Gay Erotic Stories

Good Neighbours

by Damien Keogh

This story is based on the Australian soap-opera "Neighbours". The story involves two of the younger male characters, Paul and Billy, in the series. The story implies nothing about the characters or the (cute) actors who portray them, (Jansen Spencer and Jesse Spencer respectively) , and is nothing to do with the commercial TV station which makes the soap. For pix of the two actors, go to Freya and Ian's Hunks Page ( If you like this story, let me know. I'm Damien, I'm (nearly) 20, and live in London. "Good Neighbours" Billy wore khaki shorts, a plain white T-shirt, black cotton socks, and tennis shoes. His mop of blond hair was tousled, the fine blond hair on his legs softened the line of his muscles, and the tan of his young flesh glowed warm and golden against the black of his socks. Billy would soon be eighteen, and was in many ways a man, while still a boy in musculature and in his playfulness. But he was becoming a man: he knew how to pleasure himself, he knew what he wanted from life, and he knew what he wanted from his friends. As he knocked on young Paul's door, he knew precisely what he wanted from his younger schoolmate. But Paul had no inkling. Paul had been embarrassed at the time of the school formal dance that he had no skills on the dance floor, and that all the girls knew this. He had tried getting his girlfriend, with whom he was going to the dance, to teach him a few steps, but he was all left feet and she became inpatient. In the end she gave him an ultimatum: either you learn to dance, or I go with someone else. Paul knew that all the girls in the school were hot for Billy - and that Billy was one hot dancer. So Paul had asked Billy if he would come round one night, when the house was empty, and show Paul a few basic steps. He was nervous, but was glad Billy had accepted to help him out. He had no idea Billy had ulterior motives. As Paul opened the door, he smiled at Billy. Billy smiled back, cocking his head slightly to one side, and letting his bright blue eyes scan his young friend. Paul was eighteen, and a very sweet eighteen at that. Billy had noticed him as soon as he'd come to the school, and had dated his sister just to get to know him. He'd helped Paul out of a few situations in school, and the two had become friendly. Billy was like an elder brother for Paul. Paul was dark-haired, with dark lashes over his deep-set brown eyes: a pretty face, or even beautiful, but not "handsome" like a man's. He was slimly built, but with a fit young body that any soccer player would be proud of. He wore a pair of red shorts, and surfy T-shirt (all blue and swirly), clean white cotton socks, and faded blue plimsoles. Billy let his eyes fall from Paul's beautiful eyes to his bare legs below his shorts: firm young muscles, tanned olive-coloured skin, and fine sift dark hair shadowing the firmness of his calves. Paul was a boy-babe in Billy's eyes. "G'day, mate" he said, thinking "Hi-ya, sexy sweet sixteen!". "G'day, Billy. Thanks for coming over" "No worries, we'll have you dancing like Fred Astaire before the night's through, Paul!" said Billy placing his hand roughly on the boy's shoulder, and giving him a reassuring shake. "Cool. You're the best, Billy!" Billy strode into Paul's house, into the front room, and listened carefully to make sure the house was empty. "Folks have gone to Brisbane for the weekend, Billy: we've got this all to ourselves, even the stereo", said Paul, walking up the black unit and turning up the volume so Billy could here slow gentle swing music flood the room. "Pretty smoochy music, kid!", laughed Billy, a cunning light beginning to shine behind his beautiful piercing blue eyes. "Yeah, I thought I oughta begin real slow and easy before learning real fast tricks" smiled the younger teenager. "You're gonna learn A LOT tonight" smiling the blond older boy, letting his eyes feast on the sight of this beautiful boy in shorts and white socks, with nothing but a flimsy T-shirt to hide the growing musculature of his chest. "First you gotta know how to hold a girl. Come over here." Paul walked over to Billy, smiling nervously as he was not sure what was about to happen. "Put your hands round my waist. I'll be the girl and you be the boy, and I'll show you how to hold her real well." Paul gingerly put his hands around Billy's slim waist, as Billy put his arms around Paul's young neck. "That's good, Paul, but you gotta have them right on my waist, so you can move me about" "I can't feel your waist through your T-shirt, mate" said Paul shyly, not knowing why he was embarrassed. Billy took a step back out of Paul's reach. He gave the boy a quick flash of his lovely blue eyes, then slowly lifted the tails of his T-shirt, up around his chest (so Paul could see the taughtness of the sixpack he revealed), up to his neck (so Paul could see his well-defined smooth young pecs and tiny bead nipples), and off over his handsome head, leaving his blond hair more tousled and school boyish than ever. Paul felt a little movement in his chest as he watched his friend strip off his T-shirt, but he just put it down to nervousness. "OK, Paul, feel my waist now!" grinned the seventeen year-old. Paul gently placed his hands on Billy's naked flesh: on his sides, letting then run over the smooth honey-coloured flesh down to the waistband of his khaki shorts. They rested there, on the slimness of his hips. "Now use that hold to pull me real close to you, mate" urged Billy, placing his arms around the lad's shoulders, and letting his neck rest against Paul's shoulder. Paul was real nervous now, feeling the heat of Billy's body, a body all the footy team were jealous of, pressed against him through his T-shirt. When they were chest-to-chest, Billy whispered into Paul's ear, "That-a-boy, Pauly", letting the soft stubble on his cheek brush against Paul's smooth boyish face as he brought his lips to the boy's ear. Billy was whispering into the lads' ear like a lover now. "Follow the steps, Pauly, like a good boy". His hands were on the naked back of Paul's neck, where his lovely dark hair ended and his olive-coloured flesh began. Billy could feel him heat up with embarrassment. He began to move the boy in some steps, gently guiding him. From time to time the lads' legs would brush against each other's, the downy hair on Billy's calves running over and through the fine hair on Paul's shins, their socks rubbing cotton against cotton. "That feel good, Pauly?" asked Billy. But as he said this, he gently began to grind his crotch into his dance-partner's so that, through the khaki cotton, he could feel the firmness of the eighteen year old's cock in his red shorts. "Ugh, yeah, Billy" moaned Paul, his breath coming in short spurts. "You're such a good dancer, I bet you're a great lover too" whispered Billy, licking Paul's ear and letting his hungry hands slide down Paul's back on to the cheeks of his boy ass, feeling them through the red denim of his shorts. "Ugh, Billy!" moaned the lad, incapable of understanding what new lust this was he was feeling in his young cock. He let hi young hands roam over the naked muscle of Billy's back and sides, and began nuzzling the lad's bare shoulder with his parched panting lips. "Ugh, Billy!" Billy had Paul where he wanted him. He drew back. He looked into Paul's beautiful face, and then down at his tenting shorts. "You want me to sort that our for you, mate?" Paul could only nod and pant in response, bereft as he was now that Billy had torn his fit teenage body out of his virgin grasp. "Say, please, Pauly" taunted the blond lad. "Pleeeeeese, Billy, pleeeeeease!" Paul panted. At that, Billy dropped to his knees. A beautiful sight in his khaki shorts, black socks and sneaker, his smooth young chest bare to the world. He knelt in front of Paul and stared kissing his feet; kissing the canvas of the lad's plimsoles. Then he kissed Paul's white socks, loving the feel of the ribbed cotton against his young lips. AS he kissed the lad's ankles,, he let his hands run up and down the backs of Paul's calves, ruffling and smoothing the fine dark hair, and feeling the tensing and relaxation of the boy's firm muscles. "Mnmn, Pauly, you are beautiful" he moaned between kisses of the boy's white socks. Paul closed his lovely eyes, laid his head back, and reveled in the feel of his legs being adored by this eighteen year old sex-god. "Mmnmn, Billy!" he moaned as he let his hands massage his own crotch above Billy's head. Billy began to kiss and lick his way up Paul's shins, wetting the hair on his legs, reaching his knees and gently biting them. His hands reached down Paul's white socks to feel his delicate finely-chiseled ankles. Then up o his thighs, his firm young muscles. Billy was in heaven! And Paul was nearly there too: all he needed was some relief from the raging hardness in his shorts. His young cock was as hard as iron, straining against the denim of his shorts. At last, at last, Billy was up on his knees, his handsome face level with Paul's crotch. Billy lifted up his face, looked the youngster in the eyes, and gently put his hands to the boy's belt. He unbuckled him, loosed the poppers of his shorts, one by one. He tugged at Paul's short, and down they came, about his white-socked ankles. Carefully, Billy made Paul's step out of his shorts. He looked up at the lad, his cock erect and begging in his pure white boxer shorts. Paul's hands went to Billy's head, without knowing what they were doing. His fingers ran through Billy's blond hair, and Billy slowly but surely eased Paul's cock through the slit of his boxers, and placed a kiss right on the wet tip. "Ughghgh! Billy! Billy! Mnmnmn" moaned Paul, as the thrill oof his young cock being touched ran through his whole teenage body. "Mnmnmn" "Pauly,", Billy smiled, "You are one beautiful young cobber" With that he laid into the lad. His hands ran up and down the boy's legs, from the cotton of his boxers to the cotton of his socks, feeling the muscle and hair and the boy trembling under his control. He licked Paul's hard, hard shaft, then kissed its tip, then took the whole seven inches in his teenage mouth. "Mnmnmm" moaned Billy as he sucked on Paul's cock, almost gagging as Paul thrust it down his throat, his hands firmly in Billy's blond hair, holding him to his dick. "Billy, ughgh, I'm, ughgh, gonna come!" groaned the sixteen year old, his head thrown back, sweat dripping from his forehead. "No, Pauly boy, not now, Pauly...",, but it was too late. As soon as Billy had taken his mouth off the lad's cock, Paul's knees began to buckle, he groaned deep in his young chest, and he began to shoot his jizz - all over Billy's chest, and lips, and chin, the hot jizzim white against the boy's tanned flesh. Spurt after spurt of cream issued from the his teenage cock, releasing all his pent-up sexual energy, and covering Billy's sexy young body with spunk. "Uggh Billy, yeaaaaahh!" The lad was spent, he relaxed and panted, the last drops of his cum dripping unto Billy's abs. "Now, Pauly, you made a mess" said Billy calmly, "And you gotta clean it up". Saying this he stood up, and kissed Paul on the mouth, deep and hard. Paul could taste his own cream on his schoolmate's lips and loved the salty tang and sticky texture. But then Billy's firm hands were around Paul's neck, pulling the boy's face towards Billy's cum-splattered chest. "If you like it so much, Pauly, lick it up!" He forced Paul's face unto his naked chest, and made the boy lap up his own cum with hi tongue. "Mnmnmn" moaned Paul, too high on his orgasm to know what he was doing, just that he was licking the smooth pecs of his school friend. "That's a good little boy!" smiled Billy, grinning down at him. "Now, it's Billy's turn, Pauly, OK?" instructed the older lad, taking Paul's face in his hands and making him look up at him. "anything you want, Billy" was Paul's slave-like reply. He was dazed still with the power of his orgasm and orgasm that Billy had given him. If Billy had wanted to shoot him there and then he would have said yes, he was so in lust with his elder schoolmate. "Lie down on the couch, mate" instructed Billy, his horny young body now starting to thrill with the thought of deflowering this pretty young sixteen year old schoolboy who'd just creamed his wad over his chest and licked up every last drop of it. Paul did as he was told, looking into Billy' piercing blue eyes as he did so. Billy come up to the couch, and knelt at one end by Paul's feet. "On your back, boy" he told him. Paul was on his back, his knees bent, his white boxer shorts and whiter socks showing off the tan and muscle in his young legs. Billy lifted Paul's right foot and slipped off the plimsole. The sole of Paul's sock was as clean and white as the thick cotton round his ankle. Slowly and deliberately, Billy held Paul's foot to the crotch of his khaki shorts, and began to massage his hardening cock with his friend's white-socked foot. "Oh, Pauly boy! You got such beautiful feet, mate! Mnmnm" he moaned as he masturbated with Paul's feet, holding him around the naked calf. Paul could not believe what was happening to him. He stared in love and lust at the young boy abusing him; at his smooth young chest panting now in lust. He could feel that Billy's cock was rock-hard in his shorts. "You want it, don't you, Paul?" Billy asked through his moans as his hands ran over the flesh of Paul's calf and thigh, the foot pressed firmly to his crotch. "Yeah, I want it Billy!" "Say, please, Pauly" "Pleeeease, Billy, pleaaase!" "Please what? Pauly? What do you want" teased the lad. "Please FUCK me, Billy! Pleeeease!" "Ok, boy! You asked for it!!!" With that, Billy lifted Paul's foot to his lips, kissed his sock, and let go of the boy. Then in one motion he reached up to Paul's hips, grabbed the waistband of his white cotton boxers, and tugged them down off over his legs, and threw the m behind him on the carpet. "Please, Billy! Pleeeeese!" Billy lifted both Paul's legs, and slung them over his tanned naked shoulders. He eased up toward him on the sofa so that the boy was splayed open for him. He looked at Paul's beautiful young face as he unbuttoned his khaki shorts, and released his rock-solid ten inches of pure boy cock from the fly off his shorts. Paul gasped when he saw the size of his mate's member, knowing full well what was gong to happen. But he was helpless now, naked but for his T-shirt, white socks and one shoe, his knees over Billy' shoulders, he could do nothing. Billy spat on his hand. He gave himself a few long slow wanks, while smiling at Paul all the while. "You're going to love Billy for ever, Pauly!" he said, his teeth clenched, and his thrust his rock hard cock up the teenager's virgin boy hole. Paul yelled in pain "Billy, it hurts! Billy!!!" But Billy was not listening to the boy' screams - he was taking the pleasure he had always wanted to take, right from the moment he saw Paul walk in through the door of his school. "Take it boy! Take it from Billy!" The two were a perfect picture of boyhood. The older blond boy, his naked chest heaving, the muscles of his calves tensing and relaxing, as he pounded the younger lad. His khaki shorts, his black socks, his white sneakers showing off so well the blond tanned beauty of his body. The younger boy, head thrown back, taking it for the first time - for the first time his dark good-looks were being put to the purpose they wee intended for, and his young body was being broken in. They were the best boys of the school. Billy rammed and thrust, pounded the younger boy for all he was worth, occasionally turning his head to lick the hairs on Paul's calves or to bite one of his ankles through the white cotton of his socks. He bit on the boy's sock, socked with saliva, redolent with the smell of the boy's teenage sweat. With a final thrust of his boy hips, and letting out a yell that near deafened his fuck boy mate,... Billy creamed! His whole eighteen year old body convulsed. His head thrust back, sweat lashing off his handsome brow. The muscles in his calves clenched, rippling beneath his tanned skin. His pecs heaved and his tight bud nipples contracted hard as stone. All his boy lust came flooding out of his teen inches of boy cock thrust up his friend's virgin schoolboy ass. Billy gushed in to Paul. Spurt after spurt of thick hot jizz shooting into the boy so that he felt it fire to his very guts. "Biiiiiiilllllllllyyyy!!!!" Paul screamed in his pain. "Yeeeeeaaahhh!!" Billy screamed to drown out Paul's crying. It seemed to both of them like forever, that orgasm, that pain, that final coming together. They froze there, locked in their schoolboy embrace; Paul's leg's over Billy's shoulders, Billy's softening cock up Paul's yielding ass. Billy pulled out; letting one final drip of boy juice drop unto Paul's thigh as he eased the boy's knees off his broad shoulders. He buttoned up his shorts, and got up off the sofa, leaving Paul dazed and speechless between pain and ecstasy. He picked up his white T-shirt from the floor, slipped it on, and stood over Paul, looking down at his spent form. "I told you you'd learn a lot tonight, mate" he said, and slipped out the front door.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Damien Keogh

Adam Rickitt's Guest Performance, Part 1-3

This story involves the fantastical sexual experiences of Adam Rickitt, the 20 y/o new star of the long-running British soap-opera ³Coronation Street². If you have not seen this TV show, and want to know what Adam Rickitt looks like, go to: (my thanks go to Ian for this), where you will see some pictures of

Adam Rickitt's Guest Performance, Part 4-6

Part Four: Staircase IX As Damien walked under the first arch that lead down to the Undercroft, he checked himself, and instead of gong down the steps, he went straight though the passage-way that lead to the exterior facade of First Quad. In fact, he went right to the window that faced out from Staircase IX. Damien knew exactly what he was doing. He knew what he

Adam Rickitt's Guest Performance, Part 7-9

Part Seven: Floor Show But Damien was lost for words. The cotton of Adam¹s Cks, cradling his hot sweet cock and balls, was rubbing all over his mouth, his eyes, his nose. He could not speak. He could barely breathe. All he could do was want. He wanted Adam Rickitt, like he¹d never wanted anything in his whole life. His young cock, bursting from lust

Good Neighbours

This story is based on the Australian soap-opera "Neighbours". The story involves two of the younger male characters, Paul and Billy, in the series. The story implies nothing about the characters or the (cute) actors who portray them, (Jansen Spencer and Jesse Spencer respectively) , and is nothing to do with the commercial TV station which makes the soap. For pix of the two

This Life

[Based on a British soap opera aired on BBC2] THIS LIFE . This implies nothing about the characters of the soap, or the actors who play them. If you like this story, let me know: Cheers. Egg was on a fitness drive that week. He had these urges from time to time; to sort himself out, to shape himself up. Not that he was in bad shape - a


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