Gay Erotic Stories

Granddaddy And I

by San Palo

I had just gotten a divorce and had no place to go, so I called my granddaddy to see if I could stay with him a while until I got back on my feet. I was still working, but the child support was high and kept me from being able to get my own place. "Sure son, you come and stay as long as you like. It will be great to have the company." "Thanks granddad you are a life saver." "Son, can I help you with your clothes and things." "Well granddad, I don't need any help here but you can help me get settled over at your place." "Be glad to son, how many drawers do you think you will need?" "Well if you have a six draw chest that should be sufficient." "Yeah, got just what you need in the spare bedroom." So I packed up all my clothes and things and headed down to granddad's house which was about one hundred miles away. It took about an hour and a half and I rolled up into granddad's driveway. He had a beautiful house out in the country. Granddad greeted me at the door and gave me a big hug as he always did. He was wearing his overalls as always, with no shirt. "Son it is great to see you it has been a long time since you have been here." "Yes, granddad to be honest my wife did not like to come down here for some reason." "Well son, forget your ex for now let's get you comfortable. Here, let's take this in your room and I will help you unpack." We proceeded to a back bedroom which had a queen size bed and beautiful oak furniture. "Wow granddad this is a beautiful room. Where do you sleep?" "Son, I have a room just as nice up front with a picture window that looks to the east, so I can watch the sun come up every morning." "Granddad that sounds beautiful, maybe I can see the sun rise some morning." Well, granddad grabs a suitcase and starts filling up the chest, it just so happened that granddad grabbed the suitcase with my underwear and jockstraps. He starts taking them out and I notice he is looking things over pretty closely. "Son do you separate these things from your underwear," granddad said as he held up a jockstrap. "By the way son, what do you do with this and what is it called if I may ask?" "Well grandpa that is a jockstrap and it supports my penis and testicles when I swim or go jogging, or if I want to, I wear it as underwear." "Wow son, not much to them is there?" "No, grandpa you just need the bare essentials to hold up your cock and balls." "What was that son?" "Cock and balls is another terms used for penis and testicles." "We called them bullocks and peter, son." "What did you say, bull balls, granddad?" "No son, b-u-l-l-o-c-k-s." I haven't seen any men with bullocks the size of a bulls. Although some of my neighbors look like they might have something close. Some of my neighbors come over and swim with me sometime. There is one man specially that looks awfully large in his swim suit. He could probably used one of those things you wear to help hold up his bullocks and peter. "That's jockstrap, grandpa." Well we unpacked and finished putting things away even though granddad looked at each piece of my underwear and asked about some of the other like my bikini underwear. I just told him some men like to wear small undies and some were made of material that felt good also. I also found out from granddad that he had always worn boxer shorts left over from his military days. From what I could see, it looked as though he didn't wear anything under those overalls. The overalls pulled up tight in the crotch and he had a big basket on the left side. It looked as though his cock was at least six inches soft. Two huge nuts hung well below the head of his cock. Grandpa was in his seventies, but was very healthy and active, so we started doing many activities together. He thought it would help take my mind off the recent divorce. "Son I see you brought a bike with you do you want to go for a ride this afternoon?" "Yes that sounds great, granddad. I didn't know you cycled." "Son I have been cycling for many years." We ate supper and I asked granddad if he was ready to go cycling. "Yes I am ready son, I just have to slip on some shorts." "Granddad let me go slip into my cycling pants and I will be ready too." I got dressed in white cycling pants and then headed down stairs. Granddad comes out and makes a double take. "What have you got on, son?" "These are called cycling pants, grandpa." "They sure are tight and don't leave anything to the imagination do they, son." "Well grandpa they are tight so you can work the pedals much easier. Those shorts you have on restrict the movement of your legs and you have to work harder to cycle. How about you try on a pair of these and see how much easier your cycling will be." " I don't know son, what would the neighbors say if they see me in those." "Granddad, I am sure they have seen them on television many times. All the men wear them for any cycling event. Would you like to try a pair? "Ok, I will try them and see how I like them and if they do help." "What's your favorite color grandpa?" "Light blue, son." "That's great, I have one pair of light blue." I go to my room and find the blue pair of bike pants, take them back to granddad. He goes into his room and slips into them. "Wow son' I am not sure about this, look." I look up and there in front of me was a beautiful site. The cycle pants fit like a second skin. The big cock I thought he had was hanging way down the left side of his leg and his balls hung half way to his knee. "Yes grandpa I see, that's great I think you will see a big difference today." "Yes son, but I feel naked in these pants." "Granddad you will get used to that in no time, it is just new to you, but believe me it's okay. I didn't know though that you were kin to a bull." "What do you mean, son." "Well hasn't anyone ever told you that you were built big down there." "No they sure haven't, I think you and your grandma are the only ones to see me with this little clothes on, except in the Army. I often wondered why men stared at me in the shower." "Well believe me grandpa that is the reason. That is the biggest package I have ever seen." "What do you mean package, son." "Grandpa that is an expression which includes your cock and your balls together." "Well, well I learned something new today, son." "Grandpa, do you have a lightweight shirt to wear with those pants? If not I have a cool max shirt you can have also." I went and found the shirt and gave it to granddad. He unbuttons his shirt and slips it off. When he removed his shirt I could not believe my eyes. He had large nipples and full tits. Guessing I would say a "b" cup. "Granddad you are big all over aren't you?" "What do you mean, son." "Those tits are really big and I mean that in a nice way, grandpa. Those nipples stick out like a woman's." "Well son that's what God gave me, so I have to live with them." "Granddad I think they are nice don't think I am putting you down." Granddad slips on the shirt and it made it all the more sexier to me. I could see through the material and each tit was supported by the strap and front. "That's great grandpa, I see you do have the right kind of shoes though." "Great at least I got something right. Here help me get my shoes on though." Granddad sat on the sofa and lifted his foot for me to put a shoe on and then the other. I could not take my eyes off his crotch. "Grandpa I still can not believe the size of your cock and balls, you are one lucky man to have all of that." "Thank you son, we best get on the road before dark." We cycled for about ten miles and finally made it back. We had seen a couple of the older men in the area and I saw several of them staring at granddad's crotch. We cleaned up and then sat down to watch television. Granddad was in his boxers and I wore some tight nylon shorts. Granddad was sitting on the sofa and he asked me to come sit by him. We sat there for about an hour and I said I was a little tired and asked if I could lay my head in his lap. "Sure son, I don't mind." I laid my head down facing the television and continued watching for a while. I then turned my head over so I could talk to granddad during the commercials. As I lay there looking up at him, every so often he would lean forward to get his Pepsi sitting on the coffee table. Every time he would lean forward, his right tit would be just above my mouth. I wanted so badly to lick the nipple when it came close. "Granddad your tits remind me of my ex's and I am tempted to suck it when you lean over." Granddad did not answer, but each time he leaned over it seemed the nipple was getting closer. I was not sure why, but thought he was leaning out further each time more toward the center of the coffee table. One time when he leaned over for a sip the nipple touch my lips. The next time I opened my mouth and the nipple went in about one-quarter inch. The next time the entire nipple went into my mouth and I licked it briefly. The next time he leaned over the entire nipple went into my mouth and he held it there for a few minutes. This time I sucked the nipple very softly. I was not sure what to think, was he doing this deliberately or was he not aware of what he was doing. After he had leaned forward about twenty times and I sucked his tit each time, he said it was time for him to go to bed. I did not want to stop but I think it was starting to get him excited and he didn't know how to handle the situation. "Ok grandpa I will see you bright and early in the morning." Next day we swam, walked and rode our bikes, gramps in his sexy outfit again giving all the neighbors a thrill. I had asked grandpa why he didn't put a fence around his pool then we would not have to wear swim suits. He thought that was a great idea. I told him I would be glad to put it up if he would furnish the material. "Why don't we go to Scotty's tomorrow and I will get the fence and everything we need and you can put it up this weekend." "Sounds great to me, have you ever swam nude in the pool? Grandpa." "No I haven't, I thought about it, but I thought the neighbors might walk up on me. I guess I could have turned the pool lights and swam nude at night, but really didn't think about that until right now." "Would you like to go for a nude swim later tonight, grandpa." "Yeah why don't we, like I said we can turn out the pool lights and have privacy." We ate, then watched the evening news, and then headed for the pool. I think grandpa was a little embarrassed, so I took off my clothes first. I stood there giving him time to look me over then dove into the pool. The water was at least 80 and felt great. "Come on in gramps the water is great, nice and warm." "Son I am not used to being nude in front of other people. You were nude in front of your wife, it's been a long time since I have been nude in front of anybody." "Its alright, I understand; it doesn't take long for you to get used to it though. If you don't want to, I have a bikini you can wear first and slowly get used to being almost nude." "Turn your head I think I can do it, it's not like there a lot of people and I know you are not going to laugh at me." "No granddad, you know I would be the last person to laugh at you. I envy what you have between your legs." "What do you mean, envy son." "Well like most men, I would love to have that big package hanging between my legs." "Well son from what I saw, you don't have much to worry about, you are pretty well equipped yourself." "Nothing even close to what you have swinging between your legs." "You think I should wear one of your jock straps, son?" "Well I think you should when you go to church or the grocery store. I would like to see how you look in one my jocks. I don't know though if the pouch is big enough. Maybe tomorrow you can try one on and see how it fits, if not we can go to a sporting store and pick up one for you." Well, after our swim we changed and headed for the den to watch television. Again I laid my head in granddad's lap to watch. Again he started reaching over me to get his drink. This time he held his position longer and longer. I was sucking tit for two and three minutes at a time and actually holding the tit with my hand and sucking as much of the tit as I could. He still did not give any indication of what was happening. Finally, I asked if I could lay on the other side. He happily moved over and I was laying under his left tit now. Same thing he would lean forward to get a drink and I would suck his left tit and play with it. This time though I noticed his crotch was growing. I know he was enjoying my attention to his tits as much as I was, but he was not going to give into his feeling. He let me suck for a few minutes more and then said he best go to bed. I sat up and when I did, I could see his cock was semi hard and almost sticking out the leg of his boxers. Next morning I slept late and granddad had to come and wake me. He had breakfast ready and didn't want it to get cold. He came to the door and knocked softly. I ignored the knocks on purpose because I wanted him to come into the room to wake me. He knocked softly again and then slowly pushed the door open. When he opened the door he could see my naked body laying on the the bed. I had a piss hardon and I heard a gasp from him. It seemed like five minutes went by before he said anything more. Finally he shook me gently and told me to wake up, breakfast was ready. It seemed like a long time before he left the room, but I rolled out of bed and went to wash my face and take a piss. I slipped on my bike pants and headed to the kitchen. Granddad was there waiting and he was also in his bike pants. "Good morning son, how did you sleep?" "Fine grandpa how did you sleep?" "I slept like a baby last night. I got the jism out and after that I went right to sleep." "What do you mean granddad, you got the jism out?" "Well I think you call it jacking off or something like that." "Oh, you jack off granddad?" "Of course son, I am not dead yet!" "How often do you jack off grandpa?" "Well, it's usually about every other day." "I bet you miss sex with grandma, don't you." "Yes, I really do, we had some wild sex, well according to sex in our time." "Granddad, did grandma ever suck your cock for you?" "No, son I thought about it many times but never did ask her to suck me and she never volunteered either." "Son did your ex ever suck you?" "Yes she sucked me a couple times during our marriage." "How did it feel to get sucked, son." "Well granddad, it was great and totally different from pussy." "Well son I think pussy is over rated anyway. I needed to release my jism quite often and your grandmother was always accommodating. I don't think she enjoyed sex as much as I did or did not need it as often. It think men have a higher need for sex than most women. I have heard of women though that could not get enough peter. I would screw your grandma for hours and would give her my jism several times a night." "Grandpa can you give your jism several times a night now?" "Son, I think I could under the right circumstances. Like last night, I felt I could have shot my jism a couple times, but fell asleep before the second. I did wake up this morning and get it off again." "Grandpa you are one horny and sexy man." "Thanks son, let's eat and we can run down to Scotty's for the fence material. How long do think it will take to put up the fence?" "Well granddad it shouldn't take but about four or five hours. The worst part is digging the holes. Do you have a post hole digger?" "Yes I have some in the shed out back." Well, we went to get the material and by that afternoon we had completed the fence. We then decided to get cleaned up and take a swim. Granddad had a shower out back, so I stripped and took a nice shower. "Did you have enough soap, son." "Yes grandpa, there is plenty left for you." It was light and grandpa did not seem as reluctant to strip today. He wiggled out of his overalls and then slid his boxers down and off. I could not help but stare at his cock and balls, they were enormous and beautiful. "Wow granddad you are beautiful down there, so proportional and big. Those are the biggest nuts I have ever seen and I like the way they hang real low. That cock also is nice, what is it, about six inches soft?" "I don't know, I have never measured it." "Well come on in, the water's great and we don't have to worry about the neighbors." We swam for a few minutes and grandpa made the comment about swimming nude was very sensual and it was making him get a hardon. "Well see grandpa, you don't have to worry about your neighbors, now you can be yourself. If you want to run around nude you can and if you swim and get hard you can get out without worrying. "Well son I don't know, I don't want to run around in front of you with a hardon." "Granddad, if I am going to live here we are going to have to get used to seeing each other nude--and with hardon's if they happen. You saw my hardon this morning, right?" "Yes I did and it was the first man's hardon I had ever seen." "Well granddad were you embarrassed when you saw me?" "No, it was not embarrassing." "Well, we will get used to it slowly and you will feel natural about it very quickly. If we swim nude every day it will help you adjust." "Yes, I know it took some time for me to be nude in front of your grandma." We swam for some two or three hours and then had to go in and fix supper. Granddad slowly got out of the pool and as he did I could see he still had a semi-hardon. "Granddad, let me see; you still have a semi-hardon." "Yes it was hard all during our swim. Luckily it went down before I got out." "Granddad does it stick up when it gets really hard?" "Yes if I get really excited it sticks up, but mainly it just sticks out." We ate and then retired to then den, where I resumed my favorite position. This time granddad, I think just fed me tit. He got me into a position where his tit was always in my face. I of course took full advantage and sucked tit a long time. Again I could feel his cock getting hard and pressing against my leg. This time I slowly reached down and put my hand on his leg near his cock. I finally got the courage to feel his cock through his boxers. I didn't feel it long I was afraid he would get upset. He reached down like he was trying to adjust himself and then brought his hand back up on my shoulder. I then reach over to feel his cock and it was sticking out of his boxers. He had made it come through the fly. It startled me and I took my hand off. After about thirty minutes, I reached to feel him again and his cock was still hard sticking out through his boxers. This time I let my hand stay on his cock, but just held it. It was hot to the touch and hard, and I could feel it pulsing. "Granddad you have the biggest cock I have ever seen and it is really hard. Do you need to go to your room and get the jism out. Would you let me help get the jism out for you?" "What do you mean son; you want to play with my cock and get me off. You would use your hand to make me shoot my jism?" "Yes granddad, I would enjoy making you feel good. I would love to jack you off and watch you jism. Why don't you get up and pull your boxers off and let me see you up close." Granddad stood up and I removed his boxers and there in front of me was a huge cock and balls. I pushed my face into his crotch and started kissing his cock and balls all over. "Oh Grandpa, Oh grandpa, oh grandpa, this is a dream come true. Oh, oh, oh, I thought this day would never come. I have wanted to kiss and suck your cock since I was about ten years old." I could not kiss his nuts and cock enough, then I started licking his crotch all over and tasting the male flavors covering his balls and cock. I slowly reached up and lifted his nuts and played with them. I took his cock and played with the foreskin and slid it back to expose the big cock head. "Oh grandpa, I am in heaven." "Son if you don't stop I am going to shoot jism all over your face." "No grandpa, you are going to shoot your jism alright, but it's going to be in my mouth." "Son you want grandpa to shoot his jism in your mouth? What will you do with the jism?" "Grandpa when I get ready for you to shoot your jism, which is going to be in about an hour, I will get you off in my mouth and I will swallow all your good jism." "Son, do you like the taste of jism?" "I don't know grandpa, I have not tasted anyone's except my own." "Then how do you know you want my jism in your mouth?" "Grandpa, I would do anything to satisfy you. I hope you will let me suck you anytime you or I need it." "What do you mean son, you need to suck cock?" "Yes granddad, I have the need to suck, but this is the first time I have been able to suck anyone. I have really been frustrated for many, many years." "Well son I don't want you to be frustrated and I sure as hell need sex, so I know we can work something out here for both of us. I did not know men need to suck cock. How often do you need to suck?" "Grandpa, I can suck all the time. I can not explain it, but it is a strong need to feel a cock in my mouth. I like to suck cock even if it is soft. It is like a pacifier and I lay and suck it to satisfy my needs." "You mean after I shoot you a mouthful of jism you still want to suck my cock, son?" "Yes grandpa, or even if you don't need to shoot off I would like to suck you. Like when we are watching TV, I would like to suck you, as I said it does not have to be hard, it is just having your cock in my mouth." "Son you know I have never shot my jism in anyone's mouth before and I don't know if I can." "Grandpa when I get through sucking and playing with you, you will be begging me to let you cum. Why don't you start using the word "cum", grandpa. Also start saying cock and balls." "I will try, son." Finally, I slowed down from the licking of granddad's crotch and examined his cock and balls all over. He had beautiful white hair around his cock. His cock was smooth all over, heavy and thick and had a nice big beautifully shaped head. The foreskin almost covered the head, but left about a half inch opening. I skinned it back and then licked the head until it was all wet. Then I slid the foreskin back up, licked it that way and then skinned it back again and this time I took the head into my mouth and sucked it. "Oh, oh, oh, son wait; what are you doing?" "Granddad that is part of sucking cock. You tease the man and make him want to cum for you. Then you stop and let him calm down, then you suck him some more making him want to cum. This is why I say you are not going to cum for an hour, I am going to tease you until you can't hold back anymore and then I am going to give you the best orgasm you have ever had." "What do you mean orgasm, son?" "Granddad, that's another word for shooting your jism. That is the feeling you get all over your body when you start shooting off." "Son, I guess that is why men like to cum because of the good feeling from head to toe." "Well granddad you sit back and let me suck you and later I will give you a great orgasm. You can squirt all your cum into my mouth and I will love you for it." I start again licking grandpa all over, I raise up and suck his big tits again. "Grandpa, does that feel good when I suck your tits?" "Son that feels good all the way down to the end of my cock." "Granddad you know you have three nipples." "No son where is the third one?" "It is on the end of your cock." "Why do you call it a nipple?" "Because it wants to be sucked also." "Son from what you have done so far you really know how to please a man. I can't wait now to cum in your mouth." "Like I said grandpa you are going to have to wait, I want to enjoy this big cock and balls for a long time." "Son how about if you get my nuts off right now for me and I'll give you another mouthful before we go to sleep, please, please, and you can suck on me all night is you want. I might not be awake though does that matter?" "No grandpa you can sleep, I will still have your cock to suck. I hope I won't keep you awake." "No you won't keep me awake. Now please suck me off I really, really need to cum." "Ok grandpa lay back and enjoy this." I pulled granddad's cock to my lips and wet the head with lots of saliva, then sucked the head, making granddad squirm. Then I slide half his cock down my throat and heard him moan. "Oh, oh, oh, son that feels great. Suck your granddaddy's cock, suck my jism out. Oh, oh, oh. I played with granddad's big low hanging balls and sucked every inch of his big cock. I deep throated him and he yelled out. Then I moved my mouth back to the head and sucked harder. Then I felt his big nuts drawing up toward the base of his cock and I knew then he was nearing his orgasm. I sucked and sucked and then heard him moan. "Oh son I am cumming, I'm cumming, take my load, eat it, suck my cock, eat my cum, oh, you cock sucker." Then I felt granddad's cock start to pulse and felt the cum shooting into my mouth. I thought the cum would never stop, but I let it fill my mouth completely, without swallowing any. After the cum stopped shooting into my mouth, I took my mouth off his cock and looked up at him. When he looked down at me, I opened my mouth wide and showed him the load of cum. Granddad smiled real big and bent down and stuck his tongue in my mouth and tasted his hot cum. Then we kissed and I shared his hot cum with him. We had cum all over our faces when we got through. I licked the cum off granddad's face and gave him one more big kiss. "Son that is the hottest I have ever been and that is the biggest load of cum I have ever shot. I loved the taste it was delicious. Do you think your cum taste the same as mine?" "Yeah granddad I think mine tastes similar to yours, but yours was nice and warm I have not tasted my when it was real warm." "I don't know about sucking your cock, but sometime maybe I can taste your cum, son. Maybe you can jack off, as you call it, into my mouth. First though, I need to cum again you have gotten me so hot and horny. Please, please suck me off again." "Sure granddad, I told you anytime you need to cum you don't even have to ask just come over and stick your cock in my mouth; I will know what to do. Even at night if I am sleeping and you get hot, just get up on your knees and feed your cock to me and I will suck you off. I will always want and need to satisfy you. So I sat down in front of granddad again and sucked his cock and played with his balls. Soon he was humping my face and shooting another delicious load. I thought I was going to get this load all to my self, but granddad had other ideas. "Son save this load for me I want it all, okay?" Of course, I could not speak but would do anything to please granddad. So I held the entire load in my mouth until he finished cumming. This time he bent down and I transferred the entire load into his mouth. "Grandpa at this rate I am not going to get any of your cum." "Yes son, you will I have a lot more where that came from and I feel I am going to need to cum two times a night for quite awhile. That is the best sex I have ever had. It's hard to believe that having your cock sucked would feel so good. Why do you think that is ,son?" "Granddad, I think a man gives better blow jobs than a woman because a man knows what feels good to him and chances are it feels good to all men. You know when I sucked your cock head how good it felt, well I know if you suck my cock you will remember that and do that to me. Grandpa, and did you notice when you started to cum, I quit sucking for awhile and let you cum. I felt that gave you time to empty all the cum out before I started sucking again. If I let you cum while your cock head is deep in my throat that is different, then I just hold your cock in my mouth and throat and let you cum in my throat. I don't think I would like that as much, because I would not get to taste your delicious cum. If you suck me, you have to remember that also, if you want to enjoy the taste of my cum, you have to let me cum on your tongue and then you can get the full flavor of the cum." "Son all that talk about cum is making me hot again, but I want to taste your cum straight from the source. I don't know yet whether I want to suck it out or let you jack it out for me." "Grandpa, you just try to suck me, I know you will like it, didn't you like to suck grandma's tits?" "Yes son that was one thing I did like to do. I would suck tit for hours before I would screw her." "Well grandpa, just think of my cock as a big nipple, just remember it gives milk too." "Son, where do you want to be when I try sucking you?" "What if I lay on the floor and you lay your head on my thigh and play as long as you want? Take your time playing and examining me, and when you feel the urge, lick me and get the taste, put the head into your mouth and suck lightly. When you suck use your tongue all the time, except when you deep throat a cock. The tongue, lips and hand all work together. The hand can jack the cock while the lips and tongue pull the cum out." "Oh my that feels funny, I have never had anyone play with my bullocks like that." "Well granddad, sit down here and let me play with everything and then I will get your nuts off for you." "You mean you will get my jism out for me." "Yes, granddad same thing, there are several names for it which I will teach you." I sit down in front of granddad and he is entirely nude and everything there for me to play with. I start by sucking his tits again, because I know that gets him extremely excited. I still want to examine him closely though before he gets hard so I quit sucking his tits and sit on the floor in front of him. "Granddad this is a dream come true for me. Ever since I was a young boy, I have wanted to see you nude, but I was afraid to follow up. Now I am sitting here on the floor in front of you completely nude and I can do anything I want." "Well son not anything, don't hurt me, okay?" "Granddad that is one thing I would never do. I want to make love to you like you have never had." "How can one man make love to another, son?" "Well granddad, I have never done it before, but I have read about things men can do to each other. I just want to look at you and play with your big cock and balls right now. Grandpa you let me know what feels great and what doesn't, that way I can learn how to please you and what pleases you the most." "Son you sound as if you are going to take care of all my sexual needs from now on." "I sure hope you will let me grandpa, it would be heaven for me." All this time I am playing with his peter and balls. I skin back his foreskin and look at the head and then pull the foreskin back over the head. "Grandpa, you have a beautiful head on your cock, and the skin is so smooth all over your cock. Do you do anything special to keep it soft?" "I do put some cream on everything down there in the morning after my shower." "Boy it sure does make your skin soft, kissing soft as they say. I'll bet even when you get hard the skin is still soft." I bend over and rub his cock head against my cheek and then pick up his nuts and rub them against my face. "Grandpa your nuts are like two small oranges in a sack. These are what helped bring daddy into this world? I love the way they hang down real far. I am anxious to see you on your hands and knees and then I can crawl up under you and play with your cock and balls. Can we do that now? I can't wait." "Yes son, I guess so; you tell me how you want me and I will try to oblige." "Grandpa, come out in the middle of the floor and get on your hands and knees and then I am going to come in from behind and play with you. Why don't you watch me when I play, okay?" "Yeah I can do that, son." Granddad got on his hands and knees and I tried to slide up under him from the rear, his nuts were hanging real low, but I was determined to get under him. I slide my head under and let his nuts rest on my lips. I could not resist I started licking and sucking grandpa's nuts. "What are you doing son, are you sucking my nuts?" "Yes grandpa, I could not resist. They are delicious. Am I hurting you?" "No' Son it feels funny, but good." I suck his nuts for quite sometime all the time pinching his tits and playing with his cock which was very hard. "Son, you are going to make me jism if you don't stop." "Granddad that is what I want, I want you to get your nuts off and feel good." "Son if you are down there when I jism you are going to get a face full." "Grandpa do you shoot a lot of jism?" "Yes I sure do it would be about a big tablespoon full plus. You are not going to suck my cock are you, son?" "What ever I feel when I get to that, ok." "What if I shoot my load into your mouth, what then." "I will worry about that when it happens. I would like to taste your cock though, okay?" "Well son that is up to you, I can't tell you what to do or not you are a grown man. Have you had the desire all your life to suck on a man down there?" "Yes I think I have but never carried it out. I am going to make up for it with you if you let me." "Again that is up to you so far, I have no objections, it feels great, I can't wait for you to wrap your lips around my cock. You really think you will let me jism in your mouth. I think that would be much better than my hand and letting it squirt all over my stomach." "Grandpa did you ever taste your cum or jism?" "I did son by accident when it squirted into my mouth one time. It really didn't taste bad. I kept hoping it would happen again." "Grandpa why didn't you scoop the cum off your stomach and eat it?" "I didn't think about that. You are some sex hungry grandson. We are going to have a great life together, son!"


4 Gay Erotic Stories from San Palo

Baptist Preacher

My daddy had been a Baptist preacher for many years. He was sixty-five and still preaching fire and brimstone in the pulpit. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in his personality. At church he was the forthright preacher and at home he was a different man. Every Sunday he would dress to the teeth in his Sunday clothes. He was extremely handsome and he knew it. His white hair

Coming Home

My parents had been married forty-seven years when my Mother passed away. My father was an NFL referee and was still working every weekend for the NFL. After the funeral, my Dad and I talked at great length about what he was going to do and what he wanted to do. He told me he was not sure what he wanted to do but he said it was going to be lonely without his wife. "Dad, if

Granddaddy And I

I had just gotten a divorce and had no place to go, so I called my granddaddy to see if I could stay with him a while until I got back on my feet. I was still working, but the child support was high and kept me from being able to get my own place. "Sure son, you come and stay as long as you like. It will be great to have the company." "Thanks granddad you are a life

Seeing The USA With Grandpa

"Hello Grandpa, how would you like to take a slow trip around the USA? I'm going to retire next week and would like you to go with me on an extended trip." "Son, that sounds great. How long will we be gone?" "I don't know Grandpa, do you have any thing you have to do?" "No son, I don't have any plans or commitments." "Good, could you be ready week after next to


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