felt like he was going to break my ribs. His fingers clawed slowly down my back while his orgasm ran its course, freezing his body into trembling, moaning ecstasy. His body slowly began to relax. He let out his breath in a deep sigh, then kissed my neck again. I could feel his heart thudding away in his body. He moaned again as his cock convulsed inside me once more. He braced himself with one arm on the bed behind me and slowly began lowering me down to it. He laid me out on the bed before him and gradually slid his stiff pole out of me. He stretched out on the bed before me, lying between my legs, while he took hold of my own eager cock. He squeezed it gently, held it pointing towards him, and slowly took me into his mouth. I leaned my head back as I was taken completely under his power by this new attack. I sighed as he buried my cock head in his throat. I put my hands against the back of his head as he swallowed my prick to the hilt. I thrust upwards gently with each downstroke he made. He sucked my cock into his throat again and again, sighing softly while he did. I didn't have far to go, either, as having my prick rubbing against his hard body while he fucked me had gotten me extremely horny already. I felt myself being dragged, almost against my will, towards release. I wanted so badly for it to last, but I couldn't stop it. I arched my back and grunted as my balls tightened up and started to unload. I thrust upwards into his mouth as my juice exploded out of my cock and filled his mouth in several thick, creamy gushes. I could feel his tongue working around my cock, swirling my cum around my shaft in his mouth. He swallowed every spurt and slid me right into his throat, working his throat muscles around my cock head to milk me dry. I shuddered with every load I shot as he drank it all. He released my prick slowly from his lips, laying it down gently on my stomach before slipping his mouth off the head. He moved up to kiss me, his arms sliding under my shoulders and my arms snaking around his broad chest to his smooth, muscular back. His own softening dick pressed against my still-hard shaft as he lowered his body to mine. We kissed gently and lovingly, the tangy, creamy taste of my cum still in his mouth. He kissed my neck and earlobe, whispering, "Thank you." I gave him a surprised look. "For what?" He pulled back. His eyes were a cooler shade of green now, not quite so heated by sex hormones. "For not prejudging me like most others do." I ran my hand through his hair, feeling the texture and the heat of his scalp. "You're thanking me for being the way I am. You don't have to do that." He rolled off of me to one side, caressing my chest while propping his head up on one elbow. He half-joked, "I'm trying to pour my guts out to you. It's something I don't often do to anyone." "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "Don't be sorry. Just... be you." I just nodded slightly. "You know," he began, "I've been wanting to do that to you for quite some time." "Yeah?" "Absolutely." "For how long?" "All night. Longer, if possible." "Don't pretend to mistake my meaning. I mean, how long have you been wanting to do that for?" "Oh." He grinned. "For a couple of months now. Ever since I realized I'd fallen for you." I frowned in surprise. "For that long? Why didn't you say anything before now?" "A little shy, I guess. I didn't think asking you out at one of the games would have been appropriate, I didn't know if you wanted to date me, and I suppose I was just trying to get up the nerve. But I can't remember how many nights I laid awake, thinking long and hard about what I would do if I ever wound up together with you. And even though I've lived out that fantasy, I still can't get enough of you." "Infatuation," I suggested. He shook his head. "If it were just that, it would have ended with the fantasy." "No, I mean infatuation in the sense that that's the first stage of a relationship." He smiled at me. "Relationship? Are you asking me to date you?" I shook my head. "No. I'm accepting your invitation to date you. You and those very talented lips of yours." I touched his lips. They were soft, full, and sensuous. And they gave a very sexy smile. His eyes were overcome by emotions. He appeared overwhelmed by what he was feeling. He didn't have to tell me what he was feeling; I could tell. I was experiencing it too. He just said, "You've healed me once again, Devalekor," he said. I smiled. He'd addressed me by my character name. I replied, "And you didn't waste any time working your spells on me, did you, Valios?" I said. He just laughed lightly. "Guilty as charged." I caught something in his eyes. I asked, "You're horny again, aren't you?" He raised his eyebrows. "What makes you say that?" "Your eyes are turning to the color of blue spruce again." "Blue spruce?" "Some people's eyes change color with moods or hormones. And yours go from cool green to blue spruce when you're horny." I reached down under the covers and found his prick was hard as a rock and pulsing thickly out from his body. His own hand found my semi-hard shaft and stroked it slowly back to hardness. "See? Was I right?" I asked. "More than you know," he said, climbing on top of me once more. I knew we'd have a long nighttogether as he lubed my cock and began easing it gently up his hot, tight butt.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Max Graham

Games Of Chance

"How much damage?" I asked Craig. He consulted his books before him. "2d8," he replied. I chose the two little red octahedrons and rolled them. "Eleven." He jotted something down, then said, "And the dragon is finally toast." "Yes," I said, making a fist in victory. "Finally kicks it." "Wouldn't have taken much," Craig said. "It only had seven points left to it." "I could have


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